Re: How Rev saved Thanksgiving

2003-11-24 Thread Scott Rossi
On 11/23/03 6:35 PM, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 send answer GoToBed? with Yes to me in 30 seconds
 works, as does
 send answer GoToBed? with Maybe  to me in 30 seconds
 send answer GoToBed? with No  to me in 30 seconds
 does not!
 Interesting. It must be an engine thing, because it fails in MetaCard too.

Technically, the answer expression should be written like this:

send (answer  quote  Go to bed!  quote  with  quote  no 
quote) to me in 30 seconds

...otherwise the expression is not formatted correctly.  I would estimate
(without being on the inside) that the fact that the above examples worked
can be chalked up to a fluke in the engine.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: mouseDown across multiple buttons

2003-11-24 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Scott,

I would like to drag across a grid of buttons and have them change 
their hilite as the mouse enters them... rather than needing to click 
them one at a time. With the mouse being down, I'm having trouble.  
I've tried some things with mouseMove x,y coordinates but have been 
unsuccessful.  Anyone have an idea?
As far as i know the ONLY message sent with the mouse down is 

Hope that helps...

Scott Morrow

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

cgi create card script question

2003-11-24 Thread pbower
My basic problem:

 I can create a card in a stack using buttons and the command line but this fails when 
the command is given from an otherwise fully functional cgi script.details.

running apache on a linux computer:
I have  a stack test1 in my cgi-bin folder
I have cgi scripts running mc executing everything just fine except

for the life of me when I have this code in the cgi script.

start using stack test1
create card
save stack test1
close stack test1

nothing happens.
The rest of the script runs without a hitch.

if I directly open stack test1 from within Revolution  and from the message box type 

create card

or even

send create card to stack test1

this works just fine, a new card is created.

Any thoughts why the same commard when run from inside a cgi script will not execute?
The permissions are set correctly on the stack for read/write/execute.

I am at a loss.


use-revolution mailing list

HLP: Saving content of fields in a standalone

2003-11-24 Thread Thierry Olive

I've built a standalone (for Mac OS X) with editable fields. Users can 
add information in these fields.
How can I save the new content of these fields so that when the 
standalone is reopened this new text is still visible to other users?
is there aonther solution than saving  the content in a text file and 
then retrieving it. Is there a possiblity to save this text without 
using an external file?
Thanks for any help.

Thierry Olive
Charg de Recherche au CNRS / Research scientist
Laboratoire Langage  Cognition - CNRS
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Socit
99, avenue du Recteur Pineau
F-86000 Poitiers
use-revolution mailing list

Re: cgi create card script question

2003-11-24 Thread Alex Rice
On Nov 23, 2003, at 3:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

for the life of me when I have this code in the cgi script.

start using stack test1
create card
save stack test1
close stack test1
nothing happens.
The rest of the script runs without a hitch.
Peter, maybe the save stack is failing because the user owning the 
CGI process does not have write permission on stack file test1. Web 
servers often run as user nobody, and so it can be tricky getting 
permissions just right. However, some web servers have CGI setup as 
suexec, which runs the CGI process as your username instead of nobody.

If the permissions issue doesn't pan out, then I would check the web 
server error_log file for any messages from runrev

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
use-revolution mailing list

Re: cgi create card script question

2003-11-24 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Peter,

On Nov 23, 2003, at 3:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

for the life of me when I have this code in the cgi script.

start using stack test1
create card
save stack test1
close stack test1
nothing happens.
The rest of the script runs without a hitch.
i don't know if this also applies to cgi stacks but try this:

set the defaultstack to test1
create cd
save stack test1
close stack test1
Start using xxx only adds the scripts etc... of that stack to the 
message hierachy...

Hope that helps...

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Using Yahoo/Geocities services within RunRev

2003-11-24 Thread Alejandro Tejada
Hi Revolutionaries,

Is possible to read/send Yahoo Mail 
and upload files to a Geocities
account from within RunRev?

Checking the projects in sourceforge,
I found a software to allow reading
and posting Yahoo mail using Outlook
or Eudora.

So, I wonder if anyone is making something
similar within RunRev.

Uploading files to Geocities, could be
straightforward, but I don't have the
experience to use wisely Get and Post...

Thanks in advance.


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Re: mono sounds to left and right sound channel

2003-11-24 Thread Trevor DeVore
I don't know if this is the best way but you could use the QuickTime 
external I have been working on.  You could set up two players and and 
set the pan of one to the left and the other to the right using 
qtSetTrackBalance(revPlayerID, TrackIdentifier, Value).  Check out the 
documentation for acceptable values.

The external is available from  You will need to 
wait until I upload the next version since I fixed a bug where the 
sound track in a qt movie wasn't being found correctly.  I will be 
posting that later today and will post to the list when I do.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
On Nov 24, 2003, at 11:50 AM, Axel Buchner wrote:

Does anyone know how to take two mono sounds and play them 
simultaneously to different sound channels, one to the left and one to 
the right channel?

I need to do this with a large number of sounds using random pairings 
of sounds which is why combining the mono sounds to appropriate stereo 
sounds is not an option (it would take forever). For HyperCard and 
MacOS 9 I had an XFCN that did the job, but with Revolution and MacOS 
X I am lost.

Thanks, Axel
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: About from the OSX-Menu

2003-11-24 Thread Thierry Arbellot
On Monday, November 24, 2003, at 09:21 PM, R. Hillen wrote:

Hello Thierry,
Hello Richard,

thank you for your mails, which were a great help for me.
You're welcome

You are right; shutdownrequest works also from the icon in the dock; 
there was another error so I misinterpreted, what I saw:

I have a handler in my substack

on shutdownrequest
answer Finish? with no or yes
if it is No then exit to top
save this stack
close this stack
end shutdownrequest
If I quit from the dock (or the quit-Menu) and answer No, nothing 
happend, what is ok.
If I quit again I get no question and the stack finishes at once.
At this time I don´t see, why.

Have you try this ?
- put the handler in the main stack script, not in a substack
- if you open another stack file (e.g. by using the command go stack 
anotherstack.rev ), put the shutdownRequest handler in both stacks.

Thanx for your help again.

Hope it helps.



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 15:37:25 +0100
From: Thierry Arbellot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Quit from the OSX-dock
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
(I tried shutdownrequest, but it failed)
Strange, It does work in my standalone. (MacOS X 10.2.8, Rev 2.1)
I can request to quit from the dock and receive the shutdownrequest
Actually, what happens in your standalone ? does it quit or not ?
I know, there is a problem if you use several stack files, you must
check the shutdownrequest message in each stack !


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 00:11:36 +0100
From: Thierry Arbellot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: About from the OSX-Menu
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
A menupick in the help menu does work fine in my app.

script is :

--The following menuPick handler was generated by the Menu Builder.
on menuPick pWhich
   switch pWhich
   case Help
--Insert script for Help menu item here
   case About
--Insert script for About menu item here
   end switch
end menuPick
Hope it helps.

On Sunday, November 23, 2003, at 11:47 PM, R. Hillen wrote:

RunRev-Standalones all have a File-Menu with About.

Somebody knows, how to intercept choosing the About-Menu?

(I tried menupick, but it failed.)

Thanx in advance

Richard Hillen

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database - Update from Data Entry/Query form

2003-11-24 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Melvin Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have successfully implemented a Query By Example
 call from a button on 
 my data entry/query form.
 I am, however, having problems implementing an
 Update (Modify) statement.
 The script for the Update button uses global
 variables to hold the value of 
 each field within a row at the time that row is
 fetched (via Query, Next 
 or Previous).  These (saved) variables have a
 prefix of s_ (ie. s_city, 
 s_state,  s_zip, etc.).
 The script also uses local variables to hold the
 value of each field at the 
 time the update is executed.  These (current)
 variables have a prefix of 
 c_ (ie. c_city, c_state, c_zip, etc.).
 Functionality within a mouseUp handler compares
 the saved value of each 
 field to its current value, via a series of
 if/then/else statements and 
 places the elements of a SQL Update statement into
 I have successfully tested the resulting syntax
 against my database, via 
 However, when I attempt to execute modification of a
 field (or fields) from 
 the form, the update fails - each and every time.
 The triggering mechanism within my script is
 expressed as:
 revSetSQLOfQuery PeopleUpdate, tSQLQuery
 I have also tested with the revExecuteSQL call.
 Is there a better means of executing the update? 
 How should I approach 
 Add button functionality?
 Your suggestions are most sincerely appreciated.
 Melvin Cox

Hi Melvin,

There are basically two ways of updating the records
in the database: either by ticking the checbox Update
after editing in the Database pane of the Property
Inspector ; or by writing an UPDATE query like you did

(You could adapt your closeField handler for this
purpose, and build a custom property set to hold the
changed fields' new contents.)

Once you have collected the necessary information into
a query, you can execute it via :
  revExecuteSQL name of an existing query, \
the SQL query to execute
There's no need to change an existing query ;
revExecuteSQL needs the name of an existing query
solely for its database connection information.

If you still get an error, there is probably something
wrong with the query.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 2, Issue 121

2003-11-24 Thread Ray G. Miller

From: J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How Rev saved Thanksgiving
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
On 11/23/03 8:31 PM, Bruce Laidlaw wrote:



send answer GoToBed? with Yes to me in 30 seconds

works, as does

send answer GoToBed? with Maybe  to me in 30 seconds


send answer GoToBed? with No  to me in 30 seconds

does not!

Interesting. It must be an engine thing, because it fails in MetaCard too.


Might be a Scottish thing

send answer GoToBed? with Nae to me in 30 seconds

really works... ;-)

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491
use-revolution mailing list

Re: serialControlString

2003-11-24 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, November 24, 2003, at 09:30 AM, Thomas J McGrath III wrote:

below is the response from the creator of the MacBrick:
I don't know how to send a hex number or how to receive a dot.
When sending a V000(version number)  to the device I do see the green 
light on the device blink and the driver does show up in the menu in 
It is best if you precede each command with an escape char (hex 27). 
This will draw MacIO's attention. MacIO will respond with a . (dot).
After receiving the dot, or shortly after sending the esc char 
(microseconds), you can send your command.
The Command  V000  should indeed provide you with a response, 
unless the number of byets sent to MacIO is incorrect. (the demo app 
shows the commands it outputs to MacIO, so you can easily check this, 
but I think 5 chars is indeed the command length).

When experimenting, check and report result() every time you do serial 

Tom has a typo, I think.  The escape character (ESC) is 27 decimal and 
1B hex.  You can send it like this:

write numToChar(27) to driver /dev/cu.usbserial-3B1

There are several ways you can read the dot.  I think that is simply 
the period character.

You can do this in an experiment:

read from driver /dev/cu.usbserial-3B1 for one character

The character read will be in it.  The read might fail, though.

I would rather do this:

read from driver /dev/cu.usbserial-3B1 until empty

That will return right away and will get whatever was received already 
and in the buffer.  You will need to have a delay and you can put them 
into a loop.  That might be in an outer loop that checks for the dot.  
(Later, when you learn about send, use that.)

You might want to put that at the start before sending the ESC to clear 
the buffer.

After getting the dot, do this:

write V000 to driver /dev/cu.usbserial-3B1

Then read until you get the data you want.

I have found that on OS X the write needs to end in a LF with the 
serial drivers I use.  I think this is a Revolution bug.  A LF after 
the ESC might botch the command, though.  If it does, try sending the 
ESC and command as a single string with a LF at the end, maybe with two 
ESC at the start.  If you are having trouble on OS X, try variations of 

write numToChar(27)  numToChar(27)  V000  LF to driver 

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list


2003-11-24 Thread Tim . Farmer

I will be out of the office starting  11/24/2003 and will not return until

Tim Farmer

use-revolution mailing list

Border screen artifacts on dynamically moving button on Windows

2003-11-24 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Ok, more Windows aggravatiom for a presentation I have made  which, if 
you don't mind a long download, (11 meg, 155 pieces of art embedded)  a 
little dose of Saivite Hinduism and some beautiful graphics, you can 
view the beta version of at:

the main presentation card that does the slide show uses a 
transparent button whose icon is dynamically set to different images 
that live as resources on card two (which the user never sees). I put 
in a handler to allow the user to reduce or enlarge the artwork, and 
move the button on the screen accordingly.

This is implemented by simply trapping,
in the stack script,  for a mouseup on the button artwork
on mouseup
  if the target contains artwork then viewFullArt
end mouseup
## This handles does the job of pulling an id for the art and resizing 
it up or down:

on viewFullArt
  put (3000+gNowShowing) into tPicture
  if the width of image id tPicture = 540 then ## we need to reduce the 
hide fld sideViewText
lock screen
set the rect of image id tPicture to 0,0,290,290
set the loc of btn artwork to 369,171
show fld slokaTitle
show fld SlokaText
unlock screen with visual effect dissolve fast
## our user on windows is now seeing a border around the button
  else ## it's already reduced and we need to enlarge it
hide fld slokaTitle
hide fld slokaText
put fld slokaTitle  cr  cr  fld slokaText into fld 
show fld sideViewText
set the loc of btn artwork to 279,279
lock screen
set the width of  image id tPicture to 540
set the height of image id tPicture to 540
set the textstyle of line 3 of fld sideViewText to bold
set the textsize of line 3 of fld SideViewText to 18
  end if
## our user now says the border of the button in it's previous location 
persists at that location
end viewFullArt

Very simple and works beautifully on a Mac and also on many Windows 
machines. But one windows tester reports:

Left click on image enlarges pic to page left but outlines pic with 
lined box,  with text moving to page right.  A second left click and 
shrinks to page center top, text moves to bottom (all as expected from 
format) but box persists.  The single line box is now centered and 
towards top, but size is so large that it cuts through titles and 
sloka text.
The text is dominate in title areas, but in sloka area text coexists 
with box
outline.  In the sloka area the with box outline and the text both 
appear as if
someone on an old typewriter overstruck the text with a hyphen.
I don't know precisely what is going on  as I cannot replicate the 
problem... but it appears that, though the button is transparent and 
the showborder is false, showfocusborder is also false, that we are 
getting some border artifact bleed through-hangover in the dos 
machine's video card nevertheless. The difference in the fields 
appearance is because I have set some of them to opaque and others to 
opaque=false (transparent fields) which I can fix, (all should be 
opaque) but the issue is I can figure out is the appearance and 
persistence of a border for the button when their should be none.

Can anyone help? Is this a known issue? Any work arounds? Can any one 
replicate this? (download and try on your windows machine.) I don't 
know what else to turn off for the button... I see I have it set to 3D 
(a default) maybe that is it... or some more locking and unlocking 
needs to be done to force the video card to refresh? Does the 3D 
property affect the appearance of a border even if the showborder is 


Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Making Screensavers with Revolution

2003-11-24 Thread Jim Lambert
I am making a screensaver for Windows OS by changing the .exe extension
my Rev Standalone to .scr.  It works great and displays as expected


but it does not quit after a mouse movement or key command.  Does anyone
know the
function or call sent out by Windows to the .scr to trigger the screensaver
to quit?

Isn't it the responsibilty of your app to quit if a key is pressed or the
mouse moves, rather than the OS'?

Maye you just need:

on mousemove
end mousemove

on keydown whichKey
-- and maybe a pass in here someplace
end keydown

jim lambert
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.541 / Virus Database: 335 - Release Date: 11/14/03

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Making Screensavers with Revolution

2003-11-24 Thread Mike Brown
Hi Jim,

I tried the mousemove method:

on mousemove
End mousemove 

But it does not work on the Windows OS for a screensaver application (.scr).
The screensaver will launch from Windows but immediately quits as if you
moved the mouse... Even if the mouse is completely stationary.

It is my understanding that Windows handles all of the functions of a
screensaver made in the .scr format but your application has to have a
function that waits for the Windows message sent to it to know when to quit.

I need to know what that message name is or how it is implemented.  I did
some searching around but haven't found anything yet...


Mike Brown
Cyber-NY Interactive

 From: Jim Lambert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 14:09:44 -0800
 Subject: RE: Making Screensavers with Revolution
 I am making a screensaver for Windows OS by changing the .exe extension
 my Rev Standalone to .scr.  It works great and displays as expected
 but it does not quit after a mouse movement or key command.  Does anyone
 know the
 function or call sent out by Windows to the .scr to trigger the screensaver
 to quit?
 Isn't it the responsibilty of your app to quit if a key is pressed or the
 mouse moves, rather than the OS'?
 Maye you just need:
 on mousemove
 end mousemove
 on keydown whichKey
 -- and maybe a pass in here someplace
 end keydown
 jim lambert
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.541 / Virus Database: 335 - Release Date: 11/14/03
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Making Screensavers with Revolution -sb-OS

2003-11-24 Thread Monte Goulding

 Hi Jim,

 I tried the mousemove method:

 on mousemove
 End mousemove

 But it does not work on the Windows OS for a screensaver
 application (.scr).
 The screensaver will launch from Windows but immediately quits as if you
 moved the mouse... Even if the mouse is completely stationary.

You might want to try something like the following:

local sOldMouseLoc

on mouseMove x,y
 if sOldMouseloc =  then put x,y into sOldMouseLoc
 if sOldMouseLoc  x,y then quit
end mouseMove

 It is my understanding that Windows handles all of the functions of a
 screensaver made in the .scr format but your application has to have a
 function that waits for the Windows message sent to it to know
 when to quit.

 I need to know what that message name is or how it is implemented.  I did
 some searching around but haven't found anything yet...

Rev doesn't have such a message. You need to handle the events yourself
(which should be easy).



use-revolution mailing list

RE: Making Screensavers with Revolution

2003-11-24 Thread Ken Ray
Do you already have a mouseMove/rawKeyDown handler to trap user input in
your Rev app?

If not, that would most likely be the best approach, IMHO...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Mike Brown
 Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 12:15 PM
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Making Screensavers with Revolution
 I am making a screensaver for Windows OS by changing the 
 .exe extension of my Rev Standalone to .scr.  It works 
 great and displays as expected but it does not quit after a 
 mouse movement or key command.  Does anyone know the function 
 or call sent out by Windows to the .scr to trigger the 
 screensaver to quit?
 use-revolution mailing list
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Making Screensavers with Revolution -sb-OS

2003-11-24 Thread Mike Brown
Hi Monte,

Your method works like a charm!   Thanks!!

- Mike

 You might want to try something like the following:
 local sOldMouseLoc
 on mouseMove x,y
 if sOldMouseloc =  then put x,y into sOldMouseLoc
 if sOldMouseLoc  x,y then quit
 end mouseMove

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Making Screensavers with Revolution -sb-OS

2003-11-24 Thread Thomas J McGrath III

Can you share your screen saver so that I might learn what you have 

ALso, is this possible for Macintosh OSX screensavers?

On Nov 24, 2003, at 6:08 PM, Mike Brown wrote:

Hi Monte,

Your method works like a charm!   Thanks!!

- Mike

You might want to try something like the following:

local sOldMouseLoc

on mouseMove x,y
if sOldMouseloc =  then put x,y into sOldMouseLoc
if sOldMouseLoc  x,y then quit
end mouseMove

use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III  2003  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Re: serialControlString

2003-11-24 Thread Sarah

If you are using my SerialTest stack, it will automatically receive any 
data sent by the Brick, so the dot should just appear in the log field 
on the right. To send the escape, I would make a copy of the Send 
button, and replace the line:
  put fld sendField into theData
  put numToChar(27) into theData

This will send the escape, you can watch for the dot to return and then 
try sending your command with the Send button.

This will be good for testing, but in your application, you will need 
this to happen automatically, so you will need to keep reading and 
checking until you get the dot. Or you could just send the escape, wait 
for 1 tick and then send the command. Once you have worked out the 
mechanism manually, you could edit the Send button to do that every 

It isn't clear what the end-of-line marker should be for either sending 
or receiving. It may be that for sending, the number of bytes is fixed 
so you don't need any terminator. My stack doesn't allow for using no 
terminator, but if CR, LF or CRLF don't work, then try editing the send 
 receive scripts to allow for no EOL. The send stuff is all in the 
Send button. Receive is in the card script.

On 25 Nov 2003, at 2:31 am, Thomas J McGrath III wrote:


below is the response from the creator of the MacBrick:
I don't know how to send a hex number or how to receive a dot.
When sending a V000(version number)  to the device I do see the green 
light on the device blink and the driver does show up in the menu in 

Any help is appreciated,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Making Screensavers with Revolution -sb-OS

2003-11-24 Thread Mike Brown
Sure... Let me clean it up a bit and then I'll send an email with a link
where the stack can be downloaded.

- Mike

Mike Brown
Cyber-NY Interactive

 From: Thomas J McGrath III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 18:11:55 -0500
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Making Screensavers with Revolution -sb-OS
 Can you share your screen saver so that I might learn what you have
 ALso, is this possible for Macintosh OSX screensavers?
 On Nov 24, 2003, at 6:08 PM, Mike Brown wrote:

use-revolution mailing list

Need a function that re-arranges words(!)

2003-11-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,

Help! :) I've been trying to figure this out but it's been a mess, even
though I think it's probably an easy one.

What I need is rev code that can do this:

Given any phrase, e.g.: my fat cat

Spit out all of the following (no need to be in this order):

my fat cat
my cat fat
fat my cat
fat cat my
cat my fat
cat fat my

myfat cat
my fatcat

mycat fat
my catfat

fatmy cat
fat mycat

fatcat my
fat catmy

catmy fat
cat myfat

catfat my
cat fatmy


1. The input phrase can be *any* number of words (not just 3).

2. Each line of the results must contain all the words within (no missing

Any takers? Thanks in advance! :)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: HLP: Saving content of fields in a standalone

2003-11-24 Thread Sarah
On 24 Nov 2003, at 6:50 pm, Thierry Olive wrote:
I've built a standalone (for Mac OS X) with editable fields. Users can 
add information in these fields.
How can I save the new content of these fields so that when the 
standalone is reopened this new text is still visible to other users?
is there aonther solution than saving  the content in a text file and 
then retrieving it. Is there a possiblity to save this text without 
using an external file?
Thanks for any help.

The short answer is No - there is no way to save data without using an 
external file of some sort. The external file can be a text file or it 
can be a stack that is stored as a separate file rather than being 
built into your application. In OS X this still looks neat as you can 
hide the data stack inside the OS X bundle.

A common way to achieve this is to make a splash-screen application 
where the mainStack is just a splash screen or static display and all 
data is entered on sub-stacks. When building, check the option to save 
sub-stacks separately and they will remain as separate files which can 
be saved to store any new data. The actual application (the mainStack 
and the Rev engine) is read-only so no changes can ever be saved to it.

The only thing to be wary of is that if the data is crucial, it should 
perhaps be stored in the user's documents folder rather than with the 
application. If it is preference data, it should be stored in the 
Preferences folder. The user should be able to delete the application 
and re-install without losing data!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: serialControlString

2003-11-24 Thread Jason Spencer
I have found that on OS X the write needs to end in a LF with the 
serial drivers I use.  I think this is a Revolution bug.
Hmmm, I'm not sure that it's a bug in Revolution. Using the Keyspan 
drivers and my device, I get strange behavior if I add an LF after the 
data I send. Things are fine if I send individual characters.

I think it was Sarah who said that you needed to use an LF with the 
Keyspan drivers in another case, so it might be a device specific 

shrug whatever works.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Making Screensavers with Revolution -Example Stack

2003-11-24 Thread Mike Brown
Here is a link for downloading the Rev Stack that can be made into a
screensaver on Windows OS:

To make this into a screensaver, you would save it as a Standalone and then
replace the .exe extension with .scr.  Then take the new .scr file you
created and drop it into the windows directory of your PC.  From your PC's
Start menu, select Settings and then Display Settings.  A pop-up with
display settings will open.  Select the Screen Savers tab and you should
be able to locate the new ScreenSaver from the menu of options.  Set it to
display in 1 minute and then save.  After a minute, the screensaver should
appear.  When you move the mouse, it will quit.

This is a crude example where I have used a single logo image that fades in
and out at different point on the screen.  I stored the script that controls
the screensaver effect and repeat loops in a hidden button called
MoveLogo.  The scripts that initiate the screensaver effect are stored in
the card's script.  The stack script contains the quit methods and a script
for centering and resizing the stack for different monitors.

Any suggestions or improvements are welcome!!


 From: Thomas J McGrath III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 18:11:55 -0500
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Making Screensavers with Revolution -sb-OS
 Can you share your screen saver so that I might learn what you have
 ALso, is this possible for Macintosh OSX screensavers?
 On Nov 24, 2003, at 6:08 PM, Mike Brown wrote:
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: serialControlString

2003-11-24 Thread Sarah
On 25 Nov 2003, at 11:07 am, Jason Spencer wrote:

I have found that on OS X the write needs to end in a LF with the 
serial drivers I use.  I think this is a Revolution bug.
Hmmm, I'm not sure that it's a bug in Revolution. Using the Keyspan 
drivers and my device, I get strange behavior if I add an LF after the 
data I send. Things are fine if I send individual characters.

I think it was Sarah who said that you needed to use an LF with the 
Keyspan drivers in another case, so it might be a device specific 
Not guilty in this case :-)
I think Jason is right - it is device specific. I have tested a couple 
of different devices and one needs ASCII 13 while one needs CRLF. I 
haven't actually found one that needs LF on it's own. Dar reported 
problems using anything other than LF but that has not been my 
experience, at least not since Rev 2.1 when OS X serial actually 
started to work.

use-revolution mailing list

answer file with filter on OSX Panther

2003-11-24 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami

Answer file myprompt with filter type(s)

broken on OS X Panther?

 answer file Choose another presentation with filter Revolution 

Does not work on my Mac..  Am I doing something wrong?

 I think this was already discussed perhaps... but search at mindLube 
with filter with got me too many old hits.

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

RE: answer file with filter on OSX Panther

2003-11-24 Thread Monte Goulding


 Answer file myprompt with filter type(s)

 broken on OS X Panther?

It's not broken it's just not implemented ;-) You still need to use type
codes but good luck if OS X decides not to apply them to your file. There's
been a feature request in on this since way before 2.0.

   answer file Choose another presentation with filter Revolution

 Does not work on my Mac..  Am I doing something wrong?

   I think this was already discussed perhaps... but search at mindLube
 with filter with got me too many old hits.

 Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
 Himalayan Academy Publications
 at Kauai's Hindu Monastery

 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Border screen artifacts on dynamically moving button on Windows

2003-11-24 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
More feed back from users... this seems to be on all Windows machines 
and only with the left click button on the mouse... which, for some 
reason enables the vis of the border of a button whose show border 
property is set to false.

On Nov 24, 2003, at 12:07 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

Ok, more Windows aggravatiom for a presentation I have made  which, if 
you don't mind a long download, (11 meg, 155 pieces of art embedded)  
a little dose of Saivite Hinduism and some beautiful graphics, you can 
view the beta version of at:

the main presentation card that does the slide show uses a 
transparent button whose icon is dynamically set to different images 
that live as resources on card two (which the user never sees). I put 
in a handler to allow the user to reduce or enlarge the artwork, and 
move the button on the screen accordingly.

This is implemented by simply trapping,
in the stack script,  for a mouseup on the button artwork
on mouseup
  if the target contains artwork then viewFullArt
end mouseup
## This handles does the job of pulling an id for the art and resizing 
it up or down:

on viewFullArt
  put (3000+gNowShowing) into tPicture
  if the width of image id tPicture = 540 then ## we need to reduce 
the picture.
hide fld sideViewText
lock screen
set the rect of image id tPicture to 0,0,290,290
set the loc of btn artwork to 369,171
show fld slokaTitle
show fld SlokaText
unlock screen with visual effect dissolve fast
## our user on windows is now seeing a border around the button
  else ## it's already reduced and we need to enlarge it
hide fld slokaTitle
hide fld slokaText
put fld slokaTitle  cr  cr  fld slokaText into fld 
show fld sideViewText
set the loc of btn artwork to 279,279
lock screen
set the width of  image id tPicture to 540
set the height of image id tPicture to 540
set the textstyle of line 3 of fld sideViewText to bold
set the textsize of line 3 of fld SideViewText to 18
  end if
## our user now says the border of the button in it's previous 
location persists at that location
end viewFullArt

Very simple and works beautifully on a Mac and also on many Windows 
machines. But one windows tester reports:

Left click on image enlarges pic to page left but outlines pic with 
lined box,  with text moving to page right.  A second left click and 
shrinks to page center top, text moves to bottom (all as expected 
from original
format) but box persists.  The single line box is now centered and 
towards top, but size is so large that it cuts through titles and 
sloka text.
The text is dominate in title areas, but in sloka area text coexists 
with box
outline.  In the sloka area the with box outline and the text both 
appear as if
someone on an old typewriter overstruck the text with a hyphen.
I don't know precisely what is going on  as I cannot replicate the 
problem... but it appears that, though the button is transparent and 
the showborder is false, showfocusborder is also false, that we are 
getting some border artifact bleed through-hangover in the dos 
machine's video card nevertheless. The difference in the fields 
appearance is because I have set some of them to opaque and others to 
opaque=false (transparent fields) which I can fix, (all should be 
opaque) but the issue is I can figure out is the appearance and 
persistence of a border for the button when their should be none.

Can anyone help? Is this a known issue? Any work arounds? Can any one 
replicate this? (download and try on your windows machine.) I don't 
know what else to turn off for the button... I see I have it set to 3D 
(a default) maybe that is it... or some more locking and unlocking 
needs to be done to force the video card to refresh? Does the 3D 
property affect the appearance of a border even if the showborder is 


Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

No images when copying htmltext from Rev field to email client

2003-11-24 Thread RGould8
My apologies if this email is coming through as not text-only - - - I'm 
trying a new email client, and won't know the outcome until I see how it looks on 
the listserve...

My question:

If I've got a web-page with images and text displayed within an html-enabled 
field in my Revolution app, and I have a button that says:

set the clipboardData[HTML] to the htmltext of field htmldisplay

and then the user does a PASTE from the clipboard to their email app (in this 
case, the AOL email client), I'm finding that the text and text formatting 
pastes ok, but the pictures don't come through (does leave space for the 
pictures, however).  

Can anyone tell me if this is a result of the AOL email client not receiving 
the link to the pasted images properly, or is this a Revolution issue?  (or am 
I misunderstanding what should happen when I copy html-text from a field to 
the clipboard to an email client?)  I was under the impression that the image 
src= tags would come through and just work when pasted into another app that 
can understand such tags.
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Palette window stuck at screenloc? -sb-OS

2003-11-24 Thread Ken Ray
One other way to do it (I do it this way myself) is to have the
mainstack use code like:

on preOpenStack
  if the owner of the target is me then
set the loc of this stack to the screenLoc
  end if
end preOpenStack

Since the preOpenStack message goes to the card first, the owner of
the card is a stack. The if the owner line tests to see if the card
that got the message is a card from a mainstack (which would be true) or
a card from a substack (in which case the owner would be the substack,
which would not be me and would end up being false).

This way you don't have to be so specific if you don't want to.

Just my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
 Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 3:43 PM
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: Palette window stuck at screenloc? -sb-OS
 Monte: Thanks you got it... the preopenstack handler of the 
 main stack 
 had this:
 set the loc of this stack to the screenloc
 which of course applied to ALL stacks being opened... so I 
 changed that 
 to just
 set the loc of stack dws Youth to the screenloc ## the name of the 
 mainstack itself
 and now the palette behaves as expected. I can simply set it to the 
 position I want, save the stack and build the standalone and 
 it appears 
 where it should without the necessity of setting it's location.
 On Nov 23, 2003, at 7:43 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:
  I don't think there's an at modifier for the palette command??? At
  it's not in the docs. If it's a substack you might want to check the
  mainstack positioning script isn't getting triggered. don't forget 
  that the
  engine opens windows automatically where they were on the 
 last save so 
  may not need to position the window with script. It could 
 be it's just 
  message path issue.
 sivakatirsswmai wrote:
  I am have created a small palette stack with a table of 
 contents in a 
  If I move the palette and close it, then reopen it by script... it 
  opens at the screenloc... right on top of the main 
 presentation, dead 
  center on the screen.
  I can't seem to change this behavior. The goal is to get 
 the palette
  open with the top left of its rect just under the topleft 
 of the main
  presentation window. Then allow the user to move it off the main
  presentation window if he wants to later, but certainly 
 not right on
  top over   the main window.
  case table of contents
 palette toc at 200,200
 use-revolution mailing list
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] revolution

use-revolution mailing list

linked media when running on server

2003-11-24 Thread RGould8
If I have a Revolution thin client that just has a simple go to stack 
http://stackfromserver  type of logic, and I want that stack on the server to 
pull in images stored on the server, instead of stored within the stack, do I 
need to do something special with the pathnames to the graphics?

The reason I ask, is because on my server, I've got a .rev file called 
calendar.rev, which pulls in images, backgroundA.bmp, or backgroundB.bmp, 
depending on a variable that gets set.  If I have these images stored in the same 
directory as the .rev file on the server, and set the sourcefile name under 
PROPERTIES for that image to backgroundA.bmp - - I get a blank object when 
the app gets run from the local PC.  (The app that has the go to stack on 
server call.)  The other elements display fine - - - it's just the background 
image that's missing, (it's a gray rectangle), which makes me think it's a path 
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Border screen artifacts on dynamically moving button on Windows

2003-11-24 Thread Ken Ray

Is it possible that what your user is seeing is the grey inner rectangle
that shows the focus of the button? That is, if you turn off the
traversalOn does it go away?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
 Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 4:07 PM
 Subject: Border screen artifacts on dynamically moving 
 button on Windows
 Ok, more Windows aggravatiom for a presentation I have made  
 which, if 
 you don't mind a long download, (11 meg, 155 pieces of art 
 embedded)  a 
 little dose of Saivite Hinduism and some beautiful graphics, you can 
 view the beta version of at:
 the main presentation card that does the slide show uses a 
 transparent button whose icon is dynamically set to different images 
 that live as resources on card two (which the user never sees). I put 
 in a handler to allow the user to reduce or enlarge the artwork, and 
 move the button on the screen accordingly.
 This is implemented by simply trapping,
 in the stack script,  for a mouseup on the button artwork
 on mouseup
if the target contains artwork then viewFullArt
 end mouseup
 ## This handles does the job of pulling an id for the art and 
 it up or down:
 on viewFullArt
put (3000+gNowShowing) into tPicture
if the width of image id tPicture = 540 then ## we need to 
 reduce the 
  hide fld sideViewText
  lock screen
  set the rect of image id tPicture to 0,0,290,290
  set the loc of btn artwork to 369,171
  show fld slokaTitle
  show fld SlokaText
  unlock screen with visual effect dissolve fast
 ## our user on windows is now seeing a border around the button
else ## it's already reduced and we need to enlarge it
  hide fld slokaTitle
  hide fld slokaText
  put fld slokaTitle  cr  cr  fld slokaText into fld 
  show fld sideViewText
  set the loc of btn artwork to 279,279
  lock screen
  set the width of  image id tPicture to 540
  set the height of image id tPicture to 540
  set the textstyle of line 3 of fld sideViewText to bold
  set the textsize of line 3 of fld SideViewText to 18
end if
 ## our user now says the border of the button in it's 
 previous location 
 persists at that location
 end viewFullArt
 Very simple and works beautifully on a Mac and also on many Windows 
 machines. But one windows tester reports:
  Left click on image enlarges pic to page left but outlines pic with
  lined box,  with text moving to page right.  A second left 
 click and 
  shrinks to page center top, text moves to bottom (all as 
 expected from 
  format) but box persists.  The single line box is now centered and 
  towards top, but size is so large that it cuts through titles and 
  sloka text.
  The text is dominate in title areas, but in sloka area text 
  with box
  outline.  In the sloka area the with box outline and the text both 
  appear as if
  someone on an old typewriter overstruck the text with a hyphen.
 I don't know precisely what is going on  as I cannot replicate the 
 problem... but it appears that, though the button is transparent and 
 the showborder is false, showfocusborder is also false, that we are 
 getting some border artifact bleed through-hangover in the dos 
 machine's video card nevertheless. The difference in the fields 
 appearance is because I have set some of them to opaque and others to 
 opaque=false (transparent fields) which I can fix, (all should be 
 opaque) but the issue is I can figure out is the appearance and 
 persistence of a border for the button when their should be none.
 Can anyone help? Is this a known issue? Any work arounds? Can any one 
 replicate this? (download and try on your windows machine.) I don't 
 know what else to turn off for the button... I see I have it 
 set to 3D 
 (a default) maybe that is it... or some more locking and unlocking 
 needs to be done to force the video card to refresh? Does the 3D 
 property affect the appearance of a border even if the showborder is 
 Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
 Himalayan Academy Publications
 at Kauai's Hindu Monastery

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: graphing externals

2003-11-24 Thread Richard Gaskin
cteno4 wrote:

 does anyone have ideas for where to get a set of graphing externals for
 use with metacard/rev on both the mac and PC? I need to draw line, bar,
 and pie charts on the fly from data given to the external.

Welcome to Revolution: you can now leave most externals behind.  :)

With the Rev engine being orders of magnitude faster than most other xTalks
(and a good many lower-level languages) and with a richer object model, you
usually don't need externals for most things they're used for elsewhere.  In
the dozens of HC and SC projects I've ported I've replaced every external
with native Transcript calls.

Here's a handler for making pie charts to get you started -- you can craft
others for line and bar charts:

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

RE: graphing externals

2003-11-24 Thread Ken Ray
You can check out the Graph and Table Objects stacks created by Ken
Simons and Tuviah Snyder at:

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cteno4
 Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 9:31 PM
 Subject: graphing externals
 does anyone have ideas for where to get a set of graphing 
 externals for 
 use with metacard/rev on both the mac and PC? I need to draw 
 line, bar, 
 and pie charts on the fly from data given to the external.
 I have an old cdrom project that may get new life and it has 
 an on the 
 fly graphing function in it for a lot of data sets. The old 
 mac version 
 was in hypercard and utilized a custom set of xcmds that would draw a 
 selected line, bar, or pie graph from the data you passed it and you 
 could set all the paramaters for overall size, symbols, 
 ranges, labels, 
 etc. it just returned a graphic that you could then display. 
 on the pc 
 side we had a similar (but totally from a different source) 
 set of dlls 
 for visualbasic to do the same thing.
 amazing thing is the 9 year old product still works on mac os9--gotta 
 love olde hypercard! i shutter to try the same with the 
 windows version...
 thanks for any help!
 Jeffrey H. Reynolds, Ph.D.
 6620 Michaels Dr.
 Bethesda, MD  20817
 use-revolution mailing list
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: linked media when running on server

2003-11-24 Thread Scott Rossi
On 11/24/03 7:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I have a Revolution thin client that just has a simple go to stack
 http://stackfromserver  type of logic, and I want that stack on the server to
 pull in images stored on the server, instead of stored within the stack, do I
 need to do something special with the pathnames to the graphics?
 The reason I ask, is because on my server, I've got a .rev file called
 calendar.rev, which pulls in images, backgroundA.bmp, or
 depending on a variable that gets set.  If I have these images stored in the
 directory as the .rev file on the server, and set the sourcefile name under
 PROPERTIES for that image to backgroundA.bmp - - I get a blank object when
 the app gets run from the local PC.  (The app that has the go to stack on
 server call.)  The other elements display fine - - - it's just the background
 image that's missing, (it's a gray rectangle), which makes me think it's a

Just out of curiosity, what happens if you use a different image format,
such as JPEG?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

[no subject]

2003-11-24 Thread Stephen Messimer
Hi all,

This is to let you know that  version 1.0 of PreceptorTools courseware 
development system was released today. Free 30 day downloads are 
available both on the Run Rev web site and on my website as well. 
PreceptorTools may be purchased online at the Runtime Revolution online 
store beginning today!

I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone at Runtime 
Revolution for their support and encouragement the last year and a 
half. I would also like to thank my Beta testers for their hard work 
and commitment.  Finally, I want to thank the members of this list who 
helped me understand the subtleties and power of Revolution.

The current version is optimized for Mac OS Classic (9.2 preferred ) 
and Mac OSX (10.2.6 or  preferred) Revolution 2.0 or greater is 
required if you wish to use PreceptorTools automated email features.  
Finally Quicktime 5.0 or greater is required if you wish to use the 
buttonPlayer objects or the movieQuiz objects that are part of the 
PreceptorTools Object Toolkits.

I plan to offer a Windows distribution early this coming year.  If 
anyone here would like to be a Windows Beta tester please contact me 
off list.  Preceptor is a set of stacks and a plug in so it should work 
OK within the windows environment.  Some users have found the Beta 
stable others have had lots of problems.  So if you download it you are 
on your own for the meantime. I will not be addressing any windows 
related questions until the formal testing regime begins after the new 

If you have any questions comments or problems with PreceptorTools 
please feel free to join the use-preceptorTools list.  Initially, this 
will be the location where I will handle preceptorTools support.  To 
sign up go here:  
There is also a comprehensive web-based reference for PreceptorTools on 
my website. While this is still in the development process it does 
contain the definitive reference to the application.  If you can't find 
the answer to a question regarding PreceptorTools don't hesitate to 
contact me. I am currently the only person working on the development 
of this project so I may not be able to get back to your personal email 
right away.  I will do my best to answer within a day or so.

Best regards to you all and thanks again for your help.


Stephen R. Messimer, PA
208 1st Ave. South	
Escanaba, MI 49829
Build Computer-Based Training modules FAST with preceptorTools -- 
version 1.0 available Now!
Macintosh G-4 OSX 10.2.6, OS 9.2.2, 512MB RAM, Rev 2.1.2
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Border screen artifacts on dynamically moving button on Windows

2003-11-24 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 11/24/03 8:03 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

More feed back from users... this seems to be on all Windows machines 
and only with the left click button on the mouse... which, for some 
reason enables the vis of the border of a button whose show border 
property is set to false.
Are all the arm properties set to false? I.e., arm border, arm fill, 
auto arm?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: serialControlString

2003-11-24 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, November 24, 2003, at 06:22 PM, Sarah wrote:

I have found that on OS X the write needs to end in a LF with the 
serial drivers I use.  I think this is a Revolution bug.
Hmmm, I'm not sure that it's a bug in Revolution. Using the Keyspan 
drivers and my device, I get strange behavior if I add an LF after 
the data I send. Things are fine if I send individual characters.

I think it was Sarah who said that you needed to use an LF with the 
Keyspan drivers in another case, so it might be a device specific 
Not guilty in this case :-)
I think Jason is right - it is device specific. I have tested a couple 
of different devices and one needs ASCII 13 while one needs CRLF. I 
haven't actually found one that needs LF on it's own. Dar reported 
problems using anything other than LF but that has not been my 
experience, at least not since Rev 2.1 when OS X serial actually 
started to work.
On my mac, on OS X on recent versions through 10.2.8 and Revolution 
with serial on OS X through 2.1.1, a LF is required for any data to go 
out on any device I have tested.  It might be device specific, but it 
includes two USB adaptors and the internal modem, if so.  I suspect 
that Revolution is not setting termios parameters completely.  Maybe 
you two have used other software to access the devices and that 
software initialized some parameters that are remembered.  I have 
considered using shell to try to fiddle with parameters before the open.

I think serial I/O bug reports are at a low priority.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution QuickTime External

2003-11-24 Thread Trevor DeVore
I have uploaded another update to the QuickTime External for OS X.  
This release addresses some problems  with setting balance, bass and 
treble in audio only files.  It also adds the ability to set the volume 
on a per track basis.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list


2003-11-24 Thread Tim . Farmer

I will be out of the office starting  11/24/2003 and will not return until

Tim Farmer

use-revolution mailing list

Re: HLP: Saving content of fields in a standalone

2003-11-24 Thread Dom
Thierry Olive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a possiblity to save this text without 
 using an external file?

Je ne vois pas comment.
I don't see how.

Les standalones ne peuvent pas être modifiées.
Standalones cannot be modified.

Peut-etre en utilisant un Lanceur qui ouvre ta pile, qui elle peut
etre modifiee.. Mais il y a deux fichiers au moins.
Maybe by using a Launcher to open an editable stack... But that makes
at least two files...

Digital photos (nature, garden) :
Scripting :
use-revolution mailing list

graphing externals

2003-11-24 Thread cteno4

does anyone have ideas for where to get a set of graphing externals for 
use with metacard/rev on both the mac and PC? I need to draw line, bar, 
and pie charts on the fly from data given to the external.

I have an old cdrom project that may get new life and it has an on the 
fly graphing function in it for a lot of data sets. The old mac version 
was in hypercard and utilized a custom set of xcmds that would draw a 
selected line, bar, or pie graph from the data you passed it and you 
could set all the paramaters for overall size, symbols, ranges, labels, 
etc. it just returned a graphic that you could then display. on the pc 
side we had a similar (but totally from a different source) set of dlls 
for visualbasic to do the same thing.

amazing thing is the 9 year old product still works on mac os9--gotta 
love olde hypercard! i shutter to try the same with the windows version...

thanks for any help!


Jeffrey H. Reynolds, Ph.D.
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD  20817



use-revolution mailing list