Re: [ANN] Galaxy 1.5 Birthday Special

2006-11-28 Thread Kay C Lan

On 11/27/06, Jerry Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We haven't had a good God thread in so long.

Shucks, did I miss a recent bad God thread? ;-)
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Re: Flash open source!!!

2006-11-28 Thread Dave Cragg

On 28 Nov 2006, at 01:08, Mark Wieder wrote:

...and more...

The Flash ActionScript Virtual Machine is now open source! I
completely missed this announcement until it was brought to my
attention this afternoon. 
200611/110706Mozilla.html someone with time on their hands needs to modify the source so
that it runs Transcript code natively...

Mark, I think the Flash open source subject may be a little  
misleading. As far as I know, the ActionScript Virtual Machine is  
only part of the Flash plugin.

The press release has the usual lack of clarity (spin) we've come to  
expect from large corporations with dollars to spend on marketing.

Adobe has contributed source code for the ActionScript™ Virtual  

Does this mean all the source code or just some of it? (If I were a  
betting man, I know where I'd place my money.)

Adobe tout the speed and efficiency of the ActionScript 3 virtual  
machine versus earlier versions. But Flex 2 (and I guess Flash 9 when  
it arrives) produce precompiled ActionScript. The release refers to  
Just In Time compilation, which makes sense for ActionScript  
(JavaScript) deployment in html pages. But I wonder if the speed  
gains are as significant compared to precompiled scripts.

I'm not sure there is anything for Rev developers here.


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RE: The basics of a chat program

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Sælid
Mark wrote,
I just made a couple of modifications.  I uploaded a new version just  
now.  The program does work once you enter in the other user's ip.  I  
just tested in on my MBPro with the Mac talking to my Win system on  
Parallels.  Worked great!  Let me know if you need any direct help on  
using it.

I get a problem if one of the machines is firewalled. I found another stack
on rev online by Alex Tweedly, actually 2 stacks. 'TCP App 2'  'TCP App 1'.
The latter one allows the machine to be more like a server. If I run TCP
App 2 one on the machine with a firewall it connects. With this setup you
only need to have 1 open port on one of the machines.


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Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Scott Kane
I've got a nice little scrolling list box working nicely (many thanks to the 
ever patient Eric), but I'm having trouble with deleting the line.  It seems 
to work sometimes and not others - and even then not on all lines.  The code 
I'm trying to wring out is below:

-- This handler is in the scrolling list field

on mouseUp
 global y
 put the clickline into y
end mouseUp

-- This handler is in a button called Delete

on mouseUp
 global y
 put the number of lines of fld Species List into MyLines
 if MyLines  1 then
 Delete y else
   Put Empty into fld Species List
   end if
end mouseUp

I know there has got to be a drop dead simple way of doing this!!  BTW - 
when I sort all this out I'm going to post the solutions to these pesky 
objects in a stack on RevOnline.  I can't be the only one stumbling here 
when first blundering in. g


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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Scott,

What is the reason for not simply giving the group a vertical  
scrollbar of itself?



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Op 28-nov-2006, om 4:54 heeft Scott Rossi het volgende geschreven:

OK, I've beaten my head against the wall long enough on this, so I'm
throwing it out there for anyone who wants to try their hand at a  
simple (?)


Modify the initScrollbar routine in the following stack such that  
1) the
scrollbar displays proportionally to content displayed in the  
group, and 2) the scrollbar consistently scrolls the group to the  
end of its

content.  The stack contains a button to randomly populate a scrolling
group, and the initScrollbar routine is stored in the button.

  go url;

This should be easy, but I've spent hours on this and can't do it.   

you can. :-)

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Luis

 From Andre:

Boa noite, Friends,

presentation authoring tool. Runtime Revolution is a turing complete 
application building language and IDE. Revolution has features such as 

Bom dia.

Rev is _not_ Turing complete.



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Re: Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Scott,

No global variables needed and only one button with one mouseUp handler:

on mouseUp
  if the hilitedLine of fld 1 is not empty then
delete line (the hilitedLine of fld 1) of fld 1
  end if
end mouseUp

(Replace fld 1 with a reference to your field).




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 28-nov-2006, om 10:54 heeft Scott Kane het volgende geschreven:

I've got a nice little scrolling list box working nicely (many  
thanks to the ever patient Eric), but I'm having trouble with  
deleting the line.  It seems to work sometimes and not others - and  
even then not on all lines.  The code I'm trying to wring out is  

-- This handler is in the scrolling list field

on mouseUp
 global y
 put the clickline into y
end mouseUp

-- This handler is in a button called Delete

on mouseUp
 global y
 put the number of lines of fld Species List into MyLines
 if MyLines  1 then
 Delete y else
   Put Empty into fld Species List
   end if
end mouseUp

I know there has got to be a drop dead simple way of doing this!!   
BTW - when I sort all this out I'm going to post the solutions to  
these pesky objects in a stack on RevOnline.  I can't be the only  
one stumbling here when first blundering in. g


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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Luis

Andre wrote:
one will be running on the real thing. As far as my experience goes 
with Revolution Player, if any user needs to use my software, he will 
gladly download the player, he acknowledges no difference between 
downloading a player and a plugin. The player is less work for RunRev as 
a windows player will work in every windows, a browser plugin will 
depend on the browser version. So I'd rather use the Revolution player 
than a plugin.

Yup, I don't see much difference here either.

The idea of making the engine generate java bytecodes is very 
entertaining because this would enable us to use revolution to build 
servlets for our web server end, midlets for our cellphone or pda 
programming and applets for those that really want to be confined to a 
browser canvas. I don't know much about java bytecodes although I put a 
book specially about generating java bytecodes from languages that are 
not java in my Safari bookshelf. The idea is very nice except for the 
REWRITTEN, sorry for the all caps, but we needed emphasys. To create

Nope, that's one approach. Generating bytecodes does _not_ require an 
engine rewrite.



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Re: Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Scott Kane

Hi Mark,

No global variables needed and only one button with one mouseUp handler:

on mouseUp
  if the hilitedLine of fld 1 is not empty then
delete line (the hilitedLine of fld 1) of fld 1
  end if
end mouseUp

(Replace fld 1 with a reference to your field).

Absolutely excellent!!  Thanks a heap.  I knew it'd be so simple I'd kick 
myself *again*. gI might actually get the hang of it soon.  ;-)

Thanks again,


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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 2 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Once stacks are described in XML and CSS, the translation of stack layouts
into a few other XML formats becomes nearly a trivial task. This could be
both XHTML+CSS and SVG+CSS. Of course on the translated side, use of an
additional library of primitives would be necessary. However the most
complicated part would be translation of scripts... 
Best wishes 
---Original Message--- 
From: Luis 
Date: 11/28/06 12:34:24 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 2 of 3 
I still think we should piggy back on the XML description of the stacks 
and inject the missing pieces there, I shouldn't think it's too far to 
XHTML from there. 
The injected pieces would be those as mentioned in 'Part 3'. 
 From Andre, cont.: 
 We know that our tools pallete doesn't match the usual web controls, so 
 we need a new pallete with web-savvy tools this tools could be a 
 simple modal plugin with new tools such as TEXT, IMAGE, CONTAINER, and 
 this tools could be easily converted to the usual HTML + CSS. For 
 example HTML uses nested nodes such as /html/body/div/p for a paragraph 
 that belongs to a div. How is that different from Rev groups, if you 
 group all your card controls in a parent groups and had a nice web 
 inspector to give it a type div we could simply map the tree nature 
 of HTML back to Rev by using nested the groups. So all we need is a new 
 tools pallete able to create objects that can be easily converted to 
 their web counterparts and a new inspector that should have features to 
 aid this conversion such as positioning tools, most of the CSS will 
 use relative based position while rev uses absolute coordinates, a new 
 inspector to deal with that kind of stuff. 
 Take notice that what we're doing is not think how to map revolution to 
 the web but the other way around, how to pick the most common web stuff 
 and map back to rev so that after we do this mapping, we can simply 
 write our web-tools. 
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Brian Yennie


I'd love to pitch in with some ideas on this if we can get a core  
group going. I've spent most of the last 2 years developing AJAX apps  
with PHP, which is the main reason I've been unusually quiet on this  
list, but I would love to see something pulled together like this. I  
do think there is a great possibility to create a web deploy subset  
of Revolution. People are doing more and more interesting things with  
Javascript these days (including but not limited to AJAX). I'd  
actually say that a lot of RunRev functions could be ported to  
Javascript to create a nice compatibility layer.

It seems to me that the magic bullet is going to be the architecture.

My thoughts for project pieces, off the top of my head would be:

1) A standard object-to-HTML/CSS interface for display and layout.  
Map Rev properties to CSS properties, figure out the best way to  
export each type of object, etc. Deal with the positioning issues  
(does everything have an absolute position like in a Rev stack, or?).  
Figure out the logical mappings like Group = DIV

2) Navigation model - how do cards and stacks relate to pages and  
frames, and vice versa in a clear and consistent manner?

3) A core Javascript library, call it Revolution.js which exposes  
as many core, client-side Revolution functions as possible

4) A remote function call protocol

5) Web mode development environment - a plugin for Rev IDE, a  
separate product?

6) All of the nice-to-haves (visual effects, server-side libraries  
for database access, dialogs, partial page updates, etc, etc)

7) A couple of solid applications of the tool to use as case studies  
and testbeds

I could see myself pitching in on any of these really if we got  
something rolling. #3 is where I could probably do the most damage.  
If you (or anyone) wants to be ringleader, let me know and I'll pitch  
in as much as I can.

- Brian


you know half of this article was written after talking to you... :-)

this piece is just a continuation of our talkings during revcon  
malta, I want to get something done, even if only to sprout more  
conversation here.

waiting for your thoughts.


On Nov 28, 2006, at 4:32 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Monday, November 27, 2006, 9:38:23 PM, you wrote:

That's a silly arbitrary limit.  But the post is valuable and  
there are
so many more people here than there that rather than  
inconvenience the
lot of them I've taken the liberty of re-posting your message  
here as

you originally intended, broken into three parts to work within the
silly limit here

Thanks. Much appreciated.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3So

2006-11-28 Thread Jerry Muelver
So far, it seems the discussion on this topic pushes making Rev things 
into (or compatible with) web things. But, bear in mind Andre's metaphor 
-- There are more helicopters in the ocean than there are submarines in 
the sky.

How about building an interface to make web things run in Revolution? In 
other words, don't map group to DIV to make Rev scripts run on the 
web, but map DIV to group to make web scripts run in Rev. I think if 
you gave me HTMLtext that could handle hyperlinks, UL and OL, TABLE, 
text wraparound IMG placement, HTML forms components, and by-paragraph 
font styling (CSS-sensitive DIVs), the job would be done. In fact, with 
the advent of an embedded browser in Rev 2.7.5, it seems to me the job 
IS done!

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: [ANN] Galaxy 1.5 Birthday Special

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

No.  See my signature.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Andre Garzia


okay, my mistake involving a concept I don't fully grasp.


On Nov 28, 2006, at 8:21 AM, Luis wrote:

 From Andre:
Boa noite, Friends,

presentation authoring tool. Runtime Revolution is a turing  
complete application building language and IDE. Revolution has  
features such as

Bom dia.

Rev is _not_ Turing complete.



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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 2 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Andre Garzia


thanks again for your quick feedback. I do think we need XHTML  
instead of XML to fallback because some browsers will not be able to  
handle XML+CSS... there still people running things like netscape gold.


On Nov 28, 2006, at 8:28 AM, Luis wrote:


I still think we should piggy back on the XML description of the  
stacks and inject the missing pieces there, I shouldn't think it's  
too far to XHTML from there.

The injected pieces would be those as mentioned in 'Part 3'.



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RE: Flash open source!!!

2006-11-28 Thread Lynn Fredricks someone with time on their hands needs to modify the 
 source so 
  that it runs Transcript code natively...
 Mark, I think the Flash open source subject may be a little 
 misleading. As far as I know, the ActionScript Virtual 
 Machine is only part of the Flash plugin.
 The press release has the usual lack of clarity (spin) we've 
 come to expect from large corporations with dollars to spend 
 on marketing.
 Adobe has contributed source code for the ActionScriptT 
 Virtual Machine

My read on this is that the ECMA script engine (aka Javascript) will be
folded into Spidermonkey, the Javascript engine that is part of the Mozilla
project. It doesn't have anything really to do with Flash in particular.

There are a number of products that utilize Spidermonkey for adding
cross-platform scripting to their products when otherwise they might have to
implement Applescript on Mac and VB Script on Windows - for
example...Valentina Studio 2.5 :-)

What this quite interesting in a database environment that also supports SQL
- you can act automate SQL queries and also act on the result. Add in the
new virtual PIVOT TABLE capabilities coming and you have an excellent data
analysis tool.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software, Inc

Joining Worlds of Information

Deploy True Client-Server Database Solutions
Royalty Free with Valentina Developer Network

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Re: The basics of a chat program

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Talluto

On Nov 28, 2006, at 12:54 AM, Jan Sælid wrote:

Mark wrote,

I just made a couple of modifications.  I uploaded a new version just
now.  The program does work once you enter in the other user's ip.  I
just tested in on my MBPro with the Mac talking to my Win system on
Parallels.  Worked great!  Let me know if you need any direct help on
using it.

I get a problem if one of the machines is firewalled. I found  
another stack
on rev online by Alex Tweedly, actually 2 stacks. 'TCP App 2'   
'TCP App 1'.
The latter one allows the machine to be more like a server. If I  
run TCP
App 2 one on the machine with a firewall it connects. With this  
setup you

only need to have 1 open port on one of the machines.

The firewall issue is ... well... and issue.  Both parties need to  
port forward their routers to the specified system.  Maybe someone  
knows a better way to manage this without having to use a server  
model.  I have not tried switching the port from 8080 to just 80.   
Someone with more knowledge on the subject may have a better solution.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread J. Landman Gay

Jan Sælid wrote:

Trevor wrote,
I think it is actually opposite.  Tereza's code seems to make the  
thumbsize larger than the code I posted above and seems to be the  
right solution.

You are definitively right

Could someone post Tereza's whole handler, so those of us who are very 
lazy don't have to figure it out?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Group buttons?

2006-11-28 Thread LunchnMeets

How do I group some square style buttons so that only one can be hilited at a 

Orlando, Florida
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Re: Group buttons?

2006-11-28 Thread Jim Ault
On 11/28/06 9:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I group some square style buttons so that only one can be hilited at a
What do you mean by 'hilited at a time'
[1] only one button will work if the user clicks it
[2] operate as if it were a radio button

Are you setting the hilite of a square button when a user clicks and leaving
it on?  This is not the usual way of using a 'push' style button.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 Could someone post Tereza's whole handler, so those of us who are very
 lazy don't have to figure it out?

I believe you mean this:

set endValue of sb myScoller to (formattedHeight of grp myScrollGroup)
set thumbSize of sb myScroller to (height of grp myScrollGroup)

Thanks Tereza.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Tereza Snyder

On Nov 28, 2006, at 10:42 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Jan Sælid wrote:

Trevor wrote,
I think it is actually opposite.  Tereza's code seems to make  
the  thumbsize larger than the code I posted above and seems to  
be the  right solution.

You are definitively right

Could someone post Tereza's whole handler, so those of us who are  
very lazy don't have to figure it out?

Sorry, I should have summarized my changes instead of blurting out  
each fix.

I changed this:

on initScrollbar
  set endvalue of sb scroller to max(0,(formattedHeight of group  
master - height of group master))
  set thumbsize of sb scroller to 100 * (height of group  
master / formattedheight of group master)

end initScrollbar

to this:

on initScrollbar
  set endvalue of sb scroller to max(0,formattedHeight of group  

  set thumbsize of sb scroller to height of group master
end initScrollbar


Tereza Snyder

   Califex Software, Inc.

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Re: Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/28/06 4:55 AM, Scott Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Mark,
 No global variables needed and only one button with one mouseUp handler:
 on mouseUp
   if the hilitedLine of fld 1 is not empty then
 delete line (the hilitedLine of fld 1) of fld 1
   end if
 end mouseUp
 (Replace fld 1 with a reference to your field).
 Absolutely excellent!!  Thanks a heap.  I knew it'd be so simple I'd kick
 myself *again*. gI might actually get the hang of it soon.  ;-)

Note - make sure the 'multipleHilites' for the field is FALSE (meaning the
user can only select one line in the list), otherwse the script above will
fail. For a more universal script, that works with both single and
multiple selections, try this:

 on mouseUp
  if the hilitedLines of fld 1 is not empty then
put the hilitedLines of fld 1 into tHLines
put the number of items of tHLines into tNum
repeat with x = tNum down to 1
  delete line (item x of tHLines) of fld 1
end repeat
   end if
 end mouseUp

Have fun!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 2 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Viktoras Didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Once stacks are described in XML and CSS, the
 translation of stack layouts
 into a few other XML formats becomes nearly a
 trivial task. This could be
 both XHTML+CSS and SVG+CSS. Of course on the
 translated side, use of an
 additional library of primitives would be necessary.
 However the most
 complicated part would be translation of scripts... 
 Best wishes 

Hi Viktoras et al,

Well, I recently heard of a project called 'jsCard' -
which aims to turn HyperTalk scripts into Javascript.

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 


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Re: Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Ken Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/28/06 4:55 AM, Scott Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi Mark,
  No global variables needed and only one button
 with one mouseUp handler:
  on mouseUp
if the hilitedLine of fld 1 is not empty then
  delete line (the hilitedLine of fld 1) of fld
end if
  end mouseUp
  (Replace fld 1 with a reference to your field).
  Absolutely excellent!!  Thanks a heap.  I knew
 it'd be so simple I'd kick
  myself *again*. gI might actually get the
 hang of it soon.  ;-)
 Note - make sure the 'multipleHilites' for the field
 is FALSE (meaning the
 user can only select one line in the list), otherwse
 the script above will
 fail. For a more universal script, that works with
 both single and
 multiple selections, try this:
  on mouseUp
   if the hilitedLines of fld 1 is not empty then
 put the hilitedLines of fld 1 into tHLines
 put the number of items of tHLines into tNum
 repeat with x = tNum down to 1
   delete line (item x of tHLines) of fld 1
 end repeat
end if
  end mouseUp
 Have fun!
 Ken Ray

Actually, Ken, the hilitedLines are not necessarily in
the right order - I've used this trick to simulate the
behaviour of drag-selecting lines and putting the
focus on the line that the cursor is over (on Windows
you get a black rectangle around the 'active' line).
So it is slightly safer to:
on mouseUp
  put the hilitedLines of fld 1 into tLines
  if tLines is not empty then
sort the items in tLines numeric descending
repeat for each item tLine in tLines
  delete line tLine of fld 1
end repeat
  end if
end mouseUp

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 


Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

Here's what I can tell you from developing AJAX apps and working with
companies that are trying to build tools to develop AJAX apps:

1) The fact that you can hack RR is a big plus.  It makes
bootstrapping much easier.
2) Parsing tools:  Chunk Expression and Regular Expression support are
also big plusses.
3) The hardest part of developing AJAX apps (or FJAX, or whatever
flavor you prefer) isn't building the framework (hell, you don't even
need to if you want to use Prototype, Dojo, etc.).  The hardest part
is accurately representing what you want your application to do and
mean using XML so that the application works inside of the framework.

Obviously a hackable environment that has crazy-helpful parsing tools
make life a zillion times easier.

4) Application server:  Big problem.  If RR were easier to
multi-thread this would be much easier, but it isn't yet.
5) Database server:  Problem.  While RR can perform database tasks
fairly easily due to the paradigm, it is more difficult to make that
model scale.  On the good news side there are database plugins, which
would help to separate the database server and the application server,
but that adds overhead which is clearly a drawback.
6) Paradigm paralysis:  Big problem.  It would probably be better for
RR to try to dump the card/stack vocabulary at this point and try to
look more like a database.  Explaining RR's design to a noob is a bit
challenging.  When HC came out, everybody knew what rolodexes and
recipe boxes were.  Now...not so much.
7) Implicit typing:  I think this is actually a positive.  It makes
conversion to JS much simpler than if the language was strongly typed.
8) Message path, event handling:  Neutral:  Some of this can be coded
into the framework, but some of it is going to have to be dealt with
in the Application Server.  The bad news is that this will require
more network overhead.  The good news is that you can do things that
are difficult to do otherwise.  However, I would think that it would
be better to push as much of this up into the framework as possible.
If the application server is compiled, then this shouldn't be too much
of an issue as the message path can be made static at compile-time,
except for some send and pass messages, which will have to be
handled in the back-end
9) Security:  Neutral - At this point injection is a limited risk, and
it is possible to ensure that when RR receives messages from the
client that it doesn't take them as valid on their face.  The fact
that RR is hackable means that we can accomplish this goal without a
bunch of intervention by the developer.  On the downside, the
inability to intercept commands in the message path means that we
cannot stop stupid message-injection-hacks like Dukakis as easily as
we did with HC.

Did I miss something?
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

Oops:  I forgot:  Another problem/opportunity:

Bookmarks, back button, forward button, reload:

The tools that let me build applications that support these browser
features build web apps that are a joy to use.  Those that don't

State is a tricky thing that needs to be considered in this
discussion.  The web is stateless.  Applications generally aren't.  In
order to ensure that the user experience is a great one, the
application server needs to generate URLs, and utilize other tools
such as cookies in such a way as to not break when faced with the user
hitting back or bookmarking a page and returning to it later.  This
is achievable, but it is also a bit challenging.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 2 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Smith
I just took a look at it, and there's actually nothing there to see  
as yet. Maybe just another project started and then abandoned - we'll  



On 28 Nov 2006, at 18:00, Jan Schenkel wrote:

Well, I recently heard of a project called 'jsCard' -
which aims to turn HyperTalk scripts into Javascript.

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same  
time.  (La Rochefoucauld)


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Re: Flash open source!!!

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 7:54:24 AM, you wrote:

 My read on this is that the ECMA script engine (aka Javascript) will be
 folded into Spidermonkey, the Javascript engine that is part of the Mozilla
 project. It doesn't have anything really to do with Flash in particular.

True, you'd still need a Flash plugin, but in addition to being rolled
into Spidermonkey, the ActionScript VM itself is now open source.
That's completely aside from being part of any mozilla product. I do
expect to see some interesting things as part of the Spidermonkey
integration, but it opens some other interesting doors as well.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Richard Gaskin

on initScrollbar
   set endvalue of sb scroller to max(0,formattedHeight of group  

   set thumbsize of sb scroller to height of group master
end initScrollbar

Beautiful simplicity, Tereza.

But I think I missed something early on: Since what's being scrolled is 
a group, what's wrong with just using the group's scrollbars?

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mikey wrote:

4) Application server:  Big problem.  If RR were easier to
multi-thread this would be much easier, but it isn't yet.

Given that Rev can be used with FastCGI, why is this a problem?

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Flash open source!!!

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 12:46:43 AM, you wrote:

 Mark, I think the Flash open source subject may be a little
 misleading. As far as I know, the ActionScript Virtual Machine is  
 only part of the Flash plugin.

Yes, I got carried away and probably should have qualified that a bit.
Got your attention, though, no? g

 Does this mean all the source code or just some of it? (If I were a
 betting man, I know where I'd place my money.)

Following up the links to mozilla without downloading the source, it
would appear that the full VM source is there.

 I'm not sure there is anything for Rev developers here.

Me neither, at the moment, but the possibilities for generating
compliant executable bytecode objects is intriguing.

By working on an open source implementation of ES4 with the
community, Adobe and Mozilla hope to accelerate the adoption of a
standard language for creating engaging Web applications.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 2 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 28 Nov 2006, at 18:00, Jan Schenkel wrote:
  Well, I recently heard of a project called
 'jsCard' -
  which aims to turn HyperTalk scripts into
  Best regards,
  Jan Schenkel.
 I just took a look at it, and there's actually
 nothing there to see  
 as yet. Maybe just another project started and then
 abandoned - we'll  

Take a look at the following URL: 
Definitely a Work In Progress, but it fits with
Andre's model of translating Rev stacks to web pages.

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 


Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mikey wrote:
  4) Application server:  Big problem.  If RR were
 easier to
  multi-thread this would be much easier, but it
 isn't yet.
 Given that Rev can be used with FastCGI, why is this
 a problem?
   Richard Gaskin

Because with FastCGI you only have a single engine
running, and when that's mulling over 5 million
records in a MySQL database, no other requests can be
The main advantage of FastCGI is that a single engine
keeps running; thus saving time because the engine
doesn't need to be relaunched, database connection
only needs to be opened once, etc.
But it's still a single-threaded engine... While you
can simulate a lot by using 'send in time' constructs,
this becomes awkward to to script and a flood of
requests will bring it to its knees.

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 


Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

Unless you have a caching server in front of RR you are still going to
get blasted by slow connections, hung connections, h4x0rz, search
engine robots, and the weight of your own application.

FastCGI only helps if you have a separate caching http server sitting
between your application server and the 'net, because otherwise RR is
still building all the dynamic content by itself, on the fly, in
response to all of the requests.  How many RR server farms are you
aware of?  Do they integrate tightly and load balance without a lot of

This means you have another layer of overhead that you have to
install, maintain and develop for.

I think this argument is sort of like the current generation of AJAX
programmers who think that Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby is an acceptable and
reasonable long-term implementation plan.  It isn't because the
learning curve is too steep and the deployment tasks too complex.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mikey wrote:

I think this argument is sort of like the current generation of AJAX
programmers who think that Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby is an acceptable and
reasonable long-term implementation plan. 

And yet they use it, on enough sites that it seems worth doing.

Sure, one probably wouldn't want to run Google with such a setup.  But 
how many of us have that sort of load?

Are all Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby noticeably deficient?

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

altFont: Load a font

2006-11-28 Thread Adrian Williams


I recently purchased altFont and using the
buttons that came with the DEMO stack all works fine,
using altFont to embed a font in my app.

I have been able to SuckUp the font in the IDE.
SpitOut the font from the button's custom prop. into the default 

Now all I want to do is Load a font from the default Folder!
Simple enough if a clicked button presents the User with a dialog
to navigate the the font, but I don't want the User to have to do that.
Why should they.
I know where the font is sitting - its in the default Folder.
So how can I replace the code below with something triggered by the 
card script

to load the font automatically rather than the button...

--snippet of code
on mouseUp
  answer file choose a ttf file to load
  if it is empty then exit to top
  put the fontNames into tOldList
  put the number of lines in tOldList into tNumOfFonts

  put the result into tResult
  if tResult is not empty then
answer warning tResult
exit to top
  end if
--etc. etc

I did get a solution from the altFont author Chris Bohnert, but it 

enough comment for this newbie to understand how to use uFileName and
uEmbeddedFile and where to put the script...


The code you're using is very dangerously relying on the value of 'it'
remaining stable between the call to Answer file and the call to 

I'd leave your 'suck up' button in place (hiding it when you ship)
and do the following to load the font.  The 'suck up' button sets the
uFileName custom prop and uEmbeddedFile.

put the uFileName of this card into tFilePath
--if you need to append a subdir struct into the path you can do it 
now with

put ./mysubdir/  tFilePath into tFilePath
put the uEmbeddedFile of this card into URL(binfile:  tFilePath )

if there is a file tFilePath then
  XLOAD_FONT tFilePath
  answer information Font missing
end if

Any guidance would be appreciated,
Club Type
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/28/06 12:08 PM, Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Note - make sure the 'multipleHilites' for the field
 is FALSE (meaning the
 user can only select one line in the list), otherwse
 the script above will
 fail. For a more universal script, that works with
 both single and
 multiple selections, try this:
  on mouseUp
   if the hilitedLines of fld 1 is not empty then
 put the hilitedLines of fld 1 into tHLines
 put the number of items of tHLines into tNum
 repeat with x = tNum down to 1
   delete line (item x of tHLines) of fld 1
 end repeat
end if
  end mouseUp
 Have fun!
 Ken Ray
 Actually, Ken, the hilitedLines are not necessarily in
 the right order -

Really?  I haven't seen this... do you have an example of when this occurs?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

Yes, the current implementation is being used...currently.  However,
the argument that the kludgey way of putting together these
applications is the way of the future is unreasonable given the
history of application development and deployment.  That's the point.
Each additional bit of work and each additional component that you
strap on makes the product less attractive when held up in comparison
with the alternatives.  If I have to add a bunch of extra things and
do a bunch of extra things to make one tool do what I want it to do
then pretty soon it isn't any more compelling than some other tool.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 2 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Smith
Thanks, Jan, I couldn't get anywhere from the index page. It looks  
very interesting.



On 28 Nov 2006, at 18:30, Jan Schenkel wrote:

Take a look at the following URL: 
Definitely a Work In Progress, but it fits with
Andre's model of translating Rev stacks to web pages.

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mikey wrote:

 Are all Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby noticeably deficient?

 Yes, the current implementation is being used...currently.
 However, the argument that the kludgey way of putting together
 these applications is the way of the future is unreasonable
 given the history of application development and deployment.

I agree that it would be ideal to have a one-size-fits-all solution 
which affords rapid development time and infinite scalability across all 
possible uses.

But in the here and now, given the evident usefulness of imperfect 
systems like Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby, it seems there's room for another 
entrant as long as it adds value to the mix.

Sure, it won't be perfect. But since imperfect systems are already 
driving this imperfect world, I see no harm in pursuing it.

And of course suggestions which would bring it closer to becoming the 
first perfect solution would be welcome.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Ken Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/28/06 12:08 PM, Jan Schenkel
  Actually, Ken, the hilitedLines are not
 necessarily in
  the right order -
 Really?  I haven't seen this... do you have an
 example of when this occurs?
 Ken Ray

I can't remember right now if the hilitedLines come
back out sorted properly, but one can use
  set the hilitedLines of field List to 2,1,3,4
to make sure that the black border is around the
second line. (I don't have the code with me right now,
but you get the idea)
Turning off the automatic selection handling in a list
field can become challenging if you still want to make
it work like you didn't turn it off :-)

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 


Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: altFont: Load a font

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Swindell
I'm hoping that Rev will make altFont a relatively transparent  
feature when it gets incorporated into the next version of Rev.  Such  
that there is a simple imbed option in the standalone builder, and  
that the ensuing standalone will check font availability and do the  
install/uninstall on the host computer as needed upon startup/shutdown.


On Nov 28, 2006, at 11:06 AM, Adrian Williams wrote:


I recently purchased altFont and using the
buttons that came with the DEMO stack all works fine,
using altFont to embed a font in my app.

I have been able to SuckUp the font in the IDE.
SpitOut the font from the button's custom prop. into the default  

Now all I want to do is Load a font from the default Folder!
Simple enough if a clicked button presents the User with a dialog
to navigate the the font, but I don't want the User to have to do  

Why should they.
I know where the font is sitting - its in the default Folder.
So how can I replace the code below with something triggered by the  
card script

to load the font automatically rather than the button...

--snippet of code
on mouseUp
  answer file choose a ttf file to load
  if it is empty then exit to top
  put the fontNames into tOldList
  put the number of lines in tOldList into tNumOfFonts

  put the result into tResult
  if tResult is not empty then
answer warning tResult
exit to top
  end if
--etc. etc

I did get a solution from the altFont author Chris Bohnert, but it  

enough comment for this newbie to understand how to use uFileName and
uEmbeddedFile and where to put the script...


The code you're using is very dangerously relying on the value of  
remaining stable between the call to Answer file and the call to  

I'd leave your 'suck up' button in place (hiding it when you ship)
and do the following to load the font.  The 'suck up' button sets the
uFileName custom prop and uEmbeddedFile.

put the uFileName of this card into tFilePath
--if you need to append a subdir struct into the path you can do  
it now with

put ./mysubdir/  tFilePath into tFilePath
put the uEmbeddedFile of this card into URL(binfile:  tFilePath )

if there is a file tFilePath then
  XLOAD_FONT tFilePath
  answer information Font missing
end if

Any guidance would be appreciated,
Club Type
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

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Re: [ANN] New PenTool Script

2006-11-28 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Fri Nov 24 01:25:35
Bill Marriott wrote:

 Hey this is pretty brilliant... 


 There's some usability issues compared 
 to the way I'm accustomed to working in Illustrator
 - I'm used to clicking and dragging to set an 
 anchor point and its direction vectors

This is a bit difficult.

 I'm used to pressing the Backspace key to undo 
 the last point I drew, while remaining in edit mode

Yes, i think that this is possible

 I'm used to being able to select the path
 and pressing Delete to remove it from the canvas

Ah, but you could do this with the browse tool,
not with the direct selection tool. Sure, this
could be added without problems, using a backspace

 Can't seem to be able to move the whole object 
 by clicking in its interior and dragging

The graphics created are without fill.
Only when you close the graphic it become filled.

 Still, very impressive. Do you plan to be able 
 to import SVG? :)

Richard Gaskin already posted a library named
mc2svg that export vector graphics to svg,
but i'll see if i could adapt it to export
these bezier graphics.

Have a nice day!


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Re: altFont: Load a font

2006-11-28 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mark Swindell wrote:
I'm hoping that Rev will make altFont a relatively transparent feature 
when it gets incorporated into the next version of Rev.  Such that there 
is a simple imbed option in the standalone builder, and that the 
ensuing standalone will check font availability and do the 
install/uninstall on the host computer as needed upon startup/shutdown.

What a good idea! Can you put it in as a feature request in Bugzilla? I 
think everyone would like to see this implemented.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Sælid
J. Landman Gay wrote on 28. november 2006 17:43,

Could someone post Tereza's whole handler, so those of us who are very 
lazy don't have to figure it out?

Just for the record and for the searching here is the result of this thread:

I you want to make a custom proportional scrollbar here is two solutions
that will calculate the thumbsize of the scrollbar and the endvalue. These
two solutions are based on a vertical scrollbar object called scroller
with a reference to a group called master. If you want to make a
proportional scrollbar from scratch with your own graphics I think you have
to tweak the calculation a little, but the basics is here:

Solution 1, Tereza snyder:

set endvalue of sb scroller to max(0,(formattedHeight of group master))
set thumbsize of sb scroller to (height of group master)

Solution 2, Trevor DeVore:

set the thumbposition of sb scroller to 0
set thumbsize of sb scroller to 100 * (height of group master /
formattedheight of group master)
put formattedheight of group master - the height of grp master into
IF theEndValue  0 THEN add the thumbsize of sb scroller to theEndValue
ELSE put 0 into theEndValue
set endvalue of sb scroller to theEndValue END initScrollbar

That alright, Jacque?


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[X-POST] Share your recipes!

2006-11-28 Thread Bill Marriott
I'm reposting this to the list from the forums in the hopes of getting the 
widest possible group of people looking at how to coax these bugs out. 
Please help if you can!

Calling all bug chefs!  One of the toughest problems to fix is one you can't 
reproduce. There are several of these in the bug system. The developers have 
identified a list of bugs that need recipes -- in other words, the steps 
required to reproduce the problem.

Those bugs include the following:

2868 - Saving with control-S has problems
3067 - Find and Replace too darned slow
3410 - revMail on MacOS X does not work correctly with non ASCII characters
3816 - openStack seems not to be sent to stacks on Mac OS
1377 - Printing Scripts in color causes overlapping text in the printout
3843 - openStack and openCard messages not being sent on stack launch
3845 - Dictionary Quick Search can't be canceled
3890 - Missing handler in Dictionary - Throws up Script error
3830 - object does not have this property in IDE when deselecting a 
multiple-image selection

So here's an open invitation for you to read up on these bugs and try to 
devise a test case which can reliably (or at least more often than not) 
cause these errors to be generated.

If/when you find a way to reproduce these issues, please log into Bugzilla 
and post a new comment to the bug and/or attach your sample file.


begin 666 icon_smile.gif
MQS,S,___Z__E`'Y! $```X`+ `/``\```1;T$D9:IW85:;.
M16 @G(,13$$G?PIJMVF'$.:@H.GS^*G #QH*%RB''!!2`=.B[EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Sælid
(damn this formatting.) The lines was not separated. Here it is again,
hopefully it shows right :)

J. Landman Gay wrote on 28. november 2006 17:43,

Could someone post Tereza's whole handler, so those of us who are very 
lazy don't have to figure it out?

Just for the record and for the searching here is the result of this thread:

I you want to make a custom proportional scrollbar here is two solutions
that will calculate the thumbsize of the scrollbar and the endvalue. These
two solutions are based on a vertical scrollbar object called scroller
with a reference to a group called master. If you want to make a
proportional scrollbar from scratch with your own graphics I think you have
to tweak the calculation a little, but the basics is here:

Solution 1, Tereza snyder:

set endvalue of sb scroller to max(0,(formattedHeight of group master))

set thumbsize of sb scroller to (height of group master)

Solution 2, Trevor DeVore:

set the thumbposition of sb scroller to 0
set thumbsize of sb scroller to 100 * (height of group master /
formattedheight of group master)
put formattedheight of group master - the height of grp master
IF theEndValue  0 THEN add the thumbsize of sb scroller to theEndValue
ELSE put 0 into theEndValue
set endvalue of sb scroller to theEndValue END initScrollbar

That alright, Jacque?


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Re: Flash open source!!!

2006-11-28 Thread Todd Geist

On Nov 28, 2006, at 12:46 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:

I'm not sure there is anything for Rev developers here.

Well maybe not directly in Rev

But what about using Flex  Builder to rich UIs and Flash Controls and  
running them inside of altBrowser.  Since Flex works really well with  
any type of web server, why not one built directly into your Rev  

Flex Builder comes with a whole mess of Controls, like table views,  
tree views, charts, schedule views, graphs, splitters.  All with  
dynamic resizing.  It is pretty cool!  ( but no where near cheap)

There are a bunch of products out there trying to make Flex Programs  
run on the desktop. They call them projectors, seems to me Rev Plus  
altBrowser might already be one.

This is all theory for me at this point since I haven't tried it.   
But I have used this concept with FileMaker Pro 8.5, which has a  
WebBrowser Control now. And it works quite well.



Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

use-revolution mailing list
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ANN: ArchiveSearch 2.20

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Wieder

Google's indexing of the use-list archives has deteriorated rather
seriously lately, so I took advantage of that to update my plugin for
searching the online archives. I've added OpenSubscriber to the list
of online archives and bumped Google to the bottom of the list - it
should really only be used as a last resort. In addition, the feature
that lets you send mail to the message writer rarely works now since
the online archives have gotten much better at hiding and encrypting
addresses. This is a Good Thing. I've still got the feature in there,
but I don't expect it to work much except with Google.

Available in my user space or from our website:

revOnline : mwieder

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Brian Yennie
Actually, scalable PHP really isn't that hard. It's easy to *screw  
up*, but for all of the theoretically objections it just happens to  
run some of the largest websites on the net. With a well-written PHP  
application, how long does it take to stick a load balancer in front  
of it? Assuming your database is your persistent storage (and those  
can of course be scaled separately), scaling PHP is beyond simple.  
Same with any stateless scripting language. (Yes, I've done it - not  
massively, but over several servers - and you can hum pretty well  
with 3 dedicated PHP boxes)

Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby are certainly flawed, but I've never understood  
why there are such tall claims about their unsuitability with all of  
the evidence to the contrary. And yes, I've load balanced PHP  
applications over multiple servers - and it was actually quite  
straightforward. If anything, MySQL is trickier to scale out, but  
there's also no requirement to use that =).

Here's one reference which I think is a pretty fair treatment of  
scaling PHP or similar applications (based on Flickr):

Perhaps more to the point - if we CANT use Rev CGI (which I'd like  
to, but I don't know if it's wise for both technical and practical  
reasons), what we would use other than PHP/Perl/Python? We certainly  
wouldn't want to lock into something more proprietary like .NET ?

I think this argument is sort of like the current generation of AJAX
programmers who think that Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby is an acceptable and
reasonable long-term implementation plan.  It isn't because the
learning curve is too steep and the deployment tasks too complex.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Nov 28, 2006, at 12:30 PM, Jan Sælid wrote:

Solution 1, Tereza snyder:

set endvalue of sb scroller to max(0,(formattedHeight of group  

set thumbsize of sb scroller to (height of group master)

I think we should just let Solution 1 live on.  It's best if we just  
sweep Solution 2 under the rug :-)

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems -

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Declaring Variables

2006-11-28 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I'm sorry you guys :

From: Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Globval and script-local variables need to be
declared, or you can't use them as such - the compiler
will assume you're working with a temporary variable
by the same name, and may even decide that the default
value of that variable is the same as the name of the



(Nice summary on declaring variables, Jan)

On Nov 27, 2006, at 2:35 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

the compiler


may even decide that the default
value of that variable is the same as the name of the

but I think that you are pushing the envelope just a little too much, 
especially if Jo is a beginner.

Please be assured that I am not knocking you, because you may know lots 
more about Revolution and

Transcript than I do. But the problem is not there :

1 - Look at the question
2 - Based upon the question and the way it was asked, judge the level 
of the person who asked the question.

3 - Answer the question on that level.

Let's look at the question ...


I've seen references to declaring or initializing variables. How and 

would I do that?

This question is phrased like Jo is a relative beginner. You may have 
even have scared him off by your answers.

So, assuming he is a beginner, here we go ... !

Jo - In the cards of your stacks you can create fields containing 
information. These fields can contain ANYTHING, numbers, texts, 
binaries, on/off switches. You define your fields, name them, and you 
put what you want in them. In your stack, you can execute command 
scripts (usually executed by clicking on a button). Do what you like in 
these scripts (some commands are easy to understand, some are not !). I 
imagine you understand the principles of scripts.

Sometimes you need TEMPORARY BOXES (we'll get to the idea of 
temporary, and its SCOPE later), in which you can store information. 
These are called variables. They are only known in scripts, and can 
never be seen physically in your stack. When you exit the stack, these 
variables, and their values will be lost. During current execution, 
these variables will be KNOWN within a certain scope, that is, they may 
be KNOWN in script , and UNKNOWN in script . It is for you 
to decide.

Where are variables used ? ONLY in scripts that you may write. These 
scripts are called when you click on buttons, click on locked fields, 
or invoke by certain commands (such as send mouseUp to button ). 
Certain names must not be used, as they will confuse the run-time 
compiler (they are called RESERVED names). You may find out this rule 
the hard way. Always give guaranteed unique names to your variables.. 
Invent your own rules, and stick to them. As a general rule, you should 
give pertinent names to your variables, especially global ones, so that 
you can remember what they were used for, when you return to the 
scripts later in time.

You can define the existence of a temporary (or LOCAL) variable, simply 
by referring to it.

 put 10 into MyLineCount

Within the script, you can change its value, use its value, check its 
value, , move its value to another variable, move its value to a 
defined card field, etc.

You can also declare a temporary (or LOCAL)  variable by putting :

 local MyLineCount

at the beginning of your script. This is not absolutely necessary, but 
this way, you (or anybody else) will know which temporary variables you 
used. You can also put comments to remind you what they were used for.

These temporary (LOCAL) variables will be AVAILABLE during the 
execution of the script in which they are found. In other scripts, 
reference to a variable of the same name will be a reference to ANOTHER 
variable, with ANOTHER value. Even if you declare them, local variables 
will still be unknown OUTSIDE the script in which they were defined.

Variables are initialized to empty. You may have to initialize 
variables (especially arithmetic variables), before performing 
operations on them. Otherwise, the first command which uses them may 
fail :

Example :  put 0 into MyLineCount   ... used for arithmetic 

Later : add 1 to MyLineCount  ..   will NOT provoke an 

If you want to PASS variable information between different scripts, 
then you define the variables as  GLOBAL, in each script where you wish 
to refer to the values :

Example :  global MyFileName

If you set the variable in one script, its value will be available in 
other scripts that have ALSO defined it as a global. Of course, the 
time factor is important.. When you refer to to a global variable in a 
script, you will get the LATEST value that was set (or empty, if it was 
not yet set) in any PREVIOUSLY executed scripts that set it. If you 
define a variable as global, you can see it at any time by displaying 
the Variable Watcher, assuming that you gave it a value at some 

RE: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Sælid
Trevor wrote:
I think we should just let Solution 1 live on.  It's best if we just  
sweep Solution 2 under the rug :-)

Not if you want to create a custom scrollbar with custom graphics. I'm
building one now. Based on all of this. I use a simple rectangle as the
thumb. I will post it on rev online when I'm finished.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems -

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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Trevor DeVore wrote:

 set endvalue of sb scroller to max(0,(formattedHeight of group
 set thumbsize of sb scroller to (height of group master)

 I think we should just let Solution 1 live on.  It's best if we just
 sweep Solution 2 under the rug :-)

To clarify, solution 1 as listed above contains some unnecessary code.  Use
the following bit I posted earlier, which has generic object references:

set endValue of sb myScroller to (formattedHeight of grp myScrollGroup)
set thumbSize of sb myScroller to (height of grp myScrollGroup)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: altFont: Load a font

2006-11-28 Thread Chipp Walters


Here's a handler to load a font named fred.ttf located in the default folder.

on loadFont pFont
 if / is not in pFont then
   put the defaultFolder into tPath
   put tPath / pFont into pFont
 end if
 put the result into tResult
 if tResult is not empty then
   answer warning tResult
 end if
end loadFont

You can call this handler from a handler in the card script of card 1
of your stack:

on openStack
 loadFont fred.ttf
end openStack

On 11/28/06, Adrian Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I did get a solution from the altFont author Chris Bohnert, but it
enough comment for this newbie to understand how to use uFileName and
uEmbeddedFile and where to put the script.

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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Chipp Walters

My guess is Scott is creating his own custom scroller for groups.

On 11/28/06, Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But I think I missed something early on: Since what's being scrolled is
a group, what's wrong with just using the group's scrollbars?

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Re: ANN: ArchiveSearch 2.20

2006-11-28 Thread Chipp Walters

Thanks Mark. Good one.
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 2 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Chipp Walters


too cool!

On 11/28/06, Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Take a look at the following URL: 
Definitely a Work In Progress, but it fits with
Andre's model of translating Rev stacks to web pages.

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 10:09:25 AM, you wrote:

 6) Paradigm paralysis:  Big problem.  It would probably be better for
 RR to try to dump the card/stack vocabulary at this point and try to
 look more like a database.  Explaining RR's design to a noob is a bit
 challenging.  When HC came out, everybody knew what rolodexes and
 recipe boxes were.  Now...not so much.

ROTFL. And then sitting back and thinking about it. That's actually a
really good point. Kind of goes along with dialing a phone or
sounding like a broken record. But you can still use the analogy of
a deck of cards. That one hasn't been obsoleted yet.

...and I still have a recipe box...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

I'm not sure how we got off this far, but to bring it back to my
original comment, the more complex you make the RR-enabled solution
that implements this type of application, the less likely it will be
to succeed.  While it is possible to achieve a goal of taping together
enough pieces parts to make an AJAX app., I would think that the goal
would be much more ambitious than that, otherwise the ROI will be

Therefore, among my other opinions on this topic, I believe that RR
would be easier to sell as an AJAX/FJAX/AppleJax development tool if
when it gets there it is also multi-threaded.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: Flash open source!!!

2006-11-28 Thread Dave Cragg

On 28 Nov 2006, at 20:46, Todd Geist wrote:

On Nov 28, 2006, at 12:46 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:

I'm not sure there is anything for Rev developers here.

Well maybe not directly in Rev

But what about using Flex  Builder to rich UIs and Flash Controls  
and running them inside of altBrowser.  Since Flex works really  
well with any type of web server, why not one built directly into  
your Rev Application.

I don't think this follows as a consequence of the open source  
announcement. (It was already possible.) But it's an interesting  
notion anyway.

I guess the first question would be why bother when you can build  
potentially more powerful standalone apps in Rev anyway that also  
work well with web servers. (But potentially lacking some of those  
cool looking Flex controls. :-)) But there might be an advantage if  
you have to create something that has to run in both a browser and a  
standalone app.


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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 10:09:25 AM, you wrote:

 3) The hardest part of developing AJAX apps (or FJAX, or whatever
 flavor you prefer) isn't building the framework (hell, you don't even
 need to if you want to use Prototype, Dojo, etc.).  The hardest part
 is accurately representing what you want your application to do and
 mean using XML so that the application works inside of the framework.

Note that, in spite of the name, you don't have to use xml with AJAX.
I use the combination of an AJAX front end on a web page to invoke rev
cgi scripts on the server in order to update a section of the page.
Works fine without any actual xml involved. I prefer to call it AJAR.

That said, you're spot on about the hardest part being accurately
representing what you want your application to do. And that's true
for any app, not just restricted to AJAX.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

Hey, Brian,

I'm sorry for bringing in another argument to a completely different
point I was trying to make.

However, as long as this is now becoming a completely different
discussion with a life of its own...
I'm not saying that the PHP/Perl/Python/RoR/etc. solution isn't viable
(or that GWT isn't viable).  What I'm saying is that in general the
more complicated solution doesn't make it, because people don't want
to spend the effort when there is a simpler solution that allows them
to achieve the same result.

If you could write AJAX apps in BASIC, C#, Java, or Pascal with a
graphical development tool, a built-in database, and do it for
essentially no investment, would you bother to learn all the other
tools?  Probably not.  That's the bet Morfik is making.  They're
betting that if they give developers a traditional tool that builds
AJAX apps without any extra effort that the decision will be a

Similarly, RR has a similar potential advantage - we have this highly
abstracted development environment with this highly abstracted
language, and you can hack it.  With a couple of clicks of the mouse
you can build an AJAX app.  Do you think you could convince n00bs that
this is a great idea?  Of course you could.  However, you first have
to get people to learn the language.  There's a hurdle.  Then there's
the price.  That's another hurdle.  How many other hurdles do you want
them to have to go over?  Two?  Five?  I vote for zero.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

Hey, Mark.

The card paradigm/example can still work, but just not as well as
before.  The question is:  is there a better one?  Are people familiar
enough with database jargon in the workplace to substitute record,
template, table, file, etc. for card, background, stack?  That's
something that should be at least discussed.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: just a comment

2006-11-28 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/28/06 12:36 AM, Jim Ault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 11/27/06 10:03 PM, John Vokey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
One of my students got caught by the following in her stack:
At the top of the card script, she declared some variables local
 to the scripts of that card, as we always we do.  For one of these
 variables, she did not initialise it in any way.  However, the use of
 that variable is always done with ``put tab and someData after
 thelocalvariable''.  No problem on first use, but the stack always
 returns to the first cd of the stack to run the next subject, and
 when it gets back to this cd, the local variable still exists (as if
 it were a global), so the ``tab  someData'' gets added to the end of
 the data from the previous run.  No big deal, as we can just clear
 the variable in the opencard handler, but it is surprising, as local
 variables are not supposed to be persistent, at least to my knowledge.
 There are two kinds of 'local' variables...
 script local
 --are only in the scope of that script
 handler local  
 --they evaporate when the handler ends
 --they are only in the scope of that handler

IIRC, the variables do not get overwritten or cleared until the stack is
closed, so this is why the script local variables were still working when
you went back to the card.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 10:24:03 AM, you wrote:

 Mikey wrote:
 4) Application server:  Big problem.  If RR were easier to
 multi-thread this would be much easier, but it isn't yet.

 Given that Rev can be used with FastCGI, why is this a problem?

Let's say you have two users trying to access a stack at more or less
the same time. Without fastCGI you have no persistence of variables -
each invocation of the engine starts fresh each time.

Once you use fastCGI that problem disappears, as the engine is always
in the server's memory, so it's like never closing the stack. But now
you have problems separating the two users' namespaces. And since the
variables are persistent, interleaving the two users' requests is
going to get garbled. There's no way to keep them in separate places
without a lot of frontend and backend coding. And that's just two
users - it becomes a lot harder as you try to scale it. If you could
thread user requests then this would resolve to a much simpler case.

Send in time also probably requires multithreading, if it can be
done at all. It's similar to the blocking problem conceptually. And
any of the blocking calls will bring a fastCGI system to a halt and
prevent multiuser access.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

Note that, in spite of the name, you don't have to use xml with AJAX.
I use the combination of an AJAX front end on a web page to invoke rev
cgi scripts on the server in order to update a section of the page.
Works fine without any actual xml involved. I prefer to call it AJAR.

I have never seen a well-scaled app that worked this way.  There has,
in my experience been too much traffic back and forth to make it
efficient.  It isn't that the server can't handle the load, but
generally the clients can't.

That said, you're spot on about the hardest part being accurately
representing what you want your application to do. And that's true
for any app, not just restricted to AJAX.

What makes this harder, though, is the fact that you are taking an
application that is already written and essentially converting it to
something else.  That, I think is the hard part, because you are
asking the machine to do it.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: Group buttons?

2006-11-28 Thread Cubist
In a message dated 11/28/06 10:05:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How do I group some square style buttons so that only one can be hilited at 
 This sounds, to me, like you want to have a bunch of square thingies that 
*behave* like radiobutton-type buttons, even tho they don't have that funky 
filled/unfilled circle off to the left. Presuming I'm right about what you 
want, one solution that might serve your needs might be like so:

First: Make your buttons. Since you're doing nonstandard stuff with the 
hilites, you'll have to make sure that autoHilite is turned off for *all* of 
them. You'll also want to make sure each button has a unique name -- no 
duplicate names here, thanks.
Second: Group all of your buttons.
Third: Make sure that each button in the group has a mouseUp handler. 
Make sure that each button's mouseUp handler includes the line RadioLite (the 
short name of me)
Fourth: Put this handler into the script of the group that contains all 
your buttons:

on RadioLite (TheClickedButton)
   repeat with K1 = 1 to the number of buttons in me
 set the hilite of button K1 to (the short name of button K1 = 
   end repeat
end RadioLite

Note that I haven't actually tested this code. I *think* the number of 
buttons in me bit should work, since the me refers to the object that has 
the script -- which is, in this case, the group that contains your buttons. The 
set the hilite line, however, will work and is the key to the whole thing. 
The hilite is a Boolean value, i.e., it's either true or false; this means 
you can set a button's hilite to anything, as long as that thing *is* a 
Boolean value. Thus, since TheClickedButton is the short name of the button 
that was 
actually clicked on, the short name of button K1 = TheClickedButton will be 
false for every button that's *not* the button that was clicked on, right? 
Thus, all not-clicked-on buttons will be unhilited.
Even if I've messed up, tho, I believe this solution should at least 
point the way to a viable solution for you.

It's furry. It's the *good* stuff.
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Josh Mellicker
I don't fully understand the interest in translating Rev projects so  
they run in the (or most of the) popular browsers... seems kind of  
like trying to get Flash to make standalone apps (http://

Seems like especially now that RR will be bundling Chipp's browser  
plugin,  a better direction might be just *replacing* the user's  
browser, since web technologies (like Flash) can now run in a stack.

If the content is worth it, the user will download something... (and  
if it's not, why bother? :-)

On another note, does a smiley :-) officially end a parenthetical  

That is, which is correct:

A. (why bother :-)

B. (why bother :-) )

I vote A. B looks weird, like a double chin.

On Nov 27, 2006, at 9:38 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Andre wrote:
Again on this list we touch the topics of browser plugins, flash  
export and other possible web related features. People from the  
RunRev team came forward and asked us for feedback and requests and  
many answered to this call. This email will be my thoughts on the  
topic of web and rev

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Nov 28, 2006, at 4:03 PM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

On another note, does a smiley :-) officially end a parenthetical  

That is, which is correct:

A. (why bother :-)

B. (why bother :-) )

I vote A. B looks weird, like a double chin.

I vote for A too.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems -

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Smith

You mean those symbol-type things you see on the online poker sites?



On 28 Nov 2006, at 22:41, Mark Wieder wrote:

 But you can still use the analogy of
a deck of cards.

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Brian Yennie
I don't fully understand the interest in translating Rev projects  
so they run in the (or most of the) popular browsers... seems kind  
of like trying to get Flash to make standalone apps (http://

I think maybe some of the disagreement comes from the fact that an  
AJAX exporter for Rev targets a whole new market. The projects that  
people use Rev for now might not be the same projects that would work  
well in a browser; however, there is a HUGE market for the first  
really useable RAD tool for spitting out AJAX apps - and if it was  
based on Rev it would have the nice side-effect of producing Mac,  
Windows and Linux standalones at the same time.

I see what you're saying about Flash to standalone, but the  
difference is that there are already plenty of great tools (like  
Revolution) for creating standalone apps. There really aren't any  
viable RAD tools for the web, IMO. There are some interesting  
attempts out there, but I think the market is still wide open. Plus,  
there is a ton of benefit in moving something from the desktop to the  
web - but there's not much motivation to go the other way.

Seems like especially now that RR will be bundling Chipp's browser  
plugin,  a better direction might be just *replacing* the user's  
browser, since web technologies (like Flash) can now run in a stack.

But what user has any desire to replace their web browser with  
another application that just has the same web browser embedded  
inside of it?

To me the bottom line here is efficiency - RAD. There's nothing Rev  
can spit out for the web that can't already be developed without it,  
but any RAD tool that made it even 10% easier to deploy AJAX apps  
stands to make a killing.

- Brian

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unexpected behavior 'on mouseup'

2006-11-28 Thread Jim Ault
Do four simple steps:

[1] Make a new mainstack
[2] set the card script to

on mouseUp
   put the long id of the target  the seconds
end mouseUp

[3] Make a new button
[4] Choose Browse mode
Why does the card script run when clicking the button that contains the

on mouseUp

end mouseUp

It is as if the button has 'pass mouseUp' implied.
Now add any character to the button script, such as a space, click apply,
and no message is passed (but the script is the same)

Not a show-stopper, but fooled me when using a transparent button to block
mouse clicks.  Perhaps this is already bugzilla'd, or is expected behavior.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Brian Yennie

Note that, in spite of the name, you don't have to use xml with AJAX.
I use the combination of an AJAX front end on a web page to invoke  

cgi scripts on the server in order to update a section of the page.
Works fine without any actual xml involved. I prefer to call it AJAR.

I have never seen a well-scaled app that worked this way.  There has,
in my experience been too much traffic back and forth to make it
efficient.  It isn't that the server can't handle the load, but
generally the clients can't.

I must not be understanding your comment - how does this generate any  
more traffic than using XML, or for that sake - using frames instead  
of asynchronous calls? Lots of well-scaled apps update portions of  
the page from remote scripts - that's pretty much every Web 2.0  
product on the market. Sticking XML in the middle, if you don't  
really need it, only creates *another* layer of processing. It's not  
like XML is less verbose than HTML, or that plain text takes up a lot  
of bandwidth...

That said, you're spot on about the hardest part being accurately
representing what you want your application to do. And that's true
for any app, not just restricted to AJAX.

What makes this harder, though, is the fact that you are taking an
application that is already written and essentially converting it to
something else.  That, I think is the hard part, because you are
asking the machine to do it.

I think the only reasonable expectation would be that you develop in  
some sort of a web compatibility mode. It would be nearly  
impossible to convert just any existing Rev stack.

- Brian
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Re: Group buttons?

2006-11-28 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/28/06 5:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First: Make your buttons. Since you're doing nonstandard stuff with the
 hilites, you'll have to make sure that autoHilite is turned off for *all* of
 them. You'll also want to make sure each button has a unique name -- no
 duplicate names here, thanks.
 Second: Group all of your buttons.
 Third: Make sure that each button in the group has a mouseUp handler.
 Make sure that each button's mouseUp handler includes the line RadioLite (the
 short name of me)
 Fourth: Put this handler into the script of the group that contains all
 your buttons:
 on RadioLite (TheClickedButton)
repeat with K1 = 1 to the number of buttons in me
  set the hilite of button K1 to (the short name of button K1 =
end repeat
 end RadioLite

You can also do it without putting any code in the buttons (or just a
double-hyphen comment to make sure there's no mouseUp handlers in there),
and add this to the group script:

on mouseUp
  repeat with K1 = 1 to the number of buttons of me
set the hilite of btn K1 to (the short name of btn K1 = the short name
of the target)
  end repeat
end mouseUp

But either way, you get the idea...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Brian Yennie

I'm sorry for bringing in another argument to a completely different
point I was trying to make.

No problem- I'm the one who took the bait!

Similarly, RR has a similar potential advantage - we have this highly
abstracted development environment with this highly abstracted
language, and you can hack it.  With a couple of clicks of the mouse
you can build an AJAX app.  Do you think you could convince n00bs that
this is a great idea?  Of course you could.  However, you first have
to get people to learn the language.  There's a hurdle.  Then there's
the price.  That's another hurdle.  How many other hurdles do you want
them to have to go over?  Two?  Five?  I vote for zero.

People have no trouble jumping on a new scripting language if it has  
real benefits. It's much easier than picking up a new platform or a  
low level language. This is part of the reason why you see Perl,  
Python, PHP on a zillion resumes these days. It's really not that  
hard to learn any of these if you know another, Transcript included.  
There doesn't seem to be much resistance to learning Ruby, because it  
promised the AJAX revolution. That excitement may have slowed, but it  
shows people will jump

Morfik looks interesting. Seems to justify the market if you ask me.  
Of course I can't use it, because it's Windows only =). And talk  
about price hurdles - $5000 / developer for the professional edition!!

Perhaps our gap here is that I don't see this as a tool for n00bs.  
Look at the kind of developers Morfix is targeting - shops that would  
consider a $100k site license...

- Brian
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RE: Stupid Programming Challenge

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Sælid
Hi again! 

I've made a small stack based on this little thread. It consists of a custom
scrollbar with 2 elements. A rectangle for the rail and a rectangle for the
thumb. It's simple and not flashy, only functional. The code in the stack is
a soup with ingredients from Scott Rossi, Tereza Snyder, Trevor DeVore and
Malte Brill's propscroll stack, and code from tactile medias Drag sample
stack. Please feel free to fix and polish my rather amateurish code...:-)

The Stack is called CustomPropScrollbar and is available at rev online
under the user name Jan Selid

That's all


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Re: Alternating Lines in a listbox

2006-11-28 Thread Jim Lambert
Recently, Scott Kane wrote:

 I thought I'd ask if any solutions have been found to the
 alternating lines in a list box issue (the old make it look like ITunes

Scott Rossi replied:
With Rev 2.7 it's fairly easy.  Create an image that the two colors you
stacked one above the other, with the height of each bar equal to the
textheight of your list field.  Set the backPattern of your list field to
the ID of the image and you should be good to go.
Execute the following in your message box for an example:
  go url;

This doesn't seem to work on win98. Only the 'top' color appears. Same stack
on OSX is fine.
Any ideas (besides updating to XP! ;) )

Jim Lambert

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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge (Barry Barber)

2006-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello again,
Seeing as all the experts are now agreed on the script for a proportional thumb 
on a scrollbar, may I ask a stupid beginners question?

Why did Scott Rossi use a separate scrollbar and routine?
I thought the method was to click the 'Vertical scrollbar' box in the Basic 
properties of the Group master.
 When I did this I got a proportional scrollbar which scrolled to end of the 
list without scriptng anything - of which I am not yet capable, anyway!.;-(

Of course there will be some technical reason which I will not understand but 
would love to know.

On Nov 27, 2006, at 9:54 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 OK, I've beaten my head against the wall long enough on this, so I'm 
 throwing it out there for anyone who wants to try their hand at a simple 
 (?) challenge:

 Modify the initScrollbar routine in the following stack such that
 1) the scrollbar displays proportionally to content displayed in the 
 associated group,
and 2) the scrollbar consistently scrolls the group to the
 end of its content. The stack contains a button to randomly populate a 
 scrolling group, and the initScrollbar routine is stored in the button.
 go url;

Thanks to all for the valuable info I pick up here everyday. Must limit reading 
this list though and try creating something.


Passa a Infostrada. ADSL e Telefono senza limiti e senza canone Telecom

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RE: Stupid Programming Challenge (Barry Barber)

2006-11-28 Thread Jan Sælid
Because of customisation and control. Want to make a flashy custom scrollbar
with a proportional thumb and your own graphics? Well, this is it.

(The stack I created as a result of the thread is called
customPropsScrollbar and is available at rev online under the user name
Jan Selid)


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Re: Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Scott Kane

Note - make sure the 'multipleHilites' for the field is FALSE (meaning the
user can only select one line in the list), otherwse the script above will
fail. For a more universal script, that works with both single and
multiple selections, try this:

on mouseUp
 if the hilitedLines of fld 1 is not empty then
   put the hilitedLines of fld 1 into tHLines
   put the number of items of tHLines into tNum
   repeat with x = tNum down to 1
 delete line (item x of tHLines) of fld 1
   end repeat
  end if
end mouseUp

Thanks Ken!


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Re: Deleting lines in a scrolling list box?

2006-11-28 Thread Scott Kane

Hope this helped,

Thanks, Jan!  :-)

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Re: Stupid Programming Challenge (Barry Barber)

2006-11-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why did Scott Rossi use a separate scrollbar and routine?
 I thought the method was to click the 'Vertical scrollbar' box in the Basic
 properties of the Group master.
  When I did this I got a proportional scrollbar which scrolled to end of the
 list without scriptng anything - of which I am not yet capable, anyway!.;-(
 Of course there will be some technical reason which I will not understand but
 would love to know.

Guess I should answer...  :-)

Normally, there probably isn't much need for a separate scrollbar control.
In my case, I was trying to emulate a solution I didn't know about: trying
to use a miniscrollbar with a scrolling group.  Mark Schonewille pointed out
that one can set the scrollbarWidth of the group to the desired value (13)
to get the miniscrollbar effect, which is great.  But I'm doing some
pixel-precise positioning of UI elements in my stack where the group's
built-in scrollbar doesn't quite fit the way I need it to.  So using the
separate scrollbar is a good solution for me.

Another example could be a shared space scrollbar.  For example, in some
applications, a horizontal scrolling region can span the width of a window,
but the scrollbar only spans a portion of the overall width so that other
controls/displays can appear in-line alongside the scrollbar.  This type of
shared space is where a custom-sized scrollbar can be very useful.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: unexpected behavior 'on mouseup'

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Smith
Might it be that when the button is created, although it's script  
contains the on mouseUp handler, the script has not been compiled?



On 29 Nov 2006, at 00:27, Jim Ault wrote:

Do four simple steps:

[1] Make a new mainstack
[2] set the card script to

on mouseUp
   put the long id of the target  the seconds
end mouseUp

[3] Make a new button
[4] Choose Browse mode
Why does the card script run when clicking the button that contains  


on mouseUp

end mouseUp

It is as if the button has 'pass mouseUp' implied.
Now add any character to the button script, such as a space, click  

and no message is passed (but the script is the same)

Not a show-stopper, but fooled me when using a transparent button  
to block
mouse clicks.  Perhaps this is already bugzilla'd, or is expected  

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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subscription preferences:

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Re: Alternating Lines in a listbox

2006-11-28 Thread Jim Lambert
Thanks Scott.

I've posted a stack on

RevOnline  user  jimL
RevOnline  categories  Utilities  Alternate Line Colors in fields

that contains a script demonstrating how to make alternating line colors in
fields using Rev 2.7 or greater. It uses the technique Scott Rossi explained

Hope this helps!

Jim Lambert

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 2:57:07 PM, you wrote:

 before.  The question is:  is there a better one?  Are people familiar
 enough with database jargon in the workplace to substitute record,
 template, table, file, etc. for card, background, stack?  That's

My guess is no. I generally get blank stares when I first start in to
talk about database concepts. If I start from a spreadsheet some of it
starts to sink in, but that analogy doesn't really apply to a stack. I
think the current paradigm is as close as it gets - everyone's got a
stack of papers in their inbox, some with little post-its on them.
People have been trying to explain the paradigm for twenty years now.
I think Apple still doesn't get it.

-Mark Wieder

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RE: unexpected behavior 'on mouseup'

2006-11-28 Thread John Vokey

Jim wrote:

Do four simple steps:

[1] Make a new mainstack
[2] set the card script to

on mouseUp
   put the long id of the target  the seconds
end mouseUp

[3] Make a new button
[4] Choose Browse mode
Why does the card script run when clicking the button that contains  


on mouseUp

end mouseUp

It is as if the button has 'pass mouseUp' implied.
Now add any character to the button script, such as a space, click  

and no message is passed (but the script is the same)

Not a show-stopper, but fooled me when using a transparent button  
to block
mouse clicks.  Perhaps this is already bugzilla'd, or is expected  

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

The button *does* pass mouseUp because it contains *no script* at  
all!  The on mouseUp handler is added for your convenience, but if  
you don't edit the script in anyway, it is deleted when the editor  
window is closed

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: [X-POST] Share your recipes!

2006-11-28 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 12:38:35 PM, you wrote:

 2868 - Saving with control-S has problems

Interesting... I wasn't aware that 2868 was awaiting more of a recipe.
Or that it was one that couldn't be reproduced. That's certainly not
what the description says - the last comment says confirmed. I put
forth that there's something wrong with the bug process if I, as the
instigator of this bug report, am not asked for further clarification
if that's what's necessary to move forward. Is that why this one has
been sitting around for a year and a half?

I'd expect to have a comment attached to this effect, or a status of
can't reproduce or something. It's got a recipe, but I'll add
another comment and make it more explicit.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3So

2006-11-28 Thread Chipp Walters

Isn't that what altBrowser does?

On 11/28/06, Jerry Muelver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about building an interface to make web things run in Revolution? In
other words, don't map group to DIV to make Rev scripts run on the
web, but map DIV to group to make web scripts run in Rev. I think if
you gave me HTMLtext that could handle hyperlinks, UL and OL, TABLE,
text wraparound IMG placement, HTML forms components, and by-paragraph
font styling (CSS-sensitive DIVs), the job would be done. In fact, with
the advent of an embedded browser in Rev 2.7.5, it seems to me the job
IS done!

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Re: unexpected behavior 'on mouseup'

2006-11-28 Thread Jim Ault
On 11/28/06 7:01 PM, John Vokey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The button *does* pass mouseUp because it contains *no script* at
 all!  The on mouseUp handler is added for your convenience, but if
 you don't edit the script in anyway, it is deleted when the editor
 window is closed

You are correct, but how would I have a way of knowing that?
Every time I open the script editor, it will show the default mouseup
handler and the apply button is dim?

I did try put the script of button 1 in the message box to confirm that
the script is empty.  It is like closing the refrigerator door with the
light on.

Jim  Ault
Las Vegas

 Jim wrote:
 Do four simple steps:
 [1] Make a new mainstack
 [2] set the card script to
 on mouseUp
put the long id of the target  the seconds
 end mouseUp
 [3] Make a new button
 [4] Choose Browse mode
 Why does the card script run when clicking the button that contains
 on mouseUp
 end mouseUp
 It is as if the button has 'pass mouseUp' implied.
 Now add any character to the button script, such as a space, click
 and no message is passed (but the script is the same)
 Not a show-stopper, but fooled me when using a transparent button
 to block
 mouse clicks.  Perhaps this is already bugzilla'd, or is expected
 Jim Ault
 Las Vegas

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

Let me answer a couple of questions that have come up:

1) On Morfik, since I brought it up:
Morfik is definitely different.  It took me a little while to get my
brain wrapped around why it made sense, but it does to me now, so here
goes (straight from The Express
edition is for people who aren't building commercial apps
(individuals, students, etc.).  There are two Professional editions:
The free for startups version is just that.  The straight Pro
edition is LIST PRICE $5,000, however they are accepting new
applications to the Pioneers program and preorders at a big discount
(65%?) until...sometime.  The per-seat price includes everything.  You
buy the Professional edition, you get a perpetual license, and you can
build and deploy as many systems, servers, etc. as you like without
paying anything more.  It includes the application server, database
server, and web server along with the rest of it.  I believe they are
trying to compete with M$, so they intentionally gave away the
deployments to attract corporate and professional developers.  So, in
more ways than one it is different.  The packaging is different, the
pricing is different.

2) On AJAX/FJAX:  If you've used Gmail or Google Maps you will
immediately recognize that there is a significant difference between
AJAX apps and your run-of-the-mill web apps.  Speed.  Smoothness.
Shortcuts. You can't get the same feel from straight XHTML.  The XML
portion is a way to speed the information transfer process.  Instead
of reloading the web page every time you pull up a new record, only
the changed data can be transferred, which means significant speed
savings, and no flashing blinking screen when your browser reloads the
page just to display the data from another record...err card.  In
addition, the opening A in AJAX stands for Asynchronous, which
means that your application can and does cache data, so that it is
already in your browser waiting for you when you do something.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-11-28 Thread Mikey

I think Apple still doesn't get it.

Unfortunately Apple never seemed to understand the impact HC had out
in the real world.  Giving away XCode is nice, but it doesn't bring
anybody new into the family.  HC, like Apple II Basic, was a
development tool that people could understand, could use, and could be
productive in.  Since it was given away (for a while, anyway), it
spread like crazy and people went nuts for it.

My great hope is that at some point Apple comes to its senses and, in
an effort to make up for lost time, buys RR, fixes it, and makes us
whole again.

Of course I also hope that someone resurrects Lotus Symphony from the
ashes, that Claris Emailer comes back, and that Aldus Persuasion finds
its way back, too.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: [X-POST] Share your recipes!

2006-11-28 Thread Bill Marriott
I'm sure it's just a matter of looking for all the cases where it might 
occur, not necessarily a defect with the report. Having said that there are 
a large number of bugs and managing them well is turning out to be another 
task to master in the beta process.

Mark Wieder writes:
 I'd expect to have a comment attached to this effect, or a status of
 can't reproduce or something. It's got a recipe, but I'll add
 another comment and make it more explicit.

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