[ANN] Stock Portfolio

2005-04-10 Thread Karen
I've finally finished my first Revolution project thanks to all the
wonderfully helpful people on this list.  I've packaged it up and I'm
currently wondering whether to attempt to market it as shareware :-).  It
isn't as impressive as a lot of the stuff I've seen from other list members
(like Jim's Pool program), but I'm quite pleased with it!

The program is intended to allow you to track stock prices and your own
portfolio of shares.  It runs under either Windows XP or Mac OS X.  I've
done quite a bit of testing on it, but any bug reports would be very
welcome.  It uses price data from Yahoo so there are slight delays on the
prices.  At the moment it caters for US and UK stocks, but it shouldn't be
difficult to add other markets.  You can view graphs of the price data, pull
up further details, export the historical price data and print stuff out.
You can set an automatic update frequency and set the currency through the
preferences window.

There is online help, available from the Help menu within the program.  The
text of this is all complete though I'm still adding screenshots.  There
isn't an online store yet as I've not decided whether to market it and
some of the other links such as Support, Copyright and Privacy don't work
yet either.

As a thank you to all on the list for your help, I've decided to throw it
open to list members for free.  If you are interested then drop me an e-mail
and I'll send you a key for it.  The program itself can be downloaded at
http://www.curlypaws.com/stockportfolio/ and should allow you to add 5
stocks and 1 portfolio item without needing a registration key.

I'd love to hear what you think of it.



use-revolution mailing list

Physiological data acquisition via USB

2005-04-10 Thread Mr D Glasgow
This has popped up on the list now and then, but typically those trying 
to achieve it seem to retire disillusioned.  The last one in the 
archives was Elizabeth Daltonare you still out there Elizabeth?  
Did you get anywhere?

In fact, is there *anyone* out there who has managed to use Rev to 
acquire either galvanic skin response or heart rate on either Mac or 
Win (as usual, preferably both)?

Best Wishes,
David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list

Can one manually resize an object proportionately?

2005-04-10 Thread Stgoldberg
Thanks, Malte for your suggestions.   However, in this case what I am 
suggesting is that rather than having to type in numbers to resize an object 
proportionately, there needs to be some way to do this manually, such as 
holding down 
the Shift key while doing the resizing (like in Photoshop), which I don't see 
is a feature of Revolution.   In that way, one can do the resizing on the fly, 
eyeballing whether or not the object is the right size for the card, rather 
than having to experiment with different numbers until the size seems right. So 
if anyone has way of doing this, I'd certainly like to hear about it. Thanks.
Steve Goldberg

In a message dated 4/10/05 12:23:47 AM, 

 From: Malte Brill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: # Can one manually resize an object proportionately?
 To: use-revolution@lists.runrev.com
 Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=US-ASCII;    format=flowed
 Hi Steve,
 Although one can go into the Revolution property inspector and do some
 calculation to resize an object proportionately, e.g. to say 1/3 the
 size, when
 trying to do this manually I do not see a way to control the resizing
 You can easiely write a function to do it and do your resizing with the
 If you like to take a look at libRMC (a small Multimedia Library I
 wrote) you can save a bit of work. :-)
 You will need to put the stack in the messagepath (start using stack
 If you want to find out what other features it offers type
   into the messagebox.
 From the docs:
 aspectScale left,top,right,bottom[,setLockLoc]
 set the aspectScale of img myImage to 100,100,400,400,true
 set the aspectScale of fld myField to the rect of grc myGraphic
 setting the aspectScale of a control scales it in the correct
 width-to-height ratio to the biggest dimensions possible to fit in the
 specified rectangle. you can specify if the lockLoc of the control
 should be set to avoid unwanted resizing when closing/reopening cards.
 You find the library here:
 The docs:

use-revolution mailing list

Does it save disk space using a grouped image as a background?

2005-04-10 Thread Stgoldberg
If an image is going to appear on many cards and one wants to save disc 
space, I found the advice very useful from the forum to use the image as an 
icon. I 
was wondering whether or not it may also save disc space to group the image 
and set it to act as a background. For instance if I have an image that I'd 
like to use as a button to appear on many cards, if I set it to act as a 
background, will it use less disc space than if I did not set it to act as a 
background? Or would I need to import it as a referenced control in order to 
disk space?   Thanks.
Steve Goldberg

use-revolution mailing list

Re: # Can one manually resize an object proportionately?

2005-04-10 Thread Marty Billingsley
Malte Brill [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Steve,

  Although one can go into the Revolution property inspector and do some
  calculation to resize an object proportionately, e.g. to say 1/3 the
 size, when
  trying to do this manually I do not see a way to control the resizing

 You can easiely write a function to do it and do your resizing with the

Yes, but why should you have to do that?  All other Mac apps that I work
with will resize an object proportionately if the shift key is held
down as the corner handle is grabbed.  Why on earth doesn't RR do this?
Is there a reason, or is it an oversight?  (Is it a feature or a bug?)

Seems like every time I ask a question like this, it turns out there's
a thought-out reason that RR is implemented the way it is.  (Such as,
I asked why it's the default to have images revert to their original
sizes and positions unless locked, and it turns out that that was a
deliberate decision, not a bug the way I thought it was.)

Anyway, is there a reason that Shift-drag doesn't resize proportionately,
or is it an oversight?

  - marty

Marty Billingsley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools
use-revolution mailing list

Suggestions for a new Revolution User Guide

2005-04-10 Thread Stgoldberg
As a new Revolution user (former HyperCard/mTropolis user) and having read 
through the User Manual and Dan Shafer's book, I find the program very powerful 
and useful.   However, I'd like to make the following suggestions toward 
producing a new User Guide, and which I think would better attract new users.   
There are important basic features in the present user interface that   seem to 
be inadequately documented even for those with a programming background, let 
alone those totally new to programming.   I suspect Revolution may turn off new 
potiential users unless certain changes are made to the documentation.   My 
suggestions toward a new manual are as follows:
1.   Eliminate   the printed Transcript Language reference guide.   It is 
duplicated in a much more efficient manner in the onscreen Reference 
Documentation window.
2.   Eliminate the How To section in the printed User Guide.   Much of this 
is already in the Topics section of onscreen Reference Documentation which 
can be beefed up to include all of the How To topics.
3.   Instead, have a single, smaller user manual organized so there is:
 A.   A new friendly introductory chapter describing the general features 
of Revolution.   As is, the manual is not very user-friendly to newbees.   
One has to go through some 55 pages before getting to a section called About 
Revolution for new developers.   These first 55 pages could largely be placed 
in an Appendix, so that someone totally new to programming does not have to 
wade through it.
 B.   There needs to be a systematic explanation of the various windows 
in Revolution, in particular the Inspector and message box windows, which are 
not presently well documented.   The reader should be taken through each 
checkbox and menu item in the inspector and message box windows.   The Tools 
also does not seem well-documented in any one place (Where is there an 
explanation as to how to make proper use of the   slider, progress bar, little 
and scrollbar items, and the drawing tools?)   One can find scattered 
information but it does not seem well-organized in any one place.
 C.   There should be a systematic explanation of the main top menubar, 
including all the features of the Standalone Application Settings part of the 
File menu, which presently is not well documented.   Thus the Menus section 
of the present User Manual should be upgraded.
 D.   There should be a brief overall chapter on Revolution scripting.   
It need not be extremely detailed.   Details can be obtained in the already 
excellent Dictionary in the Reference Documentation Window. Also, when Dan 
Shafer completes his book (I still remember reading through and using his 
excellent book on HyperCard scripting some years ago) it should be very 
valuable in 
pointing out and elaborating on the more advanced and useful things that 
scripting can do.
 E.   I'd keep the Shortcuts and Troubleshooting parts of the present 
User Manual.   The Glossary terms don't have to be listed over 12 pages in the 
Index.   It is sufficient to have them just listed in the Glossary, which could 
actually be eliminated in favor of simply putting a Glossary on disc as part 
of the Reference Documentation.   In general it is easier to read short 
segments of text on a computer than long paragraphs of text, so the short 
(Topics, Dictionary, Objects, Glossary) would fit well being placed on-screen, 
while longer explanations would fit better in a book. (By the way, I have 
been writing, editing and publishing medical books and CDs for the past 25 
at www.medmaster.net, and am used to evaluating which forms of communication 
fit better in a book and which on CD).
 With a single, short, well-documented, organized manual it would be 
easier to attract new users.   I'd be happy to help write (or edit) one myself 
no charge, if the current developers are interested, since I am so impressed 
with the potential for Revolution, but first I'd have to fully understand all 
the features myself.   
 So far, I've found this forum a great avenue for communication.   I'm 
looking forward to the conference at Monterey.

Steve Goldberg
use-revolution mailing list


2005-04-10 Thread Mikey

Anyway, if I could get some of you to submit some of the well-known
(but not-so-well-documented) issues for the Tao Blog it would be nice.

You can view the Tao of Runtime Revolution at


You can email me here, or if you think you might be a more frequent
contributor, you can email me and join the project.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

Suggestions for a new Revolution User Guide

2005-04-10 Thread Stgoldberg
This is an addendum to my previous note also listed today.   I erred in 
referring to the current Glossary terms being listed in the Index.   Rather 
currently are listed, of course, in the Table of Contents, and as mentioned, 
the Glossary terms do not need to be duplicated in the Table of Contents.   It 
is sufficient to list them in the Glossary itself.   Also, as has been pointed 
out in previous forum discussions, the book needs an Index as well.   
Otherwise it is difficult to find what one is looking for. 
Steve Goldberg
use-revolution mailing list

Currency and percentage in numeric evaluation

2005-04-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
I need to evaluate a large number of short strings to determine whether 
they are numeric.  Some of these are percentages, and include the %, 
and others are currency and can contain $. the Euro, Yen, or any 
number of other signs.

With dates we have a convenient test:  try to convert it, and if it 
fails it will tell you why.

But we have no such convenience with percentages and currency.  So what 
is the most efficient (heck, I'd settle for reasonable efficient) way to 
determine if a string is numeric given the wide range of currency 
formats in common use?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.FourthWorld.com
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Currency and percentage in numeric evaluation

2005-04-10 Thread MisterX
if it's a number return true

other wise you have to parse it char by char to do any kind of an effective
job. A grep bolean search could help too...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Richard Gaskin
 Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 17:03
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Currency and percentage in numeric evaluation
 I need to evaluate a large number of short strings to 
 determine whether they are numeric.  Some of these are 
 percentages, and include the %, and others are currency and 
 can contain $. the Euro, Yen, or any number of other signs.
 With dates we have a convenient test:  try to convert it, and 
 if it fails it will tell you why.
 But we have no such convenience with percentages and 
 currency.  So what is the most efficient (heck, I'd settle 
 for reasonable efficient) way to determine if a string is 
 numeric given the wide range of currency formats in common use?
   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World Media Corporation
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.FourthWorld.com
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Currency and percentage in numeric evaluation

2005-04-10 Thread Eric Chatonet
Hi Richard,
A post by Thierry Douez (Rép : Seperate numbers from text Date: 6 avril 
2005 10:18:44 GMT+02:00) might get you started:

DR Is there a way to seperate numbers from text in a string?
DR e.g string69 to return 69 or string69also to return 69
try this :
  put asdfsdfsdf765xcxccxcv123cvccv into s
  -- erase all numbers
  put replaceText( s, \d+,  empty ) into r1
  -- erase all text
  put replaceText( s, [^\d]+,  empty ) into r2
But I am afraid it's a real problem if you want to trigger all kinds of 
expressions :
12 $
12,65 $
If you have no decimal values, an approach by word may be helpful...

Best regards,
Le 10 avr. 05, à 17:03, Richard Gaskin a écrit :
I need to evaluate a large number of short strings to determine 
whether they are numeric.  Some of these are percentages, and include 
the %, and others are currency and can contain $. the Euro, Yen, 
or any number of other signs.

With dates we have a convenient test:  try to convert it, and if it 
fails it will tell you why.

But we have no such convenience with percentages and currency.  So 
what is the most efficient (heck, I'd settle for reasonable efficient) 
way to determine if a string is numeric given the wide range of 
currency formats in common use?
Eric Chatonet.

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use-revolution mailing list

ANN: BreakpointNavigator Plugin release

2005-04-10 Thread MisterX
Here's the release of the breakpoints navigator plugin stack.

You can view the screenshots and download it from
This stack will delete your badly referenced breakpoints and delete bad
customproperties to inexisting controls to save you from loosing work as
detailed in bugzilla 2483.

The stack is working quite well but im not sure I got all the quirks out.
Please let me know if you encounter anything or a stack that doesn't get
fixed! This stack was not mac tested so If here's any visual problems, I'd
love to see a screen shot (gif or png if possible) to resolve it. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Currency and percentage in numeric evaluation

2005-04-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Apr 10, 2005, at 9:03 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
I need to evaluate a large number of short strings to determine 
whether they are numeric.  Some of these are percentages, and include 
the %, and others are currency and can contain $. the Euro, Yen, 
or any number of other signs.
If this is an 8-bit encoding, and these are lines, then maybe you can 
separate them with filter.

Do you need E notation, too?
If you need a more exact match, you might need to use a regex.
If this is unicode, you might need to process each unicode character or 
make an ugly regex for your byte order.

DSC (Dar Scott Consulting  Dar's Lab)
A Sponsor of RevCon West
use-revolution mailing list

Tabbed buttons.

2005-04-10 Thread Ryno Swart
Does anybody have a simple (simple!) example of working with tabbed 
buttons? I went through the documentation, even searched the net, but 
the only information I could find was so obscure as to be useless. I 
need to have spelled out With the edit tool selected, click on the tab 
marked 'Tab 1'. Now open the script editor...  and so forth. Many 
thanks, folks.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] Stock Portfolio

2005-04-10 Thread Jim Hurley
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 11:06:01 +0100
Subject: [ANN] Stock Portfolio
To: use-revolution@lists.runrev.com
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=US-ASCII
I've finally finished my first Revolution project thanks to all the
wonderfully helpful people on this list.  I've packaged it up and I'm
currently wondering whether to attempt to market it as shareware :-).  It
isn't as impressive as a lot of the stuff I've seen from other list members
(like Jim's Pool program), but I'm quite pleased with it!

(Thought this a good place to snip :))
Very impressive for a first effort--or last for that matter. I felt 
so proud when I did my first: Print Hello

I don't do stocks. My last stock drop about 80% and the company 
gouged CA (where I live) driving up  electricity rates. A double 
whammy. So I can't be of any help on the utility of your program.

But, and this is the tinniest thing, if you would like to convert 
numbers like I see on your web site (10442.87) to the usual comma 
formatted form, i.e. 10,442.87, you may want to use the following 

function commaFormat tNum
  put tNum mod 1 into remainder -- 0.87
  delete char 1 of remainder -- .87
  put trunc(tNum) into tNum --10442
  put the number of chars in tNum into n
  repeat with i = 1 to trunc((n-1)/3)
put comma after char n - 3*i of tNum
  end repeat
  return tNum remainder
end commaformat
There may be a built-in Run Rev version.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: BreakpointNavigator Plugin release

2005-04-10 Thread David Squance
I get only a screen full of script.  Is this a 'go url' thingy for the 
message box?

On Apr 10, 2005, at 9:54 AM, MisterX wrote:
Here's the release of the breakpoints navigator plugin stack.
You can view the screenshots and download it from
This stack will delete your badly referenced breakpoints and delete bad
customproperties to inexisting controls to save you from loosing work 
detailed in bugzilla 2483.

The stack is working quite well but im not sure I got all the quirks 
Please let me know if you encounter anything or a stack that doesn't 
fixed! This stack was not mac tested so If here's any visual problems, 
love to see a screen shot (gif or png if possible) to resolve it.

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can one manually resize an object proportionately?

2005-04-10 Thread Malte Brill
Hi Steve,
ok. I thought about it for a while and scripted a little quirky 
version. It works relatively good. Hold down the commandKey while 

Hope it helps.
With libRMC in use try this in your stacks script (mind linewraps!):
on moveControl
  set the isLeftObj of this cd to the left of the selectedObject
  set the isTopObj of this cd to the top of the selectedObject
  set the isrightObj of this cd to the right of the selectedObject
  set the isbottomObj of this cd to the bottom of the selectedObject
end moveControl
on selectedObjectChanged
  if the selectedObject is empty then pass selectedObjectChanged
  put the selectedObject
  set the isLeftObj of this cd to the left of the selectedObject
  set the isTopObj of this cd to the top of the selectedObject
  set the isrightObj of this cd to the right of the selectedObject
  set the isbottomObj of this cd to the bottom of the selectedObject
end selectedObjectChanged
on resizeControl
  if the commandKey is down then
if the mouseHthe isLeftObj of this cd then
  put the isLeftObj of this cd into x1
  put the mouseH into x2
  set the leftFlag of this cd to true
  put the isrightObj of this cd into x2
  put the mouseH into x1
  set the leftFlag of this cd to false
end if
if the mouseVthe isTopObj of this cd then
  put the isTopObj of this cd into y1
  put the mouseH into y2
  set the topFlag of this cd to true
  put the isbottomObj of this cd into y2
  put the mouseH into y1
  set the topFlag of this cd to false
end if
if libRMC is not in the stacksInUse then
  answer You must start using libRMC for this handler to work
end if
set the aspectScale of the selectedObject to x1,y1,x2,y2,false
if the topFlag of this cd then
  set the top of the selectedObject to the isTopObj of this cd
  set the bottom of the selectedObject to the istopObj of this cd
end if
if the leftFlag of this cd then
  set the left of the selectedObject to the isLeftObj of this cd
  set the right of the selectedObject to the isleftObj of this cd
end if
set the isLeftObj of this cd to the left of the selectedObject
set the isTopObj of this cd to the top of the selectedObject
set the isrightObj of this cd to the right of the selectedObject
set the isbottomObj of this cd to the bottom of the selectedObject
set the isLeftObj of this cd to the left of the selectedObject
set the isTopObj of this cd to the top of the selectedObject
set the isrightObj of this cd to the right of the selectedObject
set the isbottomObj of this cd to the bottom of the selectedObject
pass resizeControl
  end if
end resizeControl
Holding down the shiftkey resizes a control in a quadratic ratio. I 
like it as a feature even though I agree it should be the other way. 
Maybe you should enter a request into Bugzilla.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can one manually resize an object proportionately?

2005-04-10 Thread Howard Bornstein
On Apr 10, 2005 7:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, Malte for your suggestions.   However, in this case what I am
 suggesting is that rather than having to type in numbers to resize an
 object proportionately, there needs to be some way to do this manually, such
 as holding down the Shift key while doing the resizing (like in Photoshop), 
 which I
 don't see is a feature of Revolution.   

Here's a quick and dirty way to do what you want. I'm sure someone can
come up with a more elegant method.

In your stack script put this handler:

on mousemove
  global gRatio,gObject
  if the optionkey is down then
put empty into gRatio
  end if
  if there is a selectedobject then
if the selectedobject  gObject then
  put empty into gRatio
end if
put the selectedobject into gObject
put the width of gObject into tWidth
put the height of gObject into tHeight

if gRatio is empty then
  put tWidth/tHeight into gRatio
end if

if the commandkey is down then
  set the width of gObject to (the height of gObject * gRatio)
end if
  end if
  pass mousemove
end mousemove

You hold down the commandkey to resize proportionally given the
exisiting proportions. If you want to change the proportions, then
hold down the option key while you change them. Then use the
command-key to resize proportionally to the new proportions (is this
getting confusing)?

Of course, you have to use the selection tool, not the browse tool.

Unfortunately, holding the shift key forces the sides of the object to
always be equal. The mousemove handler can't override this. :-(


Howard Bornstein
use-revolution mailing list

New Guide to the IDE in Process

2005-04-10 Thread Dan Shafer
As I have been participating in this list the past couple of weeks, I 
have (like everyone else) noticed another significant round of concern 
about the paucity of documentation on the Rev IDE. As I am now within a 
day or two of finishing my next promised eBooklet on printing in Rev, 
I've decided to take the pulse of the community on the demand for a 
book on the  IDE as my next eBook project.

My intent is to describe the IDE functionally, perhaps in a manner that 
looks like the Peachpit Press Visual QuickStart Guides, i.e., a huge 
number of screen shots with annotated call-outs and associated notes.

So, step one. Please let me know either off-list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
or here if you'd be interested in purchasing such an eBook if it were 
available for immediate download at a price of, say, $15. If it seems 
there's enough interest, I'll move this up on my list.

Meanwhile, there are a couple of topics proposed for inclusion in 
RevCon West June 17-18 in Monterey on the IDE. If you want to: (a) save 
$70 on the price of admission; (b) vote for IDE-related topics to be 
included on the agenda; and (c) attend what is shaping up to be the 
biggest Rev developer gathering ever, please go to the Web site in my 
sig below. The $70 Early Bird Discount ends Friday, April 15.

Dan Shafer, Co-Chair
RevConWest '05
June 17-18, 2005, Monterey, California
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Currency and percentage in numeric evaluation

2005-04-10 Thread SimPLsol
You could add zero to it and see if you get an error.
Since currency signs are usually the first of last character, you could strip 
the first or last character after using the zero test above, then test for 
zero again.
Or make a list of all major currencies and see if the first or last character 
of the string is in the list (the currency list will probably be shorter than 
you expect).
Paul Looney
use-revolution mailing list

more strange behavior - some scripts forgotten

2005-04-10 Thread Byron Turner
Almost every object whose script I open asks to apply changes when I go 
to close, whether or not there is any script in it or any changes have 
been made.  Should I be worried?

Scripts that I fixed long ago, seem to be reverting back to earlier 
versions.  Example I have a script where I created a global and another 
object script uses that global.  When I looked just now, the first 
object had no reference to that global or any of the  succeeding 
script, but the second object retained it.  I opened a previous version 
and found the first object's script.

I've also noted that in my longest script characters take a very long 
time to show up . . as much as several seconds after I begin typing.

Obviously, I'm very concerned.  Any theories?  Any suggestions on how 
to proceed?

Dual 2.5 G5
6.5 Gig RAM
1 GHz
500 MB RAM
Same problems on both machines as far as I can tell.
use-revolution mailing list

KeyDown/Press Issue - Help Needed ASAP

2005-04-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Howdy List:

Got a user test happening tomorrow and ran up against an issue on Windows XP
where pressed keys cannot be reliably detected and am looking (praying) for
a workaround.

Have been trying to use the keysDown function to tell when keys are pressed,
versus not pressed (default behavior on Windows seems to be keyUp is
immediately sent after keyDown, regardless of whether key has been
released).  Even when used within a repeating handler set to 8 milliseconds
below, pressed keys are not reliably detected (empty is often returned even
while key is held down):

[button script]

on mouseUp
  set hilite of me to not the hilite of me
  if the hilite of me then
set the allowKeyTrack of me to true
  else set the allowKeyTrack of me to false
end mouseUp

on trackKeys
  if not the allowKeyTrack of me then exit trackKeys
  send trackKeys to me in 8 millisecs
  get keysDown()
  if it   then
put it into fld 1
  else put  into fld 1
end trackKeys

Can anyone see if this works differently for you?  If not, any ideas for a
workaround?  Tired and under then gun over here...

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design
W: http://www.tactilemedia.com

use-revolution mailing list

Re: KeyDown/Press Issue - Help Needed ASAP

2005-04-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Apr 10, 2005, at 2:03 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
Have been trying to use the keysDown function to tell when keys are 
Maybe you can use rawKeyDown and rawKeyUp.
DSC (Dar Scott Consulting  Dar's Lab)
A Sponsor of RevCon West
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can one manually resize an object proportionately?

2005-04-10 Thread Stgoldberg
I have a very crude way of addressing the problem of trying to reduce an 
object manually proportionately.   One takes the vector line tool and draws a 
starting just inside the upper left hand border of the image and dragging it 
to just inside the lower right border of the image.   Then you select the 
image and drag it along the line, thereby keeping the proportions.   After the 
image is the right size, one can erase the line. However, it does seem it would 
be much better if Revolution changed the scripting so that one can 
proportionately reduce an object simply by holding down the Shift key while 
dragging. As 
it is, holding down the Shift key while dragging changes the object to be a 
square, which doesn't seem all that useful.
Steve Goldberg
use-revolution mailing list

Re: KeyDown/Press Issue - Help Needed ASAP

2005-04-10 Thread Alex Tweedly
Scott Rossi wrote:
Howdy List:
Got a user test happening tomorrow and ran up against an issue on Windows XP
where pressed keys cannot be reliably detected and am looking (praying) for
a workaround.

Have been trying to use the keysDown function to tell when keys are pressed,
versus not pressed (default behavior on Windows seems to be keyUp is
immediately sent after keyDown, regardless of whether key has been
released).  Even when used within a repeating handler set to 8 milliseconds
below, pressed keys are not reliably detected (empty is often returned even
while key is held down):
Can anyone see if this works differently for you?  If not, any ideas for a
workaround?  Tired and under then gun over here...

Works the same for me, sorry.
I believe this is the way it is expected to work on Windows. The key 
repeat behaviour is built-in.
I *think* there's a cure using
Start menu / Controls / Accessibility options

Select the keyboard tab
Click Filter keys
Click on Settings and then Ignore repeated keystrokes
I think it then does what you want - but wouldn't guarantee it  (And 
also not sure if there is a compromise that keeps the keyboard usable 
for normal use AND does this.

Google for repeat key windows - good luck !
Alex Tweedly   http://www.tweedly.net

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: XML and Plists

2005-04-10 Thread Frank Leahy
My app reads the iPhoto plist to determine where the default iPhoto 
library is, and it also reads the iPhoto xml database file.  I use 
string functions to find the particular strings that I need rather than 
using Rev's XML library.  Faster and simpler that way (to develop and 
to execute).  The only caveat is that if the XML is UTF8, you need to 
make sure you read it as UTF8 not as text.

Also, if I needed to write an XML file I would do it using string 
output rather than attempting to use the Rev XML library as well.

-- Frank Leahy
Web Photos Pro: Software for Photo Bloggers and Other Photo Power Users
See us on the web at http://www.webphotospro.com/
On Apr 10, 2005, at 5:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

From: Matt Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: XML and Plists
To: use-revolution@lists.runrev.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
Hello all.
Has anyone had experience parsing then using Apple's PLIST XML?  I've
attached the DTD and spent quite a bit of time fiddling around with it,
however I haven't had much success navigating the tree or getting node
values.  I ended up ditching this and built my own simple structure.
Has anyone created or worked with PLISTs?  Caveats?
I'll go back and and spend some more time now that I've got a better
handle on the Rev XML commands (sometimes a bit finicky) however if
anyone has had a go and has any tips or sample code then I would much
appreciate it.
use-revolution mailing list

Apple's Language Analysis

2005-04-10 Thread ron barber
Is there anyone willing to compile Apple's Language Analysis SDK for 
use on OS X? I have a sample of the xfcn that works on OS 9 but need to 
bring it to X.

I can send you the SDK (or you can download it from Apple) as well as 
the sample stack for OS 9 if you can help me with this.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Tabbed buttons.

2005-04-10 Thread Mikey
I suppose I do, after farting around for a couple of weeks with them. 
Email me off list to discuss what you're looking for and we'll see if
the collective has provided me with the information you desire.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: New Guide to the IDE in Process

2005-04-10 Thread Bill

Look at the format and design of the maranGraphics books www.idgbooks.com
that are called Visual Read Less, Learn More. They are also a collection
of screen shots with very clear graphics and formatting.


On 4/10/05 3:22 PM, Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As I have been participating in this list the past couple of weeks, I
 have (like everyone else) noticed another significant round of concern
 about the paucity of documentation on the Rev IDE. As I am now within a
 day or two of finishing my next promised eBooklet on printing in Rev,
 I've decided to take the pulse of the community on the demand for a
 book on the  IDE as my next eBook project.
 My intent is to describe the IDE functionally, perhaps in a manner that
 looks like the Peachpit Press Visual QuickStart Guides, i.e., a huge
 number of screen shots with annotated call-outs and associated notes.
 So, step one. Please let me know either off-list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 or here if you'd be interested in purchasing such an eBook if it were
 available for immediate download at a price of, say, $15. If it seems
 there's enough interest, I'll move this up on my list.
 Meanwhile, there are a couple of topics proposed for inclusion in
 RevCon West June 17-18 in Monterey on the IDE. If you want to: (a) save
 $70 on the price of admission; (b) vote for IDE-related topics to be
 included on the agenda; and (c) attend what is shaping up to be the
 biggest Rev developer gathering ever, please go to the Web site in my
 sig below. The $70 Early Bird Discount ends Friday, April 15.
 Dan Shafer, Co-Chair
 RevConWest '05
 June 17-18, 2005, Monterey, California
 use-revolution mailing list

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24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
fax: (787) 809-8426

Blue Water Maritime
P.O. Box 91
Puerto Real, PR 00740

use-revolution mailing list

Re: XML and Plists

2005-04-10 Thread Bill
I agree. I am writing a complex XML export for the Coast Guard reports and I
tried using various XML programs as well as REV XML library and it is faster
(and makes clearer output) to use string functions in REV and manually put
the whole thing together. But I am also not a good one to ask as I don't
really get the point of the whole nodes and tree things and just treat it as
data with labels instead.

On 4/10/05 5:00 PM, Frank Leahy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My app reads the iPhoto plist to determine where the default iPhoto
 library is, and it also reads the iPhoto xml database file.  I use
 string functions to find the particular strings that I need rather than
 using Rev's XML library.  Faster and simpler that way (to develop and
 to execute).  The only caveat is that if the XML is UTF8, you need to
 make sure you read it as UTF8 not as text.
 Also, if I needed to write an XML file I would do it using string
 output rather than attempting to use the Rev XML library as well.
 -- Frank Leahy
 Web Photos Pro: Software for Photo Bloggers and Other Photo Power Users
 See us on the web at http://www.webphotospro.com/
 On Apr 10, 2005, at 5:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Matt Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: XML and Plists
 To: use-revolution@lists.runrev.com
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
 Hello all.
 Has anyone had experience parsing then using Apple's PLIST XML?  I've
 attached the DTD and spent quite a bit of time fiddling around with it,
 however I haven't had much success navigating the tree or getting node
 values.  I ended up ditching this and built my own simple structure.
 Has anyone created or worked with PLISTs?  Caveats?
 I'll go back and and spend some more time now that I've got a better
 handle on the Rev XML commands (sometimes a bit finicky) however if
 anyone has had a go and has any tips or sample code then I would much
 appreciate it.
 use-revolution mailing list

   )_)  )_)  )_)
---\   /- http://www.bluewatermaritime.com
 ^ ^

24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
fax: (787) 809-8426

Blue Water Maritime
P.O. Box 91
Puerto Real, PR 00740

use-revolution mailing list


2005-04-10 Thread Ken Ray
On 4/10/05 8:48 AM, Mikey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyway, if I could get some of you to submit some of the well-known
 (but not-so-well-documented) issues for the Tao Blog it would be nice.

How do you submit an issue? I went to taoofrunrev.blogspot.com and don't see
a way to add a new one.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

use-revolution mailing list

Can one manually resize an object proportionately?

2005-04-10 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Sun, 10 Apr 2005 
Steve Goldberg wrote:

 there needs to be some way to do
 this manually, such as holding down 
 the Shift key while doing the resizing (like in
 Photoshop), which I don't see 
 is a feature of Revolution.   In that way, one can
 do the resizing on the fly, 
 eyeballing whether or not the object is the right
 size for the card, rather 
 than having to experiment with different numbers
 until the size seems right. So 
 if anyone has way of doing this, I'd certainly like
 to hear about it. Thanks.

Howard Bornstein answer:

 Here's a quick and dirty way to do what you want. 
 I'm sure someone can come up with a more 
 elegant method.

 In your stack script put this handler

Hi Steve and Howard,

I added a mouseup and mousedoubleup
handler to the stack script provided
by Howard, to choose the pointer tool
(pressing controlkey and mouseup over
the target object) and choose the
browse tool again to resume normal
operation (by doubleclicking over the

I uploaded an stack that works if
you open it by double clicking, but does not
work if you open in the development environment,
unless you suspend Revolution.

Use the keys combination provided by Howard
after you have the pointer tool, to resize
proportionally. I notice that it resizes from
center, not from a corner.

Download it from:


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: New Guide to the IDE in Process

2005-04-10 Thread Dan Shafer
Thanks. I will. I'm tinkering with format ideas anyway at the moment.
On Apr 10, 2005, at 6:00 PM, Bill wrote:
Look at the format and design of the maranGraphics books 
that are called Visual Read Less, Learn More. They are also a 
of screen shots with very clear graphics and formatting.

On 4/10/05 3:22 PM, Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As I have been participating in this list the past couple of weeks, I
have (like everyone else) noticed another significant round of concern
about the paucity of documentation on the Rev IDE. As I am now within 
day or two of finishing my next promised eBooklet on printing in Rev,
I've decided to take the pulse of the community on the demand for a
book on the  IDE as my next eBook project.

My intent is to describe the IDE functionally, perhaps in a manner 
looks like the Peachpit Press Visual QuickStart Guides, i.e., a huge
number of screen shots with annotated call-outs and associated notes.

So, step one. Please let me know either off-list 
or here if you'd be interested in purchasing such an eBook if it were
available for immediate download at a price of, say, $15. If it seems
there's enough interest, I'll move this up on my list.

Meanwhile, there are a couple of topics proposed for inclusion in
RevCon West June 17-18 in Monterey on the IDE. If you want to: (a) 
$70 on the price of admission; (b) vote for IDE-related topics to be
included on the agenda; and (c) attend what is shaping up to be the
biggest Rev developer gathering ever, please go to the Web site in my
sig below. The $70 Early Bird Discount ends Friday, April 15.

Dan Shafer, Co-Chair
RevConWest '05
June 17-18, 2005, Monterey, California
use-revolution mailing list

   )_)  )_)  )_)
---\   /- http://www.bluewatermaritime.com
 ^ ^
24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
fax: (787) 809-8426
Blue Water Maritime
P.O. Box 91
Puerto Real, PR 00740

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: BreakpointNavigator Plugin release

2005-04-10 Thread Jim MacConnell
 I get only a screen full of script.  Is this a 'go url' thingy for the
 message box?

This question keeps coming up (lots of new users?) and the answer is
routinely. Open Rev then use go url in the message box... Not the most
convenient since I am not a full time coder and I rarely have Rev open. So
opening it and copying and pasting into the message box seems a hassle.
So since no one has said the obvious, I will.

If you ever click a url in the revlist email or as in this case click on a
link on a Rever's website and end up with a web page full of Transcript
and/or gibberish. Particularly one that starts with:

# MetaCard 2.4 stack
# The following is not ASCII text,
# so now would be a good time to q out of more

... a simple Save Page AsŠ works to save the file locally.  A quick double
click on that will then open the file in Rev...  Much more convenient in my
mind. Not only that but it lets me go back to the file when I have a spare
moment and actually take the time to enjoy working with it.

Only one cautionmake sure to keep the .rev or .mc extension if you
want to preserve double-click opening (Safari (Mac OS X) sees the file as a
text file and asks if you'd like to add a .txt extension on the end.. Not
a good idea). 

Hope this helps...


use-revolution mailing list

Re: RevSession opening issue (was RE: RunRev versus WinRar)

2005-04-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
MisterX wrote:
Rev still can't open stacks normally on PCs when you double 
click on it's documents - the stacks or your application's 

Win32 always opens another session of Rev...
How does this differ from Notepad or Internet Explorer?
...  look at how ALL. other programs do open many docs
into one app session
UltraEdit, Photoshop, CodeWarrior, the Flash IDE, etc, etc, etc all work as
expected... Sorry to contradict you again but it's more of a rule of thumb
or a common sense standard, or a feature design or a programmer's choice. 
Which is it?
About half the apps on my Wintel box launch into multiple instances, and 
the other half into multiple instances.  The oddest of the lot was MS' 
Address Book:  it opens multiple instances, but apparently maintains a 
real-time connection between them, as adding records to one causes the 
other to update almost instantly.

I agree it would be nice to have an option to allow Rev apps to open a 
single instance when a document is double-clicked.  I couldn't find your 
request for that, but I'll happily add my vote to it if you'll provide 
the Bugzilla request number.

My point was simply that what Rev does is the default behavior on 
Windows (and if memory serves on Linux as well).

Evidently it's possible to alter this behavior to have documents opened 
in an already-running instance, but it's not a simple thing to do.

In fact, if the combined efforts of Ken and myself are any indication, 
it's not even simple to find out how to do it.  The best we could turn 
up are workaround snippets from third parties; we could not turn up a 
Microsoft recommendation for implementing single-instance apps, and the 
issue appears to be avoided altogether in the Microsoft HIG.

If you have a URL to a Microsoft recommendation in their code examples 
and/or HIG please add it to your Bugzilla feature request.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more: http://www.fourthworld.com/rev
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Tabbed buttons.

2005-04-10 Thread Judy Perry

I'll send you a PDF and a stack separately shortly from my mac.com


On Sun, 10 Apr 2005, Ryno Swart wrote:

 Does anybody have a simple (simple!) example of working with tabbed
 buttons? I went through the documentation, even searched the net, but
 the only information I could find was so obscure as to be useless. I
 need to have spelled out With the edit tool selected, click on the tab
 marked 'Tab 1'. Now open the script editor...  and so forth. Many
 thanks, folks.


 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list