Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-22 Thread Richard Gaskin

Andrew Kluthe wrote:


 It's not an issue of earnestness or integrity but of what has been
 delivered vs what we were told was going to be delivered.

 There is a huge gap between the way things looked when they were
 presented to us in April 2013 and the way they look today.
 Will things all be delivered? Yeah, probably. But how many more major
 version numbers will it take?

We agree that the Road Map as presented and added to since April 2013 is 
being followed faithfully, and the only question you and I have (in 
contrast to those who try to raise doubts about their integrity) isn't 
at all about what is being delivered, but merely when.

I mentioned Steven McConnell because not since Fred Brooks have I found 
a writer whose explorations of software project management are as well 
researched.  In his book Code Complete he notes that more than 80% of 
software projects are over budget, many by a factor of four and 
significant minority by a factor of 16, sometimes more.

Variance between estimated time and actual is affected by many things, 
but one of the biggest is the scope of unknowns introduced by dependency 
on code beyond the control of the team.   With seven platform APIs to 
map LC's internal logic to, we can expect variance to be on the higher 
end of industry averages.

Software project estimation remains a key focus of some of the best 
minds of our industry specifically because getting it right consistently 
proves elusive.

There's a lot that could be said about the challenges inherent in 
estimating, and methods to reduce variance.  And anyone here who's been 
able to consistently beat industry averages is encouraged to share their 
demonstrated experience here.

For myself, when I'm able to beat industry averages in large part it's 
because 90% of my code was written in Edinburgh over many years by 
people much smarter than me.  That's a big part of what keeps me patient 
with the anticipatable delays with LC's Road Map delivery.

 How many of them will turn into additional kickstarters when their
 revenue stream dries up?

I doubt there'd be much ROI in a third crowd-funding effort, so I'm not 
all that worried about that.

As for the second one, they promised a proof-of-concept build within a 
year of closing, and it was delivered last week.  Sure, it has a long 
way to go until it's production-ready, as we would expect.  But until 
it's released any contributions to that campaign for licenses haven't 
kicked in yet, so that one isn't a concern for me.

 Are many of these features going to end up being mac specific when
 it gets down to finding out how hard they are to make cross platform?

As much as I enjoy my Macs, I'm doing so much more work on Ubuntu these 
days that that's an ongoing question for me too.

But in practice I've been relieved to find that I'm just not seeing that.

So far most of the 2500+ fixes and enhancements put into place over the 
last year and a half benefit all platforms.  Any Mac-specific work at 
this point seems to be limited to the minimum needed to maintain that 
platform as a viable deployment option, such as replacing QT after Apple 
deprecated it and moving to Cocoa as that became necessary.

On the contrary, as an Ubuntu user I've been more than pleased by the 
team's efforts with greater GDK integration in v7.  And since like many 
of us here I make most of my money from Windows deployments, it's been 
good to see how much attention they've been giving the rendering 
subsystem to maintain compatibility there with newer display APIs.

 That's what I mean when I say trust. Brand fetishism just isn't
 enough to live on anymore. The actual performance as a company
 lately, frankly, sucks. Since, I know you are going to want examples
 of why someone might feel this way:

 - On-rev (do I really need to say more? Search the list for on-rev)

On-rev is a separate service that doesn't affect my use of LiveCode, and 
given how cheap and plentiful hosting is these days I've never used it 
as I'm already up to my armpits in servers.

That said, it is course run by the same company, so I can appreciate how 
subscribers to that service may have a different view of the company 
than I do, because we rely on them for different things.

There's a lot to be said for the bowling alley strategy Geoff Moore 
describes in The Gorilla Game.  But I don't run Kevin's company and he 
doesn't run mine, and we both like it that way.  I got out of the 
hosting business 15 years ago when the margins plummeted.

On balance I feel compelled to note that I have several friends who are 
quite pleased with the service, and since I've never used it myself I 
have no opinion about it beyond that.

 -The documentation is scattered, sparse, and most of the code samples
 are images. Fun.

A complete overhaul of all documentation has been underway for some time 
(it's not a small task), and as recently as last week I met with Kevin 
to discuss ways we 

Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-22 Thread Andrew Kluthe

It's not an issue of earnestness or integrity but of what has been
delivered vs what we were told was going to be delivered.

There is a huge gap between the way things looked when they were presented
to us in April 2013 and the way they look today.

This has been the point of conversation on this list several times. It
isn't a result of being dishonest or the other amusing caricatures you
painted to make a point. It is the result of lets pile more things we might
be able deliver on so that we can get more funding from excited people. Had
the best of intentions, just didn't pan out like they planned.

Will things all be delivered? Yeah, probably. But how many more major
version numbers will it take? How many of them will turn into additional
kickstarters when their revenue stream dries up? Are many of these features
going to end up being mac specific when it gets down to finding out how
hard they are to make cross platform?

That's what I mean when I say trust. Brand fetishism just isn't enough to
live on anymore. The actual performance as a company lately, frankly,
sucks. Since, I know you are going to want examples of why someone might
feel this way:

- On-rev (do I really need to say more? Search the list for on-rev)

-The documentation is scattered, sparse, and most of the code samples are
images. Fun.

-The website is going down an awful lot rendering the point above moot as
it's not available.

-Everything i mentioned above about the disappointments that followed the
delivery of the kickstarter campaign.

Runrev's track record isn't dishonesty, it's being confident that they can
follow through on the things they set out to do and do them well. So this
admittance from Kevin that they spent 2x what they raised on the
kickstarter to build Livecode 7 continues to point to that.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 4:35 PM Richard Gaskin

 Andrew Kluthe wrote:

   Price Increase? No big deal.

 Even less so when we consider that the new price was the price before
 last year's experiment with lower prices.  In fact, it's only $4 more
 than I used to pay for annual renewals with MetaCard back in '98, after
 paying an initial licensing fee of $995.

 Some talk about this like it's tennis shoes or other commodities, Just
 lower the price to sell more!

 The total addressable market for software developer tools is a slender
 fraction of what most consumer apps can aim for.  Look at the bell curve
 and remember that a person needs an IQ of at least 115 just to begin to
 find programming at all interesting.  Race-to-the-bottom pricing just
 doesn't work for such a highly specialized product that can only appeal
 to a relatively slender slice of the gene pool.  Everyone needs shoes,
 but few have any interest at all in programming.

   Commercial vs Open Source Feature Parity? Could also be no big deal
   if done with some good intentions.

 So far there's been only feature parity, and the only thing Kevin
 discussed in his email is a single Widget add-on for exotic camera
 features, which takes nothing away from any of the other front- or
 back-facing camera commands we have on mobile now, or any of the webcam
 and other image input support on the desktop.

 And while I can appreciate Kevin's desire to come up with supplemental
 revenue streams, I suspect he'll find that add-on components for a
 developer tool isn't exactly easy money, so I don't expect this to be a
 major trend.

   Only Subscription licensing? No big deal, helps keep costs down for
   us to stay bleeding edge and helps stabilize the income runrev can
   count on.

 And not at all new.  The switch to subscriptions went into effect more
 than two years ago when the Community Edition premiered.

   But all three of these together? It's kind of obvious why people are
   complaining/suspicious of the long term intentions here.

 Given that two of those three aren't new and the third (a proprietary
 add-on) doesn't even exist yet, it's less clear to me.

 Or maybe it's no more mystifying than anything else we see in any
 reasonably sizable Internet community.  As a population grows to reflect
 larger demographics, we can expect a portion of any group to disagree
 with changes within that group.  And given human nature, those who are
 satisfied with the change will be happily enjoying it rather than
 writing about it, giving disproportionate voice to a relatively small
 subset of the group.

 We see this with nearly every aspect of collective human activity, from
 politics to products.

 A casual observer might count dissenting posts, but if we look at
 dissenting people the number is much smaller.  And if we look at the
 audience size as a whole and compare the number of dissenting people to
 that, the proportionality becomes even clearer.

 This isn't to suggest that contrary views shouldn't be discussed.
 Sometimes great ideas come from vigorous debate.

 But the repetition is sometimes a bit much, and in any 

Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-22 Thread Bob Sneidar
Wrong thread.

Bob S

 On Jul 21, 2015, at 13:17 , David Bovill wrote:
 I want to send gzip encoded data back from the LiveCode server I'm working
 on. According to the docs: compress function uses the slob compression
 And according to Wikipedia
 The Content-Encoding/Accept-Encoding and Transfer-Encoding/TE
 headers in HTTP allow clients
 to optionally receive compressed HTTP responses and (less
 commonly) to send compressed requests. The specification for HTTP/1.1 (RFC
 2616 specifies three compression
 methods: gzip (RFC 1952; the
 content wrapped in a gzip stream), deflate (RFC 1950; the content wrapped in a
 zlib-formatted stream), and compress (explained in RFC 2616 section 3.5 as *The encoding
 format produced by the common UNIX file compression program compress. This
 format is an adaptive Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding (LZW).*). Many client
 libraries, browsers, and server platforms (including Apache and Microsoft IIS support gzip. Many
 agents also support deflate, although several important players incorrectly
 implement deflate support using the format specified by RFC 1951 instead of the correct format
 specified by RFC 1950 (which
 encapsulates RFC 1951 Notably,
 Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, and 8 report deflate support but do not
 actually accept RFC 1950 format,
 making actual use of deflate highly unusual. Many clients accept both RFC
 1951 and RFC 1950 data for the deflate
 compressed method, but a server has no way to detect whether a client will
 correctly handle RFC 1950 format.
 That bodes well. Anyone know if this works with most browsers?
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-22 Thread Bob Sneidar
Try playing a MOLRP game with infantile teenagers.

Bob S

On Jul 21, 2015, at 15:37 , J. Landman Gay wrote:

Ask any product manager, or restaurant owner, or retail manager, or
anyone else who thoroughly reviews customer feedback.  Sentiment almost
always skews negative

Which has spawned the sage advice regarding web sites to never read the 
comments. Some of the stuff people write behind their veil of annonymity is 
just horrible.

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-22 Thread Bob Sneidar
Oh, that’s easy! I am the only employee of my company, which is by the by a 
ficticious one, and I pay myself so little, nothing in fact, that I am 
pondering having to leave myself. 

Bob S

 On Jul 21, 2015, at 09:16 , Chris Sheffield wrote:
 There are two other limitations to be aware of, if I understand the terms 
 correctly:  1) Your company/organization cannot have more than 5 employees 
 total, and 2) cannot make more than $500,000 per year.
 On Jul 21, 2015, at 10:06 AM, Earthednet-wp wrote:
 I subscribed to the Indy license with the understanding that it is the same 
 as a commercial license, but for only a single developer.
 Hope I'm right.
 William Prothero
 On Jul 21, 2015, at 7:29 AM, Bob Sneidar 
 Pardon my being late to the party, but I went to the web page and read up, 
 but I still do not know what the “Indy” version is. I don’t want to miss 
 the pricing deadline, but I also don’t want to subscribe to something then 
 find out it is less than I wanted. 
 Bob S
 On Jul 1, 2015, at 15:50 , Mark Wieder wrote:
 Peter Haworth pete@... writes:
 I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding the
 increase in Indy license pricing.
 From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer have
 all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.
 Been dealt with very nicely by Kevin:
 Mark Wieder
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Earthednet-wp
I subscribed to the Indy license with the understanding that it is the same as 
a commercial license, but for only a single developer.

Hope I'm right.

William Prothero

 On Jul 21, 2015, at 7:29 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
 Pardon my being late to the party, but I went to the web page and read up, 
 but I still do not know what the “Indy” version is. I don’t want to miss the 
 pricing deadline, but I also don’t want to subscribe to something then find 
 out it is less than I wanted. 
 Bob S
 On Jul 1, 2015, at 15:50 , Mark Wieder wrote:
 Peter Haworth pete@... writes:
 I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding the
 increase in Indy license pricing.
 From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer have
 all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.
 Been dealt with very nicely by Kevin:
 Mark Wieder
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Chris Sheffield
There are two other limitations to be aware of, if I understand the terms 
correctly:  1) Your company/organization cannot have more than 5 employees 
total, and 2) cannot make more than $500,000 per year.

 On Jul 21, 2015, at 10:06 AM, Earthednet-wp wrote:
 I subscribed to the Indy license with the understanding that it is the same 
 as a commercial license, but for only a single developer.
 Hope I'm right.
 William Prothero
 On Jul 21, 2015, at 7:29 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
 Pardon my being late to the party, but I went to the web page and read up, 
 but I still do not know what the “Indy” version is. I don’t want to miss the 
 pricing deadline, but I also don’t want to subscribe to something then find 
 out it is less than I wanted. 
 Bob S
 On Jul 1, 2015, at 15:50 , Mark Wieder wrote:
 Peter Haworth pete@... writes:
 I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding the
 increase in Indy license pricing.
 From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer have
 all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.
 Been dealt with very nicely by Kevin:
 Mark Wieder
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Andrew Kluthe
Just read through some of the forum threads.

Price Increase? No big deal.
Commercial vs Open Source Feature Parity? Could also be no big deal if done
with some good intentions.
Only Subscription licensing? No big deal, helps keep costs down for us to
stay bleeding edge and helps stabilize the income runrev can count on.

But all three of these together? It's kind of obvious why people are
complaining/suspicious of the long term intentions here.

The issue is trust. In trusting runrev to know how to walk the fine line
with the commercial features/licensing, not any of the issues individually.
Not everyone is just going to take them for their word with this stuff

Without that trust all of these things look very suspicious.

We're gonna do all these things to get to what we promised, but after that
... after that, what?

You take livecode open source to get funding to redesign it, release the
completed redesign as open source and after some time completely focus
future development efforts on commercial? Is that the after? It seems like
that's what the mother ship was saying on those threads.

No, that's not what we want to do. We are committed to being Open Source.

Until you hit another funding wall and then those wants becomes have to's?

Sure, it's a slippery slope fallacy, but the ground we've just traveled on
from April 2013 didn't feel real solid.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 11:16 AM Chris Sheffield

 There are two other limitations to be aware of, if I understand the terms
 correctly:  1) Your company/organization cannot have more than 5 employees
 total, and 2) cannot make more than $500,000 per year.

  On Jul 21, 2015, at 10:06 AM, Earthednet-wp
  I subscribed to the Indy license with the understanding that it is the
 same as a commercial license, but for only a single developer.
  Hope I'm right.
  William Prothero
  On Jul 21, 2015, at 7:29 AM, Bob Sneidar
  Pardon my being late to the party, but I went to the web page and read
 up, but I still do not know what the “Indy” version is. I don’t want to
 miss the pricing deadline, but I also don’t want to subscribe to something
 then find out it is less than I wanted.
  Bob S
  On Jul 1, 2015, at 15:50 , Mark Wieder wrote:
  Peter Haworth pete@... writes:
  I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding
  increase in Indy license pricing.
  From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer
  all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.
  Been dealt with very nicely by Kevin:
  Mark Wieder
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Kay C Lan
On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 5:35 AM, Richard Gaskin

 Some talk about this like it's tennis shoes...

 Everyone needs shoes, but few have any interest at all in programming.

 But not every one needs Tennis shoes. When HyperCard came out I was
surprised and how many 'Tennis Players' came out of the woodwork ;-)

I'm with Kevin, I believe everyone CAN code.

 We can imagine all sorts of stuff.  I can dream up a world in which ...

Wrestling a similar situation with a stronghold of Luddites at a Club I'm a
member of. It has a website and a Wiki and members are continually
complaining that this is wrong or that is missing or something needs
updating. Well go ahead and fix it, it's a Wiki, you can do it. And then
all the excuses come out; the original author hasn't given me permission, I
don't want to tread on any ones toe's, I'm not an expert in the field -
someone with more knowledge should do it, there should be an approval
process, the Committee should oversee amendments, the Wiki will turn into a
pile of spaghetti, it will be anarchy, all will be lost, the world will

Yet the Wiki has been there for over 5 years and no spaghetti, no anarchy,
no lost information. Just the few who always volunteer working against the
avalanche of complainers.

 Or we could just look at actual observable performance.

But why wreck a good conspiracy theory with fact ;-)
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Andrew Kluthe
Exactly my point, I don't think there is an easy answer here besides what
runrev is wanting to do. They said it themselves, they have to.

 I think the reaction is a result of mistrust/fear and not actual issues
with what's being proposed. Are you going to quiet all alarmists and settle
every single persons anxiety regarding this? No, but it seems like there
has been more fear and anxiety about the motherships' decisions lately than
there ought to be. How do we go about preventing that in the future? More
transparency (they've been trying)? Being very specific and careful (maybe
even engage the community directly) with what gets rolled into commercial
as a paid-only feature?

For instance: I would expect stuff like a customizable datagrid widget
tuned for performance even on mobile (and mobile deployment itself) not to
be a paid only feature. But I could certainly see a pre-configured inbox
style datagrid or a timeline control being a specialized commercial widget
that could be bought and used in the commercial version helping to generate
some money.

I can see paid widgets being the way to handle this Commercial vs Community
Feature parity issue.

I hope its along these lines and not You can't deploy to Rasp pi, android
or IOS unless you are on commercial license.

Commercial should provide advantages but community should not provide
intentional dis-advantages.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 2:17 PM J. Landman Gay

 On 7/21/2015 12:22 PM, Andrew Kluthe wrote:
  No, that's not what we want to do. We are committed to being Open
  Until you hit another funding wall and then those wants becomes have

 I'm curious how one would fund development on a massive project like LC
 when almost everyone is using the free version. So far, most of the
 suggestions I've seen posted have already been tried or are too silly to

 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 7/21/2015 12:22 PM, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

No, that's not what we want to do. We are committed to being Open Source.

Until you hit another funding wall and then those wants becomes have to's?

I'm curious how one would fund development on a massive project like LC 
when almost everyone is using the free version. So far, most of the 
suggestions I've seen posted have already been tried or are too silly to 

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Richard Gaskin

Andrew Kluthe wrote:

 Price Increase? No big deal.

Even less so when we consider that the new price was the price before 
last year's experiment with lower prices.  In fact, it's only $4 more 
than I used to pay for annual renewals with MetaCard back in '98, after 
paying an initial licensing fee of $995.

Some talk about this like it's tennis shoes or other commodities, Just 
lower the price to sell more!

The total addressable market for software developer tools is a slender 
fraction of what most consumer apps can aim for.  Look at the bell curve 
and remember that a person needs an IQ of at least 115 just to begin to 
find programming at all interesting.  Race-to-the-bottom pricing just 
doesn't work for such a highly specialized product that can only appeal 
to a relatively slender slice of the gene pool.  Everyone needs shoes, 
but few have any interest at all in programming.

 Commercial vs Open Source Feature Parity? Could also be no big deal
 if done with some good intentions.

So far there's been only feature parity, and the only thing Kevin 
discussed in his email is a single Widget add-on for exotic camera 
features, which takes nothing away from any of the other front- or 
back-facing camera commands we have on mobile now, or any of the webcam 
and other image input support on the desktop.

And while I can appreciate Kevin's desire to come up with supplemental 
revenue streams, I suspect he'll find that add-on components for a 
developer tool isn't exactly easy money, so I don't expect this to be a 
major trend.

 Only Subscription licensing? No big deal, helps keep costs down for
 us to stay bleeding edge and helps stabilize the income runrev can
 count on.

And not at all new.  The switch to subscriptions went into effect more 
than two years ago when the Community Edition premiered.

 But all three of these together? It's kind of obvious why people are
 complaining/suspicious of the long term intentions here.

Given that two of those three aren't new and the third (a proprietary 
add-on) doesn't even exist yet, it's less clear to me.

Or maybe it's no more mystifying than anything else we see in any 
reasonably sizable Internet community.  As a population grows to reflect 
larger demographics, we can expect a portion of any group to disagree 
with changes within that group.  And given human nature, those who are 
satisfied with the change will be happily enjoying it rather than 
writing about it, giving disproportionate voice to a relatively small 
subset of the group.

We see this with nearly every aspect of collective human activity, from 
politics to products.

A casual observer might count dissenting posts, but if we look at 
dissenting people the number is much smaller.  And if we look at the 
audience size as a whole and compare the number of dissenting people to 
that, the proportionality becomes even clearer.

This isn't to suggest that contrary views shouldn't be discussed. 
Sometimes great ideas come from vigorous debate.

But the repetition is sometimes a bit much, and in any social situation 
it's always useful to avoid presumptions of bad intentions.

 The issue is trust. In trusting runrev to know how to walk the fine
 line with the commercial features/licensing, not any of the issues
 Not everyone is just going to take them for their word with this stuff

Why not?

You noted that none of those issues is a big deal at all, so what 
exactly has changed?

When we believe we may have reasons to question someone's future 
behaviors, more informative than conjecture would be to review past 

We can imagine all sorts of stuff.  I can dream up a world in which 
Kevin graduated from the Larry Ellison School of Annoying Open Source 
Communities, laughing at us all under his top hat in between chomps on 
his cigar as he removes his monacle to say, Ha!  I fooled you all! 
There's no limit to the human imagination.

Or we could just look at actual observable performance.

Sure, the company has their share of missteps, and arguably some details 
of the wording of that email are among them.

But what has Kevin or anyone else there ever done to exhibit anything 
less than earnestness in delivering on their stated objectives?

Sure, they don't always get everything right. And like the other 84% of 
projects Steven McConnell reviewed from ACM literature in writing his 
books, they've discovered they're not the first company that can make 
extremely ambitious goals involving complete rewrites across seven 
platforms and do it all on their original estimated schedule.

Lots of areas to improve, in their company, and mine, and perhaps those 
of some of the others here.

But earnestness and integrity?  I've seen nothing that would make me 
question that.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Pierre Sahores
 Le 21 juil. 2015 à 23:12, JB a écrit :
 I hope they are making money because it is a good
 programming language.

For sure ! It’s both an amazing XTalk and, less well known, one of the best and 
most mature functional programming language ever published... 
Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le 21 juil. 2015 à 23:35, Richard Gaskin a écrit :
 And given human nature, those who are satisfied with the change will be 
 happily enjoying it rather than writing about it, giving disproportionate 
 voice to a relatively small subset of the group.

Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D

 I hope its along these lines and not You can't deploy to Rasp pi, android
Just a little note: 
Raspberry Pi deployment is only supported by  the community version.


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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Richard Gaskin

Pierre Sahores wrote:
 Le 21 juil. 2015 à 23:35, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

 And given human nature, those who are satisfied with the change
 will be happily enjoying it rather than writing about it, giving
 disproportionate voice to a relatively small subset of the group.


Don't mind providing a chuckle, but that wasn't meant as a joke or a 
dig, just a sober observation across pretty much all industries.

Ask any product manager, or restaurant owner, or retail manager, or 
anyone else who thoroughly reviews customer feedback.  Sentiment almost 
always skews negative, not because all products and services are bad, 
but mostly because happy customers don't take the time to write.

I sometimes do, with restaurants and retailers and more.  When I've had 
a good experience I share it with them, if only because I know how hard 
their job is, and positive feedback can be as useful as negative.  In 
just about every case the response I get is just short of shock - some 
of those managers have never had a customer take the time to say 
something nice.

It's not even necessarily a bad reflection on human nature.  It's just 
something people do.  If there's a problem, they need to have it 
addressed, but when things are going well their attention is on the 
result they're getting with the product rather than the product itself.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread David Bovill
I want to send gzip encoded data back from the LiveCode server I'm working
on. According to the docs: compress function uses the slob compression

And according to Wikipedia

 The Content-Encoding/Accept-Encoding and Transfer-Encoding/TE
 headers in HTTP allow clients
 to optionally receive compressed HTTP responses and (less
 commonly) to send compressed requests. The specification for HTTP/1.1 (RFC
 2616 specifies three compression
 methods: gzip (RFC 1952; the
 content wrapped in a gzip stream), deflate (RFC 1950; the content wrapped in a
 zlib-formatted stream), and compress (explained in RFC 2616 section 3.5 as *The encoding
 format produced by the common UNIX file compression program compress. This
 format is an adaptive Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding (LZW).*). Many client
 libraries, browsers, and server platforms (including Apache and Microsoft IIS support gzip. Many
 agents also support deflate, although several important players incorrectly
 implement deflate support using the format specified by RFC 1951 instead of the correct format
 specified by RFC 1950 (which
 encapsulates RFC 1951 Notably,
 Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, and 8 report deflate support but do not
 actually accept RFC 1950 format,
 making actual use of deflate highly unusual. Many clients accept both RFC
 1951 and RFC 1950 data for the deflate
 compressed method, but a server has no way to detect whether a client will
 correctly handle RFC 1950 format.

That bodes well. Anyone know if this works with most browsers?
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread JB
If like you say most people are using the free version
it makes me wonder what the income difference is
using a subscription plan compered to purchasing it.

I hope they are making money because it is a good
programming language.

John Balgenorth

On Jul 21, 2015, at 12:16 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 On 7/21/2015 12:22 PM, Andrew Kluthe wrote:
 No, that's not what we want to do. We are committed to being Open Source.
 Until you hit another funding wall and then those wants becomes have to's?
 I'm curious how one would fund development on a massive project like LC when 
 almost everyone is using the free version. So far, most of the suggestions 
 I've seen posted have already been tried or are too silly to implement.
 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 7/21/2015 5:15 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Ask any product manager, or restaurant owner, or retail manager, or
anyone else who thoroughly reviews customer feedback.  Sentiment almost
always skews negative

Which has spawned the sage advice regarding web sites to never read the 
comments. Some of the stuff people write behind their veil of 
annonymity is just horrible.

I sometimes do, with restaurants and retailers and more.  When I've had
a good experience I share it with them, if only because I know how hard
their job is, and positive feedback can be as useful as negative.  In
just about every case the response I get is just short of shock

I had the same experience after writing about a very pleasant purchasing 
experience. The company's customer support wrote back, Thank you so 
much. Nobody EVER says that! I also seek out and tell the manger at a 
restaurant if the wait-person has been exceptional.

I saw a tagline once: It doesn't take a minute longer to be kind.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-21 Thread Bob Sneidar
Pardon my being late to the party, but I went to the web page and read up, but 
I still do not know what the “Indy” version is. I don’t want to miss the 
pricing deadline, but I also don’t want to subscribe to something then find out 
it is less than I wanted. 

Bob S

 On Jul 1, 2015, at 15:50 , Mark Wieder wrote:
 Peter Haworth pete@... writes:
 I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding the
 increase in Indy license pricing.
 From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer have
 all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.
 Been dealt with very nicely by Kevin:
 Mark Wieder
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New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-01 Thread Peter Haworth
I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding the
increase in Indy license pricing.

From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer have
all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.


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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-01 Thread Dirk prive
All I can say is to send feedback to Kevin.
I already did and they are listening.
Dirk cleenwerck.
On Jul 1, 2015 23:15, Peter Haworth wrote:

 I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding the
 increase in Indy license pricing.

 From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer have
 all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.


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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-01 Thread Mike Bonner
And boom goes the forum.

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

 Peter Haworth pete@... writes:

  I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding the
  increase in Indy license pricing.
  From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer have
  all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.

 Been dealt with very nicely by Kevin:

  Mark Wieder

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-01 Thread stephen barncard
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:

 And boom goes the forum.

I thought it was my provider.  It appears we are still in the networking
middle ages.

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-01 Thread Mark Wieder
Peter Haworth pete@... writes:

 I'm assuming some folks out there got the same email as me regarding the
 increase in Indy license pricing.
 From that email, it seems that the Community Edition will no longer have
 all the same features as the fee-based versions of Livecode.

Been dealt with very nicely by Kevin:

 Mark Wieder

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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-01 Thread Jerry Jensen
Diesel is serving web pages. On-rev email is working (IMAP, I don’t use SMTP). no . no . no (!)(I guess it 
isn’t really in the on-rev hosting)

 On Jul 1, 2015, at 5:04 PM, Dave Kilroy wrote:
 Not just the forum, all of
 So far my on-rev sites are ok crosses fingers 
 Anyone able to tell if the problem is a ddos or one of their servers falling
 Mike Bonner wrote
 And boom goes the forum.
 The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits. - 
 Albert Einstein
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Re: New Indy License Pricing

2015-07-01 Thread Dave Kilroy
Not just the forum, all of

So far my on-rev sites are ok crosses fingers 

Anyone able to tell if the problem is a ddos or one of their servers falling

Mike Bonner wrote
 And boom goes the forum.

The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits. - 
Albert Einstein
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