re-Ordering sub stacks

2008-11-19 Thread Chris Condit
I've got a project that has numerous subStacks, to which I often make 
changes or enhancements.  Numerous others use the same basic project, 
and in order to simplify updating their projects, I have the user run 
an "updater" stack, which among other things deletes the subStack 
that has been changed in their project, and adds a "copy of" that 
substack to their mainstack, and renames it back to its original name.

My problem comes when I then attempt to re-order the substacks in the 
mainstack.  The below script works fine in Revolution versions 
previous to 3.0, but when run in 3.0 causes Revolution to shut down, 
and results in the original stack being left with only one substack.

If you want to download a test stack with half a dozen substacks, and 
the button installed in the mainstack, the URL is below.

I caution you that you might want to make a copy of it, and run that 
copy because of how Rev 3.0, along with shutting down,  changes the 
original multi-substack version to a single stack version before 

Appreciate any help with this - it does look bad to tell users you 
have to use a previous version of Revolution to run this re-ordering 


button script:

--re-order substacks
on mouseUp
  set the hilite of me to true
  put mainstacks() into listOfMainStacks
  put the num of lines in listOfMainStacks into numToDo
  repeat with x = 1 to numToDo
if char 1 to 4 of line x of listOfMainStacks = "ddm-" then
  put line x of listOfMainStacks into thismainStack
  exit repeat
end if
  end repeat
  set the cursor to busy
  lock Screen
  orderSubs thismainStack
set the hilite of me to false
  answer "Done!"
  set the cursor to arrow
  set the hilite of me to false
end mouseUp

on orderSubs thismainStack
get the substacks of stack thismainStack
sort it
set the substacks of stack thismainStack to it
save stack thismainStack
end orderSubs

Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution Dynamic Digital Maps:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

rawKeyDown not working in SAs?

2008-01-17 Thread Chris Condit
I've got a scrolling group (named "OverlayAndImageGroup ") that is 
composed of an image of a map, and numerous text fields and other 
smaller groups.  I have been trying  to add the capability to use the 
mouse's scrolling wheel to scroll the group "OverlayAndImageGroup" up 
and down.

When I add to the group "OverlayAndImageGroup" the script

--below 3 handlers added 2007-12-18
on rawKeyDown theKeyNumber
  --put theKeyNumber into msg
  if theKeyNumber is 65308 then increaseScroll -- mouse wheel down
  else if theKeyNumber is 65309 then decreaseScroll -- mouse wheel up
  else pass rawKeyDown -- don't forget this!
end rawKeyDown

on decreaseScroll
  set the vScroll of group "OverlayandImageGroup" to the vScroll of 
group "OverlayandImageGroup" - 51
  put the ScreenmouseLoc into thisLoc --below done to get calcLatLong 
run to update latitude

  set the ScreenmouseLoc to item 1 of thisLoc, item 2 of thisLoc + 1
end decreaseScroll

on increaseScroll
  set the vScroll of group "OverlayandImageGroup" to the vScroll of 
group "OverlayandImageGroup" + 51
  put the ScreenmouseLoc into thisLoc--below done to get calcLatLong 
run to update latitude

  set the ScreenmouseLoc to item 1 of thisLoc, item 2 of thisLoc - 1
end increaseScroll

it works perfectly as long as I am in the "development" environment. 
I also have built into this "Map" stack, the ability to measure 
distances areas, etc., from a mouseDown handler in the "Map" stack 
script, and to get latitude - longitude read outs from a mouseMove 
handler in the "Map" stack's card level script. It, too works 
perfectly as long as I am in the "development" environment (one has 
to open a "Tools" palette to start measuring, a process that sets 
globals that control the measuring processes).

BUT when I create a standalone (for both Mac and Windows), neither 
the mouse scrolling wheel works to scroll the group 
"OverlayandImageGroup" up or down, nor does the ability to measure 
distances, areas, etc. work.  The mouseMove does, however, continue 
to feed into my lat-longitude script and give me lat & long.

Has anyone else run into this kind of a problem?

One can download the offending rev stack (18.2 MB unzipped, 6.5 MB 
zipped) from the url

if you want to get to SAs that do work, visit the web page

I'm using Intel Macs (a MacBookPro and desktop Pro) and OS 10.4 & 
10.5 and both Rev 2.8.1 and 2.9.0-dp-3 Build 520 and all behavior is 
the same on the platforms, and on the Windows SA's I've created.

Along the same lines, is there a rawKeyDown code for left-right 
scrolling?  I've used Sarah's KeyCoder.rev project (thanks, Sarah!) 
with no joy as well as the code:

  on rawKeyDown pKey
put pKey into msg
 end rawKeyDown

in a v and h scrolling field and get no rawKeyCode when i try to 
scroll left-right

appreciate help.
Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution Dynamic Digital Maps:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

fake grabber

2007-08-23 Thread Chris Condit
Has anyone experimented with making a grabber (as was found in 
SuperCard), that would let your drag a scrolling group (including an 
image, and other controls) around, when you (in the case below) 
depress either the command or control keys with a mouseDown and 
invoke this fakeGrabber script?

My problem is that the process is sometimes slow, and also gets 
confused and is left with the grabber icon showing.

And does anyone know if there is a request to add a "grabber" to 
Revolution?  last reference i saw to grabber in the listServ was 2004!

---(this is part of the script to the scrolling group named 

on MouseDown
  if the commandKey is down or the controlKey is down then
set the tool to browse
set the cursor to 11079 -- (a "grabber" hand)
--set the cursor to hand
  else send mouseDown to stack "Map"
end mouseDown

--and it calls this in the mainstack's script:

on FakeGrabber
  put 3 into Threshold
  put the mouseLoc into oldLoc
  put the short name of this stack into thisStacksName
  #to keep the centering on wanted feature from overscrolling
  put the width of stack thisStacksName into StackWidth
  put the height of stack thisStacksName into StackHeight
  put the width of image "theImageBox" into theImageBoxBotRtX
  put the height of image "theImageBox" into theImageBoxBotRtY
  put (theImageBoxBotRtX + 16) - StackWidth into MaxScrollX
  put (theImageBoxBotRtY + 16) - StackHeight into MaxScrollY

  repeat forever
if the mouse is up then exit repeat
put the mouseLoc into newLoc
put item 1 of newLoc - item 1 of oldLoc into xLoc
put item 2 of newLoc - item 2 of oldLoc into yLoc
if abs(xLoc) >= Threshold or abs(yLoc) >= Threshold then
  put hScroll of group "OverlayAndImageGroup" into StartHScroll
  put vScroll of group "OverlayAndImageGroup" into StartVScroll
  put StartHScroll - xLoc into newXScroll
  put StartVScroll - yLoc into newYScroll
  set the lockScreen to true

  #to keep the centering on wanted feature from overscrolling
  if NewXScroll > MaxScrollX then
set the hscroll of group "OverlayAndImageGroup" to MaxScrollX
set the hScroll of group "OverlayAndImageGroup" to NewXScroll
  end if
  if newYScroll > MaxScrollY then
set the vscroll of group "OverlayAndImageGroup" to MaxScrollY
set the vScroll of group "OverlayAndImageGroup" to NewYScroll
  end if
  set the lockScreen to false
  put newLoc into oldLoc
  if the commandKey is up and the controlKey is up then exit repeat
end if
  end repeat
end FakeGrabber

Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution Dynamic Digital Maps:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Bluetooth/USP GPS

2007-06-04 Thread Chris Condit

Hi Camm-

Looking at my MacBookPro's System Preferences, it appears if I go to 
"Bluetooth" settings, that under "Sharing" I  have the option to 
"Start Serial Port" using one of two "Type" settings, either "Modem" 
or "RS232" .   By default, the port is named "SerialPort-1" .

To me, that implies that if I select RS232 as my "Type" setting , a 
Bluetooth GPS will be communicating through SerialPort-1 as if it was 
an RS232 device.

Does that make sense?

thanks for your continuing help on this - I want to make sure I buy 
the correct GPS system!


CAMM29 said:
Chris ,
Well , that's not exactly what I said !
RunRev only has in built Commands for RS232 Type Data talking via RS232 Com
Ports 1-9 ,
My setup is
PC Side (RunRev)   USB to Bluetooth Dongle configured as Virtual RS232
Com Port 1
Third Party Side --- Bluetooth to RS232 Convertor
So RunRev thinks its talking via a standard RS232 Link , its does not matter
what the transmission medium is but
RunRev must see RS232 Data on a RS232 ComPort at the end of the day !!!

Hope that Helps !

Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution Dynamic Digital Maps:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

USB or Bluetooth GPS

2007-05-31 Thread Chris Condit


I've been working on making what I call "Dynamic Digital Maps"  using 
Rev  (you're welcome to piggy-back using my DDM-Template to make your 
own, see URL below).  The DDM allows one to open jpeg map images in 
the DDM, and supply georeference information on the image, it so you 
can get latitude-longitude read outs as you scroll the mouse over the 
image.  Now that classes are out, I'd like to take some time this 
summer to build in the capability to track your location from a GPS 
system as you are viewing the map (that is, to have the GPS signal 
drive the cursor location instead of having the mouse do it).

I've been looking over various GPS devices, and see a couple that 
might work that use either USB or supply "Communication with Host 
platform Via Bluetooth Serial Port Profile" and wonder if anyone can 
give me a pointer as to which, if either I might be able to use with 

In January this year, Sarah Reichelt allowed that:
"The [...] problem is that Rev cannot talk directly to a USB port. 
For all the interface things that I do, I use serial ports and I 
connect them to my Mac using a USB to serial adapter. Once you 
install the driver for such a device, Rev sees it as a serial device 
even though it is connected via USB, so then the standard serial 
commands work fine."

I can get a Keyspan serial adapter to hook up to a GPS, but that 
seems like a more cumbersome way to go than straight USB or 
Bluetooth.  Especially so, since USGlobalSat has two GPS that are 
WAAS enabled (for higher accuracy), one that uses a USB (for $80), 
and the other that uses Bluetooth for $160.

Appreciate any help
Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution Dynamic Digital Maps:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Revolution and GeoInfomatics

2006-05-09 Thread Chris Condit
For those of you interested in maps in general, I've been developing 
a "Dynamic Digital Map" template using Revolution (see  for downloads & info), and will be giving a 
talk at the U.S. Geological Survey and National Science Foundation - 
sponsored Geoinfomatics meeting this Thursday 11 May, along with a 
colleague Mike Williams (sure glad I'm before, and not after Mike - 
he's a hell of a speaker).

The talks will be webcast at:

Thursday, May 11 2006
Morning Sessions
9:40 - 12:00
Concurrent session 2: Geologic mapping and databases, Visitor Center
Chair: Peter Lyttle, U.S. Geological Survey

10:40 - 11:00
Christopher Condit
Dept. Geosciences, Univ. Massachusetts-Amherst
Dynamic Digital Maps: An Open-Source Tool to Distribute Maps, Data, 
Articles and Multi-Media as an Integrated Stand-alone Cross-platform 
Package via the Web and CD/DVD for Use in Research, Teaching and 
Archiving Information

11:00 - 11:20
Michael Williams
Geosciences - University of Massachusetts
Building a dynamic image-based database: Integrating thin section 
images and data using Dynamic Digital Maps

A little background on this:

Dynamic Digital Maps, the Open Source DDM-Template and Cookbook
Christopher D. Condit
Department of Geosciences
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
National Science Foundation - Grant # DUE-CCLI-0127331 2002-2006.
As part of a four year, $300,000 project, funded to him by the U.S. 
National Science Foundation, Chris Condit, a professor in the 
Geosciences Department at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst 
has developed a product called the "Dynamic Digital Map".  The heart 
of it is an open-source program enabling Revolution users to publish 
maps, images, movies, text and data as an integrated product that is 
a royalty-free stand-alone application.  A description of DDMs, the 
open source code, and downloads of more than 10 DDMs can be found at 
the URL  Condit will be teaching a course 
on how to make DDMs this fall at UMass.

Description of a Dynamic Digital Map
A Dynamic Digital Map is a stand-alone "presentation manager" 
program that displays and links maps, images, movies, data and 
supporting text, such as map explanations and field trip guides. 
Made using the cross-platform Revolution programming environment 
(see, DDMs are WEB-enabled and browser 
independent. The "DDM-Template" is an open source Revolution program 
into which one can insert metadata (mostly file names) that enable 
the program to open maps, images, figures and movies from an 
organization of directories. A DDM maker can further modify the 
Template as they make their own DDM by inserting text and data 
directly into the program, which will be renamed to reflect its new 
content. A "Cookbook" guides the Revolution user through the steps 
of building the DDM. Once a Template has been completely modified, 
stand-alone applications for a variety of operating systems (for 
example, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) can be made directly from this 
single Revolution document. DDM examples have been made for two 
volcanic areas (the Tatara-San Pedro volcanic complex in Chile, and 
the Springerville volcanic field in Arizona (Condit, 1995a), for the 
geology of western New England (which includes six field trips), for 
the Moon (made in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey), 
and Mars (a superb senior thesis by Selby Cull of Hampshire 
College). The DDM-SVF includes an automated five minute tour showing 
how to use a DDM;  the DDM-NE includes an interactive tour.
The DDMs posted on the web (or if you are using this from a CD/DVD, 
in these folders) are standalone programs that run without other 
software. The programs, if run from DVD, access their data from 
specified directories within their home folder.  Alternatively they 
can open data via fast internet connections.  In this case, they 
access their maps and images (in jpeg format), and movies (in 
QuickTime format)] from a file server in Chris Condit's lab at 
UMass-Amherst; any web server using http protocol will work for 
self-built DDMs.  To see any included movies, both Windows and Mac 
based computers must have the latest QuickTime Player installed (free 
from Apple for both platforms, at Computers with less 
than 512 MB of free RAM will run these programs very slowly at best.


The most important missing piece that will make this DDM project 
really "fly" will be the ability to import eps text fields or objects 
into Revolution.   Maps are time-consuming enough to make without 
having to re-make them again (at least the text labels) just to get 
them into Revolution.  Alejandro Tejada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has 
written EpsImportV04 to import vector graphics, and I've had some 
success with importing text

Rev on Intel iMacs

2006-03-13 Thread Chris Condit
I used a couple of stand-alones on an iMac last week.  They are both 
a big (20 to 29 meg programs that you can download from and that essentially manage the 
integrated display  of maps, images, field guides and analytical 
data.  The programs ran smoothly and were very responsive under 
Rosetta - no problems there.

Incidentally, has any one else had trouble with zooming into and out 
of QuickTime panoramas using 2.7.1?

Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution Dynamic Digital Maps:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

activating a menu via script

2004-11-16 Thread Chris Condit
I'm in the process of writing an automated "Tour" that plays from a 
button click, to show a potential user how a program works. 

As part of the tour I want to show the user how some of the menu 
items work from a standard pull-down menu located top left of the 

Using script I'm writing, I want the user to be able to watch as I 
open a pull down menu and select a menu item.  Does anyone have any 
idea if I can do this via script, and if so give me a few clues as to 
how to do it?

Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution Dynamic Digital Maps:

use-revolution mailing list

Dialog Box in the Center of the Screen . . .

2004-04-20 Thread Chris Condit
Roger said:
"I have a narrow (180 pixels) "Palette" style stack on the extreme left
edge of the screen from which I call up an "answer" dialog box.  On the
Mac (OS X) this dialog box is centered on the screen, but in the
Windows environment this dialog box is centered on the "Palette" stack
and is therefore partially offscreen.  How can I make this dialog box
appear in the center of the screen on the Windows platform?"
What I do is set the the ask & answer palettes to always open at the 
center of the screen, by having them open at the screenLoc.

To do this, I use Revolution's "View" Menu to "Show the Revolution UI 
Elements in the List", and then use the "Tools" menu to "Show the 
Application Browser" .  Select the "Ask dialog" and right-click on it 
and show it's script.  In the preOpenCard handler, add the line "set 
the loc of me to the screenLoc", and apply the change..  Do the same 
with the "Answer dialog".  Then close Revolution and when it asks if 
you ant to save the changes to stack "Ask Dialog", select "Save".  Do 
the same with the Answer dialog.

Now when dialogs open they will open in the center of the screen. 
I's a keeper, and when you make a astand alone with your version o 
fRev., the script will still apply to these dialogs

I thought we had a bug to get the runRev crew to give us the option 
to add ask  "at 200,200", or where ever, but since I've not gotten 
involved in the bugzilla game, am not sure of its status at this 

hope it helps.  this was talked about 6 months or so ago, when I ran 
into the same problem, and other more involved, and more elegant 
solutions offered.

Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution/MetaCard Dynamic Digital Maps:
use-revolution mailing list

grabber in Rev (was PDF)

2004-03-05 Thread Chris Condit
Hi List (especially Ken N. and Brian Yennie)-

I noticed in Rev list V. 6 Issue 38 Ken N. & Brian Yennie traded info about:

 "and plugged the
*genuine* Rev-style mouseMove grab/scroll handlers into the image script.
It works beautifully. Grab/scrolls like its on bed of ball bearings. No
problems, no joke."
Is this an new thing, like the old SuperCard "grabber"? -

I didn't think Rev 2.1.2 had any grabber capability.

I don't see any info in it with the rev doc included with the application.

 I have a "fake" grabber, buy would sure like areal one., so I could 
simplfy that code


Also is there a 4000 pixel limit and does that apply to both length 
and width, does anyone know?

Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution/MetaCard Dynamic Digital Maps:
use-revolution mailing list

Import Full Formated Text

2003-11-21 Thread Chris Condit
another much needed component to add to REVs built in formatting 
would be decimal tabs
Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution/MetaCard Dynamic Digital Maps:

use-revolution mailing list

centering ask & answer dialogs

2003-10-17 Thread Chris Condit
I've run into problems on the Win32 platform getting ask & answer 
dialog boxes to display completely on the screen.

As a work around, what I've done is hacked the revAsk and revAnswer 
stacks and in the preOpen stack handler added "set the loc of me to 
the screenLoc", since that seems to me to be as good a place as any 
to display dialog boxes.  Seemed to work fine both using the rev GUI 
and when I created a stand alone, both on Mac and Win32.  Can anyone 
thingk of a reason i shouldn't be doing that, or where it will cause 

and Rev Team:  any chance of including the capability of beinag able 
to choose where to place ask & answer dialog boxes, using for 
example:  ask "Can we do this" at 300,300 ?

Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  413-545-0272
My Web Page:
Revolution/MetaCard Dynamic Digital Maps:
use-revolution mailing list