Property Profiles and Standalones

2007-02-06 Thread Derek Bump
I noticed that the Standalone Builder does not include the Property 
Profiles Library when building executables.  Does anyone have a 
workaround for this bug?

I tried taking the data from the Profiles Backscript and adding it to 
the Common Library's backscript, but that still didn't work.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

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Re: Property Profiles and Standalones

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Derek,

I tried the same as you, copying the Property Profiles library to my  
own stack, but I experiences execution errors when using it. I  
believe this library needs to be updated. This bug has been reported  
to QC already.

It is easier to write a script to set the profile of each control,  
card and stack yourself. That is what I currently do in my own stacks.




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Op 6-feb-2007, om 9:34 heeft Derek Bump het volgende geschreven:

I noticed that the Standalone Builder does not include the Property  
Profiles Library when building executables.  Does anyone have a  
workaround for this bug?

I tried taking the data from the Profiles Backscript and adding it  
to the Common Library's backscript, but that still didn't work.

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Re: Please verify bug-- takes 2 secs

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Schonewille


The bug has been reported already:




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Op 6-feb-2007, om 5:57 heeft Chipp Walters het volgende geschreven:

Hi all,

I've run into a really weird bug which I'm not sure how to get around.
It involves invoking the debugger from a background group script from
a card which the script has been placed on.

It's basically a very simple thing to describe. I want to be able to
set a breakpoint in a background group script and have it enter debug
mode. I find I can do this ONLY when I'm on the originating card from
where the group was created. IOW, any OTHER card where the group
resides, will execute the script, but not invoke the debugger. It just
'jumps' right over a breakpoint statement.

I'm using 2.7.4 and was hoping someone else out there would verify,
and/or suggest a work around.

You can run the test stack by putting below into the msg box:

go URL;


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Re: Wide PNG's displaying only coloured stripes?

2007-02-06 Thread Klaus Major

Hi David,

Found it (bug report):

4091 is that the image

object displays a corrupt image.

And that seems to fix the problem. NB anyone know how to convert
inches to pixels? There is this Url: but I cant figure the dpi I need
it is not 72dpi... or 96?

Resolution of an imge will ONLY become important when you want to  
print it out!

On the monitor (in webbrowsers, Rev or whatever) the DPI really does  
not matter,

here the width and heigth in pixels are what counts.

In Rev an image with 800*800 dimensions will show up with 800*800 pixels
NO MATTER what the resolution is! 

If in doubt use 72 or 96 dpi, athough that does not matter, in case i  
did not mention it yet :-)


Klaus Major

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Re: altsqlite3, dbsqlite3.dll

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Viktoras,

I just saw exactly the same error in a Windows system message dialog,  
when launching a standalone, while I wasn't even using dbsqlite. I  
just included it with the standalone for testing.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 5-feb-2007, om 21:49 heeft Viktoras Didziulis het volgende  

Just upgraded my Revolution (WindowsXP, RevStudio 2.7.4),  
downloaded the 3

alt plugins. Installations went smoothly.

put revdb_connect(sqlite3, C:/path/ 
test.db,[EMAIL PROTECTED],my pswd

goes here) into tConID

produces an error: the application or DLL ...\dbsqlite3.dll is not  
a valid

Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette.

Did I miss a thread on this list, or it is just me?.. What may have  

wrong with my installation ?


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Re: Quartam PDF lib

2007-02-06 Thread John Craig
Thirded.  I'd also done some work on a pdf library (document creation, 
adding pages, simple text and zlib compression so far), so had a look at 
Jan's out of interest - excellent - very well put together.


Trevor DeVore wrote:

On Jan 31, 2007, at 12:37 PM, Mark Smith wrote:

Just a quick note to everyone about Jan Schenkels PDF4Rev library 
(currently in beta -- see

It's simply excellent. If you've been wondering about ways to 
generate pdfs from Rev, this is the answer.

I've been playing around with it for a couple of days, now, and of 
the two little niggles I found, one was due to my own 
misunderstanding, and the other will be fixed in the next release 

I can't recommend it highly enough.

I'll second that.  Jan has created a really powerful library for 
creating PDF content.

--Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems -

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Windows volumes

2007-02-06 Thread Richard Miller
How can I get a list of the full names of all currently running  
volumes under Windows? I know there is a volumes function, but that  
only returns the drive letters. I need to see the full names of these  
drives. Does this require a shell command, and if so, what would that  

Richard Miller
Imprinter Technologies
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Re: Wide PNG's displaying only coloured stripes?

2007-02-06 Thread David Bovill

There are lots of time when you need to make these calculations - due
usually to information or interfaces provided by other software (often
defined primarily for print) - in my case I need to pass inches to the
shell and therefore convert to inches from the rect in Rev,

So the question is exactly what is involved in moving from lets say
640 x 480 image rect to a value in inches that you must supply to a
piece of print orientated software? At one time I thought it was just
72 dpi = an inche - but then I never got straight the use of points
and pixels and dots per inch. I know what dpi are in print world - I
know (I think) what pixels are in the screen world. That is i think
I do :)

   - Pixels are little glowing spots on your screen

   - Dots are little non-glowing spots of colour (usually on paper)

   - the rect and loc etc in Rev refer to pixels of glowing colour

   - inches and other conventional measure refer to fixed distances
in space (relativity not withstanding)

  - to get from pixels or dots to some real physical measure you need
to know the number of pixels or dots per unit of space on the output
device concerned (paper or screen)

   - dpi is this factor and the dpi of monitor screens used to be
72dpi I think all though tis should really be pdi for pixels per inch
or gdpi for glowing dots per inch. 96 is another  number entirely.

Can someone help me here - I think I am in the wrong tree - how do I
know the dpi factor to use in a conversion?
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Re: Wide PNG's displaying only coloured stripes?

2007-02-06 Thread David Bovill

On 06/02/07, Scott Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Recently, David Bovill wrote:

 Here is an example:

How do you intend to display this image?  Do you show it at full size and
expect a user to scroll it around the screen, or do you scale it down?

Both - hand pan around and view the entire image. Also trying to
figure out an interface to zoom in and out - not sure what the best is
there. I dont want icons and maginifying glasses more of a game like
interface or Google Earth style?

FYI, I can't get it to display in a stack -- the size exceeds the threshold
Sarah mentioned.  When the image is scaled to 4000 pix wide, it imports as

Yes - I think that has fixed the problem. Especially if I can figure
out how many inches 4000 pixels is :)
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Monitoring local file transfers

2007-02-06 Thread Richard Miller
I'm also looking for a way to monitor the status of a local file  
transfer from a connected hard drive to an internal drive. I'd  
like to be able to inform a user of the status of an ongoing file  
transfer (through a progress bar), since the transfer could take  
30-60 seconds or even longer. RevCopyFile appears to be a completing  
blocking operation. I believe this could be done with the put url  
command, but I can't figure out how to use the  
LibURLSetStatusCallBack command so that it will monitor this local  
(rather than Internet-based) file transfer.

Richard Miller
Imprinter Technologies
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CGI's - can they return quick and then continue doing something?

2007-02-06 Thread David Bovill

I have not had to do this before - or rather I tired once and failed -
but thought Id ask before trying again... essentially can a CGI
return an OK to the Rev client and continue with the execution of the
script? This would avoid the Rev client locking up waiting for the cgi
to return.

In my case I have a graphic intensive application on the web server (
a renderer) which i want to activate from Rev to create images on the
web site. It may take a minute or so to create the image on the
server... so whats the best strategy? I was thinking either to et the
CGI to return early and allow the client to manually or automatically
refresh the image display, or secondly to do an asynchronous call to
the CGI I guess by using load?
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Resolution - DPI, PPI LPI (was: Wide PNG's displaying only coloured stripes?)

2007-02-06 Thread Ian Wood
This is getting into a pretty complex realm. I hope what follows is  
useful rather than rant...

On 6 Feb 2007, at 13:16, David Bovill wrote:

There are lots of time when you need to make these calculations - due
usually to information or interfaces provided by other software (often
defined primarily for print) - in my case I need to pass inches to the
shell and therefore convert to inches from the rect in Rev,

So the question is exactly what is involved in moving from lets say
640 x 480 image rect to a value in inches that you must supply to a
piece of print orientated software? At one time I thought it was just
72 dpi = an inche - but then I never got straight the use of points
and pixels and dots per inch.

A 'point' is a typographic real-world measurement, and is ~0.3mm. So  
12pt type should be around 4mm high.

I know what dpi are in print world - I
know (I think) what pixels are in the screen world. That is i think
I do :)

   - Pixels are little glowing spots on your screen


  - Dots are little non-glowing spots of colour (usually on paper)

Yes, but strictly speaking this is for for inkjet printers - laser  
printers and commercial printing are actually measured in *lines* per  
inch and the images themselves are measured in *pixels* per inch.

   - the rect and loc etc in Rev refer to pixels of glowing colour

In general, ALL screen measurements refer to pixels, regardless of  
the program, and these pixels don't have a fixed size.

   - inches and other conventional measure refer to fixed distances
in space (relativity not withstanding)

Yes, generally with no relevance to images shown on screen.

  - to get from pixels or dots to some real physical measure you need
to know the number of pixels or dots per unit of space on the output
device concerned (paper or screen)

   - dpi is this factor and the dpi of monitor screens used to be
72dpi I think all though tis should really be pdi for pixels per inch
or gdpi for glowing dots per inch. 96 is another  number entirely.

Puts on pedant hat:

DPI only applies to scanners and inkjet printers.
When you talk about the actual image file you are talking about  
*pixels* per inch.
PPI is almost a 'made-up' measurement - the file may have a ppi  
measurement, but all it does is tell the program doing the printing  
'print it at this size'.
The only 'real-world measurement' that is in ppi is the pixel density  
of fixed-resolution displays such as LCDs.

72ppi  96ppi - it *used* to be roughly true that Macs used screen  
resolutions that generally worked out at 72ppi (e.g. 1024px across  
14 width of screen) and Windows machines generally used screen  
resolutions that gave 96ppi. But this is long-gone.
What it left behind, though, is that these are normally the figures  
used for working out how big text of a certain 'point' size should be  
shown on screen. This is the reason why Macs are assumed to be 72ppi,  
as they were heavily geared towards desktop publishing, and the most  
common font sizes are multiples of 12 - fitting into 72ppi was easy  
to do.
Obviously, as you can run the same CRT monitor at 800x600, 2048x1600  
or whatever, those assumptions are just assumptions.

If it's being shown on screen the only sensible measurement is the  
total pixels and how much of the screen that takes up. If you have to  
show things on screen in a specific real-world size then you have to  
get in to all the stuff where you get people to measure distances on  
the screen with a ruler, as per one of the recent threads. And it  
*will* involve measuring both vertical and horizontal distances,  
given how many screen resolutions end up having non-square pixels. :-(

Can someone help me here - I think I am in the wrong tree - how do I
know the dpi factor to use in a conversion?

What are you trying to convert? If you have some specific examples of  
what you want to do, I can probably say how to do them - I'm a  
photographer and designer who also programs, so this is my home  
field. ;-)

Hoping I've not gone overboard,

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Re: Please verify bug-- takes 2 secs

2007-02-06 Thread Jerry Daniels

Points accepted for Galaxy debugger! Thank you, thank you.

Trevor was in there helping with code as well. Sarah, Troy, Josh,  
Mark Talutto, Mark Wieder, and Karen were a huge help with QA.


Jerry Daniels

Makers of Galaxy 1.5

On Feb 5, 2007, at 11:14 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:


Bonus points for Jerry for fixing the debugger in Galaxy. Now, if we
can only get Rev to fix it on their end.
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timeouts of get url

2007-02-06 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Is there a way to increase timeout value for get url http://...;. It is a
bit too fast for my application. 
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Re: CGI's - can they return quick and then continue doing something?

2007-02-06 Thread jbv


 I have not had to do this before - or rather I tired once and failed -
 but thought Id ask before trying again... essentially can a CGI
 return an OK to the Rev client and continue with the execution of the
 script? This would avoid the Rev client locking up waiting for the cgi
 to return.

in theory, this is feasable. But I've experienced strange behaviours with
browser clients (especially IE6 on XP) that sometimes seems to wait for
the cgi to really end before refreshing the web page content, although
it was obvious that the client had received the OK from the cgi a couple
of seconds before...
I must confess I never really understood why... it seems however that
this behaviour occured when the cgi AND the web page content (HTML
+ js) were especially complex (more than 1000 lines on both sides).

Finally I got used to fine tune my cgi scripts so that any task completes
within 1 or 2 sec, so that the OK can be returned to the client when the cgi
task is really completed... I haven't made any test with a Rev standalone
as client though... Things might be different...


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Re: Resolution - DPI, PPI LPI (was: Wide PNG's displaying only coloured stripes?)

2007-02-06 Thread David Bovill

No thanks a lot for the info!

In simple terms I have a piece of graphing software which I can
control in various ways - one is to set the size of the resulting
image. The image will be scaled proportionally to fit into this
size. Now the size is in inches so you can basically pass the
programme size=41.6667,41.6667 and it will scale the image to print
it within a square of about 41 inches.

Now I wanted to be able to figure out how many inches to set the size
in order to get 4000 x 4000 pixels and wrote a function:

on convertSizeToInches @pixelSize
   set the numberformat to 0.
   repeat with itemNum = 1 to the number of items of pixelSize
   put (item itemNum of pixelSize) / 72 into item itemNum of pixelSize
   end repeat
end convertSizeToInches

Now looking at the resulting image which should be 41.6667 inches wide
- it ends up being 4014 pixels according to the Finder and the
formattedwidth property of the image. This means then that the
software is using 4014 / 41.6667 = or just over 96dpi. Now i guess
what you are saying is this is just arbitrarily set by the graphing
software and there is no real way of figuring it out from first

I have a similar problem with GoogleEarth where I need to figure out
how many pixels on screen is a kilometer at a given height?
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Re: Property Profiles and Standalones

2007-02-06 Thread Derek Bump


Thanks for the tip.  I tried adding onto the report within the QCC last 
night but the thing wouldn't let me add onto the existing report (citing 
an OS change... don't ask me why).  So I created a new one in the hopes 
that the folks at rev can transfer my findings.

Thanks for the help though.  It's nice to see that all the work I put 
into making the profiles is not lost...

Also, is there any way to automatically exclude a property from all 
future changes.  Like, for example, I have a button that I set the 
profile to modify the colors only, but every once and a while rect 
and border and a few others will pop in there than I have to remove. 
Any idea how to stop this behavior?

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi Derek,

I tried the same as you, copying the Property Profiles library to my own 
stack, but I experiences execution errors when using it. I believe this 
library needs to be updated. This bug has been reported to QC already.

It is easier to write a script to set the profile of each control, card 
and stack yourself. That is what I currently do in my own stacks.




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Op 6-feb-2007, om 9:34 heeft Derek Bump het volgende geschreven:

I noticed that the Standalone Builder does not include the Property 
Profiles Library when building executables.  Does anyone have a 
workaround for this bug?

I tried taking the data from the Profiles Backscript and adding it to 
the Common Library's backscript, but that still didn't work.

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Re: timeouts of get url

2007-02-06 Thread Jim Ault
Look at the entries in the dictionary for timeout

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 2/6/07 6:42 AM, Viktoras Didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to increase timeout value for get url http://...;. It is a
 bit too fast for my application. 

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Re: Please verify bug-- takes 2 secs

2007-02-06 Thread Dave

Hi All,

Yeah. but no one hold their breath!!!

The only way I've found to workaround the problem is to put the  
breakpoint in the calling handler and then single step into the group  
in question. I also try to debug it by logging data either to the  
message box or to a field.

All the Best

On 6 Feb 2007, at 05:14, Chipp Walters wrote:


Bonus points for Jerry for fixing the debugger in Galaxy. Now, if we
can only get Rev to fix it on their end.
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Re: Resolution - DPI, PPI LPI (was: Wide PNG's displaying only coloured stripes?)

2007-02-06 Thread Richard Gaskin
With all the DPI, PPI, and LPI we forgot the beloved twips.  Fortunately 
there's little to learn at the moment on that since they're going away:
We'll miss them. :)

Resolution independence is a big hairy mess.  Useful, but a mess just 
the same. During this transition we can expect it to be almost as 
complicating as Unicode considering the breadth of its scope and the 
ever-increasing range of display devises.  Heck, with just the Macs in 
my office I have three different PPIs at play.

Apple has some UI notes on resolution independence:

The upside is that for the long term it seems we'll eventually need some 
sort of scaling factor built in to handle all of the vectors throughout 
the engine, and once that's done it should be a snap to extend that to 
allow us to build zoom-in/zoom-out features into any of our apps.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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The Scripter's Scrapbook

2007-02-06 Thread FlexibleLearning
Current Version: 5.28
A public 'thank you' to all the new users who have purchased The Scripter's  
Scrapbook over the past few months, and especially to those who have reported  
bugs and have made feature requests. Your comments and  suggestions have  
truly helped improve the functionality, depth and breadth of the  program.

Adjustments  Improvements
To both old hands as well as to those who are still relatively new to the  
system, do post queries and let us know what you need. The bug list is empty at 
the moment and the feature request list exhausted. This either means we now 
have  perfect software (my personal preference), or you have not yelled at us 
yet!  Please consider this your open invitation to yell. You have built-in 
direct  communications access under the Help menu and from the 'Home' screen.
On-Line Resources
The new on-line Resources Library is there not only for in-house  produced 
reference materials, but also for you make available your own  language 
colorization schemes, ssBk plug-ins and IAC extensions, or anything  else you 
wish to 
Users' Useful Tips
Finally, do let us know what you think of the program, how you use it and  
any tips you may have for others. I'd like to compile a UUT (Users' Useful 
 page that comes direct from your experiences.
Home of The Scripter's Scrapbook
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: The Scripter's Scrapbook

2007-02-06 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
This looks promising for a Chapter or two in the  
column I'm writing about Rev. I downloaded the 30 day trial, but  
don't know if I'll get to it in that time frame, and found no price  
for a license. What is the price? And are there any problems or  
concerns with regard to upgrades both for the Scripter's Scrapbook  
and how it integrates with Rev?


Joe Wilkins

On Feb 6, 2007, at 9:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Current Version: 5.28

A public 'thank you' to all the new users who have purchased The  
Scrapbook over the past few months, and especially to those who  
have reported
bugs and have made feature requests. Your comments and  suggestions  
truly helped improve the functionality, depth and breadth of the   

Adjustments  Improvements
To both old hands as well as to those who are still relatively new  
to the
system, do post queries and let us know what you need. The bug list  
is empty at
the moment and the feature request list exhausted. This either  
means we now
have  perfect software (my personal preference), or you have not  
yelled at us
yet!  Please consider this your open invitation to yell. You have  
direct  communications access under the Help menu and from the  
'Home' screen.

On-Line Resources
The new on-line Resources Library is there not only for in-house   
reference materials, but also for you make available your own   
colorization schemes, ssBk plug-ins and IAC extensions, or  
anything  else you wish to


Users' Useful Tips
Finally, do let us know what you think of the program, how you use  
it and
any tips you may have for others. I'd like to compile a UUT (Users'  
Useful Tips)

 page that comes direct from your experiences.

Home of The Scripter's Scrapbook
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subscription preferences:

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Re: The Scripter's Scrapbook

2007-02-06 Thread Jim Ault
On 2/6/07 10:03 AM, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This looks promising for a Chapter or two in the
 column I'm writing about Rev. I downloaded the 30 day trial, but
 don't know if I'll get to it in that time frame, and found no price
 for a license. What is the price? And are there any problems or
 concerns with regard to upgrades both for the Scripter's Scrapbook
 and how it integrates with Rev?
Just a note from a satisfied user.  This is an amazing collection of
features, functions, and compatibility with Rev.  This is a tool that is
great for the casual user since it is very easy to use, yet has layers of
complexity and power for the professional user.  In a few months I will be
taking advantage of the scripting API and Applescript for my workflow.

Scripter's Scrapbook is not limited to Rev and transcript, the version I use
runs in the Rev IDE.

When Hugh turns 50 again, there will be a 2-week pricing special.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Memory Problem?

2007-02-06 Thread Peter Reid
I've now managed to use buffered file copying for the problem I  
mentioned previously.  Here is my file copying handler:

on copyAfile  sourceFile, destFolder, fCreatorType
  constant cBffrSize = 10485760 -- copy in 10Mbyte chunks
  set itemDelimiter to /
  put destFolder  last item of sourceFile into destFile

  -- set the Mac OS filetype  create destination file:
  set the fileType to fCreatorType
  open file destFile for binary write
  -- open source file:
  open file sourceFile for binary read

  -- copy the file data:
  put empty into dataBffr
  put false into gotEOF
  repeat until gotEOF
read from file sourceFile for cBffrSize chars
put the result is eof into gotEOF
put it into dataBffr
if dataBffr is not empty then
  write dataBffr to file destFile
end if
  end repeat

  close file destFile
  close file sourceFile

  -- copy Mac OS resource fork info:
  put getResources(sourceFile) into resourceList
  set itemDelimiter to comma
  repeat for each line i in resourceList
put item 1 of i into resType
put item 2 of i into resID
put copyresource(sourceFile,destFile,resType,resID) into junk
  end repeat
  put empty into junk
end copyAfile

The remaining problem I have is that the copied file has the current  
time  date NOT the same time  date as the original file.  If I had  
used the revCopyFile, then the time  date would have been preserved.

Can anyone suggest how I can change the (creation or modified) time   
date on a file so the copies are the same as the originals?

On 4 Feb 2007, at 11:28 am, Peter Reid wrote:

Thanks David  Mark.

I think I'll try the buffered binary writing, as suggested by Mark,  
to see how that works out.  I've seen how fast Rev can do this kind  
of thing before, but not for such large files.  These files are   
Retrospect backup catalogues that I'm copying from the primary back- 
up area into another area for subsequent copying to tape.  In  
total, I have to copy about 85Gb (in about 54 files) from one  
partition to another.  Once in the 2nd partition, Retrospect itself  
copies them to an Ultrium tape drive for off-site storage.

Thanks again, I'll report back on my progress with the buffered  
binary approach.



On 3 Feb 2007, at 5:57 pm, David Bovill wrote:

I don't think this will be a memory problem - more likely an IAC type
problem in that revCopyFile uses AppleScript and the equivalent on  
If the delay between starting the event and completing it is very  
large and

in the mean time you have issued a cue of events - I guess things are
getting clogged. I think the way around it is to figure out a way of
monitoring when the copy has completed and only then issuing the next
revCopyFile command. However I am not sure how you would do this -  
one thing
that you could try as well is to make a zip, issue one copy then  

I'd love to know how you get on as it is a situation that does  
come up from

time to time?

On 3 Feb 2007, at 6:14 pm, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Since Revolution uses AppleScript, a much better way to do this  
task is to open each file for binary read, open a destination for  
binary write, and use a repeat loop to read and write small  
chunks, something like 200K. When done, close both files and  
continue with the next. You will be surprised about the speed and  
if you include a wait command with messages in the repeat loop,  
you have still control over the GUI to show e.g. a progress bar.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Memory Problem?

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hello Peter,

I think that 10MB is quit a big chunk of data. Have you tried smaller  
chunks as well? My experience is that smaller chunks give a smoother  
impression, while they don't slow down copying much.

I added a wait command to your code (see below).

To get and set the modification dates on Mac OS X, use AppleScript.  
To get the modification date (mind line wraps):

tell application Finder to set x to the modification date of file  

To set the modification date:

tell application Finder to set the modification date of file  
System:Users:John:desktop:Untitled.html copy to date 31-10-2007

I believe that the date format needs to be the same as the system  
date if you want to write a date in abbreviated form.

AppleScript used by Revolution to copy modification dates:

on copyDate theSourceFile,theDestinationFile
  if char 1 of theSourceFile is ~ then delete char 1 of theSourceFIle
  if char 1 of theDestinationFile is ~ then delete char 1 of  

  put tell application 'Finder'  cr  ¬
  set myDate to the modification date of POSIX file '/users/   
$USER  theSourceFile  '  cr  ¬
  set the modification date of POSIX file '/users/  $USER   
theDestinationFile  ' to myDate  cr  ¬

  end tell into myScript
  replace ' with quote in myScript
  do myScript as AppleScript
  return the result
end copyDate

usage of the copyDate command:

copyDate ~/desktop/Untitled.html,~/desktop/Untitled.html copy
put the result

Note that the file paths need to be absolute file paths.

Unfortunately, I expect that using AppleScript to set modification  
dates may bring you back to the original problem, which was caused by  
AppleScript locking up Revolution. A better alternative might be to  
use a shell command, but I haven't looked into that yet. There is a  
command line utility (GetFileInfo) included in Apple's developer CD,  
which may be able to do the job.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 6-feb-2007, om 23:24 heeft Peter Reid het volgende geschreven:

I've now managed to use buffered file copying for the problem I  
mentioned previously.  Here is my file copying handler:

on copyAfile  sourceFile, destFolder, fCreatorType
  constant cBffrSize = 10485760 -- copy in 10Mbyte chunks
  set itemDelimiter to /
  put destFolder  last item of sourceFile into destFile

  -- set the Mac OS filetype  create destination file:
  set the fileType to fCreatorType
  open file destFile for binary write
  -- open source file:
  open file sourceFile for binary read

  -- copy the file data:
  put empty into dataBffr
  put false into gotEOF
  repeat until gotEOF
read from file sourceFile for cBffrSize chars
put the result is eof into gotEOF
put it into dataBffr
if dataBffr is not empty then
  write dataBffr to file destFile
end if
wait 0 millisecs with messages -- increase number for more control  
over GUI

  end repeat

  close file destFile
  close file sourceFile

  -- copy Mac OS resource fork info:
  put getResources(sourceFile) into resourceList
  set itemDelimiter to comma
  repeat for each line i in resourceList
put item 1 of i into resType
put item 2 of i into resID
put copyresource(sourceFile,destFile,resType,resID) into junk
wait 0 millisecs with messages -- increase number for more control  
over GUI

  end repeat
  put empty into junk
end copyAfile

The remaining problem I have is that the copied file has the  
current time  date NOT the same time  date as the original file.   
If I had used the revCopyFile, then the time  date would have been  

Can anyone suggest how I can change the (creation or modified) time  
 date on a file so the copies are the same as the originals?

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OT: Apple Script Paths -- Image Processing

2007-02-06 Thread Sivakatirswami

All OSX only:

We run a number of in house production rev apps to process photos.

I build batch actions in ImageReady, then save these as droplets
on the main in-house server on the LAN ... his name is Varuna

inside the Rev GUI I keep a hidden field with this little applescript
and replacement strings.

tell application Finder
open --Path--##file## using Varuna:TAKA: TAKA Photo Pre-Op and
end tell

OK we are having the old and well known challenges of paths in AppleScript

If I pick a photo on the server...  will get this: and it runs fine:

tell application Finder
open Varuna:TAKA:IMG_6890.jpg using Varuna:TAKA: TAKA Photo
Pre-Op and reserves:Rotate CW 90
end tell

Mac OSX knows that the droplet is an ImageReady file.. and it runs fine.
Paths work, out of the box

But, if I pick a folder on the local file machine:

tell application Finder
open :Users:katir:Desktop:Text:TAKA:IMG_6890.jpg using
Varuna:TAKA: TAKA Photo Pre-Op and reserves:Rotate CW 90
end tell

it doesn't work... ok old rule: debug your applescripts in AppleScript
Editor first, and *then* use in REv... OK.. over to

So, there is a known issue that the top drive must be declared:

tell application Finder
open :Users:katir:Desktop:Text:TAKA:IMG_6890.jpg using
Varuna:TAKA: TAKA Photo Pre-Op and reserves:Rotate CW 90
end tell
# Error -- can't get file: :Users:katir:Desktop:Test:TAKA:IMG_6890.jpg

but if you manually insert

tell application Finder
open Macintosh HD:Users:katir:Desktop:Test:TAKA:IMG_6890.jpg
using Varuna:TAKA: TAKA Photo Pre-Op and reserves:Rotate CW 90
end tell

Then it works...

in theory I should be able to dig the name of the machine with a POSIX
conversion like this:
where Rev is passing /Users/katir/Desktop/someFooPhoto.jpg  to the script

tell application Finder:
set tPath to /Users/katir/Desktop/someFooPhoto.jpg
set tImagePath to POSIX file tPath
  #should return according to discussions on lists on the net:
file -- Macintosh HD:Users:katir:Desktop:someFooPhoto.jpg

But I'm still getting an error msg,

Finder got an error: Can't get POSIX file
 /Users/katir/ RevData/ApplicationGraphics/test/IMG_6890.jpg

And it does not help to remove all spaces from the folder names.

 but if I manually script in
Macintosh HD (using the drives() function) then it works,

Anyone know why the POSIX conversion is failing?

A smoother solution would be: direct image pixel manipulation:

 super cool to do these with Apple's native CoreImage
but there is  learning curve there. Typically all I want to do is
downsize the photo, run autolevels, unsharp mask and save to JPG medium.
Its a simple, standard prep for web routine. No manual touchup...not sure
we need such heavy artillery as CoreImage for this...but the inter process
(talking to ImageReady w/Applescript) is such a pain...

Is anyone else here using CoreImage for raw image processing?
Anyone know if there are some Core Image Processor libraries we an grab
to plug into Rev to use for this kind of image processing (not  for

The quality of the JPEG compressor on Rev is seriously deficient compared
to what we get out of ImageReady.. which is why I am jumping thru all these
hoops to do some pretty simple image processing stuff (rotate clockwise
90, rotate
CCW 90, etc)

 Downsizing a 2.5 megapixel camera image to 350 X 245 JPEG quality
40, in Rev gives comparable file size as ImageReady, but the Rev  version is
way fuzzy  compared to ImageReady's output for the same 28-40K result

and If I rotate a pre-processed image in Rev and re-save, more
degradation that we don't  see if we rotate in ImageReady...


In  Peace


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Memory Problem?

2007-02-06 Thread Peter Reid

Hello Mark,

Thanks for the rapid and detailed response.  I'll have a play around  
with the things you suggest.  However, I did try much smaller chunks  
initially (250Kb) but found the external drive which is used to hold  
both partitions (source  destination) went somewhat berserk and the  
copying was considerably slower!  Given that the typical size of each  
backup file being copied is about 1.5Gb, 250Kb chunks would take too  
many cycles.  This is why I increased the chunk size up to 10Mb.

I'll take a look at your AppleScript and shell suggestions for  
setting the dates.

Thanks again.



On 6 Feb 2007, at 11:53 pm, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hello Peter,

I think that 10MB is quit a big chunk of data. Have you tried  
smaller chunks as well? My experience is that smaller chunks give a  
smoother impression, while they don't slow down copying much.

I added a wait command to your code (see below).

To get and set the modification dates on Mac OS X, use AppleScript.  
To get the modification date (mind line wraps):

tell application Finder to set x to the modification date of file  

To set the modification date:

tell application Finder to set the modification date of file  
System:Users:John:desktop:Untitled.html copy to date 31-10-2007

I believe that the date format needs to be the same as the system  
date if you want to write a date in abbreviated form.

AppleScript used by Revolution to copy modification dates:

on copyDate theSourceFile,theDestinationFile
  if char 1 of theSourceFile is ~ then delete char 1 of  
  if char 1 of theDestinationFile is ~ then delete char 1 of  

  put tell application 'Finder'  cr  ¬
  set myDate to the modification date of POSIX file '/users/   
$USER  theSourceFile  '  cr  ¬
  set the modification date of POSIX file '/users/  $USER   
theDestinationFile  ' to myDate  cr  ¬

  end tell into myScript
  replace ' with quote in myScript
  do myScript as AppleScript
  return the result
end copyDate

usage of the copyDate command:

copyDate ~/desktop/Untitled.html,~/desktop/Untitled.html copy
put the result

Note that the file paths need to be absolute file paths.

Unfortunately, I expect that using AppleScript to set modification  
dates may bring you back to the original problem, which was caused  
by AppleScript locking up Revolution. A better alternative might be  
to use a shell command, but I haven't looked into that yet. There  
is a command line utility (GetFileInfo) included in Apple's  
developer CD, which may be able to do the job.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

Get your store on-line within minutes with Salery Web Store  
software. Download at

Op 6-feb-2007, om 23:24 heeft Peter Reid het volgende geschreven:

I've now managed to use buffered file copying for the problem I  
mentioned previously.  Here is my file copying handler:

on copyAfile  sourceFile, destFolder, fCreatorType
  constant cBffrSize = 10485760 -- copy in 10Mbyte chunks
  set itemDelimiter to /
  put destFolder  last item of sourceFile into destFile

  -- set the Mac OS filetype  create destination file:
  set the fileType to fCreatorType
  open file destFile for binary write
  -- open source file:
  open file sourceFile for binary read

  -- copy the file data:
  put empty into dataBffr
  put false into gotEOF
  repeat until gotEOF
read from file sourceFile for cBffrSize chars
put the result is eof into gotEOF
put it into dataBffr
if dataBffr is not empty then
  write dataBffr to file destFile
end if
wait 0 millisecs with messages -- increase number for more control  
over GUI

  end repeat

  close file destFile
  close file sourceFile

  -- copy Mac OS resource fork info:
  put getResources(sourceFile) into resourceList
  set itemDelimiter to comma
  repeat for each line i in resourceList
put item 1 of i into resType
put item 2 of i into resID
put copyresource(sourceFile,destFile,resType,resID) into junk
wait 0 millisecs with messages -- increase number for more control  
over GUI

  end repeat
  put empty into junk
end copyAfile

The remaining problem I have is that the copied file has the  
current time  date NOT the same time  date as the original  
file.  If I had used the revCopyFile, then the time  date would  
have been preserved.

Can anyone suggest how I can change the (creation or modified)  
time  date on a file so the copies are the same as the originals?

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OT: Apple Script Paths -- Image Processing

2007-02-06 Thread Jim Ault
On 2/6/07 3:55 PM, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Open the script editor and try using the following lines by changing the
comment markers.

I think you will find that there is a difference between these 3
as alias
as string
as POSIX path
--the first two look the same but are not.  The Finder will not convert the
string to 'tokens' thus a file reference.  'as alias' means that what we see
as a nice string is really a 'uglytoken:uglytoken:etc' that the Finder

(watch word wrap)  paste the following into Script Editor and play

set fnALIAS to choose file Now baby, I am ready
set fnSTR to fnALIAS as string

--choose produces =
--alias Tiger130:Library:Application Support:.XDS_Store

--tell application Finder to open fnALIAS --OK 

--alias as sting = Tiger130:Library:Application Support:.XDS_Store
--tell application Finder to open fnSTR --err

--set tImagePath to POSIX file fnALIAS  --err
--set tImagePath to POSIX file of fnSTR --err
--set tImagePath to POSIX file path of fnSTR --err
set tImagePath to POSIX path of fnSTR  --OK, but result is not what you want
--===/Users/jault/Documents/listFriends.txt --oops.. Unix

tImagePath  return  fnSTR  return  fnALIAS  --display in result

--tell application Finder to open tImagePath --err
--tell application Finder to open (tImagePath as alias) --err

Hope this helps you solve the mystery

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Memory Problem?

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Smith
Peter, I have an application that copies alot of 3 to 8 MB files.  
Since it inevitably takes a long time, I tried buffer sizes from 1k  
up to the whole file. The fastest, though not by a huge amount, was  
around 32k. There didn't seem to be any noticable disc thrashing.  
This was from disc to disc,though, not partition to partition.

I'd imagine it also depends on the particular computer and discs.


Mark Smith

On 7 Feb 2007, at 00:05, Peter Reid wrote:

Hello Mark,

Thanks for the rapid and detailed response.  I'll have a play  
around with the things you suggest.  However, I did try much  
smaller chunks initially (250Kb) but found the external drive which  
is used to hold both partitions (source  destination) went  
somewhat berserk and the copying was considerably slower!  Given  
that the typical size of each backup file being copied is about  
1.5Gb, 250Kb chunks would take too many cycles.  This is why I  
increased the chunk size up to 10Mb.

I'll take a look at your AppleScript and shell suggestions for  
setting the dates.

Thanks again.



On 6 Feb 2007, at 11:53 pm, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hello Peter,

I think that 10MB is quit a big chunk of data. Have you tried  
smaller chunks as well? My experience is that smaller chunks give  
a smoother impression, while they don't slow down copying much.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OT: Apple Script Paths -- Image Processing

2007-02-06 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 13:55:22 -1000, Sivakatirswami wrote:

 in theory I should be able to dig the name of the machine with a POSIX
 conversion like this:
 where Rev is passing /Users/katir/Desktop/someFooPhoto.jpg  to the script
 tell application Finder:
 set tPath to /Users/katir/Desktop/someFooPhoto.jpg
 set tImagePath to POSIX file tPath
   #should return according to discussions on lists on the net:
 file -- Macintosh HD:Users:katir:Desktop:someFooPhoto.jpg
 But I'm still getting an error msg,
 Finder got an error: Can't get POSIX file
  /Users/katir/ RevData/ApplicationGraphics/test/IMG_6890.jpg

Try doing:

  set tImagePath to POSIX file tPath as string


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
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