A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Ben Rubinstein
Can anyone give me some clues about using Valentina from Rev via the XCMD?

I've been able to use it via the revdb functions with some limited success,
but had some crashes (sadly not been able to pin down) and I think not
everything can be done via the SQL interface - for example, I've not been
able to create a new database from scratch.  So I'd like to dig into the
direct interface.

I've looked at the documentation, both Rev's and Valentina's, but not got

As I understand it, Rev ships with the Valentina XCMD already integrated it.
Is that right, or should I need to do install anything else to get working?

My first - perhaps it's my only - problem is the name of the function.  The
documentation from Rev is nowhere (that I can find) explicit about this.
The documentation from Paradigma suggests that there should be a function
called Valentina, eg that there should be possible to execute
put Valentina( Version )

When I attempt the above, I get error in function handler.  (I also tried
it as a handler rather than a function - just get the equivalent, no such
handler.)  Do I need to do something else to make the Valentina functions
available?  Or is just a slightly different name?

Any clues gratefully accepted.

  Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
  http://www.cogapp.com|  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Ben,
Can anyone give me some clues about using Valentina from Rev via the 

I've been able to use it via the revdb functions with some limited 
but had some crashes (sadly not been able to pin down) and I think not
everything can be done via the SQL interface - for example, I've not 
able to create a new database from scratch.  So I'd like to dig into 
direct interface.
I've looked at the documentation, both Rev's and Valentina's, but not 
As I understand it, Rev ships with the Valentina XCMD already 
integrated it.
Is that right, or should I need to do install anything else to get 
Yes, but it is not always the latest version (Ruslan is extremely busy 
releasing updates, so this is impossible per se :-)...

And it is in this subfolder:
/Applications/Revolution 2.1/components/global 

So you better to put it into the Rev folder to make it work in your 
stacks. ;-)
(This behaviour of Rev has always confused me, since sometimes the 
sample stacks seem to
loose the connection to the appropriate DLLs/External...)

Download the latest package here:
My first - perhaps it's my only - problem is the name of the function. 
documentation from Rev is nowhere (that I can find) explicit about 
The documentation from Paradigma suggests that there should be a 
called Valentina, eg that there should be possible to execute
put Valentina( Version )
See below...
When I attempt the above, I get error in function handler.  (I also 
it as a handler rather than a function - just get the equivalent, no 
handler.)  Do I need to do something else to make the Valentina 
available?  Or is just a slightly different name?

Any clues gratefully accepted.
did you take a look at the VXCMD Docs?
I am sure you wil find the answers here...
  Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
  http://www.cogapp.com|  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866
Hope that helps...
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Euro symbol woes

2004-06-21 Thread Rob Cozens
Put the htmlText of field 1 into field 2: ยค = curren;
OK, what I needed to test was set the htmlText of field 2 to the
htmlText of field 1
This, rtfText, and unicodeText all seem to be working now.
The original script was
get the htmlText of char firstChar to (firstChar+messageLength) of field 1
set the htmlText of field 2 to it
and I was getting blanks for the euro in field 2.  That must have
been due to the font specifier included when I cut  pasted the euro
symbol from an eMail.
Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: FTP queries

2004-06-21 Thread Frank Leahy
Should work fine.  Just upload the new file with .new at the end of the 
name, check the length, and if it looks good, do the rename.

Here's my rename code.  The PWD is there from the debugging I was doing.
  put libURLftpCommand(PWD, LFtpServer, LFtpUserName, 
LFtpUserPassword) into theResult1
  put libURLftpCommand(DELE   renameToFile, LFtpServer, 
LFtpUserName, LFtpUserPassword) into theResult2
  put libURLftpCommand(RNFR   renameFromFile, LFtpServer, 
LFtpUserName, LFtpUserPassword) into theResult3
  put libURLftpCommand(RNTO   renameToFile, LFtpServer, 
LFtpUserName, LFtpUserPassword) into theResult4
  put libURLftpCommand(DELE   renameFromFile, LFtpServer, 
LFtpUserName, LFtpUserPassword) into theResult5

-- Frank
On Jun 21, 2004, at 2:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

From: Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FTP queries
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
Hi All,
Pursuing my remote notification requirements, I am creating an HTML
file which gets re-generated and uploaded to the server every few
minutes. However FTP uploads don't always work, but I don't want to be
left with a situation where I upload half a file, leaving nothing that
is readable by a web browser.
A good solution would seem to be to upload the file using a temporary
file name, check that the file length is the same as expected, then
re-name the temporary file to the display file name. Is this a good way
to go - perhaps people with more experience at FTP could suggest
something better?
If this is a good plan, how do I do the renaming? Will I have to delete
the original file first, or will the renaming automatically replace it?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Splash screen in standalone - too long to show

2004-06-21 Thread John Rule
Thanks Richard...that explains some things.

I also have a few substacks in this stack, so it might help to break this up
a bit. My expectation was that I have control over the subatcks that are
loaded. I suppose the 'code' for the substacks (which is embedded in my
splash screen) is being loaded with the splash screen whether it is used or
not...about 2 megabytes worth of stuff.

When my splash screen opens, I have a progress bar that advances as I
manually open each substack, getting it ready for the environment. If I
don't do this, the stack is not available...I wonder if there is some other
initialization going on for substacks regardless of whether they are used or
not? Is the code just being loaded, or are they being opened 'internally',
but not open to the user? That would also explain my overhead!

Maybe an option to NOT load substack code until it is called for? That would
allow me to keep my single file application intact...which is still a unique
feature to RunRev AFAIK.


 Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 11:46:11 -0700
 From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Splash screen in standalone - too long to show
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

 John Rule wrote:

   I am finding that the fastest I can get my splash screen to show
   is about 8 seconds...that seems a little long compared to any
   'real' app.

 Unless it's made by Adobe or Macromedia, where the launch times will
 commonly run between 30 and 60 seconds. ;)

   I know the RunRev engine has to load, and do it's internal stuff,
   but this is just on the border of being annoying to the user (me)
   in my opionion.

 I'm a big fan of snappy launch times.  Made myself somewhat unpopular on
 a Big Corporate Software Vendor list by raising the issue there, asking
 if maybe it was time for some optimization (note to self: never mention
 optimization to engineers forced to succumb to a marketing VP's
 unbridled lust for featuritis).  Seems it's kind of a sore spot with
 developers stuck using bloated frameworks (ah, the special hell that is
 developing in a Big Corporate environment; not everyone has it as good
 as we Rev developers. :)

   Are there any tricks to getting a stack to display right away in a
   standalone? Maybe an option in the RunRev engine to do this?

 A small raw stack (no initialization scripts of any kind) turned into a
 standalone opens in well under half a second on my modest 1GHz
 single-processor Mac (PB 4G; Dock set to not animate launches; 768MB
 RAM).  So the engine load time itself seems pretty darn quick.

 Things that can affect launch time include:

 - The size of the standalone stack: objects need to be read from
disk and unpacked in memory, so bigger stacks will take longer.

 - Other people's initialization:  Are you using any Rev libraries?
If not, does removing them from the build process result in a
faster launch?

 - Your own initialization:  What does your app do before the line
that shows the splash screen?

   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World Media Corporation

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Michael D Mays
Are you using Windows or OSX. If you are I think you might need to type 
in the message box of the stack you are using
 set the externals of this stack to ./VXCMD_Macho_MC
so that the stack knows to use the Xcmd (p 4 of the VXCMD docs). You 
have to quit Rev or purge the stack from memory and then start afresh 
before the property is registered. If your file path or Xcmd is 
different then modify the set command accordingly. I think the macho 
version doesn't ship with OSX Rev so you will need to download it from 
Paridigmasoft.com. I don't know about windows but I think you need 
VXCMD_Win_MC.dll. That is what the docs say.

If you get the externals set to your stack you should be able to type
 put valentina(version)
into the message box and have the version returned.
On Jun 21, 2004, at 7:54 AM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
Can anyone give me some clues about using Valentina from Rev via the 

I've been able to use it via the revdb functions with some limited 
but had some crashes (sadly not been able to pin down) and I think not
everything can be done via the SQL interface - for example, I've not 
able to create a new database from scratch.  So I'd like to dig into 
direct interface.

I've looked at the documentation, both Rev's and Valentina's, but not 

As I understand it, Rev ships with the Valentina XCMD already 
integrated it.
Is that right, or should I need to do install anything else to get 

My first - perhaps it's my only - problem is the name of the function. 
documentation from Rev is nowhere (that I can find) explicit about 
The documentation from Paradigma suggests that there should be a 
called Valentina, eg that there should be possible to execute
put Valentina( Version )

When I attempt the above, I get error in function handler.  (I also 
it as a handler rather than a function - just get the equivalent, no 
handler.)  Do I need to do something else to make the Valentina 
available?  Or is just a slightly different name?
use-revolution mailing list

What happens with igame3d?

2004-06-21 Thread Alejandro Tejada
Does anyone knows happens to http://www.igame3d.com

The OpenGL programming system that they implemented 
shows a lot of possibilities, but it has vanished
from their site. I was expecting for detailed
documentations but looks like they do not publish it.

When we could have a OpenGL canvas in RR?

Thanks in advance.


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use-revolution mailing list

Revolution gui wrapper

2004-06-21 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Sun, 20 Jun 2004 20:54:35 -0300
Andre Garzia wrote: 
 we can always build a python command line tool, a
 Revolution gui 
 wrapper... this would work on any MacOS X, *nix
 system (they come with 
 python) and in win32 boxes with python installed.

I'll like to read a tutorial about making a
GUI wrapper for DOS command line utilities.

Compact Pro, an archive utility for macintosh
offers a DOS command line tool for decompressing
cpt files. Could you show me how to create a gui 
for this DOS utility?

Thanks in advance.


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use-revolution mailing list


2004-06-21 Thread Jim Hurley
RunRev allows one to display horizontal and vertical rulers--when the 
pointer tool is selected.

Has anyone developed rulers that one could display in the 
stand-alone? Can the scale and/or origin be changed?

Looking to benefit from someone else's efforts,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Splash screen in standalone - too long to show

2004-06-21 Thread Marian Petrides
One thing I just experimented with is an extremely basic hub 
standalone--that works pretty well

My Title Page has a fairly long embedded piece of music, so it takes 
10-15 seconds to load off HD, longer off HD.  Instead of using this 
stack as my standalone hub, if I create a minimalist hub consisting 
simply of a window that says Loading. Please wait. the launch time is 
minimal off HD (not tested from CD yet) and the user at least has 
something on his screen letting him know why he's waiting.

The other advantage of this is that one does not have to recompile the 
Title Page each time it is revised.  One very basic hub standalone and 
then everything else, including the title page, can remain in the form 
of non-standalone Rev files.


On Jun 21, 2004, at 10:26 AM, John Rule wrote:
Thanks Richard...that explains some things.
I also have a few substacks in this stack, so it might help to break 
this up
a bit. My expectation was that I have control over the subatcks that 
loaded. I suppose the 'code' for the substacks (which is embedded in my
splash screen) is being loaded with the splash screen whether it is 
used or
not...about 2 megabytes worth of stuff.

When my splash screen opens, I have a progress bar that advances as I
manually open each substack, getting it ready for the environment. If I
don't do this, the stack is not available...I wonder if there is some 
initialization going on for substacks regardless of whether they are 
used or
not? Is the code just being loaded, or are they being opened 
but not open to the user? That would also explain my overhead!

Maybe an option to NOT load substack code until it is called for? That 
allow me to keep my single file application intact...which is still a 
feature to RunRev AFAIK.


Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 11:46:11 -0700
From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Splash screen in standalone - too long to show
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
John Rule wrote:
I am finding that the fastest I can get my splash screen to show
is about 8 seconds...that seems a little long compared to any
'real' app.
Unless it's made by Adobe or Macromedia, where the launch times will
commonly run between 30 and 60 seconds. ;)
I know the RunRev engine has to load, and do it's internal stuff,
but this is just on the border of being annoying to the user (me)
in my opionion.
I'm a big fan of snappy launch times.  Made myself somewhat unpopular 
a Big Corporate Software Vendor list by raising the issue there, 
if maybe it was time for some optimization (note to self: never 
optimization to engineers forced to succumb to a marketing VP's
unbridled lust for featuritis).  Seems it's kind of a sore spot with
developers stuck using bloated frameworks (ah, the special hell that 
developing in a Big Corporate environment; not everyone has it as good
as we Rev developers. :)

Are there any tricks to getting a stack to display right away in a
standalone? Maybe an option in the RunRev engine to do this?
A small raw stack (no initialization scripts of any kind) turned into 
standalone opens in well under half a second on my modest 1GHz
single-processor Mac (PB 4G; Dock set to not animate launches; 768MB
RAM).  So the engine load time itself seems pretty darn quick.

Things that can affect launch time include:
- The size of the standalone stack: objects need to be read from
   disk and unpacked in memory, so bigger stacks will take longer.
- Other people's initialization:  Are you using any Rev libraries?
   If not, does removing them from the build process result in a
   faster launch?
- Your own initialization:  What does your app do before the line
   that shows the splash screen?
  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Revolution gui wrapper

2004-06-21 Thread MisterX

DOS GUI wrappers are easy and very useful. I manage a whole NT domain using
the NT Resource kit and metacard with these. It sure avoid a lot of dos

Open a DOS box, type your command with '/?' to display the help switches.

Then for any interesting switch, you build a parameter field or menu.
The execute button will assemble the command to type with the parameters
do a script like

on mouseup
  get fld server
  if \\ is not in char 1 to 2 of server then put \\ before server
  get shell(rmtshare  servername  \  fld sharename)

  -- clean and parse the output after...

Firsteable, you have to know that the shell function will block MC or RR
until the result is returned (if it comes back...) - a solution to this
problem is to use (if available) the start command line (try start /? for
the many options with this cmd) and you can always dump the output using the
piping command character at the end of the command line.  or  (one 
to replace the output, 2 to append).
for example
  dir c:  myoutput.txt

Second, you have to be careful about different commands running on different
system (W98, nt4, 2000, xp, 2003 and their corresponding reskits) as they
have different inputs and outputs!

I use many GUI kits combining different of these IO's to do many many things
like user, group, share management much better than MS's own administrative

So if you are interested in more let me know.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Alejandro
 Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 17:23
 Subject: Revolution gui wrapper

 on Sun, 20 Jun 2004 20:54:35 -0300
 Andre Garzia wrote:
  we can always build a python command line tool, a
  Revolution gui
  wrapper... this would work on any MacOS X, *nix
  system (they come with
  python) and in win32 boxes with python installed.

 I'll like to read a tutorial about making a
 GUI wrapper for DOS command line utilities.

 Compact Pro, an archive utility for macintosh
 offers a DOS command line tool for decompressing
 cpt files. Could you show me how to create a gui
 for this DOS utility?

 Thanks in advance.


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 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Splash screen in standalone - too long to show

2004-06-21 Thread Ken Norris
Hi John,
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 07:26:36 -0700
Subject: Re: Splash screen in standalone - too long to show
Thanks Richard...that explains some things.
I also have a few substacks in this stack, so it might help to break 
this up
a bit. My expectation was that I have control over the subatcks that 
loaded. I suppose the 'code' for the substacks (which is embedded in my
splash screen) is being loaded with the splash screen whether it is 
used or
not...about 2 megabytes worth of stuff.

That, by itself, doesn't explain it unless there's something you're not 
saying. If you run init routines in a preOpenStack handler, then I 
think it's waiting until they are done to show the splash window.

If that's the case, move the init routines into an openStack handler of 
the splash. That way the splash window shows _first_, and _then_ your 
init routines run, which is what you want.

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Ben Rubinstein
Thanks Andre, Klaus, and Robert (offlist) for your swift replies.

For the benefit of anyone else tracking this in the list archives; Rev does
ship with the VXCMD (although not necessarily the latest version); but in
order to make use of it in your own stacks, you need to set the externals
property of the stack and then re-open it.

So to get started, set the externals property of a stack to a path to the
VXCMD, ie to start with to something along the lines of
/Applications/Revolution 2.1/components/global

Save this stack, close+remove from memory, open it, and either with it as
the top stack, or after 'start using' it, one can then at last call the
function Valentina, eg

   put Valentina(version)

which on Rev 2.2 returned 1.9.8b2.  Hurrah!

Secondly, one needs to know that Valentina doesn't seem to do much in the
way of error checking; if you make mistakes, you are liable to be punished
by Rev immediately crashing.  So save early and often.  For example,
although you can get the version without initialising Valentina, attempting
to create a database before initialising will result in immediate crash.

Thirdly - the VXCMD_Reference.pdf does not contain a reference to the error
codes.  These can be found in ValentinaKernel.pdf.

Well, that's got me started.  Thanks very much.  Here we go...

  Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
  http://www.cogapp.com|  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Playing quicktimes while pinging

2004-06-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Jun 21, 2004, at 12:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm attempting to use the Shell command in Mac OS X to ping some 
servers and
check their availability.   My client wants to play a small looping 
animation while this is going on to mask the latency.   Unfortunatly, 
and ping working together freezes Revolution for a few seconds as 
it's doing
it, which in turn, causes the animation to freeze.   Is there any way 
to do
these operations at the same time without the temporary freezes?
Maybe an animated gif does not have this problem.
Maybe you can ping a different way.  Perhaps you can make a test open 
on the service you need.

Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 21, 2004, at 3:34 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
You say you import image ID 1018.  When it fails it is pure black?  Do 
you mean image ID 1018?  Then what does image ThumbNail have to do 
with it?

When setting the imageData, the height and width must match the 
original.  (Strictly, the size of the imageData must fit the product 
of the height and width.)  I usually clear the destination image (put 
empty into the text of image ThumbNail) and set the height and 
width, first.  This will reset the alphaData/maskData, too.  I also 
clear before setting the filename property in some situations.

The source image is always fine. It is an 80x60 imported JPG 
(currently, I've tried other formats.)

Image Thumbnail is the target. Basically, the source image is a 
default state. Thumbnail can receive other data placed into it at 
various times, but gets returned to the default at other times. There 
are an arbitrary amount of these thumbnail images, one per data card. 
So, just setting the ID to the source is not acceptable, I need an 
independent copy of the image data there.

I'll try the emptying trick, using the text of the image. I hadn't 
gone that route yet.

When you dump in your troubleshooting, be sure and include 
height/width and formattedHeight/formattedWidth.  Also alphaData (and 
maybe maskData).  You can also save the image itself.  And you can 
export the image to whatever form you want, including the human 
readable PBM.

OK. Reset the dimensions. Got it. I'll try that too. At this point, 
I'll try anything. And when it works, I won't trust it, because I've 
had it working flawlessly before... until it doesn't.

*Any* other ideas are still very welcomed.
RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 21, 2004, at 3:51 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
I'll try the emptying trick, using the text of the image. I hadn't 
gone that route yet.
The empty trick doesn't work.

When you dump in your troubleshooting, be sure and include 
height/width and formattedHeight/formattedWidth.  Also alphaData (and 
maybe maskData).  You can also save the image itself.  And you can 
export the image to whatever form you want, including the human 
readable PBM.

OK. Reset the dimensions. Got it. I'll try that too. At this point, 
I'll try anything. And when it works, I won't trust it, because I've 
had it working flawlessly before... until it doesn't.

The resize doesn't work. The combination of empty and resize doesn't 

Just to be clear, the imageData of the source NEVER changes. It is an 
imported image. It sits on a resource card in a one card resource 
substack of the main application.

I must have over 8 hours into troubleshooting this. This is just the 
sort of thing that will drive you crazy in using Revolution.
RPSystems, Ltd.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
Secondly, one needs to know that Valentina doesn't seem to do much in the
way of error checking; if you make mistakes, you are liable to be punished
by Rev immediately crashing.  So save early and often.  For example,
although you can get the version without initialising Valentina, attempting
to create a database before initialising will result in immediate crash.
Yes, Valentina is optimized for max performance at run time, so there 
is some crashing when starting to develop. You can set the debugging 
level before calling init (I think it is the first or second function 
described in the vxcmd manual). This function allows you to turn on 
additional error checking in kernel during development (at the 
expense of performance), although it won't necessarily stop crashing 
if things are called out of order. The errors are passed back as the 
result in format error nnn but a few functions return true/false so 
watch out.

Robert Brenstein
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Ken Ray

  That would avoid using the imagedata and not require you 
 have exactly
  same dimensions (the destination image will adjust to fit 
 the incoming 
  unless the lockLoc is true).
 Doesn't this technique actually create a link to the source, rather 
 than an independent copy of the image data?

No, it copies the data to the destination image, AFAIK.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

use-revolution mailing list

The Case of the Vanishing Insertion Point

2004-06-21 Thread Gregory Lypny
Hello everyone,
I have a stack where I've layered text entry fields so that I can tab 
through them in order.  The trouble is, when I've tabbed out of the 
last field in the sequence, the insertion point does not go back into 
the first.  Where did it go?

use-revolution mailing list

RE: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Ken Ray
Actually, I've been using and trapping errors in Valentina with MetaCard for
a long time and very rarely will it crash MetaCard; perhaps it's an IDE
interation thing with Rev?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Robert Brenstein
 Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 2:57 PM
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD
 Secondly, one needs to know that Valentina doesn't seem to 
 do much in 
 the way of error checking; if you make mistakes, you are 
 liable to be 
 punished by Rev immediately crashing.  So save early and often.  For 
 example, although you can get the version without initialising 
 Valentina, attempting to create a database before initialising will 
 result in immediate crash.
 Yes, Valentina is optimized for max performance at run time, so there 
 is some crashing when starting to develop. You can set the debugging 
 level before calling init (I think it is the first or second function 
 described in the vxcmd manual). This function allows you to turn on 
 additional error checking in kernel during development (at the 
 expense of performance), although it won't necessarily stop crashing 
 if things are called out of order. The errors are passed back as the 
 result in format error nnn but a few functions return true/false so 
 watch out.
 Robert Brenstein ___
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Michael D Mays
For debugging:
get Valentina(SetDebugLevel,  3 )
The 3 parameter tells Valentina to log messages from the Valentina Xcmd 
to the Console program. When Rev crashes, look over at Console and you 
will see what was happening when you crashed or just to see if the xcmd 
is doing what you think it should be doing.  See page 5 of the VXCMD 

On Jun 21, 2004, at 11:45 AM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

Thirdly - the VXCMD_Reference.pdf does not contain a reference to the 
codes.  These can be found in ValentinaKernel.pdf.

Well, that's got me started.  Thanks very much.  Here we go...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Jun 21, 2004, at 2:10 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
Just to be clear, the imageData of the source NEVER changes. It is an 
imported image. It sits on a resource card in a one card resource 
substack of the main application.
What do you mean by imported?  Do you mean you set the filename?  Do 
you mean you set the text property of the image?

Key Ray's idea of copying the image (the text) should work.
I wouldn't consider setting the height and width a trick.  The 
imageData has no height and width info.

Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

RE: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
Actually, I've been using and trapping errors in Valentina with MetaCard for
a long time and very rarely will it crash MetaCard; perhaps it's an IDE
interation thing with Rev?
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
Ken, as you say, you have been using Valentina for a long time. So 
did I. Just like you, I do not remember when was the last time I 
crashed it. The thing is that as long-time users, we know the order 
of calls well. However, it is known that calling certain functions 
out of order results in crashes and invariably new users fall into 
that trap. Using a different version of xfcn and the valentina 
library under Classic will also crash reliably.

Robert Brenstein
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 21, 2004, at 3:33 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
Can you solve it with a simple put:
  put img id 1018 of stack Button Icons into image \
Thumbnail of card tClipSelected of stack CurrentP
Holy moly.
This in fact DOES seem to be working.
Ugh. I would have thought this would repoint the ID to use as the 
image, but then, what do I know?

Now... we'll see just how long it works for.   ;-)
RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Frank Leahy
On Jun 21, 2004, at 9:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

From: Troy Rollins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Crazy imageData
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

Anything else? This is driving me nuts, as it will appear to be
resolved... work for a LONG time (many data transactions), and then
suddenly start failing. But basically, it either will work in a run of
the program, or not. Once it doesn't, it never seems to work again,
until I change something about the code. Then, it works for a while,
and then... well, you get the... picture.
You might consider not using imageData  -- you could import/export 
using temp files instead -- I do it that way, and it's pretty fast, and 
much less error prone.

But best of all you won't be munging with imageData.  Fooling around 
with imageData is a bit like playing with fire -- I'm a bit surprised 
that they support imageData at all, it's really the one place in RR 
that you can touch 1's and 0's directly.  I would guess that the 
imageData is a binary data structure (probably a QuickDraw CGrafPort on 
the Mac), and I can definitely see how it could get screwed up (imagine 
the height and width not matching the grafPort data), and that after 
it's been screwed up (however that happens), it stays screwed up.  
Actually I'm surprised you haven't seen any crashes.

-- Frank
use-revolution mailing list

Re: The Case of the Vanishing Insertion Point

2004-06-21 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Greg,
The focus probably changed to a button or other object on the page..
Gregory Lypny wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have a stack where I've layered text entry fields so that I can tab 
through them in order.  The trouble is, when I've tabbed out of the last 
field in the sequence, the insertion point does not go back into the 
first.  Where did it go?

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Jun 21, 2004, at 3:15 PM, Frank Leahy wrote:
But best of all you won't be munging with imageData.  Fooling around 
with imageData is a bit like playing with fire
One has to do it if one wants to compute images without the bother of 
building BNP or JPEG.  You can export BPM, a much simpler format, but I 
get nothing when I try to set the image with it.  (A candidate for an 

Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Jun 21, 2004, at 3:18 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
  put img id 1018 of stack Button Icons into image \
Thumbnail of card tClipSelected of stack CurrentP

This in fact DOES seem to be working.
Bugzilla the one that does not work, unless you think one of the 
imageData bugs already covers it.

Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

Saving a stack on OSX creates a 'classic' stack

2004-06-21 Thread Michael D Mays
When I save a stack in OSX it is saved as a classic stack. Do I have 
configured wrong?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

2004-06-21 Thread Michael D Mays
I am having trouble getting an application to work. I have a test stack 
which only has the mouseUp script in a button:
 put valentina(version) into fld 1.

As a stack, when I click the button the version is put into the fld.
When I create the stack nothing happens. I think I have the application 
settings correct. I see the xcmd is in the package
(./VXCMD_Macho_MC Untitled 2.app/Contents/MacOS/externals/revdb.bundle).

Any clues as to what I am doing wrong?
On Jun 21, 2004, at 3:42 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
Actually, I've been using and trapping errors in Valentina with 
MetaCard for
a long time and very rarely will it crash MetaCard; perhaps it's an IDE
interation thing with Rev?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 21, 2004, at 5:39 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
Bugzilla the one that does not work, unless you think one of the 
imageData bugs already covers it.
Looks like #1409 to me.
It claims to be fixed, how do I tell which version it is supposed to be 
fixed for?

RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Crazy imageData

2004-06-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Jun 21, 2004, at 4:09 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
Looks like #1409 to me.
It claims to be fixed, how do I tell which version it is supposed to 
be fixed for?
The procedure requires a target milestone to be set, but that sometimes 
falls in the crack.  Based on the date, I would expect this to be in 

I hope the missing targets get fixed soon.
Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution gui wrapper

2004-06-21 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Mon, 21 Jun 2004
Xavier Bury wrote:

 DOS GUI wrappers are easy and very useful. 

This means that every dos program has the potential to

become an auxiliar to RR/MC. Right?

 Open a DOS box, type your command with '/?' to
 display the help switches.


 you can always
 dump the output using the
 piping command character at the end of the command
 line.  or  (one 
 to replace the output, 2 to append).
 for example
   dir c:  myoutput.txt

I'll have to study carefully the dos shell commands.
I'm not a DOS wizard! ;-)

 Second, you have to be careful about different
 commands running on different
 system (W98, nt4, 2000, xp, 2003 and their
 corresponding reskits) as they
 have different inputs and outputs!

Could you explain us the ways in which 
these i/o differs?

 I use many GUI kits combining different of these
 IO's to do many many things
 like user, group, share management much better than
 MS's own administrative tools...

This is extraordinary! :-)

 So if you are interested in more let me know.

Of course i'm interested.
But i'll like to read a small tutorial
with a simple dos application. 

Understanding the inputs and outputs is crucial 
to make this works. So you explanations are welcome!

Thanks in advance.


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution gui wrapper

2004-06-21 Thread Andre Garzia
Alejandro, it's your lucky day! I released a libWrapper some days ago, 
you can check old threads for the email, is a lib that will help you 
build simple wrappers for command line tools... I've included two 
examples, but they are for Unix e Macs, for I know not about win32... I 
think this lib would help you, I use here for a wrapper for TAR which 
is a unix archiver, so we can work it's way to Compact Pro! my code is 
free of charge!!!


On Jun 21, 2004, at 12:22 PM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
on Sun, 20 Jun 2004 20:54:35 -0300
Andre Garzia wrote:
we can always build a python command line tool, a
Revolution gui
wrapper... this would work on any MacOS X, *nix
system (they come with
python) and in win32 boxes with python installed.
I'll like to read a tutorial about making a
GUI wrapper for DOS command line utilities.
Compact Pro, an archive utility for macintosh
offers a DOS command line tool for decompressing
cpt files. Could you show me how to create a gui
for this DOS utility?
Thanks in advance.
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Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

RE: The Case of the Vanishing Insertion Point

2004-06-21 Thread Ken Ray
Well, if you have a button or other object that has its 'traversalOn'
property set to true (as most buttons do when created), it will go to focus
on that object. To make it so that ONLY fields can get the focus, turn the
'traversalOn' property of all other objects on the card to false.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Gregory Lypny
 Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 3:43 PM
 To: Revolution
 Subject: The Case of the Vanishing Insertion Point
 Hello everyone,
 I have a stack where I've layered text entry fields so that I can tab 
 through them in order.  The trouble is, when I've tabbed out of the 
 last field in the sequence, the insertion point does not go back into 
 the first.  Where did it go?
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: FTP queries

2004-06-21 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Thanks Frank, this was the sort of thing I needed.
Should work fine.  Just upload the new file with .new at the end of 
the name, check the length, and if it looks good, do the rename.

Here's my rename code.  The PWD is there from the debugging I was 

  put libURLftpCommand(PWD, LFtpServer, LFtpUserName, 
LFtpUserPassword) into theResult1
  put libURLftpCommand(DELE   renameToFile, LFtpServer, 
LFtpUserName, LFtpUserPassword) into theResult2
  put libURLftpCommand(RNFR   renameFromFile, LFtpServer, 
LFtpUserName, LFtpUserPassword) into theResult3
  put libURLftpCommand(RNTO   renameToFile, LFtpServer, 
LFtpUserName, LFtpUserPassword) into theResult4
  put libURLftpCommand(DELE   renameFromFile, LFtpServer, 
LFtpUserName, LFtpUserPassword) into theResult5

-- Frank
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Group anomalies

2004-06-21 Thread Dan Shafer
I can confirm this bug as you describe it. FWIW, I see a fair amount of 
anomalous behavior with groups in the Rev 2.2 + OS X 10.3.4 combo. I 
sometimes just try things at random until something works. Quite 

On Jun 15, 2004, at 9:56 AM, Howard Bornstein wrote:
Using Rev 2.2 and Mac OS X 10.3.4.
Create a stack. Make a field and a button. Group the field and button. 
Select the group. Drag the handles of the group and make it bigger in 
any direction. The group rectangle changes as you drag it, and the 
field and button are not affected.

How turn on horizontal and vertical scrollbars on the group. Select 
the group. Drag from the top to extend the border. The group border 
raises AND the button and field go with it! Now drag the border down. 
Only the border moves, hiding the button and field. BTW, if you resize 
from the bottom, the objects are not affected.

Call me crazy, but it seems to me it shouldn't work this way. This 
action only happens with vertical scrollbars on.

Same thing happens if you resize the group in the horizontal 
direction. If you enlarge the group from the left, the object go with 
the  resize. When you move the border back to the right, the objects 
are not affected. Again, this only occurs with horizontal scrollbars 
turned on.

Can anyone else confirm this before I bugzilla it?
Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N   E Q
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Group anomalies

2004-06-21 Thread Monte Goulding

Hmm.. If this is a bug then it's on XP too. What seems to be happening is
when the object is resized larger from the top or left the scroll is set to
0 but when resized smaller from the top or left the scroll is incremeted by
the amount the group was resized and thus the objects don't appear to move.
I guess this begs the question which way do we want it to work?




I can confirm this bug as you describe it. FWIW, I see a fair amount of
anomalous behavior with groups in the Rev 2.2 + OS X 10.3.4 combo. I
sometimes just try things at random until something works. Quite


On Jun 15, 2004, at 9:56 AM, Howard Bornstein wrote:

 Using Rev 2.2 and Mac OS X 10.3.4.

 Create a stack. Make a field and a button. Group the field and button.
 Select the group. Drag the handles of the group and make it bigger in
 any direction. The group rectangle changes as you drag it, and the
 field and button are not affected.

 How turn on horizontal and vertical scrollbars on the group. Select
 the group. Drag from the top to extend the border. The group border
 raises AND the button and field go with it! Now drag the border down.
 Only the border moves, hiding the button and field. BTW, if you resize
 from the bottom, the objects are not affected.

 Call me crazy, but it seems to me it shouldn't work this way. This
 action only happens with vertical scrollbars on.

 Same thing happens if you resize the group in the horizontal
 direction. If you enlarge the group from the left, the object go with
 the  resize. When you move the border back to the right, the objects
 are not affected. Again, this only occurs with horizontal scrollbars
 turned on.

 Can anyone else confirm this before I bugzilla it?


 Howard Bornstein
 D E S I G N   E Q
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Group anomalies

2004-06-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Jun 21, 2004, at 10:18 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:
Hmm.. If this is a bug then it's on XP too. What seems to be happening 
when the object is resized larger from the top or left the scroll is 
set to
0 but when resized smaller from the top or left the scroll is 
incremeted by
the amount the group was resized and thus the objects don't appear to 
I guess this begs the question which way do we want it to work?
Is this with or without lockLocation of the objects set to true?
Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Group anomalies

2004-06-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Jun 21, 2004, at 10:18 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:
Hmm.. If this is a bug then it's on XP too. What seems to be happening 
when the object is resized larger from the top or left the scroll is 
set to
0 but when resized smaller from the top or left the scroll is 
incremeted by
the amount the group was resized and thus the objects don't appear to 
I guess this begs the question which way do we want it to work?
Sometimes I double group to get the behavior I want and lock the inside 
one and put scroll bars on the outside one.

Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

Re: iGame3D status 062204

2004-06-21 Thread william griffin
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 08:09:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alejandro Tejada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: What happens with igame3d?
Does anyone knows happens to http://www.igame3d.com
The OpenGL programming system that they implemented
shows a lot of possibilities, but it has vanished
from their site. I was expecting for detailed
documentations but looks like they do not publish it.
When we could have a OpenGL canvas in RR?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your interest.  I don't have good news.
May 18 was the two year anniversary of our work on this project.
Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the first Metacard built  
The website was supposed to be revamped to reflect these events,
read along to find out why the site is now a dead zone.

For eleven months your name in particular was on my mind to accomplish  
things with iGame3D that seemed elusive to my mathmetically limited  
mind, your various vector projects have inspired some interesting   
iGame3D stacks in the past year.

I had my heart set on Judy Perry and her class to be the initial  
student body that
would help develop the roadmap of high level 3D application design  
The licensing logistics of that concept were a bit confusing of course.

It was my intent to get a working stack to someone with the ability to  
educate the masses when the time was right, with the features/UI well  
formed. At the beginning of May I was in the middle of the fourth GUI  
rework, seeking the perfect balance of function and form

Providing a fully working and user friendly stack was priority number  
I had no intention of licensing out a confusing half finished product.

It is now eleven months since we licensed Revolution.
This is the iGame3D Feature list as of April 2004
Easily a half dozen or more other features were added since that time,
including shader support, a method of 3D graphing, a new proprietary
model format, a new model animation method, drawing directly into a Rev  
wind (very slow), keyframe-like timeline abilities, anti-aliasing,  
alpha rendering
I've lost count actually.

The iGame3D stack, was going to be the template for educating users in  
the use of iGame3D's extensive features. Writing documentation is not  
the driving force of this project, in fact it tends to make us brain  
dead afterwards.

 iGame3D exists because we needed a tool for making games that doesn't  
exist on the Mac. Mac users in general were to be the secondary  
beneficiaries  beneficiaries of the fulfillment of our personal life  
long goal. Rev users were to get access to a great external in the  
process of those primary motivators.

After eleven months of working non stop on this product, it has been
driven into the ground by the faulty IDE we were rented.
The iGame3D stack has been pretty much destroyed by Bugzilla Bug 1655

Possibly any one of the other 300 or so bugs in the Rev IDE are also  

Pop-up buttons stopped working.
They sometimes crashed the application on mousedown.
Replacing pop-ups with tabbed groups makes an unsightly cluttered  
Too many buttons was complaint number one of the metacard version.

To circumvent that problem, pop ups were removed from stacks, UI  
re-designed,  and extensive menus with submenus were painstakingly  
developed but these Menu bar menu items vanish.

 I get menus with random amounts of content, or menus with nothing at  
all in them, even though they show up 100% in menuBuilder.
This breaks opening levels, importing/exporting models, accesing two  
dozen or more mesh editing commands, and destroys all functionality of  
the iGame3D console.

Revs UI menu items vanish, therefore no saving, no opening stacks,  and  
90% of the other controls under the REV menus become non existant. This  
problem has been frustratingly random, several times, across several  
months I thought the bug had been vanquished only to find myself  
un-able to save after extensive optimizations and bug fixes. There one  
minute, gone the next.

When reverting to Metacard, the menus functioned perfectly but other  
elements of the iGame3D external no longer functioned, and eventually  
Metacard crashed while doing nothing at all.

Having switched from Metacard eleven months ago (after only using the  
demo for less than 2 months) I'm too unfamiliar with it to even begin  
to guess where in the 3,000+ lines of script to start looking for a  
fix. Especially if it crashes while trying to figure this out.

Instead of getting any help on bug 1655, I received your license has  
expired, pay up for the latest version. Pay for a version which i've  
already found out contains the same bugs? Less than twelve months from  
licensing the first broken version?
Are they serious?

We don't have an income to feed Runtime, or  to tempt others to work on  
the project with the dedication it