Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-16 Thread David Bovill
On 16 January 2011 13:29, Jan Schenkel wrote:

 It does look like we have have little choice if we want strong protection.
 Like you, I'm leaning towards the xGPL licenses, combined with a closed
 commercial license.

 What worries me about it, is its viral nature in combination with LiveCode.
 While one could argue that the LiveCode engine doesn't have to be GPL,
 there are a few murky areas regarding the IDE and Externals.

It's somewhat murky - as there are no clear cut cases to set legal
precedent. Also the majority of the expertise and online documentation does
not cover scripting languages well. Having chased this down, and asked every
open source lawyer I can over the last few years, it seems that GPL for
scripting languages and closed source engines is fine. The same viral logic
that applies in the domain of low level code, should apply also within the
domain of the scripting language - that is the see legal principles apply,
but these do not extend to the engine or externals.

If a stack uses the Geometry manager, and thus needs the revGeometry script
 to function correctly, should that script also be under a GPL-compatible
 license? Same question for Externals, can you combine the GPL work with
 commercial closed externals?

So - unless RunRev licensed the Geometry manager / IDE under a GPL
compatible license, it would not be possible to publish open source GPL code
together with the Geometry manager code. If this were not the case it would
make a nonsense of the entire principle of GPL for scripting languages. With
regard to externals - you would (in the muddy world of GPL and scripting
languages) be OK. This ain't legal advice - just best practice from someone
who keeps asking :)
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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-16 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- On Sun, 1/16/11, David Bovill wrote:
 On 16 January 2011 13:29, Jan
  It does look like we have have little choice if we
 want strong protection.
  Like you, I'm leaning towards the xGPL licenses,
 combined with a closed
  commercial license.
  What worries me about it, is its viral nature in
 combination with LiveCode.
  While one could argue that the LiveCode engine
 doesn't have to be GPL,
  there are a few murky areas regarding the IDE and
 It's somewhat murky - as there are no clear cut cases to
 set legal
 precedent. Also the majority of the expertise and online
 documentation does
 not cover scripting languages well. Having chased this
 down, and asked every
 open source lawyer I can over the last few years, it seems
 that GPL for
 scripting languages and closed source engines is fine. The
 same viral logic
 that applies in the domain of low level code, should apply
 also within the
 domain of the scripting language - that is the see legal
 principles apply,
 but these do not extend to the engine or externals.
 If a stack uses the Geometry manager, and thus needs the
 revGeometry script
  to function correctly, should that script also be
 under a GPL-compatible
  license? Same question for Externals, can you combine
 the GPL work with
  commercial closed externals?
 So - unless RunRev licensed the Geometry manager / IDE
 under a GPL
 compatible license, it would not be possible to publish
 open source GPL code
 together with the Geometry manager code. If this were not
 the case it would
 make a nonsense of the entire principle of GPL for
 scripting languages. With
 regard to externals - you would (in the muddy world of GPL
 and scripting
 languages) be OK. This ain't legal advice - just best
 practice from someone
 who keeps asking :)

Heh, I'm also curious about these things and want to make sure I take the right 
decision - and the only way to find out is by asking questions :-)

So, assuming the Engine and Externals are OK, should we ask RunRev HQ for an 
official definition of the license of the IDE and script libraries? Hopefully 
one that is GPL-compatible?

Jan Schenkel.
Quartam Reports  PDF Library for LiveCode

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 


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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-16 Thread David Bovill
On 16 January 2011 15:56, Jan Schenkel wrote:

 Heh, I'm also curious about these things and want to make sure I take the
 right decision - and the only way to find out is by asking questions :-)

 So, assuming the Engine and Externals are OK, should we ask RunRev HQ for
 an official definition of the license of the IDE and script libraries?
 Hopefully one that is GPL-compatible?

I'm talking to Kevin this week about these issues, particularly with regard
to Creative Commons licensing of the documentation. I'm trying to work out,
and therefore recommend, the best combination of licensing and workflow to
match their commercial concerns while enabling as much shared community code
creation as possible. There is no official position on this as yet -
certainly if you were to write up your needs in this area it would help
inform a decision?
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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-11 Thread David Bovill
In general Jan, I share your aims here, and there is I feel a clear
solution, some of which can be addressed by choosing the right license, but
I' still like to get clear about some of the things you are trying to do.
Maybe we can talk on Skype, as I'm doing quite a lot of work in this area at
the moment - and email is maybe better after a good chat?

On 11 January 2011 19:54, Jan Schenkel wrote:

 Often library stacks use 'script local' variables to store data, and
 'private' commands and functions to hide the innards. Example:

Ah OK - got you

 Now it may sound far-fetched, but suppose some enterprising individual says
 Hmm, I really like that open source Smurf library, and I'm going to make
 some money - but I don't want to share back my extensions

The only way to force sharing back is to force sharing back = viral GPL
clause. There is no non-viral way to do this.

 And now he can even charge for his ACME Smurf Library.

That is of course always possible with open source licenses - though the
non-commercial CC content licenses forbid this.

 As long as he's sharing the 'cracked open' version of Quartam Smurf
 Library. From my reading of the more liberal FOSS licenses, there is nothing
 you can do: he's 'sharing his changes' to the Quartam Smurf Library, but
 morally he is clearly abusing it.

Still not quite clear. Do you want people to be able to adapt / improve and
change the private handlers? Or do you want these fixed under your control
only? I'm assuming you want them open and the changes shared back - so it's
his ability to copy and not share back that you want to prevent.

Frankly, I don't care so much about that as long as the changes to the
 library are shared and available, and the license documentation and
 copyright requirements are upheld.

This sounds like the same mix of requirements that I think will work best
for a number of developers. That is:

   1. Open source libraries that you can use freely, modify, and combine
   with other peoples source code from the community
   2. Ensure that accreditation is given to the main contributors
   3. Give the maximum legal protection to the authors - so they can sleep
   at night

But, I think we would agree that we'd also like:

   - To allow individuals and commercial companies to release software which
   combines their own closed code along side the above open source - without
   forcing them to open their code.
   - But to as strongly as possible encourage authors to feed back useful
   improvements to the core libraries, and not simply take the benefits without
   contributing back.

It is that latter two points that tend to contradict each other. If you want
to allow companies the (non-viral) freedom to release software that uses the
library - then you can use a permissive (ie MIT/X11 style) license. But then
this contradicts the second intention - and people can easily just take and
not go to the trouble of feeding back. In this situation authors can take
advantage of dual licensing. I'm not entirely sure, but it feels like this
is the contradiction you are wrestling with?

As an example of this, I'll be releasing my code under both GPL and a closed
commercial license. Educators, hobbyists and members of the community can
use all of it for free in commercial or non-commercial apps, but they must
publish the full source code of their apps, so that any modifications or
additions can be rolled back into core code by the community. This is fully
viral. However, anyone wishing to include parts or all of this code in
closed apps can do so by taking out a separate closed license, which will
come as one of the benefits of taking out an annual subscription to the

This can be done on a per-project basis, but I also think (for reasons of
scale), it will be useful to have a general community owned project in which
any commercial revenue is re-invested in new open source code paid directly
to freelance members of the community. This community project is what I am
working on as part of Live Code TV, with the aim of launching it at the
forthcoming conference. A good chunk of it will be the legal framework
needed to make this run smoothly, but there will also be a bunch of tools to
make the sharing as painless and fun as possible.

Stay tuned to LiveCode TV, and drop into ChatRev to get a sneak peak :)
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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-10 Thread Warren Samples
On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 12:46 -0800, Jan Schenkel wrote: 
 --- On Sat, 1/8/11, David Bovill wrote:
  Thanks for taking the time to respond - my interest is in
  real business
  models built around licenses, or other legal innovations -
  and not the
  politics :)**
 Well, now that the topic has come up, I have a few questions regarding open 
 source licenses which the community may provide better insight into.
 Let's assume I want to make available a new Quartam Smurf Library for 
 LiveCode, as open source. Ignore the Intellectual Property rights of Peyo for 
 a second, it's just the first thing I could think of - I'll leave it up to 
 the psychologists on this list to examine my insanity from that :-)
 Anyway, Quartam Smurf Library offers a set of commands and functions to do 
 with Smurfs. Let's say it covers the original 100 Smurfs. I want to give the 
 rest of the community the opportunity to add support for the newer Smurfs 
 that were added afterwards. The library has a number of 'core' commands and 
 functions that are scripted as 'private' and are used by all 'public' 
 commands and functions for the initial 100 Smurfs.
 My main goals:
 - to make sure that I get proper attribution for my work
 - to make sure that anyone who uses the library shares their modifications 
 with the rest of the community
 - to run an open community around the library to incorporate the welcome 
 changes into new versions of the library
 - to also accommodate those LiveCode-using developers whose corporate policy 
 prevents them from using anything GPL/LGPL/AGPL, by offering it in a 
 commercial license as well
 My main concerns:
 - it needs to cover Desktop, Mobile, Server and Web plug-in deployments
 - it shouldn't be a viral license that requires the whole program to be open 
 source under the same license, just the modifications and extensions of the 
 - it should prevent commercial 'wrapping' of the library (*)
 (*) what I mean by wrapping: some devious individual could decide to make a 
 derivative version of Quartam Smurf Library, exposing just those core 
 'private' commands and functions by making them 'public' - thus enabling them 
 to write a 'wrapper' library which is closed source and commercial, not 
 sharing their extensions but making a profit of the work of the contributors.
 In short, I'm willing to share my initial work, but others should also share 
 their modifications and extensions with the community.
 So far I haven't found the right license for this.
 - MIT is too liberal for this, I think
 - GPL is viral so out of the question
 - LGPL is close but its goal conflicts with Server and Web plug-in
 - AGPL has also turned out to be viral, after re-reading it a few times
 - MPL might be a candidate, but I'm not sure if it covers all the concerns
 Can you guys and gals help me out?
 Thanks in advance for the feedback!
 Jan Schenkel.
 Quartam Reports  PDF Library for LiveCode


If this is a new work which does not rely on other works, leaving you
unencumbered by the terms of some other prior license, then you are free
to take your terms to an IP attorney and have him or her create a
license that imposes your terms and your terms alone. In this case,
there is no need to handicap yourself or to accept any terms you really
don't find desirable. While the idea of using an established license
has some merit if we believe (imagine) that it means they are well
understood, accepted and adhered to, it's foolish to view any of them as
some kind of Holy Grail, particularly if your circumstances don't seem


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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-10 Thread David Bovill
Hi Jan _ I don't quite get the exact nature of the private public
distinction you are making - si the source code visible, or are you
referring to a license distinction. From a casual reading it looks a bit
like there is a contradiction in there somewhere - but that most of what you
want can be got with dual licensing.

On 10 January 2011 20:46, Jan Schenkel wrote:

 --- On Sat, 1/8/11, David Bovill wrote:
  Thanks for taking the time to respond - my interest is in
  real business
  models built around licenses, or other legal innovations -
  and not the
  politics :)**

 Well, now that the topic has come up, I have a few questions regarding open
 source licenses which the community may provide better insight into.

 Let's assume I want to make available a new Quartam Smurf Library for
 LiveCode, as open source. Ignore the Intellectual Property rights of Peyo
 for a second, it's just the first thing I could think of - I'll leave it up
 to the psychologists on this list to examine my insanity from that :-)

 Anyway, Quartam Smurf Library offers a set of commands and functions to do
 with Smurfs. Let's say it covers the original 100 Smurfs. I want to give the
 rest of the community the opportunity to add support for the newer Smurfs
 that were added afterwards. The library has a number of 'core' commands and
 functions that are scripted as 'private' and are used by all 'public'
 commands and functions for the initial 100 Smurfs.

 My main goals:
 - to make sure that I get proper attribution for my work
 - to make sure that anyone who uses the library shares their modifications
 with the rest of the community
 - to run an open community around the library to incorporate the welcome
 changes into new versions of the library
 - to also accommodate those LiveCode-using developers whose corporate
 policy prevents them from using anything GPL/LGPL/AGPL, by offering it in a
 commercial license as well

 My main concerns:
 - it needs to cover Desktop, Mobile, Server and Web plug-in deployments
 - it shouldn't be a viral license that requires the whole program to be
 open source under the same license, just the modifications and extensions of
 the library
 - it should prevent commercial 'wrapping' of the library (*)

 (*) what I mean by wrapping: some devious individual could decide to make a
 derivative version of Quartam Smurf Library, exposing just those core
 'private' commands and functions by making them 'public' - thus enabling
 them to write a 'wrapper' library which is closed source and commercial, not
 sharing their extensions but making a profit of the work of the

 In short, I'm willing to share my initial work, but others should also
 share their modifications and extensions with the community.

 So far I haven't found the right license for this.
 - MIT is too liberal for this, I think
 - GPL is viral so out of the question
 - LGPL is close but its goal conflicts with Server and Web plug-in
 - AGPL has also turned out to be viral, after re-reading it a few times
 - MPL might be a candidate, but I'm not sure if it covers all the concerns

 Can you guys and gals help me out?

 Thanks in advance for the feedback!

 Jan Schenkel.
 Quartam Reports  PDF Library for LiveCode

 As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.
 (La Rochefoucauld)

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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-08 Thread David Bovill
Hi Richard - a few minor points / corrections:

On 8 January 2011 00:17, Richard Gaskin wrote:

  As a practical example I would not be able to submit my code
  libraries or code I have form other people to the revIgnitor
  project, as the license was hand crafted. Ralf changing the
  license to a GPL compatible license made everything start to
  work nicely.

 That may work well for you, but that means for me I can't use revIgniter as
 an embedded system in a closed-source product.  Not that I have an immediate
 need for that, but I'd considered using revIgniter for a project recently,
 but that project has a likelihood to fork into an embedded proprietary
 component down the road, so GPL stuff would be challenging to consider.

That's not true, you can use revIgnitor in a closed, or embedded contexrt
because the (GPL-compatible) Apache 2 license allows this (as would the
GPL-compatible MIT/X11 license). That was Ralf's intention.

Not sure but you may be mistaking what is meant by GPL compatible (see
link) it is not
the same as GPL! It just means that GPL projects are able to use
the code from any of the GPL compatible licensed code bases. In this way the
MetaCard project uses a GPL compatible license.

 The same will go with other projects that seek to make compilations
  of open code. A mosaic of poorly thought out licenses will cause
  real problems.

 Anything poorly thought out will cause problems. :)

 There are scenarios for meaningful sharing that aren't addressed by
 GLP-compatible licenses, so while it would be desirable if there were fewer
 licenses in the world, the diversity of needs seems to require equally
 diverse terms to describe them.

Richard, could you be more specific - apart from the lack of a
non-commercial option you can get with CC, I have not come across any
scenarios that you can't address using GPL-compatible licenses. If you could
give an example it would be real useful to me, as it is a main focus of my
work - thanks :)
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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-08 Thread Richard Gaskin

David Bovill wrote:

On 8 January 2011 00:17, Richard Gaskin wrote:

There are scenarios for meaningful sharing that aren't addressed by
GLP-compatible licenses, so while it would be desirable if there were fewer
licenses in the world, the diversity of needs seems to require equally
diverse terms to describe them.

Richard, could you be more specific - apart from the lack of a
non-commercial option you can get with CC, I have not come across any
scenarios that you can't address using GPL-compatible licenses. If you could
give an example it would be real useful to me, as it is a main focus of my
work - thanks :)

Short answer:

For some projects it may be desirable, or even necessary, to prevent 

Long answer:

Writing code requires the most valuable non-renewable resource on the 
planet: time.

Time always carries a cost.  At a minimum, a developer must eat, keep a 
roof over their head, and keep the electricity flowing into their 
machine while they write.

Recognizing that even free code requires a material cost to produce, 
open source can be seen as a rich man's game: because the software is 
given away, the money to pay for it must come from some other source.

Many FOSS advocates argue that compensation for code can come from 
support and training services.  But that position overlooks the 
counterproductive nature of such revenue streams:  they disincentivise 

If you give software away for free and seek compensation for your 
expenses incurred while making it through support and training, you have 
no incentive to enhance the product's usability.

On the contrary, if you were to achieve the ideal of making a software 
so good that requires no support or training, ironically you risk 
killing the project because you'd no longer be able to afford to work on it.

So the uability-minded developer has four alternatives:

1. An egalitarian model, in which those who derive material benefit from 
a project contribute materially to the project equally.  This is more or 
less how most proprietary commercial products support themselves, with 
licensing fees.

2. Draw from retained earnings acquired from other directly-compensated 
work.  This is the rich man, the man who has made enough money to 
enjoy the leisure of working thousands of hours for free.

3. Find a sponsor who has a strategic reason for compensating you.  Here 
the rich man is the sponsor, like IBM pouring millions into Linux 
development because it provides them leverage against Microsoft.  This 
not at all altruism, but of solid business value (see Spolsky's 
Strategy Letter V: Commoditize Your Compliments).

4. Find either direct compensation through advertising on the project's 
home page, or through strategic value for yourself by using the project 
to enhance the positioning of your consultancy.

This last option requires that you prevent forking:

Imagine that you spend a thousand hours making a truly useful product, 
and decide to share it under the GPL.

You spend another hundred hours building an attractive and usable home 
page for it, and use your best marketing experience to evangelizing it 
so it can be as useful to as many people as possible.

You're able to justify this all of this expense because you believe that 
you can either drive enough traffic to your site to earn the money need 
to support the project through advertising, or because the traffic will 
provide opportunities to grow your consulting business.

Like IBM with Linux, you've found your own strategic benefit to giving 
away code, a way of having the project pay for itself without requiring 
license fees.

But suppose, as often happens in life, your need to keep a roof over 
your head means that you need to take a break from the project shortly 
after launch.  So while you've just provided tremendous value to the 
community, for at least a couple months you simply aren't wealthy enough 
to keep giving it your primary focus, and need to spend some time 
earning money through other means before you'll have accrued enough to 
be able to afford to resume enhancing the project.

In the meantime, I recognize the value of what you've done and would 
like to have the same value at my own site.

So rather than contribute new features to the code base hosted at your 
site, I simply fork the project and host it at my own.

To justify this to the community, I might spend as much as 50 hours 
adding a new feature or two to your work, just enough to make it 
worthwhile for the traffic to come to my site instead of yours.

So you spent 1100 hours building a project from scratch and making a 
name for it, and I get most of the benefit of that work for a fraction 
of the effort.

Had you chosen a Creative Commons license instead of GPL, you would have 
been able to share your work just as broadly to as many people as 
before, but you would also have had the option of requiring that any 
additions to the code base be contributed to 

Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-08 Thread David Bovill
Just keeping to the parts:

On 8 January 2011 15:51, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Had you chosen a Creative Commons license instead of GPL, you would have
 been able to share your work just as broadly to as many people as before,
 but you would also have had the option of requiring that any additions to
 the code base be contributed to the main project, rather than allowing
 forked derivatives.

I'm not sure what you mean here - are you talking about the No Derivatives
option While this prevents creating
a derived work, it does nothing to stop someone hosting the content on their
site - as in your example? I've not explored the use cases of the
No-Derivative clauses that much - as the only ones I've come across it
artists wanting to keep control of the integrity of the work - but you've
got me intrigued. What is it that you want to prevent - other than someone
hosting the content? I just can;t get my head around the business use case
that relates to the license here.

On forking in general, that does come up a lot, and so far in all the
business cases I've seen. while the possibility of a fork certainly
frightens many people, I have actually never seen a clear cut case of it
damaging a commercial project - that is I've not seen any real world
examples of individual or companies having their work forked and losing out
- it has in all the cases I've looked at turned out that the main developer
keeps the community, except in cases in which the developer moves on to
other work - in which case the code would have died without the possibility
of low friction forking. Indeed the main developer has nearly always
benefited by being commercially valuable to competitors due to their
position in the community and knowledge of the people and code base - so
they end up getting a good deal from what otherwise would have been a
hostile takeover of competitive product.

I would really like to hear examples of companies or individuals having lost
out commercially by having their code forked - maybe there are cases but
people just keep quiet about them? I have experience of many projects not
working out, but these have always been down to a failure of attracting
developers, or related issues often as a result of taking a half-open

I can see stopping others from benefiting commercially (the non-commercial
option) as preventing the type of revenue loss you mention - for instance
through advertising revenue, but the GPL type clauses force projects to
contribute back to the main project, which in practice is sufficient to
prevent destructive forking for active projects?

Thanks for taking the time to respond - my interest is in real business
models built around licenses, or other legal innovations - and not the
politics :)**
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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-07 Thread David Bovill
On 7 January 2011 16:25, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 One of the reasons so many developers like the Creative Commons license is
 that there are many flavors to cover a broader range of specific usage
 rights than GPL, and certainly X11, affords.

 The goals of sharing code can cover a broad spectrum, from those of the
 purist like rms or those of companies who earn their living with proprietary
 code like Apple, with a nearly infinite variety of needs in between.

 So while I can appreciate the desire to have the smallest possible number
 of FOSS licenses in use, I can understand when a developer may find them
 inadequate for their particular needs.

 For my own needs, I'm disappointed that CC isn't recommended for code. I'd
 release more FOSS code if it were sanctioned for such use (I may even still,
 since others have ignored the caveat and use CC for code anyway).

I share your concerns, and thoughts on this. I've looked long and hard at
licensing, and tired as you suggest to use CC licenses for code, but I could
not get it to work, and aside from a few causl individual uses I don't know
of any projects that do this. I do think it is strange that there still is
not a software license with a CC-type non-commercial clause in it, even
after many years of popular use for creative content - seems strange.

The main issue for us here is about mixing code projects together in ways in
which the code can be used in clear ways for commercial and non-commercial
projects - removing the uncertainty. Let's just make sure the code bases can
be mixed together. If someone uses a strange - CC style license, which is
not GPL compatible, then I won't be able to combine it with code that uses
other licenses in any legally robust way. As a practical example I would not
be able to submit my code libraries or code I have form other people to the
revIgnitor project, as the license was hand crafted. Ralf changing the
license to a GPL compatible license made everything start to work nicely.
The same will go with other projects that seek to make compilations of open
code. A mosaic of poorly thought out licenses will cause real problems.
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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2011-01-07 Thread Richard Gaskin

David Bovill wrote:

 The main issue for us here is about mixing code projects together
 in ways in which the code can be used in clear ways for commercial
 and non-commercial projects - removing the uncertainty. Let's just
 make sure the code bases can be mixed together. If someone uses a
 strange - CC style license, which is not GPL compatible, then I
 won't be able to combine it with code that uses other licenses in
 any legally robust way.

For some that may be a feature.

If you want GPL, use GPL.  MIT seems even more liberal, all the sharing 
without the forced openness downstream.  And then there's even public 
domain, the freest of all.

 As a practical example I would not be able to submit my code
 libraries or code I have form other people to the revIgnitor
 project, as the license was hand crafted. Ralf changing the
 license to a GPL compatible license made everything start to
 work nicely.

That may work well for you, but that means for me I can't use revIgniter 
as an embedded system in a closed-source product.  Not that I have an 
immediate need for that, but I'd considered using revIgniter for a 
project recently, but that project has a likelihood to fork into an 
embedded proprietary component down the road, so GPL stuff would be 
challenging to consider.

 The same will go with other projects that seek to make compilations
 of open code. A mosaic of poorly thought out licenses will cause
 real problems.

Anything poorly thought out will cause problems. :)

There are scenarios for meaningful sharing that aren't addressed by 
GLP-compatible licenses, so while it would be desirable if there were 
fewer licenses in the world, the diversity of needs seems to require 
equally diverse terms to describe them.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 LiveCode training and consulting:
 Webzine for LiveCode developers:
 LiveCode Journal blog:

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