Re: Evaluating Valentina in Rev

2002-03-31 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 9:06 AM -0800 3/27/2002, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
Can anyone give me some pointers towards using Valentina in Revolution
(given that I've not used Valentina at all in any other form)?  I thought
I'd seen an item about what was now bundled with the currentversion - but I
can't now track it down.

The doc updates for Valentina will be in the final docs version but here's
a quick overview of connecting to a Valentina db:

revdb_connect(databaseType,[host],databaseName,[userName],[password] \

For a Valentina database, you specify Valentina as the databaseType and
leave the host, userName, and password empty.

For Valentina databases, the databaseName is the path to the file that
contains the database. (Note that this is a native file path for the
platform - not a Rev-normal, Unix-style file path.)

The valentinaCacheSize is the size of the database cache used for Valentina
databases. The minimum cache size is 512K. If the valentinaCacheSize is not
specified, the database cache is 3 megabytes.

The valentinaMacSerial or valentinaWindowsSerial is the serial number that
unlocks the Valentina VXCMD. (On Mac OS and OS X systems, specify a
valentinaMacSerial and leave the valentinaWindowsSerial parameter empty. On
Windows systems, specify a valentinaWindowsSerial and leave the
valentinaMacSerial empty.) If no valentinaMacSerial or
valentinaWindowsSerial is specified, the connection times out after ten
minutes (this is the demo mode).

get revdb_connect(Valentina,,::Project:MyVal.vdb \
   the serialNumber of this card,)
get revdb_connect(Valentina,,G:\data\expense.vdb \
   field Valentina serial)

1.1.1rc1 has bundled a demo version of the Valentina engine. This times out
ten minutes after connecting. You can license the Valentina VXCMD from
Paradigma Software and supply the serial
number, as noted above, to get rid of the timeout.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Halfway through Mac Classic 1.1.1 Tutorials

2002-03-31 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 10:21 AM -0800 3/21/2002, Rob Cozens wrote:
1. Often when trying to copy scripts from the tutorial to the script
editor, option-drag to select the text causes the object containing
the script to be deselected, which minimizes the script editor
window.  This also happened when I  accidently pressed the command
key instead of the option key.  Once I reselect the object, the
script window opens  I can paste the text; but it's disconcerting
when it first happens.

One way to avoid this is to click the Link icon at the top right of the
script editor window, so the editor will remain open even if the object is
deselected. (I am not all that happy with the option-drag solution - it's
mainly a stopgap until we have drag-and-drop between windows.)

B. How does one create an animation where the object changes size or
shape instead of position?

Just set the object the way you want it in the first and last key frames.
The animation will change the object's rect as well as its location
continuously through the animation.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: numerical bug

2002-03-31 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 7:30 AM -0800 3/30/2002, Ivers, Doug E wrote:
Please be aware that  put 10^-1

...if you have previously set the numberFormat to .## or

When reporting bugs such as this, it is generally better to note all
factors leading to the problem - this avoids both unnecessary alarm
(exponentiation doesn't work!) and wasted testing time, and thus makes
everyone happier. ;-0

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-31 Thread Rob Cozens

It is not the loop, it is addition.

Dar, et al:

I think there's more to it than that:


on testMod
   put 249 into var1
   put var1 into var2
   add 1.0 to var1
   repeat 10
 add 0.1 to var2
   end repeat
   put (var1=var2)((var1 mod 5)=(var2 mod 5))
end testMod

The first test always resolves to true...only the second test yields 
a false result.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-31 Thread Michael D Mays

Richard Gaskin of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 3/31/02
10:00 AM

 Interestingly, when you type  put 5 mod 5 (or 255 md 5 or other number
 divisible by five that fails when inside a loop) into the Message Box the
 result is 0.
 Stranger still, if you rewrite the line like this so that the loop var is
 evaluated outside of the rest of the statement:
 do put loop tab loop mod 5  return after msg get 0.

The reason it works in the msg box is because you are using a different
number. Inside the loop the number is
254.99988631316227838397 not the 255 you typed.

If you set the numberFormat large enough you will see that loop is never
255. And also your do statement in the loop will fail.

The situation is that when you convert .1 to binary and add it to 255 it is
actually adding a binary number whose value is a little less than the value
of decimal .10. .1 has no exact binary representation. if the increment were
some inverse power of two everything would 'work' the way we expect it to.

When you were using the do statement you are forcing loop to be converted to
a string at the precision of the default numberFormat (since you didn't set
it to anything else). This string is 255. When you increase the precision of
the numberFormat to max precision the string is


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-31 Thread Dar Scott

On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 11:54 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

 I think there's more to it than that:
   put (var1=var2)((var1 mod 5)=(var2 mod 5))

I think you are right.

on mouseUp
   set the numberFormat to 0.#
   put (1+.001)  linefeed after field Report
   put (1+.001) = 1  linefeed after field Report
end mouseUp



Equality between numbers seems to either have a tolerance, 
round/truncate digits or round/truncate internal bits.  
(Mathematicians would concerned about the first; the tolerance 
method means = is not an equivalence relation and transitivity 
goes out the window.)

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-31 Thread Michael D Mays

Dar Scott of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 3/31/02 11:49 AM

 It is not the loop, it is addition.  Every Revolution number (a
 priori) has a potential error.  This accumulates.  (I say a
 priori because some numbers, can be represented exactly.)

It is not a bug. This is just the way MOD and decimal numbers which are
represented as binary numbers work.

It is not just a Revolution problem.

The error does not accumulate. Try summing a million .10. There is no

Run this handler.

on mouseUp
  set the numberFormat to \
  put .10,.100012,.100013 into inc
  repeat with j=1 to 3
put item j of inc into incc
put 0 into a
repeat with i=1 to 10
  add incc to a
  put a into a
  put 0.i into ii
  put ii   a into line i+(j-1)*10 of fld 1
end repeat
  end repeat
end mouseUp


use-revolution mailing list

Change in numbers (was MOD function ...)

2002-03-31 Thread Dar Scott

On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 02:10 PM, Ian Summerfield wrote:

 I'd like to see a change though, something that allows me to define a
 precision to n decimal places.

So would I.  I made a recommendation for one way this could be done 
on the improve list a couple days ago.  And an addendum 
yesterday.  You can probably find it in the list archives at  (Pretty rash for a newbie, I admit.)

It suffers from some limitations.  Perhaps it needs scientific 
notation.  Also, base conversion and bit functions might be best 
improved at the same time.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Once were numbers...

2002-03-31 Thread David Vaughan

 On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 02:10 PM, Ian Summerfield wrote:

 I'd like to see a change though, something that allows me to define a
 precision to n decimal places.

Sorry to be contrarian but in relation to this now extended thread my 
principal amazement is at the breathless amazement of the discussants 
over this issue.

I also own an HP49G, which might be considered the ant's pants in 
programmable graphic engineering calculators. It is not an Infinite 
Precision machine but is considered accurate to 12 digits (and uses 13 
or 14 internally to achieve this). It also has an exact mode in which 
it returns integer fractions rather than decimal fractions for answers 
(e.g. enter 5 / 2 and it returns 5/2, not 2.5).

If you want precision, temper your expectations with a little knowledge 
of how computers work and recognise that 15 or more digits of actual 
precision means deadly accurate answers to 12 decimal places for pretty 
much anything that might be expected in a language of this nature.

The posts which raise problems of equalities are easily fixed if you pay 
attention to the fact that you are supposed to be comparing to zero or 
one decimal place (in the examples published). Do those who bemoan this 
inaccuracy and its influence on the expectations of the 
over-impressionable ever worry too much about the fact that MS Excel has 
corresponding internal errors?  Amazingly so, of course. It only runs on 
the same 32-bit computer with the same OS(s).

Time for me to retreat under cover before the flying brickbats land.


[post script: not aimed at you, ian, or indeed anyone in particular. I 
just needed to grab a post as a hook for the reply]

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