Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-08 Thread Kay C Lan
On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Some examples of marker-based and markerless AR:

 From that page:

As technology advances, how we interact with and learn within our
environment holds almost unlimited potential through the use of augmented
reality. (Amanda Albright)

A nice quote which I couldn't agree with more.

It goes without saying though that I expect the first mindblowing LiveCode
AR example to come from you Scott :-)
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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-07 Thread Kay C Lan
On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 12:10 AM, Richard Gaskin

And a more specific question: in the video you linked to, how does the app
 know the angle of the table the book is resting on?  Does the book have two
 RFIDs for triangulation, or does it calculate solely from what it knows
 about the images on each page, or something else?

My guess is it's simply the knowledge of the image. Of the demo of the
walking miniature horse the cube I was holding was a block of wood with
paper black and white images glued to it. A kindergarten kid could have
made it. There was no RFID. I'm guessing it must work off a highly
specialised OCR algorithm but instead of trying to decipher 26 letters, 10
numerals and a handful of punctuation marks; it is just one, or 6 in the
case of a cube, but from multiple angles and orientation. In the case of a
cube the angle never has to be less than 45° because once you go below that
another side/image becomes dominant as it rises above 45°. An improvement
on the QR Code algorithm maybe?

Always appreciate your glass half full (if not overflowing) viewpoint
Richard :-)
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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-06 Thread Richard Gaskin

Kay C Lan wrote:

This is probably thread drift but video playback is so 20th century.

I had an old acquaintance pass through town and we caught up. He's
working for a start up that's doing something similar to Google
Glass. He had a demo unit to show me. The googles worked with any
users phone (or iPod touch) but of course it was the software that
was on show.

[wonderfully enthusiastic things omitted here only for brevity]

Now I'm not suggesting that LiveCode needs to be at the forefront
of 3D multimedia and AR;

Why not?

Xojo's doing some of that:

there is no way the next 3D Grand Theft Auto will be written in LC;
this is the territory of dedicated game houses.

Why not?

Games are far too complex these days to write in C++ alone. Scripting is 
a powerful way to glue lower-level routines together.  Many of the big 
game engines include scripting languages - here's GTA's:

In the 21st Century I see AR as being huge.


I don't know what technology is required to make it work, even on
the most basic level, but whatever it is, LC needs to jump aboard.

I hope someone is going to tell me, 'oh we could already do that...
if only startTime worked' ;-)

It will likely also require currentTime. :)

Kay, you always contribute good things to this list, but that post was 
especially good.

With LiveCode Builder on the horizon as The Ultimate Glue Language, 
there really is no end to what we can do.

What is the state of Franklin 3D?  Are there other toolkits to consider 
writing wrappers for?

And a more specific question: in the video you linked to, how does the 
app know the angle of the table the book is resting on?  Does the book 
have two RFIDs for triangulation, or does it calculate solely from what 
it knows about the images on each page, or something else?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-05 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mark Talluto wrote:

On Jun 4, 2015, at 5:06 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Besides, RunRev has already decided to support media playback on
Linux. The only new question I'm raising here is whether it needs
to wait for The Ultimate Widget, or could we please have a few
lines of C++ to tide us over for the next year or so.

Fully understood. I know you have a bug/enhancement report on this.
What is the status from LiveCode?

Very good new on the Windows front:  somewhere between the last time I 
tested and now, #5886 appears fixed; both currentTime and startTime work 
well in v7.0.5 under Windows 8.1 - many thanks to Panos Merakos at 
RunRev for taking the time to follow up on this one.

   'start player' ignores currentTime w/dontuseQT

It would be helpful if anyone here has time to test that under Windows 7 
or 8.0 to confirm there are no remaining issues with those versions either.

While reviewing player-related bugs I was also able to confirm that this 
report submitted by another member here is apparently also fixed:

   Revolution plays WMV files unreliably

Trevor's comment #4 there notes the engine was using the deprecated MCI 
interface at that time - might that have changed since then?

I tested WMV, MP3, AIFF, and a few other formats, and they seem to play 
well in v7.0.5 under Win 8.1.

I was also unable to reproduce this one, though again it would be 
helpful if others here have a chance to test under Win 7 or 8.0 to confirm:

   Movies on network volumes can't used with player object

Unfortunately the most popular codecs do not work in 7.0.5 under Win 8.1:

   Support mp4 and h264 without QuickTime

Still, good progress on the Windows side, and hopefully those codecs can 
be supported without much effort.  The MP4 files I tested with play well 
in the Windows Media Player app, so we know the OS includes the codecs 

As for Linux, the crasher I reported has been confirmed:

I haven't heard anything from the team directly, but the activity on 
#5886 suggests that they're reviewing at least some video issues, and we 
know that crashers tend to get priority.

With any luck, once the crash is resolved we'll be able to make sure 
currentTime and startTime work as well on Linux as they do on Mac and 
Windows now, and with that I'll be able to do what I need with video for 

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-05 Thread Kay C Lan
This is probably thread drift but video playback is so 20th century.

I had an old acquaintance pass through town and we caught up. He's working
for a start up that's doing something similar to Google Glass. He had a
demo unit to show me. The googles worked with any users phone (or iPod
touch) but of course it was the software that was on show.

He first showed me some 3D games, a roller coaster, etc. Very cool, but I'm
not into games but even I can see they'll make a $illion. I was much more
impressed with the 3D Paul McCartney concert. I could turn around and see
the thousands of fans behind me. I could look up at roof of the stadium, I
could even watch the show. There were even shots taken from on stage, so
again I could look out to the crowd, watch each and any of the musicians or
even Sir Paul himself. My choice. My friend then removed the cover over he
camera lens and then showed me a demo of Augmented Reality (AR). If you
don't know what AR is here's a mediocre demo:

So the basic requirement is that screen is filled with whatever the camera
is seeing, and then there is some 2D image which triggers something else to
be played on top of that 2D image whilst the rest of the screen continues
to show the real world. In the demo I was shown, I was handed a 2.5 cube;
with the naked eye on each of the six sides was a different, simple black
and white line art image. With the phone and the software (the goggles
aren't necessary, but when used it becomes immersive) I had a 3D animated
miniature horse in my hand. As I rotated the cube I could see the walking
horse from any angle; not just the left side, then the right side, then the
bottom etc, but as I slowly rotated the cube the horse also very smoothly
rotated: 45°, 13°, 76.1345° it was very smooth and very cool and everyone
else in the restaurant were still eating their dinner.

He said someone was working on a Harry Potter style game of chess. All the
pieces would be just basic rectangular prisms of appropriate size and
proportion, but every single side would have a unique image, thus every
single piece when viewed through AR device/software would be alive and
unique. Castles would have archers firing arrows from the battlements,
Knights would have individual armour both for them and their horses. Pawns
would be individual foot soldiers, uniformed alike, but still unique and
with personality. Another $illion there.

Now I'm not suggesting that LiveCode needs to be at the forefront of 3D
multimedia and AR; there is no way the next 3D Grand Theft Auto will be
written in LC; this is the territory of dedicated game houses. Obviously 3D
is all the rage, but it doesn't have to be. I've seen some very basic 2D
uses of AR, especially in the real estate industry. A prospective buyer
notices a for sale sign outside a house, or sees an add in the
newspaper/magazine, simply by holding up the mobile device (with
appropriate app installed) to the sign/add, a gallery of 2D photos becomes
available, of every single room of the house, plus views outside the house
from multiple angles. Buttons appear so you can immediately phone or email
the agent; no need to actually read it off the sign/add.

In the 21st Century I see AR as being huge. I don't know what technology is
required to make it work, even on the most basic level, but whatever it is,
LC needs to jump aboard. HyperCard bought us Myst, I'm sure there are lot
of very bright people out there that have very unique and niche ideas on
how AR could be leveraged to bring static objects to life - museums, art
galleries and libraries immediately come to mind. It would be nice if LC
made that easy to happen.

I hope someone is going to tell me, 'oh we could already do that... if only
startTime worked' ;-)
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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Mark Talluto
On Jun 4, 2015, at 5:06 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Besides, RunRev has already decided to support media playback on Linux. The 
 only new question I'm raising here is whether it needs to wait for The 
 Ultimate Widget, or could we please have a few lines of C++ to tide us over 
 for the next year or so.

Fully understood. I know you have a bug/enhancement report on this. What is the 
status from LiveCode?

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mark Talluto wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:

 The key would (again) be to have things packaged so that the
 dependencies are installed as part of the processes, making
 it as easy as possible.

 This is what makes working with Linux for certain markets very
 difficult. If LiveCode can make it all work with no more difficulty
 than including and extension, then the toughest of markets will be
 viable. If we have to do a series of appgets for an app designed for
 knitting clubs, this is not going to be an easy sell.

Already sold: RunRev is committed to delivering a player object for all 
supported platforms.

The only question on the table is whether they need to write The 
Ultimate Multimedia Widget several months from now, or do a subset of 
the work sooner so we can ship stuff with it sooner.

Personally, I'm much happier with a less feature-rich implementation 
today than some imagined perfection at an unknowable date in the future. :)

As I said, I'm not sure of the specifics of their plan for Linux, so it 
would be helpful to learn more about which library/framework they intend 
to use.  Good ones are available under LGPL.

Many such frameworks integrate well with D-bus' MPRIS (Media Player 
Remote Interfacing Specification), the common interprocess messaging 
subsystem installed on most modern distros:

To address your broader concern about the perceived difficulty of 
running multimedia in Linux, all I can say is try it and you'll see for 
yourself how far Linux has come today.

Out of the box Ubuntu can play a wide range of formats with its built in 
video player.

And if you've installed the additional codecs (Linux users know why 
that's a checkbox in the installer and to click it) you'll have good 
support for even more formats.

And if you forgot to include those during install, you can add them 
later at any time from the Software Center.

You can also install VLC from the Ubuntu Software Center, which includes 
even more support for a much wider range of codecs than Apple offers on 

All without typing a single line in Terminal.

Sure, Linux is vast and varied, and those who've chosen Arch or Puppy 
Linux know exactly what they're doing and they expect to install 
additional packages to run a multimedia GUI.

But for consumer desktop distros like Ubuntu, Mint, and Fedora, most of 
what they need is either already installed or just a click away.

After all, Ubuntu didn't get to an installed base of 40 million desktop 
users by making them all run bash commands in Terminal. :) Times have 

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mark Talluto wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2015, at 1:37 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Already sold: RunRev is committed to delivering a player object
 for all supported platforms.

 Are you under the impression that they are not going to use native
 hooks for each platform for video playback?

Not at all.  I would expect they'd deliver something very akin to the AV 
revamp of the player object, just for all platforms and written using LCB.

But even with LCB, making all those features is a bit of work.

Since right now we Linux folk have no media support at all (and haven't 
for a long time) I'd be very happy with something less ambitious.

And I'd imagine the net savings for putting in a small number of 
commands in C++ would still be significant over designing and writing 
much more code in LCB.

 As I said, I'm not sure of the specifics of their plan for Linux,
 so it would be helpful to learn more about which library/framework
 they intend to use.  Good ones are available under LGPL.

 Will this licensing be compatible with the commercial version of
 LiveCode as well?

Kevin may have other plans I'm not aware of, but on the surface LGPL 
would seem a good fit for both proprietary and GPL use.

 Many such frameworks integrate well with D-bus' MPRIS (Media Player
 Remote Interfacing Specification), the common interprocess messaging
 subsystem installed on most modern distros:

 The features seem pretty complete. I did not see any transformations
 like mirroring video. This is something we need.

I would imagine that if Fraser were unleashed on that API for a couple 
days then LiveCode's multimedia support on Linux might exceed anything 
it's ever had before on any platform. :)

But I'd be thrilled enough if it just had startTime.

Oh, and the ability to play a movie without crashing. :)

 To address your broader concern about the perceived difficulty of
 running multimedia in Linux, all I can say is try it and you'll see
 for yourself how far Linux has come today.

 If the user has to download a 3rd party player, I would not qualify
 this as out of the box ready. For some markets, that is ok. For
 others, it can be very expensive to tech support.

The situation with codecs is well understood in the Linux community.  At 
most RunRev's expense is a caveat in the Dictionary entry for related 
commands, as they do now for things like Oracle drivers which have 
special restrictions.

This only seems hard to those who don't use Linux.  But really, I work 
with that community daily; very different set of expections about things 
like codec licensing.

Crashing, on the other hand, is not enjoyed by users of any platform. ;)

Besides, RunRev has already decided to support media playback on Linux. 
The only new question I'm raising here is whether it needs to wait for 
The Ultimate Widget, or could we please have a few lines of C++ to tide 
us over for the next year or so.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Mark Talluto
On Jun 4, 2015, at 1:37 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Already sold: RunRev is committed to delivering a player object for all 
 supported platforms.
Are you under the impression that they are not going to use native hooks for 
each platform for video playback?
Eg: AVFoundation for Mac, WMP for Win, [fill in standard framework] for Linux.  
Are they not going to make a public facing API that deals with connecting devs 
to the same features across platforms where possible.

 As I said, I'm not sure of the specifics of their plan for Linux, so it would 
 be helpful to learn more about which library/framework they intend to use.  
 Good ones are available under LGPL.
Will this licensing be compatible with the commercial version of LiveCode as 
 Many such frameworks integrate well with D-bus' MPRIS (Media Player Remote 
 Interfacing Specification), the common interprocess messaging subsystem 
 installed on most modern distros:
The features seem pretty complete. I did not see any transformations like 
mirroring video. This is something we need.

 To address your broader concern about the perceived difficulty of running 
 multimedia in Linux, all I can say is try it and you'll see for yourself how 
 far Linux has come today.
If the user has to download a 3rd party player, I would not qualify this as out 
of the box ready. For some markets, that is ok. For others, it can be very 
expensive to tech support.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Mark Talluto
On Jun 4, 2015, at 11:07 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 In fact, if I had basic playback with startTime for Windows and Linux as we 
 have for OS X, I'd never need that fancy widget at all.

It seems to me that Apple Devs were simply lucky with this one. When LiveCode 
was forced to move to Cocoa, AVFoundation came with, almost for free. We 
develop primarily for Mac/Win and need feature parity on both platforms. I can 
very much appreciate the need to bring Linux up to speed. 

Native playback on all platforms would be fantastic. My guess is that Mac and 
Win are going to be easier due to both OS having the blocks to play with. Linux 
on the other hand, to its benefit and detriment, does not have this for media. 
My last look at all of this left me very uncomfortable with how a solution for 
Linux will come about. MPlayer looked good, but licensing issues seemed to 
plague it. Which media layer can LiveCode rely on for Linux? Will the layer be 
installed by default on all Linux boxes? 

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Mike Bonner
If things are packaged properly, and lc is added to repositories to use
native installers (synaptic, rpm, yum, whatever..) dependencies fulfillment
should be part of the process.  Of course this means more manhours getting
things set up to be packaged, and I don't think the mothership has many
free man hours floating around.
There are already dependencies required for lc to run properly on linux,
and some optional ones (to support elevated processes), so expecting the
right stuff to be installed isn't that far out of the ordinary for linux.
The key would (again) be to have things packaged so that the dependencies
are installed as part of the processes, making it as easy as possible.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Richmond

 On 04/06/15 21:39, Mark Talluto wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2015, at 11:07 AM, Richard Gaskin

  In fact, if I had basic playback with startTime for Windows and Linux as
 we have for OS X, I'd never need that fancy widget at all.

 It seems to me that Apple Devs were simply lucky with this one. When
 LiveCode was forced to move to Cocoa, AVFoundation came with, almost for
 free. We develop primarily for Mac/Win and need feature parity on both
 platforms. I can very much appreciate the need to bring Linux up to speed.

 Native playback on all platforms would be fantastic. My guess is that Mac
 and Win are going to be easier due to both OS having the blocks to play
 with. Linux on the other hand, to its benefit and detriment, does not have
 this for media. My last look at all of this left me very uncomfortable with
 how a solution for Linux will come about. MPlayer looked good, but
 licensing issues seemed to plague it. Which media layer can LiveCode rely
 on for Linux? Will the layer be installed by default on all Linux boxes?

 Isn't that rather like expecting Quicktime to be installed on all Windows
 and Mac boxes?

 The Linux world being what it is, a bit like Hercules' Hydra without the
 poison, is going to make any Video-Player based on something that lies
 outwith the LiveCode engine itself a tough call.

 It is also very hard indeed to see how RunRev will be able to claim that
 any video-player and its commands and functionality is truly
 cross-platform if it isn't some internal feature of the engine.


 Best regards,

 Mark Talluto

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Richmond

On 04/06/15 21:39, Mark Talluto wrote:

On Jun 4, 2015, at 11:07 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

In fact, if I had basic playback with startTime for Windows and Linux as we 
have for OS X, I'd never need that fancy widget at all.

It seems to me that Apple Devs were simply lucky with this one. When LiveCode 
was forced to move to Cocoa, AVFoundation came with, almost for free. We 
develop primarily for Mac/Win and need feature parity on both platforms. I can 
very much appreciate the need to bring Linux up to speed.

Native playback on all platforms would be fantastic. My guess is that Mac and 
Win are going to be easier due to both OS having the blocks to play with. Linux 
on the other hand, to its benefit and detriment, does not have this for media. 
My last look at all of this left me very uncomfortable with how a solution for 
Linux will come about. MPlayer looked good, but licensing issues seemed to 
plague it. Which media layer can LiveCode rely on for Linux? Will the layer be 
installed by default on all Linux boxes?

Isn't that rather like expecting Quicktime to be installed on all 
Windows and Mac boxes?

The Linux world being what it is, a bit like Hercules' Hydra without the 
poison, is going to make any Video-Player based on something that lies 
outwith the LiveCode engine itself a tough call.

It is also very hard indeed to see how RunRev will be able to claim that 
any video-player and its commands and functionality is truly

cross-platform if it isn't some internal feature of the engine.


Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mark Talluto wrote:

 Native playback on all platforms would be fantastic. My guess is that
 Mac and Win are going to be easier due to both OS having the blocks
 to play with.

Windows has had a native multimedia API for a long time, but last I read 
the API still in use in LC was deprecated more than a decade ago and has 
issues with certain codecs, along with the aforementioned absence of 

QT dependency was never anyone's first choice on Windows; all of us 
faced complaints from customers who had to install some massive 
subsystem from another OS vendor just to play movies.

Now with QT gone and the Win-native API used in LC deprecated, the 
thought of waiting another six to 12 months for a solution on that 
platform gives me and my clients an unpleasant feeling.

 Linux on the other hand, to its benefit and detriment, does not have
 this for media. My last look at all of this left me very
 uncomfortable with how a solution for Linux will come about. MPlayer
 looked good, but licensing issues seemed to plague it. Which media
 layer can LiveCode rely on for Linux? Will the layer be installed by
 default on all Linux boxes?

Issues with multimedia playback in mature distros like Fedora and Ubuntu 
are as obsolete as mplayer. :)  The situation is apparently working 
nicely today, since there are hundreds of apps for audio and video 
playback and editing that run well on most modern GUI distros.  VLC on 
my Ubuntu box handles a larger number of different codecs than Apple's 
video player app on OS X.

Whichever framework the team had in mind for their Widget would be a 
good place to start.  If they just had start, stop, currentTime, and 
startTime as I mentioned we can take care of the rest ourselves, and 
then they don't need to spend any time writing the rest of The Ultimate 
Multimedia Widget.

I don't know which framework the RunRev team is planning to use.

This isn't my area of speciality (though it may have to become so if I 
wind up needing to write this myself), and Mark Wieder may have a more 
informed opinion, but if I had to start such a project today I'd 
consider GStreamer or ffmpeg, both available under LGPL:

There may be other good ones as well.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Mark Talluto
On Jun 4, 2015, at 12:27 PM, Richmond wrote:

 Isn't that rather like expecting Quicktime to be installed on all Windows and 
 Mac boxes?

My guess is that, Windows Media Player will be the most logical *native* player 
for Windows in LiveCode 8. AVFoudation is the layer for Macs. What will the 
layer be for Linux?

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-04 Thread Mark Talluto

On Jun 4, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:

 The key would (again) be to have things packaged so that the dependencies
 are installed as part of the processes, making it as easy as possible.

This is what makes working with Linux for certain markets very difficult. If 
LiveCode can make it all work with no more difficulty than including and 
extension, then the toughest of markets will be viable. If we have to do a 
series of appgets for an app designed for knitting clubs, this is not going to 
be an easy sell.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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Re: LiveCode 8 and a new video player?

2015-06-03 Thread Martin Koob
Hi for the Mac the player that was based on QuickTime has already been
replaced with a player based on AVFoundation.  

From my understanding the cross platform player will be a widget which have
made its debut in the LiveCode 8 DPs.  My understanding is that once widgets
are in place work can start on the cross platform player.  There are other
controls that will be based on widgets that the team will be working on I am
sure. It would be good to hear what the time line is for seeing these new
widget based controls rolled out and where the cross platform player is in
that timeline.

Martin Koob

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