Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Bob Warren
Dear David,

Please see my answers below, interspersed with your comments.

>I should probably just stay out of this, but a few comments have my
>dander up.  First, distinguish more clearly between bugs and style.

Point taken. I think you're right. However, at the moment it is a little
difficult to make the distinction, since a few too many bugs obviously
exist, and this has been confirmed by old-hands such as yourself and
not just relative newcomers. However, the fact that you define something
as a question of "style" does not make it arbitrary. A given aspect is
either a good idea or a bad idea, and whether it is one or the other is
a matter of consensus I would have thought.

>  To
>those of you from other backgrounds, x-talk is different. Many of us
>like it this way.

I like it too. In fact, I think that Rev has so much in its favour - its
the Transcript language, even the IDE and (yes!) the script editor - that
I feel outraged that anyone can treat it with so little respect that they
continue to let it be riddled with bugs. I have been involved with
computers since the  early 1960s, so perhaps I am a little out of fashion
in my attitude towards bugs. In my time, they were things to be
exterminated urgently. I never thought of keeping them as pets,
adoring them or even selling them!

>There are more important things for the developers to
>be doing than adding features from other languages to suit a few migrants.

I wouldn't change a language to suit a few migrants either. But if a
suggested feature, from another language or straight out of someone's
head, makes sense within the context of the language under consideration,
why not adopt it? I would have thought that the only real consideration
is whether the suggestion is practical. Even old hands accept changes
when they make the task of programming easier. And not all old hands
are entirely uncritical of the tools they use.

I would say that there are more important things for the developers to
be doing than adding features to their "own" language to suit a few
old cronies. Debugging is one of them.

>Bob Warren wrote:

>>In Word, there is no possibility of positioning the cursor at the

The whole paragraph was as follows:
"In Word, there is no possibility of positioning the cursor at the beginning
of the line before the indent. Just like Rev, it gets positioned immediately
before the "H". However, if I type BACKSPACE, Word simply removes the

Convention in program design is important. For example, if you have a
program open in front of you, what would you say if the File menu was on
the right and the Help menu was on the left? Even this little thing would
make most people uneasy. No, programming is a kind of universal language
and we need to preserve communication with other people by respecting
their expectancies. Though I find the individuality of X-Talk refreshing,
I wouldn't suggest for one minute that it should use a totally
script editor. In SOME respects, the Rev editor borders on the
unconventional, and I don't think this is a good thing. That's all I wanted
point out.

>How you can even think of bringing Word into this discussion is
>amazing.  It's got to be one of the most "let me think for you, you're
>too stupid" programs ever produced.  I'm constantly trying to undo its

Are you telling me that you react emotionally towards Word just like an
impetuous newcomer might react towards the Rev script editor? My
very complaint about the Rev script editor is that it tries too much to
for me.

>Much of the discussion reminds me of people who move to a new country
>and constantly bitch about it, until all around them want to tell them
>to go back where they came from.

The psychology of migration is interesting. I know this because more than
30 years ago I moved from London to Brazil, entering into an environment
controlled by a military regime worse than I imagine existed in communist
Russia. "Adaption" does not mean imitating the natives like monkeys or
parrots. People who have little or no experience in emigration or even in
migration often speak in these terms. This is a vast subject, so I will not
discuss it in more detail here. What I will say is that there is a
difference between "bitching" and constructive criticism. However, I don't
mind bitching about Rev's bugs. They've got to go.


P.S. Sorry about some of the lines above that have orphaned a few odd
words here and there. I need a new editor!


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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Richard Gaskin

Bob Warren wrote:

P.S. Sorry about some of the lines above that have orphaned a few odd
words here and there. I need a new editor!

In its most basic form, a Rev script editor is just a field in a stack. 
 The field is loaded with the script in response to the editScript 
message (trappable in a frontScript if you want to get the message 
before the Rev editor does), and the script is just a property saved to 
the object with the save command ("set the script of  to 

Re: Endless ranting and rude insults

2005-06-29 Thread Bob Warren
Dear Tom,

With respect, might I suggest that you are ranting about the ranting? I feel
a little responsible because I started the thread that heated up the
discussion. Also, I was the first to mention 'another language' (VB). But as
far as I remember, nobody was doing anything other than discussing the style
of the script editor and how perhaps it could be made more practical. To be
fair, I don't remember anyone running down Rev as a whole, or even
criticising the IDE. I share your indignation at some of the scandalous
generalizations that have been made on this List, and I think it is a pity.
But the other side of the coin is that comparisons with other languages is,
or should be, natural and normal, and I see no good reason for creating
taboos in this respect. A worse situation would be if Revolution became a
closed community, not admitting "foreign" influences, criticisms,
comparisons or suggestions. We all know what madness this leads to.


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Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-29 Thread Geoff Canyon
The file doesn't appear to be accessible within RevOnline. I get an  
error message file-not-found when I try it. If the code in question  
is of a manageable size and format (no really long lines) then  
posting it here is likely the best option. Otherwise (and in any  
case), can you re-upload the stack, or make it available some other way?


On Jun 24, 2005, at 5:29 AM, Jon wrote:

If anyone wants to try to help me speed optimize my image  
processing loops, download the obvious program from my user space.   
Load an image of your choice (but hopefully larger than your  
screen, to be realistic), then select Brightness, then Linear.

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Turning off the script editor's auto-format feature

2005-06-29 Thread Bob Warren
Dear Jean,

I have just tried turning off the script editor's auto-format feature as you
suggest. What does it turn off? Have you tried it? Is it working correctly
according to your longer experience?

Bob Warren

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Smith
I don't think anyone has really suggested that you shouldn't mind. But 
it's the nature of this list for people to offer workarounds and show 
examples of how they deal with things. For what it's worth, I agree 
that the script editor is buggy in it's formatting, but not so much 
that you can't work. As for the tabkey thing, it's an xTalk perennial, 
and I, for one, would be really annoyed if it changed.



On 28 Jun 2005, at 23:54, Jon wrote:

Simply saying "well, we don't mind it, so you shouldn't mind" seems 
beside the point.

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jon

Well said, Bob!


Bob Warren wrote:

I can sum up a little on what I object to in the script editor by saying
that I expect an editor to do what I want it to do, not what IT wants ME to
do. Automatic formatting may well be an advantage in a number of respects,
but at what cost? What's the good of it if it makes the most simple
operations twice as difficult as they would be otherwise? Here is a very
simple example of what I am talking about:

Here is a line with no indent
   Here is a line with an indent

How do I remove the indent in the 2nd line? In VB, all I have to do is
position the cursor before the indented "H" of the 2nd line and then hit
BACKSPACE. Alternatively, I can position the cursor at the very beginning of
the line before the indent and then hit DELETE repeatedly to remove the 4
blank characters constituting the indent. I would choose the first option,
of course. (The advantage of being able to remove single blanks rather
chunks of 4 is that I can create indents of only 1 or 2 characters if I
want. As I explained previously, if I create a new line above or below a
given line, the indentation of the new lines matches that of the original,
even when the size of the indentation is non-standard.)

In Word, there is no possibility of positioning the cursor at the beginning
of the line before the indent. Just like Rev, it gets positioned immediately
before the "H". However, if I type BACKSPACE, Word simply removes the

But what do I have to do in Revolution? First of all, I find that wherever I
try to position the cursor on the LHS of the 2nd line, it ends up positioned
after the indent, immediately before the "H". Then I hit BACKSPACE which
gives the following result:

Here is a line with no indentHere is a line with an indent

The cursor is positioned between the 2 sentences. Then, I have to type ENTER
to separate the lines:

Here is a line with no indent
Here is a line with an indent (that has now had its indent removed)

How does such eccentric behaviour balance with the advantages of

Summing up on the question of bugs, I suggested that the Rev editor should
be simplified merely because whoever programmed it seemed to be biting off
more than he could chew, evidenced by the bugs and confusions that still
remain in the editor after years of use. If the author is NOT biting off
more than he can chew, or if the current Rev team responsible for it are not
biting off more than they can chew, then I suggest they PROVE ME WRONG,

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jon


I'm slightly annoyed at the auto-format feature ( key), because it 
does not support my particular and unconventional style, but I accept that.

I'm much more frustrated with what I see as the buggy way the 
auto-indent feature works.  It gets in the way more often than it helps, 
and I've seen better UIs that do not get in the user's way.

Perhaps we should distinguish between the two features.  I think that 
Bob and I are more concerned about the auto-indent feature

Maybe we need an auto-auto-format feature, where the  key is 
pressed for us, behind the scenes, after each key stroke 


Chipp Walters wrote:


I understand both you and Jon are frustrated by the indenting of the 
script editor and it's duly noted. It's difficult to switch paradigms.

In a quick search of all the back use-revolution posts, I could only 
find 6 references to "indent + script + editor" in over 262,000 posts, 
and none of them shared your individual concerns. Perhaps it's time to 
make a note in Bugzilla for a feature request and let it go at that.

Or, if you're up to it, create you own script editor which indents 
however you like, or use Trevor's handy BBedit script, then you can 
use BBedit to format your scripts any way you like.

best regards,


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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jon


Sorry that my rhetoric has gotten out of hand.  I'll try to tone it back.

I agree that I did not read the docs.  I disagree that using a printing 
key for a non-printing function is intuitive or good design.


Thomas McGrath III wrote:

Actually you sound very annoying and you seem to blatantly want to 
attack everyone on the list with rude comments.  It is getting quite 
old by now.

I for one read the docs and saw that tab forces the formatting. So 
maybe instead of constantly bitching you should read the docs.


On Jun 28, 2005, at 6:54 PM, Jon wrote:

I know I'm coming off as being a bit annoying, but it is frustrating 
after having used decent tools for years and years to discover the 
number of buggy areas in Rev that the rest of you seem to take for 
granted.  It is very off-putting to experienced programmers from 
other platforms.

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jon


Thanks for the polite explanation.  I wondered whether this might have 
been because early Macs did not have function keys (I don't recall: I 
had a Fat Mac decades ago, but then gave up on trying to support both 
platforms).  In that case, the designers had few choices, and I guess 
that  is somewhat non-printing.


J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 6/28/05 5:54 PM, Jon wrote:

> And, BTW, I NEVER would have guessed that the  key did ANYTHING
> other than enter  characters into the text.  This is a great
> example of a totally bizarre UI that you folks have become so used to
> that you can't see the strangeness of it.

Not an excuse, but an explanation: HyperCard started this convention 
20 years ago. SuperCard took it up to be compatible and continued it. 
When MetaCard came along, it too adopted the same tab-key behavior. 
Revolution continues the long tradition. So, there have been four 
x-talk IDEs that use this convention spanning many years. And that's why.

In Revolution, it is mentioned in the Help menu -> Quick Reference 
Guides -> Shortcut Reference. I admit this isn't easy to find.

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Re: File forward/ back\ slashes

2005-06-29 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Jim,

This is a resend... Don't think the first one went through.

Maybe this is a known issue, but just in case...

On WinXP, Rev 2.51, if you do an "if there is a file
c:/somedirectory/somefile then..." it returns false, even if the  
file does
exist. Change it to "if there is a file c:\somedirectory\somefile  

you get a correct result.

Yet, it appears, all the other file commands such as rename file,  

file, etc. expect and work with the forward slash notation.

hmmm, works here as exspected on my XP home and latest engine!?



Klaus Major

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jon
It sounds to me as if Tom, coming from HC and SC, found some things to 
be "natural", while I, coming from the UCSD Pascal P-System Advanced 
System Editor (pre-dates the IBM PC entirely), and then, with lots of 
grumbling, Delphi, find it not-so-natural.

I've heard lots of defenders for the current editor, and lots of people 
saying "don't change it", but I've not heard many people with actual 
experience with both the VB and Delphi editors AND Rev who come down on 
the side of the Rev editor.  Maybe it's been said and I've not noticed.

Tom: have you actually USED some of the other UIs?  I may be wrong: you 
(and others) may be experienced in these UIs.  But, if not, perhaps you 
might use them before you reject the ideas I've been promoting (prompted 
by Bob's original (and much more tactful) emails.

I've written an auto-indent editor. I know how difficult it is to get it 
to be easy to use. The kinds of behaviors I'm seeing in the Rev editor 
are EXACTLY like the kinds of behavior I saw in my editor before I spent 
weeks fine-tuning it.


Thomas McGrath III wrote:

I don't know Jacqueline, I found it right away since I wanted to 
become proficient with Rev and naturally looked up the shortcuts.

tab seemed natural to me coming from SC and HC before that.


On Jun 29, 2005, at 12:06 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 6/28/05 5:54 PM, Jon wrote:

> And, BTW, I NEVER would have guessed that the  key did ANYTHING
> other than enter  characters into the text.  This is a great
> example of a totally bizarre UI that you folks have become so used to
> that you can't see the strangeness of it.

Not an excuse, but an explanation: HyperCard started this convention 
20 years ago. SuperCard took it up to be compatible and continued it. 
When MetaCard came along, it too adopted the same tab-key behavior. 
Revolution continues the long tradition. So, there have been four 
x-talk IDEs that use this convention spanning many years. And that's 

In Revolution, it is mentioned in the Help menu -> Quick Reference 
Guides -> Shortcut Reference. I admit this isn't easy to find.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.8, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jon




Richard Gaskin wrote:

Thomas McGrath III wrote:

I don't know Jacqueline, I found it right away since I wanted to 
become proficient with Rev and naturally looked up the shortcuts.

tab seemed natural to me coming from SC and HC before that.

I've seen tab used for indentint in a lot of editors.  In fact, most 
of 'em.

With Rev you get a lot of tabbing with just one keystroke. :)

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Alex Tweedly

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

Or turn off the auto-format feature, for heaven's sake. It's not as 
though it were difficult, if you want to manually format scripts to 
your liking.

Because de-selecting that button doesn't turn it off completely.

It prevents "live-formatting" - but it still allows TAB to reformat the 
entire handler, thereby destroying any manual formatting. Needless to 
say, Undo doesn't.

Alex Tweedly

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Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-29 Thread Jon


I already posted a message saying that you can find the stack at  Another poster noted that the code has 
"errors" in it, and wondered if the code was current.  I pointed out 
that I gave up on Rev for this particular application when it proved to 
be too slow, and that the "errors" probably were a result of my dropping 
the project rather than finishing it.  If the "errors" make it 
impossible to explore how I used arrays, then let me know and I'll 
fiddle with it until it works better.  As I recall, it does actually run 
at the moment, but I might be wrong.

Thanks for your interest!  Perhaps some of you more experienced Rev'ers 
will be able to demonstrate how to use arrays better for those of us who 
are newer to Rev.



Geoff Canyon wrote:

The file doesn't appear to be accessible within RevOnline. I get an  
error message file-not-found when I try it. If the code in question  
is of a manageable size and format (no really long lines) then  
posting it here is likely the best option. Otherwise (and in any  
case), can you re-upload the stack, or make it available some other way?


On Jun 24, 2005, at 5:29 AM, Jon wrote:

If anyone wants to try to help me speed optimize my image  processing 
loops, download the obvious program from my user space.   Load an 
image of your choice (but hopefully larger than your  screen, to be 
realistic), then select Brightness, then Linear.

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Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-29 Thread Alex Tweedly

Geoff Canyon wrote:

The file doesn't appear to be accessible within RevOnline. I get an  
error message file-not-found when I try it. If the code in question  
is of a manageable size and format (no really long lines) then  
posting it here is likely the best option. Otherwise (and in any  
case), can you re-upload the stack, or make it available some other way?

There's a problem with RevOnline. Here's the central part of Jon's code

 -- move image data into im1
 repeat with r = 1 to imH
   repeat with c = 1 to imW
 #need to reverse for Mac and post MC 2.4.2 engines!!

 if the platform is "MacOS" or version()>"2.4.2" then
   put charToNum(char tPos + 4 of timagedata) into tB1[r,c]
   put charToNum(char tPos + 3 of timagedata) into tG1[r,c]
   put charToNum(char tPos + 2 of timagedata) into tR1[r,c]
   put charToNum(char tPos + 1 of timagedata) into tB1[r,c]
   put charToNum(char tPos + 2 of timagedata) into tG1[r,c]
   put charToNum(char tPos + 3 of timagedata) into tR1[r,c]
 end if
 put tPos + 4 into tPos
   end repeat
 end repeat

on ComputeHistogram
 repeat with i = 0 to maxHist
   put 0 into histo[i]
 end repeat
 repeat with r = 1 to imH
   repeat with c = 1 to imW
 put Brightness(c, r) into i
 add 1 to histo[i]
   end repeat
 end repeat 
end ComputeHistogram

on ApplyTransferFunction
 local b
 repeat with r = 1 to imH
   repeat with c = 1 to imW
 put Brightness(c, r) into b
 put (transfer[b] + 1) / (b + 1) into adjFactor
 AdjustBrightness(r, c, adjFactor)
 end repeat
 end repeat 

Alex Tweedly

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Eric Chatonet


I did not follow the whole thread since the list is growing every day  
and due to time difference, I find about 60 new contributions when I  
wake up each morning...

But I have to say that I *never* had any problem with the indent  
As long as you consider that indenting is there to help the  
programmer to see which control structures are missing or not set  
properly, it *must* be an automatic feature :-)
It's a well known behaviour since more than 20 years with all XTalks  
(including the tabKey shortcut).

And Rev is an XTalk :-)

Fortunately, Rev auto-complete control structures (repeat, switch,  
on, etc.)

This is a welcome enhancement that HC did not provide.
Stay the "if" conditional structures with many ways to write them  
(see my article on RevJournal) that are not auto completed for this  
The rule I follow since years is to complete by myself the control  
structure before writing the statements.

Above all, it makes nested structures easier to manage.

You might be interested by the Constellation script editor from Jerry  
Daniels : it offers to specify how many spaces have to be used for  

In addition, you might require as a feature the ability to turn off  
indentation since only "live" indentation can be turned off at the  
But I'm sure that a huge majority of programmers who are used to  
would not turn off this feature ;-)

[OT] The only annoying feature I know relates to colorisation when  
you use the /* structure to comment many lines at once: Then all  
yours scripts appear as comments :-(
As for the debugger (which is another topic), it's true that it's  
very buggy, sometimes unusable and that's a very pity.

Le 29 juin 05 à 03:48, Bob Warren a écrit :

Here is a line with no indent
Here is a line with an indent

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

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Re: Turning off the script editor's auto-format feature

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Waddingham
Hi Bob,

If you go to the Script Editor pane of the Preferences panel you can
disable the auto-format feature there.

Disabling this option stops the Script Editor from attempting to auto-
format your code as you type - including not doing auto-complete.

However, there is still one caveat, if you press tab then it auto-
formats the current handler, rather than putting a 'tab-level' indent

I have just checked this and it appears to work straight-away, but if it
is still not working for you try restarting Revolution.

Warmest Regards,

Mark Waddingham
Chief Technical Officer.

On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 05:41 -0300, Bob Warren wrote:
> Dear Jean,
> I have just tried turning off the script editor's auto-format feature as you
> suggest. What does it turn off? Have you tried it? Is it working correctly
> according to your longer experience?
> Regards,
> Bob Warren
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

 Mark Waddingham ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
   Runtime Revolution ~ User-Centric Development Tools

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semi OT : SQL syntax question

2005-06-29 Thread jbv
Hi list,

I'm trying to write a specific SQL request but get only exec errors...

here's the basic request :

put "SELECT id, col_1, col_2 FROM myTable WHERE id < 100" into

but in the results, I would like each id value to appear like "$12$"
therefore I tried :

put "SELECT "$"+toString(id)+"$", col_1, col_2 FROM myTable WHERE id
< 100" into myREQUEST

but it doesn't work, while the following works :

put "SELECT 1+id, col_1, col_2 FROM myTable WHERE id < 100" into

but it only adds 1 to each id value...

id is a primary key, positive integer, auto-increment.

Thanks for any help,

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RE: File forward/ back\ slashes

2005-06-29 Thread Jim Bufalini
OK, double h.

I just retested in both the original stack and in a new stack and your
right, worked both places. But, it sure as heck wasn't working the other
night! Anyway, thanks for taking the time, and for others, ignore this


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Klaus Major
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:14 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: File forward/ back\ slashes

Hi Jim,

> This is a resend... Don't think the first one went through.
> Maybe this is a known issue, but just in case...
> On WinXP, Rev 2.51, if you do an "if there is a file
> c:/somedirectory/somefile then..." it returns false, even if the
> file does
> exist. Change it to "if there is a file c:\somedirectory\somefile
> then..."
> you get a correct result.
> Yet, it appears, all the other file commands such as rename file,
> delete
> file, etc. expect and work with the forward slash notation.

hmmm, works here as exspected on my XP home and latest engine!?

> Jim


Klaus Major

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Possible problem with successive use of get url

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Cragg


I've just Bugzilla'd this (#2955), but thought I'd mention it here in  
case anyone is having this problem.

It only affects Windows and possible only XP SP2 (I can't confirm  
with other Windows versions right now).

The problem:

In a script, ...
  ... if you use get url "http:// whatever..."),
  ... then immediately follow this with a *long* piece of script  
activity (e.g. a repeat loop that may take more than a few seconds to  
  ... then get the same url or a url at the same server as the  
previous one

you *may* get an error in the result of the second "get url". The  
error may be described as "10053 error on socket",  or be undefined.

The error occurs when the "long activity" between the successive "get  
url" calls exceeds the time the server keeps its connections open.  
This varies by servers, but is typically in the 5 to 20 second range.  
An error won't occur if the server doesn't keep the connection open  
(and includes a "Connection: close"  header in its response.)

The problem seems to be that the engine (on XP SP2 at least) doesn't  
update what the openSockets returns during continuous script activity.

There are two workarounds just now:

1.  Add a short "wait" after the "long activity" has completed. (200  
milliseconds works here, YMMV)
2.  Add a "Connection: close" line to the httpheaders before making  
your get url calls. (This causes the server to add the same header in  
its response. libUrl recognizes this and won't re-use the socket.)

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-29 Thread Derek Bump

Alex Tweedly wrote:

There's a problem with RevOnline. Here's the central part of Jon's code

Right now I'm working on converting Jon's code to C to include within an 
external.  But if anyone happens to know of an easier way, or of an 
External that already does this...and cares to share...then that would 
be great.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Photos for the Web with JPEGCompress
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: semi OT : SQL syntax question

2005-06-29 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Jun 29, 2005, at 5:05 AM, jbv wrote:

put "SELECT "$"+toString(id)+"$", col_1, col_2 FROM myTable  

< 100" into myREQUEST

This works in MySQL:

SELECT concat("$",ID,"$") as myCol, col_1, col_2 FROM myTable WHERE  
id < 100

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: semi OT : SQL syntax question

2005-06-29 Thread jbv

Thanks, but I found the solution in the mySQL manual
about an hour ago... I was actually confusing the Postgres
and mySQL syntax... stupid me...

However, why did you add "as myCol" ?

I'm using :
SELECT concat("$",ID,"$"), col_1, col_2 FROM myTable WHERE
id < 100

and it works...

Thanks again,

> On Jun 29, 2005, at 5:05 AM, jbv wrote:
> >
> > put "SELECT "$"+toString(id)+"$", col_1, col_2 FROM myTable
> > WHERE id
> > < 100" into myREQUEST
> This works in MySQL:
> SELECT concat("$",ID,"$") as myCol, col_1, col_2 FROM myTable WHERE
> id < 100
> --
> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Multimedia
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

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Re: semi OT : SQL syntax question

2005-06-29 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Jun 29, 2005, at 8:47 AM, jbv wrote:


Thanks, but I found the solution in the mySQL manual
about an hour ago... I was actually confusing the Postgres
and mySQL syntax... stupid me...

However, why did you add "as myCol" ?

I'm using :
SELECT concat("$",ID,"$"), col_1, col_2 FROM myTable WHERE
id < 100

If you are going to be dealing with your columns by name when working  
with the results then myCol is easier to write than concat 
("$",ID,"$") which is what the column would be named without the "as  

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: semi OT : SQL syntax question

2005-06-29 Thread Ruslan Zasukhin
On 6/29/05 6:47 PM, "jbv" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Trevor,
> Thanks, but I found the solution in the mySQL manual
> about an hour ago... I was actually confusing the Postgres
> and mySQL syntax... stupid me...
> However, why did you add "as myCol" ?
> I'm using :
> SELECT concat("$",ID,"$"), col_1, col_2 FROM myTable WHERE
> id < 100
> and it works...


A) name can be used in the ORDER BY statement.
if you have no name you still can do although


B) with name you get NICE name of column in the some GUI tool,

C) future you can access that column by name

f1 = cursor.field( 1 )
f1 = cursor.field( "myCol" )

Without name 

f1 = cursor.field( "" )   -- hard or impossible

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Waddingham
Hi all,

I've been reading this thread this morning and it does seem to have
become somewhat of a 'holy war' which I'm sure is not what anybody

I have used, and use on a daily basis, a myriad of IDEs - including the
more recent ones mentioned by individuals involved in this thread. Most
other language IDE's do not auto-format code, they just help to set the
cursor at the correct point for you to type what you want, or move
statements to the previous indent level that you had set implicitly by
typing. Indeed, they generally all do this slightly differently and this
can be a real headache when you use three distinct IDEs to do C++
development and have to constantly switch between them.

Looking at history, I think the reason for this is because most
environments have not been bold enough to stand up and say "We think
code should be formatted *this* way because it makes sense" - and indeed
for other languages this is perfectly valid as most of them originated
before the time of fancy editors (i.e. when you had to use a standard
text-editor to do your scripting). The xTalk genre of languages is,
however, slightly different in that auto-formatting in the strong sense
was in the environments from the start. This means that many people have
grown up accustomed to not having to worry about formatting when
programming in the various flavours of xTalk.

Now, to Bob and others of you who have come from other backgrounds (and
I am one of those) then - yes - shifting environments can be a headache
(and indeed immensely frustrating on occasion) at first. However, on
this particular issue, I would ask you all to consider doing the
following for a while: stop worrying about formatting - use tab to auto-
format your handlers periodically and forget about it. I reckon after a
couple of weeks of trying this, you'll fall into the xTalk way of
formatting and never look back - I know I have.

Now, to all of you who have been using Revolution and other similar
tools for years: please do not forget that there is more than one to do
things and there is a great deal of merit in both what has been proposed
and in the way other environments work (this does not mean we will ever
throw out the existing behaviour, but it is not unreasonable to give
users the choice). A great deal of HCI research will have gone into
every IDE that you see and we can either ignore it in our arrogance or
learn from it to make Revolution the best tool it can be.

To both parties (just to re-iterate) please do not fall into the habit
of thinking that either:
  1) Just because Revolution doesn't work the way another tool does,
that Revolution is wrong.
  2) Just because Revolution does something a different way from another
tool, the other tool is wrong.
Bugs aside, there will always be reasons why one feature works a way it
does: regardless of what tool you are talking about.

Finally, on bugs... Although it may appear as though we don't, we know
the Script Editor has bugs - it needs an overhaul and we are actively
looking into this. However, I think the general concensus is that once
you have used it for a while it is a perfectly productive component that
will serve you well most of the time. So, if you come across a specific
reproducible issue then please do file it in Bugzilla, and similarly if
you have an idea for how you think it can be made better please file it
as an enhancement in Bugzilla.

Warmest Regards,

Mark Waddinghham
Chief Technical Officer.

 Mark Waddingham ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
   Runtime Revolution ~ User-Centric Development Tools

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Endless ranting and rude insults

2005-06-29 Thread Dan Friedman
function endlessRanting revUserAction
  switch revUserAction
  case "Whining"
put 20 into minutesWasted
put 0 into amountLearned
put 0 into numFriendsMade
  case "Ranting"
put 10 into minutesWasted
put 0 into amountLearned
put 0 into numFriendsMade
  case "Rude"
put 20 into minutesWasted
put 0 into amountLearned
put -10 into numFriendsMade
put random(100) into amountLearned
put random(the number of lines in revUserBase) into numFriendsMade
put 0 into minutesWasted
  end switch
  return minutesWasted,amountLearned,numFriendsMade
end endlessRanting

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Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-29 Thread Jon


First off, thanks for your help.

Secondly, why convert it to C?  I have already written it in 
Delphi/Pascal.  The whole point was to make something that was 
cross-platform.  If you create an external on your platform (Window?  
Mac), would it automatically work on the other platforms?

Thirdly, the code I wrote is not at ALL how I wrote it in Delphi: the 
extra loops to transfer the image data to the R/G/B arrays were not 
necessary in Delphi (and perhaps not in Rev!).

Speaking of which, would a new feature for Rev, like

"repeat for each pixel in imagedata..." be one way to speed image 
processing up?

be helpful for anyone else?



Derek Bump wrote:

Alex Tweedly wrote:

There's a problem with RevOnline. Here's the central part of Jon's code

Right now I'm working on converting Jon's code to C to include within 
an external.  But if anyone happens to know of an easier way, or of an 
External that already does this...and cares to share...then that would 
be great.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Photos for the Web with JPEGCompress
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
subscription preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jon


Great post!


Mark Waddingham wrote:

Hi all,

I've been reading this thread this morning and it does seem to have
become somewhat of a 'holy war' which I'm sure is not what anybody

I have used, and use on a daily basis, a myriad of IDEs - including the
more recent ones mentioned by individuals involved in this thread. Most
other language IDE's do not auto-format code, they just help to set the
cursor at the correct point for you to type what you want, or move
statements to the previous indent level that you had set implicitly by
typing. Indeed, they generally all do this slightly differently and this
can be a real headache when you use three distinct IDEs to do C++
development and have to constantly switch between them.

Looking at history, I think the reason for this is because most
environments have not been bold enough to stand up and say "We think
code should be formatted *this* way because it makes sense" - and indeed
for other languages this is perfectly valid as most of them originated
before the time of fancy editors (i.e. when you had to use a standard
text-editor to do your scripting). The xTalk genre of languages is,
however, slightly different in that auto-formatting in the strong sense
was in the environments from the start. This means that many people have
grown up accustomed to not having to worry about formatting when
programming in the various flavours of xTalk.

Now, to Bob and others of you who have come from other backgrounds (and
I am one of those) then - yes - shifting environments can be a headache
(and indeed immensely frustrating on occasion) at first. However, on
this particular issue, I would ask you all to consider doing the
following for a while: stop worrying about formatting - use tab to auto-
format your handlers periodically and forget about it. I reckon after a
couple of weeks of trying this, you'll fall into the xTalk way of
formatting and never look back - I know I have.

Now, to all of you who have been using Revolution and other similar
tools for years: please do not forget that there is more than one to do
things and there is a great deal of merit in both what has been proposed
and in the way other environments work (this does not mean we will ever
throw out the existing behaviour, but it is not unreasonable to give
users the choice). A great deal of HCI research will have gone into
every IDE that you see and we can either ignore it in our arrogance or
learn from it to make Revolution the best tool it can be.

To both parties (just to re-iterate) please do not fall into the habit
of thinking that either:
 1) Just because Revolution doesn't work the way another tool does,
that Revolution is wrong.
 2) Just because Revolution does something a different way from another
tool, the other tool is wrong.
Bugs aside, there will always be reasons why one feature works a way it
does: regardless of what tool you are talking about.

Finally, on bugs... Although it may appear as though we don't, we know
the Script Editor has bugs - it needs an overhaul and we are actively
looking into this. However, I think the general concensus is that once
you have used it for a while it is a perfectly productive component that
will serve you well most of the time. So, if you come across a specific
reproducible issue then please do file it in Bugzilla, and similarly if
you have an idea for how you think it can be made better please file it
as an enhancement in Bugzilla.

Warmest Regards,

Mark Waddinghham
Chief Technical Officer.

Mark Waddingham ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
  Runtime Revolution ~ User-Centric Development Tools

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-29 Thread Derek Bump

Jon wrote:

First off, thanks for your help.

Not a problem.

Secondly, why convert it to C?  I have already written it in 
Delphi/Pascal.  The whole point was to make something that was 
cross-platform.  If you create an external on your platform (Window?  
Mac), would it automatically work on the other platforms?

The external I make would be for Windows, but I hope releasing the 
source will allow someone on another platform to port the code.

As far C, it's the only way I know how to make image commands and 
functions for Revolution that are fast enough to consider using in 
commercial applications.

Thirdly, the code I wrote is not at ALL how I wrote it in Delphi: the 
extra loops to transfer the image data to the R/G/B arrays were not 
necessary in Delphi (and perhaps not in Rev!).

If it's possible to convert Delphi to a Rev External then that would be 
a solution, but I know nothing about Delphi.

Speaking of which, would a new feature for Rev, like

"repeat for each pixel in imagedata..." be one way to speed image 
processing up?

be helpful for anyone else?

I think it would be helpful, but still rather slow.  Submit it as an 
enhancement on RevZilla.  If people want it they will vote for it.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Photos for the Web with JPEGCompress

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Tiger breaks hyperCard?

2005-06-29 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Todd and Jim,

To be more precise, I was told that you can't install an OS 9.2.2  
system folder on any partition where Tiger (or any OS X system) is  
already installed.
It does not work: OS 9 must be installed first or installed on  
another disk or partition...
At the very worst you have to backup, erase your Tiger disk, make an  
OS 9  clean install (just copying an existing system folder is  
risky :-) and a Tiger clean install on top :-(
When you see the hard disk prices at the moment, it might be a better  
solution to buy an external firewire one...

Le 28 juin 05 à 01:22, Todd Higgins a écrit :

This is true.  New machines do not ship with the Classic System  
Folder.  But If you have an existing Macintosh you can just copy  
the System Folder over.


On Jun 27, 2005, at 6:34 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:

I had heard, from a distance source, that a new Mac with Tiger  
installed will not necessarily include classic. Anybody know  
whether this is true?

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Tiger breaks hyperCard?

2005-06-29 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Todd and Jim,

To be more precise, I was told that you can't install an OS 9.2.2  
system folder on any partition where Tiger (or any OS X system) is  
already installed.
It does not work: OS 9 must be installed first or installed on  
another disk or partition...
At the very worst you have to backup, erase your Tiger disk, make an  
OS 9  clean install (just copying an existing system folder is  
risky :-) and a Tiger clean install on top :-(
When you see the hard disk prices at the moment, it might be a better  
solution to buy an external firewire one...

Le 28 juin 05 à 01:22, Todd Higgins a écrit :

This is true.  New machines do not ship with the Classic System  
Folder.  But If you have an existing Macintosh you can just copy  
the System Folder over.


On Jun 27, 2005, at 6:34 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:

I had heard, from a distance source, that a new Mac with Tiger  
installed will not necessarily include classic. Anybody know  
whether this is true?

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

[French] Un site dédié à Révolution

2005-06-29 Thread Yhann

Souhaitant acquérir Runtime Révolution, j'ai été surpris du manque (et c'est 
peu dire) de ressources concernant ce logiciel.

Où est la communauté française des développeurs ?

Je pense en trouver peut-être sur cette liste, aussi, j'aimerais que vous vous 
fassiez connaître. Ainsi, et en fonction du nombre, je pensais qu'il serait 
intéressant de créer un site web avec forum (ou liste de diffusion) en français.

Merci de me faire savoir ce que vous pensez de cette initiative. Si elle se 
révèle intéressante, je suis près à me lancer dans la réalisation du site.

Question subsidiaire : je suis actuellement développeur sous Director. Je 
souhaite me lancer dans un autre soft, car il se trouve que l'avenir de 
Director est incertain. Mais je ne connais pas l'éditeur de Révolution : à 
votre avis, est-il solide, ou risque t-il d'abandonner ce logiciel ? Quelle est 
la pérennité des applications développées sous Révolution ?

Merci pour vos réponses, et à très bientôt, j'espère.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: about mp3 tags and Rev...

2005-06-29 Thread Alex Tweedly

Andre Garzia wrote:

Does anyone here knows where to find the old Shao Sean libs for  
reading mp3 metadata? I have a simple podcasting app here that would  
benefit from that. Or any other way to retrieve the data.

Alex Tweedly

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use-revolution mailing list
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Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-29 Thread Jon


Let's put it differently.  My real interest is in seeing how to optimize 
Rev code to access arrays in general, and image data in specific, as 
rapidly as possible.

If I wanted to code a DLL to do the processing, I know how to do that 
(theoretically).  I was looking at Rev as a way to write portable code 
(in Rev).

So, if you want to port my Rev code to C, please feel free to do so, but 
it would not be solving the original problem I wanted to solve 
(optimizing Rev code).

Thanks again!



Derek Bump wrote:

Jon wrote:

First off, thanks for your help.

Not a problem.

Secondly, why convert it to C?  I have already written it in 
Delphi/Pascal.  The whole point was to make something that was 
cross-platform.  If you create an external on your platform (Window?  
Mac), would it automatically work on the other platforms?

The external I make would be for Windows, but I hope releasing the 
source will allow someone on another platform to port the code.

As far C, it's the only way I know how to make image commands and 
functions for Revolution that are fast enough to consider using in 
commercial applications.

Thirdly, the code I wrote is not at ALL how I wrote it in Delphi: the 
extra loops to transfer the image data to the R/G/B arrays were not 
necessary in Delphi (and perhaps not in Rev!).

If it's possible to convert Delphi to a Rev External then that would 
be a solution, but I know nothing about Delphi.

Speaking of which, would a new feature for Rev, like

"repeat for each pixel in imagedata..." be one way to speed image 
processing up?

be helpful for anyone else?

I think it would be helpful, but still rather slow.  Submit it as an 
enhancement on RevZilla.  If people want it they will vote for it.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Photos for the Web with JPEGCompress

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
subscription preferences:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: [French] Un site dédié à Révolu tion

2005-06-29 Thread Pierre Sahores



Souhaitant acquérir Runtime Révolution, j'ai été surpris du manque  
(et c'est peu dire) de ressources concernant ce logiciel.

Où est la communauté française des développeurs ?

Nous sommes encore assez peu nombreux, au moins pour les  
professionnels, mais il y a du très beau monde et votre démarche  
semble montrer que notre communauté pourrait être en train de croître  
plus vite qu'il n'y parait.

Je pense en trouver peut-être sur cette liste, aussi, j'aimerais  
que vous vous fassiez connaître. Ainsi, et en fonction du nombre,  
je pensais qu'il serait intéressant de créer un site web avec forum  
(ou liste de diffusion) en français.

J'ai très envie de vous encourager à démarrer ce projet. Nous  
arrivons à un point où nous ne pourrons que gagner en notoriété  
professionnelle si nous participons à la promotion de l'image de  
Revolution. Je vous donnerai volontiers des articles réguliers si  
vous décidez d'y aller :-)

Merci de me faire savoir ce que vous pensez de cette initiative. Si  
elle se révèle intéressante, je suis près à me lancer dans la  
réalisation du site.

Merci d'en faire la proposition. Je pense sincèrement que des  
contributeurs francophones trappus et volontaires ne manqueront pas  
de soutenir votre initiative.

Question subsidiaire : je suis actuellement développeur sous  
Director. Je souhaite me lancer dans un autre soft, car il se  
trouve que l'avenir de Director est incertain. Mais je ne connais  
pas l'éditeur de Révolution : à votre avis, est-il solide, ou  
risque t-il d'abandonner ce logiciel ?

Une équipe réduite mais très cohérente, forte et déterminée ; une  
base technique très solide & un IDE dont les caprices sont toujours  
contournables ; un business plan en avance sur les objectifs avec un  
doublement du nombre des clients au cours des douze derniers mois ;  
une communauté de développeurs de première classe (étiquette, entre- 
aide, disponibilité, qualité et richesse des échanges).

Quelle est la pérennité des applications développées sous Révolution ?

Etant avant tout un ingénieur spécialiste des applications  
distribuées, j'ai depuis 1997 conçu et diffusé des dizaines  
d'applications "n-tiers" (web/rich medias + php + serveur  
d'applications revolution + back-end SQL + videostreaming) sans  
jamais regretter d'avoir abandonné java au profit de Metacard/ 

Merci pour vos réponses, et à très bientôt, j'espère.

Me too ! Bien à vous,

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours


GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33

WEB/VoD/ACID-DB services over IP
"Mutualiser les deltas de productivité"

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [French] Un site dédié à Révolu tion

2005-06-29 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour Yhann,

Il y a pas mal de contributeurs français sur cette liste... de langue  
anglaise :-)

Avec d'excellents spécialistes dans de nombreux domaines.
La communauté française des développeurs est encore assez réduite  
mais plutôt riche.

Si mes souvenirs sont bons, il existe une liste de diffusion en  
langue française : revolutionfr-subscribe at et même  
un blog  mais dont l'activité ne semble pas  
- qu'ils m'en excusent - très développée.

Tout n'est donc pas perdu :-)

Concernant les ressources, elles ont en fait assez nombreuses... mais  
souvent également en langue anglaise re :-)
Le seul site, à ma connaissance, qui propose des ressources bilingues  
est le mien: (ne vous attachez pas à  
la consonnance anglaise, merci :-) mais si vous acceptez de parler un  
peu l'anglais, il y en a bien d'autres...

Quant à l'avenir de Revolution (seul XTalk cross-platform sur le  
marché avec toutes les qualités que cela induit), je ne me fais aucun  
souci : la communauté a doublé depuis quelques mois (avec un esprit  
d'entraide et d'attention que l'on rencontre rarement) et quant aux  
Runrev guys, ils sont solides, attentifs et, en fait, souvent en  
avance sur leur feuille de route.

Le 29 juin 05 à 19:50, Yhann a écrit :


Souhaitant acquérir Runtime Révolution, j'ai été surpris du manque  
(et c'est peu dire) de ressources concernant ce logiciel.

Où est la communauté française des développeurs ?

Je pense en trouver peut-être sur cette liste, aussi, j'aimerais  
que vous vous fassiez connaître. Ainsi, et en fonction du nombre,  
je pensais qu'il serait intéressant de créer un site web avec forum  
(ou liste de diffusion) en français.

Merci de me faire savoir ce que vous pensez de cette initiative. Si  
elle se révèle intéressante, je suis près à me lancer dans la  
réalisation du site.

Question subsidiaire : je suis actuellement développeur sous  
Director. Je souhaite me lancer dans un autre soft, car il se  
trouve que l'avenir de Director est incertain. Mais je ne connais  
pas l'éditeur de Révolution : à votre avis, est-il solide, ou  
risque t-il d'abandonner ce logiciel ? Quelle est la pérennité des  
applications développées sous Révolution ?

Merci pour vos réponses, et à très bientôt, j'espère.

Best Regards from Paris!

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

weird influence of the gridsize and the grid on the drawing of squares by script

2005-06-29 Thread Wouter

Hi all,

After reinvestigating bug 2683 for which Mark Waddingham asked a  
recipe,  the weird influence of the gridsize and the grid on the  
drawing of squares by script surfaced. Will it become an  
"undocumented feature" or is this a bug?  Anyway I didn't know until  

1 new stack and 1 button with the following script will show:

on mouseUp
  put gridsize into  tOldgridsize
  put the grid into tOldgrid
  set the grid to true  ### Mark Schonewille for this detail
  if there is no img "test" then create img "test"
  set the rect of img "test" to 0,0,400,400
  set gridsize to 1
  creategrid 50,50
  set gridsize to 2
  creategrid 160,50
  set gridsize to 3
  creategrid 50,160
  set gridsize to 4
  creategrid 160,160
  set gridsize to 6
  creategrid 50,270
  set gridsize to 10
  creategrid 160,270
  set gridsize to  tOldgridsize
  set the grid to tOldgrid
end mouseUp

on createGrid x,y  ### topleft of grid
  choose the rectangle tool
  set the filled to true
  set the brushcolor to 255,255,255
  set the pencolor to 0,0,0
  put 10 into tCol   ### number of columns
  put 10 into tRow   ### number of rows
  put 10 into tSq### tSq = size of square
  put 1 into tCY
  repeat tRow
put (y + (tCY * tSq) - tSq) into tY
put 1 into tCX
repeat tCol
  put (x + (tCX * tSq) - tSq) into tX
  drag from tX,tY to tX + tSq ,tY + tSq
  add 1 to tCX
end repeat
add 1 to tCY
  end repeat
  choose browser tool
end createGrid

So when drawing by script, the gridsize and/or the grid should be  
taken care of.
May be the influence of those settings have a bigger scope (not  
tested yet).

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Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-29 Thread Derek Bump

Jon wrote:
So, if you want to port my Rev code to C, please feel free to do so, but 
it would not be solving the original problem I wanted to solve 
(optimizing Rev code).

I feel the same way you do.  I've always been a fan on Transcript and 
how easy it is for me to comprehend and it's portability across various 
platforms.  I also, however, get annoyed when I see any type of repeat 
or loop structure that slows to a crawl when it has to process data 
thousands upon thousands of times.

I tried doing optimizations for images with matchText and replaceText, 
but only ended up getting less than satisfactory results.  Just thought 
I'd share my results with that. :)

In the meantime, if I happen to come up with anything I will definitely 
let you, and everyone else know.  If I do manage to convert your scripts 
to C they will also be posted, so I thank you.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Photos for the Web with JPEGCompress

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Re: weird influence of the gridsize and the grid on the drawing of squares by script

2005-06-29 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Wouter,

When I need a grid I use a field the borderColor of which I set.
For instance with a field named "Grid" which is 141 pixels high and  
281 pixels broad (I picked this handler in a project):

on creategrid pGridValue
  local tLoc
  lock screen
  put the loc of fld "Grid" into tLoc
  set the textHeight of fld "Grid" to pGridValue
  set the tabstops of fld "Grid" to pGridValue-1,2 * pGridValue - 1
  set the height of fld "Grid" to (140 div pGridValue) * pGridValue + 1
  set the width of fld "Grid" to (280 div pGridValue) * pGridValue + 1
  set the loc of fld "Grid" to tLoc
  unlock screen
end creategrid

Another approach which don't misunderstand the bug but can help?

Le 29 juin 05 à 20:45, Wouter a écrit :

Hi all,

After reinvestigating bug 2683 for which Mark Waddingham asked a  
recipe,  the weird influence of the gridsize and the grid on the  
drawing of squares by script surfaced. Will it become an  
"undocumented feature" or is this a bug?  Anyway I didn't know  
until now.

1 new stack and 1 button with the following script will show:

on mouseUp
  put gridsize into  tOldgridsize
  put the grid into tOldgrid
  set the grid to true  ### Mark Schonewille for this detail
  if there is no img "test" then create img "test"
  set the rect of img "test" to 0,0,400,400
  set gridsize to 1
  creategrid 50,50
  set gridsize to 2
  creategrid 160,50
  set gridsize to 3
  creategrid 50,160
  set gridsize to 4
  creategrid 160,160
  set gridsize to 6
  creategrid 50,270
  set gridsize to 10
  creategrid 160,270
  set gridsize to  tOldgridsize
  set the grid to tOldgrid
end mouseUp

on createGrid x,y  ### topleft of grid
  choose the rectangle tool
  set the filled to true
  set the brushcolor to 255,255,255
  set the pencolor to 0,0,0
  put 10 into tCol   ### number of columns
  put 10 into tRow   ### number of rows
  put 10 into tSq### tSq = size of square
  put 1 into tCY
  repeat tRow
put (y + (tCY * tSq) - tSq) into tY
put 1 into tCX
repeat tCol
  put (x + (tCX * tSq) - tSq) into tX
  drag from tX,tY to tX + tSq ,tY + tSq
  add 1 to tCX
end repeat
add 1 to tCY
  end repeat
  choose browser tool
end createGrid

So when drawing by script, the gridsize and/or the grid should be  
taken care of.
May be the influence of those settings have a bigger scope (not  
tested yet).

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Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Bob Warren
Dear Mark,

I second Jon's vote: Great post!
I think you have told us all what we needed to hear.
Thank you very much.

Bob Warren

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2005-06-29 Thread Marielle Lange

I finally got the time to read your paper on the TAOO...

What's the difference with Design Patterns?

"A pattern is a recurring solution to a standard problem. When related patterns
are woven together they form a ``language'' that provides a process for the
orderly resolution of software development problems. Pattern languages are not
formal languages, but rather a collection of interrelated patterns, though they
do provide a vocabulary for talking about a particular problem."

More at:
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RE:_[French]_Un_site_dédié_ à_Révolution

2005-06-29 Thread Yhann
Désolé pour le français, mais je pense qu'il peut être compréhensible qu'une 
personne ne soit pas forcément bilingue. Une liste française éviterait 
d'ailleurs la pollution de celle-ci)

Je voulais juste vous faire part des premières remarques que j'ai pu lire 
(Xavier entres autres) et qui m'interrogent.

J'ai bien compris que la programmation se fait en anglais ;-), je suis moi même 
développeur et je ne programme pas en français.

Mais je ne sais pas d'où vient cette réticence à l'initiative que je lançais 
(ou reprenait, puisque j'ai cru comprendre que d'autres personnes y avaient 

Tous les langages de programmation on leur communauté, rassemblée autour d'une 
même langue pour des raisons qui ne me paraissent pas utiles d'expliquer tant 
elles sont évidentes. C'est le cas de Java, C, C++, ASP, PHP, VB, PASCAL, 

Si, par la suite, (qui sait), sort une version francisée de Révolution, cette 
communauté sera bien utile pour faire remonter des bogues propres à cette 

Je connais moi-même, pour m'être renseigné sur les logiciels 'proches' de 
Director, des personnes m'ayant parlé de Révolution (c'est comme cela que je le 
connais) mais qui m'ont déclaré : "ça a l'air d'un bon logiciel, mais on ne 
trouve pas de docs en français, la communauté des développeurs semble 
inexistante, c'est pas génial pour le support"

Je vois, avec plaisir, que votre liste est dynamique, mais j'ai envie de 
préciser une chose, au risque de blesser certaines personnes : mon message se 
voulait, avant tout adressé à des francophones, puisque ce projet les concerne 
directement. Il ne visait nullement les anglophones qui ont accès à un grand 
nombre de ressources. Je trouve juste un peu "culotté", pour un anglophone, de 
porter un avis aussi contre-productif, sur l'ouverture d'un projet francophone.

Je reposterais en faisant un bilan sur les réactions obtenues.

Bonne soirée (pour ceux à qui il est bientôt l'heure d'aller ce coucher ;-))


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Re: [French] Un site dédié à Révolution

2005-06-29 Thread Dom
Eric Chatonet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Si mes souvenirs sont bons, il existe une liste de diffusion en  
> langue française : revolutionfr-subscribe at 

oui :-)

> et même un blog  mais dont l'activité ne semble
> pas - qu'ils m'en excusent - très développée.



c'était une tentative, qui n'a pas été poursuivie -- en fait mon
activité "Revolutionario" est épisodique, même si je lis assidument
cette liste (mais je décroche quand les contributions deviennent trop
verbeuses -- my english level is not so good ;->)

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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jim MacConnell


You're not coming off as annoying... just very set in your ways.  
Indenting style is a personal preference and Rev indents the way I've  
seen all xTalks indent and the way I like to do it... a holdover from  
very old debugging habits using a ruler on printouts to check for  
proper looping sad isn't it . It would be an interesting  
feature to be able to choose the style of indenting (and to toggle  
between them) but that's a bit beyond the current discussion.

 I understand that not being able to use the same keyboard approach,  
etc. that you are used to is a pain but I think calling the editor  
"buggy", "bizarre", etc. because it is different than you are used to  
is a bit unfair.

One of the things to remember ( and others will have to help me with  
details here) is that Rev is relatively young and is coming from a  
community well versed in xTalk and the quirks of previous versions.  
So your experience of

having used decent tools for years and years
is potentially skewed when compared to Rev's status if only  
because of the evolution of your other tools Perhaps patience,  
learning a few new "habits" and doing just what you are doing...  
making suggestions and recommendations.. will help ease the  
frustration and help you see that "we" don't necessarily have a
parochial attitude about these problem areas. Simply saying "well,  
we don't mind it, so you shouldn't mind" seems beside the point.

I think what "we" are trying to do is explain what Rev is doing (it  
isn't  necessarily a bug) and offer assistance as possible (like the  
"tab" thing) so you can get past the annoyance aspects of the editor.


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CGI and AppleScript

2005-06-29 Thread Gary Thompson


I think I may already know the answer to this question:

I was playing around with using Revolution as an Apache CGI under OS  
X which really has me excited over the potential uses. Anyway I  
tried a little experiment calling AppleScript with the "do someScript  
as AppleScript" command and the result is "alternate language not  
found" which makes me think I can't call AppleScript like you would  
normally from Revolution.

Is this true? And if so is there any way to call AppleScript from a CGI?


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Re: Alias on MacOS 10.3.9

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Schonewille


This must be a bug, please report it to bugzilla if it is not 
there yet.

If you check the result after the create alias command, you get: 
"can't create that alias" because framp is not a file but a 
folder. The correct command would be: create alias (tilmp) to 
folder framp, but this causes an execution error.

My advice is to use AppleScript instead, until the bug is fixed.

Best regards,


Signe Marie Sanne wrote:

I'm trying to create an alias to a folder. On Windows 'file' works, 
although the shortcut is to a folder and the documentation says that you 
can only create a shortcut to a file not a folder. Does this apply ontly 
to Mac since nothing happens on Mac with the script below:

  put specialfolderPath("pref") & "/IVANAmp/" into framp
  put there is a folder framp --renders 'true'
  put specialfolderPath("desktop") & "/IVANAmp/" into tilmp
  create alias (tilmp) to file framp

Any suggestions?


eHUG coordinator

Please inform me about vacancies in the field of
general economics at your institute. I am also looking
for new freelance programming projects.

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Re: Arrrgghh -- Find and Replace

2005-06-29 Thread Timothy Miller


Tuesday, June 28, 2005, 8:39:04 PM, you wrote:

TM> It still seems to me that a "stop searching" button on this window
TM> would be a welcome addition, unless it can be made to work so fast
TM> that none would be necessary.

TM> Is there something I'm not getting?

I can't imagine how you're getting such slow results. Any cookies

If I'm quick enough I can press command-period and the find stops
before the next container. Does that not work for you? I have to be
really quick about pressing it, though, because otherwise the search
is all done.

Hi Mark,

Well, I'm not sure. It's possible that it's so slow because there is 
some bug that causes it to be very slow -- maybe only on certain 
platforms -- in version 2.5.X of Dreamcard.

It's also possible we're talking about two different things. There's 
a scripted find command, which I believe finds field text only. I 
think that's the same command as typing 'find "polydipsical"' into 
the msg box. That command works almost instantaneously for me, even 
in a pretty big stack with a large number of fields.

I'm talking about the find and replace window you get by typing 
command-F. That worked hopelessly slow before I installed the patch, 
and somewhat faster, but still quite slowly, afterwards. As I recall, 
Jacque mentioned at some point that this feature works very, very 
slowly. She didn't say why.

It's possible I didn't install the patch right, but that seems unlikely.

If I understand the other messages on this thread correctly, the 
command-F find-and-replace feature in version 2.6 for the OS X might 
be very fast. Maybe Chipp's patch only partly fixes the problem in 
2.5. I don't quite know what to think at the moment.

I'm usually conservative about upgrades. I was going to wait for 
several maintenance upgrades on 2.6.x, before I upgraded from 2.5.1. 
Bad idea?


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2005-06-29 Thread Marielle Lange

I am investigating your ideas... is the taoo also related to the tao:
"A decade of intense R&D on these topics has yielded ACE, which is an
object-oriented framework that implements many core patterns for concurrent
communication software. We have applied the patterns and components in the ACE
framework to develop The ACE ORB (TAO), which is our standards-based, CORBA
middleware framework that allows clients to invoke operations on distributed
objects without concern for object location, programming language, OS platform,
communication protocols and interconnects, and hardware. TAO is designed using
the best software practices and patterns that we have discovered in our work on
ACE in order to automate the delivery of high-performance and real-time QoS to
distributed applications."

Okay, I am interested in all that and I believe that RR is ideal for this kind
of project.

But from your cms, the poor psychologist I am couldn't really understand  how
the TAOO should be used and how users should contribute (and what). Is there a
strategic plan somewhere? Is there a page linking to all documents about the

My view on this is that if you spend a bit of time developing a sound
infrastructure in which others can contribute (rather than be ready to do it
all by yourself), you will get your project taking off a lot more rapidly.

About Xanadu... do you have any idea on how to implement it with mc or

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Re: _[French]_Un_site_dédié_à _Révolution

2005-06-29 Thread Dom
Yhann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Désolé pour le français, mais je pense qu'il peut être compréhensible
> qu'une personne ne soit pas forcément bilingue. Une liste française
> éviterait d'ailleurs la pollution de celle-ci)

Mais elle existe !!!

Bienvenue, hc4domi (hc4domi [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 


Catégorie : Langages de programmation 

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2005-06-29 Thread Marielle Lange
Hi Xavier,

Me again ;-)

"If you know what bittorent did for media sharing, imagine what this can do for
your scripting or applications' building or sharing..."

Exactly... that's what I believe should be done as well. Ok... PRACTICALLY, how
do we get there? What are the different steps to follow and actions to take?

Note that I doubt of your chance to claim copyright on the concept. This kind of
ideas is *all over the place*.

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Re: called stack does not come to top in standalone

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Emilio,

Emilio Gagliardi wrote:
Greetings runrev gurusIt seems I'm finding lots of little  *nuances* 
lately and I appreciate your patience with my emails.

I've been using the following code to open a stack from within a  
another stack:

go to stack /substack as topLevel

and the code has worked as expected in development.  Namely, the  parent 
"window" is open and visible and when I click a button that  calls the 
above code, a second window opens on top of the parent,  which contains 
the substack.

Can anyone point me in the direction of how to force a stack to the  top 
or why in standalone this is happening?

Can you hide the main stack while the substack is on screen? 
That might be a workaround, although not a nice one.

In a related vein, I tried setting the style of the substack to modal 
(go to stack /substack as modal), thinking it was ideal for forcing  the 
user to complete the task on screen b4 moving on. However, when i  did 
that, my dynamically generated buttons didn't appear!  This goes  back 
to a previous problem I addressed in these forums which I solved  by 
copying a hidden button and then pasting it.  For some reason,  
copy&paste does not seem to work in modal mode.

You can dyamically create buttons in a modal stack, if the 
script that creates these buttons is located in the modal stack 
or is called from the modal stack.

Best regards,



eHUG coordinator

Please inform me about vacancies in the field of
general economics at your institute. I am also looking
for new freelance programming projects.

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Fields Creator uploaded

2005-06-29 Thread Ton Kuypers


Just to inform you all of my first upload to the Rev Online User  
Space (DMP) in the category Utilities.

Fields Creator is a small stack to place a bunch of fields on a  
selectable card with corresponding labels next to it.

I'm using this stack for a few weeks now and I'm still wondering why  
I didn't create this one before...

Just download it and try it out.
Any comments or modifications are welcome.


Ton Kuypers
Digital Media Partners bvba
Tel. +32 (0)477 / 739 530
Fax +32 (0)14 / 71 03 04

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Re: How to put a dash in front of a menu item

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Schonewille


Perhaps, you could use numToChar(208)?


Claudi Cornaz wrote:

Hi all

There is just one thing I'd like to add to it: putting a dash in front 
of a menu(item).

Is there a way I can achieve this?

All best wishes


eHUG coordinator

Please inform me about vacancies in the field of
general economics at your institute. I am also looking
for new freelance programming projects.

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Two new (palette) stacks

2005-06-29 Thread Marielle Lange
Two palettes have been added this week to the education gallery

HTML exporter
Converts your rr stack into an html+css documents, within a framing system for
easy navigation from one card to another. (Note that you may need to use ctl+
or ctl- to adjust the font size on your browser). Early draft to evaluate the
what is required to get such export functionalities.

go stack url

Color Wheel
Presents a color wheel to easily select colors that are complementary, in
tetradic or quadratic harmony, with varying levels of brightness and saturation
(check out the wiki page on computers in education/design for information on
this). Converts RGB into the corresponding HTML color code (i.e., #00).

go stack url

revolution in education -

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Re: Two new (palette) stacks

2005-06-29 Thread Nicolas Cueto
> (check out the wiki page on computers in education/design for information
> this).

Do you have a link to that page, or suggestions about what
categories to look under? I've tried various topics but...

Thank you, too, for those stacks.

Nicolas Cueto

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Re: CGI and AppleScript

2005-06-29 Thread Robert Brenstein


I think I may already know the answer to this question:

I was playing around with using Revolution as an Apache CGI under OS 
X which really has me excited over the potential uses. Anyway I 
tried a little experiment calling AppleScript with the "do 
someScript as AppleScript" command and the result is "alternate 
language not found" which makes me think I can't call AppleScript 
like you would normally from Revolution.

Is this true? And if so is there any way to call AppleScript from a CGI?


It is possible but you need acgi dispatcher

Robert Brenstein
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Re: "repeat for each" in reverse order ?

2005-06-29 Thread Buster

Hi Dennis,

 I'm just curious, but what is wrong with itemOffset?


Re: "repeat for each" in reverse order ?
Dennis Brown
Tue, 28 Jun 2005 07:59:41 -0700

What I would like to see is a way to access the next or previous  
"element" in a list independent of the repeat structure. We have  
something similar in the offset function --offset  
(findString,searchString,skipChars). The key is to have a concept  
for a pointer of sorts. The pointer in the offset function is the  
skipChars parameter. You could just about simulate this capability  
using the offset function (not tested):

global gStringName,gStringNamePtr
function nextItemStringName --don't want to pass the actual strings
get offset(itemDel(), gStringName, gStringNamePtr)
if it = 0 then --delimiter not found, must be end of string
return char gStringNamePtr to -1 of gStringName --last item in the  
string, or empty

return char gStringNamePtr to gStringNamePtr +it-1 of gStringName -- 
grab the next item put it+1 into gStringNamePtr --advance the  
pointer to after the delimiter

end if
end nextItemStringName

Of course this way of doing it is not so general, a bit awkward,  
and the function calls would kill a lot of the potential speed.  
That is why a built-in function would be much better. Perhaps a  
syntax something like this:


The variable name specified for the charOffsetVar would have the  
pointer that gets modified.

You could also make it a command something like:

nextThing stringName with charOffsetVar by item

Having sequential access methods like this would allow a much  
greater freedom to process one or more lists at the same time  
without suffering the usual speed penalties.


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Re: "repeat for each" in reverse order ?

2005-06-29 Thread Dennis Brown


While some variation on the example I showed could be useful and  
faster than some other possible script variations, all the high level  
script commands to simulate low level operations are a speed killer  
relative to the speed of a native method.  The repeat for each is  
truly awesome in its speed, and that is the speed that I would like  
to see in a more flexible primitive.


On Jun 29, 2005, at 7:16 PM, Buster wrote:

Hi Dennis,

 I'm just curious, but what is wrong with itemOffset?


Re: "repeat for each" in reverse order ?
Dennis Brown
Tue, 28 Jun 2005 07:59:41 -0700

What I would like to see is a way to access the next or previous  
"element" in a list independent of the repeat structure. We have  
something similar in the offset function --offset  
(findString,searchString,skipChars). The key is to have a concept  
for a pointer of sorts. The pointer in the offset function is the  
skipChars parameter. You could just about simulate this capability  
using the offset function (not tested):

global gStringName,gStringNamePtr
function nextItemStringName --don't want to pass the actual strings
get offset(itemDel(), gStringName, gStringNamePtr)
if it = 0 then --delimiter not found, must be end of string
return char gStringNamePtr to -1 of gStringName --last item in the  
string, or empty

return char gStringNamePtr to gStringNamePtr +it-1 of gStringName  
--grab the next item put it+1 into gStringNamePtr --advance the  
pointer to after the delimiter

end if
end nextItemStringName

Of course this way of doing it is not so general, a bit awkward,  
and the function calls would kill a lot of the potential speed.  
That is why a built-in function would be much better. Perhaps a  
syntax something like this:


The variable name specified for the charOffsetVar would have the  
pointer that gets modified.

You could also make it a command something like:

nextThing stringName with charOffsetVar by item

Having sequential access methods like this would allow a much  
greater freedom to process one or more lists at the same time  
without suffering the usual speed penalties.


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Nine Ball With Spin, again

2005-06-29 Thread Jon
I tried to upload my latest revisions to Nine Ball With Spin to my user 
space under Rev, but that failed, so I've uploaded it to ball with spin.rev  (345 KB)

Latest changes include
1) pretty numbered balls again
2) undo latest play with right mouse button
3) replay latest play with new menu entry
4) new game starts automatically when all balls are gone


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Re: weird influence of the gridsize and the grid on the drawing of squares by script

2005-06-29 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 8:45 PM +0200 6/29/2005, Wouter wrote:
After reinvestigating bug 2683 for which Mark Waddingham asked a 
recipe,  the weird influence of the gridsize and the grid on the 
drawing of squares by script surfaced. Will it become an 
"undocumented feature" or is this a bug?  Anyway I didn't know until 

1 new stack and 1 button with the following script will show:

Wouter, I don't think this is a bug although the doc for grid could 
be clearer. The drag command is supposed to emulate drawing with the 
mouse, so it should respect the grid.

jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-06-29 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 12:27 PM +0100 6/29/2005, Alex Tweedly wrote:
Or turn off the auto-format feature, for heaven's sake. It's not as 
though it were difficult, if you want to manually format scripts to 
your liking.

It prevents "live-formatting" - but it still allows TAB to reformat 
the entire handler, thereby destroying any manual formatting.

Would it be too complicated to not press the Tab key nor choose 
"Format This Handler", if you don't want the script reformatted?

jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list
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what happened to my posts?

2005-06-29 Thread xbury . cs
Hi all,

I posted 3 or 4 emails since yesterday from my home mail adand none made 
it in the list?

Any clues? TIA


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2005-06-29 Thread Stephen Barncard
Can someone tell me how my 'special' email address I created for 
especially for this list and only this list got to a spammer? In the 
two or three years I've been on this list, this has never happened 
before, until now.

I only use this email address for this list. This clown tried to 
obfuscate the actual address with one I never use 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I never spell myself as steven, ever.

I wasn't aware that this email address was ever in the clear, except 
for members of this list.

this is not cool. Has this happened to anyone else?


Received: from 
( [])

by (Postfix) with SMTP id 577642FBAB
	for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 29 Jun 2005 
22:53:55 -0700 (PDT)

X-Message-Info: 8ume8kE/lsAiZRRoRYRvyW4Vkmt
Received: from bakhtiari (
  (InterMail vR. 288-4-246-3820-85626-64205667) with ESMTP

  for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 29 Jun 2005 23:52:51 -0700
Reply-To: "Luz Velasquez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Luz Velasquez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hoow to see quality seex content astrophysicist
use-revolution mailing list
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2005-06-29 Thread Scott Kane

> Can someone tell me how my 'special' email
> address I created for especially for this
> list and only this list got to a spammer? 

One possible method is that the use of certain
SPAM software that gets a domain name and fires
a dictionary of common names at the server. A
name like "Steve" would probably be on the softwares
list.  This has happended to me with internal email
adress' as well.  Not much you can do to prevent it.

Scott Kane

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Out of Office AutoReply: SPAM

2005-06-29 Thread Stephen Barncard

Oh no, not a mail loop!!

I am out of the office from Thursday, June 30 through Wednesday, July 6.
E-Mail and voice mail access late in the day. If you need immediate
assistance, please call me on my mobile phone: 262.930.8342.



use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 


2005-06-29 Thread Stephen Barncard
No, no. Look at the headers in my previous message. It was CLEARLY 
taken from this list. You can't come up with this address by guessing.


 > Can someone tell me how my 'special' email

 address I created for especially for this
 list and only this list got to a spammer?

One possible method is that the use of certain
SPAM software that gets a domain name and fires
a dictionary of common names at the server. A
name like "Steve" would probably be on the softwares
list.  This has happended to me with internal email
adress' as well.  Not much you can do to prevent it.

Scott Kane

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Tiger breaks hyperCard?

2005-06-29 Thread Joseba Aguayo


I have run fine Hypercard in Tiger with G3 and G4 machines.

The problems begin in a computer with G5 processor.
Hypercard in a G5 computer run bad, bad, bad and slw.

(excuse for my bad English)

Un saludo

Joseba Aguayo Fernández

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: what happened to my posts?

2005-06-29 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Xavier,

The same for me so I reposted... and they appeared 24 hours later...
Be patient ;-)
Simple new server start problem...

Le 30 juin 05 à 08:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

Hi all,

I posted 3 or 4 emails since yesterday from my home mail adand none  

it in the list?

Any clues? TIA


Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

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2005-06-29 Thread Scott Kane

> No, no. Look at the headers in my previous message.
> It was CLEARLY taken from this list. You can't come
> up with this address by guessing.

Missed the headers last time in your message.  Have
seen them now and I agree.  This is odd.  All I can
suggest is somebody has subscribed themselves to the
list and lifted the email address.  I haven't received
anything from that source myself.  Maybe some other
people have though...

Scott Kane

use-revolution mailing list
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