Re: Launch another app from my standalone

2009-08-31 Thread Adrian Williams

Len, Scot,

Your amendments/solutions work and what's more I can follow and  
understand how they work because of the excellent commenting.
Rev is a fantastic environment and useful beyond description. The  
online docs show syntax of statements and lots of other vital info.
But, to the novice the docs don't go quite far enough to explain how  
statements are used.
Take the 'launch' doc. The Examples may be enough for the experienced  
user who knows how to put them into context...

launch SimpleText
launch /Documents/Projects/test.txt with myApp
launch it with (field Application)

IMHO in the doc for 'launch', right underneath 'Examples', an  
additional 'Example in use' would be helpful.
Jim's snippet with its comments puts one of the example statements  
into some context...

put the defaultFolder into tOrigDefaultFolder
set the defaultFolder to C:\theDirTheExeIsIn -- Put actual dir the  
exe is in here

launch MyProgram.exe -- Put the actual name of the exe here
set the defaultFolder to tOrigDefaultFolder -- Puts the defaultFolder  
back where it was

Have some experience with children. The whole 'do as your told thing  
only lasts' 'till they're about 37!
So don't apologise for being gruff. Treating me like a 13 year old  
worked in this case.

Sounds like Scott has plenty of elementary experience too.

Many thanks again for all your efforts,

On 31 Aug 2009, at 02:58, Len Morgan wrote:

Thank you Scott for stating what I was trying to say far more  
diplomatically than I could given my mood at the time.  Civility  


Scott Morrow wrote:

Hello Adrian,

I've sort of re-written what Len suggested but without using a  
separate function or handler.  You can just put the whole thing in  
where you need it.  Eventually you may want to break out pieces of  
your code by using custom functions and commands but this should  

Scott Morrow

use-revolution mailing list
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Rev Documentation [WAS: Launch another app from my standalone]

2009-08-31 Thread Len Morgan

Adrian Williams wrote:

IMHO in the doc for 'launch', right underneath 'Examples', an 
additional 'Example in use' would be helpful.
Jim's snippet with its comments puts one of the example statements 
into some context...

put the defaultFolder into tOrigDefaultFolder
set the defaultFolder to C:\theDirTheExeIsIn -- Put actual dir the 
exe is in here

launch MyProgram.exe -- Put the actual name of the exe here
set the defaultFolder to tOrigDefaultFolder -- Puts the defaultFolder 
back where it was

The problem with the above explanation that the defaultFolder lines have 
absolutely nothing to do with the launch command.  You could have just 
as easily wanted to launch an app that is relative to a URL which would 
another set of chunk explanations that again are totally different and 
totally unrelated to the launch command.  To write such all inclusive 
documentation for every command would be a daunting task and so verbose 
that it goes too far the other direction (i.e., so much to read that no 
one would read any of it).

It's a fine line that the documentation writers have to walk.  In the 
future, be sure to look at all the See Also entries in the dictionary 
and read the WHOLE command description.  The See Alsos can often point 
you in the right direction but also, at least in my case, lead me to 
learn things I hadn't even thought about before so I end up learning a 
lot more than if I'd had Scott's example laid out in front of me, took 
it verbatim, and left.

You are suffering from the same problem I know I had and I'm sure a lot 
of others had: The lack of a good tutorial book on Revolution to get you 
over the hump when you're new to the language.  It's my impression 
that a large percentage of the current Rev users came from a HyperCard 
(or one of it's derivatives) background and so they've  already  been 
over that hump.  The simple terse Rev dictionary format is just fine 
for them.  I remember when I started (from a C/Tcl/Assembly background 
of MANY years) I couldn't even figure out where to start.  The whole 
concept of passing messages and calling handlers it totally different 
that the in-line code you'd write in C or Tcl.  Once I made that mental 
leap, things just started falling into place.  I still had questions 
that the documentation didn't answer by that's where this mailing list 
came in.  There was always somebody that could quickly fill in the 
whole in my knowledge.

I believe you can still get Dan Shaefer's (spelling?) book Software at 
the Speed of Thought which was written around Rev 2.1 I think but it 
was very helpful in getting me over a lot of the rough spots that the 
dictionary and user's manual didn't cover (and shouldn't have).  There 
are also a couple of HyperCard/Talk books by Danny Goodman that several 
people here have recommended.  I bought them but haven't really read 
them so I can't vouch for how helpful they'd be to you.

You do have a chance to help out humanity though (well, at least the 
part of humanity that is struggling to learn Revolution): the user 
comments at the bottom of the dictionary.  They are there for just the 
same kind of problem you were having, in other words, not quite enough 
meat around the bone to make it clear.  If you feel that something might 
need more (or better) explaination, add a user comment to enlighten the 
rest of us.  If we all contribute a little here and little there, we 
should end up with a first class reference that everyone will benefit from.

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Identity theft on Twitter?

2009-08-31 Thread Mark Schonewille


I'm followed by two accounts on Twitter, names runrev and  
RunRevLtd. It is not clear whether RunRev Ltd is actually behind  
these accounts or whether a fan decided to use these names. It seems  
impossible to figure out who are the owners of these accounts and  
whether those accounts belong to spammers, criminals or actually to  
RunRev Ltd. Could someone please tell me whether the runrev and  
RunRevLtd Twitter accounts are genuine and who are the human beings  
behind these accounts? No guesses and speculations please.

Since the subject is Twitter, let me take the opportunity to tell you  
that you can follow me on Twitter too. My user name is  
xTalkProgrammer. When you look at my profile, you can immediately see  
who the account belongs to (me ;-) ). You can find my Twitter profile  

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Snapper Screen Recorder at

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Rev Documentation [WAS: Launch another app from my standalone]

2009-08-31 Thread Adrian Williams


Your observations are correct and I already have Dan's Software at  
the Speed of thought.
It's just that I'm an occasional user of Rev; I don't use it anywhere  
near full-time.
Not coming from a HyperCard background does not prepare one for Rev's  
If there are different ways to achieve the same thing, then let's have  
some cross-referenced examples.
I've seen talk of a 'cookbook' on this list. Perhaps it is time for  
someone to captalise on that?

Like the Internet, when something is too flexible, it's a job to know  
where to start.
Three ways to accomplish a few commonly used tasks may be enough to  
introduce novices the various processes.

Three ways to Launch an application
Three ways to Track the path to a file
Three ways to...

Dans' book, great though it is as a primer, is not as accessible as  
many 'QuickStart' guidebooks available these days.
Peachpit Press ( 
) does a good job on many topics such as Java for example.
HyperCarders must be fewer and fewer as time goes by, so something  
like that would make Rev far more accessible to newbies.
That's my two-penneth for what its worth. As it's Bank Holiday, I'm  
off to fire up the BBQ.

All the best,
Club Type

On 31 Aug 2009, at 13:05, Len Morgan wrote:

Adrian Williams wrote:

IMHO in the doc for 'launch', right underneath 'Examples', an  
additional 'Example in use' would be helpful.
Jim's snippet with its comments puts one of the example statements  
into some context...

put the defaultFolder into tOrigDefaultFolder
set the defaultFolder to C:\theDirTheExeIsIn -- Put actual dir  
the exe is in here

launch MyProgram.exe -- Put the actual name of the exe here
set the defaultFolder to tOrigDefaultFolder -- Puts the  
defaultFolder back where it was

The problem with the above explanation that the defaultFolder lines  
have absolutely nothing to do with the launch command.  You could  
have just as easily wanted to launch an app that is relative to a  
URL which would take
another set of chunk explanations that again are totally different  
and totally unrelated to the launch command.  To write such all  
inclusive documentation for every command would be a daunting task  
and so verbose that it goes too far the other direction (i.e., so  
much to read that no one would read any of it).

It's a fine line that the documentation writers have to walk.  In  
the future, be sure to look at all the See Also entries in the  
dictionary and read the WHOLE command description.  The See Alsos  
can often point you in the right direction but also, at least in my  
case, lead me to learn things I hadn't even thought about before so  
I end up learning a lot more than if I'd had Scott's example laid  
out in front of me, took it verbatim, and left.

You are suffering from the same problem I know I had and I'm sure a  
lot of others had: The lack of a good tutorial book on Revolution to  
get you over the hump when you're new to the language.  It's my  
impression that a large percentage of the current Rev users came  
from a HyperCard (or one of it's derivatives) background and so  
they've  already  been over that hump.  The simple terse Rev  
dictionary format is just fine for them.  I remember when I started  
(from a C/Tcl/Assembly background of MANY years) I couldn't even  
figure out where to start.  The whole concept of passing messages  
and calling handlers it totally different that the in-line code  
you'd write in C or Tcl.  Once I made that mental leap, things just  
started falling into place.  I still had questions that the  
documentation didn't answer by that's where this mailing list came  
in.  There was always somebody that could quickly fill in the  
whole in my knowledge.

I believe you can still get Dan Shaefer's (spelling?) book Software  
at the Speed of Thought which was written around Rev 2.1 I think  
but it was very helpful in getting me over a lot of the rough spots  
that the dictionary and user's manual didn't cover (and shouldn't  
have).  There are also a couple of HyperCard/Talk books by Danny  
Goodman that several people here have recommended.  I bought them  
but haven't really read them so I can't vouch for how helpful they'd  
be to you.

You do have a chance to help out humanity though (well, at least the  
part of humanity that is struggling to learn Revolution): the user  
comments at the bottom of the dictionary.  They are there for just  
the same kind of problem you were having, in other words, not quite  
enough meat around the bone to make it clear.  If you feel that  
something might need more (or better) explaination, add a user  
comment to enlighten the rest of us.  If we all contribute a little  
here and little there, we should end up with a first class reference  
that everyone will benefit from.


Re: Rev Documentation [WAS: Launch another app from my standalone]

2009-08-31 Thread Ian Wood
I suspect the easy availability of something like this is what will  
make or break the wider acceptance of RevMedia.


On 31 Aug 2009, at 14:25, Adrian Williams wrote:

I've seen talk of a 'cookbook' on this list. Perhaps it is time for  
someone to captalise on that?

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to reliably crash Rev 3.5 and 4.0-dp3 with four script lines

2009-08-31 Thread Jonathan Lynch
Thank you Wilhelm,

From reading this thread, I was able to identify the problem I have been
having. Converting images to png and then loading them back into my stack
has enabled me to print with high resolution.

I was doing something where I enlarged images then printed them with
printscale set to .25 - turns out this is not necessary, but, when I was
doing that I would get a crash every time with certain images. By saving
images as png then bringing them into the stack using the import command,
they are working fine. It also turns out that, by doing this, they do not
need to be enlarged in order to get high-res printing - but, if you do
enlarge them and then print them, they no longer crash RunRev.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:51 AM, David Bovill wrote:

 Thanks for taking the time to post this Wilhelm - a wealth of useful
 information there that would have taken ages to drill down through bugzilla

 2009/8/26 Wilhelm Sanke

  Actually you can choose between two four-liners, depending on the
  First, a few remarks about the context and the circumstances in which
  crashes occur:
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Do all things with love
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Re: Rev Documentation [WAS: Launch another app from my standalone]

2009-08-31 Thread Bernard Devlin
I have to say, I think the Revolution documentation is pretty good.
Obviously there are many things available in Rev that one forgets if
one is not using Rev almost every day.  However, whenever I return to
using Rev after some weeks away from it, I find that I never spend
more than a couple of minutes searching through the dictionary to find
what I want. The Dictionary is an extraordinary device for me - it
offers complete information, but does so without making me wade
through lots of stuff I don't want.  People have produced versions of
the Dictionary that perform faster or take up less screen space, and
they have been welcome additions (although these days I mostly just
stick with the ordinary Dictionary).

I came from a non-Hypercard background, and when I first started to
learn Rev there was only the documentation stacks that come with Rev
(there is more now - the User Guide, and the videos).  I felt I was
really missing something so I bought some hypercard books and they
helped a lot.  I bought the two volumes of the Danny Goodman book
for about the price it is being sold for on Amazon.  I also bought
Jeanne Devoto's book on Hyperscript.

I don't have the Goodman book any more (I gave it to a friend who I
introduced to Rev).  And I think that it was the Hyperscript book that
was more helpful, but that book doesn't even seem to be available on
amazon at all.  The Goodman book provided a general overview of the
Hypercard/Message path, but once I'd got on top of that, then I found
myself referring to the Hyperscript book more.  Of course, since those
books are quite old and for a very similar but also slightly different
tool to Rev, there are some places where they would be misleading to
new user to Rev.

Does the PDF of the User Guide that comes with Rev not help?  I would
think that that would serve as a good general introduction/orientation
to new users or infrequent users.  There are times when I might have
been away from Rev for some months, and I would find myself turning to
the User Guide in order to remind myself of something (usually to do
with custom properties/custom property sets!)

The 'cookbook' existed with the Rev documentation from about version
1.1.1 to about 2.7.  It wasn't really a list of the many alternative
ways to do things, so much as single examples answering questions of
the 'how would I do...' variety.

I'm not sure it would really benefit new users to have a cookbook that
showed several of the many different ways to do things.  But maybe the
old cookbook ought to be revived.  If only because the idea of such
easy recipes' shows what can be achieved in Rev.  One of the friends I
introduced to Rev stopped using after a few months, because she
couldn't see how to make any use of it.  She ended up choosing
Filemaker instead - it seemed that the fact that Filemaker was a more
limited/more specific framework for development suited her better.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Adrian wrote:
 Not coming from a HyperCard background does not prepare one for Rev's
 If there are different ways to achieve the same thing, then let's have some
 cross-referenced examples.
 I've seen talk of a 'cookbook' on this list. Perhaps it is time for someone
 to captalise on that?

 Like the Internet, when something is too flexible, it's a job to know where
 to start.
 Three ways to accomplish a few commonly used tasks may be enough to
 introduce novices the various processes.
 Three ways to Launch an application
 Three ways to Track the path to a file
 Three ways to...

use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Rev Documentation [WAS: Launch another app from my standalone]

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Bufalini

Adrian Williams wrote:

 Your observations are correct and I already have Dan's Software at
 the Speed of thought.
 It's just that I'm an occasional user of Rev; I don't use it anywhere
 near full-time.
 Not coming from a HyperCard background does not prepare one for Rev's
 If there are different ways to achieve the same thing, then let's have
 some cross-referenced examples.
 I've seen talk of a 'cookbook' on this list. Perhaps it is time for
 someone to captalise on that?
 Like the Internet, when something is too flexible, it's a job to know
 where to start.
 Three ways to accomplish a few commonly used tasks may be enough to
 introduce novices the various processes.
 Three ways to Launch an application
 Three ways to Track the path to a file
 Three ways to...
 Dans' book, great though it is as a primer, is not as accessible as
 many 'QuickStart' guidebooks available these days.
 Peachpit Press
 ) does a good job on many topics such as Java for example.
 HyperCarders must be fewer and fewer as time goes by, so something
 like that would make Rev far more accessible to newbies.
 That's my two-penneth for what its worth. As it's Bank Holiday, I'm
 off to fire up the BBQ.
 All the best,
 Club Type
 On 31 Aug 2009, at 13:05, Len Morgan wrote:
  Adrian Williams wrote:
  IMHO in the doc for 'launch', right underneath 'Examples', an
  additional 'Example in use' would be helpful.
  Jim's snippet with its comments puts one of the example statements
  into some context...
  put the defaultFolder into tOrigDefaultFolder
  set the defaultFolder to C:\theDirTheExeIsIn -- Put actual dir
  the exe is in here
  launch MyProgram.exe -- Put the actual name of the exe here
  set the defaultFolder to tOrigDefaultFolder -- Puts the
  defaultFolder back where it was
  The problem with the above explanation that the defaultFolder lines
  have absolutely nothing to do with the launch command.  You could
  have just as easily wanted to launch an app that is relative to a
  URL which would take
  another set of chunk explanations that again are totally different
  and totally unrelated to the launch command.  To write such all
  inclusive documentation for every command would be a daunting task
  and so verbose that it goes too far the other direction (i.e., so
  much to read that no one would read any of it).
  It's a fine line that the documentation writers have to walk.  In
  the future, be sure to look at all the See Also entries in the
  dictionary and read the WHOLE command description.  The See Alsos
  can often point you in the right direction but also, at least in my
  case, lead me to learn things I hadn't even thought about before so
  I end up learning a lot more than if I'd had Scott's example laid
  out in front of me, took it verbatim, and left.
  You are suffering from the same problem I know I had and I'm sure a
  lot of others had: The lack of a good tutorial book on Revolution to
  get you over the hump when you're new to the language.  It's my
  impression that a large percentage of the current Rev users came
  from a HyperCard (or one of it's derivatives) background and so
  they've  already  been over that hump.  The simple terse Rev
  dictionary format is just fine for them.  I remember when I started
  (from a C/Tcl/Assembly background of MANY years) I couldn't even
  figure out where to start.  The whole concept of passing messages
  and calling handlers it totally different that the in-line code
  you'd write in C or Tcl.  Once I made that mental leap, things just
  started falling into place.  I still had questions that the
  documentation didn't answer by that's where this mailing list came
  in.  There was always somebody that could quickly fill in the
  whole in my knowledge.
  I believe you can still get Dan Shaefer's (spelling?) book Software
  at the Speed of Thought which was written around Rev 2.1 I think
  but it was very helpful in getting me over a lot of the rough spots
  that the dictionary and user's manual didn't cover (and shouldn't
  have).  There are also a couple of HyperCard/Talk books by Danny
  Goodman that several people here have recommended.  I bought them
  but haven't really read them so I can't vouch for how helpful they'd
  be to you.
  You do have a chance to help out humanity though (well, at least the
  part of humanity that is struggling to learn Revolution): the user
  comments at the bottom of the dictionary.  They are there for just
  the same kind of problem you were having, in other words, not quite
  enough meat around the bone to make it clear.  If you feel that
  something might need more (or better) explaination, add a user
  comment to enlighten the rest of us.  If we all contribute a little
  here and little there, we should end up with a first class reference

PreOpenStack in the IDE

2009-08-31 Thread James Hurley
I'm pretty sure I asked this question once before, but I've forgotten  
the answer.

As I recall, the PreOpenStack message is not sent if the stack is  
opened in the IDE, only when opened as a stand alone.

Is there a work around, something that will be triggered when opened  
in the IDE?

Jim Hurley
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: PreOpenStack in the IDE

2009-08-31 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Jim,

The preOpenStack message is sent. The startUp message isn't.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Snapper Screen Recorder at

On 31 aug 2009, at 20:17, James Hurley wrote:

I'm pretty sure I asked this question once before, but I've  
forgotten the answer.

As I recall, the PreOpenStack message is not sent if the stack is  
opened in the IDE, only when opened as a stand alone.

Is there a work around, something that will be triggered when opened  
in the IDE?

Jim Hurley

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Rev Documentation [WAS: Launch another app from my standalone]

2009-08-31 Thread William Moseid
The D/L link is a compressed Help File (fmpro_help) that one can use in a 
browser. What Help?  Well, in this case it is Filemaker. The reason for 
including it
is to illustrate a reasonable approach for new to expert Revolution developers
as another way to present Help for Revolution.

This is a compiled html file visable in a browser:



William Roger Moseid
64 Glenalmond Lane
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694
Model Masters
951-970-6271 (Cell)
206-497-2575 (MagicJack - Internet Phone)



William Roger Moseid
64 Glenalmond Lane
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694
Model Masters
951-970-6271 (Cell)
206-497-2575 (MagicJack - Internet Phone)

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4385 (20090831) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

use-revolution mailing list
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RevLive Simulcast times

2009-08-31 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Hi All,

Anyone like me who has to juggle time zones to work out when to watch
the RevLive sessions, might like to check out

Select your own time zone in one popup menu button and check the
daylight savings checkbox if appropriate.
Set the other to Dakar, Casablanca, London, Lisbon, Reykjavík,
Tenerife (UTC) with the daylight savings checkbox ticked.
This will give you a list of every hour in your day, converted to
Edinburgh time.
All written in Rev using the On-Rev servers of course :-)

use-revolution mailing list
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Re:Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the IDE

2009-08-31 Thread James Hurley

Hi Jim,

The preOpenStack message is sent. The startUp message isn't.

Hi Mark,

Thanks. On further testing I see that you are right--generally speaking.

My problem is when I attempt to open a stack from a Palette stack   
with the statement:

   open stack mystack

the stack opens but the PreOpenStack handler is not executed.

On the on the other hand, If I open it from Open in the FIle menu, the  
PreOpenStack is executed.

Is there something about opening a stack from another stack that does  
not trigger the PreOpenStack message?

Jim Hurley

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Snapper Screen Recorder at

On 31 aug 2009, at 20:17, James Hurley wrote:

 I'm pretty sure I asked this question once before, but I've
 forgotten the answer.

 As I recall, the PreOpenStack message is not sent if the stack is
 opened in the IDE, only when opened as a stand alone.

 Is there a work around, something that will be triggered when opened
 in the IDE?

 Jim Hurley

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

RE: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the IDE

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Bufalini

James Hurley wrote:

 Hi Mark,
 Thanks. On further testing I see that you are right--generally
 My problem is when I attempt to open a stack from a Palette stack
 with the statement:
 open stack mystack
 the stack opens but the PreOpenStack handler is not executed.
 On the on the other hand, If I open it from Open in the FIle menu, the
 PreOpenStack is executed.
 Is there something about opening a stack from another stack that does
 not trigger the PreOpenStack message?

Try using go stack to the stack file name on disk. This should always
trigger a preOpenStack.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

use-revolution mailing list
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On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time

2009-08-31 Thread Gregory Lypny

Hello everyone,

How can I handle daylight savings time in my On-Rev code?  We're  
currently in DST in Montreal.  When I type

put the long time

in Revolution's message box, I get the correct time as

5:52:13 PM

but when I ask for the long time in an On-Rev handler I get

4:52:13 PM

which is standard time.

Getting the correct local time, at least within a half hour, is  
critical because it is being used to determine the start and end of an  
online experiment, and I can't have subject submitting form data  
outside those times.

Much obliged,


P.S.  I'm using a Mac.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the IDE

2009-08-31 Thread James Hurley

It appears that neither open stack nor go stack will trigger a  
PreOpenStack message.
I am using as a workaround an open stack and then sending a  
PreOpenStack message to the stack.

Clumsy but it works.

Jim Hurley

James Hurley wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Thanks. On further testing I see that you are right--generally

 My problem is when I attempt to open a stack from a Palette stack
 with the statement:

 open stack mystack

 the stack opens but the PreOpenStack handler is not executed.

 On the on the other hand, If I open it from Open in the FIle menu,  

 PreOpenStack is executed.

 Is there something about opening a stack from another stack that  

 not trigger the PreOpenStack message?

Try using go stack to the stack file name on disk. This should  

trigger a preOpenStack.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

FYI - NULLs in data to sort

2009-08-31 Thread Paul Looney

General information,
Over the past several months we have noticed that version 3.5 of Rev  
is much more sensitive to data that contains NULL characters.
Several programs that worked well previously, with the same data,  
broke when using Rev 3.5 - or a standalone made from it.
The problem comes when the data is sorted; the sorting drops records.  
Adding the following line, before the sort, fixes the problem for us:

replace NULL with  in theData --theData is whatever variable  
contains the data to be manipulated.

We had minor problems with NULLs previously, but 3.5 will drop up to  
80% of our data.
One way NULLs can get into a database is if Unicode text is copied  
from another document.

Hope this saves you some time.
Paul Looney
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: FYI - NULLs in data to sort

2009-08-31 Thread J. Landman Gay

Paul Looney wrote:

General information,
Over the past several months we have noticed that version 3.5 of Rev is 
much more sensitive to data that contains NULL characters.

Would be good to bug report this at the QA Center if you haven't already.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
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RE: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the IDE

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Bufalini

Hmm... The important part of what I said is not the go or open but using the
stack file name as in *go stack C:\MyStack.rev* What version of Rev are
you using?

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:use-revolution-] On Behalf Of James Hurley
 Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:05 PM
 Subject: Re: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the
 It appears that neither open stack nor go stack will trigger a
 PreOpenStack message.
 I am using as a workaround an open stack and then sending a
 PreOpenStack message to the stack.
 Clumsy but it works.
 Jim Hurley
  James Hurley wrote:
   Hi Mark,
   Thanks. On further testing I see that you are right--generally
   My problem is when I attempt to open a stack from a Palette stack
   with the statement:
   open stack mystack
   the stack opens but the PreOpenStack handler is not executed.
   On the on the other hand, If I open it from Open in the FIle menu,
   PreOpenStack is executed.
   Is there something about opening a stack from another stack that
   not trigger the PreOpenStack message?
  Try using go stack to the stack file name on disk. This should
  trigger a preOpenStack.
  Aloha from Hawaii,
  Jim Bufalini
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
 subscription preferences:

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Re: On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Ault

Since you will have a functioning internet connection,
the quick answer would be to ping one of the many free time servers  
out there.

Google search and choose the one you like.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Aug 31, 2009, at 2:58 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

Hello everyone,

How can I handle daylight savings time in my On-Rev code?  We're  
currently in DST in Montreal.  When I type

put the long time

in Revolution's message box, I get the correct time as

5:52:13 PM

but when I ask for the long time in an On-Rev handler I get

4:52:13 PM

which is standard time.

Getting the correct local time, at least within a half hour, is  
critical because it is being used to determine the start and end of  
an online experiment, and I can't have subject submitting form data  
outside those times.

Much obliged,


P.S.  I'm using a Mac.
use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

Jim Ault

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: FYI - NULLs in data to sort

2009-08-31 Thread Mark Schonewille

Being unable to sort unicode data would indeed be a Very Bad Thing.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Snapper Screen Recorder at

On 1 sep 2009, at 00:11, Paul Looney wrote:

General information,
Over the past several months we have noticed that version 3.5 of Rev  
is much more sensitive to data that contains NULL characters.
Several programs that worked well previously, with the same data,  
broke when using Rev 3.5 - or a standalone made from it.
The problem comes when the data is sorted; the sorting drops  
records. Adding the following line, before the sort, fixes the  
problem for us:

replace NULL with  in theData --theData is whatever variable  
contains the data to be manipulated.

We had minor problems with NULLs previously, but 3.5 will drop up to  
80% of our data.
One way NULLs can get into a database is if Unicode text is copied  
from another document.

Hope this saves you some time.
Paul Looney

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: FYI - NULLs in data to sort

2009-08-31 Thread Paul Looney

All of our data is ASCII text - so we don't normally need to deal  
with Unicode. But we have found one source of NULLs in the data is  
from people cutting and pasting into the Notes field in some of the  

I don't know to what extent any of this applies to pure Unicode data.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:22 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Being unable to sort unicode data would indeed be a Very Bad Thing.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Snapper Screen Recorder at

On 1 sep 2009, at 00:11, Paul Looney wrote:

General information,
Over the past several months we have noticed that version 3.5 of  
Rev is much more sensitive to data that contains NULL characters.
Several programs that worked well previously, with the same data,  
broke when using Rev 3.5 - or a standalone made from it.
The problem comes when the data is sorted; the sorting drops  
records. Adding the following line, before the sort, fixes the  
problem for us:

replace NULL with  in theData --theData is whatever variable  
contains the data to be manipulated.

We had minor problems with NULLs previously, but 3.5 will drop up  
to 80% of our data.
One way NULLs can get into a database is if Unicode text is copied  
from another document.

Hope this saves you some time.
Paul Looney

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Re: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the IDE

2009-08-31 Thread James Hurley


Hmm... The important part of what I said is not the go or open but  
using the
stack file name as in *go stack C:\MyStack.rev* What version of  
Rev are

you using?


I have two stacks: Test1 and Test2

I have a button in Test1 with the handler:

on mouseUp
   go stack /Users/jimhurley/Revolution applications/test2.rev
end mouseUp

And in the stack script of Test2 I have the handler:

on preopenstack
end preopenstack

A click on the button in Test1 does not produce a beep.

But the handler in the button:

on mouseUp
   go stack /Users/jimhurley/Revolution applications/test2.rev
   send preopenstack to stack test2
end mouseUp

does produce a beep--not surprisingly. But I am surprised that go  
stack or open stack do not get me a beep.

I am running RR 3.5 on a Mac.

Jim Hurley

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

 -Original Message-
 From: use-revolution-bounces at [mailto:use-revolution-
 bounces at] On Behalf Of James Hurley
 Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:05 PM
 To: use-revolution at
 Subject: Re: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the

 It appears that neither open stack nor go stack will trigger a
 PreOpenStack message.
 I am using as a workaround an open stack and then sending a
 PreOpenStack message to the stack.
 Clumsy but it works.

 Jim Hurley

  James Hurley wrote:
   Hi Mark,
   Thanks. On further testing I see that you are right--generally
   My problem is when I attempt to open a stack from a Palette  

   with the statement:
   open stack mystack
   the stack opens but the PreOpenStack handler is not executed.
   On the on the other hand, If I open it from Open in the FIle  

   PreOpenStack is executed.
   Is there something about opening a stack from another stack that
   not trigger the PreOpenStack message?
  Try using go stack to the stack file name on disk. This should
  trigger a preOpenStack.
  Aloha from Hawaii,
  Jim Bufalini
 use-revolution mailing list
 use-revolution at
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
 subscription preferences:

Previous message: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack  
in the IDE

Next message: FYI - NULLs in data to sort
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Re: FYI - NULLs in data to sort

2009-08-31 Thread Paul Looney

I was waiting a bit to see is others had a similar experience, or  
additional insight.


On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Paul Looney wrote:

General information,
Over the past several months we have noticed that version 3.5 of  
Rev is much more sensitive to data that contains NULL characters.

Would be good to bug report this at the QA Center if you haven't  

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time

2009-08-31 Thread Sarah Reichelt
 How can I handle daylight savings time in my On-Rev code?  We're currently
 in DST in Montreal.  When I type

        put the long time

 in Revolution's message box, I get the correct time as

        5:52:13 PM

 but when I ask for the long time in an On-Rev handler I get

        4:52:13 PM

 which is standard time.

The problem is not daylight savings, but that you are getting the time
as it is at the On-Rev server, not the time where your computer is.

You can use a time conversion function, I have an example here
- check the myTimeFn and adjust the local time zone in the first line
to match your time zone, allowing for daylight savings there.

Or you could store the time in seconds for the start  end of your
experiment. When the data gets back to your system, converting it will
convert it into your local time zone, and you can validate it there.
That won't stop the data being submitted outside the appropriate
hours, but you will be able to discard bad entries later.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time

2009-08-31 Thread stephen barncard
Actually google has a time-thingie on the 'home page'
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2009/8/31 Jim Ault

 Since you will have a functioning internet connection,
 the quick answer would be to ping one of the many free time servers out
 Google search and choose the one you like.

 Jim Ault
 Las Vegas

 On Aug 31, 2009, at 2:58 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

  Hello everyone,

 How can I handle daylight savings time in my On-Rev code?  We're currently
 in DST in Montreal.  When I type

put the long time

 in Revolution's message box, I get the correct time as

5:52:13 PM

 but when I ask for the long time in an On-Rev handler I get

4:52:13 PM

 which is standard time.

 Getting the correct local time, at least within a half hour, is critical
 because it is being used to determine the start and end of an online
 experiment, and I can't have subject submitting form data outside those

 Much obliged,


 P.S.  I'm using a Mac.
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
 subscription preferences:

 Jim Ault

 use-revolution mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

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RE: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the IDE

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Bufalini
Hey Jim,

LOL. Instead of *beep*  enter *put The PreOpenStack handler executed* into 
the preOpenStack handler. This will appear in your message box. ;-) It's too 
premature for the beep.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini 

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:use-revolution-] On Behalf Of James Hurley
 Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:32 PM
 Subject: Re: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the
  Hmm... The important part of what I said is not the go or open but
  using the
  stack file name as in *go stack C:\MyStack.rev* What version of
  Rev are
  you using?
 I have two stacks: Test1 and Test2
 I have a button in Test1 with the handler:
 on mouseUp
 go stack /Users/jimhurley/Revolution applications/test2.rev
 end mouseUp
 And in the stack script of Test2 I have the handler:
 on preopenstack
 end preopenstack
 A click on the button in Test1 does not produce a beep.
 But the handler in the button:
 on mouseUp
 go stack /Users/jimhurley/Revolution applications/test2.rev
 send preopenstack to stack test2
 end mouseUp
 does produce a beep--not surprisingly. But I am surprised that go
 stack or open stack do not get me a beep.
 I am running RR 3.5 on a Mac.
 Jim Hurley
  Aloha from Hawaii,
  Jim Bufalini
   -Original Message-
   From: use-revolution-bounces at [mailto:use-
   bounces at] On Behalf Of James Hurley
   Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:05 PM
   To: use-revolution at
   Subject: Re: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in
   It appears that neither open stack nor go stack will trigger a
   PreOpenStack message.
   I am using as a workaround an open stack and then sending a
   PreOpenStack message to the stack.
   Clumsy but it works.
   Jim Hurley
James Hurley wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 Thanks. On further testing I see that you are right--generally

 My problem is when I attempt to open a stack from a Palette
 with the statement:

 open stack mystack

 the stack opens but the PreOpenStack handler is not executed.

 On the on the other hand, If I open it from Open in the FIle
 PreOpenStack is executed.

 Is there something about opening a stack from another stack
 not trigger the PreOpenStack message?
Try using go stack to the stack file name on disk. This should
trigger a preOpenStack.
Aloha from Hawaii,
Jim Bufalini
   use-revolution mailing list
   use-revolution at
   Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
   subscription preferences:
  Previous message: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack
  in the IDE
  Next message: FYI - NULLs in data to sort
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Beep (was: RE: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the IDE)

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Bufalini
You know what? I thought about what I dashed off after I wrote it and thought 
that's wrong. Beep should work in a preOpenStack. So, I tested it. It doesn't 
work. In fact, beep doesn't work on my Vista machine in 2.9, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0, 
even in a button or from the message box. But, it does work in 2.8.1, in a 
button and preOpenStack and message box. Can anyone confirm this?

 Hey Jim,
 LOL. Instead of *beep*  enter *put The PreOpenStack handler executed*
 into the preOpenStack handler. This will appear in your message box. ;-
 ) It's too premature for the beep.
 Aloha from Hawaii,
 Jim Bufalini
  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:use-revolution-] On Behalf Of James Hurley
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:32 PM
  Subject: Re: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the
   Hmm... The important part of what I said is not the go or open but
   using the
   stack file name as in *go stack C:\MyStack.rev* What version of
   Rev are
   you using?
  I have two stacks: Test1 and Test2
  I have a button in Test1 with the handler:
  on mouseUp
  go stack /Users/jimhurley/Revolution applications/test2.rev
  end mouseUp
  And in the stack script of Test2 I have the handler:
  on preopenstack
  end preopenstack
  A click on the button in Test1 does not produce a beep.
  But the handler in the button:
  on mouseUp
  go stack /Users/jimhurley/Revolution applications/test2.rev
  send preopenstack to stack test2
  end mouseUp
  does produce a beep--not surprisingly. But I am surprised that go
  stack or open stack do not get me a beep.
  I am running RR 3.5 on a Mac.
  Jim Hurley
   Aloha from Hawaii,
   Jim Bufalini
-Original Message-
From: use-revolution-bounces at [mailto:use-
bounces at] On Behalf Of James Hurley
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:05 PM
To: use-revolution at
Subject: Re: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in
It appears that neither open stack nor go stack will trigger
PreOpenStack message.
I am using as a workaround an open stack and then sending a
PreOpenStack message to the stack.
Clumsy but it works.
Jim Hurley
 James Hurley wrote:

  Hi Mark,
  Thanks. On further testing I see that you are right--
  My problem is when I attempt to open a stack from a Palette
  with the statement:
  open stack mystack
  the stack opens but the PreOpenStack handler is not executed.
  On the on the other hand, If I open it from Open in the FIle
  PreOpenStack is executed.
  Is there something about opening a stack from another stack
  not trigger the PreOpenStack message?

 Try using go stack to the stack file name on disk. This
 trigger a preOpenStack.

 Aloha from Hawaii,

 Jim Bufalini
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution at
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subscription preferences:
   Previous message: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack
   in the IDE
   Next message: FYI - NULLs in data to sort
   Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
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  use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Beep (was: RE: Open stack from another stack--Was PreOpenStack in the IDE)

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Bufalini
Just tested on XP machines. Beep works in all cases there including 
preOpenStack which, of course, does execute when opened from another stack. 

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

 You know what? I thought about what I dashed off after I wrote it and
 thought that's wrong. Beep should work in a preOpenStack. So, I tested
 it. It doesn't work. In fact, beep doesn't work on my Vista machine in
 2.9, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0, even in a button or from the message box. But,
 it does work in 2.8.1, in a button and preOpenStack and message box.
 Can anyone confirm this?

use-revolution mailing list
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[OT] Styled Text in iWeb

2009-08-31 Thread Gregory Lypny

Hi everyone,

Suppose I'm using some iFrame tags in iWeb HTML snippets to display  
the results of handlers of irev code.  Does anyone know what  
formatting codes I would use to give the text in those frames the same  
style as that of the default Text Boxes for the particular iWeb theme  
being used?


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OT] Styled Text in iWeb

2009-08-31 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Gregory wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 Suppose I'm using some iFrame tags in iWeb HTML snippets to display the
 results of handlers of irev code.  Does anyone know what formatting codes I
 would use to give the text in those frames the same style as that of the
 default Text Boxes for the particular iWeb theme being used?

You'll need to look at the source of the page produced by iWeb and
find a section that is formatted the way you want.
It may just be enclosed in tags that take their default format from
the style sheet, in which case you just need to apply those tags.
Or it may be set to a particular style, in which case you need to
apply that style as well.

e.g. if you find a section you want to copy looks like this:
pHere is some text/p
Then you just need to start your text with p and end it with /p
The 'p' could be anything, representing any type of tag.

If you find a section you want to copy looks like any of these:
div class=textboxHere is some text/div
span class=textboxHere is some text/span
div style=font-family: serifHere is some text/div
Then you need to surround your text with the appropriate tags, not
forgetting to insert the quotes as required.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time

2009-08-31 Thread Thomas McGrath III
I believe the servers for on-rev are in Texas so I think that is where  
you are getting the 4:52 from. It will be consistent with texas time  
so you can add or take away from that.


Tom McGrath III
Lazy River Software

iTunes Library Suite - libITS
Information and download can be found on this page:

On Aug 31, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

Hello everyone,

How can I handle daylight savings time in my On-Rev code?  We're  
currently in DST in Montreal.  When I type

put the long time

in Revolution's message box, I get the correct time as

5:52:13 PM

but when I ask for the long time in an On-Rev handler I get

4:52:13 PM

which is standard time.

Getting the correct local time, at least within a half hour, is  
critical because it is being used to determine the start and end of  
an online experiment, and I can't have subject submitting form data  
outside those times.

Much obliged,


P.S.  I'm using a Mac.
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Re: Rev Documentation [WAS: Launch another app from my standalone]

2009-08-31 Thread Len Morgan

Adrian Williams wrote:

Dans' book, great though it is as a primer, is not as accessible as 
many 'QuickStart' guidebooks available these days.
I wouldn't expect too much from a Quick Start Guide to Piloting the 
Space Shuttle.  Complicated topics are hard condense down into a Quick 
Start.  As I think Jim mentioned, authors have to write to an audience. 
I don't think it's possible to write a book that can be useful to a rank 
beginner AND a programming professional.  They are different audiences 
with different needs and have to be spoken to in different ways.

What would be cool would be some sort of online documentation resource 
that had an I Get It scrollbar that would show or hide more or less 
detail depending on whether it's on the Beginner or Expert end.  
While were at it, we could have platform buttons so if you only really 
cared about Windows, you wouldn't see OS X and Linux examples (where 
they are different).  There might be an indication that there ARE other 
things available there (or not) but you wouldn't have to look at it if 
you didn't want to.

I'll probably start working on such a program since now that I think 
about it, it's a pretty cool idea.  The hard part of course is creating 
and maintaining the content.  I'll do the easy part of creating the 
program and then we can all pitch in and create content.

len morgan
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On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time (Addendum)

2009-08-31 Thread Gregory Lypny
Just a little more detail on my previous post.  Would appreciate  
anyone confirming that iRev does not adjust for local Daylight Savings  
Time or I've misunderstood something because this has the potential to  
really mess up my work if I get it wrong.

There's a difference of one hour as this code in iRev

put the seconds  /br
convert the seconds to dateItems
put it  /br
put the long time


9:53:21 PM

and the equivalent handler in Revolution

put the seconds
convert the seconds to dateItems
put return  it after msg
put return  the long time after msg

run three seconds later, returns

10:53:24 PM


Frustrated in Montreal (DST)
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time (Addendum)

2009-08-31 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Gregory wrote:
 Just a little more detail on my previous post.  Would appreciate anyone
 confirming that iRev does not adjust for local Daylight Savings Time or I've
 misunderstood something because this has the potential to really mess up my
 work if I get it wrong.

 There's a difference of one hour as this code in iRev

 put the seconds  /br
 convert the seconds to dateItems
 put it  /br
 put the long time


 9:53:21 PM

 and the equivalent handler in Revolution

 put the seconds
 convert the seconds to dateItems
 put return  it after msg
 put return  the long time after msg

 run three seconds later, returns

 10:53:24 PM

It really isn't a daylight savings issue. The difference is that when
you use iRev, the computer that is getting the time is physically in
Texas, so you are getting Texan time, not Montreal time. The fact that
this is exactly 1 hour different to yours is throwing you off the
track. In fact both Montreal  Texas are on daylight savings time at
the moment, as far as I can see.

the seconds records any instant in time as the same number,
regardless of where the computer is, but when that number is
converted, the time zone of the computer doing the conversion is taken
into account. This is why your computer gives a different result to
the server computer in Texas.

As a test, get the internet date on both your computer and from an
iRev script. The last word of this gives the time zone of the computer
reporting the time and in your case it should be -0400, while the iRev
script should give -0500 (or -0500  -0600 after daylight savings time
stops). These can be used to do a conversion to your local time.

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Re: [OT] Styled Text in iWeb

2009-08-31 Thread Gregory Lypny
Thanks again for the heads up, Sarah.  I had started cutting and  
pasting bits of source code from text boxes but was probably taking  
the wrong stuff.  I'll take a stab at the tags you've suggested below.



On 31-Aug-09, at 11:25 PM,  

You'll need to look at the source of the page produced by iWeb and
find a section that is formatted the way you want.
It may just be enclosed in tags that take their default format from
the style sheet, in which case you just need to apply those tags.
Or it may be set to a particular style, in which case you need to
apply that style as well.

e.g. if you find a section you want to copy looks like this:
   pHere is some text/p
Then you just need to start your text with p and end it with / 

The 'p' could be anything, representing any type of tag.

If you find a section you want to copy looks like any of these:
   div class=textboxHere is some text/div
   span class=textboxHere is some text/span
   div style=font-family: serifHere is some text/div
Then you need to surround your text with the appropriate tags, not
forgetting to insert the quotes as required.


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time (Addendum)

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Ault

You can change the time that Rev (or any program) gets on your  
computer by simply setting your computer clock to anything you like.   
The same thing can happen on any computer or server.  Just ask a large  
company that has servers in different cities and countries.

The key to iRev servers is that they are probably extremely stable and  
constantly updated to one of the atomic clock sites.
One issue of daylight savings (especially in the state of Indiana) is  
that some counties will change their clocks and others will not.

Another issue is that the last daylight savings change in the Spring  
was done one week later in the UK than in the US.  The result was two  
time changes 7 days apart.

A computer program running on a processor can have functions that ask  
the processor for date and time info, but daylight savings changes are  
external to the processor.
If you write a function that gets the seconds at midnight each day,  
then see if it is 24.0 hours after the previous midnight, you know the  
processor has not changed the time zone or time shift in its control  
panel settings.

If you have a local processor and one at iRev, you need to track this  
for each processor and maintain the correct offset ( +1, -1, 0 ).  You  
might want to study GMT options and use one of those.

Hope this helps.

Jim Ault

On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:07 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

Just a little more detail on my previous post.  Would appreciate  
anyone confirming that iRev does not adjust for local Daylight  
Savings Time or I've misunderstood something because this has the  
potential to really mess up my work if I get it wrong.

There's a difference of one hour as this code in iRev

put the seconds  /br
convert the seconds to dateItems
put it  /br
put the long time


9:53:21 PM

and the equivalent handler in Revolution

put the seconds
convert the seconds to dateItems
put return  it after msg
put return  the long time after msg

run three seconds later, returns

10:53:24 PM


Frustrated in Montreal (DST)
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

Jim Ault

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Re: On-Rev and Daylight Savings Time

2009-08-31 Thread Gregory Lypny

Thank you Sarah, Jim, Stephan, and Thomas!

Dang, Texas.  Birthplace of Buddy Holly and Collings guitars, and a  
one-hour time difference from Montreal, which appeared to my deceived  
eyes (as so aptly pointed out by Sarah) as the lack of adjustment for  
DST.  Can be fixed.


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