Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Bernard Devlin

Dave said

 I think that there is a lot of silly, sometimes personal crap on
 this list on the odd occasion and I reckon it boils down to this:

 Someone relates some (usually fairly truthful) bad news about
 RunRev and then someone else tries to make it all right by
 relating all the good things about RunRev (that you invariably
 already know) or berates your apparent apathy in investigating
 Well lets all just make a deal?

 No one rain on the parade and no one stop the rain from

Obviously this in the context of the running dispute between you and  
me.  I have followed this list almost every day for the past 4  
years.  Because I was not working with Rev every day, if people put  
up claims in the past (positive or negative), I would not challenge  
them.  As I am working with Rev every day now, if someone is going to  
make claims that it Rev is fundamentally buggy and that the company  
is in danger of going out of business because of this, I'm not going  
to let it go unchallenged.  I also work with Lotus Notes every day,  
and I see more bugs in Notes on a daily basis (and that is as a user,  
not even as a Notes developer) than I do in Rev, and Notes is used by  
something like 200 million people worldwide.  I wouldn't even say  
Notes was fundamentally buggy - it is a complex piece of software,  
and the bugs don't stop me from doing what I need to do.  I've had OS  
X and XP crash on me numerous times, and actually lost work in the  
process - maybe that makes all software fundamentally buggy.

What you're asking for is an end to discussion.  You are asking to be  
able to make exagerrated claims (positive or negative), and for these  
claims to go unchallenged.  I got involved in a debate with you  
precisely because you seem to have little hesitancy in making  
sweeping or false allegations (these are all from 10th Nov):

There is definitely a problem with silly bugs and lack of a clear  
way of finding answers to problems

it takes a long time (more than necessary) to become a RunRev  

more support effort is put into developing/fixing the Engine than  
the IDE.

something needs to be done to address the backlog of bugs and make  
the IDE much more stable

RunRev will stop growing and eventually die.

I really hope that some bugs get fixed soon and the IDE is over  

I didn't berate you for your apathy nor indulge in personal crap.   
I challenged your claims, because they seem to be exaggerated and/or  
false.  When you actually listed one of the bugs that is a  
fundamental problem for you I tried to help you find out more about  
what is going on in that situation so that we could work together as  
a group to try to get that bug fixed.  But it seems that you are more  
interested in complaining about bugs and running down Runrev than you  
are in solving them and promoting Rev.  Having been challenged,  
you're now asking that no-one rain on your your parade.   That's not  
a reasonable thing to ask for.


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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Dave

On 17 Nov 2006, at 08:35, Bernard Devlin wrote:

Dave said

 I think that there is a lot of silly, sometimes personal crap on
 this list on the odd occasion and I reckon it boils down to this:

 Someone relates some (usually fairly truthful) bad news about
 RunRev and then someone else tries to make it all right by
 relating all the good things about RunRev (that you invariably
 already know) or berates your apparent apathy in investigating
 Well lets all just make a deal?

 No one rain on the parade and no one stop the rain from

Obviously this in the context of the running dispute between you  
and me.

Slightly, it was mostly based an earlier flame-fest which was started  
in the Quality #1 issue thread I think.

I have followed this list almost every day for the past 4 years.   
Because I was not working with Rev every day, if people put up  
claims in the past (positive or negative), I would not challenge  
them.  As I am working with Rev every day now, if someone is going  
to make claims that it Rev is fundamentally buggy and that the  
company is in danger of going out of business because of this,

There are a lot of bugs in the RunRev Engine, the IDE and the  
documentation that have not been fixed in over three years and some  
of them are very low level and therefore fundamental to the system.

I'm not going to let it go unchallenged.

Does it make you feel better?

What you're asking for is an end to discussion.

I don't mind a discussion but lets keep it to the subject at hand and  
not resort to mud-slinging and low beahaviour.

You are asking to be able to make exagerrated claims (positive or  
negative), and for these claims to go unchallenged.

I don't make exagerrated claims. I don't care if they are challenged  
or not.

I got involved in a debate with you precisely because you seem to  
have little hesitancy in making sweeping or false allegations  
(these are all from 10th Nov):

There is definitely a problem with silly bugs and lack of a  
clear way of finding answers to problems

it takes a long time (more than necessary) to become a RunRev  

more support effort is put into developing/fixing the Engine than  
the IDE.

something needs to be done to address the backlog of bugs and make  
the IDE much more stable

I really hope that some bugs get fixed soon and the IDE is over  

All the above is true, and, it seems that RunRev think that way too  
since they are now making a bug-fix release. Hooray!

RunRev will stop growing and eventually die.

This is out of context, I think what I said was that if they didn't  
fix some of the old bugs and address the support pricing issue it  
would stop growing and eventually die, and I believe this to be true.  
However, no one can say 100% what will happen, so it's really not  
worth arguing about/discussing it.

I didn't berate you for your apathy nor indulge in personal crap.

If you say so.

  I challenged your claims, because they seem to be exaggerated and/ 
or false.  When you actually listed one of the bugs that is a  
fundamental problem for you I tried to help you find out more about  
what is going on in that situation so that we could work together  
as a group to try to get that bug fixed.

Everything that can be done as a 3rd party developer has been done on  
this bug, unless you can think of something else, but from your posts  
it doesn't seem like you can think of anything either. Apart from the  
reasons I mentioned in another post, I also wanted to see if it had  
been addressed in 2.7.x, it seems it hasn't. Given that this problem  
is fundamental to the whole system and given that it can take a very  
long time to track down and isolate, it would seem reasonable that at  
the very least the documentation be changed to include some kind of  
warning about the use of me and the sharedText property in fields.  
This could easily have been done in any of the releases since March,

But it seems that you are more interested in complaining about bugs  
and running down Runrev than you are in solving them and promoting  

The point is that there are LOADS of bugs that have been logged for a  
LONG TIME without being fixed. Over and over we get a new release  
with all the same bugs present plus a lot of new problems. I just  
feel that there should be a bug-fix release, which is now going to  
happen. I could either do nothing or voice an opinion here.

I've sold 4 (I think) RunRev Licenses in the past three years, If  
that's not promoting Rev then I don't know what is!  I've come  
close to selling 4 or 5 more, but unfortunately the bugs I mentioned  
above (along with other factors I have already mentioned) prevented  
these sales.

Having been challenged,

Sorry I didn't realize I'd been challenged! Must have missed that bit!

you're now asking that no-one rain on your your parade.   That's  
not a reasonable thing to ask for.

Re: OT: If only we could do this

2006-11-17 Thread Sivakatirswami

Bernard Devlin wrote:

Sivakatirswami, what is it you would like Rev to be able to do here?
 Acting like a pre-installed plugin, or being able to re-arrange the
 graphics within the window?  The latter is possible - I did a rough
 prototype for that kind of effect a few months ago.  Animation
engine should be able to smooth out the effect to make it much more


I'm not really  interested in the whirly movement of the mind map on
demand, but rather how  this relates to the other thread and the
overview of architectures and models for  content  delivery where the
browser (since everyone loves it so much) serves as a launching pad for
another application, but the user experience is a seamless one. That new
window is *not*  HTML being rendered by and HTML rendering engine, as such.

Looks like a completely Java based application to me (Like Scott said I
also don't see any .swf in the cloud there.)
But the user is not a) leaving his browser b) clicking on another
document  to boot the java app... it just transparently opens as a new
window: new rect in the video card... isn't the browser basically passing
off, completely, the windowing, content rendering task to a completely
independent app?

So, this goes to the whole discussion (viz-a-viz Lynn's query about how
Rev could integrate with browsers) of rev plug-in vs web page with links
to down load stand alones, vs some kind of embed object filled with Rev
CGI powered content, vs getting them to download a Super Revolution
Player... I thought this site offered yet another model.

I mean Javascript is
a) a plug in which the browser API uses to render stuff inside the
browser window, but here it is also
b) a separate complete framework that the browser simply launches into
another window which is now under  the control of Java.. not the browser
perse... I tried to View Source, View DOM, etc on that window.. Firefox
wasn't happy. It was completely independent.. so this got me thinking

a) if we can get users to download and install some player core... or a
stand  alone..
=resistance has dropped to virtual zero.. because it is coming from Run
Rev Home site.
b) we have a link  on our web page(s) that calls a stack,
c) the  browser launches the stack using this  player core.
d) users see it as a seamless integrated  experience.

But! and this is the big one: the core of the player is not at all
concerned with the browser API!
i.e. does not have to live by the constraints and rules of having the
content be rendered inside the browser window itself...
it opens it's own, new window...and leaves Firefox (IE, Safari.. 
whatever..) behind

Isn't that not essentially what is happening here?

It's so beautiful here on Kauai, hard not to dream :-) anything is possible.

(now coming to  you from our
super fast box at ServePath in San Franscisco)

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Andre Garzia

gee what a horrible thread

On Nov 17, 2006, at 11:28 AM, Dave wrote:

On 17 Nov 2006, at 08:35, Bernard Devlin wrote:

Dave said

 I think that there is a lot of silly, sometimes personal crap on
 this list on the odd occasion and I reckon it boils down to this:

 Someone relates some (usually fairly truthful) bad news about
 RunRev and then someone else tries to make it all right by
 relating all the good things about RunRev (that you invariably
 already know) or berates your apparent apathy in investigating
 Well lets all just make a deal?

 No one rain on the parade and no one stop the rain from

Obviously this in the context of the running dispute between you  
and me.

Slightly, it was mostly based an earlier flame-fest which was  
started in the Quality #1 issue thread I think.

I have followed this list almost every day for the past 4 years.   
Because I was not working with Rev every day, if people put up  
claims in the past (positive or negative), I would not challenge  
them.  As I am working with Rev every day now, if someone is going  
to make claims that it Rev is fundamentally buggy and that the  
company is in danger of going out of business because of this,

There are a lot of bugs in the RunRev Engine, the IDE and the  
documentation that have not been fixed in over three years and some  
of them are very low level and therefore fundamental to the system.

I'm not going to let it go unchallenged.

Does it make you feel better?

What you're asking for is an end to discussion.

I don't mind a discussion but lets keep it to the subject at hand  
and not resort to mud-slinging and low beahaviour.

You are asking to be able to make exagerrated claims (positive or  
negative), and for these claims to go unchallenged.

I don't make exagerrated claims. I don't care if they are  
challenged or not.

I got involved in a debate with you precisely because you seem to  
have little hesitancy in making sweeping or false allegations  
(these are all from 10th Nov):

There is definitely a problem with silly bugs and lack of a  
clear way of finding answers to problems

it takes a long time (more than necessary) to become a RunRev  

more support effort is put into developing/fixing the Engine than  
the IDE.

something needs to be done to address the backlog of bugs and  
make the IDE much more stable

I really hope that some bugs get fixed soon and the IDE is over  

All the above is true, and, it seems that RunRev think that way too  
since they are now making a bug-fix release. Hooray!

RunRev will stop growing and eventually die.

This is out of context, I think what I said was that if they didn't  
fix some of the old bugs and address the support pricing issue it  
would stop growing and eventually die, and I believe this to be  
true. However, no one can say 100% what will happen, so it's really  
not worth arguing about/discussing it.

I didn't berate you for your apathy nor indulge in personal crap.

If you say so.

  I challenged your claims, because they seem to be exaggerated  
and/or false.  When you actually listed one of the bugs that is a  
fundamental problem for you I tried to help you find out more  
about what is going on in that situation so that we could work  
together as a group to try to get that bug fixed.

Everything that can be done as a 3rd party developer has been done  
on this bug, unless you can think of something else, but from your  
posts it doesn't seem like you can think of anything either. Apart  
from the reasons I mentioned in another post, I also wanted to see  
if it had been addressed in 2.7.x, it seems it hasn't. Given that  
this problem is fundamental to the whole system and given that it  
can take a very long time to track down and isolate, it would seem  
reasonable that at the very least the documentation be changed to  
include some kind of warning about the use of me and the  
sharedText property in fields. This could easily have been done in  
any of the releases since March,

But it seems that you are more interested in complaining about  
bugs and running down Runrev than you are in solving them and  
promoting Rev.

The point is that there are LOADS of bugs that have been logged for  
a LONG TIME without being fixed. Over and over we get a new release  
with all the same bugs present plus a lot of new problems. I just  
feel that there should be a bug-fix release, which is now going to  
happen. I could either do nothing or voice an opinion here.

I've sold 4 (I think) RunRev Licenses in the past three years, If  
that's not promoting Rev then I don't know what is!  I've come  
close to selling 4 or 5 more, but unfortunately the bugs I  
mentioned above (along with other factors I have already mentioned)  
prevented these sales.

Having been challenged,

Sorry I didn't realize I'd been challenged! Must have missed that bit!

you're now asking that 

backupcopying in substackmodifyable standalone

2006-11-17 Thread Kresten Bjerg
We have come a long way in the development of a prototype laptop diary
application, Phenomenalog (v.16.4.0)
It works , adding new cards to substacks,over many months of daily use
without bugs.
As standalone-application it also works fine,on all 4 platforms,  except
for one feature: creating of (3) backups/ to a user selected folder
There is not produced a copy of the actual standalone, but a file with
.rev, which evidently is not a standalone.
No wonder, as the effective line 6  goes: revcopy... Even just
specifying .app as ending does not help.
I guess solution should have to do with app.path ?

Here is the relevant script-part:

 put the effective filename of this stack into source
set itemdelimiter to /
put last item of source into sourcename
set itemdelimiter to ,
put the backuppath of this stack into destination
revcopyfile source, destination
put destination  /  sourcename into oldpath
put destination  /  Diary  phenodate .rev into newpath
rename file oldpath to newpath
put the backups of this stack into list
if the number of lines of list  3 then
put line 1 of list into deletepath
delete line 1 of list
end if
put return  newpath after list
set the backups of this stack to list
delete file deletepath

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Re: OT: If only we could do this

2006-11-17 Thread Jim Carwardine
I was looking at theBrain web site when I wrote the comment about no Mac

I've been a fan of Tony Buzan - Mind Mapping - for some time.  Apparently he
has moved his operation to Australia  There is an interesting
product coming out of this seed that
combines mind mapping with project management.  Unfortunately the Buzan
style doesn't include the dynamic zooming but just contains all the branches
on a big page.  It does support Mac OSX.

What a great way to front-end a database or document an application or a
filing system... Jim

on 11/16/06 10:51 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote:

 Too bad it is not on a Mac as well.  I'd use it to organize my files... Jim
 on 11/16/06 12:37 AM, Chipp Walters wrote:
 On 11/15/06, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now, that's pretty potent stuff.
 Is the window that opens up technically a new application or a plug in
 I suppose you know, it's a Flash swf file. You can create standalone Flash
 apps as well as embedded ones. I've seen this same tree structure before
 where you give it a URL and it parses your whole website using the same
 branching mechanism. Pretty cool.
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Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
23 Shoal Cove Road, Seabright, Nova Scotia, Canada.  B3Z 3A9
Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: OT: If only we could do this

2006-11-17 Thread Luis

Sivakatirswami wrote:


a) if we can get users to download and install some player core... or a
stand  alone..
=resistance has dropped to virtual zero.. because it is coming from Run
Rev Home site.

That's probably one of the best marketing ploys for RunRev to take 
advantage of.



It's so beautiful here on Kauai, hard not to dream :-) anything is 

(now coming to  you from our
super fast box at ServePath in San Franscisco)

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row and column of table clicked on

2006-11-17 Thread Josep M Yepes


You can try this, I found one interesting tutorial about Table Fields  
and her mysteries. Thanks for it Eric! :)

set the cRevTable[currentxcell] of fld pFieldName to pValueX
set the cRevTable[currentycell] of fld pFieldName to pValueY

Check it, I hope that can be usefull.


Subject: row and column of table clicked on

Can you tell which row and column the user clicks on a table field?  I
have used the clickChunk, but you must click on the text - the
whitespace around it returns empty.

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password fields

2006-11-17 Thread John Craig
If anyone has a spare minute, please let me know if the 'password field 
converter' plugin in user space Jock_McTartan behaves itself using 
different OS's (esp. Mac).
I tried a few demo stacks to create password fields, but seemed to keep 
ending up with strange results in the field (especially with mouse 
selections and key press combinations) - I'd be interested to hear if 
anyone else has had problems creating password fields (or am I all 
alone?) and if this version also produces strange results on different 
systems.  I've only tested on windows so far and it seems to be well 

Thanks ,

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Re: row and column of table clicked on

2006-11-17 Thread John Craig

Thanks, Josep - I'll check this out.

Josep M Yepes wrote:


You can try this, I found one interesting tutorial about Table Fields 
and her mysteries. Thanks for it Eric! :)

set the cRevTable[currentxcell] of fld pFieldName to pValueX
set the cRevTable[currentycell] of fld pFieldName to pValueY

Check it, I hope that can be usefull.


Subject: row and column of table clicked on

Can you tell which row and column the user clicks on a table field?  I
have used the clickChunk, but you must click on the text - the
whitespace around it returns empty.

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Re: OT: If only we could do this

2006-11-17 Thread Bernard Devlin

So, this goes to the whole discussion (viz-a-viz Lynn's query about how
Rev could integrate with browsers) of rev plug-in vs web page with links
to down load stand alones, vs some kind of embed object filled with Rev
CGI powered content, vs getting them to download a Super Revolution
Player... I thought this site offered yet another model.

Is this the kind of thing you are interested in?

Laszlo apps used to just be provisioned by Flash.  They have been  
working on Ajax versions this last year.  They've also said all along  
that there's no reason why it couldn't be provisioned in a Java  
applet like the one in the thread title.  Looking at the similarities  
between the DHTML and the Flash versions of the calendar Laszlo has  
come a long way in being able to produce rich internet apps that will  
run without Flash.

These kinds of apps aren't completely independent of the browser - if  
you close the browser the Visual Thesaurus app will close, as will  
the Laszlo Flash calendar.  I believe that .swf files can be started  
as executables (if passed to a standalone Flash player), so in theory  
they could be independent of the browser.

There's nothing intrinsically stopping Runrev from producing a plug- 
in that works like Visual Thesaurus.  The Squeak people did it for  
Smalltalk.  There are several small companies doing it for their  
development environments (quite a few for 3D graphics and gaming).   
There is also - I believe  
that the guy behind DreamFactory was the original creator of  
Supercard (could be wrong there, so feel free to correct me).   It's  
just a question of priorities.

I've advocated that myself several times on this and other Rev- 
related forums.   But I'm almost of the opinion that the time for a  
Rev plug-in has passed.  With both Laszlo and Flex being free tools  
now, and with the state of Ajax toolkits coming from Yahoo and Google  
and dojo and ...


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Re: OT: If only we could do this

2006-11-17 Thread Jim Carwardine
Here is the technology behind the
... Jim

on 11/17/06 7:27 AM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

 Bernard Devlin wrote:
 Sivakatirswami, what is it you would like Rev to be able to do here?
  Acting like a pre-installed plugin, or being able to re-arrange the
  graphics within the window?  The latter is possible - I did a rough
  prototype for that kind of effect a few months ago.  Animation
 engine should be able to smooth out the effect to make it much more
 I'm not really  interested in the whirly movement of the mind map on
 demand, but rather how  this relates to the other thread and the
 overview of architectures and models for  content  delivery where the
 browser (since everyone loves it so much) serves as a launching pad for
 another application, but the user experience is a seamless one. That new
 window is *not*  HTML being rendered by and HTML rendering engine, as such.
 Looks like a completely Java based application to me (Like Scott said I
 also don't see any .swf in the cloud there.)
 But the user is not a) leaving his browser b) clicking on another
 document  to boot the java app... it just transparently opens as a new
 window: new rect in the video card... isn't the browser basically passing
 off, completely, the windowing, content rendering task to a completely
 independent app?
 So, this goes to the whole discussion (viz-a-viz Lynn's query about how
 Rev could integrate with browsers) of rev plug-in vs web page with links
 to down load stand alones, vs some kind of embed object filled with Rev
 CGI powered content, vs getting them to download a Super Revolution
 Player... I thought this site offered yet another model.
 I mean Javascript is
 a) a plug in which the browser API uses to render stuff inside the
 browser window, but here it is also
 b) a separate complete framework that the browser simply launches into
 another window which is now under  the control of Java.. not the browser
 perse... I tried to View Source, View DOM, etc on that window.. Firefox
 wasn't happy. It was completely independent.. so this got me thinking
 a) if we can get users to download and install some player core... or a
 stand  alone..
 =resistance has dropped to virtual zero.. because it is coming from Run
 Rev Home site.
 b) we have a link  on our web page(s) that calls a stack,
 c) the  browser launches the stack using this  player core.
 d) users see it as a seamless integrated  experience.
 But! and this is the big one: the core of the player is not at all
 concerned with the browser API!
 i.e. does not have to live by the constraints and rules of having the
 content be rendered inside the browser window itself...
 it opens it's own, new window...and leaves Firefox (IE, Safari..
 whatever..) behind
 Isn't that not essentially what is happening here?
 It's so beautiful here on Kauai, hard not to dream :-) anything is possible.
 (now coming to  you from our
 super fast box at ServePath in San Franscisco)
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription


Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
23 Shoal Cove Road, Seabright, Nova Scotia, Canada.  B3Z 3A9
Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: OT: If only we could do this

2006-11-17 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/17/06 9:35 AM, Bernard Devlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There is also - I believe
 that the guy behind DreamFactory was the original creator of
 Supercard (could be wrong there, so feel free to correct me).

You're right - Bill Appleton wrote SuperCard and is DreamFactory's CTO.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Parser

2006-11-17 Thread Mikey

First, as far as Jeanne's status goes, I have several (three?  four?)
of the Waite Group's books on HC/HT still sitting on one of my
bookshelves...somewhere.  Jeanne's contributions to Tricks of the
HyperTalk Masters were invaluable in my ability to finish my Senior
year Independent Research project and ultimately get my TA ride for
grad school, my internship, and my first consulting gig.

Please reread last post.  I am not arguing that RR is better or worse
than HC (in this thread anyway).  The post specifically refutes
Jeanne's argument that the syntax permitted in HT is wrong.  It would
seem to me that if y'all thought the syntax was a mistake then it
should have been addressed somewhere.  As it is, I don't recall seeing
anything from The Big Three that would, but then again, there were
only tens of thousands of pages written on HC and HT, and I can't
remember all of them...

I'm also not arguing that the language shouldn't evolve.  I am
bemoaning the fact that the syntax is more rigid in some areas.
However, the syntax issues are just an annoyance compared to some of
the bugs in the IDE.

For all of that, it's still light years better than having to use C++ every day.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


You owe me a new keyboard now, you made me spit my coffee up onto the  
keyboard! LOL great one and perfect for the moment!



Jeffrey Reynolds

On Nov 17, 2006, at 6:28 AM, Jacqueline wrote:

Question: How many internet mail list subscribers does it take to  

a light bulb? Answer: 1,343

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Re: Programing style

2006-11-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 16, 2006, 8:54:11 PM, you wrote:

 FUNCTION fNumericToMoney pNumeric
 local tMoney
 local x
 -- leading dollar sign and two digits for cents
 put format($%.2f, pNumeric) into tMoney
 -- add the commas as necessary
 -- 4 is to ensure we don't get a comma before the dollar sign
 -- 6 here is skipping over the first three digits, the period, and the
 REPEAT with x=length(tMoney)-6 to 4 step -3
 -- +1 to skip over the dollar sign
 put comma before char x+1 of tMoney
 return tMoney
 END fNumericToMoney

 Nicely done, Mark! Hadn't thought of doing it that way...

Well, I hate to have magic numbers in my code, but I couldn't figure
out a way around it. Making them constants only added to the clutter.
This would be so much easier if the C standard had a currency
formatting char in printf().

...and is there a standard for how negative currency values are

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 16, 2006, 5:16:48 PM, you wrote:

 Naw, I like it when people talk about what's good and not-so-good about the
 product. If this list were nothing but bugs,  hints, tips and tech trivia,

Maybe it's me, but I thought that's what Dave was saying...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Programing style

2006-11-17 Thread Tereza Snyder

On Nov 17, 2006, at 12:43 AM, Dar Scott wrote:

The syntax identifies properties, so why give them a special prefix?

I use u before my custom property names to distinguish them from  
built-in properties for several reasons. First, I won't be bollixed  
when new properties are added to the built-in properties that happen  
to collide with my well-thought out property name; second, it draws  
the distinction succinctly in the script between a property that's  
meaningful for the task and those pertaining only to the GUI; and  
third, I can help myself avoid runtime errors because typing put xxx  
into uYYY throws a terezaSyntaxError.


Tereza Snyder

   Califex Software, Inc.

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my apologies to the list

2006-11-17 Thread Bernard Devlin
It took Andre to make me stop and think about what I was doing.  I  
took delivery of a new chair this week, so I dropped my pain  
medication to see what effect the chair would have on my chronic back  
pain.  Anyway, the chair doesn't help, and I have been in a lot of  
pain all week, so I wasn't able to concentrate on anything for very  
long.  On reflection today I realised that I've been more involved  
with this list and others all week (thankfully, more productively in  
the case of the others).I'm returning the chair, upping my pain  
meds, and will hopefully become a more gentle and patient member of  
the list.


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Re: Parser

2006-11-17 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mikey wrote:

I'm also not arguing that the language shouldn't evolve.  I am
bemoaning the fact that the syntax is more rigid in some areas.

It may be helpful to remember two things as you encounter Rev's slightly 
more rigid syntax relative to HyperCard's:

1. It's a heckuva lot less rigid than C or even Java.

2. It's never done without unquestionably significant benefit to 

While noble efforts have been made to support even HC-specific 
constructs like marked cards, as well as most of the flexibility of 
xTalks in general, the few areas where Transcript is less forgiving 
represent in each case a very well-thought-out decision to take 
advantage of an opportunity for optimization.

The result is an engine that offers what is arguably the best 
performance of any xTalk, often by several times and sometimes by a few 
orders of magnitude.

So yes, using Transcript effectively means acquiring a very modest level 
of coding discipline over what was required with HyperTalk, but the 
benefits far outweigh the effort.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
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Re: problems using same player with 100+ audio files?

2006-11-17 Thread Phil Davis

Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, Phil Davis wrote:

Has anyone had freezes after playing lots of audio files with the same player?

Not sure if you're already doing this but you might try explicitly setting
the fileName of the player to *empty* before applying a new filepath.  Years
ago I recall getting around some kind of related issue by following this

Hi Scott -

I added this to the code last week - actually I set the filename to empty when 
the audio is finished playing. It improved my outcomes noticeably but didn't 
take the problem away.

I've been doing this for years when switching filenames of image objects. Don't 
know why I waited until now to do it with players.



Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Interesting U3 Article

2006-11-17 Thread Peter T. Evensen

Some of you have probably seen it, but I thought I would pass it along:,1895,2059961,00.asp

Peter T. Evensen
314-629-5248 or 888-682-4588 

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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 17, 2006, 3:31:37 AM, you wrote:

 gee what a horrible thread

Whaddya mean horrible? Kids these days... in the old days we had
horrible and we liked it. Uphill both ways. In the snow...

-Mark Wieder

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PDB files from Visual Studio

2006-11-17 Thread Josep M Yepes

Hi list,

I have one customer that need to migrate to a (posible) Runtime  
application, but the database used is a .pdb file.

Anybody know how can be imported data from a .pdb file? This isn't a  
Palm database, these file created from Visual Studio C++.

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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Andre Garzia


my definition of horrible is like this: when you go to an airport and the ATC 
personal are on strike asking for more humane conditions for work, it appears 
that earning more than 10 times the minimum wage is not enough, then you loose 
all your connections, you hop from plane to plane, airport to airport, 
connecting as if your flight plan was devised by some fractal expert and when 
you finally arrive at your destination, all tired, needing a shave and a bath 
so that you can keep calling yourself human, you notice after two hours that 
your luggage is not appearing in the carrousel, you go ask the clerk if by any 
chance your lugagge is there, and the clerk answers: sir, by any chance, you 
connected thru amundsen base in antartica?... After recovering from the shock, 
you keep washing your only pair of clothes day after day and maybe a week later 
your luggage arrives with stamps for so many countries that the U.N. should 
promote it to ambassador or good will agent. When you finally open your 
luggage, you discover that you forgot your set of underpants at your home.

that is a horrible situation, add snow if you like it.

On Friday, November 17, 2006, at 06:26AM, Mark Wieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Friday, November 17, 2006, 3:31:37 AM, you wrote:

 gee what a horrible thread

Whaddya mean horrible? Kids these days... in the old days we had
horrible and we liked it. Uphill both ways. In the snow...

-Mark Wieder

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[ANN] Galaxy 1.5 Released Today!

2006-11-17 Thread Jerry Daniels


Galaxy 1.5 was just released today. It has 9 new components and 31  
new features. Actually pretty cool. Read all about it in the links  
below. Funny stuff on the Galaxy Blog about it, too--The Ad That  
Never Ran is a gem, IMHO, and the faux church signs are a hoot.


- Draw new stacks from templates.
- Global contextual menus (configurable!)
- Version Control Manager with Check for Updates
- Mini Bar (uses Rev tools and dock)
- Text Property Editor that does links
- Link mode for Scripts (browse thru handler links!)
- Turn Galaxy on and off during a session

Our website and the what's new stuff has been completely redone  
with slideshows, lessons and all kinds of neat stuff. Come and visit  
us! Feel free to suggest a slide show or a lesson for us to create.


Jerry Daniels
Daniels  Mara, Inc.
Makers of Galaxy 1.5

Galaxy Blog: 

New in 1.5:

use-revolution mailing list
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Strange Scrollbar Issue

2006-11-17 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.

I have a Little Arrows scrollbar I dragged out onto a card.

With Rev 2.7.1, 2.7.2, and 2.7.4, I am seeing this:

I want to be able to select over a range of 0 to 511, so I set  
startValue to 0, endValue to 511, and the lineInc to 1.

When I try to use the arrows, the thumbPosition stays at 0!

I tried increasing the endValue to 512, and I could scroll between 0  
and 1, if I set the endValue to 555, I could scroll between 0 and 44...

I'm starting to see a pattern here...

Why is the endValue being offset by 511?

 Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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Where Rev could be going...

2006-11-17 Thread Bernard Devlin
In the light of the discussion about Rev plug-ins, I decided to re- 
visit a post I made last year about where Rev was in relation to  
competing technologies.  At the end of it, I listed what I thought  
Runrev should do to increase their competitive edge.

These are the things I think Rev needs in order to increase their
competitive edge:

* the ability to generate stacks dynamically server-side (I believe
the requirement for a checksum currently hampers this)

* integration with version control systems (this could be via the
command line if the scripts were pure text in the IDE)

* built-in connectivity to a lightweight, cross-platform, local free
rdbms like sqlite or firebird (Runrev could license altsqlite, or
produce their own connector for firebird to have a much higher quality
embedded sql rdbms)

* Dan has also suggested that the CGI interface for Rev needs to be
made simpler. Given that he has written a tutorial on that, I believe

* a browser plugin (this could just be IE and Firefox initially and
is probably the least important and the most difficult of these
enhancements for Runrev to produce)

I've been working intensively on the first two.  And I'm glad to see  
that the 3rd item is being incorporated, and possibly the 5th.

Maybe Dan or Andre could comment on what they think about the 4th  
item?  I seem to remember some posts a few months ago where they were  
expressing some exasperation with Rev CGIs.  Was the principle  
limitation with Rev CGI to do with threading and scalability?

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Strange function bug

2006-11-17 Thread Matt

I was recently creating a stack when I noticed that one of my functions
wouldn't work right. After some further investigation, i realized that the
function was not getting the second param that I was passing it. So, just
for fun, I swapped the two params in the function and in the script, and now
the other variable always turned up empty. If anyone could shed light on
this problem i would appreciate it.

Computer Geek Software
Send in your own suggestions.
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Checking For An FTP File

2006-11-17 Thread Bridger Maxwell

 How would I check to see if a file exists on an ftp server?  There is a
file  does not work with ftp addresses.

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Re: [ANN] Galaxy 1.5 Released Today!

2006-11-17 Thread Tereza Snyder

On Nov 17, 2006, at 4:11 PM, Jerry Daniels wrote:


- Draw new stacks from templates.
- Global contextual menus (configurable!)

Global contextual menus (configurable!) may be accurate, but  
doesn't quite convey the power of this feature, which IMHO is the tip- 
top-most new feature. With it I can access critical properties  
without moving the mouse or taking my eyes off the object! Click.  
Change the name! Click. Make it opaque! Click. See the owner! Click.  
Make it invisible!

- Turn Galaxy on and off during a session

Geez! why?


Tereza Snyder

   Califex Software, Inc.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Strange function bug

2006-11-17 Thread Dar Scott

On Nov 17, 2006, at 5:22 PM, Matt wrote:

I was recently creating a stack when I noticed that one of my  
wouldn't work right. After some further investigation, i realized  
that the
function was not getting the second param that I was passing it.  
So, just
for fun, I swapped the two params in the function and in the  
script, and now
the other variable always turned up empty. If anyone could shed  
light on

this problem i would appreciate it.

Try this as the first line of the function to see if the problem is  
that the parameter is empty or the number of parameters is wrong:

put the paramCount

I would guess a problem in spelling, either in the function or in its  

If the parameter is an array directly returned by another function,  
you have run across an old bug (3411).  You will have to split up the  
expression.  If the parameter is an array returned by the object  
version of value(), then the value is lost by value() (bug 699).  If  
the parameter is 'the result' after a send (not in time), then the  
array is lost then, too.

Someone on the list recently had a problem with a function and later  
realized he had also defined it another place.

Dar Scott

Underlying most arguments against the free market
is a lack of belief in freedom itself.
-- Milton Friedman (1912-2006)

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Re: [ANN] Galaxy 1.5 Released Today!

2006-11-17 Thread Pierre Sahores

Hi Jerry,

How to upgrade from Galaxy Studio 1.0.2 to 1.5 ? In downloading the  
trial issue and filling the licence code ?


Le 17 nov. 06 à 23:11, Jerry Daniels a écrit :


Galaxy 1.5 was just released today. It has 9 new components and 31  
new features. Actually pretty cool. Read all about it in the links  
below. Funny stuff on the Galaxy Blog about it, too--The Ad That  
Never Ran is a gem, IMHO, and the faux church signs are a hoot.


- Draw new stacks from templates.
- Global contextual menus (configurable!)
- Version Control Manager with Check for Updates
- Mini Bar (uses Rev tools and dock)
- Text Property Editor that does links
- Link mode for Scripts (browse thru handler links!)
- Turn Galaxy on and off during a session

Our website and the what's new stuff has been completely redone  
with slideshows, lessons and all kinds of neat stuff. Come and  
visit us! Feel free to suggest a slide show or a lesson for us to  


Jerry Daniels
Daniels  Mara, Inc.
Makers of Galaxy 1.5

Galaxy Blog: 

New in 1.5:

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

Pierre Sahores

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Re: Checking For An FTP File

2006-11-17 Thread Mark Smith
Bridger, one way would be to download the listing for the directory  
you're interested in.

Say you want to know if;  

do this:

put URL ftp:/ into fileList

fileList now contains  list of the files in that directory, so you  
can check if the file you want is there.



On 18 Nov 2006, at 00:45, Bridger Maxwell wrote:

 How would I check to see if a file exists on an ftp server?   
There is a

file  does not work with ftp addresses.

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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Dave

On 17 Nov 2006, at 18:25, Mark Wieder wrote:


Friday, November 17, 2006, 3:31:37 AM, you wrote:

gee what a horrible thread

Whaddya mean horrible? Kids these days... in the old days we had
horrible and we liked it. Uphill both ways. In the snow...

Yeah Lad, but we had it rough, lived in't ole in't ground --
Neah Lad, that's nothing, we were evicted from our 'ole in't ground!

Take Care

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Dave

On 17 Nov 2006, at 19:24, Andre Garzia wrote:


my definition of horrible is like this: when you go to an airport  
and the ATC personal are on strike asking for more humane  
conditions for work, it appears that earning more than 10 times the  
minimum wage is not enough, then you loose all your connections,  
you hop from plane to plane, airport to airport, connecting as if  
your flight plan was devised by some fractal expert and when you  
finally arrive at your destination, all tired, needing a shave and  
a bath so that you can keep calling yourself human, you notice  
after two hours that your luggage is not appearing in the  
carrousel, you go ask the clerk if by any chance your lugagge is  
there, and the clerk answers: sir, by any chance, you connected  
thru amundsen base in antartica?... After recovering from the  
shock, you keep washing your only pair of clothes day after day and  
maybe a week later your luggage arrives with stamps for so many  
countries that the U.N. should promote it to ambassador or good  
will agent. When you finally open your luggage, you discover that  
you forgot your set of underpants at your home.

that is a horrible situation, add snow if you like it.


Oh you went on that package too!

I thought I had it bad

All the Best

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Re: backupcopying in substackmodifyable standalone

2006-11-17 Thread Dave


Not quite sure what you are trying to do. You can't save Standalone  
back onto itself. You will either have to change the way you generate  
standalones so that there is one standalone stub which calls .rev  
files, or save/restore the prefs to/from a separate Pref's file or  
get the Operating System to do the copy for you. The latter really  
depend on the Operating Systems involved and how far you are willing  
to bend the law of good taste!

I'd be happy to send you a demo project that implements a standalone  
stub, however I have only tested on Mac and Windows.


On 17 Nov 2006, at 14:33, Kresten Bjerg wrote:

We have come a long way in the development of a prototype laptop diary
application, Phenomenalog (v.16.4.0)
It works , adding new cards to substacks,over many months of daily use
without bugs.
As standalone-application it also works fine,on all 4 platforms,   

for one feature: creating of (3) backups/ to a user selected folder
There is not produced a copy of the actual standalone, but a file with
.rev, which evidently is not a standalone.
No wonder, as the effective line 6  goes: revcopy... Even just
specifying .app as ending does not help.
I guess solution should have to do with app.path ?

Here is the relevant script-part:

 put the effective filename of this stack into source
set itemdelimiter to /
put last item of source into sourcename
set itemdelimiter to ,
put the backuppath of this stack into destination
revcopyfile source, destination
put destination  /  sourcename into oldpath
put destination  /  Diary  phenodate .rev into newpath
rename file oldpath to newpath
put the backups of this stack into list
if the number of lines of list  3 then
put line 1 of list into deletepath
delete line 1 of list
end if
put return  newpath after list
set the backups of this stack to list
delete file deletepath

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Re: Strange Scrollbar Issue

2006-11-17 Thread J. Landman Gay

Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:

I have a Little Arrows scrollbar I dragged out onto a card.

With Rev 2.7.1, 2.7.2, and 2.7.4, I am seeing this:

I want to be able to select over a range of 0 to 511, so I set 
startValue to 0, endValue to 511, and the lineInc to 1.

When I try to use the arrows, the thumbPosition stays at 0!

Try checking the scrollbarInc and scrollbarDec messages, which carry a 
position parameter. The thumbposition doesn't really change on tiny 
scrollbars. I think that's because the length of the scrollbar has to be 
bigger than the size of the thumb before it changes.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: backupcopying in substackmodifyable standalone

2006-11-17 Thread J. Landman Gay

Kresten Bjerg wrote:

There is not produced a copy of the actual standalone, but a file with
.rev, which evidently is not a standalone.

Are you running this on OS X? This line:

  put the effective filename of this stack into source

will get the file path to the engine inside the OS X bundle, not the 
filepath to the bundle itself.

Your script is adding the .rev extension, but you are trying to copy 
an application which isn't a rev stack. You should leave that off, I think.

The effective filename of an OS X standalone stack will be something 
like this:


The path you want to use with revCopyFile is like this:


So you need to parse the file path and remove everything after 
/Contents. Then you use:

  revCopyFile /folder/,destinationFolder

On Windows and Unix systems, I think your original script should work 
okay, except I'd still omit the .rev extension if you are really 
copying an executable.

No wonder, as the effective line 6  goes: revcopy... Even just
specifying .app as ending does not help.
I guess solution should have to do with app.path ?

Here is the relevant script-part:

 put the effective filename of this stack into source
set itemdelimiter to /
put last item of source into sourcename
set itemdelimiter to ,
put the backuppath of this stack into destination
revcopyfile source, destination
put destination  /  sourcename into oldpath
put destination  /  Diary  phenodate .rev into newpath
rename file oldpath to newpath
put the backups of this stack into list
if the number of lines of list  3 then
put line 1 of list into deletepath
delete line 1 of list
end if
put return  newpath after list
set the backups of this stack to list
delete file deletepath

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Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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disabled button appearance

2006-11-17 Thread Mark Swindell
Can one fine-tune the appearance of the disabled state of a regular  
button?  I've got a series of buttons whose disabled state is a bit  
too transparent.  I'd like to make them less so.  Can this be done  
short of assigning icons?

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