Thoughts on screed about HC and Applescript

2004-04-10 Thread Jim Witte

  A couple days ago, I submitted a long screed to Apple's Bugreporter 
(probably not the best place) as a feature request for Applescript.  
Then I posted it to the "Applescript Users" mailing list.  The 
reactions were not exactly pretty.  I'm wondering what people here 
think, since Rev is closer to HC (IMO) than AS is, especially my point 
at (1) about Cocoa and AS Studio being more 'intimidating' that HC, and 
my general idea of "desktop programming"?

  BTW, could Rev be used to do such "Desktop programming" - i.e. have a 
stack that would have a "clear" card (not opqaue) such that clicks to 
the card (but not objects on it which had scripts) would be passed to 
applications "underneath" the stack?

  You'd have to be able to make a "clear" card, and either have Rev sit 
on the very bottom of the windowing stack or the very top - probably 
the bottom, as to really integrate nicely, it would be desireably to 
have the ability to, say, you could put a Finder icon (MacOS) right 
next to a button in the Rev app, even if the Rev app had a field across 
from the button, like this:

[Rev button]  [Finder icon]  [Rev field]

  The button and field would be part of the application, but the icon 
would have to sit between them.  The only way I can see this happening 
is if the Rev stack were at the bottom of the windowing stack.  And it 
*might* have to stay there, even when it's controls were activated.

  This might be an interesting idea for the Windows/Mac/Linux? GUIs of 
Rev to be able to do in the future..

-- "The Screed" --
  It would be SO nice if in Applescript I could simply write:
put 5 into tVar
put "set x to" && quote & tVar & quote && "+10" into tCommand
than the rather cumbersome (and much less Englishlike)

set tVar to 5  -- or equivalently 'copy 5 to tVar'
set tCommand to "set x to \"" & tVar & "\"+10"
First of all, the word 'quote' is just easier on the eye than the 
escape-double-quote, except perhaps for people who are used to reading 
Perl for a living - which I don't think AS's audience is.

The && operator for concatenation with a space is not as intuitive, but 
it is simple, and accomplishes a function that one often wants to do 
when composing text.  It is both easier (some would say more concise) 
than using the 'space' keyword, and is easier on the eyes than writing 
"this string " & "has a space in it" with the space at the END of the 
first string literal - the eye can VERY easily miss that space, or 
worse, delete it by mistake.

  As for the 'put' command - I have never liked AS's 'set' command - it 
makes sense to *set* properties such as the height of an object.  It 
does not however make as much sense to "set" a variable.  It makes 
sense, but it's not what people generally say when they are referring 
to real world containers, which after all, are what variables are - 
containers.  One never says "I set water into the bucket".  HC 
succeeded because the programming language metaphors matched the 
real-world metaphors they were trying to emulate.  AS doesn't do this 
as much (and I have written quite a lot of HC in my time, and a fair 
amount of AS too)

  The 'copy' command is closer to the English language usage, but 
again, not quote.  To copy implies that the destination already exists, 
and that the source will continue to exist after the execution.  This 
is true with variables, but it is also (assummed) true with 'put' and 
'set' as well (that's where the metaphorical relation between 
computer-variables and real-world-objects breaks -  the contents of 
variables are almost ALWAYS copied, whereas real-world objects cannot 
be generally)

  'Set' also brings to mind to possibility that it is performing a 
refernce-copy instead of a value - like a 'clone' command (from 
NewtonScript).  Which of course it doesn't either.

  When AS came out, I had hoped that I would either be able to type in 
HC scripts I had been writing for years *exactly* as they had been, and 
have them work (as far as they would - as HC had no application-object 
model), or that they would with very minor changes.  Alas, that didn't 
happen, and it *continues* to frustrate me to this day, because I write 
something that would have worked in HC, and it doesn't in AS, and I 
can't figure out why.

  Most often this has to do with coercian of variables that didn't seem 
to be a problem in HC (having to write kludgy-looking things as 
"display dialog (tFile as string)" instead of having the AS compiler 
know enough to do the coercian of a file refernce to a string 
automatically.  But that's another bug report - I'll have to come up 
with specific examples.

  Generally, I would hope that Apple would resurect the entire HC 
language syntax, and re-create it as an AS dialect (if those still 
exist in the current codebase - I know they did at one point).  This 
would be of great benefit if there are still a bunch of HyperCard 
veterans like me out there (I don't know), especially if Applesc

Re: NumberFormat in field

2004-04-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, April 10, 2004, at 05:17 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

The global numberFormat property comes into play whenever the result 
of a math operation or math function application is used as a string, 
as in the case when it is put into a field, used as an array key, or 
used with the '&' operator.
I goofed.  Though numberFormat is not associated with an object, it is 
not global in Revolution; it is local to a handler and even to a 
particular call of the function or command.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: stackFiles BUG?

2004-04-10 Thread Kevin

I agree in the dialog is looks correct I thought the same thing.  However, when I 
retrieved the "stackFiles" property (after setting it from the dialog the) format was 
, not 
,,,...,.  In fact may code 
encountered a error in 2.2.

Orginal Code example:


  if thePackage is not among the items of myCalingStacksFiles then
if myCallingStacksFiles is empty then
end if 
  end if 

catch myError
end try

Altered Code for 2.2:

replace return with comma in myCallingStacksFiles


  if thePackage is not among the items of myCalingStacksFiles then
if myCallingStacksFiles is empty then
end if 
  end if 

catch myError
end try



Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely
Any resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic.

 The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold
is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of
the reader
 is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient. 
(A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the
scope of this article.)

 --- On Sat 04/10, J. Landman Gay < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: J. Landman Gay [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 00:09:45 -0500
Subject: Re: stackFiles BUG?

On 4/9/04 12:49 PM, Kevin wrote:> In version 2.2 using the Property Inspector 
if you select Stack File> in the drop down and set a stack file the format of the 
"stackFiles"> property will be what I listed in the previous email.I'm 
not seeing that here. If I click on the little folder icon and choose a stack, it 
goes into the list normally. I see only one comma -- the one that separates the 
stack name from the file path.-- Jacqueline Landman Gay | 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]HyperActive Software   | 
 mailing list[EMAIL 

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The most personalized portal on the Web!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Talking to a GPS unit over USB

2004-04-10 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Apr 10, 2004, at 6:43 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
Rats, it looks like it isn't going to work .  driverNames() returns 
empty.  There is a serial connection cable that I can get for it.  I 
have a Keyspan serial->USB converter so I think I will pick that up 
and give it a try.
Rats.  I am surprised; the GPS protocols are based on a family of 
navigation standards that specifies serial.

Here is an alternative to driverNames() that might come up with a 
different answer.  (I only know of driverNames() missing the built-in 
modem; if you see anything else in deviceNames() and not in 
driverNames(), please let me know.)

Thanks for passing along the function Dar.  That showed the modem but 
not the GPS device.  I went through the connection settings on my 
Garmin GPS unit and it looks as if the USB connection uses a 
proprietary Garmin protocol.  I can select from multiple protocols with 
a serial connection (I just don't have a serial connector yet) so I 
will give that a try when I can get a hold of a serial cable for it.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Talking to a GPS unit over USB

2004-04-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, April 10, 2004, at 05:51 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

I would expect that a GPS unit with a USB interface is set up to look 
just like serial.  If that is not the case, you will not be able to 
establish communications without something special.

Rats, it looks like it isn't going to work .  driverNames() returns 
empty.  There is a serial connection cable that I can get for it.  I 
have a Keyspan serial->USB converter so I think I will pick that up 
and give it a try.
Rats.  I am surprised; the GPS protocols are based on a family of 
navigation standards that specifies serial.

Here is an alternative to driverNames() that might come up with a 
different answer.  (I only know of driverNames() missing the built-in 
modem; if you see anything else in deviceNames() and not in 
driverNames(), please let me know.)

-- Ken Ray and Dar Scott did this
function deviceNames
  local theNames="", ioregOutput, skipLines, temp
  local IOTTYDevice, IODialinDevice, IOCalloutDevice
  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
  put shell("ioreg -n IOSerialBSDClient") into ioregOutput
  repeat forever
put lineOffset("IOSerialBSDCLient",ioregOutput) into skipLines
if skipLines is zero then return thenames
delete line 1 to skipLines of ioregOutput
-- Get all the data between the braces
put char(offset("{",ioregOutput)) to (offset("}",ioregOutput)) of 
ioregOutput into temp
get matchText(temp,"\"IOTTYDevice\" = \"(.*?)\"",IOTTYDevice)
if it is not true then next repeat
get matchText(temp,"\"IODialinDevice\" = \"(.*?)\"",IODialinDevice)
if it is not true then next repeat
get matchText(temp,"\"IOCalloutDevice\" = 
if it is not true then next repeat
put IOTTYDevice,IODialinDevice,IOCalloutDevice & lineFeed after 
  end repeat
end deviceNames

Another clue that you can open it as serial is finding it with 'ls 

I think there are three categories of serial devices in OS X and I 
suspect that driverNames() only looks in one.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Typing in field grinds to near halt

2004-04-10 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Could be... with OSX... what should I tell me beta user to do to test 
this? I'm a bit spoiled with a G4 with 1 gig RAM, so hard to emulate..

On Apr 10, 2004, at 11:06 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

Could it be a memory issue?


Geoff Canyon
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Talking to a GPS unit over USB

2004-04-10 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Apr 10, 2004, at 5:08 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
On Saturday, April 10, 2004, at 12:20 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:
I have this shiny new GPS unit with a USB interface and wanted to 
play around with communication between it and a Rev application on OS 
X.  I would love to be able to download waypoints.  I've never worked 
with USB connections (or serial) before and wondered if anyone has 
any experience in this area and could help get me started.  I found 
the open driver command and it says it can be used for communication 
with USB devices but there are no examples.  I did a quick search of 
the archives and didn't see anything either.
I would expect that a GPS unit with a USB interface is set up to look 
just like serial.  If that is not the case, you will not be able to 
establish communications without something special.

See what the drivernames() function returns.  (Don't worry if it does 
not show the built-in modem, that is a known bug.)  You might 
recognized something that looks like the GPS.

If you find something there, it is looking good.

Try opening and closing it.

If that works, try reading until empty repeatedly and append the 
results to a field.  See if that looks promising.
Rats, it looks like it isn't going to work .  driverNames() returns 
empty.  There is a serial connection cable that I can get for it.  I 
have a Keyspan serial->USB converter so I think I will pick that up and 
give it a try.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: NumberFormat in field

2004-04-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, April 10, 2004, at 02:40 PM, Gray Steifel wrote:

Converted a Hcard accounting program to Rev., where I use extensively 
“set numberFormat to 0.00” for all fields with numbers and/or the data 
to the field.

How, if possible, does this work in Revolution?
The global numberFormat property comes into play whenever the result of 
a math operation or math function application is used as a string, as 
in the case when it is put into a field, used as an array key, or used 
with the '&' operator.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Talking to a GPS unit over USB

2004-04-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, April 10, 2004, at 12:20 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

I have this shiny new GPS unit with a USB interface and wanted to play 
around with communication between it and a Rev application on OS X.  I 
would love to be able to download waypoints.  I've never worked with 
USB connections (or serial) before and wondered if anyone has any 
experience in this area and could help get me started.  I found the 
open driver command and it says it can be used for communication with 
USB devices but there are no examples.  I did a quick search of the 
archives and didn't see anything either.
I would expect that a GPS unit with a USB interface is set up to look 
just like serial.  If that is not the case, you will not be able to 
establish communications without something special.

See what the drivernames() function returns.  (Don't worry if it does 
not show the built-in modem, that is a known bug.)  You might 
recognized something that looks like the GPS.

If you find something there, it is looking good.

Try opening and closing it.

If that works, try reading until empty repeatedly and append the 
results to a field.  See if that looks promising.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation of tx and REV 2.2

2004-04-10 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Apr 10, 2004, at 2:05 PM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

I'm looking into this.
Of course, I saw Tuviah's response two minutes after sending this. 
Klaus, for me it was the incriminating pictures. If my parents ever 
found out...  ;-)


Geoff Canyon
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Typing in field grinds to near halt

2004-04-10 Thread Geoff Canyon
Could it be a memory issue?


Geoff Canyon
On Apr 10, 2004, at 1:39 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

I have an "Audio_transcriber.rev" tool that

a) plays an audio file from the local hard drive with a QT player and 
various buttons to stop resume back up etc

b) a field below for transcribing the talk...

I created a stand alone player which drive this tool and a user is now 

" I was more than 3/4 complete with the transcription of 10Concord 
when the typing showing up on the screen started slowing down.  At 
first it almost kept up with my typing then it slowed more and more so 
that I could type a whole phrase or sentence and only one or two 
letters would have by then shown up on the screen.  I would have to 
stop and wait for the transcript to catch up with me.  No it was not a 
siddhi that I became an amazingly quick typist. Ha ha!  This started 
when I was about 1900 seconds into the talk if that is meaningful.  
Also slowing down was the response to the stop and resume buttons."

Anyone know what might bring Rev to its knees? This particular user is 
Mac OSX.

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation of tx and REV 2.2

2004-04-10 Thread Geoff Canyon
I'm looking into this.


Geoff Canyon
On Apr 10, 2004, at 6:02 AM, Klaus Major wrote:

Bon jour Yves,

just checked Godzilla :-)
I (surprise :-) reported this bug #534 in September 2003,
which is still marked as NEW.
No further comment...
Is the french version of RR already available? :-D
Hi Klaus,

happy to see I'm not alone with the problem, but NOT happy of the 


I'm very astonished because the previous versions of Rev gave me no 
problem with diacriticals chars in the pathway to a file it causes a 
bug for me
since Rev 2.2???
Well, it also was in 2.1 somehow, but the maybe results were slightly 

E.g. the Standalonebuilder would not work with files inside folders 
umlauts/diacr. in their names...

Can you insist to have this bug fixed asap ???
Thank you very much for your confidence, but unfortunately you
overrate my influence ;-)
BUT i could look for some "incriminating" pictures or video-footage in
my "blackmail"-archives... :-D
it causes me many problems since I've build stacks based on  pathway 
to a file
and since the last version, nothing runs anymore and at the other 
hand, I've
made changes in many stacks to make them compatible with Rev 2.2 and 
I cannot go behind anymore...

So I'm totaly blocked
I added another comment to this bug in Godzilla, but that's all i can 

P.S. : I must acknowledge that you use the coarse French words well, 
better than me of German!!!
Merci bien, monsieur :-)


Au revoir...


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

NumberFormat in field

2004-04-10 Thread Gray Steifel
Converted a Hcard accounting program to Rev., where I use extensively the
³set numberFormat to 0.00² for all fields with numbers and/or the data sent
to the field.

How, if possible, does this work in Revolution?

Gray in Greensboro
use-revolution mailing list

Typing in field grinds to near halt

2004-04-10 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
I have an "Audio_transcriber.rev" tool that

a) plays an audio file from the local hard drive with a QT player and 
various buttons to stop resume back up etc

b) a field below for transcribing the talk...

I created a stand alone player which drive this tool and a user is now 

" I was more than 3/4 complete with the transcription of 10Concord when 
the typing showing up on the screen started slowing down.  At first it 
almost kept up with my typing then it slowed more and more so that I 
could type a whole phrase or sentence and only one or two letters would 
have by then shown up on the screen.  I would have to stop and wait for 
the transcript to catch up with me.  No it was not a siddhi that I 
became an amazingly quick typist. Ha ha!  This started when I was about 
1900 seconds into the talk if that is meaningful.  Also slowing down 
was the response to the stop and resume buttons."

Anyone know what might bring Rev to its knees? This particular user is 
Mac OSX.

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list


2004-04-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
MisterX wrote:

Xavier wrote -

Well, since 2.2, the GM crashed RR, has completely
resized my fields in the wrong place (162 controls
in the discrete browser I dont wish to script in a
resizestack handler!)
Just curious:  how long did it take you to assign the
>>Geometry Manager properties for those controls?
And of the 162 controls, how many are repositioned/resized when the 
stack is resized?
Roughly one third - roughly 60 controls.

I spent around 1 to 3 hours adjusting the offsets!
At a generous 30 seconds per object, if you had scripted a resizeStack 
handler you would have been done in half an hour and have total control 
over the resize behavior.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation

2004-04-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Thanks, Tuviah :)


Le 10 avr. 04, à 16:34, tuviah snyder a écrit :

OK just fixed this, don't panic. Support for long files names from 
file' was added in 2.2 as per request (so you can now choose files 
which are
really, really long on OSX).  we needed to convert from UTF8 to ASCII. 
posted a quick update, should be available shortly.

Are there any UMLAUT/ACCENTS bugs not related to answer file that need 
to be
fixed right away?


use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
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Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire "delta de productivité"
use-revolution mailing list

Talking to a GPS unit over USB

2004-04-10 Thread Trevor DeVore

I have this shiny new GPS unit with a USB interface and wanted to play 
around with communication between it and a Rev application on OS X.  I 
would love to be able to download waypoints.  I've never worked with 
USB connections (or serial) before and wondered if anyone has any 
experience in this area and could help get me started.  I found the 
open driver command and it says it can be used for communication with 
USB devices but there are no examples.  I did a quick search of the 
archives and didn't see anything either.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Floating window on Windows

2004-04-10 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, April 10, 2004, 5:15:13 AM, you wrote:

TMI> I am looking at a new project. On the Mac I will have a floating tool
TMI> pallet using applescript to control other apps with. Can some one
TMI> provide general information on what I can do on the Windows side to
TMI> allow REV in a floating window to control other apps. By control I mean
TMI> both application commands (cut, copy, new, paste, quit, etc.) and
TMI> sending text to editable fields in the application (word page, excell
TMI> table, etc.).

TMI> Also, is there a way to do this with out going down the applescript
TMI> route??

You might look into spawning a VBScript task. IIRC the System object
is what you want. The language isn't very well documented, but I could
probably dig up some urls if you need them.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation

2004-04-10 Thread Yves COPPE
Hi Klaus,

happy to see I'm not alone with the problem, but NOT happy of the 


I'm very astonished because the previous versions of Rev gave me no 
problem with diacriticals chars in the pathway to a file
it causes a bug for me since Rev 2.2???

Can you insist to have this bug fixed asap ??? it causes me many
problems since I've build stacks based on  pathway to a file and since
the last version, nothing runs anymore and at the other hand, I've 
changes in many stacks to make them compatible with Rev 2.2 and I
cannot go behind anymore...

Hi Tuviah,

Thank you for the quick answer...


use-revolution mailing list

Re: long file names fixed! Yippie

2004-04-10 Thread Meitnik

In a message dated 04/10/2004 12:01:31 PM, 
> so you can now choose files which are
> really, really long on OSX
> -- thank you Tuviah! I am scrambling to get funds for 2.2 as I type. I assume 
this fix works for answer file, ask file as well as URL file names??

use-revolution mailing list

RE: RegEx question

2004-04-10 Thread Ken Ray

As Brian pointed out, you just need to copy what you are doing with the
month for the day... that is, take what Dar suggested:


and just take out the ?:


This will enforce the need for leading zeroes.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Yves COPPE
> Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:12 AM
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Re: RegEx question
> Hi Dar
> > Maybe this will work:
> >
> > function CheckDate pDateToCheck
> >   return
> > 
> matchText(pDateToCheck,"\A(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/(0[1-9]|1[0-2])/ 
> > ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])\z")
> > end CheckDate
> >
> > It is not consistent yet as to whether the leading zero is 
> optional.   
> > It is optional for the day of the month, but required for the month.
> >
> i'm almost on the good regEx
> but now I'd like that the day MUST be two chars and not an optional
> so :
> 05/04/2004   returns true
> and
> 5/04/2004  should  return false (at this moment, it returns true)
> Can you give me one more hint ??
> Amicalement.
> Yves COPPE
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Help with paste...

2004-04-10 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Something is  happening for sure and it does point to Rev.

The  curly quote for the font I'm in shows clearly in the InDesign 
gliphs palette as assigned GID 210,

This is the same ASCII code one  will get if you actually type a curly 
quote in a Rev field itself and query for its ASCII code.

but, if I copy a inDesignCurlyQuote(210) and paste into Rev. it gets 
converted to someWeirdRevAssignment(28) which is not a

 a valid character assignment in BBEdit's ASCII table, but falls in the 
sub-character range usually reserved for low-level machine 


I am also getting extra spaces thrown in by Rev before these 
characters... the work around is, in my verbose "baby" xTalk mode of 

 case "Clean Text"
put the selection into jai
replace "Â"  with quote in jai
replace "Â"  with quote in jai
replace "Â"  with "'" in jai
replace "Â"  with "'" in jai
replace numToChar(4) with ""  in jai
replace numToChar(28) with Quote  in jai
replace numToChar(29) with Quote  in jai
replace numToChar(24) with "'"  in jai
replace numToChar(25) with "'"  in jai
put "? " & quote into tExtraSpace
put "?" & quote into tSpaceOut
replace tExtraSpace with tSpaceOut in jai
put ". " & quote into tExtraSpace
put "." & quote into tSpaceOut
replace tExtraSpace with tSpaceOut in jai
put "! " & quote into tExtraSpace
put "!" & quote into tSpaceOut
replace tExtraSpace with tSpaceOut in jai
On Apr 9, 2004, at 7:05 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 4/9/04 11:28 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

If I Open InDesign and copy a piece of text  "It's  (That's: curly 
quote, capital Eye, lower case t, curly apostrophe, s)
Now, if I paste this into a field into Rev 2.2 on OSX, select it  and 
run this script against it:
on mouseup
  put the selection into jai
  repeat for each char x in jai
put charTonum(x) & cr after hum
  end repeat
  put cr & hum after the selection
end mouseup
I get a really strange result:
I wonder if some of this stuff is related to unicode problems in the 

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reproducable Crashing Bug in MacOS 9

2004-04-10 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Apr 10, 2004, at 7:24 AM, David Burgun wrote:

Not sure how to report bugs and not sure if I report this one.


Geoff Canyon
use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation

2004-04-10 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Tuviah,

OK just fixed this, don't panic. Support for long files names from 
file' was added in 2.2 as per request (so you can now choose files 
which are
really, really long on OSX).  we needed to convert from UTF8 to ASCII. 
posted a quick update, should be available shortly.
This is good news :-)

Are there any UMLAUT/ACCENTS bugs not related to answer file that need 
to be
fixed right away?
create folder "été"
delete folder "été"
put "123" into url"file:ßßß.txt"
work fine...


Klaus Major
Just for MY records:
Was it a dicriminating picture or video-footage
that caused this lightning fast response?
I mean, what did you fear more? :-D

use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation

2004-04-10 Thread tuviah snyder

> Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 14:06:35 +0200
> Subject: Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation
> of tx and REV 2.2
> To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> > just checked Godzilla :-)
> >
> > I (surprise :-) reported this bug #534 in September 2003,
> > which is still marked as NEW.
> >
> > No further comment...
> >
> >
> >
> > P.S.
> > Is the french version of RR already available? :-D
> > ___
> > use-revolution mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> Hi Klaus,
> happy to see I'm not alone with the problem, but NOT happy of the bug...
> I'm very astonished because the previous versions of Rev gave me no any
> problem with diacriticals chars in the pathway to a file
> it causes a bug for me since Rev 2.2???
> Can you insist to have this bug fixed asap ??? it causes me many
> problems since I've build stacks based on  pathway to a file and since
> the last version, nothing runs anymore and at the other hand, I've made
> changes in many stacks to make them compatible with Rev 2.2 and I
> cannot go behind anymore...
OK just fixed this, don't panic. Support for long files names from 'answer
file' was added in 2.2 as per request (so you can now choose files which are
really, really long on OSX).  we needed to convert from UTF8 to ASCII. I've
posted a quick update, should be available shortly.

Are there any UMLAUT/ACCENTS bugs not related to answer file that need to be
fixed right away?


use-revolution mailing list

Reproducable Crashing Bug in MacOS 9

2004-04-10 Thread David Burgun

Not sure how to report bugs and not sure if I report this one.

I have found a reproducable crashing bug in MacOS 9 version of 
RunRev. Just copy any object to the clipboard, then create a new 
Stack then Appempt to Paste the Clipboard into the Name Field for the 
Stack in the Stack Inspector!

Did it my accident, but boy does it blow you away!!!

All the Best
use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation of tx and REV 2.2

2004-04-10 Thread Klaus Major
Bon jour Yves,

just checked Godzilla :-)
I (surprise :-) reported this bug #534 in September 2003,
which is still marked as NEW.
No further comment...
Is the french version of RR already available? :-D
Hi Klaus,

happy to see I'm not alone with the problem, but NOT happy of the 


I'm very astonished because the previous versions of Rev gave me no any
problem with diacriticals chars in the pathway to a file it causes a 
bug for me
since Rev 2.2???
Well, it also was in 2.1 somehow, but the maybe results were slightly 

E.g. the Standalonebuilder would not work with files inside folders with
umlauts/diacr. in their names...
Can you insist to have this bug fixed asap ???
Thank you very much for your confidence, but unfortunately you
overrate my influence ;-)
BUT i could look for some "incriminating" pictures or video-footage in
my "blackmail"-archives... :-D
it causes me many problems since I've build stacks based on  pathway 
to a file
and since the last version, nothing runs anymore and at the other 
hand, I've
made changes in many stacks to make them compatible with Rev 2.2 and I 
cannot go behind anymore...

So I'm totaly blocked
I added another comment to this bug in Godzilla, but that's all i can 

P.S. : I must acknowledge that you use the coarse French words well, 
better than me of German!!!
Merci bien, monsieur :-)


Au revoir...


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Building reports - NTF reports features wanted!

2004-04-10 Thread Bill Humphrey
The existing report builder in rev 2.2 is basically a label maker or card
printer. It does not have any design tools. If you want to print a PDF form
or even print some data on top of an existing form it would be very
difficult (no positioning tools for field outputs). There is also no way to
add a background tiff or PDF.

What are the work-arounds for this? Can rev 2.2 be combined with AppleScript
to send data to Acrobat Pro? I imagine you could have an Acrobat form for
each of the reports you need with fields labeled for the data and it would
always be running at the same time as your stack and you send the data to it
as needed. 

Has anyone done this? I have an existing set of Hypercard stacks that use
NTF reports and I would like to convert it to runrev. I understand that
runrev chose not to buy NTF Reports and incorporate its power (or is that
something happening in the future?).

Would I be better off redesigning everything in filemaker pro or some other
program that has report building tools? I really like everything else about
runrev and want to use the program. My favorite thing is its Hypercard like
ability to make changes and tweaks as you use the program you built.

use-revolution mailing list

Floating window on Windows

2004-04-10 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Hello All Rev-bunnies,

I am looking at a new project. On the Mac I will have a floating tool 
pallet using applescript to control other apps with. Can some one 
provide general information on what I can do on the Windows side to 
allow REV in a floating window to control other apps. By control I mean 
both application commands (cut, copy, new, paste, quit, etc.) and 
sending text to editable fields in the application (word page, excell 
table, etc.).

Also, is there a way to do this with out going down the applescript 

Thanks in advance,


Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RegEx question

2004-04-10 Thread Yves COPPE
Hi Dar

Maybe this will work:

function CheckDate pDateToCheck
end CheckDate

It is not consistent yet as to whether the leading zero is optional.   
It is optional for the day of the month, but required for the month.

i'm almost on the good regEx
but now I'd like that the day MUST be two chars and not an optional
so :

05/04/2004   returns true
5/04/2004  should  return false (at this moment, it returns true)
Can you give me one more hint ??


use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation of tx and REV 2.2

2004-04-10 Thread Yves COPPE

just checked Godzilla :-)

I (surprise :-) reported this bug #534 in September 2003,
which is still marked as NEW.
No further comment...

Is the french version of RR already available? :-D
use-revolution mailing list

Hi Klaus,

happy to see I'm not alone with the problem, but NOT happy of the bug...


I'm very astonished because the previous versions of Rev gave me no any 
problem with diacriticals chars in the pathway to a file
it causes a bug for me since Rev 2.2???

Can you insist to have this bug fixed asap ??? it causes me many 
problems since I've build stacks based on  pathway to a file and since 
the last version, nothing runs anymore and at the other hand, I've made 
changes in many stacks to make them compatible with Rev 2.2 and I 
cannot go behind anymore...

So I'm totaly blocked

P.S. : I must acknowledge that you use the coarse French words well, 
better than me of German  !!!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: UMLAUT/ACCENTS probs on X, was:Panic with incorporation of tx and REV 2.2

2004-04-10 Thread Klaus Major
Hi all,

set the filename of img 1 to "/Users/klaus/Desktop/été/mess_path2.gif"
without problems...
In the latter case, the filename-field in the Inspector will contain 
the diacritical characters!?
put url"binfile:/Users/klaus/Desktop/été/mess_path2.gif" into img 1
-> can't open file
What gives???
Dp sigh...


Klaus Major
just checked Godzilla :-)

I (surprise :-) reported this bug #534 in September 2003,
which is still marked as NEW.
No further comment...


Klaus Major

Is the french version of RR already available? :-D
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Panic with incorporation of tx and REV 2.2

2004-04-10 Thread Klaus Major
Bon jour Yves,
Le 10 avr. 04, à 08:31, Yves COPPE a écrit :
I'm in a great panic :
Since Rev 2.2 on MAC OS X 10.3.3, my script doesn't run :
 answer file "Choisissez un courrier"
  if (it = "") or (the result = "cancel") then
exit to top
  end if
  put it into tfilename
  put URL("file:"&tfilename) into tx
the variable "tx" is empty !!!

what happens ??
Please help
Formerly, with all the versions of Rev I had no problems...
I found a big problem :

when the pathway contains a folder with a diacritical character, then 
the variable "tx" is empty or contains de pathway

/users//desktop/   : OK
/users//éléments/ : nothing
what to do 

thank you for rapid help !



Looks like the handling of paths with umlauts/diacriticals is still 
screwed up in Rev on OS X :-(
Merde alors!!!

I created a folder on my desktop called "été" and put an image in it...

This is what i get with "ask file xxx;put it"


And this will also be in the "Inspector"-field when i set the filenname 
of an image to that file...

But i can script:
set the filename of img 1 to 


set the filename of img 1 to "/Users/klaus/Desktop/été/mess_path2.gif"
without problems...
In the latter case, the filename-field in the Inspector will contain 
the diacritical characters!?

put url"binfile:/Users/klaus/Desktop/été/mess_path2.gif" into img 1

-> can't open file

What gives???
Dp sigh...

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugs in Bugzilla Was Re: Hello from a Filemaker renegade (Geoff Canyon)

2004-04-10 Thread Geoff Canyon
Sorry, the joke went right past me.

I was drawing the distinction between a crashing bug in something that 
you build and give/sell to others, which is as bad as it gets, and a 
crashing bug that causes the IDE to die while you're developing 
software. That's bad too, but not nearly as bad. Better that you crash 
ten times than that your customer crashes once.


Geoff Canyon
On Apr 10, 2004, at 12:08 AM, Dar Scott wrote:

On Friday, April 9, 2004, at 08:44 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

 -- Is it crashing people in Revolution?
I have noticed that I have been crashing.

If the issue isn't in bugzilla, please enter it. If it is, great.
But there is only bugzilla for Revolution and Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor; 
there is no place for reporting bugs in Dar.

Arg, I'm dragging on a dumb joke and it still might not work.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't understand your original line 
describing a bug attribute: "Is it crashing people in Revolution?"  It 
is not clear to me how it is different from the others.  I thought 
perhaps you actually meant bugs that caused people to get discouraged, 
cranky, stimied or something.  Now, I think that less likely.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list