Re: livecard/stacks over internet?

2008-08-09 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Eric A. Engle wrote:

> Is there anything like livecard existing or planned
> for revolution? any way one can serve stacks over the
> internet?

Well, really you can already do this by building your own viewer/player app
and placing your content/media on a server.  But I assume you're talking
about running stacks in a Web browser?  If so, then see the announcement
made at the RevLive conference in Las Vegas (titled "New Web Plugin!"):


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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livecard/stacks over internet?

2008-08-09 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Eric and all,


Just an FYI on this.companies are already stepping up to this technology.


In my day job I develop with a tool called Magic eDeveloper
 . The company just released a new version
(uinPaaS) that allows the developer to now select a "Rich Client" form type.
This type of form can be deployed to an internet user or to an "in office"
user. Actually, to either user at the same time. 

The Rich Client application requires no different developer work at all,
except of course to select the newer form type - Rich Client.

But the neat thing about this newer product, it allows the developer to
change the existing windows form to a Rich Client form and it converts
automatically. Actually, there is no conversion. The Runtime engine knows
the difference and delivers the appropriate technology.


And this is cool technology that now allows a software company to develop
RIA SaaS-enabled applications. It gives the software application purchaser
the power to choose how they deploy their purchased application, whether
Full Client or web; on-premise or on-demand software; and whether global or


So with all this to say or ask of RunRev, is this technology in the works
for the future Runtime Revolution product?



Mark Stuart


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Re-2: Removing CRLF from text

2008-08-09 Thread Mark Stuart
Kay C Lan wrote:

  Mark, although you seem to have got a solution with binfile, does it work

  with 'file' but just replacing "+" & LF ?


  Also agree that everything learnt from this thread should make it to the

  newsletter. I volunteer Mark Stuart ;-)


Kay, you are correct in your question. :-)

Here's the script using just "file":


on mouseUp

  --clear display fields on card

  --these fields are for displaying the results.

  put empty into fld "Before"

  put empty into fld "After"


  --fetch the file

  put "c:\temp\some.ini" into tFilename

  put URL ("file:" & tFilename) into tData

  put tData into fld "Before"


  replace "+" & LF with empty in tData

  put tData into fld "After"

end mouseUp


After reading all the threads on this topic, I deduce the following:


When reading the file into a memory variable, RunRev applies manipulation to
the EOL chars in the tData variable.

It replaces CR and LF with just LF.


So when using   - put URL ("file:" & tFilename) into tData - I would use the
"+" & LF, in this case.

And this is because of cross platform compatibility?


Would I be correct in my deductions?


I would like to find this in the products documentation somewhere. Anyone
know where I might find this?


And Kay, on you volunteering me - no problem, but I find myself unqualified
to do so. :-)



Mark Stuart

use-revolution mailing list
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livecard/stacks over internet?

2008-08-09 Thread Eric A. Engle
Is there anything like livecard existing or planned
for revolution? any way one can serve stacks over the

I would prefer that to using revolution as a cgi.
I still dream of 

Re: HTML Color Codes

2008-08-09 Thread Ken Ray

>>  put baseconvert(r,10,16) into r
>>  set the numberformat to "00"
>>  add 0 to r
>> This gives you a two-digit number in all cases.
> Will the numberFormat work with hexadecimal numbers?
> That was my mistake in the function Heather, but my solution would be:
> if the length of r < 2 then put "0" before r
> And repeat this for g & b before assembling the HTML color string.

You can also use the "format" function to not only convert the R, B, and B
numbers to hex, but pad it properly as well!

  put the backColor of this stack into tRGB  -- 194,10,128
  split tRGB by comma
  put format("%02x%02x%02x",tRGB[1],tRGB[2],tRGB[3]) into tHexColor
  put tHexColor
  --> c20a80

And with "do", you can even do it in one line:

  put the backColor of this stack into tRGB  -- 194,10,128
  do "put format(" & quote & "%02x%02x%02x" & quote & "," & \
 tRGB & ") into tHexColor
  put tHexColor

  --> c20a80

BTW: format() cool and is great for padding zeroes or spaces in front
things, so you can convert numbers to zero-padded fixed-length 6 digit
numbers like this:

  put 5 into tNum
  put format("%06d",tNum)--> 05

Or if you need to pad spaces, you can omit the "0" in the format() call, so:

  put format("%6d",tNum)   -->  5  (5 spaces, then the number "5")

Have fun,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

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Re: HTML Color Codes

2008-08-09 Thread Sarah Reichelt
>> Sarah I had no idea the numbers were related like that, interesting thanks
>> for explaining. I tried out your function and mostly it worked, but
>> sometimes it outputs a less-than-6-digit html color which causes an error
>> when setting the backcolor of say a button to tHTMLcolor
> Take a look at the "numberformat" property. This property sets the number of
> digits both before and after a decimal point. There are lots of options, but
> the most important thing to remember is that it will not work unless you
> perform a mathematical action on the variable. If you don't want to change
> the variable's value, just add zero to it:
>  put baseconvert(r,10,16) into r
>  set the numberformat to "00"
>  add 0 to r
> This gives you a two-digit number in all cases.

Will the numberFormat work with hexadecimal numbers?

That was my mistake in the function Heather, but my solution would be:
if the length of r < 2 then put "0" before r

And repeat this for g & b before assembling the HTML color string.

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The Long Owner (was Re: "the effective visibility")

2008-08-09 Thread Ken Ray

> AFAIK the owner's property is reliable as long as you don't try to
> code some expression using the owner of the owner of the owner of
> tObj...
> Using this form, I have got unexpected results.
> On the other hand, the long owner is the long name of the owner and I
> would prefer if it was the long ID:
> There are cases where you have to 'get' the long ID of the owner of
> tObj to be safe...
> I am thinking of hundreds of groups created on the fly for instance.

Here's the skinny (after lots of time and trial)... suppose you have this
set of objects on the card:

Group "MainGroup"  -- label "MainGroup 1"
Group "MyGroup"  -- label "Group 1"
   Button "MyButton"

Group "MainGroup"  -- label "MainGroup 2"
Group "MyGroup"  -- label "Group 2"
   Button "MyButton"

And you have code in the buttons that simply say:

  put the label of the long owner of me

This won't work - in both cases you get "Group 1" - this is because "the
long owner" retrieves a *named* object:

   group "MyGroup" of group "MainGroup" of card ...

which matches *both* groups. This happens no matter what property you try to
get of "the long owner". And once you have the *wrong* "long owner", trying
to get the "long owner" of *it* messes up as well, so:

  put the label of the long owner of the long owner of me

Will always give you "MainGroup 1".

So if you can't get away with uniquely naming your group objects for some
reason, the only thing you can do is basically what David and Bernard
pointed out - parse the long id of the target. Here's what I use:

function stsLongOwnerID pObjID,pOpt_NumLevels
  if pOpt_NumLevels = "" then put 1 into tNum
  else put pOpt_NumLevels into tNum
  if word ((4*tNum)+1) of pObjID is among the items of "group,card" then
delete word 1 to (4*tNum) of pObjID
  end if
  return pObjID
end stsLongOwnerID

This allows me to do either:

  put stsLongOwnerID(stsLongOwnerID(the long id of me))


  put stsLongOwnerID(the long id of me,2)

to get the same result.

I wish that the language was extended to be able to add "ownerID" in
addition to "owner" so you could do:

  put the long ownerID of the long ownerID of me
to get an accurate result, but that's not in there yet...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Testing if the mouse clicked on ME (button)?!

2008-08-09 Thread J. Landman Gay

H Baric wrote:

Making a timer, with just one button and one field.
The one button is to start and stop the timer.
The button's label is changed to "Stop" when it starts, and "Start" when it 
stops. I think I got that?
But, how to test when the user clicks on the button during the process? 
(sorry, hey don't laugh! I have been searching and trying everything I know, 
which isn't much yet!)

I'm just delighted you are posting here. I think this list can be scary 
for newcomers and they don't always post. I wish we had more like you. 
Please don't stop.

But it's simple right? *blush*

It can be, but the easy way isn't the right way. First let's fix your 
script to do it the easy way, and then I'll tell you why you shouldn't 
use it.

on mouseUp
if the label of me is "Start" then
set the label of me to "Stop"
repeat with tCount = 1 to 60
put tCount into fld "Counter Show"
wait 1 second

While this repeat is running, nothing else can happen. The 60-second 
wait will block all other processes on the whole computer while the 
repeat loop goes around and around. Other background programs will stop 
whatever they are doing, the whole CPU will hang in limbo until that 
minute is over. That's one reason why we don't do it this way. But let's 
look at the script some more anyway.

if (I am clicked??) and the label of me is "Stop" then

The event you want here is "the mouseclick". When the user clicks, the 
"mouseclick" event is sent to whatever object is clicked. So the correct 
line is:

  if the mouseclick then

You don't need to check to see if the label is "stop" because the first 
line of the "if" clause has already set that and it can't possibly be 
anything else.

exit repeat
set the label of me to "Start"

When you exit the repeat, any remaining lines in the repeat loop will be 
skipped and the handler will proceed to the line after the "end repeat". 
That means the label here will never be set to "start" because the loop 
has already exited. Change the order so that the "exit" is the last 
thing that happens:

   set the label of me to "Start"
   exit repeat

So, here's the whole working script:

on mouseUp
if the label of me is "Start" then
set the label of me to "Stop"
repeat with tCount = 1 to 60
 put tCount into fld "Counter Show"
 wait 1 second
 if the mouseclick then
set the label of me to "Start"
exit repeat
 end if
end repeat
end if
end mouseUp

That's the easy way, but don't do it. In addition to blocking the CPU 
while this repeat loop runs, there's another reason to avoid this 
technique. The "mouseclick" (or any other mouse events) are not reliable 
when checked in a loop. The engine will only recognize a mouse event if 
it occurs at the same moment the script is checking for it. In a very 
short loop, it will probably "see" the mouse event most of the time. But 
in very long scripts inside a repeat loop, another part of the handler 
may be running when the mouse is clicked (like during the 1-second wait 
above,) and the script won't be checking at that precise moment, so the 
loop will not exit.

So a much better way to handle this kind of thing is to use the 
techniques that Eric and others have pointed out. It's more complicated, 
but it is more reliable and it doesn't block the CPU. There is more info 
about this technique here:

Thanks again for posting, I hope you inspire all our other new Revvers 
to do the same.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Testing if the mouse clicked on ME (button)?!

2008-08-09 Thread Ken Ray

> But it's simple right? *blush*

Yup (BTW, I'm assuming it should count as being stopped after the 60 seconds
are up):

local sStartTime

on mouseUp
  if the label of me is "Start" then
set the label of me to "Stop"
put the seconds into sStartTime
send "CheckTimer" to me in 0 milliseconds   -- allows script to continue
CancelPending "CheckTimer"
set the label of me to "Start"
  end if
end mouseUp

on CheckTimer
  put (the seconds - sStartTime) into fld "Counter Show"
  if (the seconds - sStartTime = 60) then
set the label of me to "Start"
answer "Time's up!"
send "CheckTimer" to me in 1 second
  end if
end CheckTimer

on CancelPending pMsg
  put the pendingMessages into tPending
  filter tPending with "*," & pMsg & ",*"
  repeat for each line tMsg in tPending  -- just in case there's more than 1
cancel item 1 of tMsg
  end repeat
end CancelPending

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: HTML Color Codes

2008-08-09 Thread J. Landman Gay

H Baric wrote:

Sarah I had no idea the numbers were related like that, interesting thanks 
for explaining. I tried out your function and mostly it worked, but 
sometimes it outputs a less-than-6-digit html color which causes an error 
when setting the backcolor of say a button to tHTMLcolor

Take a look at the "numberformat" property. This property sets the 
number of digits both before and after a decimal point. There are lots 
of options, but the most important thing to remember is that it will not 
work unless you perform a mathematical action on the variable. If you 
don't want to change the variable's value, just add zero to it:

  put baseconvert(r,10,16) into r
  set the numberformat to "00"
  add 0 to r

This gives you a two-digit number in all cases.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: ANN: libRevCurl

2008-08-09 Thread Bernard Devlin
Hi Mark,

Someone in the forum was lamenting the blocking nature of libUrl calls, so I
just returned to the discussion and added a pointer to your site.  I've been
having some other problems with libUrl myself recently, and had been
thinking that I might need to shell to wget or curl, but now I can try your
library instead, so thanks for making this available.

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Re: engine crash on open stack (Larry Forsgren)

2008-08-09 Thread J. Landman Gay

Bernard Devlin wrote:

All I can suggest at this stage is that you take the crash log it generates
and send it to (see the recent thread 'are crash logs useful').

Larry, please include a copy of your stack in the report too. That's the 
fastest way for the team to pinpoint the problem, they will be able to 
find the issue immediately when it crashes.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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RE: Mirye Runtime Revolution Moving to Monthy Issue Releases; First Release 808

2008-08-09 Thread Lynn Fredricks
 > Tooning Malte?. Wow. cool...great idea!

Thanks Chipp! These guys make great alternative avatars as well.

There's also a (much more costly) animation service coming, too.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Mirye Software Publishing

Mirye Community NING 

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Re: Mirye Runtime Revolution Moving to Monthy Issue Releases; First Release 808

2008-08-09 Thread Chipp Walters
Tooning Malte?. Wow. cool...great idea!

Now if you can just get a pop at Engadget or DownloadSquad or
someother well-read blog.
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Re: Testing if the mouse clicked on ME (button)?!

2008-08-09 Thread Stephen Barncard
Hi Heather: you should check out the "Message Mechanics" stack by 
list member Dar Scott.  A well-written stack and essential learning 
experience to get you head around messages and timers. Many AHA 
moments. Then you can do other stuff while your timer runs.

A Primer on Message Mechanics. This module (stack file) is a primer 
on using send, cancel, pendingMessages and callbacks. Those are the 
basic Revolution components needed to get your stacks to do several 
things at the same time. The primer starts from the basics and builds 
on those, providing examples and details along the way. It is 88 tiny 
pages long and if that is not long enough for you, note that it is 
set up so you can add your own pages. It is fun and... It is Free!

Ugh. Sorry for another probably easy/obvious one to you clever folk, but I
can't seem to work out how to do this (and probably shouldn't be at this
time as I'm just about falling asleep, but it's driving me crazy as it was
supposed to be a quick simple thing to do):

Making a timer, with just one button and one field.

Heather - Who's toddler and teenager messed with most of her brain cells


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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Re: OT: HP Lovecraft fonts

2008-08-09 Thread Neurocard

Nice one on the fonts.. got some good response on other forums :D


Mark Wieder kirjoitti:


For no apparent reason, I am posting here the news that the folks at
the Cthulhu Lives website have made some very nice fonts available for
free download based on HP Lovecraft's writing styles. Of the free
fonts, I find the BlackLetter fonts a bit over the top, but OldStyle
and Telegram are a hoot.

"Typographical fashions change, and since the digital age overtook
typesetting and graphic design, many of the fonts common in the time
of Lovecraft have fallen into disuse. We've revived many of them from
vintage sources..."


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RE: OT: HP Lovecraft fonts

2008-08-09 Thread Lynn Fredricks
> Your timing is uncanny:  just last night I pulled "The 
> Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath" down from my shelf for a re-read.  :)
> I'm going to go download these fonts ASAP. Thanks!

Richard, Mark,

If you havent read S.T. Joshi's Lovecraft: A Life, I strongly recommend it.
Not only an excellent writer but the amount of research that went into this
totally blows away any other lovecraft bio ever written.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Mirye Software Publishing

Mirye Community NING 

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Re: Testing if the mouse clicked on ME (button)?!

2008-08-09 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour Heather,

It's not as simple as it seems :-)

There are many problems to solve here:
I am clicked??, a wait that will hang Rev, etc.

All this is a good reason to choose another architecture using the  
'send ' command.

To get you started:

local lCancelID -- script local variable
constant kTimerDelay = 1 -- constant
on mouseUp
  if the label of me is "Start" then
put 0 into fld "Counter Show"
set the label of me to "Stop"
send "SetTimer true" to me in kTimerDelay second --
put empty into fld "Counter Show"
set the label of me to "Start"
SetTimer false --
  end if
end mouseUp
on SetTimer pFlag
  if pFlag then -- starts timer
add 1 to fld "Counter Show"
if "SetTimer" is not in the pendingMessages then
 -- to avoid having a double pending message
  send "SetTimer true" to me in kTimerDelay second --
end if
put the result into lCancelID
  else -- stops timer by canceling pending message
  cancel lCancelID
  end if
end SetTimer

See 'send', 'cancel' and 'pendingMessages' in the docs :-)

Le 9 août 08 à 16:19, H Baric a écrit :

Ugh. Sorry for another probably easy/obvious one to you clever  
folk, but I
can't seem to work out how to do this (and probably shouldn't be at  
time as I'm just about falling asleep, but it's driving me crazy as  
it was

supposed to be a quick simple thing to do):

Making a timer, with just one button and one field.
The one button is to start and stop the timer.
The button's label is changed to "Stop" when it starts, and "Start"  
when it

stops. I think I got that?
But, how to test when the user clicks on the button during the  
(sorry, hey don't laugh! I have been searching and trying  
everything I know,

which isn't much yet!)

But it's simple right? *blush*

Here goes:

on mouseUp
if the label of me is "Start" then
set the label of me to "Stop"
repeat with tCount = 1 to 60
put tCount into fld "Counter Show"
wait 1 second
if (I am clicked??) and the label of me is "Stop" then
exit repeat
set the label of me to "Start"
end if
end repeat
end if
end mouseUp

Heather - Who's toddler and teenager messed with most of her brain  


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RE: HP Lovecraft fonts

2008-08-09 Thread Lynn Fredricks
Hi Mark,

> For no apparent reason, I am posting here the news that the 
> folks at the Cthulhu Lives website have made some very nice 
> fonts available for free download based on HP Lovecraft's 
> writing styles. Of the free fonts, I find the BlackLetter 
> fonts a bit over the top, but OldStyle and Telegram are a hoot.

I don't suppose you are coming up to the H P Lovecraft Film Festival in

Meshbox actually makes a 3D version of Lovecraft for Poser -

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Mirye Software Publishing

Mirye Community NING 

use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Mirye Runtime Revolution Moving to Monthy Issue Releases; First Release 808

2008-08-09 Thread Lynn Fredricks
> Why is Meshbox called "Meshbox" and not "Mirye Meshbox"?

Different branding for different target markets. In some circles, Meshbox is
a much better known brand for what the group does - primarily 3D content
licensing and some specialized 2D work, but also some audio. Just recently
Meshbox added custom animation with some libraries for Anime Studio and also
a "tooning" service - over on

And yes, at the top of the page, that is me; the other guy is Malte Brill,
creator of Animation Engine. Check out his 'toon :-)

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Mirye Software Publishing

Mirye Community NING 

use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Mirye Runtime Revolution Moving to Monthy Issue Releases; First Release 808

2008-08-09 Thread Lynn Fredricks
> so this is a value-added reseller product.  So what is added? 
>  Updates to what?  Are you guys adding additional tools?  
> Hacking the engine?

Hi Mike,

We aren't a VAR. We won't hack the engine (that would introduce all sorts of
support issues), not unless its part of an add-on that's included in an
issue - it modifies an existing install. 

This month, we are including version 3.1 of Valentina for Revolution
Advanced (this includes all three runtimes and a copy of Valentina Studio
Admin - this is for Studio and Enterprise only) and a presentation audio
pack of 20 royalty free, loopable soundtracks called "Business as Unusual
Volume 1". The audio pack is for everyone - Media, Studio, Enterprise.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Mirye Software Publishing

Mirye Community NING 

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Testing if the mouse clicked on ME (button)?!

2008-08-09 Thread H Baric
Ugh. Sorry for another probably easy/obvious one to you clever folk, but I 
can't seem to work out how to do this (and probably shouldn't be at this 
time as I'm just about falling asleep, but it's driving me crazy as it was 
supposed to be a quick simple thing to do):

Making a timer, with just one button and one field.
The one button is to start and stop the timer.
The button's label is changed to "Stop" when it starts, and "Start" when it 
stops. I think I got that?
But, how to test when the user clicks on the button during the process? 
(sorry, hey don't laugh! I have been searching and trying everything I know, 
which isn't much yet!)

But it's simple right? *blush*

Here goes:

on mouseUp
if the label of me is "Start" then
set the label of me to "Stop"
repeat with tCount = 1 to 60
put tCount into fld "Counter Show"
wait 1 second
if (I am clicked??) and the label of me is "Stop" then
exit repeat
set the label of me to "Start"
end if
end repeat
end if
end mouseUp

Heather - Who's toddler and teenager messed with most of her brain cells 

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OT: HP Lovecraft fonts

2008-08-09 Thread Tereza Snyder

On Aug 8, 2008, at 10:25 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:


For no apparent reason, I am posting here the news that the folks at
the Cthulhu Lives website have made some very nice fonts available for
free download based on HP Lovecraft's writing styles. Of the free
fonts, I find the BlackLetter fonts a bit over the top, but OldStyle
and Telegram are a hoot.

Though not a Lovecraft fan, I greet you from Sauk City, home of Arkham  
House and August Derleth!


Tereza Snyder
Califex Software, Inc.

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Re: Mirye Runtime Revolution Moving to Monthy Issue Releases; First Release 808

2008-08-09 Thread Mikey
so this is a value-added reseller product.  So what is added?  Updates to
what?  Are you guys adding additional tools?  Hacking the engine?

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread Tereza Snyder

On Aug 9, 2008, at 6:56 AM, Bernard Devlin wrote:

Hi Eric

I'm afraid it is worse than that.  Things like this are not  
reliable: "get

the cpValue of the owner of field mydata", where the owner is a group.
Sometimes it will work, other times Rev will actually return the  
contents of
another field in another group (and these are not controls that were  
on the fly).  Since wasting a whole day tracking down that bug (in  
code that
had appeared to be working for weeks), I now _always_ get the long  
id of

(for example) field myData, and then parse the long ID.

Here's an easy—and I suspect faster—way to parse the long id for  
traversal up the hierarchy of objects:

get the long id of the selectedobject; replace " of " with "," in it;  
put it

which results in:

   field id 226375,group id 226358,group id 226332,card id  
224190,stack "..."

then a simple "for each item" loop to traverse it.

The engine doesn't have to fetch the ID but once.

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Re: HTML Color Codes

2008-08-09 Thread Mikey
By the way, this isn't a case where orange and red are equivalent, right?

(tongue in cheek)
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Re: HTML Color Codes

2008-08-09 Thread H Baric
Thank you Eric, Mark and Sarah for fantastic help with this. I'm embarrassed 
to say that I only searched for HTML color, and concluded there wasn't 
anything to be found on this exactly. So thanks once again for pointing me 
in new directions.

Though I have to read up about how to use libs, I wouldn't have a clue atm! 
But I will find out, so need to reply re this. :)

Sarah I had no idea the numbers were related like that, interesting thanks 
for explaining. I tried out your function and mostly it worked, but 
sometimes it outputs a less-than-6-digit html color which causes an error 
when setting the backcolor of say a button to tHTMLcolor - WHICH of course I 
won't be doing, so not really a problem! However I'm hoping this won't make 
any difference with the html output when it comes time to show the color on 
a webpage - I wonder if it will be the correct colour? I haven't had a 
chance to test out such colours, but I'm guessing (hoping) that it won't?


- Original Message - 
From: "Sarah Reichelt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "How to use Revolution" 
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: HTML Color Codes

> I was wondering how to translate the RGB names to the HTML equivalent when 
> user selects color with the Color Dialog. For such use as with a html page 
> generator.
> If it doesn't exist already (though surely it's been done before, and I 
> just can't find it): am I on the right track thinking that an array would 
> be used to hold both code sets, then a function returns the html 
> equivalent rather than the RGB? Or something!

HTML colors are just the same as RGB colors but with the decimal
numbers converted to hexadecimal and then run together. So you can
calculate one from the other and don't need an array or lookup table.
Here is a function for doing the conversion.

function RGBtoHTML pRGB
put item 1 of pRGB into r
put item 2 of pRGB into g
put item 3 of pRGB into b

put baseconvert(r,10,16) into r
put baseconvert(g,10,16) into g
put baseconvert(b,10,16) into b

return "#" & r & g & b

So you can do something like this:

answer color
put it into tRGBcolor
put RGBtoHTML(tRGBcolor) into tHTMLcolor

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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour Bernard,

I'm afraid you are right because the owner uses 'names'...
But when I set a var to the long ID of the long owner of tObj' and  
use it, it seems to work reliably.

Le 9 août 08 à 13:56, Bernard Devlin a écrit :

Hi Eric

I'm afraid it is worse than that.  Things like this are not  
reliable: "get

the cpValue of the owner of field mydata", where the owner is a group.
Sometimes it will work, other times Rev will actually return the  
contents of
another field in another group (and these are not controls that  
were created
on the fly).  Since wasting a whole day tracking down that bug (in  
code that
had appeared to be working for weeks), I now _always_ get the long  
id of

(for example) field myData, and then parse the long ID.


On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Eric Chatonet <

AFAIK the owner's property is reliable as long as you don't try to  

some expression using the owner of the owner of the owner of tObj...
Using this form, I have got unexpected results.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread Bernard Devlin
Hi Eric

I'm afraid it is worse than that.  Things like this are not reliable: "get
the cpValue of the owner of field mydata", where the owner is a group.
Sometimes it will work, other times Rev will actually return the contents of
another field in another group (and these are not controls that were created
on the fly).  Since wasting a whole day tracking down that bug (in code that
had appeared to be working for weeks), I now _always_ get the long id of
(for example) field myData, and then parse the long ID.


On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Eric Chatonet <

> AFAIK the owner's property is reliable as long as you don't try to code
> some expression using the owner of the owner of the owner of tObj...
> Using this form, I have got unexpected results.
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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour David,

AFAIK the owner's property is reliable as long as you don't try to  
code some expression using the owner of the owner of the owner of  

Using this form, I have got unexpected results.
On the other hand, the long owner is the long name of the owner and I  
would prefer if it was the long ID:
There are cases where you have to 'get' the long ID of the owner of  
tObj to be safe...

I am thinking of hundreds of groups created on the fly for instance.

In the function I posted about the effective 'visible' of a control,  
I stop recursion when the card level is reached: the visible of  
'card' throws an error:
Once more, this could be fixed at the level engine to return true in  
all cases for a card since it makes a 'hole' into the hierarchy: any  
control gets a visible property, any stack too but not a card :-(

Hope this clarifies ;-)

Le 9 août 08 à 12:05, David Bovill a écrit :

Thanks for those Eric - I've got a general question about the use  
of "the
long owner". I know that in the old days it was safer to take the  
long id of
the target and delete the first 4 words to get the long id of the  
owner (so
you could reference it from anywhere) - is this not necessary any  

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread David Bovill
On a similar note I wish there was a "visible rect" property. I have some
routines that try and work out what part of an object is visible, taking
into account margins, borders, and so forth so that scripts can position
them to line up with other objects. I've never got them to work perfectly,
which means my custom geometry handling scripts don't work as well as they

I also have had problems with geometry for stacks / controls that are not
visible - I often want to reset the geometry while things are hidden then
show the result, but in the past have found that certain geometry functions
return empty when the object is nto visible? Anyone found this?
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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks Eric,

Here's what I ended up with:

function altEffectiveVisible pLongControlName
  if not the vis of pLongControlName then return false
  replace "group" with cr & "group" in pLongControlName
  filter pLongControlName with "group*"
  repeat for each line L in pLongControlName
put offset(" of",L) into tEnd
put char 1 to tEnd-1 of L into tGrpName
if the vis of tGrpName is false then return false
  end repeat
  return true
end altEffectiveVisible

Didn't know about the long owner...time to check it out!
Thanks :-)
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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread David Bovill
Thanks for those Eric - I've got a general question about the use of "the
long owner". I know that in the old days it was safer to take the long id of
the target and delete the first 4 words to get the long id of the owner (so
you could reference it from anywhere) - is this not necessary any more?
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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour Mark,

You are right :-)
But practically, it's not necessary to know the visible of a stack in  
most cases.
In addition, a complete IsEffectiveVisible (I mean visible by the  
user) function should take into account many other things:

Is the stack on-screen, is its window overlaid by another one;
The same for the control, etc.

Le 9 août 08 à 11:11, Mark Schonewille a écrit :

Hi Eric,

You don't take the visible of a stack into account ;-)


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Op 9-aug-2008, om 10:14 heeft Eric Chatonet het volgende geschreven:

Bonjour Chipp,

Le 8 août 08 à 22:49, Chipp Walters a écrit :

If anyone already has an "isEffectiveVisible" function, let me know.

IsVisible returns any control effective visibility:

function IsVisible pObj
  if not the visible of pObj then return false
  repeat until "Card" is word 1 of the long owner of pObj
put the long owner of pObj into pObj
if not the visible of pObj then return false
  end repeat
  return true
end IsVisible

ObjOwners lists the owners of an object:

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:

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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Eric,

You don't take the visible of a stack into account ;-)


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Op 9-aug-2008, om 10:14 heeft Eric Chatonet het volgende geschreven:

Bonjour Chipp,

Le 8 août 08 à 22:49, Chipp Walters a écrit :

If anyone already has an "isEffectiveVisible" function, let me know.

IsVisible returns any control effective visibility:

function IsVisible pObj
  if not the visible of pObj then return false
  repeat until "Card" is word 1 of the long owner of pObj
put the long owner of pObj into pObj
if not the visible of pObj then return false
  end repeat
  return true
end IsVisible

ObjOwners lists the owners of an object:

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Re: "the effective visibility"

2008-08-09 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour Chipp,

Le 8 août 08 à 22:49, Chipp Walters a écrit :

If anyone already has an "isEffectiveVisible" function, let me know.

IsVisible returns any control effective visibility:

function IsVisible pObj
  if not the visible of pObj then return false
  repeat until "Card" is word 1 of the long owner of pObj
put the long owner of pObj into pObj
if not the visible of pObj then return false
  end repeat
  return true
end IsVisible

ObjOwners lists the owners of an object:

function ObjOwners pObj
  -- return the owners of any object until the card (not included)
  local tOwner,tOwners
  put pObj into tOwner
  repeat until "Card" is word 1 of the long owner of tOwner
put the long owner of tOwner & cr after tOwners
put the long owner of tOwner into tOwner
  end repeat
  if tOwners = empty then return pObj
  return pObj & cr & line 1 to -1 of tOwners
end ObjOwners

OutOfCardWindow returns is an object is out of the card window:

function OutOfCardWindow pObj,pCard
  if the left of pObj > the right of pCard then return true
  if the right of pObj < 0 then return true
  if the bottom of pObj < 0 then return true
  if the top of pObj > the bottom of pCard then return true
  return false
end OutOfCardWindow

IsHiddenByAnotherControl checks if a control can be hidden by another  

function IsHiddenByAnotherControl pObj,pCard
  repeat with i = (the layer of pObj + 1) to the number of controls  
of pCard
if the topLeft of pObj is within the rect of control i of pCard  
and the botright of pObj is within the rect of control i of pCard and  
the opaque of control i of pCard then return true

  end repeat
  return false
end IsHiddenByAnotherControl

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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Re: engine crash on open stack (Larry Forsgren)

2008-08-09 Thread Bernard Devlin
Larry, well, we've established that it's a general problem - it crashes Rev
for me too.   I even went to, and
downloaded StackRunner to try and run your stack without any of the
IDE-related stuff getting in the way, but it crashed that too.

All I can suggest at this stage is that you take the crash log it generates
and send it to (see the recent thread 'are crash logs useful').
Maybe they can diagnose that for you and give you some help.


On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 4:48 AM, Larry Forsgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Bernard
> Thank for taking interest in this.
> I have send you the stack.
> Regards
> Larry
> ___
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