XML Data sources

2003-08-20 Thread Todd Geist
Hello Everyone,

I am brand new Rev user.  I have a question that involves XML and I think
maybe custom properties.

I have a an XML data source that I want to be able to query and display in
rev stack much like if it were an SQL database.

So far it is a piece of cake to get the XML and create an XML tree.  I can
parse the xml tree pretty easily.  Not bad for a couple of hours of work for
a newbie.  Rev is pretty sweet.

What I am wondering about is what is the best way to go from here.

Does it make sense to leave the data in the XML tree and just march up and
down it when I wish to display the data or should I parse it into some other
structure?  Like, I don't know, custom properties maybe?  Are there
performance issues with keeping the data in an xml tree?

I will eventually be editing the data and sending it back to the data source
so I need to keep track of the Record Modification Count for optimistic
record locking and the record ID when I open the record for editing.  Can I
or should I use custom properties for this or will regular old variables do
just as well?

Does any of this make any sense??

Any other hints and or suggestions would be great.

Thanks very much


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-20 Thread wouter
On maandag, aug 18, 2003, at 16:40 Europe/Brussels, 

Message: 5
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 12:40:16 +0200
Subject: Re: Richmond's big surprise
From: Klaus Major [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Richmond,

welcome back...

So I come back from my holiday (yes, it was lovely, thanks)
and find the following...
RR 2.1 has no FREE 10-LINES of CODE possibility

Why not just SHIT all over us poor bastards/
Richmond Mathewson

Hmm, you hit the nail on the head in your matchless way... ;-)

RR has a new price scheme, and it looks like the StarterKit has no
place in it...
You also missed some heavy threads on this topic.
(Looks like not many people like this...)
Fact is, they won't change it anymore (will they?)...

Sorry that we don't have better news for you... :-(


Klaus Major

There is some good news up till now on the Mac OS X platform (don't 
know about the other platforms by lack of them). A starters kit version 
is still  available if you use the Metacard IDE there
(replace the engine in the Metacard.app with that from the 
Revolution.app and rename it).
 Have a nice day

use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-20 Thread Tuviah Snyder
 Message: 8
 Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 23:09:10 -0500
 From: J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: HyperActive Software
 Subject: Re: DB Access in standalones

 On 8/19/03 6:06 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

  I had problems with database access in standalones at one point but was
able to get everything working.  Here is how my project is set up-
  1) I have one splash stack whic his used to create the executable
  2) The main program (program.rev) and two additional pop-up windows are
.rev files stored external to the executable.
  3) The main program has a sub stack which has all of the database calls
  4) When the executable launches it opens program.rev and hides itself.
  At first, program.rev would simply start using database.rev and that
worked fine in the Rev development environment.  When I built the
Well one thing that you can try is to insert the script of the stack that
has the externals property into front, or back. Currently what's happening
is that Rev sets the externals in the dev environment in such a way that it
is available to all stacks...so it works in dev but may not work in
standalones. The team is working to resolve these issues..but if you have a
recipe and can send sample stacks please send to bugzilla and mark them
something of high priority if they interfare with you using RevDB.

Tuviah Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought

use-revolution mailing list

Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread Heather Williams
Dear listees,

Please don't. Not just because it may cause offence and because I personally
prefer a more moderate tone. It is a simple fact that using such language
actually prevents not only your message, but the entire digest in which it
appears, from reaching a number of list members. Whether you agree with it
or not, whether you think it a symptom of a nanny state or heartily endorse
such policies, many universities for example, have spam filtering in place
which will bounce the entire list if certain words appear in it. I know,
because these bounces end up in my inbox and add to my already extensive
email backlog.

So please, if you feel strongly about an issue, be creative. Use interesting
adjectives. Consider the wording that will get your message across most
effectively. Let your email simmer overnight. And don't use the kind of
language that will get this list marked as potential porn.

With kind regards to the community,

Your listmom


Heather Williams ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Upgrade: where to buy?

2003-08-20 Thread Heather Williams
 Looking at the bottom of the licensing page
 I see Studio  Upgrade from 2.0x to 2.1  $49 (which is an awesome
 price!), but I can find no buy button for these upgrade prices.  If i
 go back to the home page and follow the link for pay for a license
 and then pick upgrades and crossgrades, I can find no reference to
 this $49 upgrade price.  How do I purchase this?  Thanks!

Well... Since 2.1 isn't quite shipping yet, there isn't a product to buy it
just yet. The price is up for your information, so that people can make
informed decisions about which product to buy when.



Heather Williams ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

The Stack Metaphor

2003-08-20 Thread Steve Anderson
Hi there

I am very new to Revolution and am still trying to grasp the idea of 
designing software around stacks and cards.  Bruce Eckel's 'Thinking in 
Java' book really did work!

I am creating an electronic version of the Quran (Islam's Bible) and 
would like some advise on how to proceed.

I have opted to store the contents of the Quran in XML files rather 
than a database as this will mean a very simple installation process 
for the end users.  Each XML file would contain a chapter of the Quran 
(114 chapters in all), each chapter varying in length from just a few 
verses to almost 300.  The software would allow the user to traverse 
(backwards and forwards) through the Quran, one verse at a time and 
would keep a record of the verses visited during any one session (much 
like a web browser).  It is important these features be implemented 
through direct use of Revolution's capabilities wherever possible, 
rather than being custom built by me.

Coming back to the subject of this posting 'the stack metaphor' how 
should I implement the above?  Should I create a card for each verse 
(based on a template)?  Or should I create a single card, whose fields 
I update to show the current verse?  If I opt for the single card 
approach will this force me to create code to remember the verses a 
user has traversed, rather than just using Revolution's built in 
ability to traverse a stack?

Thanks in advance.


Mac OS X... http://www.apple.com/switch

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread Chris Sheffield
Well said.  Thank you.

Chris Sheffield

--- Heather Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear listees,
 Please don't. Not just because it may cause offence
 and because I personally
 prefer a more moderate tone. It is a simple fact
 that using such language
 actually prevents not only your message, but the
 entire digest in which it
 appears, from reaching a number of list members.
 Whether you agree with it
 or not, whether you think it a symptom of a nanny
 state or heartily endorse
 such policies, many universities for example, have
 spam filtering in place
 which will bounce the entire list if certain words
 appear in it. I know,
 because these bounces end up in my inbox and add to
 my already extensive
 email backlog.
 So please, if you feel strongly about an issue, be
 creative. Use interesting
 adjectives. Consider the wording that will get your
 message across most
 effectively. Let your email simmer overnight. And
 don't use the kind of
 language that will get this list marked as potential
 With kind regards to the community,
 Your listmom
 Heather Williams ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
 Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
 ~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions 
 special offers ~~~
 use-revolution mailing list


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread Mathewson
I am completely CHEESED-OFF that a whole spate of rather
silly e-mails have been generated by a message I posted a
few days back which have absolutely nothing to do with the
central point of my message.

Obviously, though, as when walking across the hills,
everybody should walk at the pace of the slowest hiker.

Those of you who have a problem with strong language may
not want to download my latest 'twiddle' from my website
(it uses the word KINKY). However those of you who can cope
with the odd funny word should pop over there and download
my thing.

Love, Richmond

See Mathewson's software at:

Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store! http://www.maclaunch.com/cgi-launch/store/agora.cgi
use-revolution mailing list

The Stack Metaphor / Russian Slide Rules

2003-08-20 Thread Mathewson
1.  I have a copy of Danny Goodman's Hypercard book which I
am willing to send to anyone for the cost of post and
packing - it is a bit dated - however I came to RR via
Hypercard and do believe it is a valuable primer for RR.
It weighs about 1 kg (2 lb) so postage might be relatively
costly (£5 ???).

2. Before my holidays I mentioned that I had some Russian
slide-rules (Geoff Canyon???) - I have now retrieved them
from my secret Bulgarian hideaway.  I have 3 slide-rules
and am willing to offer them for £20 each plus post and

3.Before everybody jumps on me (Let's Bash Richmond) any
money from the slide rules will go to buy a basic RR
licence (so there, raspberries, etc.)

Contact me off list

Richmond Mathewson

See Mathewson's software at:

Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store! http://www.maclaunch.com/cgi-launch/store/agora.cgi
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-20 Thread Devin Asay
Previously, Trevor DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

At first, program.rev would simply start using database.rev and that 
fine in the Rev development environment.  When I built the standalone 
wouldn't work though.  I then added a line which would start using
splash.rev (the rev file that was part of the executable) and then
everything started working great.  I assume that the splash.rev file 
had the
links to the database external and by using it as a library in 
it made the database functionality available to it.  Hope this helps.
I tried this, too, but there was no change in behavior. To reprise: my 
main stack, which basically is a splash and login screen, comes up. I 
am able to authenticate a user against the mySQL database. In fact I 
can keep logging in various users and even add users to the db from my 
login card. But when I go to the substack, which presents a series of 
quizzes whose items are pulled from an item bank in the db, all 
database accesses fail. Then if I go back to the main stack login card, 
I can no longer access the database, but get a 'dberror, invalid 
database type' error. Strangely enough, this error (I think) is 
returned by the db library, so apparently my stack is still finding it.

Hey Rev team! Anyone following this? Help us out here; this is a major 

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Re: Way to cache stacks from web and update when changes?

2003-08-20 Thread Edwin Gore
Is it impossible to check the properties of an unopened standalone from another 

I was thinking that maybe I could get around some of the issues with standalones 
writing to themselves by using a seperate standalone to do the updating. User selects 
update, if there is anything new then the main application launches the updater 
standalone, and quits, the updater waits a few seconds (to allow time for the main app 
to finish quitting) then downloads the updates and overwrites the old files.

The only problem I have run into is that the main app can't check to see if the 
UPDATER app needs to be updated, because I can't seem to check the properties of an 
unopened standalone, and if I open the standalone, well, it's in its own memory space.

I can think of a bunch of ways to get around this, but I am curious about the original 

- --- Original Message --- -
From: Richard Gaskin

One thing to keep in mind about apps is that they
can't write to themselves.
But if you keep most of your likely-to-be-updated
parts as separate stack
files outside of the exe it's a snap to overwrite
use-revolution mailing list

Revolution 2.1 Release Candidate now available

2003-08-20 Thread Heather Williams
Dear Revolutionaries,

We are happy to tell you that Revolution 2.1 Release Candidate is now
available for download and testing. This should be relatively bug free but
may still have minor glitches. If you find any, please do report them via


You can download the Release Candidate here:


For a full description of improvements and fixes in this version, please see
the readme file, the text of which is posted here:




Heather Williams ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Way to cache stacks from web and update when changes?

2003-08-20 Thread Richard K. Herz
Rob Gould wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out a way to write an app that automatically updates
 itself from the web when it determines that a stack on the web-site
 Has anyone done this before?

I do something related in the new net version at www.reactorlab.net.
The approach is described at http://reactorlab.net/intro/tools.htm (link
Building a Rich Client or Internet App in Revolution).

Version info is kept in text files on the server and client, rather than
using a script to get file info automatically.  Disadvantage is that you
have to hand-edit list on server when a new stack is posted, advantage is
that you can keep drafts or backup stacks in the directories and not have
them presented to client.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

About limited time discount.

2003-08-20 Thread Andre Garzia
Hi Folks,

could someone answer a couple questions for me? I am planning to 
finally buy revolution studio version but first I need to know if this 
discount period is due to end soon (like this month.) for it would be 
better for me to buy it next month. Also since I will be entitled for a 
next release free of charge I want to know if Rev 2.1 count as a 
revision or a next release.

Andre Garzia  2003
imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira
use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-20 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Alex,

There is a hide taskbar in version 2.1 :-)

Hope that helps
Klaus, hide taskbar is not in the What's New.txt or documentation in 
2.1 B2.
Although it DOES appear to be implemented in the engine (no errors 
from messagebox).
How did you find out about this command?
Well, i can kinda FEEL these kind of things ;-)

Just kidding, it was in the read me of B3 :-)

Now ihave to test the RC which i just downloaded...


Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: About limited time discount.

2003-08-20 Thread Alex Rice
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 11:10  AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

Hi Folks,

could someone answer a couple questions for me? I am planning to 
finally buy revolution studio version but first I need to know if this 
discount period is due to end soon (like this month.) for it would be 
better for me to buy it next month. Also since I will be entitled for 
a next release free of charge I want to know if Rev 2.1 count as a 
revision or a next release.
The special price ends on Aug 31; I believe the website says this. As 
for your second question, I would like to know the answer too (and have 
asked on the list before). Someone raised an excellent point that, for 
Windows users, version 2.1 really doesn't offer anything new as it's 
mainly enhancements for OS X.

My guess: they are trying real hard to release v2.1 before August 31 
but have not wanted to promise anything- we all know how release dates 
can be slippery.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-20 Thread Alex Rice
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 11:09  AM, Klaus Major wrote:

Now ihave to test the RC which i just downloaded...
Did it work? I tried downloading the RC but I wound up with a copy of 
2.0.2 :-(

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: image pasting

2003-08-20 Thread Ray G. Miller
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:02 PM, Andrew wrote:

 I'm copying them from Claris Works

I may be missing something here, but it sounds like you are making it 
much more complicated than it needs to be...

In Claris/AppleWorks SAVE the pix as .gif or .jpg and then IMPORT that 
pix from MC/Rev.

This has the added benefit that the pix can be opened again in Claris if 
editing is required

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Early versions of RR ???

2003-08-20 Thread James Lewes
I am not sure if this would be kosher. If the folks at Revolution  
central were to approve I have copies of the classic versions of 1.1.1  
and 2.0 that I could send people. As I say I would not do this without  
Heather et al's permission.


On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 09:55  AM, Mathewson wrote:

I notice that early versions of MetaCard are available for
download at http://www.canelasoftware.com/mcmirror.html
I wonder if Runtime Revolution are prepared to release
earlier versions of RR on an equivalent website?  It would
be extremely kind.
Richmond Mathewson

See Mathewson's software at:
Great Macintosh Products
 The MacLaunch Store!  
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Irritated at something, I think

2003-08-20 Thread T. R. Ponn
Hi All!

I'm creating a cross-platform app on my Mac OS9.2.2, Rev 1.1.1...

So.I finsh my app (or nearly) and I want to include a menu bar. 
Hating whitespace(call me anal ;-) ), my graphics extend all the way to 
the top of the window.  Using Menu Manager, I set about building my 
menus and check the Set as Menu Bar on Mac OS box.  Yup...my layout 
gets cropped.  Ah...here's a workaround...move the Menu up off the 
window!  Still looks fine on my Mac (after all, I don't NEED the buttons 
hanging from the top of the window...I have the menus where God intended 
them ;-) )

Now...the rub (I suspect)...are these *not* going to show up in windoze 
and *nix as I think?

If they don't show up, should I be irritated at Rev for not warning me: 
Caution, if you think you're going to need a Menu Bar, step AWAY from 
the top 20 pixels!?

or irritated at...M$ for putting them in a dumb place?
...Apple for putting them in a dumb place?
...Me for when I receive the response: Duh...ya fergot to click the 
Fripnitz button!
...Me for when I receive the response: ya...yer workaround is fine!

NOT liking the odds, here...

Best Regards,

Tim Ponn

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution 2.1 Release Candidate now available

2003-08-20 Thread James Lewes

What is the pass code for this version and how can we get it.


On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 12:47  PM, Heather Williams wrote:

Dear Revolutionaries,

We are happy to tell you that Revolution 2.1 Release Candidate is now
available for download and testing. This should be relatively bug free  
may still have minor glitches. If you find any, please do report them  


You can download the Release Candidate here:


For a full description of improvements and fixes in this version,  
please see
the readme file, the text of which is posted here:




Heather Williams ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-20 Thread Rob Cozens
How did you find out about this command?
You obviously don't have a HyperCard background, Alex.:{`)

Everyone in the local HC SIG knew about hide menubar...and a great 
many preferred it to messing with menus.

I still do.

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles do so grow three.
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
From The Triple Foole
by John Donne 1573-1631
use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-20 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Alex,

On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 11:09  AM, Klaus Major wrote:

Now ihave to test the RC which i just downloaded...
Did it work? I tried downloading the RC but I wound up with a copy of 
2.0.2 :-(

here you'll find RC 1...

Caveat: This engine will work with MC but i got an error telling me:
License too old... :-( (Worked with B3)
We'll have to wait for some word from the company regarding MC...

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-20 Thread Alex Rice
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 12:16  PM, Rob Cozens wrote:

How did you find out about this command?
You obviously don't have a HyperCard background, Alex.:{`)
You are correct. :-) In Hypercard's glory days I was a college student 
(liberal arts) for some reason was never really exposed to Macs or 

Everyone in the local HC SIG knew about hide menubar...and a great 
many preferred it to messing with menus.

I still do.
Hmmm... so instead of having a gratuitous File | Edit | Help menu you 
just hide the menu? That's an elegant solution I like it. For 
multimedia/edu/game apps it makes sense.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Way to cache stacks from web and update when changes?

2003-08-20 Thread Chipp Walters
--I'm trying to figure out a way to write an app that automatically updates
itself from the web when it determines that a stack on the web-site changes.
Has anyone done this before?

I pretty much develop all my projects to be self-updating. After a
considerable amount of evolution, this is the process I've finally settled

I first create a startup splash screen stack. This stack is minimal and
ONLY has the following functions:

1) Builds and checks the correct folder paths (like one for Plugins,
Tempfiles, etc..). I typically use:

put specialFolderPath(35) into tPath

On Windows, this sets tPath to:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
which is accessible to all users regardless of permissions. Sometimes, a
user cannot install an executable in the C:/ProgramFiles folder. Also, this
assures all *other* RR files downloaded by my app end up in the *same*
place. I will of course append tPath with /myCompany/appName before
installing any files.

2) Checks and verifies internet connection
3) Then checks against a server page (or can be a text file on a server) the
latest version of itself. If it finds there is a newer version, it asks if
the user wishes to update. If Yes, it issues a:

revGoURL http://.mydomain.com/myNewSplashScreenInstall.exe;

and quits itself. This will launch a web browser, go to a web page and begin
downloading the new version of the executable. The reason I use a web page
in this instance (instead of having RR do it) is because I want to be
absolutely positive I can download the correct executable and have it
installed over the recent version. Plus, it's a lot simpler. The idea, is
that the Spash Screen stack should be very simple AND reliable. It should
not change much, so this rare event shouldn't be too much problem. All the
other downloads are 'live' and done by RunRev.

4) If the Splash Screen is the latest version, then it checks to see if the
Main Stack is already downloaded. It checks the folder the Main Stack is
supposed to be in, if it's not there, then it proceeds to automatically
download it 'Live':

put URL http://www.mydomain.com/mainstack.rev; into URL (binfile:  the

where the defaultFolder has already been set up to point to the correct

5) If the Main Stack already exists:

if exists(stack Main.rev) then..

then check the version number of it (could be a field or custom prop)
against a version list previously downloaded. If there is a newer version,
prompt the user and then if 'OK', download it.

delete stack Main.rev --removes from memory
put URL http://www.mydomain.com/mainstack.rev; into URL (binfile:  the

6.) Once the current version of the Main stack is downloaded, launch it. It
may also have plugins and can manage the plugin downloads itself. I prefer
the Main stack managing all other downloads because it is important to keep
the 'Splash Screen' as simple as possible, so as not to change it very
often. The Main stack can be changed and updated much easier.

I hope this helps...


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread Dar Scott
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 07:14 AM, Heather Williams wrote:

It is a simple fact that using such language
actually prevents not only your message, but the entire digest in 
which it
appears, from reaching a number of list members.
And my own mental filters may prevent it from reaching me.

I _am_ offended by such language.
I can usually see past that, but often when I do, I don't like what I 
see.  (People often do not concur with my perceptions, though.)  Given 
that, I often do not bother to look past the language.  I have an 
abundance of places where I can learn and can help.

I have no idea whether my feelings represent any non-fringe population 
of this list audience.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Getting the 2.1RC1 file

2003-08-20 Thread Wally Rodriguez
The link gets me to the 2.0.2 request for temp license and downloads 2.0.2
not 2.1rc1

Any ideas...

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Way to cache stacks from web and update when changes?

2003-08-20 Thread Edwin Gore

Thanks a lot for the excellent tutorial - this is going to be very helpful in building 
my auto-update feature (Which is pretty critical, considering that I suck and need to 
put out constant updates...)

I'm wondering though if there would not be some value in having everything done in the 
startup app, and having a hidden field or a custom property that has all the info 
about where to look for updates and what to update. Just thinking from a reusability 
standpoint - much easier to maintain it all in one plce, I mean.

After a
considerable amount of evolution, this is the
process I've finally settled
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language

2003-08-20 Thread Edwin Gore
I suffer from this as well. I usually am much less well disposed to people who use 
strong language on lists. In real life, off-the-cuff discussions I am much more 
forgiving (though it still colors my perception - It's amazing I love my wife so much, 
she swears like a sailor), but on a mailing list, where you have the time to think 
through what you are saying, it really tends to bug me.

- --- Original Message --- -
From: Dar Scott

I can usually see past that, but often when I do, I
don't like what I 
use-revolution mailing list

Path Management tricks

2003-08-20 Thread Edwin Gore
Some of the things that Chipp mentioned in his post about auto-updating got me to 
thinking...How do others do their path management?

I started off being stupid and going through all the steps to set up a path and then 
set the defaultfolder to it. Then I crawled out of the sea and started using functions 
to do it instead. Now, I am up in the trees using the following single function with 
parameters in a backscript:

(feel free to steal from it)

function getPath pathType, category, section
  switch pathtype

  case app
set the itemDelimiter to /
put item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of \
  stack aassist into thePath
set the itemdelimiter to comma
  case document
set the itemDelimiter to /
put item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of stack \
  gDocument into thePath
set the itemdelimiter to comma
  case image
if char 2 of field imagefolder of card 1 of stack \
  gDocument  : then
put getpath(document)  /  field \
  imageFolder of card 1 of stack gDocument into \
put field imagefolder of card 1 into thePath
end if
  case htmlFolder
put gHtmlFolder  / into thePath
  case htmlCatFolder
put stripchars(category) into category
put getPath(htmlFolder)  category  / into thePath
  case htmlSubFolder
put stripchars(category) into category
put getPath(htmlCatFolder,category)  section  / \
  into thePath
  case htmlImage
put getPath(htmlFolder)  images/ into thePath
  case ftpFolder
put field ftpHost of card 1 of stack gDocument  / \
   field ftpDir of card 1 of stack gDocument into \
  case ftpCatFolder
put stripchars(category) into category
put getPath(ftpFolder)  category  / into thePath
  case ftpSubFolder
put stripchars(category) into category
put getPath(ftpCatFolder,category)  Section  / \
  into thePath
  case ftpImage
put getPath(ftpFolder)  images/ into thePath
  end switch

  return thePath

end getPath

The biggest advantage is that since I have everything for all pths in one place, I 
don't have to remember what has a trailing slash and what doesn't, since it's all at 
least in one place.

What I am wondering is, what are other people doing? Any responses from those walking 
upright on land, or even better, using fire, would be greatly appreciated.
use-revolution mailing list

Ambient Sound

2003-08-20 Thread Javier Miranda V.
Dear friends, I remember in the old times the use of ambient sounds 
with the Appple Media Tool, it permited to play a sound files in the 
background, without interruptions, glitches or stutter.
Is there any way to implement it in RR?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Getting the 2.1RC1 file

2003-08-20 Thread Alex Rice
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 01:38  PM, Wally Rodriguez wrote:

The link gets me to the 2.0.2 request for temp license and downloads 
not 2.1rc1

Any ideas...
The link on the runrev.com homepage is broken- it leads to 2.0.2. Use 
the link in the email from Heather instead:


Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

The Menu Bar on Mac Os ;- (was: Re: Irritated at something, I think)

2003-08-20 Thread Dom
T. R. Ponn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Caution, if you think you're going to need a Menu Bar, step AWAY from
 the top 20 pixels!?

Same punishment with MetaCard ;-

When I thought that the problem was solved, I ended with a card which
didn't understood that there were a menu bar ;-

You have to put the menu bar on a background -- but by places you have a
card which shifts...

My solution: to put the menu bar on a dedicated substack!
I cloned the one you can find in mctools.mc and modified to suit my
needs (you will certainly find a counterpart in Rev -- unless you are
not permitted to do such things in Rev ;-) 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Ambient Sound

2003-08-20 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Javier,

Dear friends, I remember in the old times the use of ambient sounds 
with the Appple Media Tool, it permited to play a sound files in the 
background, without interruptions, glitches or stutter.
Is there any way to implement it in RR?
you can do so by using an invisible or offscreen palette window with 
just one player in it...

I did and it works fine :-)

OR group one player and place that group on every card,
in case you are in an one-stack environment...
Hope that helps...



Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread Barry Levine
I am the owner of a Yahoo Group and part of our welcome message is 
a warning about offensive language and personal attacks. That welcome 
message was not suggested by Yahoo; I came up with it and enforce it by 
tossing members who disregard the warning. Up to now I've only had one 
individual I've had to ban. This is a list with over 500 members that 
generates about 900 messages per month. Civil people understand the 
advantages of available resources.

I don't think anyone on this list has a, shall we say, delicate 
enough constitution to find a problem with ticked off or damn if 
they're self-directed, as in: Wow, am I ticked off about that damn 
programming mistake I made yesterday...

However, we can surely draw the line somewhere; and I think we all know 
where that somewhere is without specificity.

I consider this list a most valuable resource which permits me to pick 
the brains of those who have already been through the mistakes I make. 
Accordingly, I try to treat everyone in the manner in which I hope to 
be treated when the day comes that I can provide such help to other 

Just in case I haven't mentioned it lately: Thank you to all who have 
provided resolutions/workarounds to the problems I have encountered (or 
caused myself) with Rev. Whatever its shortcomings, it's still the best 
IDE extant.

use-revolution mailing list


2003-08-20 Thread Javier Miranda V.
Dear friends:
I have the following scenario. What would you do?:
I have been comissioned to administer a MacOS X Server (and set-up it), 
it will support the intranet, a web-portal, publish databases and 
somehow aid in the collaborative production of some consulting work 
that will be done by groups of persons.
My first thought was to use FileMaker as the database and some weblog 
software to run the collaborative part and maybe the portal (I am 
taking a close look to pmachine the sw the people at revjournal are 
Now I have begin to wonder where RR can be used, I'm sure there are 
things RR can handle with efficiency and ease of use.
Any ideas?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread Mark Brownell
I said: Wait a second, I wanted to say a$$**le, sh*t, t*rd, f*rt, 
b*tthead,  d*ckhead...

On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 05:14  PM, erik hansen wrote:

--- Shao Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
you just did ;-)

Wait a second, I wanted to say...
I'm sorry. My only excuse is that I'm used to Psychologists cursing at 
each other freely on a major discussion list of Gestalt practitioners 
around the world. They blaze away with all the four letter words. So I 
was joking. I was illustrating the ridiculousness of using such words 
to discuss software development difficulties. I was aware that this 
rarely happens on this list. I didn't know that it would bounce 
messages. Now I will go into the corner for a time out.


use-revolution mailing list

RE: Help with related listfields.

2003-08-20 Thread Edwin Gore
If I am understanding what you are doing correctly, I think that the easiest way to 
handle it would be hiding and showing multiple fields for the documents.

When the user adds an application on the right side, your application creates a new 
field called somthing like appDocs 1 then when the user clicks on that application 
in the future, you have a script like 

on mousedown

lock screen

repeat with x = 2 to the number of fields on this card
hide field appDocs  1
end repeat
-- the above assumes that you have only 1 field on the 
-- card other than the document fields

show field appDocs  the hilited line of me

unlock screen
end mouseUp

- --- Original Message --- -
From: yoy 

Here's where I'm stalled. When the user chooses an
application from the app
listfield, I want the document list to change to
show only that apps
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Getting the 2.1RC1 file

2003-08-20 Thread Edwin Gore
Go to the ftp site. I had the same problem.


- --- Original Message --- -
From: Wally Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 15:38:23

The link gets me to the 2.0.2 request for temp
license and downloads 2.0.2
not 2.1rc1

Any ideas...

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Test - Please ignore

2003-08-20 Thread Todd Geist


Todd Geist

g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

web hosting - web design - application design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Irritated at something, I think

2003-08-20 Thread Richard Gaskin
T. R. Ponn wrote:

 If they don't show up, should I be irritated at Rev for not warning me:
 Caution, if you think you're going to need a Menu Bar, step AWAY from
 the top 20 pixels!?

Or just select all and move down 20 pixels when you add a menu bar.

Mac's the odd one out here again:  all other OSes have the menu bar where
Fitts' Law tells them not to, at the top of the window.

Rev's solution is perhaps the simplest of all multi-platform dev tools:  you
just make your stack as you would for any other platform, and the menus are
automatically hidden on the stack and drawn in the menu bar on Mac OS.  No
extra coding, no fuss, no muss.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.FourthWorld.com
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Irritated at something, I think

2003-08-20 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/20/03 1:15 PM, T. R. Ponn wrote:

So.I finsh my app (or nearly) and I want to include a menu bar. 
Hating whitespace(call me anal ;-) ), my graphics extend all the way to 
the top of the window.  Using Menu Manager, I set about building my 
menus and check the Set as Menu Bar on Mac OS box.  Yup...my layout 
gets cropped.  Ah...here's a workaround...move the Menu up off the 
You'll have problems on any OS that isn't a Mac. Rule of thumb is that 
if you want to have a menu bar, the top 20-30 pixels in the stack do not 
belong to you. They belong to your menu bar. Since you already have 
objects in the stack, you'll need to make the stack taller, push all 
existing objects down by that amount, and place the menu group into the 
space at the top. It is easier to just create a menubar first on new 
stacks before placing any other objects, but you can make room for one 
after the fact by moving everything.

For more info and a script to help you push everything downward, read here:


Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Methods of embedding browser in Rev

2003-08-20 Thread Edwin Gore
Altuit has come out with altBrowser, which I believe is the current name of what was 
known as Leo Browser.

If you go to http://www.altuit.com/webs/altuit2/RunRev/altBrowser.htm
you can learn more about it. Right now it's Windows only, but they are entertaining 
demands for a Mac version.

I use it in my Amazon Assistant application, and it's been wonderful. Download it at 
www.shinra.com/amazonassistant/ if you want to get an idea of what sorts of things are 

- --- Original Message --- -

Looking through all
the archives, I've found the LEO browser as a means
of embedding a
web-browser into Revolution stacks. It
doesn't appear to be selling
yet, or if it is, I'm missing the link. Are
there any other options?
I'd love a cross platform solution (Mac/Win) if
such a product exists.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread erik hansen

--- Mark Brownell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I said: Wait a second, I wanted to say a$$**le,
 sh*t, t*rd, f*rt, 
 b*tthead,  d*ckhead...
 On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 05:14  PM, erik
 hansen wrote:
  --- Shao Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  you just did ;-)
  Wait a second, I wanted to say...
 I'm sorry. My only excuse is that I'm used to
 Psychologists cursing at 
 each other freely on a major discussion list of
 Gestalt practitioners 
 around the world. They blaze away with all the
 four letter words. So I 
 was joking. I was illustrating the
 ridiculousness of using such words 
 to discuss software development difficulties. I
 was aware that this 
 rarely happens on this list. I didn't know that
 it would bounce 
 messages. Now I will go into the corner for a
 time out.

why? did not refer to your ironic asterix.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.erikhansen.org

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

General license questions

2003-08-20 Thread Dar Scott
I have some general license questions.  I hope it is OK to ask general 
questions here as others might elaborate on the questions, supply 
interpretations and also appreciate answers.

The new license table has a Create applications for column.  I assume 
that means standalones and all licenses can build stacks for all 
platforms.  Is that correct?

I assume that WIN32 for the time being is one platform.  Is that 

Are printed manuals included in Enterprise renewals?
Uh, I guess other questions come later.


Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

RE: General license questions

2003-08-20 Thread Monte Goulding

 I have some general license questions.  I hope it is OK to ask general
 questions here as others might elaborate on the questions, supply
 interpretations and also appreciate answers.

 The new license table has a Create applications for column.  I assume
 that means standalones and all licenses can build stacks for all
 platforms.  Is that correct?

 I assume that WIN32 for the time being is one platform.  Is that

 Are printed manuals included in Enterprise renewals?

Not when I renewed ;-(

Mind you at the time I could have just paid for shipping and I would have
got them (special deal). I didn't bother because the 1.1.1 ones are still
sitting on my shelf looking good as new ;-)



use-revolution mailing list

Unique ID on Win

2003-08-20 Thread curry
Is there a way to uniquely identify a Windoze computer or the startup 
drive thereof without using shell (to avoid the Norton AutoProtect 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: General license questions

2003-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
Frankly, I was really pleased to find that I could get a new set of 
manuals just for shipping cost when I renewed my professional (now 
enterprise) license.

On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 08:42 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

I have some general license questions.  I hope it is OK to ask general
questions here as others might elaborate on the questions, supply
interpretations and also appreciate answers.
The new license table has a Create applications for column.  I 
that means standalones and all licenses can build stacks for all
platforms.  Is that correct?

I assume that WIN32 for the time being is one platform.  Is that
Are printed manuals included in Enterprise renewals?
Not when I renewed ;-(

Mind you at the time I could have just paid for shipping and I would 
got them (special deal). I didn't bother because the 1.1.1 ones are 
sitting on my shelf looking good as new ;-)



use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: General license questions

2003-08-20 Thread Monte Goulding

 Frankly, I was really pleased to find that I could get a new set of
 manuals just for shipping cost when I renewed my professional (now
 enterprise) license.

I didn't say it wasn't a pleasing idea but I just find using the online docs
is far better for my workflow, therefore filling up my shelves with more
boos is not a high priority. I understand though that some people like to
read the manual in the bath and it's not that safe to take in the PowerBook



use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #1801 - 16 msgs

2003-08-20 Thread Ken Norris
on 8/20/03 2:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

 Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:21:07 -0600
 Subject: Re: Using strong language on the lists
 From: Dar Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Unique ID on Win

2003-08-20 Thread Ken Ray
You could write a VBS file and launch it from Rev, but you would
probably butt heads with Norton anyway.

You could put the hostName() - that might work if the host is uniquely
named and doesn't just return localhost.

Sorry, don't have any other ideas that don't involve shell(),

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/ 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of curry
 Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 7:47 PM
 Subject: Unique ID on Win
 Is there a way to uniquely identify a Windoze computer or the startup 
 drive thereof without using shell (to avoid the Norton AutoProtect 
 use-revolution mailing list
 http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use- revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread Mark Brownell
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 03:01  PM, erik hansen wrote:

why? did not refer to your ironic asterix.
Did it refer to using the asterisked expletives that look similar to 
what I earlier used and later apologized for using on this list?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: General license questions

2003-08-20 Thread Dar Scott
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 06:42 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

Not when I renewed ;-(

Mind you at the time I could have just paid for shipping and I would 
got them (special deal). I didn't bother because the 1.1.1 ones are 
sitting on my shelf looking good as new ;-)
I did order them, but they have not arrived.  I assume they are taking 
a long time.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-20 Thread Ken Norris
 Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:21:07 -0600
 Subject: Re: Using strong language on the lists
 From: Dar Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I _am_ offended by such language.
 I can usually see past that, but often when I do, I don't like what I
 see.  (People often do not concur with my perceptions, though.)  Given
 that, I often do not bother to look past the language.  I have an
 abundance of places where I can learn and can help.
 I have no idea whether my feelings represent any non-fringe population
 of this list audience.
FYI, this is also exactly how I feel.

Cusswords are like pondscum floating around on the very surface of the
brain...quick and easy to get to, but nasty and infectious.

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Way to pass Rev mouse coords over net?

2003-08-20 Thread rgould8
My boss wants me to see if it's possible to write a Rev app that will allow him to be 
in NY on his laptop running a Rev app and moving his mouse over an image, and his 
subordinates would be back at the office here in VA (behind a firewall), seeing his 
mouse move over the image as he's on the phone pointing at elements on-screen.

Right now, I have a Rev app that lets us both look at an image that's pulled from a 
central server (outside the firewall), while we're in different locations.  The part 
I'm not sure how to implement is the part that passes the X,Y coordinates of his mouse 
to the Rev apps that we're running.

I'm sure I could write something that would write a text file to the server, but that 
would be incredibely slow.  I'm not up on server ports and socket communications, but 
I'd be willing to bet that's how Timbuktu does it.  I'd somehow need to set up a 
server outside the corporate firewall with a port open that sends/receives 2 
coordinates (X,Y) and makes them available for the Rev clients behind the firewall to 
poll (receive) and them I'd set a graphic mouse to those coordinates.  Anyone think 
this is possible, or know how to set up a server to pass data like this?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Way to pass Rev mouse coords over net?

2003-08-20 Thread Dar Scott
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 10:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone think this is possible, or know how to set up a server to pass 
data like this?
Yes, I think it is possible.  See screenMouseLoc and click.

I am comfortable with sockets, but in this situation I used pcAnywhere. 
 I'd suggest Timbuktu or pcAnwhere or, uh, I forgot the name, that 
free one.  On a LAN, I'd say roll your own.  But, either way can work.

If you tell the firewall admin you need pcAnywhere access to a 
particular machine, the admin will understand.  If you say you want to 
set up a special service, things might go slower.  The admin might 
understandably be concerned that your are giving up some control 
without any security.

You might respond as I often do:  But _I'm_ the admin!  Just say and 
say whether you still want to roll your own.

(Another approach is to have multiple panels for the same 

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Way to pass Rev mouse coords over net?

2003-08-20 Thread Monte Goulding

 My boss wants me to see if it's possible to write a Rev app that
 will allow him to be in NY on his laptop running a Rev app and
 moving his mouse over an image, and his subordinates would be
 back at the office here in VA (behind a firewall), seeing his
 mouse move over the image as he's on the phone pointing at
 elements on-screen.

 Right now, I have a Rev app that lets us both look at an image
 that's pulled from a central server (outside the firewall), while
 we're in different locations.  The part I'm not sure how to
 implement is the part that passes the X,Y coordinates of his
 mouse to the Rev apps that we're running.

 I'm sure I could write something that would write a text file to
 the server, but that would be incredibely slow.  I'm not up on
 server ports and socket communications, but I'd be willing to bet
 that's how Timbuktu does it.  I'd somehow need to set up a server
 outside the corporate firewall with a port open that
 sends/receives 2 coordinates (X,Y) and makes them available for
 the Rev clients behind the firewall to poll (receive) and them
 I'd set a graphic mouse to those coordinates.  Anyone think this
 is possible, or know how to set up a server to pass data like this?

Take a look at the simple chat stack on the contributor list.
A simple way to do it would be as follows:

Your boss's version uploads a text file containing the IP of his laptop.
Then opens a  port to accept connections: probably 80 is the easiest if he
doesn't have a personal web server. All the people behind the firewall check
the file for the IP then connect to the laptop. From there all you need to
do is have a mouseMove handler on your boss's laptop as follows:

on mouseMove x,y
  repeat for each line tLine in the openSockets
write x,y to socket tLine
  end repeat
end mouseMove

Then for everyone behind the firewall you:

on readMouseLoc
  read from socket sSocket for 1 line with message setMouseLoc
end readMouseLoc

on setMouseLoc pSocket,pLoc
  put pLoc
end sMouseLoc

Well... anyway that's a completely untested start ;-)



use-revolution mailing list

Externals Dev-C++

2003-08-20 Thread Monte Goulding


Has anyone ever compiled the external.dll with Dev-C++? I'm getting linker
errors from libraries that I assume are standard windows libraries. I think
Dev-C++ uses MinGW. I'm assuming that they were written with MS Visual C++
in mind If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. I did manage to
compile a stripped down version of the example externals (just sprintf).



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Way to pass Rev mouse coords over net?

2003-08-20 Thread Edwin Gore
The free one is VNC (http://www.realvnc.com/), and i's certainly the way
to go. If you bother trying to do this in Rev you will not only cry, but
your application will be slower and less capable than using VNC.

I did mention that you would cry, right?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: Way to pass Rev mouse coords over net?

 On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 10:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Anyone think this is possible, or know how to set up a server to pass
  data like this?

 Yes, I think it is possible.  See screenMouseLoc and click.

 I am comfortable with sockets, but in this situation I used pcAnywhere.
   I'd suggest Timbuktu or pcAnwhere or, uh, I forgot the name, that
 free one.  On a LAN, I'd say roll your own.  But, either way can work.

 If you tell the firewall admin you need pcAnywhere access to a
 particular machine, the admin will understand.  If you say you want to
 set up a special service, things might go slower.  The admin might
 understandably be concerned that your are giving up some control
 without any security.

 You might respond as I often do:  But _I'm_ the admin!  Just say and
 say whether you still want to roll your own.

 (Another approach is to have multiple panels for the same

 Dar Scott

 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list