Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Richmond Mathewson
The magic numbers (i.e. the conversion algorithms) are laid out very 
clearly here:

which seems to predate Monte Goulding.

James Hurley wrote:
What I have been using are the following two functions. I believe they 
originated with Monte Goulding. (With a slight addition to allow for a 
single parameter input containing the rgb values.)

They have been VERY useful. There are times when HSV is critical.
(Of course neither is useful in getting the RGB--or HSV--values from 
the color names.)

Jim Hurley

function RGBtoHSV r, g, b
   if the paramcount is 1 then
  put item 3 of r into b
  put item 2 of r into g
  put item 1 of r into r
   end if
   local maxv, minv, diff, s, rc, gc, bc, h
   set the numberFormat to 0.###
   put r / 255 into r
   put g / 255 into g
   put b / 255 into b
   put max(r,g,b) into maxv
   put min(r,g,b) into minv
   put maxv - minv into diff
   if maxv  0 and diff  0 then
  put diff / maxv into s
  put (maxv - r) / diff into rc
  put (maxv - g) / diff into gc
  put (maxv - b) / diff into bc
  if r = maxv then put bc - gc into h
  else if g = maxv then put 2 + rc - bc into h
  else if b = maxv then put 4 + gc - rc into h
  multiply h by 60
  if h  0 then
 add 360 to h
  end if
  put 0 into s
  put 0 into h
   end if
   return round(h),round(s * 100),round(maxv * 100)
end RGBtoHSV

function HSVtoRGB h, s, v
 if the paramcount is 1 then
  put item 3 of h into v
  put item 2 of h into s
  put item 1 of h into h
   end if
  local rgb, i, f, p, q, t
  set the numberFormat to 0.###
  divide s by 100
  divide v by 100
  if s is 0 then put v,v,v into rgb
divide h by 60
put trunc(h) into i
put h - i into f
put v * (1 - s) into p
put v * (1 - s * f) into q
put v * (1 - s * (1- f)) into t
if i is 0 then put v,t,p into rgb
if i is 1 then put q,v,p into rgb
if i is 2 then put p,v,t into rgb
if i is 3 then put p,q,v into rgb
if i is 4 then put t,p,v into rgb
if i is 5 then put v,p,q into rgb
  end if
  return round(item 1 of rgb * 255), round(item 2 of rgb * 255), 
round(item 3 of rgb * 255)

end HSVtoRGB

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Re: Is there a way to suppress https errors?

2009-07-05 Thread Bernard Devlin
This is from the more extensive libURL documentation (here

libUrlSetSSLVerification true|false (new in 1.1.1)

When set to true (the default), libUrl will use the with
verification form of the open secure socket command which uses
certificates set in the SSLCertificates property. When set to false,
the without verification form is used which enables encrypted data
transfer but without being certain who you're sending to or receiving
from. Once set, the property is in use for all subsequent requests
until it is set differently, so BE CAREFUL with this. (i.e. don't use
it unless you know what you're doing)

Disabling SSL verification means you don't have SSL working entirely
properly. I suspect the truth is that somewhere there is a PEM file
that Rev ought to be checking, and when one has a certificate one
trusts, one ought to be adding it to the PEM file.  The reason that
browsers aren't complaining about this certificate is probably because
the certificate stores used by them do include a certificate to verify
this one.


On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 1:05 AM, Bryan wrote:
 I am trying to automate a daily download of a file from an https server.
  Regular browsers have no trouble accessing the site.

 In rev however, the following error gets thrown instead

 error -Error with certificate at depth: 1  issuer   =
 /C=US/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority  subject  =
 /C=US/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority  err 19:self signed
 certificate in certificate chain

 Is there a way around this? Is there a way to suppress the error message?

 I am using the plain old put URL the url to retrieve the url in question.
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Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Josep


I need to load at proportional size images inside the image area, but the
image area have her own size. How can fit the image inside the image area
changing her width and height?

I'm blocked... :(

Any idea? I search the list but I can't found any...

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Re: Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Josep,

function rescale theImgWidth,theImgHeight,theCdWidth,theCdHeight
  if theCdWidth/theImgWidth  theCdHeight/theImgHeight then
put theCdWidth / theImgWidth into myRatio
put theCdHeight / theImgHeight into myRatio
  end if
  put theImgWidth * myRatio into myNewWidth
  put theImgHeight * myRatio into myNewHeight
  return myNewWidth,myNewHeight
end rescale


lock screen
put rescale(width of image,height of image,width of image  
area,height of image area) into myNewSize

set the width of img x to item 1 of myNewSize
set the height of img x to item 2 of myNewSize
set the loc of img x to loc of image area
unlock screen

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Snapper Screen Recorder 2.1

If you sent me an e-mail before 21 June and haven't got a reply yet,  
please send me a reminder.

On 5 jul 2009, at 10:03, Josep wrote:


I need to load at proportional size images inside the image area,  
but the
image area have her own size. How can fit the image inside the image  

changing her width and height?

I'm blocked... :(

Any idea? I search the list but I can't found any...

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Re: Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Sarah Reichelt
 I need to load at proportional size images inside the image area, but the
 image area have her own size. How can fit the image inside the image area
 changing her width and height?

If you get the formattedHeight of the image and the formattedWidth of
the image, that tells you the original number of pixels.
If you pick a fixed height or a fixed width for the display image, you
can calculate what the other dimension should be and set the size of
the image object accordingly.
Make sure you set the lockLoc of the image to true or it will resize
to the full dimensions of the image when the stack is opened.

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Re: Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hmmm yes, Josep might want to use my function with formattedHeight  
and formattedWidth rather than regular height and width.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Snapper Screen Recorder 2.1

If you sent me an e-mail before 21 June and haven't got a reply yet,  
please send me a reminder.

On 5 jul 2009, at 10:21, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

If you get the formattedHeight of the image and the formattedWidth of
the image, that tells you the original number of pixels.
If you pick a fixed height or a fixed width for the display image, you
can calculate what the other dimension should be and set the size of
the image object accordingly.
Make sure you set the lockLoc of the image to true or it will resize
to the full dimensions of the image when the stack is opened.


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Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Richmond Mathewson

New version:

now showing RGB, HSV and HSL

actually the code is dead easy once you can cope with all the brackets:

used this in a listField full of colorNames:

on mouseDown
 get the clickText
 put the clickText into fld SELECT
 set the backgroundColor of fld KNAMES to the clickText
 set the backgroundColor of grc SAMPLE to the clickText
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
 put RGBthe mouseColor into fld fRGB
 put the mouseColor into FRGB
 put item 1 of FRGB into ARR
 put item 2 of FRGB into GEE
 put item 3 of FRGB into BEE
 put max(FRGB) into maxRGB
 put min(FRGB) into minRGB
 if maxRGB = minRGB then
   put 0 into ACHE
 if maxRGB = ARR then
put ((60 * ((GEE - BEE) / (maxRGB - minRGB)) + 360) mod 
360) into ACHE

end if
if maxRGB = GEE then
put (60 * ((BEE - ARR) / (maxRGB - minRGB)) + 120) into ACHE
end if
if maxRGB = BEE then
   put (60 * ((ARR - GEE) / (maxRGB - minRGB)) + 240) into ACHE
end if
  end if
  if maxRGB = minRGB then
put 0 into ESS
put (0.5 * (maxRGB + minRGB)) into ELL
if ELL = 0.5 then
  put ((maxRGB - minRGB) / (maxRGb + minRGB)) into ESS
end if
if ELL  0.5 then
  put ((maxRGB - minRGB) / (2 - (maxRGb + minRGB))) into ESS
end if
  end if
  put maxRGB into VEE
  put HSVACHE  ,  ESS  ,  VEE into fld fHSV
  put HSLACHE  ,  ESS  ,  ELL into fld fHSL
 set the backgroundColor of fld KNAMES to WHITE
end mouseUp

love Richmond.
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walking folder vs mdfind

2009-07-05 Thread jim sims
I just spent a couple of head banging hours trying to figure out how  
to walk through folders and get all the applications in the OS X  
directory Applications.

Then, after a brain message from the Goddess in the next room (and  
probably Lord  Ganesha) , I tried a shell:

 mdfind -onlyin /Applications .app

It seems to do what I want, quickly.
I'm posting this for the Archives in case such a thing is needed by  
anyone in the future.

- Long Live the Archives

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Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Richmond Mathewson

New version posted:

as the RGB values in the last version were nonsense because I had not 

autohilite for the listField.

HSL and Co. are still screwing up . . . back to the Maths.

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 70, Issue 9

2009-07-05 Thread Paul Franken
Ik ben afwezig tijdens de week van 6 tot 10 juli, als u dringende vragen heeft,
kan je steeds terecht bij mijn collega's van ICADS.

mvg, Paul

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Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Richmond Mathewson

Well, well, well . . . digging around in the Documentation I discovered

statRound (having fallen foul of 'round');

still feeling a bit 'funny' about those negative S values . . .

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Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Colin Holgate
Your current version has a slight problem in that if you are over some  
of the text at the time you click, the mouseColor will be based on the  
text color, or the antialiased colors that appear at the edge of  
letters. Another approach you could take would be to have a one pixel  
big field (with its backgroundcolor set to the desired value) that you  
place under the mouse location just before taking the mouseColor.

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 70, Issue 10

2009-07-05 Thread Paul Franken
Ik ben afwezig tijdens de week van 6 tot 10 juli, als u dringende vragen heeft,
kan je steeds terecht bij mijn collega's van ICADS.

mvg, Paul

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Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Richmond Mathewson

Thank you Colin for your advice, I have followed it:

modified version at :

as well as at OLD revOnline.

Colin Holgate wrote:
Your current version has a slight problem in that if you are over some 
of the text at the time you click, the mouseColor will be based on the 
text color, or the antialiased colors that appear at the edge of 
letters. Another approach you could take would be to have a one pixel 
big field (with its backgroundcolor set to the desired value) that you 
place under the mouse location just before taking the mouseColor.

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 70, Issue 10

2009-07-05 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, July 5, 2009, 10:01:36 AM, you wrote:

 Ik ben afwezig tijdens de week van 6 tot 10 juli, als u dringende vragen 
 kan je steeds terecht bij mijn collega's van ICADS.

Don't forget to write...

-Mark Wieder

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RE: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Randall Reetz
Just thinking... but by light mixing physics it would seem that Hue would 
simply be some three-matrix sum, S would be the sum of R,G, and B devided by 
the range for any one of them, and V just that total range minus S.   Is all of 
this min and max just some sort of maths shortcut?  Maybe this is a way of 
figuring the range between R,G, and B?  Seems unintuitive as it obfuscates the 
real relationships involved.  What am i missing?

-Original Message-
From: Richmond Mathewson
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

Well, well, well . . . digging around in the Documentation I discovered

statRound (having fallen foul of 'round');

still feeling a bit 'funny' about those negative S values . . .

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RE: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Randall Reetz
Oh, i get it.  Min and max allows the range as Hue is relative to this range 
between min and max RGB values and their average within the full range 
determines S and thus V.

-Original Message-
From: Randall Reetz
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: Convert RGB to HSV

Just thinking... but by light mixing physics it would seem that Hue would 
simply be some three-matrix sum, S would be the sum of R,G, and B devided by 
the range for any one of them, and V just that total range minus S.   Is all of 
this min and max just some sort of maths shortcut?  Maybe this is a way of 
figuring the range between R,G, and B?  Seems unintuitive as it obfuscates the 
real relationships involved.  What am i missing?

-Original Message-
From: Richmond Mathewson
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

Well, well, well . . . digging around in the Documentation I discovered

statRound (having fallen foul of 'round');

still feeling a bit 'funny' about those negative S values . . .

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Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Richmond Mathewson

The Wikipedia article I referenced in an earlier posting in this thread
is really quite comprehensive, including 3-d diagrams of how this
is conceptualised.

I generally find the algorithms on Wikipedia are very useful in
this sort of case, as, am not going to get out my slide-rule and
work out the whole jingbang for myself - this life being too short.

Frankly, as a simple type of chap, who only prints out coloured
stuff rarely, I am perfectly happy with RGB.

I just got piqued when somebody esle was writing about HSV (err, HSB ???)
and so on, and thought I wonder if I can do that? as, honestly, had a very
unstimulating few days (went to a funeral, helped in Bulgaria's 

elections . . . need I say more) and felt a need to stretch the mind a spot.

Learned about:

statRound  (have you ever come across that one before?)

so can't all have been bad.   :)

Randall Reetz wrote:

Oh, i get it.  Min and max allows the range as Hue is relative to this range 
between min and max RGB values and their average within the full range 
determines S and thus V.

-Original Message-
From: Randall Reetz
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: Convert RGB to HSV

Just thinking... but by light mixing physics it would seem that Hue would simply be some 
three-matrix sum, S would be the sum of R,G, and B devided by the range for any one of them, and V 
just that total range minus S.   Is all of this min and max just some sort 
of maths shortcut?  Maybe this is a way of figuring the range between R,G, and B?  Seems 
unintuitive as it obfuscates the real relationships involved.  What am i missing?

-Original Message-
From: Richmond Mathewson
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

Well, well, well . . . digging around in the Documentation I discovered

statRound (having fallen foul of 'round');

still feeling a bit 'funny' about those negative S values . . .

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Dam-pro, broken download problem solved.

2009-07-05 Thread Damien Girard

Hi all,

The Dam-pro website had all its downloads broken since few days, a 
Joomla update broken few things, but everything is ok now.

Sorry for the trouble.

Kind Regards,

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RE: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Randall Reetz
The reason it matters to me has nothing to do with printing.  I am writing AI 
and part of this needs to learn how to recognize objects (semantically) from 
photos and video.  The starter functions i am handing to this self learning 
pattern engine are ways of converting bitmaps into vector objects.  To swim the 
math of a pixel grid and pull objects out involves knowing where a region of 
color is person and where it ain't.  That means knowing that a darker part of 
an arm is still the arm.  That means knowing the difference between hue delta 
and brightness delta.  Of course this gets harry when the color of the lighting 
varies accross an image.  But i can parse for and adjust for that.  RGB vals 
don't in them selves carry the data my object parser needs to determine where 
an arm ends and where it doesnt.  Actually, i dont need seporate S and V 
values... just Hue as differenciated from Brightness.

-Original Message-
From: Richmond Mathewson
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

The Wikipedia article I referenced in an earlier posting in this thread
is really quite comprehensive, including 3-d diagrams of how this
is conceptualised.

I generally find the algorithms on Wikipedia are very useful in
this sort of case, as, am not going to get out my slide-rule and
work out the whole jingbang for myself - this life being too short.

Frankly, as a simple type of chap, who only prints out coloured
stuff rarely, I am perfectly happy with RGB.

I just got piqued when somebody esle was writing about HSV (err, HSB ???)
and so on, and thought I wonder if I can do that? as, honestly, had a very
unstimulating few days (went to a funeral, helped in Bulgaria's 
elections . . . need I say more) and felt a need to stretch the mind a 
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Escaping slashes in Windows for menus?

2009-07-05 Thread Ken Ray
Up until 3.5 (I think), if you had a popup menu or option menu and you
wanted to display a / in it, you had to escape it with a preceding \,
but only on Macs. This was (I assume) to differentiate it from a / that
preceded an accelerator key.

So for example, I have a status popup that lists IN, IN/LW, OUT, OUT/LW,
etc., and to make it appear properly on Macs, I had to do IN, IN\/LW, OUT,
OUT\LW, etc. but I didn't have to do it on Windows.

Now I'm seeing this same need on Windows, but only while running the 3.5
engine... is this intentional (in which case I'll change the underlying
code) or a bug?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

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Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Richmond Mathewson

Well, you are either way ahead of me, or way out there; either way
I won't pretend to understand.

Suffice it to say, my wee stack cuts the mustard re converting RGB to 
HSV and HSL values.

Randall Reetz wrote:

The reason it matters to me has nothing to do with printing.  I am writing AI 
and part of this needs to learn how to recognize objects (semantically) from 
photos and video.  The starter functions i am handing to this self learning 
pattern engine are ways of converting bitmaps into vector objects.  To swim the 
math of a pixel grid and pull objects out involves knowing where a region of 
color is person and where it ain't.  That means knowing that a darker part of 
an arm is still the arm.  That means knowing the difference between hue delta 
and brightness delta.  Of course this gets harry when the color of the lighting 
varies accross an image.  But i can parse for and adjust for that.  RGB vals 
don't in them selves carry the data my object parser needs to determine where 
an arm ends and where it doesnt.  Actually, i dont need seporate S and V 
values... just Hue as differenciated from Brightness.

-Original Message-
From: Richmond Mathewson
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

The Wikipedia article I referenced in an earlier posting in this thread
is really quite comprehensive, including 3-d diagrams of how this
is conceptualised.

I generally find the algorithms on Wikipedia are very useful in
this sort of case, as, am not going to get out my slide-rule and
work out the whole jingbang for myself - this life being too short.

Frankly, as a simple type of chap, who only prints out coloured
stuff rarely, I am perfectly happy with RGB.

I just got piqued when somebody esle was writing about HSV (err, HSB ???)
and so on, and thought I wonder if I can do that? as, honestly, had a very
unstimulating few days (went to a funeral, helped in Bulgaria's 

elections . . . need I say more) and felt a need to stretch the mind a 
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RE: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Randall Reetz
Trying to do something isnt always the same as doing that something.  Success 
remains elusive... But i am getting closer.  Trying to cut every available 
corner along the way (isnt that how evolution works).  The human eye isnt 
perfect... But we get by.  Color space is confusing.  Are two and three color 
combinations representable in HSV color space?  I dont see how.  H seems to be 
a single point along a pure wave length spectrum.  No?  I had better read up.
-Original Message-
From: Richmond Mathewson
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

Well, you are either way ahead of me, or way out there; either way
I won't pretend to understand.

Suffice it to say, my wee stack cuts the mustard re converting RGB to 
HSV and HSL values.

Randall Reetz wrote:
 The reason it matters to me has nothing to do with printing.  I am writing AI 
 and part of this needs to learn how to recognize objects (semantically) from 
 photos and video.  The starter functions i am handing to this self learning 
 pattern engine are ways of converting bitmaps into vector objects.  To swim 
 the math of a pixel grid and pull objects out involves knowing where a region 
 of color is person and where it ain't.  That means knowing that a darker part 
 of an arm is still the arm.  That means knowing the difference between hue 
 delta and brightness delta.  Of course this gets harry when the color of the 
 lighting varies accross an image.  But i can parse for and adjust for that.  
 RGB vals don't in them selves carry the data my object parser needs to 
 determine where an arm ends and where it doesnt.  Actually, i dont need 
 seporate S and V values... just Hue as differenciated from Brightness.

 -Original Message-
 From: Richmond Mathewson
 To: How to use Revolution
 Sent: 7/5/2009 12:33 PM
 Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

 The Wikipedia article I referenced in an earlier posting in this thread
 is really quite comprehensive, including 3-d diagrams of how this
 is conceptualised.

 I generally find the algorithms on Wikipedia are very useful in
 this sort of case, as, am not going to get out my slide-rule and
 work out the whole jingbang for myself - this life being too short.

 Frankly, as a simple type of chap, who only prints out coloured
 stuff rarely, I am perfectly happy with RGB.

 I just got piqued when somebody esle was writing about HSV (err, HSB ???)
 and so on, and thought I wonder if I can do that? as, honestly, had a very
 unstimulating few days (went to a funeral, helped in Bulgaria's 
 elections . . . need I say more) and felt a need to stretch the mind a 
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Re: Convert RGB to HSV

2009-07-05 Thread Richmond Mathewson

Oh dear, I've just succeeded in disturbing myself quite effectively by
downloading something that converts RGB to CMYK, except it doesn't !!


It converts something called  RGB(A) (which has 4 values seemingly 
bearing little

relation to 3-value RGB) to CMYK.

Randall Reetz wrote:

Trying to do something isnt always the same as doing that something.  Success 
remains elusive... But i am getting closer.  Trying to cut every available 
corner along the way (isnt that how evolution works).  The human eye isnt 
perfect... But we get by.  Color space is confusing.  Are two and three color 
combinations representable in HSV color space?  I dont see how.  H seems to be 
a single point along a pure wave length spectrum.  No?  I had better read up.
-Original Message-
From: Richmond Mathewson
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

Well, you are either way ahead of me, or way out there; either way
I won't pretend to understand.

Suffice it to say, my wee stack cuts the mustard re converting RGB to 
HSV and HSL values.

Randall Reetz wrote:

The reason it matters to me has nothing to do with printing.  I am writing AI 
and part of this needs to learn how to recognize objects (semantically) from 
photos and video.  The starter functions i am handing to this self learning 
pattern engine are ways of converting bitmaps into vector objects.  To swim the 
math of a pixel grid and pull objects out involves knowing where a region of 
color is person and where it ain't.  That means knowing that a darker part of 
an arm is still the arm.  That means knowing the difference between hue delta 
and brightness delta.  Of course this gets harry when the color of the lighting 
varies accross an image.  But i can parse for and adjust for that.  RGB vals 
don't in them selves carry the data my object parser needs to determine where 
an arm ends and where it doesnt.  Actually, i dont need seporate S and V 
values... just Hue as differenciated from Brightness.

-Original Message-
From: Richmond Mathewson
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: Convert RGB to HSV

The Wikipedia article I referenced in an earlier posting in this thread
is really quite comprehensive, including 3-d diagrams of how this
is conceptualised.

I generally find the algorithms on Wikipedia are very useful in
this sort of case, as, am not going to get out my slide-rule and
work out the whole jingbang for myself - this life being too short.

Frankly, as a simple type of chap, who only prints out coloured
stuff rarely, I am perfectly happy with RGB.

I just got piqued when somebody esle was writing about HSV (err, HSB ???)
and so on, and thought I wonder if I can do that? as, honestly, had a very
unstimulating few days (went to a funeral, helped in Bulgaria's 

elections . . . need I say more) and felt a need to stretch the mind a 
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Re: [weblet] How can a webLet communicate with the hosting html page?

2009-07-05 Thread Andre Garzia

in this first version of the plugin, there will be no direct way for
the plugin to talk to the host page but you can script one using
sessions. For example, you create a javascript that polls the server
at a given interval checking for communication and you make the plugin
write to that session when it needs to communicate with its host page.
It's a three way communication, like both talking to the server
instead of each other but it works wonder for the united nations so
far so I think we can keep the traditions.


On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Robert wrote:

 Sorry folks.. I found out in the webinar that revlets can share the same
 revWeb instance and then communicate (it seems to be the default).

 Now remains the question of sending parameters from the html page to the
 revLet. Exemple : a little revLet that allow different kind of interactions
 with the element let's say the parapgraph of the division where the revlet
 sits. The revlet will need the database ref. of the paragraph to work on it.

 At some point within the page, one weblet will have to have a clue as to
 which context it is working within.

 Any clue? many thanks
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Re: [revLets] to what extend can the area of a revLet be modified??

2009-07-05 Thread Andre Garzia

I don't think any plugin can alter it's rect, no matter if it is
flash, movie or runrev. I think that what happens in the rect stays in
the rect. However, you can make a javascript that picks the screen
resolution and write a embed tag based on that information and that
tag is used to instantiate the plugin. If you need to resize, you'll
need that three way communication that I talked on your previous email
and tell the javascript worker to rewirte the embed tag with a new

it can be done, needs javascript, XHR, and sessions!


On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Robert wrote:

 In the webinar introducing revLets to all of us, the presenter insisted that
 it was necessary to specify very precisely the size of the revLet in the
 html tags parameters of the html father-page.

 = 1) Does that mean that embedded revLets can only be of FIXED size?? If
 this is true.. it is a rather big limitation to interface designing... !!!

 ?? Is there a way around, like dynimcally changing the size paramter in the
 html tags?

 = 2) Will the full power of RunRev be available in the independant window
 mode (using revWeb plugin, outside a browser, which appeared in the
 presentation as a possibility) thus enabling adapting the size of the revlet
 to the screen??

 I do hope runrev can answer these questions... thanks:handshake:

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Rev and iphone

2009-07-05 Thread revinfo1155
I've been off the list for quite a while but I'm a regular rev user. What's 
going on with rev as it relates to the iphone? I've got stacks I'd love to be 
able to access from my iphone. Is it possible?

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Re: Rev and iphone

2009-07-05 Thread Andre Garzia
no you can't but you can use the new on-rev service to create dynamic
web pages for the iphone (and every other browser out there).

On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 8:23 PM, wrote:
 I've been off the list for quite a while but I'm a regular rev user. What's 
 going on with rev as it relates to the iphone? I've got stacks I'd love to be 
 able to access from my iphone. Is it possible?

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Re: walking folder vs mdfind

2009-07-05 Thread Kay C Lan
On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 9:55 PM, jim sims wrote:

  mdfind -onlyin /Applications .app

Nice. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Josep

Thanks Mark,... works fine...

But now I detecting some extrange issue. When Drag from the desktop or the
web page sometime the source image have height and width = 0... I don't know
why, some times drag and drop perfectly and sometime no, and Rev crash!


on dragDrop
   lock screen
   set the width of me to 210
   set the height of me to 295
   set the threeD of me to true
   set itemdel to /
   put the last item of the dragdata into fld lbl_filename
   put URL the dragData into me
   put rescale( the formattedwidth of me,the formattedheight of me,the width
of me,the height of me) into myNewSize
   set itemdel to comma
   set the width of me to item 1 of myNewSize 
   set the height of me to item 2 of myNewSize 
   unlock screen
end dragDrop

I set the width and height at the begin to put the original size, so if the
image is rescaled to a small size the next time the image have these size.

Any idea?


Mark Schonewille-3 wrote:
 Hmmm yes, Josep might want to use my function with formattedHeight  
 and formattedWidth rather than regular height and width.
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 Snapper Screen Recorder 2.1
 If you sent me an e-mail before 21 June and haven't got a reply yet,  
 please send me a reminder.
 On 5 jul 2009, at 10:21, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 If you get the formattedHeight of the image and the formattedWidth of
 the image, that tells you the original number of pixels.
 If you pick a fixed height or a fixed width for the display image, you
 can calculate what the other dimension should be and set the size of
 the image object accordingly.
 Make sure you set the lockLoc of the image to true or it will resize
 to the full dimensions of the image when the stack is opened.

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Re: Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Mark Schonewille


The crash is indeed a very big problem with DD. It is very  
frustrating that this hasn't been fixed yet. The following might help.  
First, get the dragdata and then give Revolution time to deal with it  
by itself. The send command will execute the remainder of your script  
after Revolution has done it's thing.

local lbl_filename
on dragDrop
  put the last item of the dragdata into fld lbl_filename
  send doDDstuff to me in 0 millisecs
end dragDrop

on doDDstuff
  -- do everything else here
end doDDstuff

Please, let me know whether this avoids the crash.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Snapper Screen Recorder 2.1

If you sent me an e-mail before 21 June and haven't got a reply yet,  
please send me a reminder.

On 6 jul 2009, at 02:05, Josep wrote:

Thanks Mark,... works fine...

But now I detecting some extrange issue. When Drag from the desktop  
or the
web page sometime the source image have height and width = 0... I  
don't know
why, some times drag and drop perfectly and sometime no, and Rev  


on dragDrop
  lock screen
  set the width of me to 210
  set the height of me to 295
  set the threeD of me to true
  set itemdel to /
  put the last item of the dragdata into fld lbl_filename

  put URL the dragData into me
  put rescale( the formattedwidth of me,the formattedheight of  
me,the width

of me,the height of me) into myNewSize
  set itemdel to comma
  set the width of me to item 1 of myNewSize
  set the height of me to item 2 of myNewSize
  unlock screen
end dragDrop

I set the width and height at the begin to put the original size, so  
if the
image is rescaled to a small size the next time the image have these  

Any idea?


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Re: Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Josep

Hi Mark,

Before test your new code I restart Rev and begin again checking all.
If I drag from the website all is fine while (of course) the image have the
correct path to get from the URL.
Mant images are referenced by CSS or others and doesn't work, so I drag into
the desktop. Until here all fine. In the desktop I can see the size of the
draged image, open it, etc...
But if try to drag these image from the desktop to the stack or open it via:

on mouseUp 
   answer file Choose image file
   put it into tfile  
   put URL tfile into img img_card 
end mouseUp 

Doesn't work. The formattedWidth and formattedHeight are 0, so one divide by
zero is raising and crash Rev. 

Any idea?  :(
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Re: Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Josep,

My idea is what I posted a few minutes ago. Apart from that, if you  
have any repeat loops or wait commands with messages running (or  
waiting), this might also cause a crash if you drag from the desktop  
at the same time. If you could avoid running repeat loops and wait  
command simultaneously with dragging-and-dropping, you might  
experience less crashes.

I suspect that Revolution doesn't respond correctly to a few requests  
from the Finder, after which the operating system decides that  
Revolution has crashed, but this is sheer speculation as I don't know  
any technical details regarding this.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Snapper Screen Recorder 2.1

If you sent me an e-mail before 21 June and haven't got a reply yet,  
please send me a reminder.

On 6 jul 2009, at 02:40, Josep wrote:

Hi Mark,

Before test your new code I restart Rev and begin again checking all.
If I drag from the website all is fine while (of course) the image  
have the

correct path to get from the URL.
Mant images are referenced by CSS or others and doesn't work, so I  
drag into
the desktop. Until here all fine. In the desktop I can see the size  
of the

draged image, open it, etc...
But if try to drag these image from the desktop to the stack or open  
it via:

on mouseUp
  answer file Choose image file
  put it into tfile
  put URL tfile into img img_card
end mouseUp

Doesn't work. The formattedWidth and formattedHeight are 0, so one  
divide by

zero is raising and crash Rev.

Any idea?  :(
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re: RGB values for a color name

2009-07-05 Thread paul foraker
I've put up a one-card stack at

which consolidates some color management stuff I've been working on for the
past several months. Jacque Gay, Alex Tweedly, and Chipp Walters were
unwitting contributors. (Advisory: I haven't looked at this stack on

My primary task has been to convert between RGB and Hex, as well as publish
HTML pages with specific colors, so that's mostly what the thing helps with,
but there is a Color Names menu.

Plus, the Apple Mac OS X Color Picker (answer color) contributes some extra
help. Today, I found a really excellent article on that Color Picker by
Robin Wood

which suggests much more that could be done!

-- Paul
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Re: Load images at proportional size

2009-07-05 Thread Brian Yennie


Does either of these work better for you?

set the fileName of img img_card to tURL


put url (binfile:  tURL) into img img_card

Hi Mark,

Before test your new code I restart Rev and begin again checking all.
If I drag from the website all is fine while (of course) the image  
have the

correct path to get from the URL.
Mant images are referenced by CSS or others and doesn't work, so I  
drag into
the desktop. Until here all fine. In the desktop I can see the size  
of the

draged image, open it, etc...
But if try to drag these image from the desktop to the stack or open  
it via:

on mouseUp
 answer file Choose image file
 put it into tfile
 put URL tfile into img img_card
end mouseUp

Doesn't work. The formattedWidth and formattedHeight are 0, so one  
divide by

zero is raising and crash Rev.

Any idea?  :(

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RE: RGB values for a color name

2009-07-05 Thread Randall Reetz
I will look at it.  But my work has nothing to do with manual user color 
management.  I am working on deeply semantic pattern logic.  I think it is way 
past time for computers to know enough to try to know.  Crazy to have all of 
this computational power and for it to do no more than it did 20 years ago 
(just faster).  My code needs to know in dreadfully simple and obvious terms 
what a color of a pixel and how that changes as one moves away from it.  This 
is to imagery what phonems are to spoken language.  I really dont care what 
color a pixel has, just how that is different from other pixels near by.  I 
need as much that i can compare as posible,  Knowing the hue and the brightness 
is a start.  I would like to know the minimum noumber of pure colors it would 
take to make that pixels color... To colors what factoring is to numbers.  That 
would help.  Not with the primary colors.  Cause that seems realy arbitary (and 
yes i have heard of newton).   Anyway, i am convinced that i can do enough with 
hue and brightness for a start, what i might have to do is distill just the 
color component from RGB but keep it in three color values (just without the 
brightness component).  I will work on it and get back to the group.

-Original Message-
From: paul foraker
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 7/5/2009 5:57 PM
Subject: re: RGB values for a color name

I've put up a one-card stack at

which consolidates some color management stuff I've been working on for the
past several months. Jacque Gay, Alex Tweedly, and Chipp Walters were
unwitting contributors. (Advisory: I haven't looked at this stack on

My primary task has been to convert between RGB and Hex, as well as publish
HTML pages with specific colors, so that's mostly what the thing helps with,
but there is a Color Names menu.

Plus, the Apple Mac OS X Color Picker (answer color) contributes some extra
help. Today, I found a really excellent article on that Color Picker by
Robin Wood

which suggests much more that could be done!

-- Paul
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