Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Talluto

On May 17, 2007, at 9:19 PM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

Of course with such small numbers, one can not really draw a  
conclusive decision,

I think the answer to how successful this release and any other  
release is will be very subjective.  I don't think it is reasonable  
to expect the bug count to change by a given percentage.  I was one  
of the people that gave this release rave reviews simply because I  
can see and feel the difference from this version and my previous  
reliable 2.7.4.

I still have bugs that are over 2 years old that have not been  
fixed.  I have bugs that were only days old that did get fixed.  In  
my very subjective measure, 2.8.1 is a huge step forward when I look  
at the projects I am working on and how they perform.  Everyone's  
mileage will vary when it comes to gaging how significant a given  
release is.

If I am able to produce the commercial projects I am working on then  
all is good from my perspective.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Vista and Mac Universal backward compatibility

2007-05-18 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Sorry if this has been discussed already. I've been off the list for a 
while...doing my day job...blah.

Will apps built with Rev 2.6 be useable with the new operating systems by 
Mirosoft and Apple?

I'm assuming they will be!
Many thanks,

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Re: Vista and Mac Universal backward compatibility

2007-05-18 Thread Sarah Reichelt

Sorry if this has been discussed already. I've been off the list for a 
while...doing my day job...blah.

Will apps built with Rev 2.6 be useable with the new operating systems by 
Mirosoft and Apple?

As far as Mac goes, I think Rev 2.7 was the first version to be able
to build Universal binaries i.e. standalones that run natively on both
PowerPC  Intel Macs.

At the moment, PowerPC apps will run on Intel Macs using Rosetta
emulation, but who knows how long Apple will keep that going.

For Vista, I think 2.8.0 was the version which introduced
Vista-compatibility. Standalones built with earlier versions may work
without looking quite right. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than
me about Windows can chime in here.

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Re: Vista and Mac Universal backward compatibility

2007-05-18 Thread Scott Kane

From: Thomas McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Will apps built with Rev 2.6 be useable with the new operating systems by 
Mirosoft and Apple?

2.6.1 does run on Vista (and so do standalones) however the window painting 
isn't fully implemented AFAICT so the support won't be everything that is 
possible on Vista.  However - it would seem to me that some Rev functions 
like copying files and folders (as an example) check the Windows version in 
order to carry out the shell command.  I've not tested these but they do 
return the OS version and the highest in 2.6.1 is going to be version 5 (XP) 
so I'm not sure what would happen when version 6 (Vista) is returned. 
Something worth checking on I should think.


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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Completely agree with you, Mark! 
As a relatively new user of Revolution 2 years (with a few software projects
completed during this time which would not be possible without Rev) I was
also extremely satisfied to see Altuit products eventually integrated into
the IDE. Now it is not anymore a buy-in-pieces-puzzle that was very
frustrating for me as a newcomer to Rev at that time. I see this as a major
quality and end users experience improvement for any newcomer ! 
Meanwhile I would like to attract few votes for bug 4677, or now it is
confirmed and marked as a duplicate of 441 which is partially solved for
some languages, but not for mine :-) The problem is that characters outside
of the standard Western European character set are not being translated
correctly during keyboard entry, therefore I can't do projects in my native
and a few other national languages... 
And bug 3992 - it is confirmed, and is still in the latest release candidate
of open beta. If briefly - property inspector loads file contents into wrong
unrelated text fields replacing their contents and thus damaging data. If
you are new to the IDE you may get deeply depressed after seeing this ;-),
later you learn and get used to put url file:etc into field etc and
forget that the problem is there. Nevertheless I think it is important.
I have also voted for bug 2498. It causes situation where 2 tabbed buttons
put on same card do interfere with each other on mouseover event. Not a big
tragedy but looks messy (e.g. in a spreadsheet which is a part of a larger
application with tabbed buttons)... 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Mark Talluto 
Date: 18/05/2007 09:26:11 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the
remaining 1879? 
On May 17, 2007, at 9:19 PM, Bjrnke von Gierke wrote: 
 Of course with such small numbers, one can not really draw a 
 conclusive decision, 
I think the answer to how successful this release and any other 
release is will be very subjective. I don't think it is reasonable 
to expect the bug count to change by a given percentage. I was one 
of the people that gave this release rave reviews simply because I 
can see and feel the difference from this version and my previous 
reliable 2.7.4. 
I still have bugs that are over 2 years old that have not been 
fixed. I have bugs that were only days old that did get fixed. In 
my very subjective measure, 2.8.1 is a huge step forward when I look 
at the projects I am working on and how they perform. Everyone's 
mileage will vary when it comes to gaging how significant a given 
release is. 
If I am able to produce the commercial projects I am working on then 
all is good from my perspective. 
Mark Talluto 
CANELA Software 
use-revolution mailing list 
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use-revolution mailing list
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New date stuff: am I doing something wrong?

2007-05-18 Thread David Bovill

I have been testing/working with the new date fixes in 2.8.1 and have a
problem with english dates - which I cannot convert properly:

   put 20/4/02 into testDate
   -- convert testDate from english date to dateItems
   convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
   put testDate

   put 20/4/02 into testDate
   -- convert testDate from system date to dateItems
   convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
   put testDate

   put 6/4/02 into testDate
   -- convert testDate from english date to dateItems
   convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
   put testDate

   put 6/4/02 into testDate
   convert testDate from english date to seconds
   convert testDate to dateItems
   put testDate

Is this a bug I should file? Either way how can convert the english dates
back - do I have to manually change the order of the items myself in a
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Re: Externals databasse

2007-05-18 Thread Klaus Major

Am 18.05.2007 um 00:48 schrieb Hershel Fisch:

Hi all, I'm wondering why since version 2.8 the only way I could  
connect to
a database in a standalone (postgres in my case) is by manually  
coping the
standalone database library from version 2.7 into the database  

folder of the standalone application.

Hmmm, maybe because the standalone builder did not copy these  
externals to your standalone?


This has been fixed for 2.8.1.

Thank you,


Klaus Major

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2.8.1: a necessary corrective.

2007-05-18 Thread Richmond Mathewson
Joel wrote a long, and fairly sesquedepelian,
disquisition on Bugs that were not fixed in 2.8.1.

On my lap just now I have:

Modern Systems Analysis And Designs by Hoffer,
George and Valacich - Prentice Hall, 2002 - ISBN

This (extremely boring and tedious) book goes to great
lengths to explain that:

1. perfection is an illusion.

2. aim for 60% and then be happy when you get 80%.

3. Systems Development is a long, tedious and
iterative business.

(fairly good summary of whole book in three bullet

This makes me think of F. Waismann (friend of Ludwig
Wittgenstein) who never wrote a book - when he died
somebody found a set of shoeboxes under his bed full
of record cards - from which they were able to
assemble 2 brilliant, mind-blowing books.

Now, we could wait for 25-40 years while RunRev
produce the App to blow away all other apps . . . but
I will be a doddering old f**t of 85 by then [there
is, of course, the theory that I am already a
doddering old f**t :) ].

Some of us would rather support a very good
'work-in-progress' than wait for the great day.

So Joel's long 'thing' about bugs is, to my mind,
rather naive and silly. 

I have been using Runtime Revolution for about 5-6
years - and have just had a look at RR 1.1.1 (lurking
on a hard drive somewhere) and realised just how far
the 'beast' has come. Hey, why not dig out Hypercard
and play with that?

RunRev should be 'nudged' continually about the bugs;
then in the next iteration a few more bugs will have
been ironed out - AND, inevitably, more bugs will crop
up as the feature set in expanded. I have had a lot of
fun bashing the betas.

Played with a demo version of another RAD the other
day: it didn't have an bugs - the whole bl**dy thing
was a giant cockroach, and I spent 6 hours rescuing my
system after it had strutted its extremely funky

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.

All New Yahoo! Mail – Tired of unwanted email come-ons? Let our SpamGuard 
protect you.
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2.8.1: a necessary corrective.

2007-05-18 Thread Richmond Mathewson
Dave wrote:

It's not that there are bugs, it's that the same bugs
remain there  
release after release while new features were added
(with their own  
set of new bugs, so the list got bigger) and we were
expectws to pay  
for new versions over and over again with all the old
problems still  

I still use a 4 year-old computer (G4
dual-processor) for two very simple reasons:-

1. I don't have much money.
2. The Intel Macs look buggy just at the moment.

I still use DreamCard 2.6.1 for much the same

When Runtime Revolution produce a version of RR that
looks significantly more stable than 2.8.1 does I
shall scrape together the cash.

Nobody is expecting me to pay for anything - it is
entirely up to me. Why you imagine Runtime Revolution
expect you to pay beats me: undoubtedly they would
like you to pay to support their R  D - but whether
you decide to or not is up to you.

As I am strapped for cash, but see Runtime
Revolutionas an extremely good RAD I am supporting
them by Beta testing. However nobody from Runtime
Revolution has ever expected anything from me . . .
Err, Well . . . for a while they expected me to keep
my big, fat mouth shut - but I didn't :)

I would suppose that you, Dave, are a big boy and as
such nobody should be pushing you around - least of
all that awful R*nt*m* R*v*l*t**n company with their
constant demands for money :) Lighten Up!

Love, Richmond

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.

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Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
I see that 2.8.1 does not have a build for the Classic Mac platform  
at this time. My recollection was that 2.7.4 promised it would be  
available when 2.8 was released. Maybe promised is too strong.  
Indicated, perhaps? Can we believe that it will definitely be part  
of the 2.9 release?

Joe Wilkins
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Re: Read File at 2GB Problem

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Smith
In the context of computers, isn't it more normal for Giga to  
indicate Kilo * Mega?



On 18 May 2007, at 10:11, Dave wrote:

constant GIGA=MEGA * MEGA

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Luis

On 18 May 2007, at 05:30, Chipp Walters wrote:

Heck, I wrote that demo and even I can't figure out what this guy  
is saying!

Surely that's where two way communication comes in handy?



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Re: New date stuff: am I doing something wrong?

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Smith
David, are you sure you've understood what english denotes in  

From the docs:

Used with the date and time functions to specify a date or time in  
the format used in the United States.

So 20/4/02 is not an english date



On 18 May 2007, at 09:17, David Bovill wrote:

I have been testing/working with the new date fixes in 2.8.1 and  
have a

problem with english dates - which I cannot convert properly:

   put 20/4/02 into testDate
   -- convert testDate from english date to dateItems
   convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
   put testDate

   put 20/4/02 into testDate
   -- convert testDate from system date to dateItems
   convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
   put testDate

   put 6/4/02 into testDate
   -- convert testDate from english date to dateItems
   convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
   put testDate

   put 6/4/02 into testDate
   convert testDate from english date to seconds
   convert testDate to dateItems
   put testDate

Is this a bug I should file? Either way how can convert the english  

back - do I have to manually change the order of the items myself in a
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Re: Read File at 2GB Problem

2007-05-18 Thread Dave


We are talking about a Disk Address not a RAM address. I just want to  
read a small amount of data (say 100 bytes) from *anywhere* in a  
file. For instance:

read from file myFile at 2147483647 for 100 works, but

read from file myFile at 2147483648 for 100 doesn't!

(I haven't test this but I am assuming that this won't work. I can't  
test it today because I don't have access to the files).

To work stuff like this out, I usually go back to basics:

constant KILO=1024
constant MEGA=KILO * KILO
constant GIGA=MEGA * MEGA

32 Bits is 4 * GIGA which Unsigned allows numbers between 0 and  
4,294,967,295 and signed allows number between -2147483648 and +  

The capacity of 16 Bits is 65536
The capacity of 32 Bits is 4,294,967,296 (65536 * 65536)
The capacity of 64 Bits is 18,446,744,073,709,600,000 (4,294,967,296  
* 4,294,967,296)

So the number of Gigabytes in 64 Bits is  (4,294,967,296 *  
4,294,967,296) / GIGA

All the Best

On 17 May 2007, at 19:44, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Dave wrote:

That's what I'm doing, but it's *way* too slow and crashes if you  
read too much data. I've got a 60+ GB file and need to read at  
random positions in the file. Moving from somewhere near the  
start to somewhere near the end takes minutes! The ironic thing is  
that the data I want to read when I get there is quite small!

There is a limit to the total addressable RAM space that Rev can  
use. It's 4 gigs on 32-bit systems, and 16P on 64-bit systems. I  
believe that Rev works with 64-bit systems (for two reasons: they  
said it would, and it is documented) so it may be that you are  
reaching one of the limits. However, my brain cannot process how  
large 16P is so I'm not sure. What's that in gigs?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: 2.8.1: a necessary corrective.

2007-05-18 Thread Dave


It's not that there are bugs, it's that the same bugs remain there  
release after release while new features were added (with their own  
set of new bugs, so the list got bigger) and we were expectws to pay  
for new versions over and over again with all the old problems still  

All the Best

On 18 May 2007, at 09:42, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Joel wrote a long, and fairly sesquedepelian,
disquisition on Bugs that were not fixed in 2.8.1.

On my lap just now I have:

Modern Systems Analysis And Designs by Hoffer,
George and Valacich - Prentice Hall, 2002 - ISBN

This (extremely boring and tedious) book goes to great
lengths to explain that:

1. perfection is an illusion.

2. aim for 60% and then be happy when you get 80%.

3. Systems Development is a long, tedious and
iterative business.

(fairly good summary of whole book in three bullet

This makes me think of F. Waismann (friend of Ludwig
Wittgenstein) who never wrote a book - when he died
somebody found a set of shoeboxes under his bed full
of record cards - from which they were able to
assemble 2 brilliant, mind-blowing books.

Now, we could wait for 25-40 years while RunRev
produce the App to blow away all other apps . . . but
I will be a doddering old f**t of 85 by then [there
is, of course, the theory that I am already a
doddering old f**t :) ].

Some of us would rather support a very good
'work-in-progress' than wait for the great day.

So Joel's long 'thing' about bugs is, to my mind,
rather naive and silly.

I have been using Runtime Revolution for about 5-6
years - and have just had a look at RR 1.1.1 (lurking
on a hard drive somewhere) and realised just how far
the 'beast' has come. Hey, why not dig out Hypercard
and play with that?

RunRev should be 'nudged' continually about the bugs;
then in the next iteration a few more bugs will have
been ironed out - AND, inevitably, more bugs will crop
up as the feature set in expanded. I have had a lot of
fun bashing the betas.

Played with a demo version of another RAD the other
day: it didn't have an bugs - the whole bl**dy thing
was a giant cockroach, and I spent 6 hours rescuing my
system after it had strutted its extremely funky

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development  
Life Cycle.

All New Yahoo! Mail – Tired of unwanted email come-ons? Let our  
SpamGuard protect you.

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Re: 2.8.1: a necessary corrective.

2007-05-18 Thread Dave


Nobody is expecting me to pay for anything - it is
entirely up to me. Why you imagine Runtime Revolution
expect you to pay beats me: undoubtedly they would
like you to pay to support their R  D - but whether
you decide to or not is up to you.

Perhaps I could have used a better word then expecting. What I  
meant was that I was told that the new version would be *so* much  
better, I fell for this a few times before I wised up! I now don't  
believe the hype and therefore I don't automatically get the latest  
update. A lot of other people felt the same way which is why they  
have embarked on the Beta program and will issue a free bug fix  
release. Which is a good thing and the least they could do!

When Runtime Revolution produce a version of RR that
looks significantly more stable than 2.8.1 does I
shall scrape together the cash.

I agree, but I get it free anyway since we bought a version of 2.7.x

Well . . . for a while they expected me to keep my big, fat mouth  
shut - but I didn't :)

Good for you!

I would suppose that you, Dave, are a big boy and as
such nobody should be pushing you around - least of
all that awful R*nt*m* R*v*l*t**n company with their
constant demands for money :) Lighten Up!

God knows what that's all about! I'm as light as a light thing in a  
very light place!

All I want is a version whereby is doesn't look like it's been thrown  
together by a bunch of second rate hackers working out of a garage!

I have been using Intel Macs for quite a while now and they are very  
stable, more so than the PowerPC when it first took over from the 68K.

Take Care and Have a Great Weekend
All the Best

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Umlaute in revmail - OSX,

2007-05-18 Thread R . Hillen

Hello list,

1) if p = schoen, the following statement will work:

revmail [EMAIL PROTECTED],,p,textbody

will work;

if p = schön (german umlaut for oe), no new mail appears.

2) if p = test and ttext = hello, dear friends,

revmail [EMAIL PROTECTED],,p,ttext  works,

if ttext = hällo, liebe Freunde!, there appears a new Window  
without textbody.

May you help?

(OS X 10.4.9, apple, Rev 2.8.1, also 2.7.4)

Thank you!
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Re: 2.8.1: a necessary corrective.

2007-05-18 Thread yoy
Reminds me of the saying There's never enough time to do it right, but 
always time to do it over.

RR 2.5.1

- Original Message - 

Dave wrote:

It's not that there are bugs, it's that the same bugs
remain there
release after release while new features were added
(with their own
set of new bugs, so the list got bigger) and we were
expectws to pay
for new versions over and over again with all the old
problems still

Love, Richmond

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installer for app?

2007-05-18 Thread Robert Mann
I just completed my first rev app and would like to thank all from this list
for the help. 

I am looking for a program to create an installer of the new app what are
your recommendations?




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Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread Luis


Rummaging through the examples in a fresh install of 2.8.1 (Build  
470) I had a go at Browser Sampler in the IDE:

Went to the site ok.
Went to and then blammo! Crash.

Anyone seen this?

I'm on OS X 10.4.9



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Re: Externals databasse

2007-05-18 Thread Luis


Did you do a fresh install or an update from the 'Help/Check for  
Updates' menu?

I noticed some of the folders got re-jigged.



On 17 May 2007, at 23:48, Hershel Fisch wrote:

Hi all, I'm wondering why since version 2.8 the only way I could  
connect to
a database in a standalone (postgres in my case) is by manually  
coping the
standalone database library from version 2.7 into the database  

folder of the standalone application.
Thank you,

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Re: Quitting standalone, is this a bug?

2007-05-18 Thread Michael Binder

Hi Jacqueline,

you wrote:
 It might all come clear if you take a look at the dictionary
 entries for  topstack and defaultstack.

I have spent the night trying out your syntax and rereading
the dictionary.   First of all let me say that your approach:

 put the id of this card of stack myApp into thisCd

does work and I think it is a better approach than my the recentcards
approach.   Thanks for the big help.  Having reread the dictionary,
however, I am more convinced than ever your approach is a workaround
to a bug.  Let me explain:

Look up this in the dictionary:
   Use the this keyword to indicate the current card or
   current stack in an expression

Look up current stack in the dictionary:
The stack that's being worked on, usually the active
window. The current stack is specified by the
defaultStack property.
Also, the stack that contains the object whose script
is currently executing.

Look up defaultstack in the dictionary:
Revolution's message box and editing palettes set the
defaultStack property to the value returned by the
topStack function before performing a stack action.

Look up topstack in the dictionary:
The topStack is the frontmost stack with the lowest mode.

By all of these definitions, in the simple example of myApp
(from my original post), this stack should have evaluated
to myApp.   At the time the quit command was issued myApp was
the topstack.  Even if rev puts up a dialog box, its mode
would not be lower than myApp, would it?  Therefore, myApp
should have remained the topstack after the quit command
was issued.

If myApp is the topstack, then myApp is the defaultstack.

If myApp is the defaultstack, then myApp is the current stack.

The dictionary (quoted above) also says that the current
stack is  the stack that contains the object whose script
is currently executing.  It was myApp's script that referred
to myApp as this stack.

Thus: this stack should evaluate to myApp.

As I mentioned in a previous post, this stack  evaluates
differently in the development and standalone environments.

In the standalone environment this stack evaluates one way
after the first Quit request and a different way after the
second and subsequent Quit requests.

How could that not be a bug?

--Michael Binder (with bleary eyes)

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Re: New date stuff: am I doing something wrong?

2007-05-18 Thread David Bovill

Ah - so that definitely is a bug :) Should be american date no? So there is
no way of taking a date in english - lets say Scottish format and converting
it as we cannot assume the user settings... ok so I guess I have to script
it. Funny I thought those yanks would of objected to being called english :)

On 18/05/07, Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

David, are you sure you've understood what english denotes in
From the docs:

Used with the date and time functions to specify a date or time in
the format used in the United States.

So 20/4/02 is not an english date



On 18 May 2007, at 09:17, David Bovill wrote:

 I have been testing/working with the new date fixes in 2.8.1 and
 have a
 problem with english dates - which I cannot convert properly:

put 20/4/02 into testDate
-- convert testDate from english date to dateItems
convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
put testDate

put 20/4/02 into testDate
-- convert testDate from system date to dateItems
convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
put testDate

put 6/4/02 into testDate
-- convert testDate from english date to dateItems
convert testDate from short english date to dateItems
put testDate

put 6/4/02 into testDate
convert testDate from english date to seconds
convert testDate to dateItems
put testDate

 Is this a bug I should file? Either way how can convert the english
 back - do I have to manually change the order of the items myself in a
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Re: installer for app?

2007-05-18 Thread Scott Kane

From: Robert Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just completed my first rev app and would like to thank all from this 
list for the help.


I am looking for a program to create an installer of the new app what are 
your recommendations?

That depends on your intended platform.  If Windows only then INNO Setup is 
perfect It's donation-ware and is 100% 
Vista friendly as well.

However if you're looking at Mac and Windows then: be the 

There are manual ways of doing it but IMHO these are by far the easiest (and 
cheapest) options.

Scott Kane
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. 
Arthur C Clarke 

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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread 00bioarchimed


Le 18 mai 07 à 12:45, Luis a écrit :


Rummaging through the examples in a fresh install of 2.8.1 (Build  
470) I had a go at Browser Sampler in the IDE:

Went to the site ok.
Went to and then blammo! Crash.

Anyone seen this?

I'm on OS X 10.4.9

Yep ! Same for me... big crash :-(



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Re: New date stuff: am I doing something wrong?

2007-05-18 Thread Robert Brenstein

Ah - so that definitely is a bug :) Should be american date no? So there is
no way of taking a date in english - lets say Scottish format and converting
it as we cannot assume the user settings... ok so I guess I have to script
it. Funny I thought those yanks would of objected to being called english :)

The English date should be exactly the same regardless what the 
current system format is, so you can rely on it being always mm/dd/yy.

May be if people finally start commonly referring to English spoken 
in the US as American, the Rev keywords will be adjusted accordingly.

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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread Luis


Thanks for that. I've reported it: Bug 4991.



On 18 May 2007, at 11:49, 00bioarchimed wrote:


Le 18 mai 07 à 12:45, Luis a écrit :


Rummaging through the examples in a fresh install of 2.8.1 (Build  
470) I had a go at Browser Sampler in the IDE:

Went to the site ok.
Went to and then blammo! Crash.

Anyone seen this?

I'm on OS X 10.4.9

Yep ! Same for me... big crash :-(



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Re: Umlaute in revmail - OSX,

2007-05-18 Thread Éric Miclo


That's bug # 3410 opened on 006-03-21 with a normal severity...

Perhaps will it be fixed it in the next version...



Le 18 mai 07 à 12:09, R.Hillen a écrit :

Hello list,

1) if p = schoen, the following statement will work:

revmail [EMAIL PROTECTED],,p,textbody

will work;

if p = schön (german umlaut for oe), no new mail appears.

2) if p = test and ttext = hello, dear friends,

revmail [EMAIL PROTECTED],,p,ttext  works,

if ttext = hällo, liebe Freunde!, there appears a new Window  
without textbody.

May you help?

(OS X 10.4.9, apple, Rev 2.8.1, also 2.7.4)

Thank you!
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-- My NeXT computer will Be a Mac too! --

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Re: New date stuff: am I doing something wrong?

2007-05-18 Thread Bill
We call that sort of English the gringo English here but that is probably
also incorrect as I think the first use of gringo was for British soldiers.

 But convert dateitems to the gringo date would be cool.

On 5/18/07 7:39 AM, Robert Brenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah - so that definitely is a bug :) Should be american date no? So there is
 no way of taking a date in english - lets say Scottish format and converting
 it as we cannot assume the user settings... ok so I guess I have to script
 it. Funny I thought those yanks would of objected to being called english :)
 The English date should be exactly the same regardless what the
 current system format is, so you can rely on it being always mm/dd/yy.
 May be if people finally start commonly referring to English spoken
 in the US as American, the Rev keywords will be adjusted accordingly.

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Error in docs about file creation date

2007-05-18 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

The docs contain the following information about the detailed files:

The detailed files form returns a list of files, one file per line. 
Each line contains the following attributes, separated by commas:

* The file's name, URL-encoded
* The file's size in bytes (on Mac OS and OS X systems, the size 
of the file's data fork)

* The resource fork size in bytes (Mac OS and OS X systems only)
* The file's creation date in seconds (Mac OS, OS X, and Windows 
systems only)

* The file's modification date in seconds


While trying to add the creation date to the filename in a thumbs 
application I noticed that the creation date is actually item 5 of the 
detailed files rather than item 4, number 4 really containing the 
modification date.

Since the detailed files was introduced in Rev version 1.0 and 
modified in 1.1 nobody seems to have made use of the creation date over 
the last years?

-- Wilhelm Sanke   

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Re: 2.8.1: a necessary corrective.

2007-05-18 Thread Heather Nagey

Dear Richmond,

Thank you for illuminating my rather harassed Friday with laughter.

On 18 May 2007, at 10:35, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

As I am strapped for cash, but see Runtime
Revolutionas an extremely good RAD I am supporting
them by Beta testing. However nobody from Runtime
Revolution has ever expected anything from me . . .
Err, Well . . . for a while they expected me to keep
my big, fat mouth shut - but I didn't :)

We never had such an unrealistic expectation of you...

Played with a demo version of another RAD the other
day: it didn't have an bugs - the whole bl**dy thing
was a giant cockroach, and I spent 6 hours rescuing my
system after it had strutted its extremely funky

I have such a wonderful image created by that description.

Richmond, we may have had our differences, but you enrich our  
community, stick around.

Warm Regards,


Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager
Runtime Revolution Ltd

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Are any possible commands on data in a field also possible in a variable ?

2007-05-18 Thread André.Bisseret

I have a handler that transforms a table1 (that is placed in a  
variable) in another one, say table2 (that has to be placed in a field)

My aim is to convey the data of table1 into table2,  but displayed in  
another order.

The handler that transforms table1 into table2 involves (mainly)  2  
types of commands :
- a number of « put such item of such line of table1 into such item  
of such line of table2

- and, a « find such item in table2 »
(all that in several repeat loops).

My handler works well when I use a field as a container for table2  
when conveying data from table1 to table2. But it is quite time  
So, in order to gain millisecs (in fact seconds !), I tried to work  
with a variable as a container in which to install the data coming  
from table1 before to, at the end, put this variable into the field  
(that should be the final product of the handler).

In my handler, I only replace « fld « thisfld » with a variable «  
thisVar » ; nothing else.

But when I do so, my handler does not works properly.

I hope I am not too unclear ! ?

My question is : are there commands that work on data in a field but  
not on data in a variable ? Specifically, does « find » works in a  
variable as well as in a field ?

Am I missing something evident ?

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble

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Re: Are any possible commands on data in a field also possible in a variable ?

2007-05-18 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour André,

Le 18 mai 07 à 15:59, André.Bisseret a écrit :

I have a handler that transforms a table1 (that is placed in a  
variable) in another one, say table2 (that has to be placed in a  

My aim is to convey the data of table1 into table2,  but displayed  
in another order.

The handler that transforms table1 into table2 involves (mainly)  2  
types of commands :
- a number of « put such item of such line of table1 into such item  
of such line of table2

- and, a « find such item in table2 »
(all that in several repeat loops).

My handler works well when I use a field as a container for table2  
when conveying data from table1 to table2. But it is quite time  
So, in order to gain millisecs (in fact seconds !), I tried to work  
with a variable as a container in which to install the data coming  
from table1 before to, at the end, put this variable into the field  
(that should be the final product of the handler).

In my handler, I only replace « fld « thisfld » with a variable «  
thisVar » ; nothing else.

But when I do so, my handler does not works properly.

I hope I am not too unclear ! ?

My question is : are there commands that work on data in a field  
but not on data in a variable ? Specifically, does « find » works  
in a variable as well as in a field ?

Am I missing something evident ?

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble

In variables, Put will work as you expect it but Find will not:
Use instead, combined with wholeMatches and caseSensitive if needed,  
itemOffset and/or lineOffset:

'find such item in table2' will become something like 'put some  
value into item itemOffset( such item,table2 var) of  table2 var'
When all calculation will be done, just 'put table2 var into fld  
BTW working with variables is much faster because, mainly, the screen  
is refreshed only once :-)

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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Re: Are any possible commands on data in a field also possible in a variable ?

2007-05-18 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi André,

BTW working with variables is much faster because, mainly, the  
screen is refreshed only once :-)

As for this point, what about an invisible field (getting visible  
only when all is done) ? does this remain slower than with a  
variable ?

Good practice could be:

1. If you can, always use variables:

local tData
put field Data into tData
 data processing
put tData into field Data

2. If using variables does not appear possible, always think of  
locking and unlocking the screen appropriately:

lock screen
  repeat 100
 CreateNewField -- custom handler
  end repeat
unlock screen

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Richard Gaskin

Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
I see that 2.8.1 does not have a build for the Classic Mac platform  
at this time. My recollection was that 2.7.4 promised it would be  
available when 2.8 was released.

It might be helpful for RunRev to have some quantification of the 
projected audience size.

Do you have a feel for how many of your customers are still running OS 9?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Re: Are any possible commands on data in a field also possible in a variable ?

2007-05-18 Thread André.Bisseret

Le 18 mai 07 à 16:18, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

Le 18 mai 07 à 15:59, André.Bisseret a écrit :

My question is : are there commands that work on data in a field  
but not on data in a variable ? Specifically, does « find » works  
in a variable as well as in a field ?

Am I missing something evident ?

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble

In variables, Put will work as you expect it but Find will not:
Use instead, combined with wholeMatches and caseSensitive if  
needed, itemOffset and/or lineOffset:

'find such item in table2' will become something like 'put some  
value into item itemOffset( such item,table2 var) of  table2  
When all calculation will be done, just 'put table2 var into fld  

Bonjour Éric et merci beaucoup for your quick answer :-)
I am going to apply your advice.

BTW working with variables is much faster because, mainly, the  
screen is refreshed only once :-)

As for this point, what about an invisible field (getting visible  
only when all is done) ? does this remain slower than with a variable ?

Bonne soirée
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Re: Are any possible commands on data in a field also possible in a variable ?

2007-05-18 Thread André.Bisseret
Ok, thanks a lot Éric for this  good practice advices that I was not  
applying enough up to now. I think it is the first time I have a  
handler that takes so much time (several seconds !)

Cordiales salutations de Grenoble


Le 18 mai 07 à 16:53, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Hi André,

BTW working with variables is much faster because, mainly, the  
screen is refreshed only once :-)

As for this point, what about an invisible field (getting visible  
only when all is done) ? does this remain slower than with a  
variable ?

Good practice could be:

1. If you can, always use variables:

local tData
put field Data into tData
 data processing
put tData into field Data

2. If using variables does not appear possible, always think of  
locking and unlocking the screen appropriately:

lock screen
  repeat 100
 CreateNewField -- custom handler
  end repeat
unlock screen

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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Re: installer for app?

2007-05-18 Thread Devin Asay

On May 18, 2007, at 5:05 AM, Scott Kane wrote:

From: Robert Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just completed my first rev app and would like to thank all from  
this list for the help.


I am looking for a program to create an installer of the new app  
what are your recommendations?

That depends on your intended platform.  If Windows only then INNO  
Setup is perfect It's donation-ware and is  
100% Vista friendly as well.

I second that! Even I, a relative Windows novice, am able to use it.

However if you're looking at Mac and Windows then:  
be the ticket.

Another good option is to simply create a .dmg disk image file using  
the Disk Utility included with OS X. Mac users are very comfortable  
with simply downloading a dmg, mounting it, and then dragging the app  
to the desired directory, usually /Applications.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Devin Asay

On May 17, 2007, at 11:36 PM, Bill Marriott wrote:

- Even when version 2.9 is released, it will still have bugs. Every  

more complex than a coffee mug has bugs.

Ahem! I beg to differ:



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread Devin Asay

On May 18, 2007, at 4:45 AM, Luis wrote:


Rummaging through the examples in a fresh install of 2.8.1 (Build  
470) I had a go at Browser Sampler in the IDE:

Went to the site ok.
Went to and then blammo! Crash.

Anyone seen this?


Sorry, I couldn't find a site Did you mean maybe?  
If so, it loads perfectly for me here, 2.8.1 build 470, OS X 10.4.9,  

Now, there are a few other bugs I notice with the browser, for which  
I'm starting a list. I'll post a bug report when I have the recipes  
nailed down.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread Luis

Ooopsy, did mean



On 18 May 2007, at 16:37, Devin Asay wrote:

On May 18, 2007, at 4:45 AM, Luis wrote:


Rummaging through the examples in a fresh install of 2.8.1 (Build  
470) I had a go at Browser Sampler in the IDE:

Went to the site ok.
Went to and then blammo! Crash.

Anyone seen this?


Sorry, I couldn't find a site Did you mean  
maybe? If so, it loads perfectly for me here, 2.8.1 build 470, OS X  
10.4.9, intel.

Now, there are a few other bugs I notice with the browser, for  
which I'm starting a list. I'll post a bug report when I have the  
recipes nailed down.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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subscription preferences:

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Luis
I understand what you're saying, but my statement was concerned with  
the fact that it was your demo: Not knowing what the demo was I opted  
for the general view that this was reported by a standard user, who  
is often naive, which I judged from the 'bug report'.
Most naive users do not understand the 'bug reporting process' and  
many do not want to be educated because they see no benefit to it:  
They just want to play the game (or whatever the app is).



On 18 May 2007, at 16:45, Chipp Walters wrote:

On 5/18/07, Luis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 18 May 2007, at 05:30, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Heck, I wrote that demo and even I can't figure out what this guy
 is saying!

Surely that's where two way communication comes in handy?

With Rev having hundreds of bugs to go through, anyone serious about
getting their bug fixed would be wise to create:

1) a clear explanation of the bug
2) a recipe for replcating it
3) if possible, a demo stack showing it

Furthermore, those who wish their bugs fixed can also do a bit of
research by contacting other developers here to confirm the bug before
posting it.

Typically, when I discover a bug in Rev, I try first to break it down
into it's simplest components and try and create the most
straightforward and basic recipe for repeating it. Then I create a
simple bug demo stack, post it online and ask others to verify it.
Once verified, I then post the bug, with the stack, to bugzilla. I
have found this methodology has enabled most all of my reported bugs
to be fixed in a very timely matter.
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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
Pretty hard to tell, Richard; of course there is me - for testing at  
least (smile). As for the rest it could be huge or it could be zero,  
in-so-far as this will be a test app for the whole concept. It's been  
very slow coming together, but the publisher would like it to have as  
large a market as possible; and, since it is targeted as mostly a  
children's product, quite a number of them could still be using older  
Macs. My question was mainly aimed at the fact that the original PR  
was that Rev would be for all Mac OSs.

Joe  Wilkins

On May 18, 2007, at 7:43 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
I see that 2.8.1 does not have a build for the Classic Mac  
platform  at this time. My recollection was that 2.7.4 promised it  
would be  available when 2.8 was released.

It might be helpful for RunRev to have some quantification of the  
projected audience size.

Do you have a feel for how many of your customers are still running  
OS 9?

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Chipp Walters

On 5/18/07, Luis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 18 May 2007, at 05:30, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Heck, I wrote that demo and even I can't figure out what this guy
 is saying!

Surely that's where two way communication comes in handy?

With Rev having hundreds of bugs to go through, anyone serious about
getting their bug fixed would be wise to create:

1) a clear explanation of the bug
2) a recipe for replcating it
3) if possible, a demo stack showing it

Furthermore, those who wish their bugs fixed can also do a bit of
research by contacting other developers here to confirm the bug before
posting it.

Typically, when I discover a bug in Rev, I try first to break it down
into it's simplest components and try and create the most
straightforward and basic recipe for repeating it. Then I create a
simple bug demo stack, post it online and ask others to verify it.
Once verified, I then post the bug, with the stack, to bugzilla. I
have found this methodology has enabled most all of my reported bugs
to be fixed in a very timely matter.
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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread Luis
It loads ok, but then crashes: It renders the page and then a couple  
of seconds later boom!



On 18 May 2007, at 16:42, Luis wrote:

Ooopsy, did mean



On 18 May 2007, at 16:37, Devin Asay wrote:

On May 18, 2007, at 4:45 AM, Luis wrote:


Rummaging through the examples in a fresh install of 2.8.1 (Build  
470) I had a go at Browser Sampler in the IDE:

Went to the site ok.
Went to and then blammo! Crash.

Anyone seen this?


Sorry, I couldn't find a site Did you mean  
maybe? If so, it loads perfectly for me here, 2.8.1 build 470, OS  
X 10.4.9, intel.

Now, there are a few other bugs I notice with the browser, for  
which I'm starting a list. I'll post a bug report when I have the  
recipes nailed down.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: installer for app?

2007-05-18 Thread Ian Wood
To take that a step further, you can put a symbolic link to the  
Applications folder in the DMG along with a hidden background image  
with a big arrow pointing from the app to the Applications folder.


On 18 May 2007, at 16:07, Devin Asay wrote:

Another good option is to simply create a .dmg disk image file  
using the Disk Utility included with OS X. Mac users are very  
comfortable with simply downloading a dmg, mounting it, and then  
dragging the app to the desired directory, usually /Applications.


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Re: Quitting standalone, is this a bug?

2007-05-18 Thread Michael Binder

Hi everyone,
after another round of research I have found that I am not the first to
stumble on this bug

On Jan 19, 2006 at 10:35 PM Steve Wagenseller posted to the list:

I'm trapping the Quit message from the menubar via a shutdownrequest
handler, but in the standalone, something curious occurs. The first
time I choose Quit I can get the trap script to run (basically, an
Are you sure? prompt along with some save options). The second time
I choose Quit from the menu, the trap is not implemented.

I am not passing the handler along, it sits at the stack level, and I
am using an exit to top to get out of the shutdownrequest handler
when Cancel is chosen.

Have any of you experienced this strange problem -- that the trap
only works once -- and do you have suggestions?


I do wonder if this bug is more prevalent than just the two of us.
In order to find this bug you have to quit, cancel quit, and then quit
your standalone a second time.  You won't catch this bug in the
development environment.  How many standalone developers have actually
tested their apps in this way?  One more thing... I do not have
access to a windows system, so for all I know this bug is specific
to the mac.

--Michael Binder

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Chipp Walters

On 5/18/07, Luis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I understand what you're saying, but my statement was concerned with
the fact that it was your demo: Not knowing what the demo was I opted
for the general view that this was reported by a standard user, who
is often naive, which I judged from the 'bug report'.
Most naive users do not understand the 'bug reporting process' and
many do not want to be educated because they see no benefit to it:
They just want to play the game (or whatever the app is).

Reading an earlier message may have told you it had something to do with
altSQLite, which is no longer 'my demo,' other than the fact I wrote it
before selling it to RR. This was literally the FIRST bug I clicked on
marked UNCONFIRMED, and not one I was looking at. I found it amusing it
had something to do with a product I wrote (and have had very few complaints

My point was to show all bugs are not created equal. How do you resolve a
bug which starts:

RunRev doesn't work. --user
What's the problem. --RR
It's broken -user
How can I help? --RR
When I step on the pedal, it doesn't go forward! -user
That's the mouse, and you're not supposed to step on it -RR

My only thought is I'd rather RR spend their valuable and precious
bug-resolving resources on bugs which are clearly delineated.
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Re: Quitting standalone, is this a bug?

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Smith
Michael, I certainly don't claim to have the ultimate wisdom  
regarding this, but if memory serves, there have been a number of  
discussions on this list regarding ambiguities in the use of 'me',  
'this', 'the target' and other words in Revolution.

I think the consensus has been that these ambiguities arise as a  
result of historical issues in xTalks (particularly Hypercard), and  
that there isn't much agreement on how, or even if, these ambiguities  
could or should be eliminated.

The solution is to use explicit references where these ambiguities  
arise, and though you may well be right in calling what you have  
encountered a bug, it does seem that there isn't an obvious or  
generally acceptable way to resolve these ambiguities - explicit  
references work well, so I can't see the situation changing very soon.




On 18 May 2007, at 17:10, Michael Binder wrote:

Hi everyone,
after another round of research I have found that I am not the  
first to

stumble on this bug

On Jan 19, 2006 at 10:35 PM Steve Wagenseller posted to the list:

I'm trapping the Quit message from the menubar via a shutdownrequest
handler, but in the standalone, something curious occurs. The first
time I choose Quit I can get the trap script to run (basically, an
Are you sure? prompt along with some save options). The second time
I choose Quit from the menu, the trap is not implemented.

I am not passing the handler along, it sits at the stack level, and I
am using an exit to top to get out of the shutdownrequest handler
when Cancel is chosen.

Have any of you experienced this strange problem -- that the trap
only works once -- and do you have suggestions?


I do wonder if this bug is more prevalent than just the two of us.
In order to find this bug you have to quit, cancel quit, and then quit
your standalone a second time.  You won't catch this bug in the
development environment.  How many standalone developers have actually
tested their apps in this way?  One more thing... I do not have
access to a windows system, so for all I know this bug is specific
to the mac.

--Michael Binder

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread SimPLsol
All Macs shipped since 1998 can run OS X.
All Macs shipped since the installation of Intel CPUs can only run OS X.
OS 9 (a good friend of mine) is dead.
People who have not upgraded can not expect to get modern software for their 
OS 9 systemed computers - from you or anyone else. As for a children's market: 
most Macs shipped in a young child's lifetime had OS X installed. If a parent 
bought a Mac for a child, it is probably running OS X.
I, for one, would rather have the Rev team forget about OS 9 entirely and 
deploy the resources elsewhere.
Paul Looney

 See what's free at
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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
Paul, that's fine; perhaps we should change the standalone dialogs to  
reflect that fact. I'll still be using OS9 for most of my work until  
the day I die. Too much good stuff that works better on OS9 than OSX.  
And I can see it without all of that transparency baloney. Thanks. I  
don't suppose there is a way to turn off transparency with OSX. I  
thought not. One of NextStep's stupid brain-f##ts.

Joe Wilkins

On May 18, 2007, at 9:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All Macs shipped since 1998 can run OS X.
All Macs shipped since the installation of Intel CPUs can only  
run OS X.

OS 9 (a good friend of mine) is dead.
People who have not upgraded can not expect to get modern software  
for their
OS 9 systemed computers - from you or anyone else. As for a  
children's market:
most Macs shipped in a young child's lifetime had OS X installed.  
If a parent

bought a Mac for a child, it is probably running OS X.
I, for one, would rather have the Rev team forget about OS 9  
entirely and

deploy the resources elsewhere.
Paul Looney

 See what's free at
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subscription preferences:

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins


That WAS my opinion too; so thanks for the back-up supporting my  
view. It IS really the schools rather than the parents who are buying  
new machines that keeps 0S9 alive.

Joe Wilkins

On May 18, 2007, at 10:09 AM, Jeff Reynolds wrote:

Joe and Richard,

Dropping os9 is not a solution if you build for the K-6 education  
market. there are still gobs of system 9 (and even a good number of  
8x systems) out there and the publisher and distributors all want  
the stuff to be osx and os9 compatible. we even have had school  
district reps want to make sure products are os9 capable as they  
say they will not buy it unless it can run on all their systems.

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Jeff Reynolds

Joe and Richard,

Dropping os9 is not a solution if you build for the K-6 education  
market. there are still gobs of system 9 (and even a good number of  
8x systems) out there and the publisher and distributors all want the  
stuff to be osx and os9 compatible. we even have had school district  
reps want to make sure products are os9 capable as they say they will  
not buy it unless it can run on all their systems.

macs have this nasty nack of hanging in there and with school  
software they dont upgrade that often so if it works and content is  
not out of date they just keep using the same system until it dies. I  
have even seen quite a few old IIcs and es running out there and my  
old basis108 was still running happily in a 2nd grade class on last  

Even if a mac is osx capable upgrading is just not an option for most  
schools as the first thing to go with budget cuts are the tech people  
who do the upgrades, support, new software installs, and training.  
Without them you are left with teachers to do this work. if you get  
lucky you get a teacher in a school who picks this up, but in k-6 you  
tend to not draw the kinds of teachers with these skills like you  
might in higher grades.

Sorry, I know its dumb, but just a fact of life you have to live with  
if you make educational software, along with making the lowest wages  
you can possibly make doing software -- but it is very fun and  

I too was waiting on 2.7x for the classic standalone build then it  
was billed for 2.8 so i upgraded and now am still waiting. luckily we  
just dont use any features past 2.6, so i can keep authoring there,  
then use it to make the classic build and move it up to 2.8 to do the  
osx and windows builds, but is a bit of a pain and i know that murphy  
will come along and bit me with some sort of build specific bug when  
doing this sort of bifurcated build process...

I can understand most of the market has dropped os9 and its probably  
a royal pain to make the engine to support it, but if its promised  
then it should be delivered or at least not promised any more and  
some sort of apology given for not coming through. I have emailed rev  
and get no response lately on this issue. earlier emails said it was  
coming back in 2.7. 2.8 material does make it sound like classic is  
included and says it will be there soon in the 2.8.1 standalone builder.

I just want a clear picture of what they are going to do about all  
this so i can plan accordingly. I have 3 more applications in the  
tubes for this summer/fall and need to start figuring out how i will  
be approaching them.


Jeffrey Reynolds

On May 18, 2007, at 12:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

All Macs shipped since 1998 can run OS X.
All Macs shipped since the installation of Intel CPUs can only  
run OS X.

OS 9 (a good friend of mine) is dead.
People who have not upgraded can not expect to get modern software  
for their
OS 9 systemed computers - from you or anyone else. As for a  
children's market:
most Macs shipped in a young child's lifetime had OS X installed.  
If a parent

bought a Mac for a child, it is probably running OS X.
I, for one, would rather have the Rev team forget about OS 9  
entirely and

deploy the resources elsewhere.
Paul Looney

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WARNING ! Rev fails to Communicate

2007-05-18 Thread Camm29
I have posted this topic before and reported a bug 4927 !

Just an update , 

I tried Sarah's SerialTest.rev as well , this hung the PC on pressing the Open 
Port Button.
Again , the only way out was to reboot the PC !  

Running Windows XP
Using IVT BlueSoleil (USB to Bluetooth Adapter)

Before anybody gets excited it's just a Virtual RS232 Com Port and works great 
with  C  written programs
without Revolution's Engine.

I'm stuffed until this is fixed.

Help anybody ? It's seems there's a serious lack of Knowledge or Interest on 
Rev 's Communication I/O 
Engine at present !

Best Regards

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sending Unicode strings that include punctuation to search engines with revGoURL

2007-05-18 Thread Curt Ford
My app allows users to send a word to a search engine for more  
examples of usage. With help from the list I've gotten it to work  
with languages using the Latin alphabet, Russian, even Hindi..

It does fail, though, when I send a search string in Russian that  
includes any punctuation or space. For example, the search string for  
ой! (a two-letter word followed by an exclamation mark) shows up in  
the engines as! .

Does anyone have suggestions on how to tweak this so terms like  
'как-то' or 'потому что' can be sent to the search  

Existing code:

When the user displays a new term, the word to search for is set up  
like this:

on changeWord
global gWord, gWordToSearch

  --use an invisible field so we can check its effectiveTextFont to  
see if it's Unicode

 set the HTMLText of fld invisibleWordToSearch to gWord

  set the useUnicode to true

  --if the field contains Unicode text..
  if the effective textFont of word 1 of field  
invisibleWordToSearch contains comma then

--next line works for Russian
put urlEncode(unidecode(fld invisibleWordToSearch, utf8)) into  

--next line works for Roman alphabet
put  fld invisibleWordToSearch into gWordToSearch
  end if

end changeWord

The 'search' button has this script:

on mouseUp
  global gWordToSearch

  revGoURL (the cSearchEngine of this stack  gWordToSearch)
end mouseUp


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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
Fortunately, I have one of the last and greatest G4s. It's about 8  
years old now - I think. So my only concern is whether the drives  
will continue to work forever. (smile) I tried to boot up my SE30 the  
other day and, probably because I had forgotten to keep it plugged in  
so that the battery didn't peter out, it just sat there with a blurry  
screen and nothing else. Some of the external hard drives I used with  
it are still alive, so all is not lost. Just my ability to run System 8.

Thanks for you empathy,

Joe Wilkins

On May 18, 2007, at 10:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I found the transparency annoying as well.
But Apple has toned it down. I'm running 10.4.9 and all of my  
windows are

appropriately solid.
I liked OS 7 and was disappointed when the initial OS 8 lacked some  
of the OS
7 features. The original OS 9 did not work as well as OS 8.6  
(especially the
networking) but it got better. The initial OS X did not have a lot  
of the
things we took for granted in OS 9 (labels, springloaded folders,  
etc.), for that

matter the initial version could not even print!
At this point OS X does everything for me that OS 9 did - and a lot  
OS 9 is dead. It will never run better. It will never run faster.  
It will be
harder and harder to find computers that run it at all. Developers  
have less

and less incentive to develop for it.
Meanwhile OS X gets better with each version. It runs faster  
because it runs
on new computers with faster CPUs today. And tomorrow it will be  
running on

even faster CPUs. It is the future.
Maybe, someday, I'll even learn to like the dock.
Paul Looney

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Stephen Barncard

Great advice, Chipp.

 As one who recently had two or three bugs fixed directly due to my 
efforts,  it really happens. What helped immensely was that I 
included a video clip to show events leading up to the problem, and a 
talking narrative at the same time.  Also the crash reports furnished 
by the operating systeme are invaluable. I always try to get a nice 
'package' together before making a report and it really pays off.

It took hours, but was well worth it.

On the mac, the shareware iShowU  is wonderful for this, and if you 
use the 'apple animation' codec, the files can be quite small.

 - it's $20 and with a $40 USB headset you can make pro quality 
how-to videos of any size. I found the audio out of the headset 
(logitech at Radioshack) was more appropriate and intelligible than 
any of my pro vintage microphones.

With Rev having hundreds of bugs to go through, anyone serious about
getting their bug fixed would be wise to create:

1) a clear explanation of the bug
2) a recipe for replcating it
3) if possible, a demo stack showing it

Furthermore, those who wish their bugs fixed can also do a bit of
research by contacting other developers here to confirm the bug before
posting it.

Typically, when I discover a bug in Rev, I try first to break it down
into it's simplest components and try and create the most
straightforward and basic recipe for repeating it. Then I create a
simple bug demo stack, post it online and ask others to verify it.
Once verified, I then post the bug, with the stack, to bugzilla. I
have found this methodology has enabled most all of my reported bugs
to be fixed in a very timely matter.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread Roger . E . Eller
 It loads ok, but then crashes: It renders the page and then a couple
 of seconds later boom!



On Windows XP, the page begins to load, but then presents an error dialog
that says there is a problem executing scripts on this page, then it loads
and looks normal. Probably just badly formed javascript.

What platform is experiencing the crash?


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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Robert Brenstein

All Macs shipped since 1998 can run OS X.
All Macs shipped since the installation of Intel CPUs can only run OS X.
OS 9 (a good friend of mine) is dead.
People who have not upgraded can not expect to get modern software for their
OS 9 systemed computers - from you or anyone else. As for a children's market:
most Macs shipped in a young child's lifetime had OS X installed. If a parent
bought a Mac for a child, it is probably running OS X.
I, for one, would rather have the Rev team forget about OS 9 entirely and
deploy the resources elsewhere.
Paul Looney

Paul, the dates and capabilities you quote are sort of irrelevant. 
Many of us would like to forget OS9 but it is still quite widely used 
in some market segments, like it or not. The fact that Chevy Impala 
is not produced for many years does not mean that everybody should 
stop producing parts for it. We discussed this so many times on the 
list, so let's not start that again.

Joe is talking about broken promises... RR's web site stated for long 
that Revolution 2.7 for Mac OS 9 will be released soon.

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Richard Gaskin

Jeff Reynolds wrote:

Dropping os9 is not a solution if you build for the K-6 education  

I hear you on that.  I know a good many teachers, and it's tragic how 
low their budgets get prioritized, esp. when we consider so many other 
useless things the money gets spent for.

I think you hit on a key point here:

luckily we just dont use any features past 2.6, so i can keep
authoring there, then use it to make the classic build and move
it up to 2.8 to do the  osx and windows builds, but is a bit of
a pain and i know that murphy will come along and bit me with
some sort of build specific bug when doing this sort of bifurcated
build process...

It could be worse:  in the olden days I had clients who supported 
multiple platforms by developing the Mac version in SuperCard and the 
Windows version in ToolBook.  What a nightmare that was.

Most of the new features in v2.7 and v2.8 don't affect Classic at all, 
since they deal with things like Universal Binary, Vista, window buffer 
compositing, etc.

So your strategy of staying with v2.6 still keeps Rev a viable option at 
the modest cost of a little inconvenience at build time.  The one thing 
we know about Classic is that it's not a moving target. :)

Since RunRev did promise at least one more engine for Classic I agree 
they should do so, and the sooner they get it out of the way the better 
for them and everyone else.  As they continue to move the code base 
forward, we can't expect that a Classic build will get any easier.

But I think it's prudent for anyone who needs to deploy to Classic to 
expect that there probably won't be more than one new engine for that 
OS, so sooner or later they'll be in the same spot you're in now, 
building for modern OSes in one version and building for Classic in an 
older one.

With v2.9, v3.0, v4.0 and beyond, any version that includes Classic 
support will be short-lived, so the practice of using two versions of 
Rev will become the norm anyway not long after they release a new 
Classic engine.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread SimPLsol
I found the transparency annoying as well.
But Apple has toned it down. I'm running 10.4.9 and all of my windows are 
appropriately solid.
I liked OS 7 and was disappointed when the initial OS 8 lacked some of the OS 
7 features. The original OS 9 did not work as well as OS 8.6 (especially the 
networking) but it got better. The initial OS X did not have a lot of the 
things we took for granted in OS 9 (labels, springloaded folders, etc.), for 
matter the initial version could not even print!
At this point OS X does everything for me that OS 9 did - and a lot more.
OS 9 is dead. It will never run better. It will never run faster. It will be 
harder and harder to find computers that run it at all. Developers have less 
and less incentive to develop for it.
Meanwhile OS X gets better with each version. It runs faster because it runs 
on new computers with faster CPUs today. And tomorrow it will be running on 
even faster CPUs. It is the future.
Maybe, someday, I'll even learn to like the dock.
Paul Looney

 See what's free at
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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Talluto

On May 18, 2007, at 7:43 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Do you have a feel for how many of your customers are still running  
OS 9?

Having served the education market for almost 11 years has taught me  
that it is slow to get rid of new technology.  Apple has forced  
everyone to be on the same page from a given date forward.  But good  
old educators hang on to their machines until they don't turn on any  
more.  Then they go into various closets until they don't fit any  
more.  Then they get transferred to other facilities.  Finally they  
are given to the neighborhood children.

OS 9 is still very much alive in this sector.  I hate to see Rev  
spend its time on OS 9.  But, those that develop education software  
will greatly appreciate at least one more update.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Chipp, I think you may be drawing the wrong lesson.  Of course the bug you 
mention is not useful.  The problem is that the database contains it.  That 
tells you something.  Bill's remark, that the database contains lots of stuff 
that is already fixed also tells you something.  Its good news and bad news, 
its good about the bugs.  Its less good about the database.

People have enormous goodwill towards Rev.  They will accept realistic targets 
that are met, even if those targets are less than what they want, and less 
than what the Rev team wants to deliver.  I think part of what Joel is saying 
may be:  pick a quantified realistic goal, communicate it, and stick to it 
and deliver it.  Even if it not what people would have liked, they will like 
this approach to delivering a given quantity of work much better than any 
possible alternative.


 My point was to show all bugs are not created equal. How do you resolve a
 bug which starts:

 RunRev doesn't work. --user
 What's the problem. --RR
 It's broken -user
 How can I help? --RR
 When I step on the pedal, it doesn't go forward! -user
 That's the mouse, and you're not supposed to step on it -RR

 My only thought is I'd rather RR spend their valuable and precious
 bug-resolving resources on bugs which are clearly delineated.
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WOW -New Features in 2.8.1

2007-05-18 Thread Stephen Barncard

I was just going over the new features article in the Rev newsletter.

Wow! Now I get how 'Private Handlers' and the 'split by row and 
column' features could really be useful..  speed..

very well done explanatory article. Thanks Marcus and Oliver. Nice to 
get details from the coder/designers!

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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Curse of the mystery tooltip...

2007-05-18 Thread Ian Wood
I was flipping between Mail, Safari and Rev 2.8.1, and saw a brief  
flash of a bizarre tooltip while the cursor was near the vertical  
scrollbar of a script window:

'Intelligent use of mouseControl' or something similar to that.

Did I just find an Easter egg?

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Protect a folder of pictures

2007-05-18 Thread Ludovic Thébault

I'll have to made a CDRom (Mac/Win) with a lot of pictures.
All pictures are in a folder beside the app.

How protect this folder ?


Rev. 2.6.1 for now
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Re: Protect a folder of pictures

2007-05-18 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hi Ludovic,

I think you're wasting your time trying to protect pictures. If you  
use them, someone will find a way to copy them. Maybe you could come  
up with a scheme to scramble the pixels and then unscramble them in  
your program when you use them, but that is going to take a lot of  
effort and will really slow down the performance of the program at  
some point. I'd say you should just write a pretty threatening  
copyright notice and then make sure you follow up on it. That will  
scare most away. The others would take a baseball bat along side the  

Just MHO,

Joe Wilkins

On May 18, 2007, at 11:56 AM, Ludovic Thébault wrote:


I'll have to made a CDRom (Mac/Win) with a lot of pictures.
All pictures are in a folder beside the app.

How protect this folder ?


Rev. 2.6.1 for now
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subscription preferences:

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Re: Protect a folder of pictures

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Talluto

On May 18, 2007, at 12:15 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

Hi Ludovic,

I think you're wasting your time trying to protect pictures. If you  
use them, someone will find a way to copy them. Maybe you could  
come up with a scheme to scramble the pixels and then unscramble  
them in your program when you use them, but that is going to take a  
lot of effort and will really slow down the performance of the  
program at some point. I'd say you should just write a pretty  
threatening copyright notice and then make sure you follow up on  
it. That will scare most away. The others would take a baseball bat  
along side the head.

Just MHO,

Joe Wilkins

On May 18, 2007, at 11:56 AM, Ludovic Thébault wrote:


I'll have to made a CDRom (Mac/Win) with a lot of pictures.
All pictures are in a folder beside the app.

How protect this folder ?

I think it can be done.  I would look at Revs encryption features if  
you want to store them externally.  You could store them in custom  
properties in a substack as an alternative.  This method must take  
into account available RAM and the effect of storing/calling upon  
data in this manner.

The short of it is:  If is is truly necessary to protect the images  
you can provide a reasonable amount of protection.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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What's new in Media?

2007-05-18 Thread Timothy Miller


I'm cautiously upgrading from DC 2.7.4 to Media version 2.7.4

So, there's my first question. The similarity of the version numbers  
suggests this is an imaginary upgrade, though I'll have to pay for  
it, after 30 days? Is that true?

(I don't mind paying for it. The price is reasonable and I don't want  
to risk getting too far behind the upgrade curve. If my version of DC  
hasn't expired already, it will soon.)

So far, my stacks seems to work normally in Media. I've asked about  
possible gotchas before, and afaik, there won't be any problems. I  
don't use an external database.

Are there new features in Media I might want to know about? Like any  
of the Studio 2.8.1 new features? If so, where can I learn about  
them? The RR website remains somewhat non-obvious, intuitively speaking.

I'm somewhat unnerved to see that the documentation for Media  
includes a sample project called Kiosk -- MySQL Front End Last I  
heard, Media doesn't support MySQL. If that remains so, this sort of  
thing could cause distressing confusion. Should I prepare for other  
such difficulties with the documentation?


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Media Backward Compatible?

2007-05-18 Thread Timothy Miller

Oops. Forgot to ask in previous post...

If I save my stacks in the current version of Media, will I still be  
able to open and run them in DC 2.7.4?


Does RR plan to bug-fix and upgrade Media, parallel to Studio?

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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread Roger . E . Eller

 It loads ok, but then crashes: It renders the page and then a couple
 of seconds later boom!



On Windows XP, the page begins to load, but then presents an error dialog
that says there is a problem executing scripts on this page, then it loads
and looks normal. Probably just badly formed javascript.

What platform is experiencing the crash?


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Re: Quitting standalone, is this a bug?

2007-05-18 Thread J. Landman Gay

Michael Binder wrote:

Hi everyone,
after another round of research I have found that I am not the first to
stumble on this bug

Oops, I believe you now. ;) Sorry about all the long, tangential 

I just did some tests and there is something weird going on. If a second 
answer dialog is executed immediately after the first, subsequent lines 
of code in my handler do not execute. What's odd, however, is that the 
pass shutdownrequest line at the very end of the handler *does* run -- 
but that seems to be the only thing.

To test, I created a new stack containing a single field. In the stack 
script, I put a single handler:

on shutdownrequest
  put the defaultstack  cr after fld 1
  answer Quit? with Yes or No
  put it into tChoice
  put Test line is executing  cr after fld 1
  if tChoice = no then
put the defaultstack  cr after fld 1
pass shutdownrequest
  end if
end shutdownrequest

I created a standalone from this stack. The first time I try to quit 
(choosing No from the dialog), all lines execute. I see:

 stack quitTest
 Test line is executing
 stack quitTest

If I immediately try to quit again, I see nothing, no new lines are 
added to the field. I know the shutdownrequest message is being sent 
because the dialog appears, and if I choose Yes the app quits, which 
means it is being passed. But the commands in between do anything.

If I set the defaultstack specifically after the answer dialog:

on shutdownrequest
  put the defaultstack  cr after fld 1
  answer Quit? with Yes or No
  put it into tChoice
  set the defaultstack to quitTest -- ADDED THIS
  put Test line is executing  cr after fld 1
  if tChoice = no then
put the defaultstack  cr after fld 1
pass shutdownrequest
  end if
end shutdownrequest

The problem is resolved, all lines execute, and you can run the handler 
repeatedly without any problem. It looks like an engine bug to me; the 
engine appears to lose track of the defaultstack after two repeated 
answer dialogs. It probably hasn't been noticed very often because so 
many other user actions will reset the defaultstack automatically, at 
which point the engine knows once again what it is.

Gotta thank Michael for being stubborn about this. Good catch.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Protect a folder of pictures

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Ludovic and Joe,

I fully agree with Joe. It is a waste of time to try to protect a  
folder. When your programme is running, the folder will be  
unprotected and people can copy the files. If people can't figure out  
how to copy files, they can still make a screenshot.

As an alternative, you can make your own format. For example, you can  
save the imagedata, mask data and alphadata of an image object to a  
file and use these instead of a complete picture. Or you can use  
normal PNG files but add a number of characters at the beginning and  
end of the file, which you will ignore when reading the file before  
you set the text of an image object. This is faster than completely  
scrambling a picture, but nothing will be as fast as setting the  
filename of an image object to the path to an unscrambled image.

You might be tempted to use encryption, but that takes a lot of CPU  
power and will strongly reduce performance of your application.

Just don't forget that one could always make screenshots.




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Op 18-mei-2007, om 21:15 heeft Joe Lewis Wilkins het volgende  

Hi Ludovic,

I think you're wasting your time trying to protect pictures. If you  
use them, someone will find a way to copy them. Maybe you could  
come up with a scheme to scramble the pixels and then unscramble  
them in your program when you use them, but that is going to take a  
lot of effort and will really slow down the performance of the  
program at some point. I'd say you should just write a pretty  
threatening copyright notice and then make sure you follow up on  
it. That will scare most away. The others would take a baseball bat  
along side the head.

Just MHO,

Joe Wilkins

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Scott Kane

From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With v2.9, v3.0, v4.0 and beyond, any version that includes Classic 
support will be short-lived, so the practice of using two versions of Rev 
will become the norm anyway not long after they release a new Classic 

I didn't really get into the Mac side of the world until a few years ago as 
my career has me on Intel MS based machines since the 1980's and that's 
pretty much where I lived.  However I was given a Wallstreet G3 a few 
years back from a Mac loving friend and discovered how delightful the Mac 
is.  My main machines are still Windows boxes (my old DOS boxes are long 
gone and I have one old Pentium II clunker running Ubuntu) and a Mac Mini. 
However - I can run Panther on the G3 Wallstreet.   A little shareware tool 
called AlPosto Facto (or some similar silly name) allows one to install it. 
With OS9 running you install this tool  and then boot into a Jaguar install 
CD, install Jaguar and then install Panther over the top.  So my little G3 
runs Panther happily.  I admit I don't use it all the time but it is quite 
responsive and great for doing simple stuff on  (like testing) even though I 
generally tend to use my Mac Mini.  My point is maybe this is an option OS9 
based schools could consider?

Scott Kane
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is 
possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is 
impossible, he is very probably wrong.
Arthur C Clarke 

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Re: Error in docs about file creation date

2007-05-18 Thread J. Landman Gay

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

While trying to add the creation date to the filename in a thumbs 
application I noticed that the creation date is actually item 5 of the 
detailed files rather than item 4, number 4 really containing the 
modification date.

Since the detailed files was introduced in Rev version 1.0 and 
modified in 1.1 nobody seems to have made use of the creation date over 
the last years?

On my OS X machine, it's the way the docs say. What OS are you using?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: WOW -New Features in 2.8.1

2007-05-18 Thread Scott Kane

From: Stephen Barncard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wow! Now I get how 'Private Handlers' and the 'split by row and column' 
features could really be useful..  speed..

Yes.  I just read about this.  Very cool!  'Private Handlers'  have 
incredible potential and the shortening of how arrays are handled in script 
is excellent too.

Scott Kane
Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.  Victor Hugo 

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Re: 2.8.1: a necessary corrective

2007-05-18 Thread Cal Horner
Richmond, I concur completely.

Just one thing though.

Don't you think that Work Around should become,e a reserved word, not only
in RR but all the RADs in use by our profession?

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Chipp Walters

On 5/18/07, Peter Alcibiades [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Chipp, I think you may be drawing the wrong lesson.  Of course the bug you
mention is not useful.  The problem is that the database contains
it.  That
tells you something.  Bill's remark, that the database contains lots of
that is already fixed also tells you something.  Its good news and bad
its good about the bugs.  Its less good about the database.

'That tells you something' -- perhaps I'm just slow, but I'm not sure what
that tells me?

'its good news and bad news-good about the bugs, less good about the

-Again, completely confused at the point you're trying to make.

Just to be clear, I was advocating a responsible and logical approach for
submitting and/or reporting bugs which if used would create even more
integrity in the database.

People have enormous goodwill towards Rev.  They will accept realistic

that are met, even if those targets are less than what they want, and less
than what the Rev team wants to deliver.  I think part of what Joel is
may be:  pick a quantified realistic goal, communicate it, and stick to it
and deliver it.  Even if it not what people would have liked, they will
this approach to delivering a given quantity of work much better than any
possible alternative.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm still upset about promises broke concerning
flying cars and Dick Tracy watches ;-)
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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Luis

On 18 May 2007, at 17:21, Chipp Walters wrote:

My point was to show all bugs are not created equal. How do you  
resolve a

bug which starts:

RunRev doesn't work. --user
What's the problem. --RR
It's broken -user
How can I help? --RR
When I step on the pedal, it doesn't go forward! -user
That's the mouse, and you're not supposed to step on it -RR

My only thought is I'd rather RR spend their valuable and precious
bug-resolving resources on bugs which are clearly delineated.

Well, my idea would be to reply (this would be automated) to a bug  
email (must be sent to the bugs@ address) with a link to a page to  
fill in the details of the bug. This would constitute a web page with  
as many options as possible as pull downs, starting from the highest  
level (choose the software, choose the version) to as low as can fit  
on one page, so as to not appear a daunting task.
If they reach the bottom of the page they have the option to further  
detail the issue. The pull downs should whittle the chaff away from  
the problem so the bug reporter now has a better idea of what is  
required and can now detail the issue in his/her own words. Getting  
to this point should also assist with any issues regarding non-native  



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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Talluto

On May 18, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Luis wrote:

Well, my idea would be to reply (this would be automated) to a bug  
email (must be sent to the bugs@ address) with a link to a page to  
fill in the details of the bug. This would constitute a web page  
with as many options as possible as pull downs, starting from the  
highest level (choose the software, choose the version) to as low  
as can fit on one page, so as to not appear a daunting task.
If they reach the bottom of the page they have the option to  
further detail the issue. The pull downs should whittle the chaff  
away from the problem so the bug reporter now has a better idea of  
what is required and can now detail the issue in his/her own words.  
Getting to this point should also assist with any issues regarding  
non-native speakers.

RevZilla by Ken Ray does pretty much that.  Have you given it a try?   
It runs right in Rev.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Luis
I haven't seen that many OS9 boxes around lately, except for my old  
iMac (I need it, I haven't finished The Journeyman Project yet).

Anyroad, if issues of workload are to be borne in mind regarding  
unsupported OSs the we should also ditch Windows 98. Although I  
wouldn't agree with it on the grounds that there are tonnes of these  
around (I even saw 3.1 'For Workgoups' on every machine in a  
government department not two years ago, pretty nippy on them  
Pentiums I must say!).



On 18 May 2007, at 22:16, Scott Kane wrote:

From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With v2.9, v3.0, v4.0 and beyond, any version that includes  
Classic support will be short-lived, so the practice of using two  
versions of Rev will become the norm anyway not long after they  
release a new Classic engine.

I didn't really get into the Mac side of the world until a few  
years ago as my career has me on Intel MS based machines since the  
1980's and that's pretty much where I lived.  However I was given  
a Wallstreet G3 a few years back from a Mac loving friend and  
discovered how delightful the Mac is.  My main machines are still  
Windows boxes (my old DOS boxes are long gone and I have one old  
Pentium II clunker running Ubuntu) and a Mac Mini. However - I can  
run Panther on the G3 Wallstreet.   A little shareware tool called  
AlPosto Facto (or some similar silly name) allows one to install  
it. With OS9 running you install this tool  and then boot into a  
Jaguar install CD, install Jaguar and then install Panther over the  
top.  So my little G3 runs Panther happily.  I admit I don't use it  
all the time but it is quite responsive and great for doing simple  
stuff on  (like testing) even though I generally tend to use my Mac  
Mini.  My point is maybe this is an option OS9 based schools could  

Scott Kane
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something  
is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that  
something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

Arthur C Clarke
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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-18 Thread Luis

Oh Essex 10.4.9

Judging from Devin Asay's post this may point to a processor issue,  
as his worked ok on an Intel box, whereas Thierry's crashed too  
(assuming PowerPC as he didn't mention otherwise).



On 18 May 2007, at 21:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It loads ok, but then crashes: It renders the page and then a couple
of seconds later boom!



On Windows XP, the page begins to load, but then presents an error  
that says there is a problem executing scripts on this page, then  
it loads

and looks normal. Probably just badly formed javascript.

What platform is experiencing the crash?


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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Luis
Had a look at it, but still doesn't offer that many options to drill  
down the issue: I'm trying to avoid the bug reporter from having to  
type 'too much'.

For example for a graphics app (these would be spread across as well  
as down the page!):

* = Selected

Options/Pull downs

Your system
- OS 9
- OS X*
- W98
- W2K

Select product
- PictureMe*
- PrintMe

Select version
- v1
- v2
- v3*

Problem on Startup or Quit?
- Yes
- No*

Problem with Menu?
- Yes
- No*

Problem with Tools?
- Yes*
- No

Etc, etc. I'd get them tailored to fit the page plus space for the  
comment (only writeable if the bug reporter has pulled down at least  
60% of the options to cater for non-obvious issues not included in  
the pull downs).
Pull downs are little effort, so if someone has bothered to at least  
report the bug, it shouldn't be too hard.
There are plenty of options in RRQC and RevZilla, but I'd rather use  
up all that screen space to ask as many questions as possible (ie:  
via the pull downs) to narrow down the issue.



On 19 May 2007, at 0:13, Mark Talluto wrote:

On May 18, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Luis wrote:

Well, my idea would be to reply (this would be automated) to a bug  
email (must be sent to the bugs@ address) with a link to a page to  
fill in the details of the bug. This would constitute a web page  
with as many options as possible as pull downs, starting from the  
highest level (choose the software, choose the version) to as low  
as can fit on one page, so as to not appear a daunting task.
If they reach the bottom of the page they have the option to  
further detail the issue. The pull downs should whittle the chaff  
away from the problem so the bug reporter now has a better idea of  
what is required and can now detail the issue in his/her own  
words. Getting to this point should also assist with any issues  
regarding non-native speakers.

RevZilla by Ken Ray does pretty much that.  Have you given it a  
try?  It runs right in Rev. 

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Chipp Walters

On 5/18/07, Luis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, my idea would be to reply (this would be automated) to a bug
email (must be sent to the bugs@ address) with a link to a page to
fill in the details of the bug. This would constitute a web page with
as many options as possible as pull downs, starting from the highest
level (choose the software, choose the version) to as low as can fit
on one page, so as to not appear a daunting task.
If they reach the bottom of the page they have the option to further
detail the issue. The pull downs should whittle the chaff away from
the problem so the bug reporter now has a better idea of what is
required and can now detail the issue in his/her own words. Getting
to this point should also assist with any issues regarding non-native

Can you point me to such a system which is currently in use? Thanks.
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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Richard Gaskin

Luis wrote:

 On 19 May 2007, at 0:13, Mark Talluto wrote:

 RevZilla by Ken Ray does pretty much that.  Have you given it a
 try?  It runs right in Rev.

 Had a look at it, but still doesn't offer that many options to drill
 down the issue: I'm trying to avoid the bug reporter from having to
 type 'too much'.

 For example for a graphics app (these would be spread across as well
 as down the page!):

 * = Selected

 Options/Pull downs

 Your system
 - OS 9
 - OS X*
 - W98
 - W2K
 - WXP

 Select product
 - PictureMe*
 - PrintMe

 Select version
 - v1
 - v2
 - v3*

 Problem on Startup or Quit?
 - Yes
 - No*

 Problem with Menu?
 - Yes
 - No*

 Problem with Tools?
 - Yes*
 - No

 Etc, etc. I'd get them tailored to fit the page plus space for the
 comment (only writeable if the bug reporter has pulled down at least
 60% of the options to cater for non-obvious issues not included in
 the pull downs).
 Pull downs are little effort, so if someone has bothered to at least
 report the bug, it shouldn't be too hard.
 There are plenty of options in RRQC and RevZilla, but I'd rather use
 up all that screen space to ask as many questions as possible (ie:
 via the pull downs) to narrow down the issue.

Revzilla's written in Rev, so you could make your UI as a wizard for it. 
 I'm sure Ken would be willing to add it to his web page as a Revzilla 

Let us know when you have it done.  Sounds cool.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Scott Kane


Anyroad, if issues of workload are to be borne in mind regarding 
unsupported OSs the we should also ditch Windows 98. Although I  wouldn't 
agree with it on the grounds that there are tonnes of these  around (I 
even saw 3.1 'For Workgoups' on every machine in a  government department 
not two years ago, pretty nippy on them  Pentiums I must say!).

In some programs I refuse to support Win 9x and Millennium (for technical 
reasons related to some of the hardware problems in those OS').  However on 
the matter of Win 3.11 there are some parts of the QLD Education department 
who were still using that OS in relatively recent times.  At the time the 
reason was because Win 95 has bugs which while true was not really a valid 
reason in that Win 95 for all it's warts was generally more stable than Win 
3.11.  As you can imagine it created quite a problem with inter departmental 
documents written in various versions of Word, Access etc.

Scott Kane
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. 
Arthur C Clarke 

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Luis

I agree on Millenium Edition, I won't even touch the bargepole!

The reason they told me why they were still using 3.1 was the cost of  
the upgrade: In order to have all departments in sync they'd have to  
upgrade all their systems in one go.



On 19 May 2007, at 1:34, Scott Kane wrote:


Anyroad, if issues of workload are to be borne in mind regarding  
unsupported OSs the we should also ditch Windows 98. Although I   
wouldn't agree with it on the grounds that there are tonnes of  
these  around (I even saw 3.1 'For Workgoups' on every machine in  
a  government department not two years ago, pretty nippy on them   
Pentiums I must say!).

In some programs I refuse to support Win 9x and Millennium (for  
technical reasons related to some of the hardware problems in those  
OS').  However on the matter of Win 3.11 there are some parts of  
the QLD Education department who were still using that OS in  
relatively recent times.  At the time the reason was because Win  
95 has bugs which while true was not really a valid reason in that  
Win 95 for all it's warts was generally more stable than Win 3.11.   
As you can imagine it created quite a problem with inter  
departmental documents written in various versions of Word, Access  

Scott Kane
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from  
magic. Arthur C Clarke

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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Luis

Nope, it's in my head.



On 19 May 2007, at 0:58, Chipp Walters wrote:

On 5/18/07, Luis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, my idea would be to reply (this would be automated) to a bug
email (must be sent to the bugs@ address) with a link to a page to
fill in the details of the bug. This would constitute a web page with
as many options as possible as pull downs, starting from the highest
level (choose the software, choose the version) to as low as can fit
on one page, so as to not appear a daunting task.
If they reach the bottom of the page they have the option to further
detail the issue. The pull downs should whittle the chaff away from
the problem so the bug reporter now has a better idea of what is
required and can now detail the issue in his/her own words. Getting
to this point should also assist with any issues regarding non-native

Can you point me to such a system which is currently in use? Thanks.
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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Luis

On 19 May 2007, at 1:13, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Revzilla's written in Rev, so you could make your UI as a wizard  
for it.  I'm sure Ken would be willing to add it to his web page as  
a Revzilla add-on.

Let us know when you have it done.  Sounds cool.

I'll let it float around in my head for now, but thanks.



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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Chipp Walters

All good points Paul. I'm sure ancient Macs, and Apple II's are still in use
in some schools (though my publicly schooled daughter's 5th grade has only
OSX Macs and WinXP PCs). Too bad Apple didn't use Intel processors, or you
could load up the computer  with a version of Linux which works just fine. I
know there used to be a version of Linux for PowerPCs, but don't know if it
ever ran on an Apple--even so if it did, I doubt there were many authoring
tools which could compile for it.

Nice to see Apple's finally come around to the Intel architecture of things,
thus not forcing the 'planned hardware obsolescence' issue which we now have
with 'Classic.' At least with PC's, they always provided you a software
upgrade path...and didn't force you to buy all new hardware. And Linux runs
on most all old Intel machines.

I'm with Richard on this one. I can't imagine any features in a post
2.6version of Rev you'd *NEED* for Classic. Of course, I may be
missing some.

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Re: Protect a folder of pictures

2007-05-18 Thread Chipp Walters


You can easily store an image,  or many images, in a custom property of a
stack or stacks. Then, it's a simple matter to open the stack invisibly,
grab the customProp and set the imageData of a 'blank' image on your 'main'
stack to it. Should be pretty fast as well. This will discourage the casual
pirate from grabbing your image. Of course there are always ways to
circumvent this process, but for the most part, it's fast, compact, and easy
to deploy.

Or another way to do this, is to just import the images into a stack, then
launch the stack invisibly, and copy the imagedata of the image you want to
the 'blank' image. Remember, if you put all 1000 images in a single stack,
opening the stack will take forever. You might consider putting 1 image per
stack. Should be easy to write a script to automate this and point it to a
folder of images.

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-18 Thread Jeff Reynolds
nope, a lot of schools wont do this unless folks like you with the  
savvy to figure out how to do this go in and volunteer to do it, you  
donate the money for the  the copies of osx for their computers, then  
you will have to come in and train the teachers how to use the osx,  
then you will have to support the new systems, then you will have to  
probably donate copies of the osx versions of newer software for them  
to use since they dont have the tech personnel or money to do any of  
this in many cases.

I dont worry at all about being osx only in the home market its the  
school market that is still holding on to os9. k-6 will be the last  
hold ons here as they usually get the lowest tech budgets and have  
the least tech savvy staffing to attempt rolling their own upgrades.

I know you would want to believe that most schools are in the 21st  
century with their technology, but lots of them are still twencen.  
the schools that need them most help educationally are usually in the  
worst shape technology wise also, but even some more affluent  
districts have slashed tech budgets since getting rid of a tech  
person is way more desirable than loosing an administrator type in  
the district. you can guess my feelings on that matter...

I know that as one of the richest countries in the world we want to  
believe we hold education in high regard, but you will find that in  
terms of what you pay the folks that actually educate (teachers,  
lesson writers, educational programmers, etc) its actually pretty low  
on the professional pay scales. I know i have been doing educational  
multimedia since 87 and except for the few years in the hay days of  
cdroms in the mid 90s Its pretty much the lowest money in the field  
and the poorest clients..

A small side story that illustrates the point:
I presented years ago at the baby bell's annual technology conference  
for all the big wigs of all the telcos when they were just starting  
to see the light that they could move data into the households and  
make some $$ on it. they thought that folks would spend huge $ to  
bring educational materials into their house holds and the could make  
huge profits. after showing them all sorts of cool and fun  
educational multimedia stuff (they were practically foaming at the  
mouth at this point) i decided to do some letting air out of the  
tires. I asked if everyone in the room was making above $200K (there  
were like 100 top execs there so i assume that they would laugh at  
this paltry sum and i was correct in the assumption), all hands went  
up (except for a few engineers there from the labs that were also  
presenting). i then asked those that had kids and about 90% of the  
hands went up. then asked them to total all the money they spent in a  
year on educational materials for their kids. i said it could be  
books, subscriptions, music, videos, software, trips to museums or  
other even semi educational events. i asked how many of them thought  
they spent over $1000, a few hands went up, then $500 a few more then  
$250 most of the hands were up, then surprisingly i asked under $100  
and probably 10 hands went up -- i was shocked they were willing to  
admit that. I then asked them what the average household income was  
that they would target to sell ed materials to and they said $40-80k.  
Then said so if most of you are willing to spend less than half a  
percent of your large salaries with lots of discretionary cash on  
software you might think that it would be a smaller percentage for  
the ave customer and they agreed. then said ok how about half what  
you do, ok then that works out to 0.25% or less of $40-80K or  
$100-200/year for the ave target family. Silence in the room. None of  
them had bothered to think this through. i was horrified. i asked if  
they thought the target families would be able and/or willing to  
transfer any more money out of other spending to pay for more cool  
new educational materials via their new (and expensive at that time)  

went on into a discussion of what this would then require is a  
rewiring of how much money we will spend on educational materials in  
our society if they wanted the pie to get bigger to take a slice  
from. Needless to say for the next two days i was was the target of  
very concerned discussions at every free moment in the conference. To  
their credit they really came around fast in realizing the missing  
step, but only to not go into the area, not to even think about  
trying to change things.

sorry for the rant, but this is the world i live in and the rest of  
the world has a very different impression of the education world and  
just asks why cant we do things like business does...

best thing i can say is go in and volunteer in a school and see what  
it takes to do education, its an eye opener!


Jeffrey Reynolds

On May 18, 2007, at 7:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

However - I can run