Thanks for all the fish

2023-12-30 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode
PowerDebug and PowerTools have now been released into the wild as 
opensource tools (MIT license).
Code is all intact, although the check for update functionality has been 
commented out for obvious reasons.

Have fun.

 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: LC Licensing and Website

2023-11-20 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 11/20/23 10:29, Ralph DiMola via use-livecode wrote:

I can't license LC or login to my LC account on the website. Anyone else having 

Yep. It's dead.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Oddity in 'currentCard' function?

2023-10-26 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 10/26/23 01:44, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:

Basically, its main use was for changing card (i.e. as a settable 
property); rather than finding out what card was current (since that was 
already catered for via interrogating 'this card of this stack').

So basically to stay out of trouble "currentcard" should be thought of 
as a write-only property?

 Mark Wieder

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Re: PolyGrid: UNhilite a row?

2023-10-23 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 10/23/23 10:03, Klaus major-k via use-livecode wrote:

See here, I have a long list of PDF files and clicking the widget "index" will 
filter the PDF list with that char.

Davy's On The Road Again!
Score points for coolness.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Android ANR (App not responding | Jacque was right :-)

2023-09-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/15/23 13:10, Ralph DiMola via use-livecode wrote:

Does accordion count?

You know the definition of perfect pitch, right?

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Android ANR (App not responding | Jacque was right :-)

2023-09-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/15/23 13:50, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

I used to be a musician until I looked up one day and discovered that no one 
was listening. I guess people got used to the idea that music was just supposed 
to be background noise, and so they treated live musicians the same way. You 
see it in bars with live bands all the time. That is why I try to pay special 
attention to live bands and applaud loudly between every song. Unless they 
suck. ;-)

I was at a wedding a few years ago and during the band's break the 
bandleader came up to me and said "you're a musician, right?" I asked 
how he knew and he said "you were paying attention while we played".

What got to me was their medley of "La Vie en Rose"->"Samba de Orfeu".

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Clipboard Copy Troubles?

2023-09-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/15/23 12:02, Tom Glod via use-livecode wrote:


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced issues where livecode stops
being able to copy to the clipboard when using copy command from the menu
or CTRL C or right click copy
Specifically from within the script editor or a variable window.
A LC restart seems to solve this temporarily.
I've noticed this recently more than usual.  On both mac and windows 11.

Does this ring a bell to anyone?

Yep. I see this a lot.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Android ANR (App not responding | Jacque was right :-)

2023-09-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/15/23 11:56, William Prothero via use-livecode wrote:

Mark and Klaus,
Wow, folks I didn't know were musicians!
I use iReal Pro too. It's great for practice. And, easily transposes. But as a 
keyboard player, I use the notes of the tune to shape my solos. iReal Pro only 
has the chords. It's still useful, though.

OK - fair point about needing the notes. But as a bass player I'm 
usually more concerned with the horizontal movement of a tune.

I have Real Books Vols 1,2,3 but that's a lot to carry to a gig. I use 
them at home and Band-in-a-box as well but for real-time improvising I 
find that iRealPro generally does the job. Or I can copy a page out of 
one of the Real Books and hope the wind doesn't carry it away .

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Android ANR (App not responding | Jacque was right :-)

2023-09-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/15/23 10:13, Klaus major-k via use-livecode wrote:

I also own "iReal Pro" for Mac which can output PDF 
if I need one
and I also still own a printed version of the "Real Book I". :-)

The only reason I have a 10" tablet is to run iRealPro on it.
Hard to imagine doing without it.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Your scripts as a flowchart

2023-09-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode
Just want to add that Andreas has been super-responsive to suggestions 
re adding features and improving things and this tool has gone from 
being moderately useful to something I can't do without. And is a 
textbook example in how to incorporate a javascript library into LiveCode.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Installing LC on Ubuntu?

2023-09-03 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/3/23 11:18, harrison--- via use-livecode wrote:

Hi there,

I have been trying to install LiveCode on
the latest “Jellyfish” version of Ubuntu
by following the directions provided by
LiveCode lesson:

I have found this lesson is now out of date and I am unable to
successfully install LiveCode as a result.  I can’t get the installer
to execute.

Can someone please kindly update the instructions so we can
get the installer to work again?

After setting the executable bit you should be able to just double-click 
the installer in the Downloads folder. Best to install for just you 
instead of the default "all users" to avoid having to use sudo.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: tsNetGet() on android

2023-08-06 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/6/23 18:04, scott--- via use-livecode wrote:

I’m having difficulty using a LiveCode-created android app to read a  (4.7 KB) 
UTF-8 encoded text file off my server. Desktop and iOS versions of the app have 
no trouble. This is LC 9.6.9 (tsNet version 1.4.9 Business Edition) I don’t 
actually think this is a tsNet issue since I had previously been using “load 
URL” syntax and that failed on android as well.  The URL I am attempting to 
read is:


(I have tried variations using  http:// ,  www.  and also,  not using a 

The call to tsNet is formatted:

put tsNetGet("1", kSolutionsURL, tHeaders, "tsNetTransferComplete") into tResult

The (curl?) error I am getting from tsNet is:

tsneterr: (6) Could not resolve host: 

This seems like such a simple thing, so I’m hoping for an idea from the 
collective. (After which I will slap my forehead and say, “Duh!”)

Your constant uses "https" but the error message says "http"?
That's weird.
Have you tried using instead? That should eliminate dns 
as a variable.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Which Livecode/Xcode/macOS/iOS version

2023-07-25 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 7/25/23 15:15, Paul Hibbert via use-livecode wrote:

Or, click on” Resources" in the main Nav menu then scroll down to “Support" and 
there’s your FAQ button!

Simples! :-)

Missing the point though.
You need to know it exists somewhere in order to go looking for it.
I think a FAQ should be front and center instead of buried a few layers 

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Which Livecode/Xcode/macOS/iOS version

2023-07-25 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 7/25/23 03:55, Heather Laine via use-livecode wrote: 

Top FAQ.

There's a FAQ?
Why isn't there a link to it on the main web page?
This really should be easier to get to for prospective users
(aka customers. subscribers).

Apparently the only way to get there from the main page is

Scroll to the bottom
Find the Resources link
Click on Support (!)
Scroll down to the Support section
Find FAQ
Click the button

It's down there just above the link to the April 2022 Live Conference.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Shell + Python?

2023-07-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 7/15/23 10:05, Geoff Canyon via use-livecode wrote:

So any idea why terminal can find python but LC's shell function can't?

Your user context is different from LC's shell context. Try

put shell("env | grep PATH") # in the message box


env | grep PATH  # in terminal

If you want to launch python from LC's shell you'll have to have it in 
LC's path somewhere, or at least an alias to it in the path.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode 10.0.0dp5 new reserved words

2023-07-11 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 7/11/23 07:56, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:

On 7/11/2023 8:26 AM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:
Cases of using 'tExt' is not uncommon - as it is really difficult to 
see that it is 'text'... Another one (which bit Ali recently) is 
`pLayer'. I'm sure there are a fair few other examples.

I'm not sure this is a bug that should be "fixed" other than with the 
breaking change warning as MW mentioned.

Ouch! 'pLayer' is another I'd better check for. I may have used that as 

Of course neither tExt nor pLayer would be a problem if you enabled 
explicitVariables ("strict compilation mode" in LC preferences). If you 
tried to script that as a variable you'd get the compilation error

not a valid variable or constant name

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Notarizing a Mac app

2023-06-12 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 6/12/23 10:28, matthias rebbe via use-livecode wrote:

There's a nice little tool available which gives you some information about an 
app bundle or command line tool or any .dylib and so on.
It will tell you which CPU types are supported, if the file was code signed or 
notarized and much more.
It's called Archichect

Nice. Thanks.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Android and USB footswitch

2023-05-25 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 5/25/23 08:22, Klaus major-k via use-livecode wrote:

Hi friends,

I'm still an active musician (bass guitar) and am currently playing in four 

Nowadays bulky music stands on stage are OUT and tablets are IN!
So I am considering to create a little app for myself to display PDF leadsheets
(= lyrics and chord symbols) on an Andorid tablet, which I still have to buy. 

There are some USB footswitches, and I would like to use one of them to browse
through the (multipage) PDFs (next page, previous page).

Anyone knows if these switches will act like an "external keyboard", means if 
will just send any RAWKEY that I could catch in LC?
Or will I need something created with LCB to do so?

I use a Lekato Page Turner. It also works with my Lekato Looper.

At one point I was also managing to play in four bands. Knocking it down 
to three simplified my life immensely. Highly recommended.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Custom property retrieval incorrect

2023-04-27 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 4/27/23 14:18, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:

Intriguing - my guess is that something in the message path in your IDEs has a 
getProp cVersion handler.

Now it could be something built into the IDE - although I’m not sure what - or 
it could be a plug-in or extension.

An easy way to find out is to temporarily rename the ‘My LiveCode’ folder and 
restart the IDE to see if it still happens…

The 1.0.4 cVersion comes from com.livecode.library.i18n.1.0.4
The 3.0.9 cVersion comes from com.livecode.library.smartcrumbsvcw.3.0.9

Unfortunately the scripts for both are locked, so there's no workaround 
other than not using the cVersion custom property.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Custom property retrieval incorrect

2023-04-27 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 4/27/23 12:50, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:

Anyone seen this? Is there something special about a custom prop named 
"cVersion"? This used to work fine, but that was about 2 years ago.

Verified here. cVersion is weird. I get 1.0.4 on all stacks.
I put all the properties for update checks etc in a custom propertyset 
and just access them from there. Never tried cVersion before.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: GLX2 questions

2023-04-20 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 4/20/23 18:36, Douglas A. Ruisaard via use-livecode wrote:

Hopefully this note isn't inappropriate for this listing . This message is
primarily intended for Mark Wieder.  I've just installed GLX2 editor (and
Power Debug) and have some questions regarding the Hyperlink and Breadcrumbs
aspects of GLX2. I've sent a rather lengthy personal contact from the LC
forum. but I know Mark is very active on this list.  Hopefully Mark will be
able to answer my questions.

No worries. I got your PM. I'll have a look at it, but it's been some 
years since I've looked at that code.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: [[ ANN ]] Release 10.0.0 DP-5

2023-04-20 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 4/20/23 07:20, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:

Heh - well if there is a Linux specific issue that we haven't seen but 
you do - then its not likely to be fixed in dp-6 unless we know what it 
is :D

Well, I've coded around two problems already.
I'm currently working on a crashing one on both linux and OSX.
Seems to be related to the Chart widget in 10-dp4 as well so not 
anything really new. I'm guessing it's CEF-related.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: In case any of you missed it...

2023-04-20 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 4/20/23 10:49, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

That is interesting... and a bit scary. Just as I was getting my coffee, and 
before I saw this email, I was thinking that in less than 20 years we will be 
coding with sensors attached to our heads and driven by AI and reading our 
minds and learning from our corrections.

I'll be impressed when it can create an improved version of itself.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: [[ ANN ]] Release 10.0.0 DP-5

2023-04-18 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

I would so like to like this release:
script widgets
expression constants (finally!)

but it's so wonky on linux that I'd have to write up a slew of bug 
reports. Essentially unusable for me in ways that dp4 behaves.

I'm looking forward to dp6.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Sockets (again)

2023-04-05 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 4/5/23 08:13, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

Thanks Phil. Yes I learned the hard way with my SQL Agent to base64encode 
anything over sockets. And yes I do append a numtochar(13) coming and going and 
strip it off before decoding and read until numToChar(13). I don't use cr 
because I am uncertain how each OS platform treats it. The Server Agent could 
be running on anything in the future.

If you're already base64encoding the text you might consider a different 
end character than numtochar(13). For instance, numtochar(3) is already 
defined as "End of Text". That should eliminate or at least reduce any 
cross-platform issues you might run into.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Happy Pi Day

2023-03-16 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 3/14/23 16:47, Mark Smith via use-livecode wrote:

it really was a very melodic tune.

Yeah. A bit irrational though.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: LCB development

2023-03-14 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 3/14/23 10:08, Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode wrote:
I last dabbled with LCB about five years ago - but now I have a need to 
get in there again.

Are there any tips that you-all can share?

In particular:

- what if anything is available for debugging LCB widgets?

- I've found a reference to a LiveCode Builder CLM module developed by 
James Hale - where might I find this?

- a really basic question - if I make a change to an LCB widget, defined 
in ~/Documents/LiveCode/Extensions; what's the quickest route to testing 
it? Can I delete and re-add the widget? Or do close+remove-from-memory 
the stack, and then reopen it? Or do I need to quit and relaunch 
LiveCode in order to see the change?

- any other pointers or suggestions gratefully received.

Use the extension builder to test the widget. I keep a text editor open 
to edit the code and press the test button after editing. No need to 
relaunch either the builder or the IDE. Debugging is minimal.

I've found very little documentaion on LCB, and much of what I've found 
is either out of date or partial or wrong.

 Mark Wieder

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LCB stumbling blocks

2023-02-27 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode
 Every time I start making serious LCB progress another stumbling 
block rears its head. Putting this project back into mothballs again.

From the User Guide:

Important: It is not yet possible to write a fully functional native 
widget on Linux, as there are some issues with event handling and focus. 
This will be addressed in future releases.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Sort list alphabetically- ignoring first character if it is a space

2023-02-20 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 2/20/23 13:29, Niggemann, Bernd via use-livecode wrote:

...or to make ChatGPT happy:

sort tData ascending by word 1 to -1 of each # ignoring spaces

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Maximum field size

2023-01-19 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/19/23 07:26, Niggemann, Bernd via use-livecode wrote:

From the User Guide:

Maximum length of a line in a field:
65,536 characters storage
No more than 32,786 pixels wide for display

If you put lines longer above limits then LC will hang/crash

The amount of lines a field can hold is a lot higher provided the individual 
lines are not too long.

That's good to know, but crashing doesn't seem like a good way to 
enforce those limits.

 Mark Wieder

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Back to the ethics of ChatGPT

2023-01-18 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

Time magazine investigative story:
ChatGPT pays Kenyan workers $2 an hour to review obscene content

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Move in Reverse

2023-01-17 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/17/23 18:35, Roger Guay via use-livecode wrote:

Sorry for not being clear. I want to first move a grc “X” to the points of a 
polygon and then reverse direction. I thought there might be some esoteric code 
for the reverse direction like

move grc “X” to the inverse points of grc Poly1

… but no cigar?

No worries. You were clear, I was being dense.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Move in Reverse

2023-01-17 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/17/23 16:34, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:
He's moving the graphic object "to" the points of a polygon - i.e. to 
each in turn.

So the movement would be reversed.

Doh! Got it.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Move in Reverse

2023-01-17 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/17/23 12:06, Roger Guay via use-livecode wrote:

Hi all,

is there a simple way to move a grc to the points of a polygon in reverse? Or, 
does one have to manipulate the points list to its inverse?

But... why? Don't you end up with the same polygon?

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Tab groups broken?

2023-01-17 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/17/23 01:40, Mark Smith via use-livecode wrote:

Hi Geoff,

The color scheme has changed. It used to be white on blue for the highlighted 
tab, and black on white for the others I tried changing 
the highlight and background colors to blue using the property inspector and it 
changed the text color to blue but did not adjust the highlight or background. 
Definitely needs a bug report.

I filed a bug report on this some seven years ago when the visual aspect 
changed. Got rejected because it was a deliberate change.

I solved my then-current problem by placing an opaque rectangle behind 
the tab control.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Standalone riddle

2023-01-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/15/23 19:21, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:

How ironic. The stack contains the LC dictionary. I should have asked it.

Riddle solved.

TBF, that's buried way at the bottom of the dictionary entry.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Standalone riddle

2023-01-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/15/23 15:58, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:

I think I've figured it out; the files won't be any different. Test 
builds always include the remote debugger, standalones do not unless you 
specifically select it in Inclusions. I didn't do that, and I have an 
errorDialog handler in the stack, so I think that's causing the 
appearance of the error dialog in the standalone. In the test app the 
error seems to be ignored (but don't ask me why...)

Here's why. From the dictionary:

*Note:* The errorDialog message is only sent while Script Debug mode 
is turned off.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Training the AI to write better LiveCode

2023-01-14 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/14/23 09:30, Geoff Canyon via use-livecode wrote:

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 7:22 PM Geoff Canyon  wrote:

If I were writing it, I'd probably do something like

[my code]

That might be a bit faster, but probably not as clear.

I just checked, and my code is about 20% *slower* and still less clear.
Good grief, I'm about to be replaced by a machine.

Keep in mind,though, that there's lots of example fizzbuzz code for the 
algorithms to draw from.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Training the AI to write better LiveCode

2023-01-14 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/14/23 03:35, Beda via use-livecode wrote:
It seems to be more inspiring for me than talking to a rubber duck 
sitting on my desk, at least for simple problems.

For harder problems there will be, hopefully for ever, the user forum 
and this newslist.

I am *not* giving up my rubber duck.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Standalone riddle

2023-01-13 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/13/23 17:53, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
without a full object reference, the current card should be the

Heh. I think *should be* is the key phrase there.

Looking farther down the list in the error dialog, it references line 
numbers in the 400-600 range. My scripts barely have 150 lines at the 

It sounds like something in an IDE script is not properly dereferencing 
the object/card/stack.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Training the AI to write better LiveCode

2023-01-13 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/13/23 07:30, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

"AI" has always been a misleading term, for like 40 years.
gawd, i'm old.
There is pattern matching, tree traversals, bayesian probability, etc.
it's definitely not anything like a wiki.
it might just be helpful at slogging out a lot of the code that we have to
write or include by hand, especially if you are trying to tackle something
new, especially for code that isn't neatly organized and instantly
but, it's also not amazing and mature, either. we can be both surprised at
the program a ten-year-old writes, and recognize that it's...not amazing.

I think maybe it's time to stop using the ridiculous "AI" term and refer 
to this more properly as Machine Learning. From my experience using 
TensorFlow the quality of your results depends mainly on the corpus of 
data used in training. Not just the quantity of data used to train the 
system but also the quality of the data used. It doesn't matter whether 
you're training the system for facial recognition or grammar checking or 
code generation, the better quality data you can throw at the system the 
better your results will be. Any ML system will have a bias towards the 
data it was trained on, so it stands to reason that having better code 
to draw on will allow it to make better judgements about code creation.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Anyone else experience this bug?

2023-01-04 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/3/23 20:22, Tom Glod via use-livecode wrote:

Hi Folks,

I work with 2 completely different codebases every week.
On both I and (we) experience hard crashes to desktop, where livecode
process just goes poof
Usually it is triggered by either a mouseUp or mouseDown ... most likely UP.
The bug is not consistent and does not happen when clicking anything in
There are days it does not happen, and days when it does multiple times.
On the exact same, doing the exact same things.
It happens both in IDE and in standalone
On both windows and mac.
(Come to think of it, it has happened less on  Windows 11 than 10.)
Running latest stable and latest RC1

Has anyone else experienced it?

The only CTD I can verify here at the moment is with deactivating 
breakpoints from the SE.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: megabundle updated

2023-01-01 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 1/1/23 08:42, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

Another update published, ten days or so ago

With the traditional file name, of course.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Little bit OT - Shouldn't be a Fireside Chat today?

2022-12-28 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 12/28/22 08:14, matthias rebbe via use-livecode wrote:


this is a question to the subscribers of the Fireside Chat meeting.

My calendar shows that today should be a Fireside Chat meeting. Was it 
rescheduled or so?
I tried to join, but Zoom keeps telling me it waits for the host to start the 

...I'm guessing Friday's meeting is canceled as well.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: ChatGPT

2022-12-19 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 12/18/22 12:15, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:

A Twitter thread with ChatGPT botsplaining how 77 is a prime number:

Wait what?

"To prove that 77 is a prime number, we can use the theorem that states 
that if a number is divisible by a prime number, then it is also 
divisible by all the prime numbers that are smaller than it."

 Mark Wieder

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Re: currentCard vs current card

2022-12-16 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 12/16/22 08:56, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:

Thank you.

I may have to switch to TinyDictionary, or, perhaps, LC LTD should just 
license the work and include all 350 synonyms in the default Dictionary. 
IMHO, the Dictionary is the one part of the documentation (vs User's 
Guides, tutorial, release notes, etc.) that should be the most up to 
date and accurate.

TinyDictionary FTW

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Another LC9.6.9rc2 regression? This time with Datagrids

2022-12-13 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 12/13/22 17:59, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:
Running your sample stack, I get an "error in object expression" at line 
4793 in handler "_table.CreateHeaders" of stack 

Seems to be because sResourceStack is empty.

Not sure if this is any help.

... and yes, that code did change from 9.6.8 to 9.6.9-rc2.
Previously the _table.CreateHeaders handler started off by calling 
_ResourceStack() to set the stack location. Now it relies on the 
_Initialization handler being called previously to do that task.

And it's apparently not being called. Adding the line

put _ResourceStack() into sResourceStack

at the start of that handler seems to avoid the problem.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Another LC9.6.9rc2 regression? This time with Datagrids

2022-12-13 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode
Running your sample stack, I get an "error in object expression" at line 
4793 in handler "_table.CreateHeaders" of stack 

Seems to be because sResourceStack is empty.

Not sure if this is any help.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: [OT} Sunsetting Atom Editor 12/15/2022

2022-12-11 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 12/10/22 19:56, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:

I don't suppose you've written an LCS Lanuage Extension for VSCode?

nvm. I see Ferruslogic has already done it.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: [OT} Sunsetting Atom Editor 12/15/2022

2022-12-10 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 12/9/22 03:12, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:

If you are doing LiveCode scripting in concert with the IDE / GUI type 
stuff - then VSCode vs something else pretty much comes down to personal 
taste :)

I don't suppose you've written an LCS Lanuage Extension for VSCode?

 Mark Wieder

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Re: megabundle updated

2022-11-09 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 11/9/22 06:36, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

What? With no notification?

They have not announced any of the updates, but there have been several.
You have to check the release date on the website to tell if there has been
an update, and yes, the changelog.txt (but the I think the date for the
latest PolyList, for instance, is wrong)

I guess it's just too difficult to change the name of a zip file.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: megabundle updated

2022-11-08 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 11/8/22 07:48, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

fyi, there was an update to the summer megabundle posted, yesterday.

What? With no notification?
I assume the Release Notes (heh) will show what's new.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Really OT, but i need the help of native English speakers

2022-10-31 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 10/31/22 11:36, matthias rebbe via use-livecode wrote:

I do not understand what they are asking me. I really don't get it.

The question is:
Please select the option that best defines your user persona of FastSpring's 

Yeah. I get the impression that whoever wrote that question wasn't a 
native English speaker.
That question is one of those things where I decide that answering the 
survey isn't a good use of my time.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Long shot question about OpenCV

2022-10-20 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 10/17/22 15:00, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
Has anyone out there done any work at wrapping the OpenCV computer 
vision/image recognition open source library with LCB?

You might also be interested in the upcoming OpenCV Face Recognition 

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Long shot question about OpenCV

2022-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 10/17/22 15:00, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
Has anyone out there done any work at wrapping the OpenCV computer 
vision/image recognition open source library with LCB?


I am particularly interested in simple face and/or object recognition in 
images - something where I can pass the library an image file (like a 
PNG) and it can return whether or not there is a face in the image and 
if yes/true, the rectangle within the image that bounds what it thinks 
is a face (or faces as I suppose it could return multiple rects).

Haven't tried this with LC (only done OpenCV with python), but for image 
recognition tensorflow is pretty easy to leverage with javascript. Takes 
a bit of training though. Might want to start with a pretrained model:

 Mark Wieder

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Re: map widget offline

2022-10-05 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 10/5/22 13:53, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

has anyone messed around with using the map widget offline?
i was in a hurricane zone, last week, and over the weekend. there was a
fair amount of offline time, when having maps loaded into my droid phone
would have been useful. the offline map apps that i can find have limited
zoom capability.

I use Sygic for offline maps on my Android phone.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Quick and simple web demos?

2022-09-30 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/30/22 17:11, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:

and the poor indexing/naming makes it tedious to try to find.

...and speaking of poor indexing etc...
I was looking for a way to point the svgicon widget to an external svg 
file and finding that for some reason this isn't built into the widget. 
So I want online to livecodeshare and typed "svg" into the search field. 
Upper case.

Lower case.
Didn't matter - I still got zero results, even though I know there are 
several stacks to deal with svg files.

Thank you so much for your Sample Stacks plugin, which does the job SO 
much better than that stupid web site. Still don't have an answer to my 
problem, but at least I can search properly. Over time I've gradually 
been replacing parts of my development environment with improvements: 
tinyDictionary, etc. Waiting for someone to build a better Proj Browser.

BTW... I typed "Sample stacks" into the web search field and got 57 
hits, only one of which had anything to do with sample stacks.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Weird performance issue

2022-09-23 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/23/22 10:40, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
It may be related to the size of the stack. LC would have to load it all 
into memory before checking the cards. Also, do the results change if 
you lock messages?

You also do a *lot* of work on both opening the stack and opening the 
card. And looping through that many times in your test. Your loop test 
doesn't really simulate real-world conditions for Navigator, so I don't 
think I'd worry about it too much.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Excel Lib fail (solved!)

2022-09-08 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/3/22 20:36, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:

On 9/3/22 10:35, zryip theSlug via use-livecode wrote:

Dear Mark,

Due to this article, maybe? 

Yep. That's it. Thanks.

...and i can now say that after playing with the library for a few days 
it's working well and doing everything I need it to. I'm importing a csv 
format file (format not under my control), totalling columns, displaying 
the data in a datagrid, formtting columns and rows, and exporting as an 
xlsx file for LibreOffice.

I realize it's still labeled "experimental" and that some of the data 
formats may change, but they look like they'll be easy to deal with when 
that day comes.

Well done. Highly recommended.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: System Time Zone

2022-09-07 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/7/22 16:47, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

It's the, "America/Los_Angeles" bit I am trying to find a way to grok. How can 
I extract that in LC? Isn't there some kind of function that will return the current 
system's time zone?

put the last word of shell("date")

put word -2 of shell("date")

Windows (possibly one of these)
NOTE: empirically these return different values. ymmv:
tzutil /g
systeminfo | findstr /C:”Time Zone”

 Mark Wieder

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Re: alumin(i)um

2022-09-06 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/6/22 13:53, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

So the theoretical substance was dubbed Aluminum first

That's "alumium" first.

 Mark Wieder

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2022-09-06 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/6/22 13:19, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

or the way they spell "favourites", or pronounce "Aluminum". Do you see an
extra "i" in there? No? It's invisible, that's why.

Yeah. About that.
The "aluminium" version actually preceded "aluminum" by several years, 
so if anything the U.S. version is actually the weird one. There are 
very few other elements that veer from the standard "ium" suffix into 
just "um": molybdenum, lanthanum,, tantalum, platinum, and all of those 
are transition metals.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Excel Lib fail

2022-09-03 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/3/22 10:35, zryip theSlug via use-livecode wrote:

Dear Mark,

Due to this article, maybe?

Yep. That's it. Thanks.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Text to speech

2022-09-03 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/3/22 16:31, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:

Oh sure, that's what you will have said last time too. :P

Bob... you gonna have some 'splainin to do...

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Excel Lib fail

2022-09-03 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/3/22 04:56, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:

Are you looking to remote control LibreOffice? or just write a 
spreadsheet from Livecode. If writing a spreadhseet, consider Curry's 
SpreadOut library. It works great for creating .xlsx files in Livecode 

Thanks, but a little bit of python does the trick.
And no, I need to manipulate a .csv file (format is not under my 
control) into a spreadsheet, change the column headers text, and move a 
couple of columns around. Easy to do as a one-off, but we're gonna need 
pretty much daily reports until the election on 8 November.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Excel Lib fail

2022-09-03 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/3/22 03:32, zryip theSlug via use-livecode wrote:

Dear Mark,

Did you try the XLXS Lib instead of the Excel Lib?

No, why would I have known to try that?

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Excel Lib fail

2022-09-02 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/2/22 20:12, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

Ya I think it uses a Microsoft API. Mac side, probably Applescript.

Yep. Fortunately LibreOffice is pretty easy to automate from python.

 Mark Wieder

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Excel Lib fail

2022-09-02 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

Got all excited about using the Excel Library for a new spreadsheet 
project and then discovered it doesn't work on linux, *only* works with 
actual Excel, not LibreOffice. Yes, I do realize it says "Excel" and not 

So it's off to python to do my spreadsheet automation. Sheesh.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: lcb missing manual

2022-09-02 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/2/22 16:54, Brian Milby via use-livecode wrote:

Did a simple test with 819kb json file:
- JSON Library / LCB 5400 ms
- PhotonJSON / LCS 400 ms
- mergJSON / extension 250 ms

That's impressive. Monte's external is written in C, so that's as close 
to bare metal as we're gonna get.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: lcb missing manual

2022-09-02 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/2/22 10:43, Jacques Clavel via use-livecode wrote:

You can write exactly the same functions, commands in LCB than in LCS

Um, no.
There are quite a few pain points trying to determine the differences in 
what is supported and what is different.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-09-02 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/1/22 18:47, Brian Milby via use-livecode wrote:

Mark, this is the same bug that you already filed:

Hah! Forgot about that one. Same root cause but different symptoms, 
since it also results in a complete failure of the Plugins feature 
without throwing any errors.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-09-01 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

Got it figured out. It just doesn't work on linux.

On OSX when executing scEnabledPlugin  I get the error

A stack with the same name as ...
Before loading /Users//Documents/My 

what do you want to do with stack:

So it looks like scInstallPlugin installs a copy of the plugin into a 
*very* specific hardcoded directory, no matter where I placed the source 
to start with. And no doubt calls specialFolderPath("documents") in 
order to figure out where that should be and of course that call 
doesn't work on linux, so it probably just gives up silently. I'm 
guessing the correct call should really be to 

Not going to bother filing a bug on this. I rather expect LC to drop 
linux support any day now anyway.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-09-01 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/1/22 15:55, Pi Digital via use-livecode wrote:



 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-09-01 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/1/22 15:16, Pi Digital via use-livecode wrote:

Here are the steps

Yep. Exactly what I did.
Oh well. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-09-01 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/1/22 11:25, Sean Cole via use-livecode wrote:

By the way, here is an update to the plugin code:

Sean- good news that you got it working. How in the world did you manage 
that? I went through what I think are the right steps:

scCreatePlugin "",""
edit and save plugin code
scInstallPlugin pPath
scEnabledPlugin pPath
scListPlugins() --- nothing (no array keys)
scGetPathLog() --- recursion limit reached

 Mark Wieder

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Re: propertyChanged message

2022-09-01 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 9/1/22 12:25, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

Hi all.

I would like to see a propertyChanged message implemented that gets sent to any 
object when any of it's properties change. There could even be two messages, 
one for built-in properies and another for custom properties.

Imagine being able to change the font or size of a particular object, and then having all 
the other objects that "subscribed" to that object's font or size property ALSO 
have their fonts change. It would then be possible to build a kind of Object Oriented 
environment. What say you?

Why not just use the built-in hierarchy?: change the textfont of the 
parent object and all the child object automatically get the change.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-08-31 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/31/22 03:00, Sean Cole via use-livecode wrote:

LC Team: :-) It would be REALLY handy if proper errors were thrown when one
occurs that can help us easily understand what the issues are. Also, if
prior to release documentation were gone through to make sure they are
legible. And if plugins released actually work as described. :-)

Actually, it's even worse.
The result is empty if no error occurred and "* successful" if it 
worked. To me that seems backwards.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-08-31 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/31/22 07:58, Sean Cole via use-livecode wrote:

Thanks for the confirmation, Brian.

I tried again from the message box. With a stack this large it takes about
10 seconds before the mainStack disappears for exporting and then reappears
1 min later. About 4-8 mins after that it truely finishes where it flashes
up a white window for a moment then the error appears in the message box,
same as before, object does not have this property. Because everything is
handled using a GUID, I have no idea how far it has got nor which
particular object is causing the problem. We'll find it eventually, I'm

Was a log file created? scGetPathLog()
No logs were created for me, but just a thought.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-08-30 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/30/22 19:36, Sean Cole via use-livecode wrote:

just another 96 stacks to go.
Looks like I'll set up an automation script.

Ouch! I think the library would do well to check the password status and 
allow entering and cacheing the password as necessary. Too bad it's 
closed source so we can't fix it.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: the script of with line numbers?

2022-08-29 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/29/22 16:11, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:

It could reduce a trouble should step to include the line numbers 
programmatically in the error report.

No a huge priority in the scheme of things, but a "nice to have" sort of 
thing. Does that answer the "why?"

Somewhat. If you already have the line number from the error message, 
why not just grab that line of script? Or preface it with the line 
number you already have in your possession?

But I find that the executionContexts gives me more information than 
just where the error occurred, since the actual problem may be farther 
up the line and it's only the end symptom that triggers the error.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: the script of with line numbers?

2022-08-29 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/29/22 14:36, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
Is there a way (an existing function or command in the language or IDE) 
to get the script of an object WITH the line numbers as you see them in 
the IDE script editor?

While some clever solutions have been posted, I gotta ask WHY?

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-08-29 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/29/22 12:22, Pi Digital via use-livecode wrote:

Look at the guide in the guide section of the dictionary app. It formats okay 
(although I’m going through and rewriting the grammar to send for an update).

Thanks, Sean. Yeah - that does format much better in a browser.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-08-29 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/29/22 10:53, Brian Milby via use-livecode wrote:

I used Magic Palette to do the export.  It should create the folder
structure next to the stack file that was the topstack in the IDE.

Ah. OK - So I had to look up the filename of the stack first.
Would have been nice if the nonexistent log file told me that.

I have not looked at the lesson though.

Not missing anything there.
I've just been going by the dictionary entries.
But now I've opened the file and see more, although the 
formatting is wonky. Gotta love the fact that the TOC entry is 
"Unknown". Looks like it was rushed out the door.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode / Github

2022-08-29 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/28/22 20:45, Brian Milby via use-livecode wrote:

If you want to see what the JSON export looks like for a fairly small
stack, you can view this:

Unfortunately you will need to download and view it with something that
understands the CR line ending since GitHub doesn't.  That repo has both
ScriptTracker exports and SmartCrumbs exports of the stack.  The former is
designed with two things in mind:  allowing changes in the scripts that are
part of a binary stack to be tracked and allowing the editing of those
scripts in an external editor (I like Atom for the linting, have not tried
the newer option).  The latter looks to be a way to completely decompose a
stack into mostly text files (images being one exception) that can be
tracked (and in theory changes merged together I'm guessing).

OK - I just tried out smartcrumbs to check it out. Not quite sure what's 
going on here. Outsmarted by smartcrumbs.

According to the lesson you just drag this onto a stack.
Click the "Export Stack" button.
Stack flickers.
Did anything happen?
According to the dictionary there's an scGetPathLog().
Maybe that will give me a clue.
/My LiveCode/SmartCrumbsVCW/logs//2022-08-29
What's this "/My LiveCode" thing? I don't have one of those.
And why is it trying to store that off my root directory?
Let's try that one again.
"Recursion limit reached"
I'll try scExportStack from the message box.
It gives "can't find handler"

OK - back to real work.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: lcb missing manual

2022-08-28 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/28/22 11:06, Mike Kerner wrote:

the lcb documentation, especially in the api widget is ungreat.
the good news is that as long as there is an oss repo version of LC, you 
can hunt for some of the information that is missing. AND, at least for 
now, you can still find much of it in the LC application
example: as i was hunting, i found a bunch of editors, but none of them 
seem to be documented anywhere obvious.

Yep - I find most of my documentation by digging.

The lack of colornames just bit me earlier this week and I had to 
backpedal and code a list of a dozen color names as "R,G,B". Even the 
"#FF" format isn't accepted.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: lcb missing manual

2022-08-28 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/28/22 09:58, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

things for lcb that are supposedly documented, but i can't find:
* editor types (e.g. com.livecode.pi.number)
* other metadata definitions for properties, widgets, etc.)

...things that we use in LCS but aren't available in LCB:
switch statements

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode performance problem

2022-08-19 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/19/22 16:03, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

It's probably a lot of text. The engine has to start from the beginning of 
every string then scan through for every cr or lf or cr/lf or whatever counts 
as a line break, until if finds the nth one. The more lines, the longer the 
scan takes each time, and the more text per line the exponentially more time it 
takes. Multiply that by 4 times plus the combinination of all of them as the 
code progresses *4 for the output string and you have the makings of a mountain 
that keeps getting steeper the higher you go.

My tests were based on 2174 lines of text in each field.
Got nowhere near 20 seconds. Or even one.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode performance problem

2022-08-19 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/19/22 16:31, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:

to trim about another 15% off the time (for my sample data, 24ms down to 

Note, of course, that we're all going on the assumption that all four 
fields contain the same number of lines.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: Livecode performance problem

2022-08-19 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/19/22 15:07, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

Off the top of my head:

split v1 by tab
split v2 by tab
split v3 by tab
split v4 by tab

put the keys of v1 into tKeyList
sort tKeyList ascending numeric

repeat for each line tKey in tKeyList
put tKey & tab & v1 [tKey] & tab & v2 [tKey] & tab & v3 [tKey] & tab & v4 
[tKey] & cr after tCombined
end repeat

Not sure if this will be faster, but every time you refer to a line of a string 
the engine has to parse out where that line is from the beginning.

It is indeed faster. Here's what I came up with. I'm not sure why 2000 
lines of text in four fields should take that long, I came up with

original code: 320 ms
array version: 21 ms

   put empty into vCombined
   put fld "A" into v1
   put fld "B" into v2
   put fld "C" into v3
   put fld "D" into v4
   split v1 by cr
   split v2 by cr
   split v3 by cr
   split v4 by cr
   put 1 into i
   repeat for each element tLine in v1
  put i[i][i][i][i] after vCombined
  add 1 to i
   end repeat

 Mark Wieder

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Re: polylist toys

2022-08-18 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/18/22 10:40, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

after hitting the link, again, I got 1_0_21
The error is the same:

  executing at 1:39:25 PM

LCB Error Unable to get image geometry.

Object PolyList

LCB File

LCB Line 2791

Yep. That's what I get as well. Not sure why there's a pointer to 
someone's Windows system. I'm guessing that gets bound in when the lcb 
file is generated by the build process.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: polylist toys

2022-08-18 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/18/22 10:36, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

I am not aware of a place to check the version/date. I received a link for
the download, and I don't see the download as a separate item in my account

It's hidden under "Third Party". Scroll down and there's something like 
"livecode enhancements".

Then you download it, unzip it into a folder, launch the IDE, and open 
the widgetpackinstaller stack and click Install. Ignore (Purge) the 
errors about multiple stacks with the same name. When it's done a button 
(!) appears that says "Complete". Clicking it doesn't do anything 
useful. I don't know what happens if an error occurs.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: polylist toys

2022-08-18 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/18/22 09:34, Steven Crighton via use-livecode wrote:

Hi Mike,

I just tested the lazy load example and hit populate and clicked around etc and 
could not trigger an error.

Can you let me know what the error was?

See my previous email.

 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: polylist toys

2022-08-18 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/18/22 07:42, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:

fiddling with polylist examples, and i noticed in the "lazyLoadOnlineImage"
example that I can trigger an error just by opening it and tapping
can anyone else confirm?

Yep. The polylist continually throws ridiculous errors at me.
And that's at line 2791 (unable to get image geometry) but the source is 
locked so there's nothing more to do.

Also, the versioning thing is out of hand. I just downloaded version 
1.0.0 of the bundle (again!) because I got a bugzilla notice that there 
was a fix in the new version. So I now have v1.0.21 of the enhancements 
packaged in a 1.0.0 zip file, and I see that half a dozen extensions 
have been updated since the last time I downloaded 1.0.0. And there was 
no notification that anything had been updated/fixed/whatever. If it 
hadn't been for the comment Panos put into bugzilla how is anyone 
supposed to know that things have been updated?

 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: issue related to Print.PrintSupport.Source.dll

2022-08-17 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/17/22 15:02, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:

We had one instance where the user didn't have a printer at all, but 
just deleting the Epson driver fixed it.


 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: the effective width of a stack?

2022-08-17 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/17/22 10:38, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:

I'd appreciate any pointers to where effective width or effective height 
of a stack is documented.

You can't use "effective" with custom properties either.

You *can* set the effective rect of a stack, although you may not get 
the result you expect.

 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Polygrid sorting (problems)

2022-08-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/15/22 16:43, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:

On 8/15/22 16:22, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:

I haven't tried csvdata or tsvdata (they're not listed in the 
dictionary, so I'd tend to avoid them if possible.

I do see tsvData in the dictionary, but I'm getting weird errors thrown 
from the widget when I try to use it. May still be experimental. There 
aren't any examples and the source isn't available.

Correcting myself, I do see examples in the enhancements folder, they 
just aren't installed. There's also a Plugins/Templates/Default folder 
for various things, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with those, 
if anything. If I use just the examples in the folder then the I can 
manipulate the tsvData and it works. But if I try to generate my own I 
end up throwing weird errors.

 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Polygrid sorting (problems)

2022-08-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/15/22 16:22, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:

I haven't tried csvdata or tsvdata (they're not listed in the 
dictionary, so I'd tend to avoid them if possible.

I do see tsvData in the dictionary, but I'm getting weird errors thrown 
from the widget when I try to use it. May still be experimental. There 
aren't any examples and the source isn't available.

 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Polygrid sorting

2022-08-15 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/15/22 13:12, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
So I see that the Summer Bundle of widgets in the store has a note that 
says "Latest update 1.0.19: 11 August 2022"

However, the Download button says "Version 1.0.0". Does anyone know how 
to update the widget set to 1.0.19 or how to update a single widget?

Yeah. The versioning is wonky and annoying. Apparently the 1.0.0 version 
is always the most recent.

From a July 27 comment from Steven Crighton on

For the moment you have to update the new widgets manually. To do this, 
first log in to your LiveCode account. In the left hand navigation make 
your way to Products > thirdparty. Scroll down this list to find 
LiveCode Enhancements and download that bundle. Inside the bundle folder 
there is a widgetpackinstaller.livecode file – If you want to update 
everything in your bundle in one go I recommend using that. Simply open 
that stack and click the install button. Note – DataView will now be 
PolyList after you have updated.

I updated once and looks like I'll have to again.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: A web app launcher with responsive design

2022-08-13 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/13/22 17:16, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:

On 13/08/2022 20:24, Andreas Bergendal via use-livecode wrote:

Friends, I have done wonderful things with LC10 web deployment!

I’m excited to share with you the fruits of this week's extensive 
research and testing!

Wow. Thanks Andreas.

Resize, etc. work well for me on Safari, but fail badly on Chrome 
browser (details not included) - all build-for-web attempts fail on this 
version of Chrome.  (which it says is up-to-date).

OTOH, it's working fine for me on Chrome. Go figger.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: How to use addEventListener for browser window resizing in web deployment?

2022-08-06 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode

On 8/6/22 04:44, Andreas Bergendal via use-livecode wrote:

and Ali Lloyd’s cool WordLC app:

Unfortunately that throws a divide-by-zero error at line 461 in 
computeGridFieldWidth when I try to resize the window.

 Mark Wieder

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