Re: Memory Problem?

2007-02-04 Thread Peter Reid

Thanks David  Mark.

I think I'll try the buffered binary writing, as suggested by Mark,  
to see how that works out.  I've seen how fast Rev can do this kind  
of thing before, but not for such large files.  These files are   
Retrospect backup catalogues that I'm copying from the primary back- 
up area into another area for subsequent copying to tape.  In total,  
I have to copy about 85Gb (in about 54 files) from one partition to  
another.  Once in the 2nd partition, Retrospect itself copies them to  
an Ultrium tape drive for off-site storage.

Thanks again, I'll report back on my progress with the buffered  
binary approach.



On 3 Feb 2007, at 5:57 pm, David Bovill wrote:

I don't think this will be a memory problem - more likely an IAC type
problem in that revCopyFile uses AppleScript and the equivalent on  
If the delay between starting the event and completing it is very  
large and

in the mean time you have issued a cue of events - I guess things are
getting clogged. I think the way around it is to figure out a way of
monitoring when the copy has completed and only then issuing the next
revCopyFile command. However I am not sure how you would do this -  
one thing
that you could try as well is to make a zip, issue one copy then  

I'd love to know how you get on as it is a situation that does come  
up from

time to time?

On 3 Feb 2007, at 6:14 pm, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Since Revolution uses AppleScript, a much better way to do this  
task is to open each file for binary read, open a destination for  
binary write, and use a repeat loop to read and write small chunks,  
something like 200K. When done, close both files and continue with  
the next. You will be surprised about the speed and if you include  
a wait command with messages in the repeat loop, you have still  
control over the GUI to show e.g. a progress bar.

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Re: A hard challenge anyone?

2007-02-04 Thread David Bovill

Thanks a lot for the background and references Marielle. I'll take the tip
of working outwards, and read up a bit more on regular expressions - one
thing you mention which intrigues me is searching right to left... sounds
like a technique to be used in regexp - but how?
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: A hard challenge anyone?

2007-02-04 Thread David Bovill

On 04/02/07, Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

David Bovill wrote:
 The hard bit is to be able to match the function call...

What is this to be used for?

Its for graphing relationships between handlers. An itch I have been wanting
to scratch for a very long time now. A problem I have are dead functions -
that is the stuff hanging around in libraries that are used rarely or
perhaps never. I also want to be able to reliably extract stand-alone
collections of handlers from these libraries so that you do not have to
distribute entire libraries with the finished code.

If this is a code base analysis tool, one in which you might already

have had occasion to obtain a list of function names, might it simplify
things to search for those?

To work backwards? Hmmm... I guess but it would miss one point which seems
to be proving  somewhat useful - the ability to spot missing handlers
prior to coming across the bug. The graphing tool bundles all handlers it
cannot find into one a Missing box. It is not as useful as the ability to
extract code and view realationships - so the approach you suggest has
merit... still would need to distinguish between handlers with the same name
and different types (command, function, get/setprop) in any case?
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Re: A hard challenge anyone?

2007-02-04 Thread David Bovill

I'll try this approach JIm - I am always surprised by how complicated stuff
can be analysed by the simple techniques you suggest!

On 03/02/07, Jim Ault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Or perhaps a cleaner implementation would be
get line x of fcnListing
replace ( with cr  ( in it
replace ) with )cr in it
--no need for dividers

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: A hard challenge anyone?

2007-02-04 Thread Jim Ault

On 2/4/07 5:34 AM, David Bovill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks a lot for the background and references Marielle. I'll take the tip
 of working outwards, and read up a bit more on regular expressions - one
 thing you mention which intrigues me is searching right to left... sounds
 like a technique to be used in regexp - but how?

The regEx engine will allow scanning of strings in many 'logic patterns',
some of which get so complex they are hard to debug.  The basic idea is to
either allow the largest possible match or the smallest, by category rather
than wild card matching.  Beyond this, you can do either|or, this and not
that, look forward from the match point, look backward from the match point,
and more.

The big caution is that the complexity will create false hits and misses
that are difficult to anticipate and debug.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: A hard challenge anyone?

2007-02-04 Thread Jim Ault
 Its for graphing relationships between handlers. An itch I have been wanting
 to scratch for a very long time now. A problem I have are dead functions -
 that is the stuff hanging around in libraries that are used rarely or
 perhaps never. I also want to be able to reliably extract stand-alone
 collections of handlers from these libraries so that you do not have to
 distribute entire libraries with the finished code.

Just some notes about the message path...

Duplicate handlers and functions are allowed and useful in Rev
groups can have the same function name, cards, etc, and they will be
triggered depending on the state the user is in (which card, which stack,
which group is visible, etc)

How are you tracking valid functions that have the same name yet different
If both functions that are named the same are in the path, the first will
trap a message (most frequent example is the mouseup).  Does this get
graphed in your app?

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Unicode Question

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Smith
Hi, all. I'm finally updating my id3 tag library (it will write as  
well as read), and I want to handle unicode issues correctly.

My question is : when using any library that is going to give you  
back some text as the result of a function, how is it best to  
indicate whether it is unicode or not, so that you can then just put  
it into fld x if it's not unicode, or set the unicodeText of fld x  
if it is.

Bearing in mind that the text might be anything, might have commas,  
returns or other delimiters, would it be best to return an array:

tText[text] - the text, tText[encoding] - iso | utf16 | utf8

or is there a better way?

Any thoughts gratefully recieved.


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Re: game-based learning

2007-02-04 Thread Marielle Lange


Thanks very much for sharing this. I am very keen to have your  
feedback on some work I have done which uh, may drastically cut down  
your development time ;-). I am just waiting to receive the green  
light share information on this. I will get back to you before the  
end of next week.

Do you have any more information on this project or related ones?


On 2 Feb 2007, at 18:57, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:


I'm a little reluctant to expose this thinking to public scrutiny  
at this time, but almost ten years ago I was prepared to launch a  
major endeavor that was combination electronic book and game;  
however, I got distracted - big time, and never really got back to  
it. One of the reasons was that I really didn't have the  
programming capabilities to do it without major funding from some  
source and I was unwilling to sell the idea to anyone else who  
might eventually distort my goals. Please disregard all the  
references to financing, and a few others  with respect to  
anticipated goals and a phone number that is no longer is service.  
The basic tenants are still sound and desirable. Perhaps, with  
Revolution's cross platform capabilities and multimedia  
aspirations, I may eventually be able to start work in ernest on  
the project.


Some will call it a pipe dream; others may go even farther with  
who in the hell does he think he is? You can make your own decision.


Joe Wilkins

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Re: A hard challenge anyone?

2007-02-04 Thread David Bovill

On 04/02/07, Jim Ault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How are you tracking valid functions that have the same name yet different
If both functions that are named the same are in the path, the first will
trap a message (most frequent example is the mouseup).  Does this get
graphed in your app?

Yes they do. Each handler is given a database type unique key of the style:


The type can be one of command, function, getprop, or setprop (I use the
first letter). The number is for duplicate handlers, and the object is the
control the handler is found in. this record I call an hKey (handler key)
and should be unique. I do not use handlerNum much and for message hierarchy
walks this is set to 1 (it is only really used for checking for duplicate
handlers to see if they are identical.

I bundle these in a single record because it makes it easier to construct
the recursive handlers that do the walking.
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Re: Unicode Question

2007-02-04 Thread David Bovill

I hope I got your question right - it is more abot an interface style to a
library than auto-detecting whether which format the data is in?

If so - arrays are a good bet, but in my opinion the most user friendly
approach is to create a model which deals with the functions and commands
for getting and setting the ID3 data from the file, and then a set of
simpler getprop and setprop interfaces that users would use with a Rev based
control. In your case it would look something like:

-- Model
function id3_GetArray someFile
end id3_GetArray someFile

on id3_SetArray someFile, id3Array
end id3_SetArray someFile

-- Interface
getprop id3_UnicodeText
 put the filename of the target into someFile
 put id3_GetArray(someFile) into id3Array
 return id3Array [unicode]
end id3_UnicodeText

And so forth for the various elements of the model you want to expose in a
friendly way to the user. They can then just set the filename of the player
to a mp3 file and use:

 put the id3_UnicodeText of player 1

If there are too many interfaces you can use the array type sytax:

 put the id3_Data [unicode] of player 1

With and getprop handler like:

getprop id3_Data [someKey]
 put the filename of the target into someFile
 put id3_GetArray(someFile) into id3Array
 return id3Array [someKey]
end id3_Data
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Re: Re: [Ann] New game made with Rev. Drops

2007-02-04 Thread Malte Brill

Thanks for all the feedback both on and off list. :-)
Really makes the work worthwhile. All the input I reveive makes me  
think of improved versions, so there might be more to come.

All the best,


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Unicode Question

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Smith

David, thanks for the reply - it's actually both questions.
I like the style of interface using set/getprops, and will probably  
do exactly what you suggest.

However, the unicode problem is that in an ID3 tag, text information  
(that the library will extract from the tag) may be encoded as  
unicode or not, and it isn't necessarily consistent within a tag ie.  
some strings are, some aren't. So I need to figure out how best to  
let the user of the library know what kind of string is being delivered.



On 4 Feb 2007, at 15:37, David Bovill wrote:

I hope I got your question right - it is more abot an interface  
style to a

library than auto-detecting whether which format the data is in?

If so - arrays are a good bet, but in my opinion the most user  
approach is to create a model which deals with the functions and  

for getting and setting the ID3 data from the file, and then a set of
simpler getprop and setprop interfaces that users would use with a  
Rev based

control. In your case it would look something like:

-- Model
function id3_GetArray someFile
end id3_GetArray someFile

on id3_SetArray someFile, id3Array
end id3_SetArray someFile

-- Interface
getprop id3_UnicodeText
 put the filename of the target into someFile
 put id3_GetArray(someFile) into id3Array
 return id3Array [unicode]
end id3_UnicodeText

And so forth for the various elements of the model you want to  
expose in a
friendly way to the user. They can then just set the filename of  
the player

to a mp3 file and use:

 put the id3_UnicodeText of player 1

If there are too many interfaces you can use the array type sytax:

 put the id3_Data [unicode] of player 1

With and getprop handler like:

getprop id3_Data [someKey]
 put the filename of the target into someFile
 put id3_GetArray(someFile) into id3Array
 return id3Array [someKey]
end id3_Data
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UPDATE SQL-DB maker Errors

2007-02-04 Thread Horst

Holá Erverybody,

I´m Using RR 2.7.4 and MySQL 4.1

I try to update an existing record with
put UPDATE post SET Mail_body =  Mail_text  ' where lfdnr =  
Mail_Number into SQL_Befehl
revexecute DB_ID SQL_Befehl

Sometimes it works, sometimes not. So I found out, if the Mail_Text includes
one  or ' the datas will not be Updated.  OK, But, and that´s the question,
How to solve the problem without changing the data to base64, because that
seems to be a global problem an it makes no sense to convert all fields in
my DB. 

I'm glad, if you have a helpfull hand


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Re: Unicode Question

2007-02-04 Thread David Bovill

I am not really sure - can you put it into a field and if it differs from
the original text value assume it is unicode, or maybe regEx looking for
some chars outside of the ascii range?
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Unicode Question

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Smith
That's the point - I don't want the user to have to guess. The  
library 'knows', because the encoding information is in the id3 tag  
it's just read, what I'm wondering about is simplest wasy to let the  
user of the library know.

So if the 'client' app asks the library for the title of a file, the  
library needs to let the client know that it's Abbey Road, as  
unicode or plain text, depending on how the original tag was encoded,  
so the client can display it properly.

I guess what I'm asking is what most developers would prefer to be  
returned when using the library.



On 4 Feb 2007, at 17:03, David Bovill wrote:

I am not really sure - can you put it into a field and if it  
differs from
the original text value assume it is unicode, or maybe regEx  
looking for

some chars outside of the ascii range?
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Re: Will Rev Window XP builds run on VISTA?

2007-02-04 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mark Wieder wrote:


Saturday, February 3, 2007, 10:24:45 AM, you wrote:

Does anyone know if Rev Window XP builds will run on VISTA?

That's much too generic a question. The short answer is yes, if you
build an app in XP it will run in Vista.

As long as you don't need to store data in areas that are no longer

Do you know which areas are allowed, or have a pointer to info?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Will Rev Window XP builds run on VISTA?

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, February 4, 2007, 9:28:17 AM, you wrote:

 Do you know which areas are allowed, or have a pointer to info?

Not off the top of my head. Vista's UAC model has changed the playing
field as to where user info can be safely stored. Again. I'm still
trying to get it all sorted out.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Unicode Question

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Mark,

May I suggest that you translate all strings into and deliver all  
strings as ut8? This would avoid any confusion on the user's side.




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Op 4-feb-2007, om 18:22 heeft Mark Smith het volgende geschreven:

That's the point - I don't want the user to have to guess. The  
library 'knows', because the encoding information is in the id3 tag  
it's just read, what I'm wondering about is simplest wasy to let  
the user of the library know.

So if the 'client' app asks the library for the title of a file,  
the library needs to let the client know that it's Abbey Road, as  
unicode or plain text, depending on how the original tag was  
encoded, so the client can display it properly.

I guess what I'm asking is what most developers would prefer to be  
returned when using the library.



On 4 Feb 2007, at 17:03, David Bovill wrote:

I am not really sure - can you put it into a field and if it  
differs from
the original text value assume it is unicode, or maybe regEx  
looking for

some chars outside of the ascii range?

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Re: Unicode Question

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Smith
Mark, this seems like a good idea. Would I be right in thinking that  
to translate a string from UTF16 to UTF8 I would do this:

put unidecode(someUTF16String,UTF8) into tUTF8String ?



On 4 Feb 2007, at 18:23, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi Mark,

May I suggest that you translate all strings into and deliver all  
strings as ut8? This would avoid any confusion on the user's side.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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software. Download at

Op 4-feb-2007, om 18:22 heeft Mark Smith het volgende geschreven:

That's the point - I don't want the user to have to guess. The  
library 'knows', because the encoding information is in the id3  
tag it's just read, what I'm wondering about is simplest wasy to  
let the user of the library know.

So if the 'client' app asks the library for the title of a file,  
the library needs to let the client know that it's Abbey Road,  
as unicode or plain text, depending on how the original tag was  
encoded, so the client can display it properly.

I guess what I'm asking is what most developers would prefer to be  
returned when using the library.

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Re: Unicode Question

2007-02-04 Thread David Bovill

Well inside Rev - I think that most users would like to use the htmlText.

From my point of view i would like to be able to do the following:

  set the text of fld Title to the id3_Title of player 1
  set the htmltext of fld Title to the id3_Title [htmlText] of player
1  -- (could have id3_HtmlTitle as well)
  set the unicodeText of fld Title to the id3_Title [unicode] of player

And query the player like:

  put the id3_TextFormats of player 1 into availableFormats
  put the id3_TitleArray of player 1 into titleArray
  if unicode is among the items of availableFormats then set the
unicodeText of fld 1 to titleArray [unicode]

But in general i don't see why you would need to do anything other than one
of the first three (I'd use the . The library would just give you the format
if it were available and if not give you the text which would work fine. The
library would just need to uniencode the plain text - ie set the unicodetext
of fld 1 to uniencode(Test) works fine.
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Re: UPDATE SQL-DB maker Errors

2007-02-04 Thread Sarah Reichelt

I´m Using RR 2.7.4 and MySQL 4.1

I try to update an existing record with
put UPDATE post SET Mail_body =  Mail_text  ' where lfdnr =  
Mail_Number into SQL_Befehl
revexecute DB_ID SQL_Befehl

Sometimes it works, sometimes not. So I found out, if the Mail_Text includes
one  or ' the datas will not be Updated.  OK, But, and that´s the question,
How to solve the problem without changing the data to base64, because that
seems to be a global problem an it makes no sense to convert all fields in
my DB.

You need to escape the quotes in your text before using them in the
UPDATE. This should work:

replace quote with \  quote in Mail_text
replace ' with \' in Mail_text

Then do your UPDATE as above and SQL will handle the single  double
quotes without any problem.

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Re: Window Options

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Schonewille

Dear Joe,

Quick answer: no. Slightly longer answer: you can always make a  
screenshot of a Mac OS 9 window and use the frame for a window shape  
of your own. You'd have to emulate all window features by yourself,  
though. As you probably know, you can use the emulated Mac OS 9 view  
of Revolution to control the look of objects inside the window.




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Op 3-feb-2007, om 20:15 heeft Joe Lewis Wilkins het volgende geschreven:

Hi All,

Is there a method by which we can choose to have windows in OSX  
Revolution exhibit the same or similar window frame that we get  
with OS 9 and earlier? I really don't like the OSX type windows.


Joe Wilkins

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Window Options

2007-02-04 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hi Mark,

Thanks. I had already considered a somewhat similar solution, but I'm  
looking for a real solution, not just a fix. My current fix is to  
take my screen shots into MacDraft and draw a frame around the window  
before I paste it into my articles. I did this for next week's column, though I didn't take the time to do it  
real well. But none of these fixes resolves the issue of not having  
something in OSX windows besides the Title Bar that will let you drag  
the window around.

Joe Wilkins

On Feb 4, 2007, at 1:50 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Dear Joe,

Quick answer: no. Slightly longer answer: you can always make a  
screenshot of a Mac OS 9 window and use the frame for a window  
shape of your own. You'd have to emulate all window features by  
yourself, though. As you probably know, you can use the emulated  
Mac OS 9 view of Revolution to control the look of objects inside  
the window.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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software. Download at

Op 3-feb-2007, om 20:15 heeft Joe Lewis Wilkins het volgende  

Hi All,

Is there a method by which we can choose to have windows in OSX  
Revolution exhibit the same or similar window frame that we get  
with OS 9 and earlier? I really don't like the OSX type windows.


Joe Wilkins

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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[ANN] Valentina 2.5.5 Released; Valentina for Ruby on Rails Announced

2007-02-04 Thread Ruslan Zasukhin

 * Valentina 2.5.5 Released;
 * Valentina for Ruby on Rails Announced
 * Valentina's day gifts - SAVE UP TO $900!

Beaverton, Oregon-based Paradigma Software, Inc announces the release
of Valentina 2.5.5 for Revolution ­ both for Valentina database tools
for software vendors and the business ready Valentina Office Server

Valentina 2.5.5 technology release for all products includes
improvements to importing database dumps from mySQL AB's mySQL
database. Developers who are porting from mySQL to Valentina will
notice improvements in dumping data from mySQL that in turn is
imported into Valentina.

Valentina Office Server 2.5.5, a business-ready database server, also
now incorporates scripting support for Ruby on Rails, the
object-oriented, open source web framework for building web

Valentina database products, available on Windows and MacOS X, are
based on the unique Valentina database engine ­ an object-relational
database engine known for extreme speed. When porting to Valentina,
hours become minutes, minutes become seconds when it comes to storing,
retrieving and querying databases. Valentina supports all modern
standards ­ native Unicode, XML import/export and ODBC connectivity.

New Valentina ADKs are available that allow creation of local database
solutions in both Ruby/Ruby on Rails and PHP 4 and PHP 5. Valentina
Application Developer Kits are royalty free local database runtimes
for deploying database applications. Valentina ADKs start at $199.

Valentina Developer Network Platform Edition includes a set of tools
for all supported operating systems of one development environment ­
and allows deployment of Valentina Embedded Database Server, royalty
free. In addition, VDN Platform Edition includes reseller options, VDN
Platform Edition sells for $599.

Get VDN Professional (Revolution) or Enterprise before February 15, 2007
and get a free deployment of Valentina Embedded Server Unlimited
Version free - and save up to $400+500! More information here:

Valentina ADKs and VDN is available for most development tools on
Windows and MacOS X, including Runtime Revolution, Adobe Director,
Cocoa/Objective-C, C++ (xCode, MS Visual Studio), REALbasic, .net
framework, COM, PHP, Ruby and ODBC.

You can order Valentina for Revolution ADK 2.5.5 here:


Paradigma Software
Ph. (503) 574-2776

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Re: Window Options

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Joe,

If all you want is a set of screenshots, why don't you create a  
standalone for Mac OS 9 with Rev 2.6.1 or earlier and make  
screenshots on an old Mac or in Classic?




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 4-feb-2007, om 23:01 heeft Joe Lewis Wilkins het volgende geschreven:

Hi Mark,

Thanks. I had already considered a somewhat similar solution, but  
I'm looking for a real solution, not just a fix. My current fix  
is to take my screen shots into MacDraft and draw a frame around  
the window before I paste it into my articles. I did this for next  
week's column, though I didn't take the time  
to do it real well. But none of these fixes resolves the issue of  
not having something in OSX windows besides the Title Bar that will  
let you drag the window around.

Joe Wilkins

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Window Options

2007-02-04 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
I have, but I wanted to have the screenshots of the converted to Rev  
stack side by side for comparison, and I only have Rev for OSX.

On Feb 4, 2007, at 2:22 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi Joe,

If all you want is a set of screenshots, why don't you create a  
standalone for Mac OS 9 with Rev 2.6.1 or earlier and make  
screenshots on an old Mac or in Classic?




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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software. Download at

Op 4-feb-2007, om 23:01 heeft Joe Lewis Wilkins het volgende  

Hi Mark,

Thanks. I had already considered a somewhat similar solution, but  
I'm looking for a real solution, not just a fix. My current fix  
is to take my screen shots into MacDraft and draw a frame around  
the window before I paste it into my articles. I did this for next  
week's column, though I didn't take the time  
to do it real well. But none of these fixes resolves the issue  
of not having something in OSX windows besides the Title Bar that  
will let you drag the window around.

Joe Wilkins

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Window Options

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Smith
You could try pulling the theme_support bundles out of the OS X  
standalone bundle. The effect (when the standalone builder was  
forgetting to include those files) was an OS 9 look and feel on OS X.



On 4 Feb 2007, at 22:01, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

Hi Mark,

Thanks. I had already considered a somewhat similar solution, but  
I'm looking for a real solution, not just a fix. My current fix  
is to take my screen shots into MacDraft and draw a frame around  
the window before I paste it into my articles. I did this for next  
week's column, though I didn't take the time  
to do it real well. But none of these fixes resolves the issue of  
not having something in OSX windows besides the Title Bar that will  
let you drag the window around.

Joe Wilkins

On Feb 4, 2007, at 1:50 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Dear Joe,

Quick answer: no. Slightly longer answer: you can always make a  
screenshot of a Mac OS 9 window and use the frame for a window  
shape of your own. You'd have to emulate all window features by  
yourself, though. As you probably know, you can use the emulated  
Mac OS 9 view of Revolution to control the look of objects inside  
the window.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 3-feb-2007, om 20:15 heeft Joe Lewis Wilkins het volgende  

Hi All,

Is there a method by which we can choose to have windows in OSX  
Revolution exhibit the same or similar window frame that we get  
with OS 9 and earlier? I really don't like the OSX type windows.


Joe Wilkins

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Re: Window Options

2007-02-04 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I get around to compiling a  

On Feb 4, 2007, at 2:31 PM, Mark Smith wrote:

You could try pulling the theme_support bundles out of the OS X  
standalone bundle. The effect (when the standalone builder was  
forgetting to include those files) was an OS 9 look and feel on OS X.



On 4 Feb 2007, at 22:01, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

Hi Mark,

Thanks. I had already considered a somewhat similar solution, but  
I'm looking for a real solution, not just a fix. My current fix  
is to take my screen shots into MacDraft and draw a frame around  
the window before I paste it into my articles. I did this for next  
week's column, though I didn't take the time  
to do it real well. But none of these fixes resolves the issue  
of not having something in OSX windows besides the Title Bar that  
will let you drag the window around.

Joe Wilkins

On Feb 4, 2007, at 1:50 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Dear Joe,

Quick answer: no. Slightly longer answer: you can always make a  
screenshot of a Mac OS 9 window and use the frame for a window  
shape of your own. You'd have to emulate all window features by  
yourself, though. As you probably know, you can use the emulated  
Mac OS 9 view of Revolution to control the look of objects inside  
the window.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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software. Download at

Op 3-feb-2007, om 20:15 heeft Joe Lewis Wilkins het volgende  

Hi All,

Is there a method by which we can choose to have windows in OSX  
Revolution exhibit the same or similar window frame that we  
get with OS 9 and earlier? I really don't like the OSX type  


Joe Wilkins

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Re: Window Options

2007-02-04 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Mark,

One would get the same effeect by simply setting the lookAndFeel to  
Macintosh while your suggestion wouldn't affect the window frame,  
which Joe wants to change.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Download at

Op 4-feb-2007, om 23:31 heeft Mark Smith het volgende geschreven:

You could try pulling the theme_support bundles out of the OS X  
standalone bundle. The effect (when the standalone builder was  
forgetting to include those files) was an OS 9 look and feel on OS X.



On 4 Feb 2007, at 22:01, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

Hi Mark,

Thanks. I had already considered a somewhat similar solution, but  
I'm looking for a real solution, not just a fix. My current fix  
is to take my screen shots into MacDraft and draw a frame around  
the window before I paste it into my articles. I did this for next  
week's column, though I didn't take the time  
to do it real well. But none of these fixes resolves the issue  
of not having something in OSX windows besides the Title Bar that  
will let you drag the window around.

Joe Wilkins

On Feb 4, 2007, at 1:50 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Dear Joe,

Quick answer: no. Slightly longer answer: you can always make a  
screenshot of a Mac OS 9 window and use the frame for a window  
shape of your own. You'd have to emulate all window features by  
yourself, though. As you probably know, you can use the emulated  
Mac OS 9 view of Revolution to control the look of objects inside  
the window.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

Get your store on-line within minutes with Salery Web Store  
software. Download at

Op 3-feb-2007, om 20:15 heeft Joe Lewis Wilkins het volgende  

Hi All,

Is there a method by which we can choose to have windows in OSX  
Revolution exhibit the same or similar window frame that we  
get with OS 9 and earlier? I really don't like the OSX type  


Joe Wilkins

use-revolution mailing list
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Help with random

2007-02-04 Thread Kevin J


I am new to revolution and so far love the program. I am having a little
problem that I can't seem to figure out with using random. What I am trying
to accomplish is to make a random
roll and adding the results up. ie: like rolling 3 6 sided dice and add the
results together. I can get the program to produce the random of a number
with no problems.

Is there a way to accomplish the task?


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Help with random

2007-02-04 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hi Kevin,

I'm a beginner with Revolution too; but, if I were doing this in HC,  
I'd do three successive random calls, putting the results into three  
local var and then adding the three vars to produce the number you're  
looking for.


Joe Wilkins

PS -- why aren't you watching the Super Bowl?

On Feb 4, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Kevin J wrote:


I am new to revolution and so far love the program. I am having a  
problem that I can't seem to figure out with using random. What I  
am trying

to accomplish is to make a random
roll and adding the results up. ie: like rolling 3 6 sided dice and  
add the
results together. I can get the program to produce the random of a  

with no problems.

Is there a way to accomplish the task?


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Re: Help with random

2007-02-04 Thread Andre Garzia

Hello Kevin,

be most welcome!!!

to roll 3d6 try something like

put random(6) into d1
put random(6) into d2
put random(6) into d3
put d1 + d2 + d3 into TotalValue

You can always search the built-in dictionary in the documentation  
under the help menu for learning more about the commands.


On Feb 4, 2007, at 10:08 PM, Kevin J wrote:


I am new to revolution and so far love the program. I am having a  
problem that I can't seem to figure out with using random. What I  
am trying

to accomplish is to make a random
roll and adding the results up. ie: like rolling 3 6 sided dice and  
add the
results together. I can get the program to produce the random of a  

with no problems.

Is there a way to accomplish the task?


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Fwd: Help with random

2007-02-04 Thread Kevin J

Ya that I can do. Sorry I should have been a little more clear. I have to
input fields and a button, input field 1 in the number of dice field 2 is
the dice type. So when a user enters the numbers ie: 3 die 6, 10 die 6. I
need to to basically do the same thing but not have to use that many puts


-- Forwarded message --
From: Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Feb 4, 2007 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: Help with random
To: How to use Revolution

Hello Kevin,

be most welcome!!!

to roll 3d6 try something like

put random(6) into d1
put random(6) into d2
put random(6) into d3
put d1 + d2 + d3 into TotalValue

You can always search the built-in dictionary in the documentation
under the help menu for learning more about the commands.


On Feb 4, 2007, at 10:08 PM, Kevin J wrote:


I am new to revolution and so far love the program. I am having a
problem that I can't seem to figure out with using random. What I
am trying
to accomplish is to make a random
roll and adding the results up. ie: like rolling 3 6 sided dice and
add the
results together. I can get the program to produce the random of a
with no problems.

Is there a way to accomplish the task?


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Re: Help with random

2007-02-04 Thread Andre Garzia


now it is clear

repeat fld number of dices times
  add random(fld dice type) to TotalValue
end repeat

explanations a repeat loop will cycle the code it contains. The  
amount of cycles is the number in field number of dices, the code  
inside will add a dice to the variable called TotalValue

You need to change the field names in the script ;-)


On Feb 4, 2007, at 10:24 PM, Kevin J wrote:

Ya that I can do. Sorry I should have been a little more clear. I  
have to
input fields and a button, input field 1 in the number of dice  
field 2 is
the dice type. So when a user enters the numbers ie: 3 die 6, 10  
die 6. I
need to to basically do the same thing but not have to use that  
many puts



-- Forwarded message --
From: Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Feb 4, 2007 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: Help with random
To: How to use Revolution

Hello Kevin,

be most welcome!!!

to roll 3d6 try something like

put random(6) into d1
put random(6) into d2
put random(6) into d3
put d1 + d2 + d3 into TotalValue

You can always search the built-in dictionary in the documentation
under the help menu for learning more about the commands.


On Feb 4, 2007, at 10:08 PM, Kevin J wrote:


I am new to revolution and so far love the program. I am having a
problem that I can't seem to figure out with using random. What I
am trying
to accomplish is to make a random
roll and adding the results up. ie: like rolling 3 6 sided dice and
add the
results together. I can get the program to produce the random of a
with no problems.

Is there a way to accomplish the task?


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Re: [Ann] New game made with Rev. Drops

2007-02-04 Thread Rishi Viner
Aw, no Linux version? Would it be too much to ask? I can't be bothered 
re-booting into Windoze in my coffee breaks anymore...   ;)



On Thursday 01 February 2007 09:41, Malte Brill wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am very proud to announce that after a while of quietness, I
 finally released a new product.

 It is simple. It is fast. It is addictive. It is Drops!

 Drops is a deceptively simple but captivating game, ideal to play
 during your coffee break, or for an evening of fun. It's surprisingly
 addictive and requires more skill than is apparent at first sight.
 See if you can beat the high score and become immortalized on the
 high scores board. Become a real Drops master!

 There are quite a few people I need to thank:

 Wouter, Mark, Björnke for sharing devtime on chatrev and banging hard
 on the game in Beta.
 Trevor for the excellent getUserLang() function and heads up.
 Benedikt for additional artwork
 Daniel and Olli for PHP stuff

 And finally all of you on use-rev for bearing with me in the silly
 scripts thread!

 Without you I wouldn´t have managed!

 To celebrate a new game made with Rev and animationEngine I am happy
 to announce that you will get a free copy of Drops with every
 purchase of animationEngine for a limited time.

 Buy Animation Engine or Revolution Media with Animation engine and
 get Drops free! You can download a trial version of Drops from
 Derbill Website.

 If you want to read a little article of the dev process you might be
 interested in reading the current newsletter:

 All the best,

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Fwd: Help with random

2007-02-04 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
At 7:24 PM -0500 2/4/2007, Kevin J wrote:
Ya that I can do. Sorry I should have been a little more clear. I have to
input fields and a button, input field 1 in the number of dice field 2 is
the dice type. So when a user enters the numbers ie: 3 die 6, 10 die 6. I
need to to basically do the same thing but not have to use that many puts

Try this:

put field 1 into numberOfDice
put field 2 into numberOfSides
repeat for numberOfDice times
  add random(numberOfSides) to rollTotal
end repeat

numberOfDice and numberOfSides are self-explanatory. (You don't really have to 
put the fields into variables, but it makes the rest easier to read. Also, 
reading from a variable is much faster than reading from a field - not likely 
to be a problem here, but it's a good habit to get into putting field contents 
into a variable if your routine uses the data several times.)

The repeat loop rolls the die whichever number of times you selected. For each 
roll, it adds the random number to the total. (You don't need to declare the 
variable rollTotal - the first time you put something into it, it will be 
created automatically as an empty variable. Adding a number to empty is like 
adding it to zero.)

Once you've finished the routine, the variable rollTotal contains the total 
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Re: [Ann] New game made with Rev. Drops

2007-02-04 Thread Malte Brill

Hi Rishi,

Aw, no Linux version? Would it be too much to ask? I can't be  

re-booting into Windoze in my coffee breaks anymore...   ;)

As soon as we see a 2.7 engine for Linux I will create a standalone.

All the best,

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: A hard challenge anyone?

2007-02-04 Thread Jim Ault
On 2/4/07 5:45 AM, David Bovill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'll try this approach JIm - I am always surprised by how complicated stuff
 can be analysed by the simple techniques you suggest!
 On 03/02/07, Jim Ault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Or perhaps a cleaner implementation would be
 get line x of fcnListing
 replace ( with cr  ( in it
 replace ) with )cr in it
 --no need for dividers
 Jim Ault
 Las Vegas

Thanks for the kind words.
Quite often the real answer lies somewhere in between the simple and very
complex, so it is good to step back and take a different view.

One of the best things about programming is to get to that beautiful moment
when you see the problem clearly and the answer even more clearly.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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