Director MX and Revolution

2002-12-03 Thread Simtech Publications
> I think that there will be many Hypercard users starting to
> see the final writing on the wall and will be looking for
> another programme

I'm a long time Director user and I participated in the recent Director MX
beta tests. Knowing what Director MX looks like I'm  more inclined than ever
to update all of my special educations programs in Rev instead of Director
so they run under Mac OS X. While Director MX itself looks lovely with its
new aqua interface it produces movies with almost none of the OS X GUI
elements, not even jellybean buttons, radio buttons or checkboxes. At least
not in the last beta that was available to us before they shut the tests
down. Completely unbelieveable! I hope for the sake of Director users that
the release version will correct this but I highly doubt it. For my part,
I'm switching to Rev.

Cheers... Bill Lynn, Publisher
Simtech Publications

use-revolution mailing list

Re: the message box

2002-12-03 Thread Rob Cozens
can one get the exact name of the msg fld &

Hi Eric,

I just played with this with ClickClock.  A handler would "put empty" 
under certain conditions, and was opening the message box on 
openStack.  I tried 'if the visible of window "Message Box"' without 
success.  The way I got it to work was based on the fact that a 
specific message had to be in the Message Box if I needed to clear it:

if there is a window "Message Box" then
  if message is "Designate the minute by clicking on it." then put empty
end if

I haven't a clue why 'if the visible of window "Message Box"' 
wouldn't work.  If I remember corectly, "if message is not empty" 
didn't work either.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Director MX and Revolution

2002-12-03 Thread Troy Rollins

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 08:04 AM, Simtech Publications wrote:

Knowing what Director MX looks like I'm  more inclined than ever
to update all of my special educations programs in Rev instead of 
so they run under Mac OS X. While Director MX itself looks lovely with 
new aqua interface it produces movies with almost none of the OS X GUI
elements, not even jellybean buttons, radio buttons or checkboxes. At 
not in the last beta that was available to us before they shut the tests
down. Completely unbelieveable! I hope for the sake of Director users 
the release version will correct this but I highly doubt it. For my 
I'm switching to Rev.

Glad to have you here, Bill. But, at my place anyway, we use both 
Director and Rev. We use Rev when it has to look and work "like an 
application." My point is - Director has *never* had the things you 
mentioned, why would it now? That's not what it is about. Director is 
aimed at those who want to design every last bit of the interface and 
experience. We added Rev to our toolbox because Director is ill-suited 
to developing "applications", however we still feel it is *extremely* 
strong at its own field - multimedia, interactive, online...

I, for one, am looking forward to D-MX almost as much as Rev 2.0

This is gonna be fun...

RPSystems, LTD

use-revolution mailing list

Revolution in Classis, Virtual PC?

2002-12-03 Thread Mark Swindell
I've read where after the first of the year new Macs won't be able to boot
into OS 9.  I'm curious how it behaves under Classic, and, for that matter,
Virtual PC.  Is anyone building for all three systems on a single Mac?


use-revolution mailing list

revprintfield script

2002-12-03 Thread Steve Messimer
hi folks

I am trying to get a script to work and I haven't had much luck.  Here's the
script any one have any suggestions?

on mouseUp
  put the short name of the owner of me into myOwner
  put the short id of field "fldGrp" of grp myOwner into myID
  revPrintField ("field" && myID)
end mouseUp

I can't see why this doesn't work. My ID contains the proper number w/o
quotes. What am I doing wrong?  If I type the ID into the script this works
w/o probs.  



Stephen R. Messimer
Messimer Computing, Inc
208 1st Ave South
Escanaba, MI 49829

System information: Mac OS 9.2.2/ Mac OS X 10.1.5, RR 1.1.1r2, Macintosh G-4
450, RAM 512 MB

use-revolution mailing list

Re: revPrintField prob

2002-12-03 Thread Steve Messimer

Figured this one out myself. :-)  Jeanne writes such good docs!

Heres the script that works.  Why would you want to do this extra scripting
you say?  Well the field in question is part of a group that is being pasted
in from a template and the button can't know ahead of time the number of the
field as this is variable nor can it now the name of the subsumming grp.

on mouseUp
  put the short name of the owner of me into myOwner
  put the number of field "fldGrp" of grp myOwner into myNum
  revPrintField ("field" && myNum)
end mouseUp



use-revolution mailing list

Re: revprintfield script

2002-12-03 Thread Richard Gaskin
Steve Messimer wrote:

> hi folks
> I am trying to get a script to work and I haven't had much luck.  Here's the
> script any one have any suggestions?
> on mouseUp
> put the short name of the owner of me into myOwner
> put the short id of field "fldGrp" of grp myOwner into myID
> revPrintField ("field" && myID)
> end mouseUp
> I can't see why this doesn't work. My ID contains the proper number w/o
> quotes. What am I doing wrong?  If I type the ID into the script this works
> w/o probs.  

Try this:

   revPrintField the long ID of field ID myID
 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.1: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Classis, Virtual PC?

2002-12-03 Thread Richard Gaskin
Mark Swindell wrote:

> I've read where after the first of the year new Macs won't be able to boot
> into OS 9.  I'm curious how it behaves under Classic, and, for that matter,
> Virtual PC.  Is anyone building for all three systems on a single Mac?

I _build_ for all three systems on my Mac, but I have several tweaking
sessions natively in each OS I'm deplying to.

I'm glad I'm not Apple come January:  The tomatoes will be flying and I
don't look good in red.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.1: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Classis, Virtual PC?

2002-12-03 Thread Ken Norris (dialup)

> From: Mark Swindell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've read where after the first of the year new Macs won't be able to boot
> into OS 9.  I'm curious how it behaves under Classic, and, for that matter,
> Virtual PC.  Is anyone building for all three systems on a single Mac?
> Thanks,
> Mark
Hi Mark,

I probably missed something because SPEWS backlisted this list (no one knows
why) from my ISP for awhile. Police with too much discretionary power, IMHO.

Having vented that (thanks), what do you mean by "...after the first of the
year new Macs won't be able to boot into OS 9."

I don't think that's true quite yet. What's happening, AFAIK, is that OS
9.2.2 will not be shipped with OSX Jaguar, meaning if you buy a new Mac you
won't be able to boot into OS 9.2.2 because it won't be there. That is,
you'll have to get a copy of OS 9.2.2 and put it on the drive yourself in
order to use OSX Jaguar in Classic, or else partition the HD.

But they won't say much about it because they're trying to wean us off
anything less than OSX, which is nothing but a clone of Steve's NexT OS, his
pet project for 10 years. Prepare to put your propeller beanie cap back on
if you want to use OS 9.

At least that's how it was explained to me several times.

Best regards,
Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Classis, Virtual PC?

2002-12-03 Thread Richard Gaskin
Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

> I probably missed something because SPEWS backlisted this list (no one knows
> why) from my ISP for awhile. Police with too much discretionary power, IMHO.

Someone needs to talk to them.  I hate spam, but I hate missing legitimate
emails even more.  I've never been bitten by SPEWS, but I have been by other

If you're patient and looking at the long term, you could:

1. Write your elected representatives and encourage rapid adoption of
anti-spam laws, specifically those that will prosecute any US-based company
regardless of where the server is (.tw and .ru give the impression that
spammers are keeping the economies of both of those nations afloat).

2. Write whomever's in charge of SPEWS and ask them to kindly employ fewer
shotguns and more lasers.

I've had good results from my correspondences with filter managers
(certainly more rewarding than the canned reply I get from my elected
 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.1: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: revprintfield script

2002-12-03 Thread Rob Cozens
I am trying to get a script to work and I haven't had much luck.  Here's the
script any one have any suggestions?

on mouseUp
  put the short name of the owner of me into myOwner
  put the short id of field "fldGrp" of grp myOwner into myID
  revPrintField ("field" && myID)
end mouseUp

I can't see why this doesn't work. My ID contains the proper number w/o
quotes. What am I doing wrong?  If I type the ID into the script this works
w/o probs.

Hi Steve,

No solution; but a suggestion:

Have you considered scripting this with a handler in the group script 
instead of the individual control?  Eg:

on mouseUp
   switch (the short name of the target)
 case thisControl
   revPrintField the short id of field "fldGrp" -- Thanks Richard

The logic seems more straightforward to me.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Classis, Virtual PC?

2002-12-03 Thread Rob Cozens
2. Write whomever's in charge of SPEWS and ask them to kindly employ fewer
shotguns and more lasers.

Ask them if they bill for their services electronically, and how they 
would feel if their customers could not receive invoices because of 
the actions of someone over whom they had no control.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: "grabbing a tool"

2002-12-03 Thread Barry Levine

Thanks for the pointer. Yes, the "grab" command works well:

on mouseDown
	grab me
end mouseDown

I included a bunch of code from a stack (drag sample) I DL'd from 
somewhere (a reference given to me from someone on this list; forgive 
me, I have a terrible memory for names but wish to say "thank you!"). 
The code checks for the position of the object ("me") and prevents it 
from moving outside of the bounds of the stack.

Now I'm wondering how to determine when the object ("me") I am dragging 
touches another object. In other words, if I drag "me" over an image 
object that is moving around the stack window on its own accord (I have 
set it into motion), how do I know if I have successfully "touched" it? 
It can't be the "mouseLoc" because "me" would have touched it if any of 
the "rect of me" has passed over any of the rect of image "myImage".

The seeds of the answer are probably contained within my question. 
Think of this as "Pong" but all I am worried about is knowing exactly 
when the object I am dragging has passed over ("touched") another 
object (and there may be up to 27 of these "other" objects).

Thanks to everyone on this list (and most especially to Rob and Michael 
Lew and


On Sunday, December 1, 2002, at 03:48 AM, 

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 10:18:24 -0800
From: Rob Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "grabbing a tool"

Am I moving down the correct path?

Hi Barry,

Check out the mouseMove message and grab command in Rev Dictionary.
You shouldn't have to send anything; just script a mouseMove handler
in your image.  Grab may even be a better choice...I have not used it.

Barry Jay Levine
"The Mac Guy"

Macintosh Troubleshooting, System Engineering, Training,
AppleShare/OSX Server Setup, System Upgrades and Enhancements,

On-Site service for K20, Business, Consumer

Phone/VoiceMail: 915-581-1105
Fax: 915-581-8167

MacOS X: It does. You can. It will.
WindowsXP: Insert wallet into Drive A: Press any key to empty

use-revolution mailing list

Re: System Language

2002-12-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Monte Goulding"  wrote:

> I just found this gem from Scott Rossi on the list archives:
> Does anyone know how to get this data for Mac systems?

I've asked several developer colleagues about this without success, and
wound up pursuing a contact at Apple to see if there is anything like the
above available on the Mac.  I have yet to get a response, but if I hear
anything I'll pass it on to the list.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Distribution Crash on Imac bondi, OS 9.2

2002-12-03 Thread malte . brill
Hi list,

I have a serious problem. 
Starter Kit 1.1.1
After I build a distribution here on a colleagues test Imac bondi Os
9.2 reporting error -39. Now what could that be? I tried starting up in
standard and in full OS mode without any unneeded extensions, but still
I have no luck there.

No problem to build a distribution on Mac G4-400 AGP OS 9.04

Has anyone run into this prob. before?

use-revolution mailing list

Colornames to RGB values; was: Re: Illustrating the message path in documentation

2002-12-03 Thread Wilhelm Sanke
On Mon, 02 Dec 2002 Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > (4) How to get the rgb version of a Color specified by name.
> > That is, set the backgroundColor to "Violet1", say.
> > and then, scripted, set the foregroundcolor to something slightly
> > different.
> > Or, to get the backgroundColor in rgb, no matter how it was
> > entered.
> This is a basically unsolved problem. Rev just uses a lookup table to
> get color names vs RGB values. Unfortunately, when you then query the
> color of something that was set using a name, it returns the name and
> not the RGB values.
> If you want to find the complete list, open up the Application Overview
> and turn on Revolution UI stacks in list. Find revColors.rev and go to
> the only card in the only stack. Have a look at the properties and go
> to the Custom tab, then turn on "Show Revolution UI custom properties".
> The cRevColorTranslation property gives you all the names & RGB
> equivalents.
This is indeed not a "basically unsolved problem", but a hard to find
solution. You can find a solution in the script of the Metacard "color
chooser" and adapt it to your needs.
Let`s assume you have set the backcolor of your button 8 with a
colorname like "Aliceblue". Then you get the corresponding RGB value
with the following script:

on mouseUp
  get the effective backPixel of button 8
  set the backColor of button 8 to empty
  set the backPixel of button 8 to it
  put the  backcolor of btn 8
end mouseUp

Hope this information helps.


Wilhelm Sanke

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Distribution Crash on Imac bondi, OS 9.2

2002-12-03 Thread Sarah
-39 is an end of file error, so I would try copying across your 
application again, in case the file got corrupt somehow in the transfer.


On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, at 07:20  am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi list,

I have a serious problem.
Starter Kit 1.1.1
After I build a distribution here on a colleagues test Imac bondi Os
9.2 reporting error -39. Now what could that be? I tried starting up in
standard and in full OS mode without any unneeded extensions, but still
I have no luck there.

No problem to build a distribution on Mac G4-400 AGP OS 9.04

Has anyone run into this prob. before?

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Need a description of how Animations work

2002-12-03 Thread Graham Samuel
I've searched the documentation and the digests, and doubtless I have 
missed something, but I have not found a full description of what 
animations can do.

For example, does an animation assume certain starting and ending 
coordinates for the object to be moved (as set when one uses the 
Animation Manager), or is the movement relative to the place the 
object happens to be when the animation starts? If the first notion 
is right, what if the object to be animated isn't at the starting 
point when the animation is played? (This did come up on the list in 
February, but not much detail was revealed). Really I need some more 
extended description of the animation construct - can animations have 
multiple objects and layers, can the visibility of individual objects 
be altered in flight, can the user be made to interact with them, can 
you synch sounds with them, etc. Anyone know how to find out more 
without hours of experiment? Basically I'm trying to decide whether 
to use animations instead of the filmstrips and simple QuickTime 
movies I used when developing Mac-only apps in Supercard.


 Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Classis, Virtual PC?

2002-12-03 Thread Mark Swindell
on 12/3/02 8:59 AM, Richard Gaskin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mark Swindell wrote:
>> I've read where after the first of the year new Macs won't be able to boot
>> into OS 9.  I'm curious how it behaves under Classic, and, for that matter,
>> Virtual PC.  Is anyone building for all three systems on a single Mac?
> I _build_ for all three systems on my Mac, but I have several tweaking
> sessions natively in each OS I'm deplying to.
> I'm glad I'm not Apple come January:  The tomatoes will be flying and I
> don't look good in red.


What about tweaking using Virtual PC, only for display purposes and
navigation?  Have you, or anyone, used VPC for this and found problems,


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Classis, Virtual PC?

2002-12-03 Thread Richard Gaskin
Mark Swindell wrote:

> What about tweaking using Virtual PC, only for display purposes and
> navigation?  Have you, or anyone, used VPC for this and found problems,
> inconsistencies? 

I haven't had problems with emulators personally, but that's likely becauseI
use them so seldom.

I prefer to have the full-on
holes-and-by-the-way-what's-an-IRQ-setting Windows user experience.  ;)

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.1: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: the message box

2002-12-03 Thread erik hansen

thanks, Rob. the Dictionary says,
"The  keyword indicates the message
"The two-word synonyms message box, message
window, msg box, and msg window can be used only
to show and hide the message box. To put a value
into the message box or read the value in the
message box, use the one-word forms message and

in MC i got good results using the name of the
msg stack and the msg text fld.

in RR, openstacks() includes "Message Box".
i would like to put the full name of the msg
field into a function theMsg() that would be tidy
in a script.

best to wait for 2.0, then see what works,
maybe create a field "myMsg" and use that.

--- Rob Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >can one get the exact name of the msg fld &
> >stack?
> Hi Eric,
> I just played with this with ClickClock.  A
> handler would "put empty" 
> under certain conditions, and was opening the
> message box on 
> openStack.  I tried 'if the visible of window
> "Message Box"' without 
> success.  The way I got it to work was based on
> the fact that a 
> specific message had to be in the Message Box
> if I needed to clear it:
>  if there is a window "Message Box" then
>if message is "Designate the minute by
> clicking on it." then put empty
>  end if
> I haven't a clue why 'if the visible of window
> "Message Box"' 
> wouldn't work.  If I remember corectly, "if
> message is not empty"  didn't work either.


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: revPrintField suggestion

2002-12-03 Thread Steve Messimer
on 12/3/02 7:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

> Hi Steve,
> No solution; but a suggestion:
> Have you considered scripting this with a handler in the group script
> instead of the individual control?  Eg:
> on mouseUp
> switch (the short name of the target)
> case thisControl
> revPrintField the short id of field "fldGrp" -- Thanks Richard
> The logic seems more straightforward to me.
> -- 
> Rob Cozens
> CCW, Serendipity Software Company


As usual when you hang around here you find other ways to do what you had in
mind. I think I am going to stick with the solution I came up with but your
idea has  a lot to recommend it and I will no doubt consider this approach
in the future.

As an aside, I have noticed that folks use parentheses after commands.  It
seems that these can be used after almost any command. I know that
parentheses are used after functions and can be used with properties.  In
What other circumstabses can they be used?



use-revolution mailing list

Mixing & exporting sounds

2002-12-03 Thread Peter Van Schellebeck
Hi there

Does anyone know whether its possible to mix sound files within Rev and then 
allow the user to export a single file based on this new mix?
I can't seem to find much in Rev 1.1.1 about exporting sounds and I'm hoping 
...maybe Rev 2.0 might have more support.

Thanks in advance
Peter Van Schellebeck
use-revolution mailing list

RE: System Language

2002-12-03 Thread Monte Goulding
Thanks Scott

I actually think it's something that should be a built in function.
Particularly for MacOS as the engine does not hide the language menu. But if
there is an applescript/file based or shell solution then I'm eager to hear



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott Rossi
> Sent: Wednesday, 4 December 2002 5:58 AM
> Subject: Re: System Language
> Recently, "Monte Goulding"  wrote:
> > I just found this gem from Scott Rossi on the list archives:
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know how to get this data for Mac systems?
> I've asked several developer colleagues about this without success, and
> wound up pursuing a contact at Apple to see if there is anything like the
> above available on the Mac.  I have yet to get a response, but if I hear
> anything I'll pass it on to the list.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
> -
> W:
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Image Editor

2002-12-03 Thread erik hansen

the image properties image tab has
"open in editor..." then up comes "an installed
converter couldn't open... runrev:temp32.png".
this was after being asked to pick an editor and
apparently making a bad guess. now it won't let
me choose another!

this should probably wait until after RR 2.0, but
is there an internal image editor in RR?


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use-revolution mailing list

RE: Colornames to RGB values; was: Re: Illustrating the message path in documentation

2002-12-03 Thread Monte Goulding

libColor on my site can translate from any of
colorName, RGB, hex, HSV to any of colorName, RGB, hex, HSV. You don't even
need to know the type that you have. Just specify what you want to change it

PS still looking for CMYK scripts if anyone has them.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: System Language

2002-12-03 Thread Terry Vogelaar
> Does anyone know how to get this data for Mac systems?

A silly but maybe useful workaround could be to ask the system weekDayNames.
But that is only useful to choose between a few languages. If it contains
"Saturday" it is English, "Zaterdag" is Dutch, etc.

Don't expect Sunday to be the first day of the list everyware. Australian
systems start with Saturday for example.


use-revolution mailing list

RE: System Language

2002-12-03 Thread Monte Goulding
My Australian XP and OS X systems both have Sunday as the first line of the

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Terry
> Vogelaar
> Sent: Wednesday, 4 December 2002 12:59 PM
> Subject: Re: System Language
> > Does anyone know how to get this data for Mac systems?
> A silly but maybe useful workaround could be to ask the system
> weekDayNames.
> But that is only useful to choose between a few languages. If it contains
> "Saturday" it is English, "Zaterdag" is Dutch, etc.
> Don't expect Sunday to be the first day of the list everyware. Australian
> systems start with Saturday for example.
> Terry
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Image Editor

2002-12-03 Thread Scott Slaugh
the image properties image tab has
"open in editor..." then up comes "an installed
converter couldn't open... runrev:temp32.png".
this was after being asked to pick an editor and
apparently making a bad guess. now it won't let
me choose another!

You can change the image editor in the preferences in the general area.  
There is a button that says Image Editor.  Click on it to choose a new 

this should probably wait until after RR 2.0, but
is there an internal image editor in RR?

I don't know of an internal image editor, but I would like to see one put 
in, or at least some sort of icon editor.

Scott Slaugh

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Classis, Virtual PC?

2002-12-03 Thread revlists

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 04:11 PM, Mark Swindell wrote:

on 12/3/02 8:59 AM, Richard Gaskin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mark Swindell wrote:

I've read where after the first of the year new Macs won't be able 
to boot
into OS 9.  I'm curious how it behaves under Classic, and, for that 
Virtual PC.  Is anyone building for all three systems on a single 

I _build_ for all three systems on my Mac, but I have several tweaking
sessions natively in each OS I'm deplying to.

I'm glad I'm not Apple come January:  The tomatoes will be flying and 
don't look good in red.


What about tweaking using Virtual PC, only for display purposes and
navigation?  Have you, or anyone, used VPC for this and found problems,



I use them both together extensively.  I found that they work well 
together if you have a decent computer.  Emulation will be a bit 
slower, but it does have its advantages.  You can work on the Mac and 
then drag the project over to the PC on the same comp and test it out. 
Because you can do 99% of the work on the Mac, you only need to use the 
emulation for the most part to fix the small differences like fonts...

Best regards,
Mark Talluto

use-revolution mailing list

Double Decker Tab Buttons?

2002-12-03 Thread Mark Swindell
Can anyone point me to examples of double-decker tab buttons in Revolution?
I have too many tabs to fit across the screen and stacking two tabbed
buttons doesn't cut it for various reasons.  And I like the visual file
folder metaphor for this particular project.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: System Language (and user defaults in mac os x)

2002-12-03 Thread Alex Rice

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 07:12  PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

I actually think it's something that should be a built in function.
Particularly for MacOS as the engine does not hide the language menu. 
But if
there is an applescript/file based or shell solution then I'm eager to 

In OS X, the user's language preferences are accessible via the 
UserDefaults system, which you can access via the shell. Or via my 
Cocoa-Revolution bridging external which doesn't exist yet ;-)

However, from the shell type the command:

defaults read NSGlobalDomain

You will see an AppleLanguages array in the listing.

AppleLanguages = (

This array is the "preferred order" for languages as set in the 
International | Language system preferences pane. Note that it's an 
ordered preference; so the Finder, System, etc will use the 1st 
languages, but your applications will be localized depending if they 
support any of the prioritized languages. Other fancy stuff:

defaults read NSGlobalDomain > global-defs.plist
open global-defs.plist

OR to browse all of your user defaults for all of your apps:

defaults read > defs.plist
open defs.plist

The "open" command opens the Apple PropertyList Editor with the plist 
in an outline view. From there you can save it out as XML. Or just 
browse it.

The new UserDefaults system is very good and I highly recommend 
developers to start using it once Revolution can hook into it; or even 
use if from the shell via the defaults command. Compliant apps save 
their user defaults under a domain named "tld.domain.AppName" e.g. 

Although if you are going for more cross-platform ease then using a rev 
stack or text file for saving user defaults probably makes more sense.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

use-revolution mailing list

RunRev on Xserve?

2002-12-03 Thread kee nethery
Just curious, has anyone built a Revolution Standalone that runs on the 
Mac OS X Xserve rack mount server? My understanding is that apps for 
Xserve cannot have an interface, not that you cannot see it but that it 
cannot have an interface.

Kee Nethery

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Double Decker Tab Buttons?

2002-12-03 Thread Chipp Walters
Hey Mark,

I can't point you to any examples...I don't think they exist-- at least not
natively. IMO, though, I really *hate* using them. I can't imagine a more
obtuse interface, confusing and a pain in the neck for users.

I would think a scrolling tab interface (kinda like what Excel does with
sheets) would be better for tabs. An even better interface is like the Prefs
interface in Rev where you have a list on the left which manages controls on
the right.



> Can anyone point me to examples of double-decker tab buttons in
> Revolution?
> I have too many tabs to fit across the screen and stacking two tabbed
> buttons doesn't cut it for various reasons.  And I like the visual file
> folder metaphor for this particular project.
> Thanks,
> Mark
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RunRev on Xserve?

2002-12-03 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- kee nethery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just curious, has anyone built a Revolution
> Standalone that runs on the 
> Mac OS X Xserve rack mount server? My understanding
> is that apps for 
> Xserve cannot have an interface, not that you cannot
> see it but that it 
> cannot have an interface.
> Kee Nethery

Hi Kee,

Of course applications running on XServe can have an
interface. Granted, it's one of those areas where
you're likely to find a faceless program -- but you
need a way to change settings when you hook up a
screen, don't you?
They even made the XServe so that you don't _have_ to
usea monitor to install it, and you can plug one in at
any time and unplug it afterwards, because it uses a
virtual buffer when no monitor is hooked up.
Hope this helped,


"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

RE: Double Decker Tab Buttons?

2002-12-03 Thread Monte Goulding
Then again an option button might do the trick ;-)

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chipp Walters
> Sent: Wednesday, 4 December 2002 4:39 PM
> Subject: RE: Double Decker Tab Buttons?
> Hey Mark,
> I can't point you to any examples...I don't think they exist-- at 
> least not
> natively. IMO, though, I really *hate* using them. I can't imagine a more
> obtuse interface, confusing and a pain in the neck for users.
> I would think a scrolling tab interface (kinda like what Excel does with
> sheets) would be better for tabs. An even better interface is 
> like the Prefs
> interface in Rev where you have a list on the left which manages 
> controls on
> the right.
> best,
> Chipp
> >
> > Can anyone point me to examples of double-decker tab buttons in
> > Revolution?
> > I have too many tabs to fit across the screen and stacking two tabbed
> > buttons doesn't cut it for various reasons.  And I like the visual file
> > folder metaphor for this particular project.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mark
> >
> > ___
> > use-revolution mailing list
> >
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: System Language (and user defaults in mac os x)

2002-12-03 Thread Monte Goulding

> AppleLanguages = (
>  English,
>  German,
>  French,
>  Dutch,
>  Italian,
>  Japanese,
>  Spanish,
>  etc...
> );

I'll parse that. Just need something for OS 9 and my apps can check and load
correct language at startup. COOL!!!



use-revolution mailing list

RE: System Language

2002-12-03 Thread sims
This might be of interest...


From the web page

"System Language is an extension to Applescript that allows a 
scripter to determine in his script what language is being used by 
the system on which the script is running. A numerical language code, 
or the name of the language in plain text is returned based on how 
System language is called by the scripter. One possible use of System 
Language might be to allow scripts to automatically detect and adjust 
to running on systems in different languages."

I actually think it's something that should be a built in function.
Particularly for MacOS as the engine does not hide the language menu. But if
there is an applescript/file based or shell solution then I'm eager to hear



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Colornames to RGB values; was: Re: Illustrating the message path in documentation

2002-12-03 Thread Ken Ray

You might want to look at the Pascal(?) code at Borland's web site and see
if you can convert it to Transcript:,1410,17948,00.html

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

- Original Message -
From: "Monte Goulding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:20 PM
Subject: RE: Colornames to RGB values; was: Re: Illustrating the message
path in documentation

> libColor on my site can translate from any
> colorName, RGB, hex, HSV to any of colorName, RGB, hex, HSV. You don't
> need to know the type that you have. Just specify what you want to change
> to.
> PS still looking for CMYK scripts if anyone has them.
> Cheers
> Monte
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Image Editor

2002-12-03 Thread Dar Scott

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 09:51 PM, Scott Slaugh wrote:

I don't know of an internal image editor, but I would like to see one 
put in, or at least some sort of icon editor.

Not just for buttons but for any system icons needed.  I want to select 
those and let the distribution builder do the rest.

Dar Scott
lazy man in the southern Rockies

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Image Editor

2002-12-03 Thread erik hansen

--- Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 09:51 PM,
> Scott Slaugh wrote:
> > I don't know of an internal image editor, but
> I would like to see one 
> > put in, or at least some sort of icon editor.
> Not just for buttons but for any system icons
> needed.  I want to select 
> those and let the distribution builder do the
> rest.
> Dar Scott
> lazy man in the southern Rockies

maybe go back into MetaCard.


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Image Editor

2002-12-03 Thread erik hansen

--- Scott Slaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can change the image editor in the
> preferences in the general area.  
> There is a button that says Image Editor. 
> Click on it to choose a new editor.

it unstuck, thanks! now i am overwhelmed by all
of the choices. Quicktime didn't freeze, but it
didn't do anything. are there any good default
image editors that come with most Mac 9.2.1s?

if not i may go back into MetaCard to tweak the image.


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: RunRev on Xserve

2002-12-03 Thread Yennie

I've been running Metacard/Rev stacks on an Xserve for a couple months now- all works as normal.
I heard the same scare of no-graphics-card Xserves a while ago in other forums, but I believe it was just a misinterpretation turned rumor. You won't have any problems running GUI apps on an Xserve.


Re: Image Editor

2002-12-03 Thread erik hansen

--- Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 09:51 PM,
> Scott Slaugh wrote:
> > I don't know of an internal image editor, but
> I would like to see one 
> > put in, or at least some sort of icon editor.
> Not just for buttons but for any system icons
> needed.  I want to select 
> those and let the distribution builder do the
> rest.

this may be primitive, but remember fatbits?

choose pencil tool
command click on the image
voila, an internal image editor


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