Re: Polling the mouse state

2002-02-22 Thread Ian Summerfield

On 22/2/02 12:07 am, Scott Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribed:

 On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 03:27  PM, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:
 Doesn't grab do what you want? I think it suspends other messages
 the user is dragging and automatically exits when the user lets go of
 mouse button.
 No, drag doesn't let me check whether the object has been dragged into
 bounds of another while the dragging is still going on.
 I need to do the exact same thing in an eduware game stack. I'll be
 for the solutions while trying my own.
 Is this what you folks are trying to do?

Well sort of,  but the messages are still being sent,  I need to suspend all
other events while the dragging takes place.  There might be as many as 12
events pending.  That's the bit I'm having trouble with.  I don't know
whether I might be able to save the pendingmessages into a global and
restore them once the dragging is done.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Externals

2002-02-22 Thread Kevin Miller

On 20/2/02 10:34 pm, Peter Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just downloaded the current Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X
 externals from the rev web site and they provide a small number of
 useful extensions.  However, I can't see how I use a single Rev stack
 and build standalones for BOTH Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X?  You seem
 to have to import the externals into your stack, but you can only do
 this for the platform Rev is running on at the time.  If you open a
 Rev stack with externals for the other OS, then Rev crashes out. I
 don't want to have to maintain two separate copies of the stack - one
 for Mac OS Classic and one for Mac OS X, but it seems I have to?! I
 can't see any way of building for both at the same time.
 Anyone done this?

This will be sorted out out in 1.1.1 - you will be able to include these two
with different Ids and the correct will be loaded.


Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deprecated mouse functions

2002-02-22 Thread Kevin Miller

On 21/2/02 9:53 pm, David Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is good to receive Scott's list which I have not seen published before,
 even including the newly un-deprecated (precated? apprecated?) key functions,
 but I also strongly support Siva's view. I think it an important part of the
 documentation that deprecated functions be mentioned as such in the Transcript
 Dictionary, and a reference given to possible alternatives. At present, the
 See also in the Dictionary entry for the deprecated mouseLoc makes no
 reference at all to the preferred mouseMove, nor does that for mouseH refer to
 mousemoveH, so how is anyone not already familiar with the language supposed
 to find the preferred functions, especially if they come from xTalk and are
 already comfortable with the wrong ways?

Indeed - recommendations on how to use these will be included.


Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

use-revolution mailing list

Pat on the back

2002-02-22 Thread JohnRule

 Doing this cross-platform is horrendously complicated, and
 results in compromized reliability for *everything*, 

(assuming this was from the MetaCard author)

But I am so glad you do it! I'm buying you that virtual beer right 

Everybody!for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow...


use-revolution mailing list

Drawing speed

2002-02-22 Thread Jim Hurley

Jim Hurley wrote:

There appears to be no remedy in the offing to the speed problem.

Scott Rainey wrote:

Actually the current release is pretty close to HC in performance,
the primary remaining difference being due to running in color vs
black and white (anywhere from 8 to 32 times as much data to move
around, you know).

I concede the difficulties in speedily running color vs. black and 
white, and the improvement in the current release is much 
appreciated. However there remains a considerable gap between MC/RR 
and HC. For example, the following script draws concentric boxes of 
ever decreasing size.

on mouseUp
   put 100 into a
   put  300 into b
   put 2 into da
   choose the line tool
   put the ticks into startTime
   repeat 50 --draw boxes of ever decreasing size
 drag from a,a to b,a
 drag from b,a to b,b
 drag from b,b to a,b
 drag from a,b to a,a
 add da to a
 subtract da from b
   end repeat
   put the ticks - startTime into field 1
   choose the browse tool
end mouseUp

on clean
   repeat until the number of images = 0
 delete image 1
   end repeat
end clean

This script takes 265 ticks on average in RR and  30 ticks in HC on 
cards of identical size. (I realize that this can be done more 
efficiently with the rectangle tool and that a graphic would be 
faster than an image. My  purpose was to measure the drag speed. ) 
The discrepancy would be less in Windows.

There is no limit to the greedy demands which we, the  users, put on 
Scott and the development team. In my case, to properly implement 
Turtle Graphics, I hunger for a speedy monochromatic drawing  mode.

Jim Hurley
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deprecated mouse functions

2002-02-22 Thread Tereza Snyder

on 02.22.02 08:02 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:

 What would be nice is having the mouse coordinates passed as
 additional arguments to mouseDown, mouseUp and mouseRelease.

I heartily second this motion! Any others?


. . .. ... . ACT AGAINST ENTROPY! . ... .. . .

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revoluionn hangs on the splash screen

2002-02-22 Thread Michael Fisher

Russell Campbell worte:

 I am using a new instalation of Red Hat 7.2 and have followed the
 instructions, have downloaded both files (revolutionenvironment.tgz 
 Linux.gz) Twice just to make sure that they were not corrupted. Any

We've had reports of this before and it has turned out simply that people
aren't waiting long enough for Revolution to load properly.  (It takes a
little longer to load on Linux than on other platforms).  Any chance this
could be the problem?

The other thing you could try is the RPM at:
Michael Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Ltd - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0)870 747 1165 Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707

use-revolution mailing list

Unique Macintosh Identification (Follow-Up)

2002-02-22 Thread Ken Ray

(Cross-posted to MC list)

Hey, everyone: Here is what I ended up doing that not only retrieves the 
MAC Address, but also solves a reported problem of being unable to quit Apple 
System Profiler:

In order to get the MAC Address from Apple System Profiler, you first need 
to know that ASP refers to this as the "AppleTalk Address", and that it returns 
the address in AppleScript's list format (ex: {"00.0a.27.d6.9d.06"}). Secondly, 
you need to know where ASP *is*, otherwise you'll get the dreaded "Please locate 
Apple System Profiler:" dialog box. I discovered that if you can let MC locate 
it (through whatever means you need - directories(), files(), etc.), you need to 
make sure that the default directory is set to the location of ASP, otherwise 
you'll get the "Please locate:" box. 

On my Mac (and I believe most modern OS8-9 Macs), ASP is located in the 
Apple Menu Items folder. So here's the script (assuming MC has found it in the 
Apple Menu Items folder):

function GetMACAddress local tResult set the directory 
to specialFolderPath("apple") put "tell application"  quote 
 "Apple System Profiler"  quote  cr  \
 "get appletalk address"  cr  "end tell" into 
getMACScript put "tell application"  quote  "Apple 
System Profiler"  quote  cr  \
 "close window"  quote  "Apple System 
Profiler"  quote  cr  "end tell" into quitASPScript 
 set the directory to specialFolderPath("apple") do 
getMACScript as AppleScript put the result into retVal do 
quitASPScript as AppleScript replace "{" with "" in retVal 
replace "}" with "" in retVal replace quote with "" in 
retVal return retValend GetMACAddress

Note that although you can't send "quit" to ASP, you CAN say "close window 
'Apple System Profiler'" and it does the same thing!


Ken RaySons of Thunder SoftwareEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web Site:

My Entry for the RR Wish List

2002-02-22 Thread Rob Cozens

Hi All,

In the aftermath of indulging my impulse to respond to it should only take
one line in C, I got to thinking how much CompileIt helped me to expand my
HyperTalk applications' capabilities and essentially invoke ToolBox
commands  functions from within HyperTalk.  I took out Danny Goodman's
HyperCard Developers Guide and compared the C  Pascal externals source
code with the CompileIt scripts I wrote to perform the same function or
invoke the same ToolBox object.

IMFO, in terms of relative programmer efficiency, programming in
xTalk/CompileIt is to programming in C as programming in C is to
programming in assembler.  My frustration with assembler came very quickly
when I realized I was typing half a page of instructions to accomplish
something I could do in one line of FORTRAN or PL/1.  And so it was with C
once I learned HyperTalk.  Even in Pascal, which I much prefer to C, the
overhead involved in writing externals was such I tried to avoid using
them.  Once I had CompileIt, I was anxious to write my next external, and
stopped looking for workarounds to avoid them.  Before Revolution,
CompileIt was my second-most important application behind HyperCard.

MC/RR were designed to minimize the need for externals, and I'm going into
my redesign with the goal of eliminating all platform-specific aspects of
OenoLog.  However, it appears from the List traffic that many people still
find the need for externals.

I would be willing to pay a seperate license fee for a tool that would
allow me to create externals scripted in Transcript.

Rob Cozens, CCW

Where but America can the person who lost the popular vote become
President without a coup?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: entropy

2002-02-22 Thread Mark Mitchell
Tereza writes:
. . .. ... . ACT AGAINST ENTROPY! . ..

No, no!  said he.
Without entropy
where would we be?
all the sun's energy
might just stay at the sun
and that ain't no fun

use-revolution mailing list

Drawing speed

2002-02-22 Thread Jim Hurley

Glen Yates wrote:

Interesting little speed test, I get 102 ticks in MC on a 933MHz Pentium 3,
and 161 ticks on a 400MHz BW G3 (with Retrospect running in the

Try running in thousands of colors instead of millions, and you should see a
good speed increase from your 265 ticks.

-Glen Yates

Thanks for the comparisons. Actually I *am* running in thousands of 
colors. Those test were made on a rather slow 233 MHz G3 PowerBook. 
But I used it for both the RR and HC tests.

Both applications are quicker on my desktop G3 (350 MHz). HC takes 11 
ticks to draw the  figure and RR 160 ticks. About the same as yours 
in MC. In any event, a big difference between MC and HC.

There is an evolutionary moral here: Color does not come without a 
price. Dogs see much better in the dark than we do. They are color 
blind however. We see glorious color but are nearly blind in the 
dark.  Life is full of tradeoffs.

Jim Hurley
use-revolution mailing list

tools and commands relating to the web

2002-02-22 Thread PERPHARMACEUTIC
I am pretty new at this programming thing, so forgive me these are stupid questions. I want to build a simple browser, however I am a bit confused as I cannot seem to find the right tools or commands to do so.
For instance: in visual basic there is a internet icon in the tools palette that when chosen creates the browser display field. In Rev. there are only various text fields (i.e., list, scrolling list, etc.) on the tools palette, I don't see anything that would create a browser display field. How can I accomplish this.

Also, in visual basic there are commands/methods: navigate, refresh, etc. that are used as comman browser methods. I cannot figure out what commands/methods in Rev. to use to accomplish these things.

Thanks in advance


HELP field behavior

2002-02-22 Thread

It is courious that I can do a lot of things within the messagebox
and it doesn't works when I include the same command or function in a handler.
For example, I select a line in a scroling locked field
with listBehavior turned to true, using arrow key. I type PUT THE
HILITEDLINE OF FIELD "MaList" and the result is the number of the hilited
line. If I type the same in a handler with onEnterInField,
the result I get in my variable is not an integer, it is this string: hilitedLine.
So I cant refer to the line by its number.
I can refer to a number's line if I click on a
line with the mouse.
Is there any solution?
Alain Vezina
Logilangue international

Re: Drawing speed

2002-02-22 Thread Scott Rossi

On Friday, February 22, 2002, at 06:22  AM, Jim Hurley wrote:

 I concede the difficulties in speedily running color vs. black and 
 white, and the improvement in the current release is much appreciated. 
 However there remains a considerable gap between MC/RR and HC. For 
 example, the following script draws concentric boxes of ever decreasing 

 on mouseUp
   put 100 into a
   put  300 into b
   put 2 into da
   choose the line tool
   put the ticks into startTime
   repeat 50 --draw boxes of ever decreasing size
 drag from a,a to b,a
 drag from b,a to b,b
 drag from b,b to a,b
 drag from a,b to a,a
 add da to a
 subtract da from b
   end repeat
   put the ticks - startTime into field 1
   choose the browse tool
 end mouseUp

 on clean
   repeat until the number of images = 0
 delete image 1
   end repeat
 end clean

 This script takes 265 ticks on average in RR and  30 ticks in HC on 
 cards of identical size. (I realize that this can be done more 
 efficiently with the rectangle tool and that a graphic would be faster 
 than an image. My  purpose was to measure the drag speed. ) The 
 discrepancy would be less in Windows.

Since I'm fairly entrenched in graphics work, this post caught my eye.  
One thing you need to keep in mind with MC/REV is that usually, not 
always, but usually there are similar ways to achieve what you've done 
before using alternate methods.  For example, I ran the above script and 
timed a rough average of 111 ticks.  Then instead of choosing the line 
tool, I chose the pencil tool, and drawing time was reduced to 37 
ticks.  Adding a lock screen reduced the overall time to 9 ticks -- 
virtually immediate.

 In my case, to properly implement Turtle Graphics, I hunger for a 
 speedy monochromatic drawing  mode.

I seem to recall my experience in Turtle Graphics (around 20 years ago!) 
involving the creation of a list of points that the Turtle then 
rendered by dragging from point to point, with pen up and pen down 
instructions.  I would imagine the above mentioned pencil tool will 
achieve what you need with no time penalty.  And also you get the 
benefit of color (back in those days the only screen color was 
phosphorescent green...).

Hope this helps.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-22 Thread J. Scott Saults

At 10:51 PM -0500 2/21/02, Scott Raney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I didn't check SC, but HC definitely does not work the way you say.  Try it
yourself and see.  Put the following script in a button, then click to
run it and click again before the repeats finish (you may need to
adjust the count depending on the speed of your system):
on mouseUp
   get 0
   repeat for 1 times
 add 1 to it
   end repeat
   put the mouse
end mouseUp

It's compatibility at that level that's hard to do, convenient as it
might be for some things.

Evidently, I misunderstood your  original post.  I  afraid I don't 
get the point of this post or script, either. I'm sorry to be so 
dense.  It seems to me, in HC, that your script calls the mouse 
function once, after the repeat loop has finished its 1 
iterations. If the mouse button is down when that occurs, then down 
appears  in the message box.  If the mouse button is up at that 
moment,  then  up appears  in the message box. If I press the mouse 
while the loop is still being executed, but then release it before 
the loop is finished, then up appears in the message box.  This is 
what I expect, and this seems to be what happens. If, on the other 
hand,  put the mouse is executed WITHIN the loop (below), then 
down appears in the message box whenever the mouse is being 
pressed, and up appears whenever it is not being pressed, until the 
repeated put's have ended.

on mouseUp
repeat for 1 times
add 1 to it
put the mouse
end repeat
end mouseUp

So, it seems to me  that HyperCard IS returning the actual state of 
the mouse button, up or down, whenever the
  mouse function is called within the handler. This is all I meant to 
say.  Is this not true?  Obviously, either  I've not expressed myself 
clearly, or I've  misunderstood  the point of this debate, or both. I 
certainly apologize for adding my confusion to this discussion.

J. Scott Saults
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Drawing speed

2002-02-22 Thread Scott Raney

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 Jim Hurley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: Drawing speed
 Jim Hurley wrote:
 There appears to be no remedy in the offing to the speed problem.
 Scott Rainey wrote:
 Actually the current release is pretty close to HC in performance,
 the primary remaining difference being due to running in color vs
 black and white (anywhere from 8 to 32 times as much data to move
 around, you know).
 I concede the difficulties in speedily running color vs. black and 
 white, and the improvement in the current release is much 
 appreciated. However there remains a considerable gap between MC/RR 
 and HC. For example, the following script draws concentric boxes of 
 ever decreasing size.
 on mouseUp
put 100 into a
put  300 into b
put 2 into da
choose the line tool
put the ticks into startTime
repeat 50 --draw boxes of ever decreasing size
  drag from a,a to b,a
  drag from b,a to b,b
  drag from b,b to a,b
  drag from a,b to a,a
  add da to a
  subtract da from b
end repeat
put the ticks - startTime into field 1
choose the browse tool
 end mouseUp
 on clean
repeat until the number of images = 0
  delete image 1
end repeat
 end clean
 This script takes 265 ticks on average in RR and  30 ticks in HC on 
 cards of identical size.

Hmm, looks to be about a factor of 8, which is pretty good considering
there's about 32 times as much data being moved around (assuming
you're running in millions screen depth).  Further confirmation that
the limit is just with the data size is to increase (or decrease) the
size of the window or image: doubling it in width and height increases
the time by just about a factor of 4, demonstrating that all the time
is in moving the bits around.

 (I realize that this can be done more 
 efficiently with the rectangle tool and that a graphic would be 
 faster than an image. My  purpose was to measure the drag speed. ) 
 The discrepancy would be less in Windows.

Much less, actually.  I get 16 ticks on my 733MHz PIII.  We don't know
why masked image drawing is so slow on MacOS (hell, it's slow even
compared with UNIX/X11 which doesn't even *have* a masked image
drawing primitive and it has to be done with 3 separate operations
there), but unfortunately there's not a damned thing we can do about

 There is no limit to the greedy demands which we, the  users, put on 
 Scott and the development team. In my case, to properly implement 
 Turtle Graphics, I hunger for a speedy monochromatic drawing  mode.

Unfortunately that's not the business we're in, and I doubt even that
would be a satisfactory solution to the problem even if we were (i.e.,
even the various Logo implementations all support color now).  But
this is the perfect situation in which to use an external.  You could
probably get 2 orders of magnitude better performance if you just drew
directly to the window instead of having everything buffered like
painting in HC and MC require.  You do lose the ability to overlay
images on buttons and fields, persistence, and the ability to edit the
bits you've previously drawn, but fortunately none of these things are
required for turtle graphics.  You might try M. Uli Kusterer's
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) xDraw package, for example, or ask him
if he has other suggestions for how best to do this.

 Jim Hurley

MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

use-revolution mailing list

Using Profile Manager--How?

2002-02-22 Thread Sivakatirswami

Sorry if this has been asked and answered

I am trying to get some stacks to look like mac os 9 or mac os x. Profile
manager seems to be the way to do this, but it doesn't work as expected. Is
there an easy way to make all the buttons and all the standard fields look

Going through the Profile Manager Tutorial I am able to create a profile for
single button, and switch between the default master and the newly named
profile... the one button behaves properly.

But then there doesn't seem to be an easy way to apply this globally: the
pull down menu to apply to the card and it's objects only works on the one
button itself, not all the buttons on the card selecting all the buttons
and the profile of the one button is dimmed. write a repeat loop to apply
the profile to each button by number  and the result was again that only the
button that had the profile was changed to match the profile...

What am I doing wrong? I was thinking it should be as easy as importing a
skin and applying it the stack, but then, obviously one would have to have
that profile/set of profiles already at hand... does one exist?


Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager

Read The Master Course Lesson of the Day at

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-22 Thread Scott Raney

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 J. Scott Saults [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 10:51 PM -0500 2/21/02, Scott Raney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I didn't check SC, but HC definitely does not work the way you say.  Try it
 yourself and see.  Put the following script in a button, then click to
 run it and click again before the repeats finish (you may need to
 adjust the count depending on the speed of your system):
 on mouseUp
get 0
repeat for 1 times
  add 1 to it
end repeat
put the mouse
 end mouseUp
 It's compatibility at that level that's hard to do, convenient as it
 might be for some things.
 Evidently, I misunderstood your  original post.  I  afraid I don't 
 get the point of this post or script, either. I'm sorry to be so 
 dense.  It seems to me, in HC, that your script calls the mouse 
 function once, after the repeat loop has finished its 1 
 iterations. If the mouse button is down when that occurs, then down 
 appears  in the message box.  If the mouse button is up at that 
 moment,  then  up appears  in the message box. If I press the mouse 
 while the loop is still being executed, but then release it before 
 the loop is finished, then up appears in the message box.

But did you actually try this?  It *doesn't* work that way in either
MC or HC now.  If you don't see it, try increasing the loop count (you
may need to at one zero for HC, and about 3 in MC/RR ;-)

My real question is, given that you're confused about this, how many
other people must be, and if a lot, does this behavior really need to
be preserved?

 J. Scott Saults

MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #216 - 10 msgs

2002-02-22 Thread Gene Kennedy

Rob Cozens, CCW wrote:

 Message: 2
 Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 09:23:26 -0800
 From: Rob Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: My Entry for the RR Wish List
 find the need for externals.

 I would be willing to pay a seperate license fee for a tool that would
 allow me to create externals scripted in Transcript.

I too would be interested in such a tool.

Gene Kennedy

use-revolution mailing list

Re: My Entry for the RR Wish List

2002-02-22 Thread Richard Gaskin

Boonter Rob Cozens adds these bahl harpins to the tidrick:

 IMFO, in terms of relative programmer efficiency, programming in
 xTalk/CompileIt is to programming in C as programming in C is to
 programming in assembler.  My frustration with assembler came very quickly
 when I realized I was typing half a page of instructions to accomplish
 something I could do in one line of FORTRAN or PL/1.  And so it was with C
 once I learned HyperTalk.  Even in Pascal, which I much prefer to C, the
 overhead involved in writing externals was such I tried to avoid using
 them.  Once I had CompileIt, I was anxious to write my next external, and
 stopped looking for workarounds to avoid them.  Before Revolution,
 CompileIt was my second-most important application behind HyperCard.
 MC/RR were designed to minimize the need for externals, and I'm going into
 my redesign with the goal of eliminating all platform-specific aspects of
 OenoLog.  However, it appears from the List traffic that many people still
 find the need for externals.
 I would be willing to pay a seperate license fee for a tool that would
 allow me to create externals scripted in Transcript.

It would nifty as all get-out, but I'm wondering if there might be a more
Toolbook-like solution instead.

In Toolbook, the downside of the language is that you must declare variable
types.  The upside of this is that typing is the biggest obstacle to making
direct OS calls.  So in Toolbook, with both typed vars and a Rev-like
precompilation when a script is closed, you can make calls directly to the
Win API.  For a project I worked on once we were able to make the equivalent
of Mark Hanrek's RadWindows in just three lines of OpenScript.

While there are some benefits to true compilation for externals, in my
experience the number of cases where such things are needed are relatively
few.  For example, after porting a few dozen projects, ranging from very
simply single-window things like MetaBench (also available as HyperBench and
SuperBench at our FTP site) to very complex systems with dozens of windows,
hundreds and cards, sub-sub-menus and database access, I've rewritten more
than two dozen XCMDs and XFCNs in native Transcript/MetaTalk with no
noticeable degradation in performance (measurable, but not subjectively

The only externals I've ever retained were platform-specific (Tuviah wrote a
wonderful backdrop external that let's Windows users retain access to the
Start bar, and we use his Text-to-Speech externals in Brian Thomas' upcoming
If Monks Had Macs CD), and of course the great Valentina external for
access to that nifty DB engine.  Everything else, from text processing to
specialized dialogs, have all been implemented in native Transcript.

Since it seems to be the vertical platform-specific stuff where we need the
most help, it may bring us the biggest bang for the buck to have some means
of making OS calls directly in the language.  We'd have to type our vars,
but that's a small price to pay for all that flexibility.

Ken Ray's been kicking around some ideas along these lines, and hopefully
there's a way to incorporate some if his ideas into a future release.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 1.9: Publish any Database on Any Site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Unique Macintosh Identification (Follow-Up)

2002-02-22 Thread Ken Ray

Awesome find, MisterX! After a little testing and tweaking (the 'findstr' 
is not "MAC" but "Physical Address", and 'findstr' is not supported on Win 9x), 
here's a replacement CROSS-PLATFORM function. Note that IPCONFIG.EXE exists only 
on Windows 98 and higher (including XP), but if you can include IPCONFIG.EXE in 
your delivery (CD/download/etc.), you can run it on Windows 95 and it will work 
just fine. (I don't know if Microsoft has an issue with distributing this... you 
should check it out.

function GetMACAddress local retVal switch (the 
platform) case "MacOS" set the directory to 
specialFolderPath("apple") put "tell application" 
 quote  "Apple System Profiler"  quote  cr  
 "get appletalk address"  cr  "end 
tell" into getMACScript put "tell application"  
quote  "Apple System Profiler"  quote  cr  \
 "close window"  quote  "Apple 
System Profiler"  quote  cr  "end tell" into 
quitASPScript  set the directory to 
specialFolderPath("apple") do getMACScript as 
AppleScript put the result into 
retVal do quitASPScript as 
AppleScript replace "{" with "" in 
retVal replace "}" with "" in retVal 
replace quote with "" in retVal break case 
"Win32" put (there is a file (specialFolderPath("system") 
 "/IPCONFIG.EXE")) into winExists put (there is a 
file (specialFolderPath("system")  "/SYSTEM32/IPCONFIG.EXE")) into 
sys32Exists if winExists or sys32Exists 
then set the hideConsoleWindows to 
true put shell("ipconfig /all") into 
temp get matchText(temp,"Physical Address. . . 
. . . . . . : ([A-Z0-9-]*)",retVal) 
else return "IPCONFIG not 
found" end if break end 
switch return retValend GetMACAddress

Thanks, everyone!

Ken RaySons of Thunder SoftwareEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web Site:

Re: tools and commands relating to the web

2002-02-22 Thread Devin Asay

At 1:40 PM -0500 2/22/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am pretty new at this programming thing, so forgive me these are 
stupid questions.  I want to build a simple browser, however I am a 
bit confused as I cannot seem to find the right tools or commands to 
do so.
For instance: in visual basic there is a internet icon in the tools 
palette that when chosen creates the browser display field.  In Rev. 
there are only various text fields (i.e., list, scrolling list, 
etc.) on the tools palette, I don't see anything that would create a 
browser display field.  How can I accomplish this.

Also, in visual basic there are commands/methods: navigate, refresh, 
etc. that are used as comman browser methods.  I cannot figure out 
what commands/methods in Rev. to use to accomplish these things.

Hi Steve,

In fact Rev has a very rich set of tools for doing internet things, 
including building a simple browser.  It's just that they are not 
obvious without a little digging.

I just went through this in my Revolution class.  If you're 
interested, take a peek at my class web site at
Click on the Lecture notes link and look for Revolution and the 
Internet link.  I have summarized most of the commands that have to 
do with web and internet capabilities of Revolution there.

In addition to this, look at the Transcript Dictionary entry for 
link style text and check the see also popup for related commands 
and functions that allow you to check links downloaded with html text.

BTW, if anyone happens to look at my web site and sees anything I got 
wrong or left out, drop me a note.

Devin Asay
Humanities Research Center
Brigham Young University
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-22 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 1:22 PM -0700 2/22/02, Scott Raney wrote:
But did you actually try this?  It *doesn't* work that way in either
MC or HC now.  If you don't see it, try increasing the loop count (you
may need to at one zero for HC, and about 3 in MC/RR ;-)

Maybe this script will make it clearer:

on mouseUp
  repeat with i = 1000 down to 1
put i
  end repeat
  put the mouse
end mouseUp

If this is in a button, click the button once, and (in either HC or Rev or MC) you 
will see the message box count down from 1000 to 1, and then display up

If you click the button, and then press and hold the mouse button (while the countdown 
is displaying), you will see the message box count down to 1 and then display down

If you click the button and while the countdown is in progress click a second time 
(down and up while the countdown is displaying), even though the mouse button is up 
the end message displayed is down



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Re: My Entry for the RR Wish List

2002-02-22 Thread David Vaughan

On Saturday, February 23, 2002, at 04:23 , Rob Cozens wrote:
 Before Revolution,
 CompileIt was my second-most important application behind HyperCard.
 However, it appears from the List traffic that many people still
 find the need for externals.

 I would be willing to pay a seperate license fee for a tool that would
 allow me to create externals scripted in Transcript.

 Rob Cozens, CCW

Strong support for this idea from me, Rob


 Where but America can the person who lost the popular vote become
 President without a coup?
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Re: tools and commands relating to the web

2002-02-22 Thread PERPHARMACEUTIC
Hi Devin,

I visited your site (nice), you have a lot of valuable-related information there; I will definitely be reviewing your lessons. I am still puzzled over how to create a browser field (for building a browser); all I can find on the tools palette are standard text fields/boxes. 

Or, are you saying that by using the htmlText function, that when you get a URL address, a regular text field/box will display the actual web page, not just the html code?

Also, what Rev command would be used in a browser to refresh; would just repeating the get URL command accomplish this?

Thanks much


resizing window via card properties

2002-02-22 Thread PERPHARMACEUTIC

I cannot figure out how to resize a window via the card properties, the width/height settings there are not focused (active), and therefore cannot be adjusted. I can adjust the window size from the stack-properties, but that sizes all the cards/windows. I want to be able to size each card/window separately.

Isn't each card a window? I am confused.



RR1.1 Animation Tutorial problem

2002-02-22 Thread dave test

I know that there's an easy solution to this, and that, by definition, any
question about the tutorials is a newbie question, but...

In the Animation Tutorial, if I follow all of the directions (double
checking all of my object and animation names) the script/button for Show Me
will only work once.  Once the reset button is clicked, somehow the
animation breaks.

From hints on the screen refresh, it's still running the animation
offscreen.  It just doesn't leave the text field in middle when it's done.

If anybody needs me to send them the stack, I can do that (it stuffs to a
little over 2K right now) but I'm not enough of a newbie to post it to the
list :-)

Thanks in advance for any assistance that you can provide.

Dave Ramsey

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Re: RR1.1 Animation Tutorial problem

2002-02-22 Thread PERPHARMACEUTIC
Hello Dave,

I had what sounds to be the same problem happen to me yesterday. What I had to do was get the coordinates of the animated object at it's frame 1 location, then went into that object-properties and put in the coordinates from the first frame into the properties coordinates (bottom of the object-properties card.

Then everything worked fine. It must be a bug.

I hope that heps ya.


Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-22 Thread Curry

Scott Raney wrote:

 But did you actually try this?  It *doesn't* work that way in either
 MC or HC now.  If you don't see it, try increasing the loop count (you
 may need to at one zero for HC, and about 3 in MC/RR ;-)
 My real question is, given that you're confused about this, how many
 other people must be, and if a lot, does this behavior really need to
 be preserved?

I tried this:

on mousedown
  put the mouse
  repeat 5 times
wait 1 second
put the mouse
  end repeat
end mousedown

In Revolution 1.1.1 Beta 1, it would accurately show if you had kept holding
the mouse all the time, had released it once, or had released and pressed it
down once more--but it wouldn't show up again if you released it the
second time. That's not too bad. But even better: adding with messages to
the wait achieved perfect accuracy.

Then I tried this:

on mousedown
  put the mouse
  repeat 5
repeat with i=100 down to 1
end repeat
put the mouse
  end repeat
end mousedown

That time, it only said down and kept saying down, despite every effort to
make it do otherwise.

Adding wait 1 millisec with messages after the inner repeat loop, however,
made it perfectly accurate about the mouse button state. So, at least a bit
of tinkering can yield a great result. (I think I've used this technique to
use the polling function inside repeat loops also.)

As far as the question, should the behavior be maintained if people aren't
aware of the exact details, it misses an important point. People don't know
the exact behavior of some feature until they need it and try it. No one can
be on top of every detail at every time. (Except of course the great teams
that produce MC and Rev!) But you have to realize, this is your career and
your specialty. Every aspect of our lives involve technologies we use on a
daily basis but do not fully understand.

But people do have expectations about things which they use and care about,
even though they aren't always completely up to date or up to speed on the
details. And I'm betting that when people do need to try out this kind of
feature, this is what the vast majority would anticipate: that the mouse
simply returns up when it's up and down when it's down.

That's what I expect. Of course, absolute perfection is difficult, so I
would ask that the behavior aim for perfection and stop where it is
practical. If it behaves well in most situations and needs a bit of
tinkering now and then for special situations, just like any piece of
equipment, then it's acceptable.

I think it would be perfect if the capability were there for those people
who need to avoid the mouse polling functions in making the very
best-behaved software for the most savvy operating systems, but retaining
the ability to poll the mouse singly or in repeat statements for people who
aren't on such a strict keyword diet.

I think that using the mouse, the mouseLoc, and similar functions once, a
few times in a handler, in a repeat loop, or at intervals after actions or
waits (adding with messages is no incovenience) is very important for
typical scripting as it has always worked.

Without these keywords and capabilities, the result wouldn't truly be xTalk
any more in my opinion. I don't want a situation in the future where I'm not
able to script a line like repeat until the mouse is up. I want to be able
to avoid it when necessary, but I always want the option to be there. This
type of thing is why I'm here right now with this product in the first

I consider the use of these functions to be typical scripting style. I want
a product that continues to support this style. I also appreciate being able
to use other methods when they are called for, but to my viewpoint, that
doesn't take away from the polling functions; it just means that they are
not suited for certain special situations.

I would assert that right now, they are adequate for the great majority of
situations, and those special situations are a minority. So, I think that
removing or disabling these polling functions would be a huge overreaction
to a finite problem. If something needs to be adjusted, that's okay, but the
adjustment shouldn't extend far beyond what's necessary to solve the

All I'm saying is that we need these functions. Let people avoid them when
necessary, but keep them full-strength and usable for when people do choose
to use them. How it's done technically doesn't matter too much as long as
the behavior is as close to the expected behavior as possible in most
situations--single use, multiple single uses over time in a handler, and in
repeat loops.

If I got mixed up in my previous post with the technical terms and the
synchronouslies, my apologies! :-) This time I've avoided all such lingo to
make sure it's clear what I'm proposing. In short, I'm opposed to
depracating the polling functions. (With the exception of the mouseClick,
which I couldn't care less about.) Suggesting that people don't use them for

Re: resizing window via card properties

2002-02-22 Thread Terry Vogelaar

 I cannot figure out how to resize a window via the card properties, the
 width/height settings there are not focused (active), and therefore cannot be
 adjusted.  I can adjust the window size from the stack-properties, but that
 sizes all the cards/windows.  I want to be able to size each card/window
 Isn't each card a window?  I am confused.

Not each card is a window, but each stack is a window. So you can do two
- Make a substack for each card with another size.
- Write a preOpenCard handler in each card script that resizes the stack
  to the proper dimensions.

Which of the two is best depends on your project.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-22 Thread Curry

Scott Raney wrote:

 My real question is, given that you're confused about this, how many
 other people must be, and if a lot, does this behavior really need to
 be preserved?

Originally, I thought the answer to this should be yes, but perhaps it
should be no--it depends on what the question means.

If preserving the behavior means keeping every little detail compatible with
HyperCard, then certainly not. It would be great if the polling accuracy
could actually be improved and better than HyperCard, and polling after the
long repeat loop in the example would return the correct value, even though
it doesn't in HyperCard and the current version of MC.

I think the behavior doesn't have to be preserved in every detail as it is
now, but the functions themselves should be retained and kept working as
well as now or better--with the only criteria for judgment being on how
accurately they return the true state of what is being polled; if it's
different than HyperCard but better than HyperCard, then let's go there!

So, there are my answers to both possible meanings I can see in the
question. (I know, the question was directed to someone else, but I hope you
don't mind me taking it up, since it's a good question.) I really hope that
the MC team considers the big picture and does the right thing in fully
retaining these functions while making any necessary adjustments. Now, I'm
going to try to think about something else for a while!


Curry Kenworthy

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Remain focused

2002-02-22 Thread David Vaughan


Ah! So there IS something better in RR. Ignore my earlier/later HC 


On Saturday, February 23, 2002, at 04:41 , Ken Ray wrote:


 Set the traversalOn of the button to false. Then it won't make the 
 lose focus.

 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site:

 - Original Message -
 From: Terry Vogelaar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:34 PM
 Subject: Remain focused

 Silly problem: I made a toolbar that should do the same thing as the
 menubar. But commands like copy and paste don't work in the toolbar
 buttons, because as soon as I click on a button, the text field loses 
 focus and there is no text selected anymore. Any suggestions?


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Bug Reports go where?

2002-02-22 Thread Dave Ramsey

I really hate buggy tutorials...

In the OSX version of RR (I don't know if the same problem exists
elsewhere), using the geometry manager, try to set the horizontal
positioning to maintain distance as percentage and the vertical positioning
to keep center -20 pixels from the bottom.  It looks like it works.  Then
click back and forth between the horizontal and vertical sections a few
times.  The horizontal will change to a Keep center... setting.


Dave Ramsey

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Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-22 Thread Richard Gaskin

 My real question is, given that you're confused about this, how many
 other people must be, and if a lot, does this behavior really need to
 be preserved?

As long as the docs provide clear examples of how to live without it,
migrating away from it should not be a problem in the long run.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 1.9: Publish any Database on Any Site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

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