Re: Czech text

2010-06-06 Thread Malte Pfaff-Brill
Just for the archives in case anyone else stumbles upon the same problem.

The issue is a matter of display. The output field requires mixed font 
settings. If you set the textfont to a polish variant, it sort of works, 
howwever you end up with some japanese characters for certain character 
combinations (e.g. éá). So you somehow need to mix the fonts. A brute force 
method can be this (assuming you know the output is in an east european 

on mouseUp
   local tArray
   if numToChar(0) is in field output or numToChar(1) is in field output 
 repeat with i=1 to the number of chars of fld output
  -- CZ special chars are UNICODE. 2 bytes. Second Byte appears to be 
either 0 or 1 in charToNum
if charTonum(char i+1 of fld output)10 and i+1  the number of chars 
of fld output then
   put true into tArray[i]
end if
 end repeat
 repeat for each key theKey in tArray
set the textfont of char theKey to theKey +1 of fld output to ,po
 end repeat
   end if
end mouseUp

Not necessariely pretty, nor really optimal, however, the only solution I found 
until now.

All the best,

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Re: [ANN] Rodeo IDE preview video

2010-06-06 Thread Robert Mann

was meant to be a private post, sorry about that.
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Re: To keep the selection of a textfield visible while the focus is onanother control?

2010-06-06 Thread jonathandlynch
Rather than simulating text highlighting, try simulating the change in focus.

The actual focus would always stay on the field. However, you could use a 
custom prop to define a pseudofocus.

When that property is set to a different object, like the combo box, then text 
gets diverted (using key down handler) to that object.

It would be tricky, including the need to simulate the blinking text cursor, 
but it should be doable.

Good luck,

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: G. Wolfgang Gaich
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 16:02:57 
To: How to use
Subject: To keep the selection of a textfield visible while the focus is on
 another control?

Hi all,

I don't know how to manage this:

On a card I have a field with text and a combo box.
With the combobox the user can change the textsize of the selected text 
of the textfield.
That works good when I set the traversalOn of the combobox to false.
The User then can use the menu of the combobox while the selection in 
the textfield keeps visible.
But when I set the traversalOn of the combobox to true, so that the user 
can manually enter a textsize in the field part of the combobox, the 
selection in the textfield disappears because the textfield lost its focus.

One way I tested was to store the selectedChunk in a custom property on 
selectionchanged and when the user has entered the textsize in the 
combobox and presses return or enter the textsize and the selection for 
the selectedchunk (I stored in the custom property) of the field is set.
But there is a period of time the user doesn't see his selection in the 

Is there a way to keep the selection of a textfield visible while the 
focus is on another control?

I hope you understand my request despite my poor english.

Thank you very much in advance.

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Re: Avoiding Global Variables - revUp 93

2010-06-06 Thread Richard Gaskin

Robert Earp wrote:

I'm concerned that readers of the article, especially new people to
Rev and scripting, will now stay away from global variables, which
would be a shame as they are extremely valuable.   I believe the crux
of the Olivers concerns about global variables is one of scripting
practices and project documentation, rather than global variables

There's absolutely nothing wrong with global variables, in fact I much
prefer them to other means of storing data especially when wishing to
access that data across multiple stacks and/or locations.  Global
variables are truly global, and as such save an awful lot of
addressing problems which ends up in simpler script.  But I do agree
in using custom properties of objects, or groups, when the data truly
refers to something associated with the object/group.

Thank you for that, Bob.

There is indeed a stigma against global variables, and while a good many 
programmers continue to argue against their use nearly every language 
they use supports them.  I doubt the designers of programming languages 
are all so wrong.

Like you noted, there's a place for globals, and it's also true that 
globals can be abused, just as custom props and other containers can be 

Rather than lead newcomers down the dogma road of avoiding globals 
altogether, it would be more helpful to assist them in distinguishing 
when they are useful.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:
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Re: Avoiding Global Variables - revUp 93

2010-06-06 Thread Jeff Massung
Global variables are far from bad.

Ages ago, back in the 8-bit and 16-bit CPU days, global variables were
cursed because they required crossing segment boundaries (64K each), which
causes numerous performance hitches. No such problem exists today. In fact,
global variables can actually be a performance boost when accessed properly
because if you use them in lock-step they may all end up being in L1/2

Then academia became involved and global variables were stigmatized due to a
thought that they lead to poor programming practices. Yes, there are those
who use them inappropriately (read: for everything). But without global
variables we wouldn't have dynamic extent or scope, which are incredibly
powerful tools at our disposal as programmers.

The rule of thumb is simple: don't let data extend outside the scope in
which it is intended. If you have a loop variable, it's local to the
function that contains it. If you have a function, it's extent is likely the
module it's contained in (in Rev's case, keep functions that act on multiple
controls at the card level... and functions that act on cards at the stack
level, etc).

As Richard noted: dogma is a bad thing. Understand the problem, understand
the solution. Don't complicate the solution... instead, try and simplify the
problem. Use the tool that best helps you to get the job done. Make it work,
then go back and make it right. Then go back again and make it fast.

Jeff M.
use-revolution mailing list
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Changing environment variables

2010-06-06 Thread Jeff Massung
Is there a way for me to change the environment variables my Rev app is
running with? Note: shell() doesn't work because it will only modify the
environment for that spawned shell process.

If there is no way to do this, *please* let this be a feature in 4.5 or 5.0.
It's very useful. ;-)

Jeff M.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Avoiding Global Variables - revUp 93

2010-06-06 Thread Jim Ault
My experience with people who are new to a language or new to  
programming tend to simplify or round off their efforts and produce  
the following:

Use globals as a short cut to passing parameters because it is simpler

Develop programming patterns that mean they use the same global names

Forget that globals are owned by Rev, not the stack(s)

Lose track of how many script containers touch and change the same  

Try to reuse globals, thinking that they will just keep track of  
clearing the global variable when they need to.

I used to be leader of the Advance Hypercard Special Interest Group  
back in the day.  The global naming was particularly problematic when  
a school teacher decided to jump in and do their own grade book and  

global mySelectedStudent
-- as one declaration, without the 'g' prefix

-- then in field scripts, etc used
put Tom Jones into mySelectedStudent
-- forgetting to declare the global at the top of the script container
-- or forgetting they had declared it and it already had a value

-- or forgetting that the global value was supposed to be
line 5 of field studentList
-- and defined it as the string Tommy Smith
-- thus dueling data formats

This became worse when they tried to employ stacks in use, which  
meant that many globals became hidden library instances.  Now the  
globals were not even in the same stack or logical project.  They had  
a fighting chance if they were the authors of the 'stacks in use', but  
not when they acquired the stacks of others.

Our Hypercard group actually designed some scripts to map the globals  
and look for duplicate locals or missing global declarations.  Script  
locals were not a feature of Hypercard.  If the 'g' prefix were not  
used, mapping was essential for finding 'cross-wiring' (as we called  

Hypercard was designed to run across hard drives and computers, so now  
globals became more difficult.  You had a choice to navigate and use  
the remote environment or keep using your own.  Remember the days of  
Go Recent, Pop Card ?  On an AppleTalk network, like a classroom,  
this could lead to significant degrees of anarchy.  The students would  
use the same global names as the instructor, but for different tasks.

I found that most new programmers, including me, had challenges with  
the scope of variables.  Certainly experienced programmers have  
mastered the use of global variables and developed work patterns to  
use them wisely, thus they have become a valuable tool.  To the new  
programmer, they create extra bugs that are more difficult to find and  

There was one programming student who could not understand that  
globals were persistent, even if he closed his stack.  He would leave  
Hypercard running all the time, no matter which stacks he was  
developing or exploring.  Opening someone else's stack created  
variables you did not know about.

You can imagine at the end of 4 weeks how many globals were safely  
nestled into his application memory.  It was a clan of somewhat- 
related variables, most were of his own creation.  After all, part of  
the thrill of Hypercard was seeing all the wonderful stacks built by  

Our Hypercard group rule was if your stacks were for distribution,  
sharing, and fun, don't use globals (or use unique names).

Hope this adds to the discussion by looking back to the beginning of  
the Hypercard-space-time continuum and the universal nature of globals  
and their nebulae.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Changing environment variables

2010-06-06 Thread J. Landman Gay

Jeff Massung wrote:

Is there a way for me to change the environment variables my Rev app is
running with? Note: shell() doesn't work because it will only modify the
environment for that spawned shell process.

I'm not sure if this will help or not, but you can define any new 
environment variable if you include the $ as the first character. For 

  put foo into $VAR

That gives a new environment variable named $VAR. I'm assuming you can 
change the content of any existing environment variable the same way, by 
just putting something new into the variable. I haven't worked with this 
much though.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
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Resetting checkboxes to true on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread charles61

I have a series of marked cards that have many checkboxes. I want to reset
the checkboxes to true when the user before an user enters new data. Any
scripting suggestions about how to reset checkboxes on marked cards to true?
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Re: Resetting checkboxes to true on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread Mark Schonewille


I didn't test it but what you need should look like this:

repeat with x = 1 to number of marked cards
  set the hilite of btn foo of marked cd x to false
end repeat

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a  
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On 6 jun 2010, at 21:12, charles61 wrote:

I have a series of marked cards that have many checkboxes. I want to  
the checkboxes to true when the user before an user enters new data.  
scripting suggestions about how to reset checkboxes on marked cards  
to true?

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[ANN] Rodeo pre-released; has its own list now!

2010-06-06 Thread Jerry Daniels

Dudes and Dudettes...

I promised we'd get our own list so we wouldn't harsh any Zen here in  
revLand, so you'll see a link to our discussion list below.

We've also officially pre-released Rodeo via our completely re-vamped  
site! Check out the links directly below for the deets.

Feel free to groove about the cabin and tweet us at will.


Jerry, Sarah  MJ

Rodeo discussion:
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Re: REALBasic vs Revolution (Michael Kann)

2010-06-06 Thread Peter Haworth
Thanks for all the input.  As usual, sounds like it comes down to a  
matter of the application and personal preferences.  I've spent  
perhaps 30 minutes looking over Real Studio and what has caught my eye  
so far is the report writer, as previously mentioned, what looks like  
very well organised documentation (which for me is a major problem  
area in Revolution), and IDE that feels more comfortable to me, and at  
first glance, functionality that is at least equivalent to  
Revolution.  Small things catch my eye, like placing controls on a  
tabbed control automatically makes them visible/invisible when a tab  
is clicked on without having to mess with groups as in Revolution.

Lynn, you mentioned several third party report writers for Rev.  I'm  
aware of Quartum but could you point me to any others?  The lack of  
built-in report writing capabilities in Rev is a major issue for me.

Once again, thanks to all for the valuable input.  I'm probably not  
going to switch to Real Studio at this point, I've got too many  
development hours invested in my Revolution app, but when I start my  
next app I think I will try Real Studio out to see what it can do.

Pete Haworth

On Jun 6, 2010, at 6:42 AM,  

Re: REALBasic vs Revolution (Michael Kann)

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Re: Resetting checkboxes to true on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread charles61

Hi Mark!

Thanks! I used your suggestion to come up with the following to loop through 
the cards and buttons:

on mouseUp
   repeat with x = 1 to number of marked cards
  repeat with y = 1 to number of buttons
 if the hilite of button y is true then
set the hilite of btn y to false 
 end if
  end repeat
   end repeat 

It works on one card. I am testing it on multiple cards now.

Charles Szasz

On Jun 6, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Mark Schonewille-3 [via Runtime Revolution] wrote:

 I didn't test it but what you need should look like this: 
 repeat with x = 1 to number of marked cards 
set the hilite of btn foo of marked cd x to false 
 end repeat 
 Best regards, 
 Mark Schonewille 
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering 
 Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a   
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 share the clipboard of your computer over the local network. 
 On 6 jun 2010, at 21:12, charles61 wrote: 
  I have a series of marked cards that have many checkboxes. I want to   
  the checkboxes to true when the user before an user enters new data.   
  scripting suggestions about how to reset checkboxes on marked cards   
  to true? 
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Re: Resetting checkboxes to true on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread DunbarX
Mark probably missed the fact you have many checkboxes on each card.

repeat with y = 1 to the number of marked cds
   repeat with u = 1 to the number of btns of marked cd y
  if the style of btn u of marked cd y = checkBox then set the hilite 
of btn u of marked cd y to false
   end repeat
end repeat

Not tested, but the idea is sound.
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RE: REALBasic vs Revolution (Michael Kann)

2010-06-06 Thread Lynn Fredricks
 Thanks for all the input.  As usual, sounds like it comes 
 down to a matter of the application and personal preferences. 
  I've spent perhaps 30 minutes looking over Real Studio and 
 what has caught my eye so far is the report writer, as 
 previously mentioned, what looks like very well organised 
 documentation (which for me is a major problem area in 
 Revolution), and IDE that feels more comfortable to me, and 
 at first glance, functionality that is at least equivalent to 
 Revolution.  Small things catch my eye, like placing controls 
 on a tabbed control automatically makes them 
 visible/invisible when a tab is clicked on without having to 
 mess with groups as in Revolution.
 Lynn, you mentioned several third party report writers for 
 Rev.  I'm aware of Quartum but could you point me to any 
 others?  The lack of built-in report writing capabilities in 
 Rev is a major issue for me.

Paradigma Software sells Valentina for Revolution, and Valentina Reports for
Revolution (we also sell versions for REALbasic as well) - You build reports in Valentina Studio Pro, then
save the reports as projects. Those projects can work with the Reports

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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Re: Resetting checkboxes to true on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread Mark Schonewille


You can simply delete that if-then structure.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a  
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On 6 jun 2010, at 21:54, charles61 wrote:

Hi Mark!

Thanks! I used your suggestion to come up with the following to loop  
through the cards and buttons:

on mouseUp
  repeat with x = 1 to number of marked cards
 repeat with y = 1 to number of buttons
if the hilite of button y is true then
   set the hilite of btn y to false
end if
 end repeat
  end repeat

It works on one card. I am testing it on multiple cards now.

Charles Szasz

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Re: Resetting checkboxes to true on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread charles61


Thanks! Your suggestion is better than the one I posted a few moments ago. My 
script only work on one card because I did not add clarity for the buttons 
being on the marked cards. 


Charles Szasz

On Jun 6, 2010, at 3:55 PM, dunbarx [via Runtime Revolution] wrote:

 Mark probably missed the fact you have many checkboxes on each card. 
 repeat with y = 1 to the number of marked cds 
repeat with u = 1 to the number of btns of marked cd y 
   if the style of btn u of marked cd y = checkBox then set the hilite 
 of btn u of marked cd y to false 
end repeat 
 end repeat 
 Not tested, but the idea is sound. 
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Re: Changing environment variables

2010-06-06 Thread Jeff Massung
Jacque, that's perfect. Thanks.

Sadly, it doesn't fix my problem, but it's a closer step. ;-)

Jeff M.
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Saving Data in Standalones

2010-06-06 Thread Peter Haworth

Not again, I can hear some people saying!

I've just run into this long standing issue in the context of needing  
to save the filepath to my database across runs of Revolution and also  
various other settings I need to save which are currently in custom  

I'm not concerned about saving my applications data across runs  
because I'm using an sqlite database for that.  The stuff I need to  
preserve is more in the way of internal settings.  I'd prefer to leave  
them in custom properties if I can because storing them elsewhere will  
entail a substantial amount of work to find all the places in my code  
where I set and get custom properties and replace the logic with  
something else.

I've searched the list archives and the discussion forums and also  
read Sarah Reicheldt's revJournal article and Mark Wieders Conference  
presentation and still somewhat confused by the solutions to this.

The most common solution seems to be to create a single stack .rev  
file that does nothing except invoke the real .rev file and use it as  
the basis for the build of the standalone app.  But then I see  
mentions of that being a problem because of the lack of write access  
to the Applications folder (I'm primarily concerned with Macs) so I  
look at the permission on my Applications folder and I have full read  
and write access to it and the standalone Rev app so am I missing  

Then there's the issue of how to implement that solution.  I see that  
Sarah's article recommends using the Move substacks into individual  
files option which Mark also describes but then advises against  
because of message passing hierarchy problems.  So should use that  
option or not?  And if I do, how do I open the mainstack of my  
real .rev file?  go stack URL or can I just go stack?

I'm also concerned about what seems to be a huge support issue.  If I  
understand this method correctly, the .rev file containing the real  
application will be just that, a .rev file not a compiled  
application.  If that's true what's to stop a user of my application  
who owns Revolution from changing my application code?

And then I ran across a post on the forum concerning a complication  
with this approach related to how to get the datagrid library included  
in the app.  There's a fairly simple workaround for it but now I'm  
wondering what other issues of that nature there might be.  How about  
the database library for example?  And right now, I insert a couple of  
front scripts into my app - should that logic stay in the real  
application or be moved to the single stack application?

So pity this poor unsuspecting user that thought the IDE might perhaps  
warn him if he tried to do something that absolutely would not work in  
a standalone application, or perhaps expected that an attempt to save  
something that couldn't be saved would at least throw an error in a  
standalone application, and believed the user guide section on  
building standalones which states All of Revolution's feature set is  
available in a standalone application, followed by a couple of  
exceptions which don't include the fact that you can't save data in  
them, and the section on global variables that notes that you can't  
save them across runs and recommends, amongst other things, saving  
them in a custom property if you need to do that.


Pete Haworth

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Re: Saving Data in Standalones

2010-06-06 Thread Mark Schonewille


Just make sure that you write to a directory for which you have  
permissions. Not the system directory or the application directory,  
but preferably the documents directory or the preferences directory.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a  
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On 6 jun 2010, at 23:53, Peter Haworth wrote:

Not again, I can hear some people saying!

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Re: Resetting checkboxes to true on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread Scott Rossi
Also, I believe you can write:

 unhilite btn foo

Instead of:

 set the hilite of btn foo to false

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

On Jun 6, 2010, at 12:18 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 I didn't test it but what you need should look like this:
 repeat with x = 1 to number of marked cards
  set the hilite of btn foo of marked cd x to false
 end repeat
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a quote
 Download Clipboard Link and share the 
 clipboard of your computer over the local network.
 On 6 jun 2010, at 21:12, charles61 wrote:
 I have a series of marked cards that have many checkboxes. I want to reset
 the checkboxes to true when the user before an user enters new data. Any
 scripting suggestions about how to reset checkboxes on marked cards to true?
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Re: Abysmal Sound on Windows?

2010-06-06 Thread Robert Mann

What format are the original audio files?

I use mp3 that I import as videoclips instead of audio clips

But I have not tested this on vista...

Some windows platform might not treat aiff files as naturally as wave.

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Re: Abysmal Sound on Windows?

2010-06-06 Thread Scott Rossi
As far as I know, Rev will not be able to play those imported files unless 
QuickTime is installed.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

On Jun 6, 2010, at 5:57 PM, Robert Mann wrote:

 What format are the original audio files?
 I use mp3 that I import as videoclips instead of audio clips
 But I have not tested this on vista...
 Some windows platform might not treat aiff files as naturally as wave.
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A problem with clearing fields on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread charles61

I have the following script to clear fields on marked cards:

on mouseUp
   repeat with y = 1 to the number of marked cards
  repeat with u = 1 to the number of fields of marked card y 
 if the short name of field u CONTAINS field then put empty into
field u
  end repeat 
   end repeat 
end mouseUp

The script clears the empty fields on the marked card that has the Clear
button but it will not clear the fields on the next marked card. This sample
stack consists of two cards. This is weird! I am using Rev Enterprise 4.0.
Any suggestions?
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AUTO: Mark Hausmann/jl1 ist außer Haus. ( Rückkehr am 02.07.2010)

2010-06-06 Thread mark . hausmann

Ich bin bis 02.07.2010 abwesend

Ich werde Ihre Nachricht nach meiner Rückkehr beantworten. In dringenden
Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte an meinen Kollegen Horst Strohkirch, email:

Hinweis: Dies ist eine automatische Antwort auf Ihre Nachricht  Re: Saving
Data in Standalones gesendet am 06.06.2010 23:00:25.

Diese ist die einzige Benachrichtigung, die Sie empfangen werden, während
diese Person abwesend ist.

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Re: A problem with clearing fields on marked cards

2010-06-06 Thread Scott Morrow
 I think you just need to specify the card that the target field is on:

 if the short name of field u of marked card y CONTAINS field then put empty 
into field u of marked card y

Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
office 1-800-360-734-4701

On Jun 6, 2010, at 7:55 PM, charles61 wrote:

 I have the following script to clear fields on marked cards:
 on mouseUp
   repeat with y = 1 to the number of marked cards
  repeat with u = 1 to the number of fields of marked card y 
 if the short name of field u CONTAINS field then put empty into
 field u
  end repeat 
   end repeat 
 end mouseUp
 The script clears the empty fields on the marked card that has the Clear
 button but it will not clear the fields on the next marked card. This sample
 stack consists of two cards. This is weird! I am using Rev Enterprise 4.0.
 Any suggestions?
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Re: Saving Data in Standalones

2010-06-06 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, June 6, 2010, 2:53:37 PM, you wrote:


You covered a lot of issues there. I see Mark S. has addressed one of
them already. Here's some more.

One of these is easy: if you want to prevent a rev script from being
loaded, poked into, and modified then set a password on the stack
before distributing it. I don't recommend doing this during normal
development work because it's a PITA to have to enter a password every
time you want to look at a script. But doing that before sending it
out into the world will keep it from prying eyes.

You can't save a running application. This isn't a limitation of rev,
but of the OS. There's no modern OS that will let you modify a running
app. I realize you've internalized that already, so here are some
ramifications of that concept: you can modify global and local
variables and save custom properties all you want, but you can't save
them to disk because they're part of your application; if your app is
resizeable you can resize it but the changes aren't sticky - the next
time you launch it will be the same size as the previous launch.

If you want to make changes that are persistent for the next launch of
the app you have some options. You can save the preferences to a text
file and read them back in at launch time. This is easy to do
(remember to save the file somewhere you have write permissions for)
and allows for editing the preferences file with a text editor outside
the IDE if the need arises. You could also save the preferences in any
other format you wanted (xml, xls, etc): it's just a file. For Windows
and OSX systems you can use specialFolderPath(Preferences) to find a
safe place to store preferences.

You can save custom properties in a substack *as long as that substack
is a separate file from your mainstack*. This gets around the OS
limitation of modifying the running application because you're not;
you're modifying a different file. If your substack is part of your
mainstack and not a separate file then your changes won't be

I use both of these approaches (saving a prefs text file and saving a
prefs stack) in different situations. As far as I know, there's no
Best Practices pattern for one over the other.

You *can* tell the standalone builder to make the substacks separate
files in the build phase. This will get around the problem sometimes.
You do have to remember to load the substack into memory in order to
have access to it.

And that's why I don't recommend that approach.

A better approach would be to have the substacks separate files to
begin with - in that case the way you use substacks during development
is the same as the way you use them in your standalone. You don't have
the situation of a stack/substack system working fine in the IDE and
then failing in a standalone because you haven't loaded the substacks
properly. I do think it's a good idea to try to avoid surprises when
you deploy a standalone application, and having a stack in the IDE
behave like a stack in a standalone is one way to stay out of trouble.

-Mark Wieder

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Silly Problem

2010-06-06 Thread David C.
Hey folks,
I know that I can center my application stack like this:

set the loc of me to the screenLoc

...but what's the proper way of centering a sub stack (about box,
preference stack, etc) to the position of my main stack, wherever it
may be on the screen? I'm pretty sure I've been down this path before
but the answer, however simple it may be, somehow eludes me.

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Silly Problem

2010-06-06 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:23 PM, David C. wrote:
 Hey folks,
 I know that I can center my application stack like this:

 set the loc of me to the screenLoc

 ...but what's the proper way of centering a sub stack (about box,
 preference stack, etc) to the position of my main stack, wherever it
 may be on the screen? I'm pretty sure I've been down this path before
 but the answer, however simple it may be, somehow eludes me.

set the loc of me to the loc of stack Main


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Re: Saving Data in Standalones

2010-06-06 Thread Kay C Lan
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 5:53 AM, Peter Haworth p...@mollysrevenge.comwrote:

 I'm not concerned about saving my applications data across runs because I'm
 using an sqlite database for that.  The stuff I need to preserve is more in
 the way of internal settings.  I'd prefer to leave them in custom properties
 if I can because storing them elsewhere will entail a substantial amount of
 work to find all the places in my code where I set and get custom properties
 and replace the logic with something else.

 Have you considered using sqlite to do the same? Create a separate table
that contains the internal settings you need to save then on
preOpenCard/preOpenStack  pull this data first, stuff it into your
customProps and then proceed with the normal start-up process of your app.

You could* use setProp handlers to catch every time a custom property is
changed, and issue an UPDATE myPrefTable SET myCustProp = purple people
eater to sqlite via an revExecuteSQL command to ensure the db was synced to
the customProps.

It's a pity we can't use wild card characters in setProp calls; imagine how
easy it would be to set up a generic:

setProp (*+), newValue
  --assuming *+ is captured and put into it
  put it into myCustProp
  revExecuteSQL myDBid, UPDATE myPrefTable SET   myCustProp   =  
quote  newValue  quote
  pass setProp
end setProp (*+)

Some bright spark here will hopefully point out you can already do that, but
as far as I'm aware you'll have to write a setProp handler for every
customProp you want to save into sqlite.

*Other options are to do a global search for all instances of set the and
go through and add the extra revExecuteSQL command inline with your other
statements, or, if you are not worried about keeping the apps state if it
crashes, you could just once save the customProps to your sqlite db on

Just a thought.

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