re Text file database, moving from Mac OsX to windows

2005-02-08 Thread drphilippegiraudet
Thanks to Robert Brenstein and Klaus Major for their answers.
The question is not an encoding problem and no more a corruption of 
data because of simultaneous writing access, because I still only 
tested it in mono user access, on windows. I just realise, with what 
Robert says that the corruption by simultaneous writing access will be 
my next problem ;- ... ;-(
the problem is that when you enter a command line such as

write appointment to file Pathway at 

It writes at the rigth place  on Mac
and at the wrong place on windows!
I believe it can't be an error on calculation of the first char: 

I prefer to suppose it is a quetion of length of the chain I write : if 
some chars like return or even tab are not counted , in a 8MB text 
file, it makes a great difference at the end of the file.

but now I have another Question: Robert Brenstein, you wrote me :
"You are not handling file access correctly and the file is getting 
corrupted because more than single person tries to write to it. Setting 
up multi-user access is not so trivial. Using text files is actually 
the least optimal. It is better to work along the client-server 
approach. This means that there is a central computer designated as a 
master of data and each client computer just talks to it and displays 
data locally. Alternatively, each computer can maintain its own copy of 
the text and sporadically synchronizes with others. But the algorithm 
for synchronization can be a real headache."

So if the text file is not the rigth way for handling multi users 
database, and that my next problem will be corruption by simultaneous 
writing access, may be it is more interesting to ask you what is the 
best way to manage databases under Revolution: What is a  client-server 
approach  ? Would SQL be usefull in that case? Heard speaking about 
substacks that can save data ( and didn't understand why the mainstack 
cannot). is it possible to easily manage Multi Users access to an 
external stack? Where can I learn about those, client  server, SQL, 
External stacks? Is it realistic to try it, if I tell you that I am 
already VERY busy...!?

 Many thanks for your help
Philippe Giraudet
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Open Directory reminder

2005-02-08 Thread Dom
Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can add them to the main Transcript listing with the word "FRENCH"
> as the first word in all caps to help other French speakers find it easily.

My concern was that there is no "Transcript" entry in the french
speaking section...

As for your suggestion, at Open Directory they clearly warn against this
-- they don't want non english speaking section under the main

So, I thought simply to translate the english description under
"Transcript" title, to put it under a new "transcript" title in the
french speaking section -- but you have to be an editor to do that.

By the way, I know there is a number of french speaking people onto this
list (not so much on the Revolutionfr list ;-<) 
-- one may add some vivid french speaking web sites to the new section!


use-revolution mailing list

Slightly OT: Thanks to Frank and Mark

2005-02-08 Thread graham samuel

I owe Frank D Engel Jr and  Mark Talluto thanks for answers to daft 
questions of mine (Network Hell and Re: image contrast and brightness). 
Frank, I'm starting on your network references right now- looks like a 
life saver. And I've ordered the book you recommended, Mark.

And as to your ref to RevOnline:
That looks like a ref to a RevOnline user space.  If you are not
running 2.5, download the free Dreamcard Player to gain access to the
user spaces; if you are running 2.5. click the "Rev Online" button on
the toolbar.
I have to say that I'd forgotten about RevOnline because although I'm a 
2.5 user, I've been on a very slow dialup link for quite a time and 
really didn't want to go there (and if you think that's bad, try using 
iDisk with a 28Kbaud connection...). However the French government has 
just fulfilled its promise in my corner of rural France to provide us 
all with broadband, so things will be different from now on.

Back to work - my next post will actually be about Rev.

Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Ultra Beginner Question/Request

2005-02-08 Thread Len Morgan
I'd like to thank everyone that offered help about this!  It appears that my 
original question (or more accurately the answers I was looking for) were 
misinterpreted.  I know how to program, I'm familiar with event driven 
programming (the Tk GUI is also event driven), and with what is going through a 
user's head when they are staring at the screen).  I also am familiar with 
client/server applications (that's what mine is) with a database backend (I 
currently use Postgres and when a customer requires it - MS SQL).
Frank got the closest to answering my question. Thanks Frank!!  I think the word I should have used 
instead of "design" is partition.  What cards/stacks would I divide up the functions on 
to.  If I understand Frank's response (recommended reading for ANYONE just starting out!) I'd have 
a main stack to get everything up and running, then a stack just for the database operations, and 
cards on the main stack for each of the "pages" that do something.
I agree with prior comments that you should probably bite off a smaller 
chunk of the program first (do simpler related projects in order to 
become familiar with Rev before trying to tackle a larger project like 
this), but in the meantime here are some pointers to help direct you in 
what you will want to research during that time:

I recommend PostgreSQL if you are not already using a compatible 
database server 
Already using Postgres (see above). 

The menu should be created almost first in your project, as it can 
throw off your interface if you try to add it later.  Even if you do 
not include every menu and item right away, if you are going to have a 
menu in any particular stack, create one right away, even if it is just 
a placeholder at first.  You can use the Menu Builder (in the Tools 
The menu was actually the easiest part but I'm curious why it would throw 
off the process if it was saved until later?  Is it because it adds to the 
window size and therefore throws off all of the carefully laid out GUI?
Rev does not have native support for Toolbars, but you can rather 
easily "fake" one just by placing controls appropriately and managing 
window resizes as needed.
My Tcl/Tk extensions don't have a toolbar either and I managed to "fake" it 
there too so I don't see this as a big problem.
Interface layout becomes *much* simpler if 
you can use a fixed-size stack window; if you want it to be resizable, 
spend some time with some prototype interfaces learning to use the 
Geometry Manager (the Geometry pane of the Properties palette for 
various kinds of objects) as there are some hidden gotchas that are not 
always obvious when you just get started.
I am fortunate here because my app only runs in two sizes: maximized and 
minimized.  :-)
select what the user wants to do, a "current inmate" frame which is 
only a little taller than the text and labels that are on it, a large
"main area" where different things go depending on what you select 
from the combobox, and at the bottom a status/progess bar. In a

As for the two frames, 
you really have two different options, and what is best will depend on 
the specific program and the approach you are more comfortable with.

As for the "current inmate" frame: is there exactly one version of this 
frame, or are there multiple possible interfaces that could be placed 
here?  If just one, I would suggest this approach:
The "current inmate" frame ALWAYS shows the inmate the user is currently working with 
(and thus, the name).  Making it a group and having it act like a background sounds like exactly 
what I need since it WILL be displayed on every card, even when those pages that don't directly 
relate to an inmate are displayed although with RR, it might not be necessary to put it on these 
"extra" pages.
Warning:  Note that buttons have a "shared highlight" property, and 
fields have a "shared text" property.  If the "shared text" property of 
a field is turned ON, then the content of the field will be the same 
regardless of what card you look at.
This is EXACTLY the behavior I'm looking for.  The "current inmate" frame 
holds general information (ID#, name, DOB, Quarters, Day In, etc) and the individual 
cards contain more specific information (one might have family details and physical 
description, another his commissary account history, another his movement history, etc).
The other approach is to use a single card for the entire interface.  
Now you group the controls for each of the interfaces in the other 
pane, hide all of the groups except the one you want to be visible, and 
show the one that should be visible.  This allows multiple panes to 
have multiple interfaces, and allows them to be changed independently 
of each other.
This sounds like it could be a little "messy."  For me, I think the first 
approach is the way to go.
Another warning: a group marked to act as a background is inserted just 
before the card in the message path.  In other words, if a handler for 
a m

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 17, Issue 26

2005-02-08 Thread prakash singh

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Send use-revolution mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of use-revolution digest..."

you can find the archives for this list at:

and search them using this link:

Today's Topics:

1. Re: Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server
(Rick Harrison)
2. Re: Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server
(Andre Garzia)
3. Re: Open Directory reminder (Richard Gaskin)
4. Re: Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server
(Rick Harrison)
5. Re: Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server
(Andre Garzia)
6. Re: Interactive Site listing CGI (Peter Reid)
7. Can't type foreign characters like ?mlaut in my fields...
(Frank Leahy)
8. What Is Triggering The Menu? (Scott Rossi)
9. Re: MP3 without QuickTime on Windows (Jeffrey Reynolds)
10. Re: Problem! Inaccessible substack (Jerry Balzano)
11. Re: What Is Triggering The Menu? (J. Landman Gay)
12. Re: CGI access to PostGreSQL (Sivakatirswami)
13. Re: Arrays (Alex Tweedly)
14. .mov on Windows (Stephen Van Esch)
15. Graphics stored externally? (Stephen Van Esch)
16. Re: .mov on Windows (Scott Rossi)
17. Re: Graphics stored externally? (Scott Rossi)
18. Re: Resizing stack to any screen size! (Paul Salyers)
19. Re: What Is Triggering The Menu? (Scott Rossi)
20. Re: Postgres (Hershel Fisch)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 17:03:37 -0500
From: Rick Harrison 
Subject: Re: Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server
To: How to use Revolution 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On Feb 7, 2005, at 2:39 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Rick,
> thanks for the cumpliments! That stack is a collection of works from 
> many enthusiasts round here! I compressed the stack with standard zip 
> format just for you! :D
> it's now at
> Have fun!
> andre



I tried it and I'm getting the following error.

error: could not get MX Records, try again in 5 secs

Any idea what might be causing this?




Message: 2
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 20:08:06 -0200
From: Andre Garzia 
Subject: Re: Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server
To: How to use Revolution 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=MACINTOSH; format=flowed

On Feb 7, 2005, at 8:03 PM, Rick Harrison wrote:

> Andre,
> Thanks!
> I tried it and I'm getting the following error.
> error: could not get MX Records, try again in 5 secs
> Any idea what might be causing this?

This means that communication with DNS server is wrong somehow... try 
emailing other email... Try emailing me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], we know 
that .Mac SMTP server is friendly enough for this to work. Then report 
back here! :D


> Thanks,
Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 14:14:42 -0800
From: Richard Gaskin 
Subject: Re: Open Directory reminder
To: How to use Revolution 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Dom wrote:
> Richard Gaskin wrote:
> H... seems that there is NO "Transcript" category in French!
> And there is no link to submit a new category -- unless you are an
> editor..
> I have one or two web sites to submit 
> -- but these are somewhat dormant, by now ;-)

If the sites are dormant than I'm unclear about the usefulness of 
creating a new category for them.

You can add them to the main Transcript listing with the word "FRENCH" 
as the first word in all caps to help other French speakers find it easily.

If enough sites are out there discussing Transcript in French you can 
suggest to the category manager that a new sub-category be added.

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Media Corporation


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 17:17:46 -0500
From: Rick Harrison 
Subject: Re: Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server
To: How to use Revolution 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed


Now I'm getting:

error: server was offended by our HELO Message.

Does this mean that the program won't work with my email server
because it is looking for Authentication?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Abnormal behavior?

2005-02-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>> I have a field script with a keydown event
>>> which responds to keys typed in a field and
>>> which checks for pretyping using a handler.
>>> I also have a frontscript (XOS) with a generic
>>> pretype handler of the same name.
>>> What is abnormal is that when the keydown event
>>> calls the pretyping handler, the frontscript is
>>> the one that takes priority and not the handler
>>> in the same script!
>>> This busts completely the local overide principle
>>> in scripts... And the hierarchy of events...

>> If I understand you correctly, I would think the behavior is correct.  If
>> a frontscript wasn't triggered first, why would you bother having
>> frontscripts at all?
> The question is rather how do you overide a frontscript?...
> In general and in most situations a local item overides a global
> counterpart.
> If i have a card script and an equal stack (or bg) script, the card script
> is the
> first to run... 
> Maybe I got the frontscript wrong... And that script shouldn't be there
> but still im surprised of the behavior...

Without knowing exactly what you're doing, I wonder if perhaps you need to
look at the message hierarchy differently.  Frontscripts were designed to
intercept messages before they are passed to any object.  I don't believe
there is any way to override a frontscript, but you can remove the script
from the message hierarchy which should effectively accomplish the same
thing, and then re-insert the script as needed.

Alternatively, you could have the bulk of your scripts stored in a
backscript or library, and then have scripts in specific controls which will
override the backscripts by default.  This might be closer to what you

You might want to take a look at this diagram to better understand the
message path:


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Abnormal behavior?

2005-02-08 Thread xbury . cs
Thanks Scott,

I didn't know the hierarchy was such a "mess" ;))

Just kidding! I'll have to think this over... 


On 08.02.2005 11:12:54 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
>Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a field script with a keydown event
 which responds to keys typed in a field and
 which checks for pretyping using a handler.

 I also have a frontscript (XOS) with a generic
 pretype handler of the same name.

 What is abnormal is that when the keydown event
 calls the pretyping handler, the frontscript is
 the one that takes priority and not the handler
 in the same script!

 This busts completely the local overide principle
 in scripts... And the hierarchy of events...
>>> If I understand you correctly, I would think the behavior is correct. 
>>> a frontscript wasn't triggered first, why would you bother having
>>> frontscripts at all?
>> The question is rather how do you overide a frontscript?...
>> In general and in most situations a local item overides a global
>> counterpart.
>> If i have a card script and an equal stack (or bg) script, the card 
>> is the
>> first to run...
>> Maybe I got the frontscript wrong... And that script shouldn't be there
>> but still im surprised of the behavior...
>Without knowing exactly what you're doing, I wonder if perhaps you need 
>look at the message hierarchy differently.  Frontscripts were designed to
>intercept messages before they are passed to any object.  I don't believe
>there is any way to override a frontscript, but you can remove the script
>from the message hierarchy which should effectively accomplish the same
>thing, and then re-insert the script as needed.
>Alternatively, you could have the bulk of your scripts stored in a
>backscript or library, and then have scripts in specific controls which 
>override the backscripts by default.  This might be closer to what you
>You might want to take a look at this diagram to better understand the
>message path:
>Scott Rossi
>Creative Director
>Tactile Media, Development & Design
>use-revolution mailing list

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them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries.END OF DISCLAIMER
use-revolution mailing list

Re: re Text file database, moving from Mac OsX to windows

2005-02-08 Thread Martin Baxter
>Philippe Giraudet wrote:
>Thanks to Robert Brenstein and Klaus Major for their answers.
>The question is not an encoding problem and no more a corruption of
>data because of simultaneous writing access, because I still only
>tested it in mono user access, on windows. I just realise, with what
>Robert says that the corruption by simultaneous writing access will be
>my next problem ;- ... ;-(
>the problem is that when you enter a command line such as
>write appointment to file Pathway at
>It writes at the rigth place  on Mac
>and at the wrong place on windows!
>I believe it can't be an error on calculation of the first char:
>I prefer to suppose it is a quetion of length of the chain I write : if
>some chars like return or even tab are not counted , in a 8MB text
>file, it makes a great difference at the end of the file.


This is only a guess, as I'm not clear what is happening in your situation,
but might your problem be related to the different line delimiters on the
platforms in question? Mac uses a single character - ASCII 13, while
windows uses two characters - ASCII 13 + ASCII 10 (CRLF)?

I'm theorising that if, for example,  contains line returns,
these might be automatically translated from RR's internal delimiter (ASCII
10) to windows CRLF when writing on that platform. This might cause an
increasing discrepancy if your calculations assume that the line delimiter
is a single byte.

If this might be the problem, you might avoid it if you read and write as
binary, as Revolution's internal ASCII 10 line returns will then be written
to file unmodified.


Martin Baxter

use-revolution mailing list

A simple Rev credit card processing solution

2005-02-08 Thread Richard Miller
Thanks to help from Rev technical support, I can now post a simple,  
effective, secure solution to processing a credit card through Rev.

1. Sign up for a merchant account with (an reseller). Seems any valid business will likely be  
accepted. This provides the processing gateway. Cost is under $100.  
Takes a couple of days.

2. Download the Comodo CA root certificate from here: 

3. Put this certificate anywhere you like. Then in your code:
set the sslcertificates to "the path to this certificate"
4. Here's the main code:
on processCard
  local tPostData
  set the sslcertificates to "the path to that certificate"
   -- gather the minimum data requiring by
   -- very detailed information on all of this and other options
   -- are available in the pdf guide you get from Authorize
   put 1.0 into tPostData["x_cpversion"]
   put 2 into tPostData["x_market_type"]
   put 5 into tPostData["x_device_type"]
   put 1 into tPostData["response_format"]
   put totalcharge into tPostData["x_amount"]
   put "AUTH_CAPTURE" into tPostData["x_type"]
   --these next two items use your Login name and a transaction key
   --received from
   put the urlEncode of pLogin into tPostData["x_login"]
   put the urlEncode of pTranKey into tPostData["x_tran_key"]
   -- this next line can be done a number of different ways,
   -- depending on how you want to input the card data
put the urlEncode of cardData into tPostData["x_track1"]
   -- Turn the array into a string in suitable 'query' style...
   combine tPostData with "&" and "="
   -- Do the post...
   post tPostData to URL  

   -- Get the response from Authorize
put it into tResponse
end processCard
That's it! Rev takes care of all the security issues behind the scenes.  
Works like a charm.

Email if you have any questions.
Richard Miller
Imprinter Technologies
use-revolution mailing list

Have you developed Windows stacks on Mac w Virtual PC?

2005-02-08 Thread Burrton Woodruff
Hi Folk,
Has anyone built Windows applications on a Mac using Virtual PC?
Would you be willing to provide any advice about the good and the bad?
Burt Woodruff
Department of Psychology
JH 290  940-9267
use-revolution mailing list

RE: [OT] Understanding Codecs (was Re: .mov on Windows)

2005-02-08 Thread Dan Soneson

Hi Dan,
Check out the CD-Rom available at on "QuickTime 
Compression Principles," particularly the chapter on "Compressing CG 
Footage" (CG= Computer Graphics). The whole CD is pretty interesting in 
terms of compression types and uses, including audio compression. They 
also have a nice CD-ROM on "Learning Compressor", which is a great 
compressing tool.

Good Luck,

So far, I have been unable to find any way to understand the specific
codecs for sound and video compression used in the SnapZProX product in
terms of:
1. Which are the best at compressing with minimal loss
2. Which are included as part of the QT distro
3. Which are likely to cause problems on Windows
Can anyone point me to a resource?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] Understanding Codecs (was Re: .mov on Windows)

2005-02-08 Thread xbury . cs
On 08.02.2005 08:44:46 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
>I have been doing a good bit of work with SnapZProX lately and I've
>been stymied by a problem related to the one in this thread.
>So far, I have been unable to find any way to understand the specific
>codecs for sound and video compression used in the SnapZProX product in
>terms of:
>1. Which are the best at compressing with minimal loss
>2. Which are included as part of the QT distro
>3. Which are likely to cause problems on Windows
>Can anyone point me to a resource? I'll spend the time to learn this
>stuff but I've posted on a half-dozen message boards to no avail and
>searched with Google/A9 until I can't come up with terms to use for
>searching any more.
>On Feb 7, 2005, at 10:07 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:
>> You most likely compressed with a codec that isn't part of the
>> standard QuickTime installation (the TechSmith Ensharpen codec for
>> example).  After recording your movie in SnapzPro the dialog box that
>> comes up will tell you what compressor you are saving the movie with.
>> --
>> Trevor DeVore
>> Blue Mango Multimedia
>> ___
>> use-revolution mailing list
>use-revolution mailing list

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them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries.END OF DISCLAIMER
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Get Full File listing by http

2005-02-08 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
If you can install a PHP or CGI program onto the web server, you could 
always get the results from that.

On Feb 7, 2005, at 10:02 AM, Sivakatirswami wrote:
If there is a .htaccess file on a web server with directive:
options allowIndexes
then, if there is no default index.html file to be set back out  to 
the client, a file listing is returned. Unfortunately, this listing 
truncates long file names.

Is there some way  to get a complete listing that is parseable?
use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep "John 3:16"
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 120MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Metal anomalies

2005-02-08 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
When the mouseUp message reaches the engine, of course.  At the last 
stage of the message path.

On Feb 7, 2005, at 3:25 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
--- "Dr.John R.Vokey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A minor detail no doubt, but setting the metal
property to true (in OS
X) does *not* correctly emulate the metal windows in
OS X.  As with all
other windows RR, only the (now no longer
demarcated) title bar (and
the extreme outside edges of the window) can be
clicked on to drag the
window.  In OS X, any metal part of the window can
be used to drag.
John R. Vokey
Hi John,
I'm not quite sure I agree on this : it only takes a
couple of lines of code to script this yourself, and
at which point should the engine do it for you ?
After the mouseDown message has gone all the way to
the back of the message path? Or before any of your
scripts get to it, thus rendering any card level
'mouseDown' mesages that normally get triggered when
you click next to the controls on your card?
Jan Schenkel.
Quartam - Tools for Revolution

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same 
time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep "John 3:16"
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 120MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] Understanding Codecs

2005-02-08 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Feb 7, 2005, at 11:44 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:
I have been doing a good bit of work with SnapZProX lately and I've 
been stymied by a problem related to the one in this thread.

So far, I have been unable to find any way to understand the specific 
codecs for sound and video compression used in the SnapZProX product 
in terms of:

1. Which are the best at compressing with minimal loss
2. Which are included as part of the QT distro
3. Which are likely to cause problems on Windows
Can anyone point me to a resource? I'll spend the time to learn this 
stuff but I've posted on a half-dozen message boards to no avail and 
searched with Google/A9 until I can't come up with terms to use for 
searching any more.
To see what is included with different versions of QuickTime take a 
look at .  With QT you 
shouldn't run into problems on Windows if you are using codecs that are 
available on both platforms.  When it comes to compressing screen 
capture there is no default QuickTime codec which does a good job of 
compressing with minimal loss.  The Animation codec (which I believe is 
the default in SnapzPro) is lossless at 100% but the files are very 
large.  I don't really like the results when dropping the compression 
percentage down with the Animation codec.

The TechSmith Ensharpen codec is really good for screen capture in the 
tests I have done.  If you take care when recording (use a solid color 
desktop, don't "pan" the camera" but rather follow the mouse, etc.) you 
can get great video quality with a good amount of compression.

The problem of course is that the Ensharpen codec doesn't come with 
QuickTime by default and even though the folks at TechSmith have 
applied for the component download program it seems that the QuickTime 
folks aren't doing anything with the program for the time being.  What 
you can do though is check for the installation of the Ensharpen codec 
as it will be placed in the QuickTime component directory on the users 
computer and if it isn't there then display a nice dialog that directs 
the user to the download site.  Unfortunate but it would work.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Have you developed Windows stacks on Mac w Virtual PC?

2005-02-08 Thread Thomas McGrath III
I have built on OSX and then copied over to Virtual PC and opened 
within REV running on Virtual PC. I built a cross-platform CD and 
needed to test the code. Rev runs slower in VPC but since the major 
creation was done already it wasn't too bad at all. Paths and relative 
paths are different and also menus. I use PNGs for images (good for  
compression and for transparency) I use .wav for sounds (mp3 might work 
as well). I didn't run into any other problems than these and most of 
it went pretty smooth.

On Windows:
EXE can not be at root level of CD - but paths to illustrations/images 
from OSX all lead to root level relative to OSX app.
Create short cut (shortcut.lnk) at root level to executable in a DATA 
Create autorun.inf at root level pointing to executable in a DATA 
Change relative paths for images in REV (made easier since I made all 
of my paths relative on the OSX side) to point to new placement in DATA 
Best solution is:
	autorun.inf - Alias - Alias
On windows the highlited color is treated differently than on the MAC 
and I had problems with menus with colored highlites.
Menus can be a problem.

On Feb 8, 2005, at 9:02 AM, Burrton Woodruff wrote:
Hi Folk,
Has anyone built Windows applications on a Mac using Virtual PC?
Would you be willing to provide any advice about the good and the bad?
Burt Woodruff
Department of Psychology
JH 290  940-9267
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MP3 without QuickTime on Windows

2005-02-08 Thread Ben Rubinstein
Hi Klaus,

Thanks for your help already.  I'm making progress, but I'm not quite where
I wanted to be yet.

As noted in my previous post, I'm trying to play MP3s on a minimal
installation of Windows XP Embedded.  I don't have direct control over the
XPe build (and wouldn't know what I was doing if I did) - I try something,
make a fresh request, get a new solid state disk for the unit, try again.
Quite longwinded, and there's a tight timetable on this project.

As noted before, I removed QuickTime from a normal PC running XP, and played
MP3 files, using a 'quicktime player', without problems (and without a
controller, which is fine).I wasn't previously able to install either
Media Player or QuickTime on the XPe unit.

I've now got a new disk for the XPe unit, with MediaPlayer.  I can play an
MP3 file directly by double-clicking, it opens MediaPlayer, plays it fine no
problems.  However, from Rev I still get 'could not open video player' when
I set the filename of the player to the MP3 file.

I am also now able to install QuickTime (version 4!) on the XPe unit; and
can then play the MP3 from Rev fine, complete with controller.  But when I
uninstall QuickTime, I'm back to square one.

I then tried getting Media Player 9 for XP from the MS website, and
installing that.  Installation apparently proceeded without a problem, and
Media Player can play the content without problems - but the symptoms when
playing from Rev are the same.

Evidently all installations of Media Player are not equal.  Can you (or
anyone) clue me in to what I need (and preferably how to express this to the
people building the disk image)?

If we have to, we might be able to get away with QuickTIme - but it will
cause other difficulties, so if we can avoid it just to play MP3 files that
would be an advantage.

Thank you,
  Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600|  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Postgres

2005-02-08 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
No, it wouldn't.
Let's say you want to enable 192.168.0.x, for example (x is anything in 

all   all  trust
Note: "trust" for a network is a *really* *really* *really* bad idea, 
since it does not demand a password from any user, and anyone can just 
claim to be "postgres" (the database superuser), and the server will 
just "trust" that they are indeed who they claim to be.  You should *at 
least* use "password", or even better use "md5"...

all  all  md5
Note about Subnet Masks: when comparing two given IP addresses to 
determine if an incoming connection is part of the specified subnet, so 
to speak, both addresses are bitwise ANDed with the subnet mask, and 
the result must match.

So if you really trust the entire world of hackers and virus-writers 
with complete and unrestricted access to your database server:

all  all  trust
will probably work.
On Feb 7, 2005, at 11:58 PM, Hershel Fisch wrote:
On 2/7/05 2:45 PM, "Jan Schenkel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks, it works with the addition of . My question 
now if I
want to enable a range of ip's how do I do that instead of putting a 
lot of lines , like writing
Allall0.0.0.0  trust
or leaving it blank
Allall  trust
would work?

--- Hershel Fisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all I'm trying to connect to  my postgres 8.0
server on a osx 10.3
This is a copy from the pg_hpa.con file
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all all
# IPv4 local connections:
hostall all
trust  # this is the
line I added .
# IPv6 local connections:
hostall all ::1/128
The error " FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf
Thanks a mill.
Ps I reinstalled postgres clean.
Thanks , Hershel
Hi Hershel,
I think you forgot to add the subnet-mask at the end
of that IP-address -- I think that ought
to be /24 but I'm not good with this sort of
calculations. However, there are calculators on the
Hope this helped,
Jan Schenkel.
Quartam - Tools for Revolution

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same 
time."  (La

Do you Yahoo!?
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?
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use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep "John 3:16"
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 120MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MP3 without QuickTime on Windows

2005-02-08 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Ben,
Hi Klaus,
Thanks for your help already.
Very good! :-)
I'm making progress, but I'm not quite where
I wanted to be yet.
Very bad! :-(
As noted in my previous post, I'm trying to play MP3s on a minimal
installation of Windows XP Embedded.  I don't have direct control over 
XPe build (and wouldn't know what I was doing if I did) - I try 
make a fresh request, get a new solid state disk for the unit, try 
Quite longwinded, and there's a tight timetable on this project.

As noted before, I removed QuickTime from a normal PC running XP, and 
MP3 files, using a 'quicktime player',
This term is really misleading ("media player" would be much better), 
since it implies
that they will only work with QuickTime installed, which simply isn't 

Maybe another hint for the rumoured "mac-centric" nature of REV ;-)
without problems (and without a
controller, which is fine).I wasn't previously able to install 
Media Player or QuickTime on the XPe unit.

I've now got a new disk for the XPe unit, with MediaPlayer.  I can 
play an
MP3 file directly by double-clicking, it opens MediaPlayer, plays it 
fine no
problems.  However, from Rev I still get 'could not open video player' 
I set the filename of the player to the MP3 file.

I am also now able to install QuickTime (version 4!) on the XPe unit; 
can then play the MP3 from Rev fine, complete with controller.  But 
when I
uninstall QuickTime, I'm back to square one.

I then tried getting Media Player 9 for XP from the MS website, and
installing that.  Installation apparently proceeded without a problem, 
Media Player can play the content without problems - but the symptoms 
playing from Rev are the same.

Evidently all installations of Media Player are not equal.  Can you (or
anyone) clue me in to what I need (and preferably how to express this 
to the
people building the disk image)?

If we have to, we might be able to get away with QuickTIme - but it 
cause other difficulties, so if we can avoid it just to play MP3 files 
would be an advantage.
Quick guess:
Did you "set the dontuseqt to true"?
In an "preopenstack"-handler or something...
I think even if QT is NOT present the engine thinks to have to use 

Thank you,
  Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600|  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Ultra Beginner Question/Request

2005-02-08 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
On Feb 7, 2005, at 10:35 PM, Len Morgan wrote:
I recommend PostgreSQL if you are not already using a compatible 
database server
Already using Postgres (see above).
The menu should be created almost first in your project, as it can 
throw off your interface if you try to add it later.  Even if you do 
The menu was actually the easiest part but I'm curious why it would 
throw off the process if it was saved until later?  Is it because it 
adds to the window size and therefore throws off all of the carefully 
laid out GUI?
Just the opposite.  The menu bar would overlap the top portion of the 
card, sitting on top of whatever controls you had placed there and 
obscuring them, rendering them inaccessible.  On a Mac, when the menu 
bar is used correctly, the window will be reduced in size (as the menu 
bar is at the top of the screen, separate from any windows), and the 
window is reduced in size, chopping of the part of the window which 
would be obscured by the menu bar on other platforms.

Interface layout becomes *much* simpler if you can use a fixed-size 
stack window; if you want it to be resizable, spend some time with 
some prototype interfaces learning to use the Geometry Manager (the 
Geometry pane of the Properties palette for various kinds of objects) 
as there are some hidden gotchas that are not always obvious when you 
just get started.
I am fortunate here because my app only runs in two sizes: maximized 
and minimized.  :-)
Again, that will make life easier.
Another warning: a group marked to act as a background is inserted 
just before the card in the message path.  In other words, if a 
handler for a message sent to a control is not found in the script of 
that control, then even if that control is not in the group, if the 
group's script contains a handler for that message, it will intercept 
the message before the card receives it.  I recommend not assigning a 
script to a group if you can avoid it, at least until you realize the 
implications of this (and have some experience with Rev and its 
message path), particularly when dealing with background groups.
Warning taken (if not fully understood).  Is there a "message trace" 
utility that might show the path of a message through various 
controls, groups, cards, and stacks?  It seems like this kind of a 
tool would find problems like this quickly.
Not that I am aware of, but this is not a bad idea, necessarily.  For 
info about the message path, go to the "Topics" area of the Rev 
documentation, and look at the "Messages and the message path" item in 
the list.  You can always run questions by the list if you have them.

I like to handle these things by disabling buttons and fields as 
appropriate from within the login handler.  So after authenticating 
with the database and figuring out what the current user can do, I 
disable any buttons and fields that I know ahead of time will apply 
everywhere, then I use custom properties of the stack to track what a 
user may do.  Then for things which need to be adjusted dynamically, 
I handle enable/disable in a preOpenCard handler, or on-the-fly as 
various events take place which could change that, by using those 
custom properties to determine who may do what.
This is probably the only point where I might disagree with you (at 
least if I understand what you are saying).  There is another program 
by another company that does the same job that mine does and they use 
this approach except they have a vertical scrolling list of buttons 
down the right hand side of the screen.  283 of them and they all 
APPEAR active (i.e., not grayed out). 283!!!
A scrolling list of buttons is a bad idea to begin with.  Failure to 
disable them (using an error message instead) is rather lazy.  My 
suggestion to disable the buttons implies causing them to appear 
disabled (graying the text, etc).

buttons and fields depending on the access level of the user.  You 
can also show or hide fields and buttons if that is more useful, but 
I would advise you to keep that to a minimum if your objective is 
security control.  Much better to disable controls than to hide them. 
 Use the database to handle your search (with SQL SELECT statements).
I think what I'd really like to do, taking into account the suggestion 
above and in other messages, is to have a main stack to get things 
going and a database interface stack to handle that end.  The main 
stack would get login information and find out which "profile" we are 
going to use.
Some interface elements can be appropriately hidden in this manner, 
depending on what they are and how the interface is set up.  However, 
some things should never be hidden in this way, but merely disabled.  
For example, say there is a menu of different program areas in your 
menu bar.  If some are inaccessible, you should always disable the 
items, not hide them.  (Obviously, a Window menu lists open windows, so 
only open windows shoul

Re: Have you developed Windows stacks on Mac w Virtual PC?

2005-02-08 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
I've been doing some testing under VPC.  Slow, but often usable 
depending on your needs.  Again though, I wouldn't build under VPC if 
you can avoid it -- build from the IDE running on the Mac.

On Feb 8, 2005, at 10:37 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:
I have built on OSX and then copied over to Virtual PC and opened 
within REV running on Virtual PC. I built a cross-platform CD

On Feb 8, 2005, at 9:02 AM, Burrton Woodruff wrote:
Has anyone built Windows applications on a Mac using Virtual PC?

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep "John 3:16"
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


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10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Have you developed Windows stacks on Mac w Virtual PC?

2005-02-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Burrton Woodruff wrote:

> Has anyone built Windows applications on a Mac using Virtual PC?
> Would you be willing to provide any advice about the good and the bad?

I haven't used the most recent version, but in my experience there's not
really any big downside for what it is.  The good: you have a "real" Windows
system on your Mac.  The bad: it's pretty slow, takes a long time to start
up.  Display/gamma is the Mac's, so have to remember display will be a bit
different on actual PCs.

It's always best to have a dedicated Windows system, but if you need a low
cost option, VPC isn't a bad way to go.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Have you developed Windows stacks on Mac w Virtual PC?

2005-02-08 Thread Mark Talluto
On Feb 8, 2005, at 6:02 AM, Burrton Woodruff wrote:
Hi Folk,
Has anyone built Windows applications on a Mac using Virtual PC?
Would you be willing to provide any advice about the good and the bad?

I used it for years and created about 4 commercial apps with it.  I am 
on the road a lot and find the ability to carry two OS with you is very 
useful.  I also like the simplicity of drag and drop between each OS.  
The speed is not earth shattering so you must be patient for apps that 
do a lot of processing.  I did find it to be reliable and useable.  
When you are back at the office though, nothing beats having a true PC 
running at full speed.  If they are on a network, you get your drag and 
drop back.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
CANELA Software
use-revolution mailing list

Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
Hello everyone,

What are the processes in Revolution that have been optimized to be very
fast? The following two examples are the ones that come to mind, but I
figure there must be quite a few of them.

- Match Text
- Repeat for each loop



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Richard Gaskin
Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
Hello everyone,
What are the processes in Revolution that have been optimized to be very
fast? The following two examples are the ones that come to mind, but I
figure there must be quite a few of them.
- Match Text
- Repeat for each loop
MatchText is not necessarily fast, depending on what you do with it.  It 
uses regex, which is convenient and reasonably fast for some operations, 
but as with any generalization it comes at a price.  For many uses the 
offset function is faster.

Transcript is a big language, and most of it runs fairly well.  What is 
the purpose of this list?  Maybe knowing a bit more about what you're 
after will help us deliver a good list.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
use-revolution mailing list

Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread Benjamin Pastrana
I would like to see real finished examples of REVOLUTION stacks
That DON'T look like the REVOLUTION windows.

I havent seen any stack with full photograph or graphics

Any one to share??


use-revolution mailing list

RE: Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
Thanks Richard - it isn't really for a specific project, it is just for
learning good programming practices.

I was just thinking I would study up on those techniques that are best,
for situations where processing lots of information is required. We have
had a number of discussions about how to do certain things in the
fastest possible way. It would be useful (for myself, and I assume for
the others new to Rev as well) to know which processes are fastest, in
order to think of using those processes first, and then choose the
slower processes when the faster ones do not apply.

For example, I use matchtext for a spellchecker that compares against a
list of 174,000 words. It works pretty well - but if line offset is
faster, I would consider rewriting to use that instead.

Is switch faster than if-then?
Is add 1 to X faster than put X+1 into X?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Benjamin,
I would like to see real finished examples of REVOLUTION stacks
That DON'T look like the REVOLUTION windows.
I havent seen any stack with full photograph or graphics Backgrounds.
Any one to share??
There are some screenshots on my website -> "References"...
All images but the first one are true MetaCard/Revolution apps :-)
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Feb 8, 2005, at 11:14 AM, Benjamin Pastrana wrote:
I would like to see real finished examples of REVOLUTION stacks
That DON'T look like the REVOLUTION windows.
I havent seen any stack with full photograph or graphics
Any one to share??
Here is one:

and another

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
On Feb 8, 2005, at 2:31 PM, Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
Is add 1 to X faster than put X+1 into X?
- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep "John 3:16"
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 120MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
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Re: Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Phil Davis
Richard is too modest (or maybe just old and forgetful!) - he should 
have mentioned '4W RevBench', his little gizmo that lets you compare 
execution speeds of different coding approaches that produce the same 

Starting in the Rev menus and continuing in the stacks that will appear, 

Development > Plugins > GoRevNet > Go RevNet > Stacks > 4W RevBench
Phil Davis

Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
Hello everyone,
What are the processes in Revolution that have been optimized to be very
fast? The following two examples are the ones that come to mind, but I
figure there must be quite a few of them.
- Match Text
- Repeat for each loop
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread Judy Perry
Are these yours, Trevor?


On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Trevor DeVore wrote:

> Here is one:
> and another
>  SonoPortal=6180bda0ffe53fa9d6c45808fcbec67f&of5=0&arc=1&nw=108>

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread Judy Perry
Okay, duh...


On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Judy Perry wrote:

> Are these yours, Trevor?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Feb 8, 2005, at 12:56 PM, Judy Perry wrote:
Are these yours, Trevor?
Yes.  The Virtual Historian was the first project I started using 
Revolution with and the reason I initially wrote the EnhancedQT 

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Benjamin Pastrana  wrote:

> I would like to see real finished examples of REVOLUTION stacks
> That DON'T look like the REVOLUTION windows.
> I havent seen any stack with full photograph or graphics
> Backgrounds. 
> Any one to share??

You can see here:


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A simple Rev credit card processing solution

2005-02-08 Thread Dar Scott
On Feb 8, 2005, at 5:38 AM, Richard Miller wrote:
I can now post a simple, effective, secure solution to processing a 
credit card through Rev.
Thanks for the detailed how-to.
From the CardPresent documentation I get the impression that the client 
needs to have a certificate.  Assuming I understand your example 
correctly, it does not.  That is OK, I think; merchant authentication 
in CP is based on the shared secret in x_tran_key.  The Revolution 
documentation says that the client will be able to submit a certificate 
only in the future, so it is good news that a method is available that 
does not need it.

I wonder if there is a way to improve security in this.  This uses the 
Comodo CA root certificate.  I would guess that there are many 
certificates signed by Comodo.  An owner of a signed certificate might 
be able to exploit the Revolution SSL name-matching vulnerability 
(bugzilla 2545).  Perhaps security might be improved if you could use a 
more specific root, perhaps one directly from

I noticed that CP response verification uses MD5, which Revolution can 
do if it is desired.

DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
Programming Services and Software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Ken Ray
On 2/8/05 1:31 PM, "Lynch, Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is switch faster than if-then?
> Is add 1 to X faster than put X+1 into X?

Jonathan, you should read up on the Scripting Tricks called "Increasing
Script Performance" by Wil Djikstra that I have posted on my site... they go
into this and more:


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
I will...


use-revolution mailing list

rev and zip files

2005-02-08 Thread Dwayne Rothe
Hi All,
Is there a known way to open and move the contents of a zip file from within a 
rev stack (obviously Win OS) ?
 e.g I have a folder with ? qty of  txt files and image files (.jpg) compressed 
to a zip file named
I want to be able to decompress and put the contents of the zip file into a 
chosen folder!

Cheers Dwayne...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: rev and zip files

2005-02-08 Thread Richard Gaskin
Dwayne Rothe wrote:
Hi All,
Is there a known way to open and move the contents of a zip file from within a 
rev stack (obviously Win OS) ?
Sounds like a good opportunity for Chris at Altuit to craft an external. 
 Doable Chipp?

If the format isn't important but you just need to work with multiple 
files, you can store gzip-compressed data in custom properties in a 
stack file, using that stack file as the carrier.  If you take the time 
to store the type and creator codes obtained from "the detailed files" 
on Mac you can even restore those when you write them out again -- 
something the Zip format doesn't handle at all.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

mouseDown/Up - no actions when not on buttons

2005-02-08 Thread Silver, Jason
Hello (again) :)  After some very useful advice from Jacqueline Landman
Gay at Hyperactive, I've changed the structure of my mobile phone sim
tool.  Now, instead of the buttons being on a palette, they're grouped
and behave like a background, showing up on every card.  When buttons
are pressed, they send a custom ButtonPress message with the name of the
button being pressed to the card.  The card then has a switch statement,
and does some action based on which button was pressed.

The current card I'm working on is a Login type screen, with two
focusable/editable fields, User ID and Password.  (Please see my shared
stack in RevOnline's User Spaces; the username is jsilver).  In the
switch statements, I have this script when the user presses up (or

case navUp
  -- Determine which text field the user is currently in
  put the short name of the selectedField into activeField
  if activeField = "User ID" then
focus on field "Password"
  else -- The user must be in the password field
focus on field "User ID"
  end if

This works all well and good, except when pressing on an area that's not
a button (in my stack, the purpleish area).  The cursor then disappears
from either the User ID or Password fields, and then when pressing Up or
Down, the following error occurs (because the focus is not in a field):

Type: Chunk: no target found
Object: Login Screen
Line: put the short name of the selectedField into activeField

Basically, I never want the focus to leave either the User ID or
Password fields; this simulation is supposed to be controlled solely by
the buttons placed in the "Buttons" group.  Is there an easy way to
block the mouseUp (or mouseDown?) handler from doing anything when not
on those buttons?  I've tried adding "exit mouseDown" type handlers in
the card and stack, but this doesn't do anything.  Any help is

Thanks again!

Jason Silver
Human Factors Engineer, Sr.
(858) 845-3444
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Dar Scott
On Feb 8, 2005, at 12:49 PM, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
On Feb 8, 2005, at 2:31 PM, Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
Is add 1 to X faster than put X+1 into X?
Over twice as fast.
And both are faster on 2.5 than 2.2.
Well, on my mac.
There is a subtle and exotic difference in meaning.
DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
Programming Services and Software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Very fast Revolution commands and functions?

2005-02-08 Thread Alex Tweedly
Ken Ray wrote:
On 2/8/05 1:31 PM, "Lynch, Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is switch faster than if-then?
Is add 1 to X faster than put X+1 into X?

Jonathan, you should read up on the Scripting Tricks called "Increasing
Script Performance" by Wil Djikstra that I have posted on my site... they go
into this and more:

Thanks !  I had somehow missed those 
I've sent a private reply on a few topics from there, but a general 
interest one is (from Part 3)

You most likely know that
|add 1 to x|
executes faster then:
|put x + 1 into x|
The reason is that in 'add 1 to x', the variable x is accessed only 
once, whereas in 'put x + 1 into x' it is accessed two times. The 
computer doesn't know that the result of 'x + 1' should be put in the 
same place x and has to figure out twice where in memory x resides; 
execution of the statement is similar to the execution of 'put x + 1 
into y'.
If you have a long enough memory, you may remember seeing similar advice 
about writing C (or Pascal, or )

You don't any more, because any reasonable compiler will optimize this 
out; since there is no way for the meaning of "x" to change within the 
statement  "put x+1 into x", there is no need to "figure out twice where 
in memory x resides".

Similarly, given (the equivalent of) a couple of statements like
 put x+6 into y
 put x+7 into z
or more significantly
 put a[5]+6 into y
 put a[5]+7 into z
any decent C compiler will (unless told not to by compile options, and 
assuming that y,x are simple variables) optimize the calculation, and 
probably also the register load, of the memory location for a[5].

Is there any reason why MC/Rev can't do a similar flow analysis and 
therefore eliminate double look-ups for x ?

Alex Tweedly
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need help creating standalone application using videograbber

2005-02-08 Thread Duong Le
I'm using Rev 2.5 on Mac OS X.  I am trying to create
a standalone application using the sample Video
Capture stack from the sample projects on revonline. 
When using the standalone app, the video grabber
library does not seem to be working.  I have even
narrowed down the line of code that stops the
functioning of the rest of the program.

revInitializeVideoGrabber short name of this

Putting a simple answer line after this code shows me
that it does not work in the standalone (it works fine
in the ide).  I've read and searched through the
archives.  I made sure the video grabber script
library is included with the inclusions in the
standalone apps settings.  I've also read somewhere
that a data folder is produced with the library file
in it but I do not see that.  The standalone simply
produces 1 file.  Perhaps Rev 2.5 changed some stuff. 
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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use-revolution mailing list

on load image

2005-02-08 Thread Paul Salyers
Id there a way to play different wav files when a image loads.
The way I want this to do it is play 1.wav
when this wav finishes then play 2.wav, etc.
Please help
Paul Salyers
PS1 - Senior Rep.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A simple Rev credit card processing solution

2005-02-08 Thread Richard Miller
I wish I knew the answers to your questions. I worked on this issue 
with technical people at (after passing through MANY 
hands) and at Rev to find an answer that seemed to satisfy everyone. I 
was given the impression the Comodo certificate, along with the 
transaction key, provided adequate security. Hope this is correct.

On Feb 8, 2005, at 4:30 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
On Feb 8, 2005, at 5:38 AM, Richard Miller wrote:
I can now post a simple, effective, secure solution to processing a 
credit card through Rev.
Thanks for the detailed how-to.
From the CardPresent documentation I get the impression that the 
client needs to have a certificate.  Assuming I understand your 
example correctly, it does not.  That is OK, I think; merchant 
authentication in CP is based on the shared secret in x_tran_key.  The 
Revolution documentation says that the client will be able to submit a 
certificate only in the future, so it is good news that a method is 
available that does not need it.

I wonder if there is a way to improve security in this.  This uses the 
Comodo CA root certificate.  I would guess that there are many 
certificates signed by Comodo.  An owner of a signed certificate might 
be able to exploit the Revolution SSL name-matching vulnerability 
(bugzilla 2545).  Perhaps security might be improved if you could use 
a more specific root, perhaps one directly from

I noticed that CP response verification uses MD5, which Revolution can 
do if it is desired.

DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
Programming Services and Software
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: mouseDown/Up - no actions when not on buttons

2005-02-08 Thread Pat Trendler
Hello Jason,
Could you just make the purple area a button. Turn off 
showName,autoHilite,sharedHilite, showFocusBorder. And turn off 
traversalOn - so that it doesn't take focus off the field if it is clicked..

You can use property inspector (size & position/layer) to 'send to the back' 
alter you create the button.

- Original Message - 
From: "Silver, Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 8:54 AM
Subject: mouseDown/Up - no actions when not on buttons

Hello (again) :)  After some very useful advice from Jacqueline Landman
Gay at Hyperactive, I've changed the structure of my mobile phone sim
tool.  Now, instead of the buttons being on a palette, they're grouped
and behave like a background, showing up on every card.  When buttons
are pressed, they send a custom ButtonPress message with the name of the
button being pressed to the card.  The card then has a switch statement,
and does some action based on which button was pressed.
The current card I'm working on is a Login type screen, with two
focusable/editable fields, User ID and Password.  (Please see my shared
stack in RevOnline's User Spaces; the username is jsilver).  In the
switch statements, I have this script when the user presses up (or
case navUp
 -- Determine which text field the user is currently in
 put the short name of the selectedField into activeField
 if activeField = "User ID" then
   focus on field "Password"
 else -- The user must be in the password field
   focus on field "User ID"
 end if
This works all well and good, except when pressing on an area that's not
a button (in my stack, the purpleish area).  The cursor then disappears
from either the User ID or Password fields, and then when pressing Up or
Down, the following error occurs (because the focus is not in a field):
Type: Chunk: no target found
Object: Login Screen
Line: put the short name of the selectedField into activeField
Basically, I never want the focus to leave either the User ID or
Password fields; this simulation is supposed to be controlled solely by
the buttons placed in the "Buttons" group.  Is there an easy way to
block the mouseUp (or mouseDown?) handler from doing anything when not
on those buttons?  I've tried adding "exit mouseDown" type handlers in
the card and stack, but this doesn't do anything.  Any help is
Thanks again!
Jason Silver
Human Factors Engineer, Sr.
(858) 845-3444
use-revolution mailing list 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Postgres

2005-02-08 Thread Hershel Fisch
On 2/8/05 10:48 AM, "Frank D. Engel, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> No, it wouldn't.
> Let's say you want to enable 192.168.0.x, for example (x is anything in
> 0..255):
> all   all  trust
> Note: "trust" for a network is a *really* *really* *really* bad idea,
> since it does not demand a password from any user, and anyone can just
> claim to be "postgres" (the database superuser), and the server will
> just "trust" that they are indeed who they claim to be.  You should *at
> least* use "password", or even better use "md5"...
> all  all  md5
I wish I'd know how to use it, set it.

> Note about Subnet Masks: when comparing two given IP addresses to
> determine if an incoming connection is part of the specified subnet, so
> to speak, both addresses are bitwise ANDed with the subnet mask, and
> the result must match.
> So if you really trust the entire world of hackers and virus-writers
> with complete and unrestricted access to your database server:
> all  all  trust
> will probably work.
> On Feb 7, 2005, at 11:58 PM, Hershel Fisch wrote:
>> On 2/7/05 2:45 PM, "Jan Schenkel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks, it works with the addition of . My question
>> now if I
>> want to enable a range of ip's how do I do that instead of putting a
>> whole
>> lot of lines , like writing
>> Allall0.0.0.0  trust
>> or leaving it blank
>> Allall  trust
>> would work?
>> Hershel
>>> --- Hershel Fisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Hi all I'm trying to connect to  my postgres 8.0
 server on a osx 10.3
 This is a copy from the pg_hpa.con file
 # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
 local   all all
 # IPv4 local connections:
 hostall all
 trust  # this is the
 line I added .
 # IPv6 local connections:
 hostall all ::1/128
 The error " FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf
 Thanks a mill.
 Ps I reinstalled postgres clean.
 Thanks , Hershel
>>> Hi Hershel,
>>> I think you forgot to add the subnet-mask at the end
>>> of that IP-address -- I think that ought
>>> to be /24 but I'm not good with this sort of
>>> calculations. However, there are calculators on the
>>> internet.
>>> Hope this helped,
>>> Jan Schenkel.
>>> =
>>> Quartam - Tools for Revolution
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> - ---
> Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> $ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
> $ true | cat /usr/manual | grep "John 3:16"
> John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
> Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
> everlasting life.
> $
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> XQeR2reyjVYTmzc5ho7SAqI=
> =LivA
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Re: rev and zip files

2005-02-08 Thread Chipp Walters
Yep, we already have one in the works...
Richard Gaskin wrote:
Dwayne Rothe wrote:
Hi All,
Is there a known way to open and move the contents of a zip file from 
within a rev stack (obviously Win OS) ?

Sounds like a good opportunity for Chris at Altuit to craft an external. 
 Doable Chipp?

If the format isn't important but you just need to work with multiple 
files, you can store gzip-compressed data in custom properties in a 
stack file, using that stack file as the carrier.  If you take the time 
to store the type and creator codes obtained from "the detailed files" 
on Mac you can even restore those when you write them out again -- 
something the Zip format doesn't handle at all.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: mouseDown/Up - no actions when not on buttons

2005-02-08 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 2/8/05 4:54 PM, Silver, Jason wrote:
case navUp
  -- Determine which text field the user is currently in
  put the short name of the selectedField into activeField
  if activeField = "User ID" then
focus on field "Password"
  else -- The user must be in the password field
focus on field "User ID"
  end if
This works all well and good, except when pressing on an area that's not
a button (in my stack, the purpleish area).  The cursor then disappears
from either the User ID or Password fields, and then when pressing Up or
Down, the following error occurs (because the focus is not in a field):
Type: Chunk: no target found
Object: Login Screen
Line: put the short name of the selectedField into activeField
That's because when you click on the card, no field is in focus. The 
"selectedfield" will be empty, and you can't get the short name of empty.

Instead of trying to get the name for all cases, change the syntax to:
case navUp
-- Determine which text field the user was in
if the selectedField contains "User ID" then -- change this
  focus on field "Password"
else -- Currently in password field
  focus on field "User ID"
end if
By using "contains" instead of "equals", you can work with an empty 
case. Since it is never used more than once, you can also eliminate the 
line that puts the selectedfield into the variable; just compare it 

I took a quick look at your script, and noticed you have an "exit" 
statement as the last line of the handler. No need -- all messages 
automatically stop at the end of the handler, unless they are expressly 
passed. The buttonPress message will never go any farther.

You don't need "send to" in the button scripts -- all messages are 
automatically sent to the card if the button itself doesn't handle them. 

on mouseup
 buttonPress "selectKey"
end mouseup
But even better, since you have elegantly named your buttons for the 
messages they send (which is good,) you could put this same script in 
all of them:

on mouseUp
 buttonPress (the short name of me)
end mouseUp
And if you wanted to get really fancy, don't put any scripts in those 
buttons at all. Leave them completely empty. Instead, use a single card 

on mouseup
 get the name of the target
 if it contains "button"
 then buttonPress (the short name of the target)
end mouseUp
This last approach will work even if you add future buttons that aren't 
supposed to use the "buttonpress" message. If you give those future 
buttons their own "mouseup" handler, then the "mouseup" message they 
catch will never reach the one that is living in the card.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: mouseDown/Up - no actions when not on buttons

2005-02-08 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 2/8/05 10:08 PM, I wrote:
By using "contains" instead of "equals", you can work with an empty 
Sorry, this is of course untrue; you could use equals there. The thing 
that fixes the script is that it is no longer trying to get the name of 
empty. Any comparison type would work.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread MisterX
> I havent seen any stack with full photograph or graphics Backgrounds. 

You can try my new game in the making...
(download size is 8.7 MBs!)
But it's alpha - although it works - it has a couple problems...

and my ImageShow stack
(MC and RR - 150 KBs)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Benjamin Pastrana
> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 20:14
> To:
> Subject: Samples of completed projects
> I would like to see real finished examples of REVOLUTION 
> stacks That DON'T look like the REVOLUTION windows.
> Any one to share??
> Thanks!
> Benjamin
> -- 
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

XML on Linux

2005-02-08 Thread Sivakatirswami
How could one implement the XML library on a Linux machine such that 
CGI scripts can use rev's XML commands to process xml files?

Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

The Case of the Disappearing Custom Property

2005-02-08 Thread Dan Shafer
I have a large stack (about 87MB) that contains two QuickTime movies 
imported as controls. I'm using this approach because the client 
doesn't want anyone to be able to view these movies without registering 
and receiving a password and QuickTime movies can't be 

So far, so good.
In the IDE, everything goes as expected. The stack opens, the user is 
asked for name and password and, if the password matches the value of a 
custom property stored in the stack, he is given permission to proceed. 
If not, he's told he has to go get the password and the stack closes.

Saved as a standalone, this does not work. I spent about 3 hours on 
this today and what I've found after a lot of tracing is that in the 
standalone app, the custom property containing the password against 
which the user's entry is to be matched is empty. I have an answer 
dialog that displays the value of that property. In the IDE, it shows 
the property correctly and the stack works. In the runtime, that dialog 
says the custom property has no value in it.

Known bug? I can't find anything on this in Mozilla. I'm going to 
resort to placing the password into the stack as a variable, but that 
seems somehow less elegant.

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