Re: Printing question

2007-01-21 Thread Dan Shafer


While it's a little hard for me to be sure what you're trying to do here, I
think I get it. At least this should get you headed in the right direction.

Faced with the task I think you're asking about, I'd do the following:

1. Lock the screen
2.  Hide the appropriate elements on each of the cards to be printed. (You
can use hide button 1 of card 43 for example without navigating to the
card in question.
3.  Use open printing to set up a batch print job.
4.  Order the printing of the three cards in a loop or just by separate
print commands
5.  Close printing to force the queue to print.
6.  Show the hidden controls
7.  Unlock the screen if necessary

Make sense?

On 1/21/07, Charles Szasz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have been using Dan Shafer's excellent book on printing has help me
a great deal iwith my project. But I have a question. I have three
cards that I want to print. Each card has a button that has to be
hidden and one card has a group three radio buttons that have to be
hidden. I am using lock screen and unlock screen with the hide and
show commands to hide the buttons and radio buttons. Here is my
question, how do I incorporate printing each card with different
elements to be hidden and shown in the printing script that is in one
print button?

Charles Szasz

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Re: OT: lost everything, macbook and its HD broken.

2007-01-15 Thread Dan Shafer


Wow, man, I am sorry to hear this. It reminded me once again of the
necessity of keeping thiings backed up. I'm pretty meticulous about it but
every once in a whlie I let it slide.

Hope your woes can be solved soon.


On 1/15/07, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I was here coding some AJAX programs and developing libraries, my
macbook just made a strange mechanical noise and then it was dead...
when tried to boot, it made lots of mechanical noises and it never
booted again. The noises are comming from the hard drive. I am
assuming I lost everything. all my source code for the last year and
everything I was working. I don't know what is broken... but I can't
make it boot even from CDs...

I don't know what I am to do now. I am writting from my old G4. I was
doing some contract work and then it broke. The machine is now
bricked. Can't boot from HD, Firewire, Network or CD, I've tried them
all. The screen goes white, lot's of bad noises and the famous
question mark of no system folder. I can't even erase the PRAM...
never chimes.

sorry for this annoucement but it will be a while till I set
everything up again. Tomorrow I'll go to apple repair service but
they are making a fool of me for more than three months already. I
was waiting for a replacement main board for this same machine. Now
it appears, I'll need a new machine.

My backup machine was broken some months ago, I had no money to buy
the parts to build it up again. The G4 had no space for hosting the
macbooks backup. I think I just lost all my revolution source code
which was maybe 5 or 6 gb worth of code.

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Re: iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread Dan Shafer

He announced Apple TV last fall, so there is some precedent. And the
regulatory issues are certainly at the heart of this. That process is so
leaky it's worse than a sieve. A sieve at least has some parts holding it


On 1/11/07, Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mr. Jobs explains this in his key-note by saying that since it takes
months to get all the necessary public licences (a fairly public
process), they decided to announce it themselves, rather than
effectively let the FCC (or whoever it is) do it for them. Or maybe
he just couldn't wait :)


On 12 Jan 2007, at 00:14, Mark Wieder wrote:

 ...and just out of curiosity, can anyone remember Apple announcing a
 product six months before the announced shipping date?

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Re: Revolution featured on

2007-01-09 Thread Dan Shafer

The link:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Andre!

On 1/9/07, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Folks,

go there, comment!!! let us get the word going!!!


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Re: OMG!!!! Steve Jobs is launching the iPhone and it runs MacOS X.

2007-01-09 Thread Dan Shafer

Widgets are standalone components that run in a base runtime and can execute
JavaScript, HTML and at least some XML. The only sense in which I can easily
SEE Rev being used is to spit out the JavaScript/XML/HTML code to be used in
the Widget. IOW, perhaps a Widget builder could be created in Rev. Chipp and
I discussed this on and off a while back but didn't see a market.


On 1/9/07, Devin Asay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jan 9, 2007, at 11:52 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:


 I must say, I am amazed reading about macworld keynote... Steve is
 releasing the iPhone, full multitouch screen, no keys, running
 MacOS X... we need to get Revolution engine on this!!!

It apparently can run standard Dashboard widgets. Does anyone know,
is it possible to produce Dashboard widgets in Rev? My understanding
is that creating a widget is more a matter of configuring the app's
plist correctly and including some needed resources, than of which
development environment you use.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: OMG!!!! Steve Jobs is launching the iPhone and it runs MacOS X.

2007-01-09 Thread Dan Shafer

Yeah, and there are other tools out there for this purpose as well, I think.


On 1/9/07, Trevor DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jan 9, 2007, at 11:28 AM, Dan Shafer wrote:

 Widgets are standalone components that run in a base runtime and
 can execute
 JavaScript, HTML and at least some XML. The only sense in which I
 can easily
 SEE Rev being used is to spit out the JavaScript/XML/HTML code to
 be used in
 the Widget. IOW, perhaps a Widget builder could be created in Rev.
 Chipp and
 I discussed this on and off a while back but didn't see a market.

Apple already has a dev tool in beta (Dashcode) for Widgets so
someone should check that out before they ventured into creating
their own.  You can get access to it with a free ADC developer account.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems -

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Re: [ANN] RevOnRockets Web Development educational Package! Happy 2007 everyone.

2006-12-31 Thread Dan Shafer


Congratulations! I know you've spent a HUGE amount of time, thought and
energy (and probably coffee) on this project. I've downloaded it and will
begin poking at it today.

Go have a beer on me (send me the bill.)



On 12/31/06, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Folks,

it is with imense happyness that I make available what I came to call
RevOnRockets package. This package is a bundle of a web server,
libraries and demos, everyting in 100% transcript.

The objective is to help the aspiring web developer (and the seasoned
one) to create their web applications, the RevHTTP server runs inside
the Revolution IDE and is able to run text file based cgis as well as
serve files, this alone enables everyone to develop for the web from
inside rev, using the debugger!!! Develop and Test your CGIs from
inside revolution!

This is of course freeware with source. All code is commented,
specially the webserver code. I give this to this wonderful community
as a token of gratitude for all the years that everyone and his dog
helped me!

What is included:
* RevHTTP - 100% transcript web server with new features and
* EasyCGI Core library - a simple library for building text file
* EasySessions - a simple library for session management.
* EasyDebug - a error report tool for CGIs.
* libCGI compatibilty functions - RevHTTP has a compatible API
allows libCGI based apps to run inside it.
* Demos for all libraries and even AJAX demos!!!

More documentation is expected as time goes. The demos and the
libraries will also have updates. Right now they are very bare but I
do like them and use them everyday.

Have I mentioned that I commented my code yet?

ALL FREE license is: cannot-blame-the-brazilian-guy-if-it-
explodes-public-license 1.0

Have fun! file is here

Launch http.rev and click start!

happy 2007 everyone


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Re: Developer's Conference in Vegas?

2006-12-22 Thread Dan Shafer

I, too, appreciate the apology Kevin. I apologize if I flew off the handle a
little quickly. Stressfui times.


On 12/22/06, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks a bunch for the apology Kevin. Stuff happens sometimes. Let me
know if I can help.



 I'd like to apologize for any offence caused in our part in how this
 out.  It was always our intention to work with you on a joint
 once we had actually firmed up the plans for a conference - something we
 still working on.  It was a slip up - we could have handled the

 Kind regards,


 Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
 Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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Re: Have a passport, will travel.

2006-12-22 Thread Dan Shafer

What he said.



On 12/22/06, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks for those very kind words. Monterey is a fabulous place to host
a conference. Dan is a great MC (for Richard, Jacque, Ken et al: MC =
Master of Ceremonies;-). I always thought we did a great job of
recruiting speakers, and the content was always interesting. We did
work hard to create a multi-track system where there would always be
at least one interesting presentation for developers at all levels.
Thanks to all the presentors for their very professional

And what a blast to finally put faces to names. I, too, looked forward
to it each year.

You know Dan and I will miss it very much.

Perhaps another year.

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Re: Developer's Conference in Vegas?

2006-12-21 Thread Dan Shafer

Actually, Chipp and I had NOT announced that we were not going to hold
RevCon West again this year. We had in fact *decided* not to and we had
shared that information with RR *confidentially*. They had asked us *not* to
announce it until they could announce *their* conference plans because they
had apprently decided they needed to host their own conference in any case.

This premature non-announcement is disconcerting. Chipp and I had planned a
clear announcement of our intention after RR informed us it was time to do

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What's Up With RevCon West?

2006-12-21 Thread Dan Shafer

By now, you've probably seen the quasi-announcement from RunRev that they
are planning some sort of conference activity this year. It may (or may not)
have occurred to you to wonder what that means for RevCon West in Monterey.

Chipp and I took a long, hard look at RevCon after the last show and decided
not to hold it, at least this year. There were a lot of reasons, some
financial, some personal, some work related, and some driving from the
feeling tha we weren't serving a very broad community need with our
offering. We had not decided whether we would pick up the conference again
in 2008, perhaps at a different location (though everyone who has attended
has been consistent in urging us to keep it in Monterey).

As soon as we had decided to cancel this year's show, we notified Kevin and
Lynn at RunRev. We did not want to announce our decision in a way that could
harm the community's perception of the ongoing value we place on the
technology. They asked us to hold off until they could make their own
conference plans clearer. That was the first we'd heard that they were
planning to do a (potentially competitive) conference this year and it
further reinforced our decision. Obviously this community is not large
enough to make multiple multi-day conferences profitable in the U.S. We
agreed, somewhat reluctantly because we really felt our primary obligation
was to you, the members of this outstanding community, to hold off on our
announcement so we could all effect an orderly transition.

The mention yesterday of RR's intent to do something in the conference space
rendered that delay no longer operable.

So now you know. No RevCon West next year. If RR goes ahead with its own
conference, that will probably effectively kill RevCon West for future years
as well.

It was fun.

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2006-12-17 Thread Dan Shafer


Any of several things could cause what you're seeing. My first guess in such
situations is always that the line endings in the file you create in
TextEdit are not set to Unix-style line endings but are rather Mac line
endings. That's one of many reasons I use BBEdit for such files rather than
TextEdit. I assume you have TextEdit set to create text rather than RTF but
even if you do, I think TextEdit does not normally produce Unix-style line

If that's not the problem, post a reply and we can do some further detective


On 12/17/06, Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying make a really simple text-file cgi (on OS X)., which I've
done in the past without difficulty.

I create a new document in textEdit. I copy the script from (the script that comes with the Rev installation, I think)
into my new textEdit document.
I save it as in the CGI-Executables folder. I chmod it's
permissions to 755.

I type http://localhost/cgi-bin/; into the Safari URL field.
I get Internal Server Error.
I type http://localhost/cgi-bin/; into Safari URL field. I
get the expected listing of globals.

When I get the detailed files from the CGI-Executables folder, I
can see that the permissions for are indeed 755.

So, I simply duplicate the file, and rename it to
I type http://localhost/cgi-bin/; into the Safari URL field.
I get the expected listing of globals.

I am now completely baffled. What have I missed out?
Can anyone shed some light?


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2006-12-17 Thread Dan Shafer

It gets a lot of folks. Glad it worked out.


On 12/17/06, Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you, Dan. That's the problem. And now you've reminded me, I
remember that it caught me out before...

Thanks again.


On 18 Dec 2006, at 01:07, Dan Shafer wrote:


 Any of several things could cause what you're seeing. My first
 guess in such
 situations is always that the line endings in the file you create in
 TextEdit are not set to Unix-style line endings but are rather Mac
 endings. That's one of many reasons I use BBEdit for such files
 rather than
 TextEdit. I assume you have TextEdit set to create text rather than
 RTF but
 even if you do, I think TextEdit does not normally produce Unix-
 style line

 If that's not the problem, post a reply and we can do some further


 On 12/17/06, Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying make a really simple text-file cgi (on OS X)., which I've
 done in the past without difficulty.

 I create a new document in textEdit. I copy the script from (the script that comes with the Rev installation, I think)
 into my new textEdit document.
 I save it as in the CGI-Executables folder. I chmod it's
 permissions to 755.

 I type http://localhost/cgi-bin/; into the Safari URL field.
 I get Internal Server Error.
 I type http://localhost/cgi-bin/; into Safari URL field. I
 get the expected listing of globals.

 When I get the detailed files from the CGI-Executables folder, I
 can see that the permissions for are indeed 755.

 So, I simply duplicate the file, and rename it to
 I type http://localhost/cgi-bin/; into the Safari URL field.
 I get the expected listing of globals.

 I am now completely baffled. What have I missed out?
 Can anyone shed some light?


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Re: Beginning Programming for Dummies 4th edn

2006-12-09 Thread Dan Shafer

Thanks to both of you for your comments on my book. I'm aware of the
problems a lack of index can cause. All I can say by way of (admittedly
somewhat weak) defense is that: (a) doing a proper index is a huge amount of
work and requires skills I lack and couldn't afford to hire; and (b) I
(perhaps mistakenlly) followed the time-honored tradition of using a
monospaced font for code. I agree that there are some places -- though not a
huge number, as far as I know -- where that font doesn't treat spacing very

Also, I originally authored the book as an eBook where an index is much less
useful (though not entirely useless) since indexing terms always results in
the indexer puttng some things under terms the reader finds puzzling or
opaque. When it became a print publication, I agree I should have figured
out how to do that on some level at least.

If I had it to do over again, I'd certainly try to find a volunteer to do an
index and I'd do even more reformatting than the Courier font problem.

Unfortunately, reality being what it is, I won't probably get a chance to do
it over again.

But I really appreciate the kind words and the criticisms.

On 12/9/06, Adrian Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As a new user of Revolution I agree with your analysis of Dummies.
Small things can make a huge difference to beginners!

For me 'Software At The Speed Of Thought' lacks an Index at the back
which would make zeroing in on snippets *much* easier to locate.
To counter this lack, I found myself having to use a highlighter pen on
virtually every word of Courier (of current interest) set in the text.

That's another thing. Typographically, the Times/Courier combination is
not a good one. Important single words of Courier are hard to detect.
One has to read the whole paragraph to encounter the Courier emphasized
It does not have enough emphasis to make it stand out and contrast with
All 'Code' text in Courier Bold would have been better and easy to do.

Yes, these comments are picky, but in a constructive way I hope and
free advice from a Typeface Designer.


On 9 Dec 2006, at 10:01, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

 Get Dan Shafer's book revised for a third edition, some introductory
 slimmed down, a few more details on some of the topics, a few more
 howtos, and put the CD with the express edition with it.  Particularly
 the parts about storing, retrieving and deleting data.  There's too
 about the user interface, and too little about how to write stuff that
 with the data which is why the end user is writing the program in the

 But, small criticisms aside, 'Software at the speed of thought' is
 excellent for a first introduction for a sophisticated end user.  It is
 everything that the Dummies book is not - it just needs to go a little
 further.  And have the express edition packaged along with it.

 Get some detailed material on how to work with arrays, lists, and
 tables  into
 the Revolution pdf.


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Re: Beginning Programming for Dummies 4th edn

2006-12-09 Thread Dan Shafer

On 12/9/06, Adrian Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I hope you do get chance to revisit the 'Speed..' book.

Many page layout apps. InDesign and Quark XPress included
have automatic Index makers. Yes, they catch-all instances,
but judicial editing solves this. Perhaps an IndexOnly-eBook?

Microsoft Word, which is what I was using as my word processor when I wrote
the book, does this, too, but you have to jump through so many hoops that
it's tremendously simpler to do it manually. Besides which, of coure, a
manual index is more flexible and more likely to be accurate and usefeul
than any non-intellilgent indexing software (and probably even intelligent
indexing software).


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Re: Beginning Programming for Dummies 4th edn

2006-12-09 Thread Dan Shafer


On 12/9/06, Jerry Muelver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The ultimate cost of NOT having

the proper learning tools has to be staggeringly higher than the cost of
developing them.

 Jerry Muelver

Apparently RR disagrees. Although I think they have been trying really hard
with their latest round of in-house docs and they've been supportive of my
efforts when I've made them.

OH, and for Adrian's benefit: Vols II  III were killed a long time ago in
favor of the release of smaller eBooks focused on specific topics. I've done
four of these, started a fifth, and then got bogged down in
honest-to-goodness paying work that doesn't involve programming or Rev.
Maybe someday


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Re: OT: Would I need a content management system for this?

2006-12-08 Thread Dan Shafer

You would certanly not need a full-blown CMS for these tasks, but your
question makes me wonder if you've perhaps taken a bit of a wrong-headed
approach to what a CMS can do for you. Drupal, Joomlia, Plone, and a number
of other such products don't only make it easier to permit people with
little or no HTML coding experience to maintain certain aspects of a Web
site, they also contain a bunch of built-in, tightly integrated modules that
streamline and facilitate other functionality.

Drupal is, at least in my experience, almost ridiculously easy to implement,
customize and maintain and would give you either out of the box or in add-in
modules all of the functionality you've listed here with little or no actual
programming. The same can be said of the other open source CMS solutions.

What I think I'm trying to say is that when I advise clients these days on
the design and implementation of Web sites that are more than just
brochureware, I encourage them to begin with a decent open source CMS and
only move outside of it if there's some essential functionality they can't
otherwise get.

At least that's my 11 cents' worth. (Price of opinions has to keep pace with
inflation, you know.)



Say, if I wanted to create a web-site that supports the following
functionality, would I need a full-blown content management system like
Drupal or
Joomla!, or could I get away with something simpler like Contribute and
open-source modules?

Needed features:

1)   Message boards
2)   Local search (searching through past articles that were displayed on
3)   Video streaming
4)   Filtered rostering
5)   Ability to allow 5-6 editors to update text/pictures on certain pages
the site.

We're not talking a high-bandwidth site here either - - - could be 800
hits a
day, for a non-profit.

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Re: Revolution and the Web, focus on IDE Add-ons

2006-12-07 Thread Dan Shafer

Andre, happy to do what I can on the JS side of things.


On 12/7/06, Todd Geist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


It sounds good to me.  I would like to help in any way that I can,
but my Rev skills are fairly weak.  At the very least I can be a
stupid user tester :)


On Dec 6, 2006, at 2:35 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 Hello folks,

 I've seen my little topic grew to the point of not being related to
 the thing I had in mind anymore. People here talking about morfik
 and about engine changes, I want again to try to focus on what can
 be done now by a group of volunteers by using nothing but
 revolution ide add-ons... no externals, no engine changes, no third
 party technologies (except maybe xsltproc which is standard on unix

 Let us try to focus on a tool that picks a given stack, process it
 and exposes user selected methods as a RPC endpoint. The RPC system
 should be simple enough so that we can implement the other side of
 it in javascript. This alone will greatly help what we're doing.
 We're babies on web development, let us take baby steps.

 Objective of this first phase:

 * Create a Remote Procedure Call system that is able to expose
 revolution handlers or functions as something accesible by a
 networked client. Implement this as a selfcontained library, no
 magic stuff, just plain code. (possibly REST inspired)
 * Create a plugin thing to help with the RPC code, maybe allowing
 you to select methods on the topstack to be exposed and thus having
 the tool write the stubs for it.
 * Create the javascript library to access that RPC system.
 * Create a tool that writes glue code to match revolution exposed
 methods to javascript methods thus hiding the RPC side from the

 I think those are reasonable objectives for a first experiment,
 what people here think?



Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3So

2006-11-29 Thread Dan Shafer


For me, at least, the big gain would be allowing me to do all my Web
development in Rev. (Note, not Web page design, but app development.) It is,
I think, difficult for most people to become truly proficient in too many
languages at once. Being able to build a Rev app and then deploy it to a Web
server/browser combination would for me be a pretty big deal.


On 11/29/06, Jerry Muelver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What programming or production problem would be solved by morphing Rev
into Perl-PHP-Ruby-on-rails-JavaScript-Ajax-Curl-Python-CSS-Apache? What
would be the gain?

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Where Rev could be going...

2006-11-18 Thread Dan Shafer


Andre is much more knowledgeable and deeply experienced in this subject than
I, and I suspect he'll jump in here as well, but FWIW, here's my take.

It is perfectly possible to use Rev as a CGI platform. I have successfully
coded CGIs of moderate complexity on both Linux and OS X. Once you get over
the same kinds of niggling details that plague CGI as a technology
regardless of the implementation language, these CGIs work just fine.

However, the inability to thread in Rev effectively makes the use of Rev for
CGI applications pretty limited as a practical matter. Each execution of the
CGI is effectively blocking in nature. (I'm over-simplifying a bit here, I
know, but I think this is the primary concern in broad terms.) Each
invocation of the CGI waits for previous invocations to terminate. In a
low-usage environment, the wait is acceptable and depending on what the CGI
is actually doing, it can be unnoticeble. But to use a CGI in a production
server environment where the amount of load is unpredictable or known to be
large, Rev is a non-starter.

Pierre Sahores, with his insead technology, has found some very clever and
obtuse ways around the limitations of Rev as a CGI and appears to have had
some great success with his approach. I have never had a project on which I
could try insead, so all I can go by is the fact that Pierre is bright and
one of the better scripters I know.


On 11/17/06, Bernard Devlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe Dan or Andre could comment on what they think about the 4th
item?  I seem to remember some posts a few months ago where they were
expressing some exasperation with Rev CGIs.  Was the principle
limitation with Rev CGI to do with threading and scalability?


Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-16 Thread Dan Shafer

Naw, I like it when people talk about what's good and not-so-good about the
product. If this list were nothing but bugs,  hints, tips and tech trivia,
it'd bore me to tears. It's not hard to filter out the stuff you don't want
to listen to. I like the friendly banter and even some of the occasional
confrontation that goes on around here, at least as long as it stays civil.

It's kind of like life. Avoiding discussing religion and politics makes for
safer conversations but also for more boring ones. I think the key isn't
subject matter, it's civil behavior.

But then that's me.

On 11/16/06, Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think that there is a lot of silly, sometimes personal crap on this
list on the odd occasion and I reckon it boils down to this:

Someone relates some (usually fairly truthful) bad news about RunRev
and then someone else tries to make it all right by relating all
the good things about RunRev (that you invariably already know) or
berates your apparent apathy in investigating problems or criticizes
your programming style or makes some comment about how unlikely it is
that anyone else would do such a way-out thing and then starts to
goad and really get on your nerves and then you get a flame-war



Someone relates some  (usually fairly truthful) good news about
RunRev and then someone seek to weaken the effect by pointing out
some defect.

Well lets all just make a deal?

No one rain on the parade and no one stop the rain from falling

How does that Sound???

Cheers all!

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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Dan Shafer

Fantastic news. Way to go, RR and BIll!

Now the rest of us have clear marching requests (since nobody can order US
around, right?) :-)

On 11/10/06, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Richard Gaskin wrote:
 I just got the latest newsletter.  Wow!  Check out the new QA initiative
 headed up by Bill Marriott:

I am so excited by this. As near as I can tell, it is everything that
people here have been asking for. And Bill, wow, what a champ, stepping
up to the plate like this.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: Rev_rant

2006-11-08 Thread Dan Shafer

As the folks on this list who know me understand quite well, I work with a
number of different tool sets depending on the problem I'm trying to solve,
the deployment environment called for, and other variables.

For the problems for which it is the appropriate solution -- and the size of
that set is quite large -- nothing I use is  more efficient or effective
than Revolution. Period. End of story. Even taken in the abstract, it is
easily in the top two or three languages/tools I use for my software

As Josh says, there is no such thing as bug-free non-trivial software (my
twist on his observation). But when all is said and done, Rev and Transcript
are closer to an ideal environment in which to develop cross-platform
desktop applications with minimal pain and fuss and attention to
cross-platform implementation details than anything else I use.

On 11/8/06, Josh Mellicker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's a jungle out there folks, let's face it. RR has and is
continuing to do an incredible and often thankless job providing
developers with a tool that, albeit far from perfect, gets the job
done better (for many projects) than other options from multibillion
dollar companies with hundreds of programmers, QC staff (what do they
do all day?), and tech support (good luck ever getting a decent
answer- or an answer at all).

RR rates at the top in my opinion in terms of a workable solution,
and even higher because of the tireless job so many of the expert
developers do supporting people on this list and with their many
freely downloadable example stacks to help us newbies find the trail.

So here's a newbie saying a big hooray and smilie for RR, Heather,
and all the great people on this list.

H O O R A Y !!!

: )

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: How Else to Interact with Browser (was Re: Revolution Web Browser Plugin)

2006-11-03 Thread Dan Shafer

Since I've made as much noise about this over the years as anyone, I figured
I'd better not bypass this chance to provide what I hope is clear input on
the subject.

For me -- and this may well be overly simplistic -- there are three kinds of
applications: desktop apps, browser apps and client-server apps. Rev is
outstanding at the first, more than adequate (even excellent in some cases)
at the third, and not much help at all with the second. I'm talking here
about full-blown applications that are delivered to and run nearly
completely inside the Web browser environment. Examples include writely,
dabbleDB, JotSpot, BaseCamp, and others. The key idea -- for me, at least --
is that the software uses the admittedly confining presentation space of the
browser window as enhanced by the poorly named AJAX technology set and
requires the user to download nothing. Those are the kinds of apps in which
I am presently interested, which is why my level of activity with Rev has
dropped off considerably in the past few months.

Now, I'm not at all sure it's either necessary or appropriate for Rev to try
to wedge its technology base into that space which is now largely dominated
by JavaScript but which also includes examples of other scripting and
programming languages such as Ruby, Python and Smalltalk.

I am decidedly NOT interested in any app solution that requires my end user
to download a plug-in or anything else.

Flash is a terribly interesting DELIVERY platform for this class of apps but
the development tools for creating such apps suck big time. There is clearly
an opportunity here for a way to build an app in Rev and then compile it to
Flash and deliver it entirely via the browser. Similarly, there is a great
opportunity for doing the same thing and producing AJAX output. This is the
direction taken by tools like Laszlo and Flex, which essentially use
JavaScript and XML as their linguistic platforms.

That's my $0.06 (inflation taken into account along with the length of my
response). :-)

On 11/3/06, Lynn Fredricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

WHAT ELSE? What other options are there? Id like to frame this question
within the bounds of use - if you suggest something, is there a practical
use you can think of?

Before diving into the Roadster model, I ask that you go back and read
discussion on the list. I have a very strong opinion about this since I
directly involved in the last rev of the Roadster plugin for SuperCard.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution, Ltd

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Quicktime Multimedia Authoring - Nearly Dead?

2006-10-25 Thread Dan Shafer

Same issue for me, Bill. But I think the Palm Treo folks need to pony up on
this one and support the clearly winning standard Flash stuff soon. It's
clearly feasible; the Sony Clie folks have done it. (

On 10/25/06, Bill Marriott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Unfortunately, Flash is not available for Palm OS, so all those video
are unavailable to me when the closest PC is my Treo 700p. My phone
handles QuickTime, MPEG and AVI/WMV just great. I still get a kick using
to tune into my Windows Media Center PC at home and watch live digital
TV from anywhere.

And of course, Flash is not natively supported in Rev. The altBrowser
is great... but on Windows, I don't think you can eliminate the border
around embedded web pages. So that precludes a more integrated
look-and-feel where you could incorporate tiny Flash movies as buttons,

Dan Shafer wrote
 It appears that most of the popular public video sites are using Flash
 format. I find this interesting. When I visit a site that doesn't use
 my Web browser (Firefox on Mac) often has trouble displaying the movies.
 those that use Flash play perfectly every time. Maybe that's the reason.

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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: Quicktime Multimedia Authoring - Nearly Dead?

2006-10-24 Thread Dan Shafer

It appears that most of the popular public video sites are using Flash movie
format. I find this interesting. When I visit a site that doesn't use Flash,
my Web browser (Firefox on Mac) often has trouble displaying the movies. But
those that use Flash play perfectly every time. Maybe that's the reason.


On 10/24/06, Mark Wieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 3:07:33 PM, you wrote:

 Which is why I'd look at what this tie up means in terms of the future
 QuickTime. First it means SMIL is dead. That is because  podcasts and
 are not built on SMIL - so use it for now but don't expect the standard
 evolve. Then look at iPod friendly podcast formats and tools - ie
 audio podcasts with images and chapters.

 I'm not sure about Google, but if I were to bet between QuickTime and
 Video + Youtube - I'd put my money with Google long term. That is Apple

Interesting re SMIL. Looking ahead, I'd say you're probably right.

And Youtube uses flash video as its display channel. They come out as
flv video files, so that's apparently where Google is heading re

-Mark Wieder

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Re: AVI versus MOV in standalones - Apple Quicktime regulations

2006-10-23 Thread Dan Shafer

I've been studying this question as well for some time and I keep coming to
different conclusions depending on which multimedia guru I've consulted most
recently. :-)

The most recent input I got said, Why don't you just encode in mp3 and let
the system figure out what's the best app for displaying your movie, thus
avoiding all the proprietary garbage? Since I didn't have an answer to that
one, and since the guy who asked it isn't someone I know other than by rep,
I just sort of punted.

But now that the question is on the table, can someone here who knows this
stuff answer that question?

On 10/23/06, Bill Marriott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Can all of this be avoided, including the necessity of including the
 installer, by making the Windows version of the standalones using AVI
 Do all Windows computers come with AVI reading capabilities
 Would there be any drawback to using AVI rather than MOV format?

This are great questions. All Windows computers come with the ability to
play AVI files (at least, outside of Rev). This article lists the default
codecs installed:

Windows Media player will automatically download [certain supported]
as required, but I don't think embedded AVIs (in Rev stacks) have this

I don't think there's any drawback to using AVI on Windows except for the
extra coding involved.

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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: Multimedia Authoring - Quicktime Dead?

2006-10-19 Thread Dan Shafer


What specific kinds of improvements or changes were you looking for in QT
that you didn't find but managed to locate in Flash? I'm curious because I'm
going to go through this same process soon and want to be sure to pick the
right tool as well.

More and more video content on the Web seems to be defaulting to Windows
Movie format which is problematic at best and useless at worst on my Mac.
But places like YouTube have video that plays just fine in all of the
browsers I ever try to run on Mac or that other platform.

Did you look at MovieWorks? That used to be a very powerful QT authoring
tool/environment but I don't know how/if they've kept up either. But it's
only $80 and seems to do a lot of what the multimedia authors I know want to
do. No scripting, though. :-(

Ironic that as we move toward more ubiquitous demand for video, QT starts to
fade, if indeed it is.


On 10/19/06, GregSmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In my quest for finding the ultimate multimedia authoring tool, I've come
the tentative conclusion that QuickTime, (as far as an authoring platform
concerned), is falling so far behind that it could soon be considered
dead.  Apple, the very folks who should be promoting solutions for
interactive QuickTime haven't done anything, themselves, for years.  The
applications that I find to be the most advanced QuickTime authoring
solutions, (LiveStage and VideoClix), haven't done anything to make their
packages attractive to new authors, not in years, either.  Visiting the
LiveStage website reveals that they are now focusing on being content
providers, themselves, rather than offering an authoring solution for
others.  When emailing the VideoClix people for some technical answers, I
get no response at all.

So, it looks to me like Flash authoring, for the present, is the only
viable, practical and timely solution for the kind of interactive
I need to perform.  Also, for the Mac, there is only one thorough
And, though I hate supporting these corporate monsters, I went ahead and
purchased the Macromedia Authoring Studio, for the total lack of finding
anything comparable elsewhere, at any price.  Very sad.

Greg Smith


Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Multimedia Authoring - Quicktime Dead?

2006-10-19 Thread Dan Shafer

Sounds like a real opportunity for an Open Source project to compete,
doesn't it?


Presumably you've talked to the MW guys about your drop-shadow problem? The
guy who founded the company and who, last I checked, was CEO, is someone I
know reasonably well. I can probably get his attention if that would help.
(I'm not sure you're right about the need to include the player, by the way.
I think you can export your titles to MP4, e.g., and then they'll play in
any QT/Real or presumably other MP4 player, no?

Flash stuff is way cool. The only problem I ever saw with it (other than
cost, as you say) was that it allowed the creation of real crap, but then
that's not the tool's fault, really. :-)

On 10/19/06, GregSmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I own MovieWorks, and, as far as developing anything purely QuickTime in
nature, this is the best value with the best functionality I've found
anywhere.  I can't use it for the most insignificant reason:  I cannot
control the drop shadow on the text I create internally.  I need it to be
very dark, and MovieWorks defaults, with no options, to a medium
gray.  For
the training I'm currently working on, I've got to have a darker shadow,
the text is not readable on the already, unchangeable medium gray
background.  The only other drawback that I can see is the need to include
their freely distributable, cross-platform player with every interactive
movie you create.  One more thing for the user to have trepidation about.
The really good news is that the MovieWorks developers are working on a
Pro version for release in the spring that includes an e-commerce,
in-application, purchasing solution.  I'll bite when that comes along.

Flash offers stuff that no other environment offers:  players already
installed on 98% of newer machines, complete control over vector graphic
animations, unparalleled bitmap animation support . . . and here's the big
one for me . . . assisted scripting.  This is the greatest programming
educational tool I've found because it literally lets you see, line by
what each line of code does by visually demonstrating the results,
graphically.  It makes sure that you enter your code in the proper syntax,
as well.  For anyone, this kind of coding assistance is invaluable.  The
other benefit that helped me decide was a very large pool of tutorial
information for specific application examples.  But, all these positive
things said, it's still way too expensive for what it does.  I'm totally
surprised that, as of this late date, no Mac killer multimedia application
has been invented to pose a serious threat to this monopoly.

Greg Smith

Dan Shafer-2 wrote:


 What specific kinds of improvements or changes were you looking for in
 that you didn't find but managed to locate in Flash? I'm curious because
 going to go through this same process soon and want to be sure to pick
 right tool as well.

 More and more video content on the Web seems to be defaulting to Windows
 Movie format which is problematic at best and useless at worst on my
 But places like YouTube have video that plays just fine in all of the
 browsers I ever try to run on Mac or that other platform.

 Did you look at MovieWorks? That used to be a very powerful QT authoring
 tool/environment but I don't know how/if they've kept up either. But
 only $80 and seems to do a lot of what the multimedia authors I know
 do. No scripting, though. :-(

 Ironic that as we move toward more ubiquitous demand for video, QT
 fade, if indeed it is.


 On 10/19/06, GregSmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my quest for finding the ultimate multimedia authoring tool, I've
 the tentative conclusion that QuickTime, (as far as an authoring
 concerned), is falling so far behind that it could soon be considered
 dead.  Apple, the very folks who should be promoting solutions for
 interactive QuickTime haven't done anything, themselves, for
years.  The
 applications that I find to be the most advanced QuickTime authoring
 solutions, (LiveStage and VideoClix), haven't done anything to make
 packages attractive to new authors, not in years, either.  Visiting the
 LiveStage website reveals that they are now focusing on being content
 providers, themselves, rather than offering an authoring solution for
 others.  When emailing the VideoClix people for some technical answers,
 get no response at all.

 So, it looks to me like Flash authoring, for the present, is the only
 viable, practical and timely solution for the kind of interactive
 I need to perform.  Also, for the Mac, there is only one thorough
 And, though I hate supporting these corporate monsters, I went ahead
 purchased the Macromedia Authoring Studio, for the total lack of
 anything comparable elsewhere, at any price.  Very sad.

 Greg Smith

 Dan Shafer, Information

Re: Quicktime Multimedia Authoring - Nearly Dead?

2006-10-19 Thread Dan Shafer

FWIW, I think QT is and has been for many years Apple's greatest single
technology. I might now say it's tied with the iPod.



On 10/19/06, Stephen Barncard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm friends with the VP of Quicktime at Apple.

If someone can gather all the complaints and needs in one document
point-by-point, I can make sure he's aware of your concerns and can
perhaps tell us what's in the future for Quicktime without blowing an
NDA. He also might be aware of some new QT based authoring products
in the pipeline.

Glenn was VERY bullish about and proud of the product, and I'd expect
he's have a really good answer. It's worth a try. He was concerned
and disappointed when he found Realaudio files on my sites!


However, it should be noted you are speaking from a Windows perspective.

In my quest for finding the ultimate multimedia authoring tool,
I've come to the tentative
conclusion that QuickTime, (as far as an authoring platform is
concerned), is falling so far
behind that it could soon be considered dead.  Apple, the very
folks who should be
promoting solutions for interactive QuickTime haven't done
anything, themselves, for years.

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: Comparison of Multimedia

2006-10-10 Thread Dan Shafer

I haven't used this product in some time and I'm not recommending it but it
might be worth evaluation by some of the folks who are interested in doing
multimedia work for which Rev is either overkill or not suited.


I know a couple of folks who swear by it for creating interactive multimedia
and it has a decent price tag. IIRC, the docs are good and there are strong
tutorials. I know it's in use by a number of schools.
Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Simple Wrapper App for Video Training Distribution and Sale

2006-10-09 Thread Dan Shafer

I don't know but I suspect you're right. Rev Media's not made for
industrial-strength apps and excludes stuff that may be useful in such
situations. I'm not up to speed on the particulars, though.

On 10/8/06, GregSmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


One thing I noticed:  the Studio version of Revolution seems to be the
one that allows you to protect your distributable stacks from
modification.  Theoretically, if the stack was authored using Revolution
Media, even if it made use of Kagi's KRM module, someone could simply
extract the video content from the stack and re-distribute it, right?
Leaving me to think I would need to use Studio for creating this simple
of video distribution and sale program.


Greg Smith
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Re: Simple Wrapper App for Video Training Distribution and Sale

2006-10-08 Thread Dan Shafer

There's nothing particularly tricky about what you want to do. Depending on
your level of skill with Transcript it's either fallling-down easy or very
achievable. :-)

No clue on the Kagi plug-in.

On 10/8/06, Your Name [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Having discovered Kagi's wonderful KRM service for unlocking an
applications' full
functionality, immediately while launching the program, (great for impulse
purchases), I was
wondering how simple or complicated putting together a simple wrapper type
program for
dispensing training videos would be.  I'm a total novice regarding
programming, and am
curious whether this is a task a novice could complete, un-aided, using
Revolution Studio.  (I
think I would need Studio in order to offer cross-platform training).

Are there any tutorials that would give a good taste of how much knowledge
would be
necessary to have assimilated to author this kind of application?

Does anyone know, for sure, when the plug-in from Kagi's KRM to a
Revolution application
will be complete?


Greg Smith
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Re: [OT] smalltalk video

2006-10-05 Thread Dan Shafer

The Smalltalk world,where i'm modestly active, has a number of interesting
things going on these days including a brilliant new project called Sophie
for multi-media book thingies (pardon the jargon :-) ). It also features
what I suspect is the largest non-Java set of available llibraries, classes,
doodads and plugins of any popularly accessible programming language,
including Ruby (at least for now) and possibly excepting JavaScript (if you
consider it popularly accessible, which I do).

There are lots of Smalltalks available, too. A new product called Strongtalk
is emerging as the new fair-haired entry because of its speed but it's
pretty new and untested.

Lots and lots of folks still doing Smalltalk, though the crowd seems to
remain largely confined to educators and those exploring multimedia, 3D,
etc. It's a surprisingly resilient crowd given the passage of more than
three decades since its inception.

On 10/5/06, Luis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Squeakland (was Etoys) based on Squeak, is a really cool tool for kids
to learn with:

And there's Alice too (although it looks like they're
moving from Squeak to Java).

Let's not forget Open Croquet:



Thomas McCarthy wrote:
 This is, uhmancient. And yet, it looks very useable even now.

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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: Delivering Cross-Platform Solutions (was RE: [OT] - REALBasic Claims 100K Users)

2006-10-05 Thread Dan Shafer


Completely agree. (Wow, with Judy agreeing with ME and me agreeing with YOU,
this place is starting to become all too agreeable, isn't it? g,r,d)

There are so many pros and cons of every development tool and language on
the planet that I've always maintained it comes down to two issues most of
the time: (1) what are you comfortable with (i.e., used to using); and (2)
personal taste when it's time to add a new tool to your kit.

I'm an object thinker and coder. I love Smalltalk. Given a choice between
Transcript and RB, you'd think I'd opt for RB every time. Nope. I've tried
it several times and although its OO is pretty well implemented, the rest of
the language syntax is, for me, too cumbersome and Java-like. Transcript,
OTOH, is intuitive and well-designed. Do I wish I could do OO in Transcript?
You bet. But the rapid part of RAD is important to me and RB ain't that
rapid, at least in my hands.

On 10/5/06, Lynn Fredricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If your affirmed goal is to learn object-oriented
BASIC, Revolution isnt going to be the tool for you. If you need to
a solution into that space, well, that's where the discussion gets
interesting :-)

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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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[OT] - REALBasic Claims 100K Users

2006-10-04 Thread Dan Shafer

In a press release today, REALBasic
indicated its product now produces Universal Binaries, but I found it more
intriguing that they claim 100,000 users of their product. I can't believe
that's a real number but if it is, they have clearly been doing a lot of
growing in the past 12-18 months, probably at the expense of VB which has
driven its users away in droves with its stupid take .NET or go away

That would also mean they are *considerably* larger than I suspect RunRev is
(though RunRev, like most companies, doesn't reveal installed-base numbers).

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: [OT] - REALBasic Claims 100K Users

2006-10-04 Thread Dan Shafer

This thread made me ask myself the question, What constitutes a user of a
development tool?

I used to think it would be dishonest to count everyone who had ever
downloaded (and perhaps paid for?) any version of the tool. After all, I've
downloaded (and even paid for) quite a number of development tools over the
years of which I could no longer be considered a user (and many for which
that was never, strictly speaking, true).

Then I thought the focus should be on active users, which I would
(arbitrarily) define as anyone who had downloaded (and perhaps paid for?)
the latest update to the tool. That would weed out folks who had  been users
at one point but were no longer seriously using the tool. But witness the
RunRev situation with 2.7.x vs. 2.6.1. I'd consider myself a fairly active
user of Revolution but I don't use 2.7.x at all yet, though I have
downloaded it. I imagine there are lots of RB developers who haven't
upgraded in some time because they don't see a need for the new features and
are quite satisfied with the older version in which they maintain
applications for themselves or clients.

My conclusion, for my purposes only, is that only active users should be
counted but that determining that number is all but impossible, so, at the
end of the day, installed base isn't a useful piece of information.

Instead, I'll measure the popularity of a development tool based on such
issues as how many books, web sites, articles, and tutorials are available;
how large and active and helpful the user community is; how much free or
nearly free code can you obtain for it.

By that measure, RB is vastly more popular than RunRev. It has four books
published, quite a few magazine articles and a healthy number of Web sites
devoted to teaching it and providing sample and reusable code (classes) for

Of course, popularity is just one factor to take into account when choosing
a development tool. And it may not be a very important one in most
Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: [OT] - REALBasic Claims 100K Users

2006-10-04 Thread Dan Shafer


Threads we need. Nested arrays we can simulate.



On 10/4/06, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Now my only wish for Rev is NESTED ARRAYS AND THREADS! Sorry for
the all caps, I get emotional over this topics... :-)


Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Revolution, MySQL vs FileMaker

2006-10-02 Thread Dan Shafer


As someone who has in fact used FileMaker to create a full-blown application
(though not of the standalone variety) on several occasions, I can attest to
at least much of what you say. My experience is all FMPro 5.5 and earlier,
so it is seriously outdated, but I always found FM to be really great up to
a point and then really difficult or impossible to get beyond some wall or
another. Deployment was always an issue for me even though I did spend a LOT
of time trying to understand and use the Web deployment approach. I ended up
contracting with an outfit that hosted FM solutions on their servers and
that not only cost way more than I thought it should, it was complex as all

It was nice to read a clearly knowledgeable update of the FM situation vis a
vis building database apps in FM vs. Rev. I appreciate the time you took to
create such a detailed and helpful response.

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Re: Revolution, MySQL vs FileMaker

2006-09-27 Thread Dan Shafer


Keep in mind that MySQL is not free for commercial applications and that the
licensing involved is at least confusing (at least it was to me and I have a
law degree!).

That said, the Rev solution can look any number of ways. Perhaps the most
common usage is to design a Revolution desktop application that accesses the
database on the server directly. There's no inherent need for a Rev stack on
the server (though you can go that route and use CGI if you like; I don't
recommend that because Rev CGIs are not multi-threaded and therefore not as
useful for apps that need to scale).

Another approach is to create the server-side app as a MySQL or PostgreSQL
(which IS free) database interfaced by PHP scripts running on the server,
then write your Rev client-side application to interact with the PHP rather
than with the SQL database directly. Many people who use this approach say
it's more stable and faster than direct interaciton with the database but
that situation may have improved enough recently not to be an issue.

In any case, speaking as a former FM developer and consultant, the *cost*
and *performance* of deploying a solution as a Rev app rather than a
FileMaker app will prove significant improvements. I wouldn't hesitate to
switch if I were you, particularly if the application is intended to be
around for some time and maintained.

On 9/26/06, Javier Miranda V. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

While not trying to initiate a war , I would like to know if the
process of migrating from FileMaker to a Revolution/MySQL will
compensate the effort. Here is situation:

I'm in the final stages of building an Application for Document
Management using FileMaker, it works fine, presenting a very polished
interface and variety of options but 

The cost for the client would be to high considering the price of the
solution itself plus a copy of Filemaker Server (7, 8 or 8.5) and a
copy of FileMaker for every user in the LAN!

I understand that the functionality of a server/client can be
accomplished using the Revolution/MySQL pair Installing MySQL in the
Server along with the Revolution Stack, then installing client Stack
in the users machines. Is this true? Is this the real configuration
of the a server/client solution? Are there any other considerations/
software needed? I'm missing something? Or I'm totally wrong?

Sorry for my ignorance, I'm sure you RevPeople will help.


Javier Miranda V.

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Re: about Galaxy

2006-09-26 Thread Dan Shafer

I think -- but I'm not 100% certain -- that the command key problem is not
unique to Rev. That or my system is really hosed. I see cmd-C and cmd-V
problems in Mail, Safari and Firefox from time to time. Restarting my system
always fixes the problem.

On 9/26/06, Pierre Sahores [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No troubbles at all there with cmd - c, cmd - v with any versions
of Rev, as long as i don't try to copy and paste a script sample out
of the documentation stacks.

Best Regards,

 I can't say anything about Galaxy as I don't use it yet, but I must
 say that I never noticed any problem with cmd - v since I bought
 runRev (it was v 2.6.1).
 On my Mac OS X 10.4.7, I just maid some new trials with runRev
 v2.7.4: cmd - v regularly works well, with text in flds, objects,
 and text in script editor as well.

 Best regards from Grenoble

Pierre Sahores

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Re: about Galaxy

2006-09-25 Thread Dan Shafer

It feels to me like this discussion has tended to drift into an either-or
when I think both-and is perhaps a more realistic and useful viewpoint.

Rev should indeed have a usable, as-bug-free-as-possible IDE out of the box.
And the out-of-the-box experience needs dramatic improvement.

But there are numerous styles of development being used. It is all but
impossible to expect that all or even most Rev users would find any IDE
suitable across the board. The multi-palette, separated-tool approach taken
by RR is one that most VB programmers can identify with. The single-window,
tabbed approach not only to scripting but to property editing and other work
that Daniels  Mara takes is vastly preferable to folks who llike an
integrated IDE (which includes a lot of the Big Player Tools for other
languages, such as Eclipse and Visual Studio [depending on settings as I
understand it]).

I really prefer Galaxy. But my experiences with Rev 2.7.x on OS X have
been...shall we say...a bit adventuresome for my taste. So I couldn't even
use Galaxy until Jerry's recent release for 2.6.1, which is where I still do
all my development work as I test and monitor the 2.7 base.

Bottom line: there is no bottom line. Choice and diversity are good things.
I don't see a need to create an either-or situation.

But maybe that's just me being mellow for a change. :-)

On 9/25/06, Jerry Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm having fun, so we got that part working. The chocolate and the
money must have been sent by USP, but they'll get here, too!

I think you're right...diversity is good for evolution and growth.


Jerry Daniels

Tool makers for the 21st century

On Sep 25, 2006, at 3:13 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

 On Sep 25, 2006, at 1:57 PM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

 But, it seems like the Rev user base is too small to justify two
 teams working on IDEs...

 I like the idea of competing directions.  Encouraging notes, money,
 and occasional chocolate or books tend to encourage good ideas.
 Mostly money.

 I also like the idea of Jerry making Big Bucks and having Lots of
 Fun, and would hope that the user base is not to small for that.

 A market is such that it will automatically handle the
 justification question.


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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: Printing more than one page

2006-09-24 Thread Dan Shafer

You need just to scroll down on that page farther. The eBook price did
change. But the three SmartEBooks on specific topics are $5 each and are
clearly listed on that page.

On 9/24/06, Adrian Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


This is the (same) link I was given that is confusing...
It displays a price of $29.95 (not specifically stating
whether its and EBook or Printed). Below that Order a Printed Copy
but that's the same price $29.95. If that is the correct price for
the SmartEBook that's fine too. But I understood it was $5.

Investigating further, there is indeed a link at the top of the first
paragraph to theSmartEBook where I would expect to find a specific
EBook price, but again the price is shown at $29.95 or you can order
a printed copy at - $29.95.

Clicking the SmartEBook link there's more blurb here...
Specifics about what EBook means - but no opportunity to buy.

Would appreciate some clarity.

On 23 Sep 2006, at 20:14, Dan Shafer wrote:

 I'll have to go look at the pages again, but I could swear there were
 there to the store.

 Anyway, you can get to all of the downloadable Rev SmartEBooks here:
Adrian Williams Design Ltd (trading as Club Type),
44 Mill Lane,
Surrey RH1 3HQ, UK

Telephone/Facsimile: 01737 643300
dFax (computer reception): 0870 0515681

International tel/fax (UK)+44 1737 643300
International dFax:  (UK)+44 870 0515681


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Re: Printing more than one page

2006-09-23 Thread Dan Shafer


I'll have to go look at the pages again, but I could swear there were links
there to the store.

Anyway, you can get to all of the downloadable Rev SmartEBooks here:

The top item on the page is the downloadable version of the original book.
There's a link there to order the printed version if you prefer. The other
books are below that item and available, as has been said, through download


On 9/22/06, Adrian Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Did you buy the SmartEBooklet from Dan in a Bar somewhere?
Although there is a link to explain what a SmartEBook is - there is no
option to buy!
The only book on offer on the website is the printed $29.95 (already
Any thoughts where I can get - -  Smart?

On 22 Sep 2006, at 17:15, Luis wrote:

 Why didn't you go for the Download option?!
 And the Printing in Revolution is only available as a download...

 Ok, I know, it's friday...



 Adrian Williams wrote:
 Now multiple pages are Printing out, how do I get rid of
 the text border and scroll bar hilites of the text field from the
 printed page?
 BTW: I've ordered Dan's book online - 3 to 4 week delivery in UK!
 On 22 Sep 2006, at 16:59, Adrian Williams wrote:
 Thanks to Stephen Barncard and Luis.
 I can print multiple pages right now - which was the immediate
 Will take your advice to read the suggested books.

 On 22 Sep 2006, at 16:11, Luis wrote:


 Well, I bought the 'Printing in Revolution' SmartEBooklet from Dan,
 for $5. You can get it here:

 I haven't had a look through it yet as I'm still getting to grips
 with Rev (still working through Volume 1...).



 Adrian Williams wrote:
 Have looked everywhere for a method to print more than ONE page of
 I have a text editor and want to give users the ability to Print
 more than one page.
 No terminology or searching for syntax related to multiple pages
 throws up any answers.
 Is done by sending more than one card to the Printer?
 Is it done by Printing a long text field?
 Neither of these ideas seems to be covered by the documentation or
 Appreciate any help to lift the gloom.


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 44 Mill Lane,
 Surrey RH1 3HQ, UK
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 International tel/fax (UK)+44 1737 643300
 International dFax:  (UK)+44 870 0515681
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Surrey RH1 3HQ, UK

Telephone/Facsimile: 01737 643300
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International tel/fax (UK)+44 1737 643300
International dFax:  (UK)+44 870 0515681


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Re: Revolution 2.7.4 Released

2006-09-23 Thread Dan Shafer

Every software company on the planet faces the same issue as RR here. What
one person considers essential to the product is someone else's bloated

I don't use footnotes and end notes much, so if Word left those out, I
wouldn't care. But a friend of mine who writes research papers would scream
bloody murder.

No dev tool lets you do everything. And no dev tool could possibly
anticipate every user's interests, preferences or perceived needs. Is
animation essential to development work? Depends on the kind of
development work you do. I don't use it at all.

On the whole, I'm convinced Rev does as good a job as any dev tool maker of
providing the essentials for developers and a lot of nice-to-haves besides.
If I perceive a need for something they don't include, I'll gladly buy it
from some third party.

Dan Shafer
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[OT] - Where the Programming Jobs Appear to Be

2006-09-18 Thread Dan Shafer

EWeek has an article on the top 10 programming languages when measured by
job opportunities. The top 5 (no surprises except you might consider
JavaScript kind of a stunner):

Java has 14,408 opportunities
C (all forms, perhaps except C#) - 6,168
C# - 5,111
Perl - 4,810
JavaScript - 4,406

Job openings were culled from online tech job placement service,
which is as good an indicator as any. Python showed up but with under 1,000
opportunities. Needless to say, Rev isn't there.

The encouraging thing is that the article points up to professional coders
the need to be multi-lingual and to learn new languages regularly. Which
means that I may be wrong when I say that pro coders don't have or take time
to learn new tools.
Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Good ways to overcomplicate your code and slow down development

2006-09-18 Thread Dan Shafer

While I don't always follow this procedure (partcularly on small, one-off
problems), when I'm doing original coding, I frequently write the program in
pseudo-code comments and then go back and write uncommented lines of actual
executable code between the comments.

Perhaps because I'm primarily a writer/user-of-words, I find this approach
to design particularly useful. With a fair degree of frequency, I find that
simply uncommenting a line or two of pseudo-code produces executable
Transcript code. Then I can think for a brief moment at least that
Transcript is self-documenting. It isn't, of course, but the illusion is

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Re: Good ways to overcomplicate your code and slow down

2006-09-18 Thread Dan Shafer

Interesting, Bob. I just posted a note on my approach to coding in the main
thread of this discussion and it's quite similar (identical?) to yours.
Since you're an IT Manager, I consider my approach professionally validated!

On 9/15/06, Robert Sneidar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually I use comments in a fairly unique way. I pseudocode what I
want to do in comments, and then code around the comments so I can
keep track of where I am at and what I am trying to accomplish.
Removing comments later may make the code more readable, but for code
in progress I find I save a LOT more time pseudocoding first so I can
concentrate on program flow. I do the actual how do I go about doing
this thinking later. I only have the energy to power up one side of
my brain at a time. I burned out some circuits a long time ago.
Another story.

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Logos Management
Calvary Chapel CM

 If anyone else has common timewasters and app bloating techniques,
 let's hear 'em!

 Comments. Don't put in comment lines - they only slow down trying to
 read the actual code. Code, especially xtalk, should be readable by
 itself. If your code needs comments then it isn't well written.

 Although I agree with you to some degree, I feel that comments are
 to identify certain blocks of functionality; not necessarily
 lines, or for certain exceptions for the next programmer, like:

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Re: [OT] - Where the Programming Jobs Appear to Be

2006-09-18 Thread Dan Shafer

Nope. VB was in the top 10, though.

On 9/18/06, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wow! I would have expected VB to have cracked the top 5, though
perhaps it's 'rolled into' C#?

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Re: Article Bemoans Demise of Line Programming (BASIC)

2006-09-16 Thread Dan Shafer

I disagree completely with the assessment of JavaScript here (from Mr.
Gaskin). Not only do I think JS is a pretty good language -- maybe even a
great one -- and not only does it seem to me to be true that a lot of great
productivity enhancers have been done in and to it, but JS pales in
comparison with Java as a pure productivity drain.

On 9/15/06, Mark Wieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Friday, September 15, 2006, 8:31:31 AM, you wrote:

 I predict that the accident of history that is JavaScript's popularity
 will one day be recognized as the single biggest productivity loss in
 computing history.

I think it would have some competition from the goto statement. Or
when IBM moved the control key from its natural position next to the A

-Mark Wieder

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Re: OT: (semi) Solving Issues On Windows

2006-09-16 Thread Dan Shafer

While what you say is probably true, Chipp, none of that obviates
Sivikatirswami's main issue that there are so many permutations and
combinations of devices and drivers for Windows that debugging or supporting
software designed to deal with rich media on that platform is iffy. I have a
good friend who's an audio guru and who does a lot of consultling to net
radio outlets and the like and he tells me that to this day Windows remains
an iffy platform for the reliable deployment of rich media applications that
dare stray outside the bounds of Microsoft's own software base.

Just FWIW.

On 9/15/06, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You know, the problem may not be Windows, but Apple's implementation
of Quicktime on PC's. Chris has mentioned to me there is a very large
memory leak in Safari that Apple has known about for a long time, but
is reticent to fix (something about how Objective-C multi-threads yada
yada). I wouldn't blame MS for a problem with Quicktime.

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preferences: Article Bemoans Demise of Line Programming (BASIC)

2006-09-14 Thread Dan Shafer

I found this piece on
today's by David Brin interesting, if a bit misguided. There seem
to be some potential implications for Revolution and Transcript but not as a
direct replacement for what he's missing. Still, he makes some interesting
strategic points.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Article Bemoans Demise of Line Programming (BASIC)

2006-09-14 Thread Dan Shafer

I thought about that but it's not a direct answer to the author's concern.
He says line coding allows a beginner to create and trace algorithmic
execution and doesn't require use of UI componentry. I think he misses the
point a bit with that qualifier, but then that's probably just me.

On 9/14/06, Brian Yennie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The article has also been SlashDotted - and at least a couple
comments are up about how Hypercard used to be a good beginner tool.
One could probably chime in along those lines...

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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: RR Forums

2006-09-07 Thread Dan Shafer

I guess this proves that reasonable people can disagree. Or maybe it's just
my gray-haired conservatism. I love Wikis for collaboration, but as places
for people to share thougths and ideas, they suck unless used by pretty
savvy folks and maintained by even more savvy ones. My $0.06 (inflation, you

On 9/6/06, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Agree: wiki better than forums for where we are now


1) more integrated and yet at the same time
2) more flexible.
3) could generate a huge dynamic for collaborative
open source projects built on a Rev backbone in a way
that is not possible either via mailing lists or forums.

But we keep the mailing list! Until such time as the wiki
proved it to be no longer required to meet the user requirements

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Float above everything

2006-09-07 Thread Dan Shafer

Are you talking about what happens in the IDE or when the stack is compiled
and delivered as an app?

On 9/7/06, Hershel Fisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all I'm trying to create a stack to float everything by hiliting the
floating above everything but it doesn't stay on top as the property
pallet. If I select the stack behind it that one comes up and the top
(floating) goes benith everything.

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Re: RR Forums

2006-09-05 Thread Dan Shafer


I'd agree with a lot of what you say, but I think the solution is to dump
the wiki and keep the forums. Wikis are not in common, widespread usage and
although I love the little beasties, a lot of folks are just confused by
them. Plus, of course, they are apparently a lot easier to spam and deface
and therefore require more careful monitoring and maintenance.

What RR really needs to do, IMNSHO, is to make the list and the forums
essentially functionally equivalent. One should be able to post to the forum
via email (which I believe the tool they've chosen supports). Web Crossing,
which in my view is the finest cmmunity platform on the planet, makes it
possible to maintain exactly equivalent and parallel forums and mailing
lists, giving the best of both worlds. It's not that hard.

On 9/5/06, David Bovill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Prediction: the RunRev Forum will not be used.

The list will continue to be used. The wiki will not be used. The list
will be continued to be used. Neither the Forum or the Wiki offer
anything compelling over the list. They could have but they do not.

The forum is half way between a wiki and the list. The list is
integrated with neither. The Rev IDE is integrated with neither. The
Forum will dilute the wiki, and the wiki will dilute the Forum. Users
will not know where to look for what. The Forum is not integrated with
the Wiki. Functionally the whole thing is a mess with all the parts
counteracting each other.

Still in time - things will get around to being sorted. Either the
Forum or the wiki will be dropped. Most likely the wiki - for the
wrong reasons. Possibly both - not because these things do not work -
but because they are executed badly without an understanding of
community and motivational issues.

My recommendation? Dump either the Forum or the wiki. I would
recommend dumping the Forum. Make sure that whichever one is chosen
integrates with the list. Either by changes to the wiki being posted
to the list or something better. Next work with the community to
ensure that stuff gets published. The solution is not technical it
is social.
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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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[Mostly OT] Tate Talks About Language-Adoption Risks

2006-09-02 Thread Dan Shafer

Famed computer author and software guru Bruce Tate wrote an article for a
Webzine about the risks associated with switching programming languages that
I thought might have some interest for at lest some members of this list. I
posted a note on my blog last
night and hesitated to point to it here. But given that this is a long
weekend in the U.S. and likely to be a slow-traffic period for the list, I
decided maybe we could handle a bit of an OT thread for a couple of days.

Bruce's discussion is about switching from Java to Ruby but some of the
points he makes, as I summarize in my blog post, seem relevant to
discussions we have from time to time about the seeming difficulty Rev has
getting traction in the market.
Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: [Mostly OT] Tate Talks About Language-Adoption Risks

2006-09-02 Thread Dan Shafer

I think it makes sense to try to find a niche for Rev in which it would
excel so well it would compel users of Java and those considering Ruby to
take a closer look at it. I don't think Internet apps are the place to do
that. As long as Rev is single-threaded, it doesn't hold much promise on the
server side of the Internet equation for scalable application deployment,
which is why I've started using Python/Plone as my Web app framework. Andre
Garzia and I worked hard (me on design and cheerleading,  him on coding and
testing) to try to create Rev on Rockets as a Web framework but the single
threading is an absolute deal killer.

Database-driven and database-backed Web apps are the most popular kinds of
software being built today according to Bruce and lots of other folks.
Certainly those are the kinds of apps I want to build for the foreseeable
future. But as I survey the development of desktop apps, I don't see a
single niche category where Rev could take a dominant role and get
developers to sit up and take notice. I do, however, think that's necessary
for Rev to have a chance of much more widespread adoption among existing

On 9/2/06, jbv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

May be am I making a complete mistake, and may be there isn't any way
to bridge the gap between Firefox as an open-source project and Rev as
a commercial product... but somehow I keep feeling that integration of a
Transcript kernel into a browser is an option to consider...


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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: Standalone OS X Apps in 2.7.3 - Default Button Broken

2006-09-01 Thread Dan Shafer

Thanks, Sarah. Now if I can just remember to add that script to the stack
scripts of all my apps.

Too soon old, too late smart.


On 8/31/06, Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 9/1/06, Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm probably not searching by the right set of criteria, so there may be
 BZ on this but I wanted to confirm this is a known issue.

 If I create a standalone app for OS X using 2.7.3, the default button
 out looking like the old Classic (OS9) default button rather than the
 throbbing blue one. Not to say I wouldn't actually *prefer* the older
 button, but it's clearly wrong.

 Is this a known issue? Any fix or workaround or am I forced once again
 to 2.6.1 because of stuff RR broke when moving to the 2.7 family?

As Ken says, it is a known issue with the plugins folder not being
copied over. In fairness to RunRev, I use 2 computers and this only
happens on one of them, so I don't know what makes it fail.

Anyway, I recently posted a script for OS X that you can use to
automate the process yourself, and it has the extra benefit of using
touch to make the custom icon appear in a newly created standalone.

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Standalone OS X Apps in 2.7.3 - Default Button Broken

2006-08-31 Thread Dan Shafer

I'm probably not searching by the right set of criteria, so there may be a
BZ on this but I wanted to confirm this is a known issue.

If I create a standalone app for OS X using 2.7.3, the default button comes
out looking like the old Classic (OS9) default button rather than the new
throbbing blue one. Not to say I wouldn't actually *prefer* the older
button, but it's clearly wrong.

Is this a known issue? Any fix or workaround or am I forced once again back
to 2.6.1 because of stuff RR broke when moving to the 2.7 family?

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Standalone OS X Apps in 2.7.3 - Default Button Broken

2006-08-31 Thread Dan Shafer

Thanks, Ken. I knew there was an answer. Three dot-revs into 2.7 and we
still have these kinds of rough edges? Hm

On 8/31/06, Ken Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/31/06 4:40 PM, Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm probably not searching by the right set of criteria, so there may be
 BZ on this but I wanted to confirm this is a known issue.

 If I create a standalone app for OS X using 2.7.3, the default button
 out looking like the old Classic (OS9) default button rather than the
 throbbing blue one. Not to say I wouldn't actually *prefer* the older
 button, but it's clearly wrong.

 Is this a known issue? Any fix or workaround or am I forced once again
 to 2.6.1 because of stuff RR broke when moving to the 2.7 family?

Nope, you just need to copy the Plugins folder from the Rev bundle (in
Contents) into your standalone's bundle. Something I *really hope* will be
automated in the next version of Rev... Right now there are too many oh
yeah, and don't forget... issues when building standalones with Rev to
it as easy as it should be, IMHO.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
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Re: OT: The passing of Pluto

2006-08-24 Thread Dan Shafer

On 8/24/06, Mark Wieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thursday, August 24, 2006, 11:14:53 AM, you wrote:

 Now, that bugged this boy.  I wanted to be excited about astronauts
 and rockets and such, but somehow that turned it into a PR game.

I'm still not used to the renaming of the Giants' ballpark. I wonder
how long it will be before we get ATT Pluto or Halliburton Ceres.

It is for that reason that this long-time Giants fan and sports blogger
refers to the Giants' home as Ringy-Dingy Park. That way, I figure whatever
phone company buys whatever other phone company, the name of the park stays
consistent and accurate.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Play One Movie On Top of Another?

2006-08-24 Thread Dan Shafer

Just a guess, but I don't think you can do what you want because of
transparency issues. You can't put buttons on top of QT movies (or at least
you couldn't in the last version of Rev I tried it on). You have to create
the QT interraction outside Rev and then play the move in Rev with the
famous QTExternals.

At least that's what I think is still the state of the art.

On 8/24/06, Brian Yennie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A couple of suggestions, although I can't confirm how far they will
take you:

1) set the alwaysBuffer of the movies to TRUE -- this is generally
required for layering movies with any object(s)
2) If you can't get everything running in one window, perhaps you
could consider using multiple windows, with one floating borderless
on top of the other


 Another one of my ask for the moon queries:
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Re: Connecting 2 stand alone programs.

2006-08-21 Thread Dan Shafer

Actually, it's probably true that the best solution here, Alvaro, is to
re-create your application so that menu is the mainstack and programone is a
substack. Then you don't have multiple applications to deal with, just
separate stacks in a single appllication. That makes it much easier to pass
information between the processes.

One almost never needs to create multiple stack files, just multiple stacks
in a single stack file to create a single standalone.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Line numbers in scripteditor?

2006-08-17 Thread Dan Shafer

That's what relying on a creaky memory will do.


On 8/17/06, Jerry Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Galaxy does not show line numbers.


Jerry Daniels

Tool makers for the 21st century

On Aug 16, 2006, at 10:55 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

 You can:

 (1) copy-paste and do your script editing in BBEdit on OS X or some
 editor on Windows.
 (2) switch to Galaxy from Daniels-Mara which, if memory serves,
 does include
 this ability.

 On 8/16/06, William de Smet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 Is it possible to show line numbers in the scripteditor?
 If it is I don't know how to show them.


 William (from a sunny Holland)
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[OT] Used PowerBook G3 Available for Donation

2006-08-17 Thread Dan Shafer

I have a very old Macintosh PowerBook G3 with the pre-Bronze keyboard on
which OS X cannot be installed that I would happily donate to the first
educational or non-profit organization to raise its hand and ask for it.

I'll even pay shipping within the U.S.

But let's not garbage up the list. Email me privately at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] First come, first served. Replying here
disqualifies you!

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Line numbers in scripteditor?

2006-08-16 Thread Dan Shafer

You can:

(1) copy-paste and do your script editing in BBEdit on OS X or some other
editor on Windows.
(2) switch to Galaxy from Daniels-Mara which, if memory serves, does include
this ability.

On 8/16/06, William de Smet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

Is it possible to show line numbers in the scripteditor?
If it is I don't know how to show them.


William (from a sunny Holland)
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Re: RichText Implementation

2006-08-11 Thread Dan Shafer


The only official word on future release features at RevCon came from CEO
Kevin Miller under non-disclosure. Obviously, we're not at liberty to
discuss any of that information here. I can say that there was a lot of
scuttlebutt at the show about this very topic and that I will be quite
surprised not to see it in some future release. Whether that will come
within a year, I can't say and I'm not sure anyone, including Kevin, could
say with certainty.

But I feel your pain. Lack of rich text formatting has forced me onto
another dev platform for one big project and is threatening to do so for

On 8/11/06, Jan Sælid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi again

I received a private mail from a user of this list who told me that
at RevCon said that revolution 2.8
will offer individual paragraph formatting.

Anyone heard anything about this?

If it takes too long time I have decided to do it the hard way.
The best solution I can think of is using tabs in replacement for margins.

I cannot wait another year


Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: RichText Implementation

2006-08-11 Thread Dan Shafer

No apologies needed, Jan. No harm done.

I had not for a long while been able to understand -- though I admit to not
having spent a huge amount of time investigating either -- why RR or someone
doesn't incorporate an external that would give us a fully formattable text
object. There are a lot of such engines lying around. I can edit rich text
in an HTML page, for Heaven's sake! Why can't I get that in a full-blown
standalone app development tool?

Turns out, as far as I can understand it, that the text engine in RunRev is
so deeply interconnected at a fundamental level that any attempt to replace
it or modify it is a HUGE undertaking.

So I concluded that if rich text formatting of content is important to an
app I'm being asked to create, I have two alternatives: (1)use RunRev but do
the text formatting using HTML and output the reports/results in HTML for
viewing in a browser (including, of course, altBrowser which can be embedded
fairly neatly into the app directly); or (2) pick a different tool that has
the built-in text editing incorporated. Python, which is my other favorite
language, has numerous libraries in support of formatted, rich and other
text options, e.g.

Another reason why having only one tool in your toolbox isn't a great idea
for a serious developer. Python lacks chunking but Transcript lacks rich
text control.

On 8/11/06, Jan Sælid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm really sorry to let this out. I didn't know that is was under
non-disclosure. Well, actually, if I had used my mind, buy I guess the
made me no think and only hope for a solution.
At least I know I'm not the only one with this problem. That always help a
I have wished for this feature since 2003, even started a campaign to
people vote for it on bugzilla. But I decided to start building my project
anyway, and it's a very big project.
I just got an answer from revolution that I should not wait for this
but do what I need to do...

The only rad platform that have this feature is realbasic. But I've tried
several times, and I really don't like it. I grown into rev. I guess I
to take a leap of faith. Because I've done so much work already.

Thanks for the answer.

Dan wrote:
But I feel your pain. Lack of rich text formatting has forced me onto
another dev platform for one big project and is threatening to do so for

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Re: OT: Is there a more English-like Programming language than Transcript?

2006-08-10 Thread Dan Shafer

As a language junkie I'd say xTalks including Transcript are easily and by
far the most English-like programming languages on the planet. Like all
languages, it has some constructs that don't come out very English-like but
I don't know of any other language that comes close.

And, to answer your opening question, Runtime Revolution is trying hard to
get us to call the language Revolution. I'm resisting and I suspect lots of
other folks are as well. I consider that a silly and ill-advised terminology
change. But in their official literature, it's now Revolution which you

On 8/10/06, David Bovill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

By the way is Transcript still the official term for Revs programming

Spent an hour looking for links references and articles on English-like
programming languages - looking at the syntax. Found no good links yet.
of stuff about COBOL, things about how it was the flavour of the month in
the 80's - how good perl is. Here is a nice quote from

By this, I mean the source file would be something like a text file..
and the interpreter would interpret the english language commands and
a program based on it. The commands for the English Programming Language
could be something like this (consider this a raw source file):

begin source

 First, create a window approximately 75% of the screen size. Then,
 two menus to the top, one File and one Help. Under the File menu, add
 When a user clicks on Exit, the program should exit. Under the help
 add a simple About option that describes this program.

 Now create two buttons in the main window (the first one). The first
 button should say Message, and the second one should say Exit
 the quotes). When a user clicks on Message, a message box should pop up
 saying Hello, World!. When the user clicks on the Exit button, the
 should exit.

 end source

Now that would be more English-like than Transcript, but to date i cannot
find anything much more English-like than the syntax of Transcript. There
some AI stuff like - a good link) -
and Ruslan you there - some older links I had for
parsers that took XML - there is an MIT project to create a meta
but no good links I can find - and certainly nothing solid and useable.

So the question is this - is Transcipt the best real programming language
out there in terms of it's English-likeness! That is the ease in which a
non-programmer, or non-speaker of the computer language can understand it?

Help, links, rants and gossip appreciated!
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Re: HTML Tag Cleaner Fails

2006-08-08 Thread Dan Shafer

Sorry I ever mentioned I found it bizarre. Nothing we can do about it. It is
what it is.

I don't use htmlText because it's too limited and limiting.

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Re: HTML Tag Cleaner Fails

2006-08-07 Thread Dan Shafer

That's just freaking bizarre!

On 8/7/06, Mark Schonewille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Have you tried this?

set the htmlText of fld 1 to foobar/foo

Didn't know that foo was a supported tag ;-) Revolution just
filters out text surrounded by title tags, because they are not
supposed to appear in the body of an html page.




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Op 7-aug-2006, om 7:53 heeft Dan Shafer het volgende geschreven:

 The problem is that title isn't a supported HTML tag in Rev's
 text, so nothing shows. If you change the tag to one of those that is
 supported (see docs), it works fine.


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Re: Handler or function

2006-08-06 Thread Dan Shafer


If all you're doing with the calculation results is populating a field, then
it probably doesn't matter a whit whether you use a function or a handler.
The only real difference is that when you call a function, you have to be
aware that it's returning a result and that you MUST call it in such a way
that the result is dealt with (even if dealt with means throwing it away).
Thus if you had a handler called calcPrice and a function called calcPrice,
you'd call the handler like this:

calcPrice x, y

and the function like this:

put calcPrice(x,y) into field foo

or wherever you want it.

(You probably already know this stuff and if so I apologize for wasting your
time with something obvious but I often find that assuming isn't useful

On 8/6/06, Liam Lambert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all I have am using this handler to calculate different prices
for children adults and others
The aPrice cPrice and the oPrice are different prices selected from a
fld with different prices in it
the handler works fine my question is should I this with a function
or is there a better way to do this

on fCal
   set the numberFormat to #0.00 -- dollar format
   put field aPrice into theaPrice -- the selected adult price
   Put field cPrice into thecPrice -- the selected child price
   put fld oPrice into theoPrice ---other selected price
   put field child into theChildNumber --the number of children
   put field adult into theAdultNumber --the number of adults
   put fld other into theOtherNumber ---the number of other

   put (theChildNumber * thecPrice) into field Childprice-- * the
number of children by the price
   put (theAdultNumber * theaPrice) into field Adultprice-- * the
number of Adults by the price
   put (theOtherNumber * theoPrice) into fld Otherprice

   put field Childprice into theChildprice
   put field Adultprice into theAdultprice
   put fld Otherprice into theOtherPrice
   put theAdultprice + theChildprice + theotherPrice into field Total
end fCal

Thank's  Liam

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Re: HTML Tag Cleaner Fails

2006-08-06 Thread Dan Shafer

The problem is that title isn't a supported HTML tag in Rev's formatted
text, so nothing shows. If you change the tag to one of those that is
supported (see docs), it works fine.


On 8/6/06, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think I am missing thing...

I thought this used to work

# html tag cleaner, simple no brainer style

put  titleChapter 1: Great Revolution Recipes/title into tHtml
set the htmltext of fld title to tHtml

I get nothing returned at all, field is empty.


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Re: Rev app to pull data from Amazon

2006-08-03 Thread Dan Shafer

I've done a bit of work in this area but nothing ambitious. But I can answer
your other question below. Yes, you do need a developer account.


Do I need to get one
of the Amazon security-service certificates in order to do this?
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Re: LibURL Error Previous request not completed

2006-07-27 Thread Dan Shafer

I had this problem repeatedly during recent attempts to create an FTP-based
app. I found that after receiving that error, I could resubmit the request
and almost 100% of the time it would process successfully.

On 7/27/06, Mark Schonewille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Right after uploading a dozen of files to my ftp account
asynchronically using the libUrlFtpUploadFile command, I can't get a
directory listing using the syntax: get url ftp://
name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/folder/ (note the trailing slash, as I want
a listing). Most of the time I receive the error Error Previous
request not completed.

It appears the GetURL handler in the revLibURL script doesn't let me
get the url because the variable lvBlockingUrl is not empty. Although
everything has been uploaded/downloaded already, lbBlockingUrl
indicates that one or more transfers are still in progress. So, in
the GetURL handler, I changed the line which checks whether any url's
are currently being handled and added variable to force the handler
to run normally:

   if lvBlockingUrl is empty or lvBlockBypass is true or
lvAuthBlockBypass is true or lOverrideBlockingUrls is true then

The variable lOverrideBlockingUrls is from me and is set using an
additional command. If lOverrideBlockingUrls is true, getUrl still
runs as expected. I am not sure that this is a solution, though.

Additionally, many repeat loops like these

if laLoadReq[tUrlHolder] is empty then
 repeat until laStatus[tUrlHolder] is not empty
   if lvJumpOut then exit to top
   wait for messages
 end repeat
   end if

in LibURL never finish. Probably, this means the laStatus[tUrlHolder]
is always empty or lvJumpOut is always false.

First, I would like to know, is this likely to be a bug in the libURL
library, or am I doing something wrong? Second, before I start
debugging libUrl, is there a simple way to prevent this problem from
occurring and did anyone see this problem before? If there is no
solution for this problem yet, what would be a good place in the
library to start debugging? I need to solve this problem now, so
every idea is more than welcome.

I'm using Rev 2.7.2 on Mac OS X 10.4.7.




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Re: Error uploading file in Windows: this looks like a bug, please confirm...

2006-07-23 Thread Dan Shafer

I have an FTP file manager app that uploads files via WinXP. The app is
written in Rev. It seems to work just fine except with one or two file
types. Not sure what's going on with them, but maybe that's the problem?
Have you tried multiple files types?

On 7/22/06, Mark Wieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Friday, July 21, 2006, 11:45:18 PM, you wrote:

 Thanks for the quick response, but to bad...
 There are no spaces in the username or password and I have full
 access to the server.
 Using put (ftp://;)  user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/wwwroot/
 Schedule.html into url vURL now creates an empty file in the correct
 location, but no data is in it.

 Also creating the file locally and then uploading it to the ftp
 server doesn't work, creating the file in the root directory of the
 FTP server and then moving it to the correct location creates an
 empty file as well...

 Can anyone reproduce this on Windows? On the Mac it works fine...

I just tried it again to make sure, and it does indeed work fine for
me on win2k. What are you using for an ftp server? You mention that
you have full access to the server, but are the ftp user permissions
set that way as well? What is the ftp user's home directory set to?
Are you sure there's actual data in variable vHTML?

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Error uploading file in Windows: this looks like a bug, please confirm...

2006-07-23 Thread Dan Shafer

No, the problem I had was specifically with a cross-platform file format
used by eFax. Those files refuse to upload or download correctly in Windows.
That's the only repeatable exception I've found.


On 7/23/06, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Do you mean it doesn't work with Mac files on a PC? If so, it could be
.bundle filetypes as these are actually folders, not files (go

Also, MagicCarpet is a FTP client which to my knowledge has no
difficulty uploading any filetypes from Mac or PC-- with the exception
of .bundle's and .app's and any other 'file' which is a 'folder.'
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Re: There Was a Problem Saving the Standalone Application

2006-07-22 Thread Dan Shafer

Well, I got the application to compile successfully. I don't know which of
two problems was getting in the way but I'm going to do more testing. I
renamed the stack with a .rev extension and I opened the stack in 2.7.2,
saved it in legacy format and then opened it and compiled it in 2.6.1 That
did the trick.

Thanks to everyone who offered ideas. I'm going to augment that section of
my forthcoming eBook with these ideas!

On 7/20/06, Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nope, no password protected stacks.

I'm going to go through the suggestions one by one and eliminate them
until I get this sucker wrestled to the ground. The project's three days
late even though I finished it on time. Very, very frustrating.

On 7/20/06, Phil Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Dan, do you have any password-protected stacks in the mix? I have a
 feeling about it, but haven't tested it recently.

 Phil Davis

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Re: There Was a Problem Saving the Standalone Application

2006-07-22 Thread Dan Shafer


Thanks. I can't find that in the docs. Needless to say, it'll be prominently
mentioned in a certain forthcoming ebook.

Sheesh. That's just stupidly unnecessary. File extensions are so last


On 7/22/06, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's known files w/out .rev extensions won't compile. FYI
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Re: xTalk Legal Status (was: [ANN] --- xtalk not a real language)

2006-07-22 Thread Dan Shafer

IIRC, HyperTalk syntax was not copyrighted. I have a vague recollection of
asking Bill A that question at one point and I think that was his answer.
There are no copyright notices anywhere that pertain to xTalk syntax that
I've been able to find. I know the guys at Spinnaker (and their successor,
Format Software GmbH) did not pay Apple or anyone else royalties for use of
the language syntax. Doesn't mean Apple couldn't have asked or required it,

On 7/22/06, Bill Marriott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Honest question:

Can anyone say what the legal status of our favorite language is?

HyperTalk was released by Apple, then there were a bunch of clones --
the keywords, structures, syntax, etc., protected by patent and/or
copyright? Does Revolution pay a royalty to Apple? Can anyone make a
compiler/interpreter that speaks HyperTalk and/or TranScript and/or

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Re: [OT] xTalk Legal Status

2006-07-22 Thread Dan Shafer


Are you sure? Copyrighting language syntax is pretty tricky stuff and I'm
not at all sure that ANY of those *languages* was ever so protected or is

I'm not saying you're wrong, just wondering what your source of such
certainty is.

On 7/22/06, Mark Schonewille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No, the concept or idea of an xTalk language is not proprietary. The
Transcript, Metatalk, Supertalk, HyperTalk and other languages are
definitely copyrighted.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 22-jul-2006, om 19:43 heeft Garrett Hylltun het volgende geschreven:

 On Jul 22, 2006, at 6:06 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 So the compiler and ide are copyrighted, but the xTalk language
 itself is not copyrighted?

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Re: [OT] xTalk Legal Status

2006-07-22 Thread Dan Shafer


I think your summary is correct.


On 7/22/06, Mark Schonewille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Dan,

If you interprete me saying that the languages themselves are
copyrighted, then I am probably wrong, but you really can't reverse
engineer Apple's HyperTalk engine or SuperCard's compiler, not to
mention Revolution's. If you want to be really sure, though, read the
licenses and take copyright laws into account.



P.S. This is my last post regarding this subject, as I feel this is
off-topic and I am not an expert in copyright issues.


Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 22-jul-2006, om 20:13 heeft Dan Shafer het volgende geschreven:


 Are you sure? Copyrighting language syntax is pretty tricky stuff
 and I'm
 not at all sure that ANY of those *languages* was ever so protected
 or is

 I'm not saying you're wrong, just wondering what your source of such
 certainty is.

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Re: There Was a Problem Saving the Standalone Application

2006-07-22 Thread Dan Shafer


Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like a pretty kludgy design to me but I
can live with it as long as  I know it's there.

Of course file extensions aren't required or customary on OS X. That's why I
said the idea was so last-century!


On 7/22/06, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dan Shafer wrote:

 Thanks. I can't find that in the docs. Needless to say, it'll be
 mentioned in a certain forthcoming ebook.

 Sheesh. That's just stupidly unnecessary. File extensions are so last

To be fair, the reason isn't because we are supposed to use file
extensions. It's because of naming conflicts. When the standalone
builder does its thing, it makes a copy of the mainstack and names it
the same name as the original, removing any existing extension first. If
the original has no extension to begin with, the stack and the
standalone will have the same name. The OS won't let you do that, so the
build fails. Adding an extension -- anything, doesn't have to be .rev
-- allows the original stack to retain a different name than the new

This is only an issue on Macs, really. Windows files almost always have
extensions already.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: [OT] xTalk Legal Status

2006-07-22 Thread Dan Shafer

This is so off-topic I'm loath to respond but given that I have formal
training in intellectual property law, I can't resist. Sorry. Feel free to
ignore me.

While you are basically right, Jacque, the issue isn't as easy as it seems.
In part, that's because you're mixing patent and copyright language.
Copyright always only applies to a specific work. That work is not strictly
speaking an implementation of an idea. That is an accurate description of
one factor involved in determining patentability.

But the real problem is that it is difficult to address  the question of the
definition of implementation. Does the implementation of the clearly
unprotectible idea of an xTalk language consist of the *vocabulary* (i.e.,
syntax) or the underlying code that makes that syntax behave in a specific
way? This issue has rattled around the IP world for a couple of decades at
least. Back in the 1970's when I was in the Marketing Communications
department at Intel, the company tried to copyright the instruction set for
the 8080 microprocessor specifically to prevent AMD from creating an
instruction-set compatible chip. It was unable to do so.

So I draw the (tentative) conclusion (with no research into recent case law
and a big caveat that I'm not a practicing attorney, just a law-trained
layman) that the xTalk *language* would not be subject to copyright but the
underlying programming code that makes that instrction set work would be.
Thus I can write an xTalk that is command-for-command identical with
Transcript as long as I use different code, algorithms, language, etc.,
underneath it all.

That, at least, is how I see it. And we've probably now narrowed the number
of people who actually give a shit to about 2.

On 7/22/06, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 This needs a much more detailed explanation as what is and what is not

It isn't that hard to understand. You can copyright your implementation
of something but you can't copyright an idea.

The idea of an xtalk language is not copyrightable. Apple's
implementation of it in HyperTalk is. Runtime's implementation of in
Transcript is. Scott Raney did not consult Apple when building MetaTalk;
he wrote all the code from scratch using the ideas that Apple formulated
in HyperCard. That is perfectly legal, and now Scott's implementation is
copyrighted (and currently owned by Runtime.)

If you write a story, the story is copyrighted. The idea the story tells
is not. I can write the same story in my own words, and my copy is
copyrighted too.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Error uploading file in Windows

2006-07-21 Thread Dan Shafer

Yeah, my problem was with the file: and binfile: protocols, but merely
shifting the approach as Chipp describes it here fixed the problem on OS X.
No test yet on WIndows because I still can't get the [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ program 


On 7/21/06, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


FWIW, I always do it this way:

put user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/wwwroot/Schedule.html into
put vHTML into url (ftp://;  vURL)

I think Dan Shafer was having a similar problem and this helped.

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Re: internal SQL queries

2006-07-21 Thread Dan Shafer

SQL is designed ONLY to query databases. As Mark says, you can use SQLite
and the database files it creates are not standard SQL files, but you could
not use SQL queries, e.g., on a straight text file with arbitrary

On 7/21/06, Mark Schonewille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

With AltSqlite you can store data in a local file, without database
engine etc.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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get full control of error handling in Revolution.

Op 21-jul-2006, om 22:01 heeft Viktoras Didziulis het volgende

 Dear group,

 is it possible to query [tab] delimited data stored in fields or
 within a stack using SQL? e.g. without any external database engine or
 database files or connections...

 All the best!

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Re: There Was a Problem Saving the Standalone Application

2006-07-20 Thread Dan Shafer

Thanks for the idea, Viktoras, but this stack uses no external files at all.


On 7/19/06, Viktoras Didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not so long ago I have seen the same message. As far as I remember it was
when files used by stack were locked by other programs on my Windows box.
Closing all the other tools solved the problem. Maybe this is the case ?..


---Original Message---

From: Dan Shafer
Date: 07/20/06 01:46:28
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: There Was a Problem Saving the Standalone Application

Nothing infuriates me more than meaningless error messages from
tools. (OK, OK, there are some things in life and politics that infuriate

more, but they don't count right now!)

I'm working on my eBook on building standalones and for the first time in
long time, I cannot get a fairly simple application to create a
I've tried everything I know of and have spent 3 hours on this, so it's

to raise a white flag.

The app is a single stack with a single card. It uses libURL to do some
stuff. I've set up the standalone settings the way I think they should be.
I've tried both explicitly including the Internet library and letting Rev
search for the needed libraries. I've tried including and excluding the
standard dialogs (which my app doesn't use). I've tried building only for

X and only for Windows and both at the same time. I've tried building the
app under 2.6.1 and 2.7.2. I've confirmed I can build a standalone in 2.6
2.7.2 from another stack with the same basic set of settings.

What else can I look for? What could cause this oh-so-helpful error

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought
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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: There Was a Problem Saving the Standalone Application

2006-07-20 Thread Dan Shafer

Nope, no password protected stacks.

I'm going to go through the suggestions one by one and eliminate them until
I get this sucker wrestled to the ground. The project's three days late even
though I finished it on time. Very, very frustrating.

On 7/20/06, Phil Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Dan, do you have any password-protected stacks in the mix? I have a
feeling about it, but haven't tested it recently.

Phil Davis

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Re: [ANN] --- xtalk not a real language

2006-07-20 Thread Dan Shafer


On 7/20/06, Lynn Fredricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you poke about on the krugle site it is stated that it is
 devoted to Open Source languages.

 and, Here, We, Go, Again . . .

There is a thread in the support forum for it. If in the next newsletter
set up some sort of automated petition to krugle include Revolution, would
you all be willing to participate?

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution, Ltd

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There Was a Problem Saving the Standalone Application

2006-07-19 Thread Dan Shafer

Nothing infuriates me more than meaningless error messages from development
tools. (OK, OK, there are some things in life and politics that infuriate me
more, but they don't count right now!)

I'm working on my eBook on building standalones and for the first time in a
long time, I cannot get a fairly simple application to create a standalone.
I've tried everything I know of and have spent 3 hours on this, so it's time
to raise a white flag.

The app is a single stack with a single card. It uses libURL to do some FTP
stuff. I've set up the standalone settings the way I think they should be.
I've tried both explicitly including the Internet library and letting Rev
search for the needed libraries. I've tried including and excluding the
standard dialogs (which my app doesn't use). I've tried building only for OS
X and only for Windows and both at the same time. I've tried building the
app under 2.6.1 and 2.7.2.  I've confirmed I can build a standalone in 2.6.1and
2.7.2 from another stack with the same basic set of settings.

What else can I look for? What could cause this oh-so-helpful error messag?

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: [ANN] RevCon West videos now available

2006-07-19 Thread Dan Shafer


Wow! You and your team are to be thanked and congratulated. Great quality
job. Folks, these videos are badly underpriced. Grab them before Devin
regains consciousness.


On 7/19/06, Devin Asay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Revolutionaries:

Camelot Studios is proud to announce that video recordings of all
sessions of the recent RevCon West 2006 conference are now available
for purchase.

Just point your browser at and click on the
Order link.

For prices starting at just US$7.95 per session you can learn from
the masters of the Revolution developer community. Learn about Cool
Things You Can Do With Revolution from Ken Ray. See André Garzia
demonstrate his amazing new Revolution tools for rapid deployment of
cutting edge Web applications! Hear Runtime Revolution CEO Kevin
Miller's overview of the road ahead for your favorite rapid
development tool. Watch presentations by Rev gurus Chipp Walters, Dan
Shafer, Jerry Daniels, Jacqueline Landman Gay, and many others.

Each session was recorded using two high quality digital video
cameras and a Sennheiser wireless microphone system for crystal clear
sound. You'll be able to see both the speaker and the visuals to get
maximum benefit from the presentation. A short sample of clips from
some of the presentations is available on the web site.

We hope that these video recordings will help you maximize your
productivity as a Revolution developer, or just make your Rev hobby
more enjoyable.

Best regards,

Devin Asay

Camelot Studios

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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: There Was a Problem Saving the Standalone Application

2006-07-19 Thread Dan Shafer

On 7/19/06, Phil Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Shots in the dark:

- How long is your filepath to the stack in question? Try putting it on
desktop and building it from there.

Tried that. Also shortened the name of the stack file itself.

- Does the file have any oddball characters in its name? get rid of 'em.


OR - this is probably the route to go if you have time - just wait for the

to come out. :o)

Can't wait. Author's way too slow.

Sorry... it got away from me. Too much Tom Poston in 60s-70s sitcoms.

Phil Davis

Dan Shafer wrote:
 Nothing infuriates me more than meaningless error messages from
 tools. (OK, OK, there are some things in life and politics that
 infuriate me
 more, but they don't count right now!)

 I'm working on my eBook on building standalones and for the first time
in a
 long time, I cannot get a fairly simple application to create a
 I've tried everything I know of and have spent 3 hours on this, so it's
 to raise a white flag.

 The app is a single stack with a single card. It uses libURL to do some
 stuff. I've set up the standalone settings the way I think they should
 I've tried both explicitly including the Internet library and letting
 search for the needed libraries. I've tried including and excluding the
 standard dialogs (which my app doesn't use). I've tried building only
 for OS
 X and only for Windows and both at the same time. I've tried building
 app under 2.6.1 and 2.7.2.  I've confirmed I can build a standalone in
 2.7.2 from another stack with the same basic set of settings.

 What else can I look for? What could cause this oh-so-helpful error

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Re: DreamHost In-Depth (was Re: Dreamhost?)

2006-07-18 Thread Dan Shafer

In general, I love Dreamhost. I recommend it. But I will say that when I
compare notes with my colleagues who are on other plans (granted, for the
most part more expensive plans) their reports of downtime are significantly
less than mine. Just check out for the past
few days and see the kinds of nightmares at least most Dreamhost users have
had to put up with.

Now i'm well aware of the fact that a lot of this is or seems to be outside
the control of the hosting service. But when they have repeated equipment
failures and breakdowns, I want to ask: (1) are they investing in quality
hardware or cutting corners; (2) are they placing max load on servers in an
effort to make their low pricing profitable rather than leaving some margin
for error; (3) is their tech staff up to the job of monitoring hardware for
potential failures before they happen?

I don't know the answers, but those seem to me to be legit questions. I've
asked them. I get repeated assurances that they know what they're doing. But
even though that seems to be true most of the time, it is questionable often
enough to make me a little guarded at the moment about touting them too

On 7/18/06, Mark Talluto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jul 18, 2006, at 9:27 AM   Jul 18, 2006, Bill Marriott wrote:


 As far as upload speed, unless you have a T1 or Frame Relay,
 you're never
 going to get more than 300k/second UPLOAD from a residence on even

 Depends on your cable provider. My Comcast line is 8Mbps down/
 768Kbps up.
 DreamHost transfers use about 50% of my bandwidth up, about 70%
 down. My
 other host saturates the line either direction.

I had the same problem with JaguarPC.  They could not saturate my
cable modem and blamed the problem on me.  I tried a another host and
found that the bandwidth was there, but the features were not.  I
ended up going back to JaguarPC and got a semi dedicated line for
$30.00/month and now have the features and speed I need.  I think
that a lot of these sub $10/month plans have hundreds of accounts on
the same server and are not able to handle the growing demands.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Standalone Builder eBook Input

2006-07-18 Thread Dan Shafer

OK, I'm starting to gather insights, input, comments, questions, puzzles,
etc., for my forthcoming new eBook in the ongoing series Software at the
Speed of Thought. This volume will cover the ins and outs of building and
distributing standalones.

If you have any tricks, tips, workarounds, pointers, nagging questions,
etc., to offer, please do so. I'll give appropriate credit in the finished
book for stuff I use that doesn't originate with me.

And no, I have no target date for completion yet. I don't yet know what i'm
up against here!

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: RevCon West 06 images now available

2006-07-17 Thread Dan Shafer

Yes, I did finally get it to work. It was a bad network connection on my

Great stuff. I love it.

On 7/17/06, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Sandy,

Once again, excellent job!! It's always nice to see how well you capture
spirit of the show, and the surroundings as well!


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Re: DreamHost In-Depth (was Re: Dreamhost?)

2006-07-17 Thread Dan Shafer

Yeah, Dreamhost has run into a spate of reliability issues of late that have
me a bit concerned as well. I'm monitoring the situation, but not very happy
at the moment. It seems to take them an inordinately long time on occasion
to fix things it seems like they should have been prepared for.

On 7/17/06, Garrett Hylltun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jul 17, 2006, at 7:07 PM, Bill Marriott wrote:

- Everything DreamHost has been down since around 6:30pm Eastern
today. My
 email, my website, even their own home page and control panel.
 Seems they
 are no more reliable than my previous provider. :( Looks like I'll
 be going
 back to my prior host, (I was able to use Rev CGI on
 no problem.)

Brief instructions on how I setup rev for cgi on hosting:

Been a reliable host for me, low prices, cpanel and much more.

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Re: Words becoming bunched up over each other?

2006-07-14 Thread Dan Shafer

Another time I've seen this is when you have the fixedLineHeight of the
field set. I routinely unset that property now and am much happier with
field displays in general.

On 7/14/06, Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone ever encountered words being bunched up on top of each
 other in a field when using htmltext?

 I'm displaying a list of words padded with an amount spaces so that
 each word is equal in length, and then adding a tab after each word,
 and using a mono spaced font.

 This does not happen all the time though, only on certain conditions
 it seems.  But I was wondering if anyone else has run into this and
 has figured out how to keep it from happening.

Yes, this happens when a line exceeds the 64K maximum number of
characters. Either split the data into multiple lines or store it as
is in a custom property and only display sections of it at a time.

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Re: Dependence on Programming Experts

2006-07-13 Thread Dan Shafer

The biggest problem with syntactic shortcuts as options is that they bloat
the interpreter/compiler and result in slower execution. It's inevitable. No
single change of this type is going to be noticeable, but you start down
that slippery slope and add a bunch of them and then people will start
comlaining the app is too slow.

On 7/12/06, John Vokey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A bit late in the debate (but I am at my cottage with at best
primitive dial-up):

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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Re: Python with Rev and postGreSQL?

2006-07-13 Thread Dan Shafer


Chipp Walters and his team have a strong preference for using PHP on the
server side and have developed a powerful and stable architecture for using
Rev to call PHP commands that return Web pages. I suspect he'll chime in
here at some point but that is one of the most tested approaches. Certainly
a Python CGi would have a similar result (as would other server-side
scripting langauges such as Ruby).

On 7/13/06, John Tregea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Kee,

While the database structure is complete, the front end is not, (that is
why I am evaluating Rev), I believe python is a good tool to connect to
the database, but not sure if it is used by any other Revolutionaries or
if anyone can say what has worked well for them? I believe SOAP is used
by some as well?

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought


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