Re: OT: Microsoft is really annoying

2010-04-16 Thread David Coker
Thought I might throw out some advice that has really made a huge and
very important difference for me...

I can't speak for others, but it takes between 25-28 hours for me to
re-install windows, all of the windows updates and my software in the
event of a major malfunction. (virus-wise or just the garden variety
windows fun and games)

These days I use a product from TeraByte Software, allowing me to
completely restore my entire system in roughly one hour if there any
problems. The key is that you do the backup right after a fresh
installation of the O/S, with updates and all of your software in
place. The name of the inexpensive product is "Image For Windows" and
it's gotta be worth 5 times what they charge for it.

...I've had to use it 3 times recently on a crappy Vista machine,
saving myself 80-90 hours and a lot of frustration. Here is a link if
you folks want to check it out:

Best regards,
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Replace command

2010-04-14 Thread David Coker
Howdy folks!
This is just to follow up with a gigantic THANK YOU! to all who have
replied to my message...

After 2-3 days now of working with the wordOffset function and a lot
of head scratching to figure out how to implement it into my code
properly, I finally found the perfect combination this morning. :-)

I ended up building a test stack that represents all of the different
combination's of data that I'm working with and it now looks to be a
complete success. (believe me that I had some very serious doubts for

I should be able to work the sample code into my application this
afternoon and move on to the finish line with this little baby.

Again, thank you very much for the great help and patience where required!

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Replace command

2010-04-10 Thread David Coker
Wow, this turned into quite the discussion while I wasn't looking!
I really appreciate all of the insight, tips and examples that you
folks have provided and will start working my way through it all, in
hopes that it will become a matter of practical sense.

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Replace command

2010-04-10 Thread David Coker
Mark wrote:
>put "Jones" into word wordOffset("Piper",tContainer) of tContainer

then Michael added:

> put
> Peter Piper picked
> If Peter Piper picked again
> into fld 1
> -
> -- use this script
> -
> on mouseUp
> put wordOffset("Peter",fld 1) into x
> put "Jones" into word x of fld 1
> end mouseUp
> --

There seems to be an easy consensus, so that's the direction I'll take
my code...
Up until now I have never attempted using the wordOffset function for
the small things I've been building with Rev, so I guess it's time to
work it into my coding routines for the future.

Thank you folks so much for the advice and samples!

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Replace command

2010-04-10 Thread David Coker
Howdy folks,
Ran across another head scratcher that I need some help with.

Let's say I have put the following tongue twister into a variable
called tContainer:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
then where's the peck of pickled peppers that
Peter Piper picked?

the code:
replace "Piper" with "Jones" in tContainer

... obviously replaces every instance of the matching word found in
the container.

Am I overlooking a simple way to limit the number of matching words to
only one occurrence, other than processing the contents one line at a
time outside of the container?

If there is some other such command or function in RevTalk, I have
completely overlooked it and badly need some guidance.

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: lowering CPU cycles?

2010-04-08 Thread David Coker
> There's the rub:  your cycles can either go to your app or something else,
> but there's only so many cycles to go around.
> To give more of your cycles to the rest of the system, change this:
>  wait 0 with messages
> some other values like:
>  wait 20 with messages
> This will introduce a pause in your processing, but will share the cycles
> with other processes.

Well, that takes care of that! This little puppy is just gonna have to
hog the CPU like crazy!  ;-)

Thanks folks,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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lowering CPU cycles?

2010-04-07 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
This should be the last of my questions for awhile (hopefully).

I'm doing some pretty intensive data processing while running in a
repeat loop, which causes the CPU cycles to jump up to 100% for the
duration of a fairly lengthy run period. Memory consumption seems to
be fine and the app remains plenty responsive with a "wait with
messages" inside the loop.

My question is how can I go about making this app more CPU friendly
(and hopefully without slowing things down terribly) ?

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Trapping the escape key inside a loop

2010-04-06 Thread David Coker
> You have to give your repeat loop a break so the system has time to
> detect the escape key.
> Try this:
> global gStop
> on mouseUp
>   put false into gStop
>   repeat with x = 1 to 1000
>      put x into fld 1
>      if gStop = true then exit repeat
>      wait 0 milliseconds with messages   -- allows detection of other events
>   end repeat
> end mouseUp
> And in the card or stack script:
> global gStop
> on escapeKey
>   put true into gStop
> end escapeKey

Sarah, you are now my absolute hero!
(or heroine as the case may be).

"...a woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for her brave
deeds and noble qualities"

I had stared out using the false/true combo and got no place fast, so
I move to the numerical flag attempt in an act of not knowing what
else to try. Unfortunately, I never even thought about placing a wait
message inside the loop. It works great now.

Thank you very much!

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Trapping the escape key inside a loop

2010-04-06 Thread David Coker
Howdy folks,
Scratching my head in wonderment again, trying to figure out why I
can't trap the escape key.
Here is a sample script that I've been playing with outside of my real
app that is pretty close to the real thing:

global gStop

on mouseUp
put 0 into gStop
do ThisHandler
do ThatHandler
  repeat with i = 1 to 1
if gStop = 1 then exit repeat
  do some useful work here
  exit repeat
do CleanUpRoutine
end mouseUp

I've tried the following handler at the button level, the card level
and the stack level, yet can't for the life of me, get it to break the
repeat loop using a simple flag method.

on escapeKey
  put 1 into gStop
end escapeKey

I can easily trap the escape key anywhere outside of the loop with no
problems, but I'm obviously missing something while in the loop.
Any help out there?

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: formatting data in a field

2010-04-05 Thread David Coker
> Dave, I think what was not made strongly enough in all the posts was that
> at least one numerical operation has to be performed for the numberformat to
> lock in. So:
> get "1.234"
> set numberformat to "0.0"
> put it
> will give you "1.234"
> In the responses, you may have seen the variable multiplied by 1, which may
> have seemed superfluous. It is not. Personally, I like to add 0. But you
> have to do something.
> get "1.234"
> set numberformat to "0.0"
> add 0 to it
> put it
> gives you "1.2"

Thank you Craig,
Out of all the small apps I've built with Rev so far, this is the
first time I've ever had the need to to format a number and in this
case it's purely to enhance what the user will see. It's all good info
and I appreciate all of the tips and suggestions because I'm sure that
I (or someone else) will need the knowledge down the road somewhere.

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: formatting data in a field

2010-04-04 Thread David Coker
> I'm not quite sure what the problem is here David, but the line:
>    tCount = 3.166
> will not work, so I assume that was just you telling us what was in tCount.

Yes, you are correct... I was just trying to indicate what might be
contained in the variable at any given time.
> Once you have done that, then the line you quoted:
>    put format("%.2f", tCount) into fld "Whatever"
> should work just fine.

I just made an entirely separate stack so to recreate the same general
situation as it is in my app and you are correct above as well. It
works exactly as you describe and just the way I *thought* it was
supposed to before I sent the "help me" message.

At this point. all I can think of is maybe I have some other problem
lurking in my code somewhere that I am not "seeing" although I've been
through it a dozen times at least.

Oh well, I guess it's good to know that I was working in the right
direction at least and I really appreciate the help in clarifying the
proper usage.

Best regards to all,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: formatting data in a field

2010-04-04 Thread David Coker
Thanks to both Pete and Sarah for the added input...

Sarah added:
> I prefer to use format. You then don't have to do the dummy
> calculation to set it in place, and you know exactly what number it is
> applying too, while numberFormat can end up applying to more numbers
> than you expected.
> So I would use:
>   put format("%.2f", 3.1666) into fld "Whatever"

That's exactly what I was trying to do and in fact looks very much the
same as the way I was trying it. I think my misunderstanding has to do
with how to use the 3.1666 which is stored in a variable. e.g.

tCount = 3.166
put format("%.2f", tCount) into fld "Whatever"

In my situation, the actual value of the number involved is completely
informational and of no great importance elsewhere. All I am trying to
accomplish is to improve the appearance to the user.

If you can shed some light there, I would appreciate it.
Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: formatting data in a field

2010-04-03 Thread David Coker
> David,
> put 3.1666 into mySum //result of your calculation
> set the numberFormat to "0.00" // you can do this earlier in the script
> put mySum*1 into fld "Sigh" // calculate to make numberFormat work
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille

...I could have sworn that I had already tried that, but your example
definitely works just as I need it to.
Thank you Mark!

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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formatting data in a field

2010-04-03 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
I seem to continually get hung up in areas that should be fairly simple by now.
Here is the latest that I find myself banging my head over...

Lets say that I have two fields calculated where the sum contains
something like 3.1666 as an example.
What would be the proper way to format the display field as 3.16 ?

I've tried using both "format" and "numberFormat" in various ways
without any luck so far
As always, I certainly appreciate any and all help I get.

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ANN] The Slug is now on the road with the Step by Step collection

2010-03-30 Thread David Coker
> I'm happy to announce the availability of a new downloadable section
> in my website.
> In this section you will reach the first Step by step stack devoted to 
> palettes.
> The subject of this first part is : palettes with an orientable titlebar.
> This stack explains :
> - How to create the palette.
> - How to move the palette.
> - How to skin the titlebar.
> - How to change the titlebar orientation.
> - And in Mac OS X, how to keep the shadow border effect of the palette.
> I hope this new collection will please you. 8-)
> Regards,
> --
> -Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

Sounds interesting, but there seems to be a problem with the download
link on your site.

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: RevBrowser.... help needed

2010-03-10 Thread David Coker
> Check out the docs for revBrowserSet. This should work:
>   revBrowserSet tBrowserID, "visible", false
> Cheers,
> Sarah

I did make an attempt at setting the visible property to false, but I
don't think it looked a lot like your version Sarah. I always try to
make things more difficult than they are, it seems.

I ended up trashing my test stack, but will rebuild it and give your
solution a try here in a bit. Thank you very much, Sarah!

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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RevBrowser.... help needed

2010-03-09 Thread David Coker
I've started working on my first RevBrowser enabled application and
have run into the proverbial brick wall.

Rather than taking a chance on messing up my real stack, I made a test
stack with a functional web browser (finally). The stack contains a
tab control where one tab has a large edit field and in the other tab
I want to display the browser. I'm using the "hide group" method to
navigate the tabs.

After several hours of trying different approaches, I've yet to find a
way to hide the browser control when on the "other" tab. Since the
browser is an entirely different window, I can't seem to hide it
behind anything and it wants to stay on top regardless of what I do.
I'm too tired to continue messing with it tonight, so my next attempt
will be to somehow move it off the viewable area of the stack. the put
it back when the other tab is clicked. In the meanwhile...

...has anyone else already accomplished this and if so, would you be
so kind as to share your secret(s)?
This project is at a dead stall until I can make this work, otherwise
I'll have to shuck some of the planned functionality and re-think the
entire thing from the start. :-(

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Comma-delimited values

2010-03-08 Thread David Coker
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Richard Gaskin

CSV must die.

Please help it die:  never write CSV exporters.

After my last foray into the world of CSV and the *many* problems I
ran into, I decided to take Richard's little rant a step further...

...Not only will I not ever write a CSV exporter, but I will no longer
attempt to support CSV, even as an import option for anything I build.

That policy may make a few folks unhappy and/or possibly cost me a few
sales should I go that route, but with certainty, it will not
perpetuate the problem from either end in the future.

I think I'd prefer the competition (if any), to have all of those
support issues they want. ;-)

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How do I change the script for 100 buttons in one time?

2010-03-04 Thread David Coker
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:46 PM, William de Smet
> Hi there,
> I have a stack with 100 buttons in it and they all have the same script.
> The buttons are called "d1" to "d100".
> How do I change the code for all of them in one time?
> I don't feel like copy/paste 100 times.

Hello William,
I once had the same issue with my little "Sign Language" stack and the
late Eric Chatonet provided me with a tip that worked very well for
me. Would something like this work as a stack script:

on mouseUp
  if "button" is in the target then
--do something here--
  end if
end mouseUp

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: parsing data returned from "the foundLine"

2010-03-03 Thread David Coker
I thank you all for the info and suggestions!
...this little project has a bunch of twists and turns due to the
amount and depth of recursion involved, but I've got a pretty good
portion of it figured out now.

This one has been in one stage of development or another for 2-3
months now... I do a bit on it and then set it aside for awhile when I
tire of it. We'll get there eventually. (maybe)

I do appreciate you good folks!
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: parsing data returned from "the foundLine"

2010-03-03 Thread David Coker
> Try: get the value of the foundline
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
> HyperActive Software           |

That is definitely a step much closer. :)

I usually keep the dictionary open as a reference while I'm working,
but it certainly didn't help in this case.

...I think I'm gonna revisit *all* of the documentation covering
"chunking" again before I go much further with this little project. It
seems that I am still missing some of the concepts, methods and/or
possibilities that Rev offers when it comes to parsing textual data.

Thank you, Jacque!

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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parsing data returned from "the foundLine"

2010-03-02 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
I have a small 3 column list (tab delimited) where I need to check the
contents for duplicate data that may be found in any of two fields or
columns, then act on the line that contains that data if found. As an
example, in my handler I'm using:

find "ABC-5678-A" in tData
put the foundLine into tLineFound
answer tLineFound

which correctly returns something like:
"line 2 of field 2"

I've tried -several- different ways to parse the returned data for
additional processing, but have yet to come up with the right
solution. I know this must be extremely easy to do in Rev (there
always is, it seems like), but I've run out of hair to pull in trying
to figure out what I'm overlooking.

Any ideas or maybe a better approach that can be recommended?

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: substack positioning

2010-02-26 Thread David Coker
>>add 10 to item one of theNewPos

That's perfect!
Well, actually 15 in this case, but the method of addressing each
individual position property is exactly what I was missing.

Thank you so much, kind sir!

-David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: substack positioning

2010-02-26 Thread David Coker
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Bob Sneidar  wrote:
> That's odd. It should be precise. I get no overlap whatsoever. I wonder if 
> the Showborders property of the stack is set to true?

I just checked and the Showborders property definitely is showing to
be false. What seems strange is that I've tossed in a couple of
"answer" messages to display the positioning for both items
respectively and they match up exactly, position wise.

I'm developing on Windows Vista, so it probably has something to do
with the border themes in Vista.

-David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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substack positioning

2010-02-26 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
I'm trying a new approach in what will be a somewhat complex U.I.
development, where I would like to use a main stack similar in fashion
to the rev tools pallet. From the main stack the user will be able to
open various sub stacks, each of which I want to open to the right
side of the main stack.

I'm getting the topRight position of my main stack without any
problem, but haven't yet found a way to align the sub stack without it
overlapping the main stack just a bit (5-10 pixels roughly). For
example, if the topRight position returns 10,20 I need to set the
topLeft of the sub stack to say 20,20

I guess what I'm missing is... based on the location of the main
stack, how do I set or adjust the topLeft position in my sub stack(s)
in order to avoid the overlap?

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Altering HTML Text

2010-02-23 Thread David Coker
>The problem is, even if I don't alter it and simply put it back as I found it 
>I don't get the same display.

Could it be that the differences in the display have to do with
formatting based on a CSS file for the original page?
If so, maybe you could check the original source for the reference to
the CSS file, parse out that info and grab the CSS file also?

I'm probably way off base as usual, but it's a thought at least...

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Displaying stack images in revBrowser?

2010-02-20 Thread David Coker
> Is this possible? I'm never loading an external page as opposed to generating 
> the HTML I want to display. I'd like to put an  in the 
> HTML, but it doesn't work. Any clues?

I had the same questions a month or two ago... this solution provided
as a courtesy from Shao Sean:

You need to embed the image inline as base64 data..

(note, the square brackets are part of the placeholders and should not
appear in the final code)

A quick break-down of the syntax

  -- standard html

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Spell check

2010-02-12 Thread David Coker
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Jim Beckmann  wrote:
> How is the easiest way to incorporate spell checking into a standalone on
> different platforms?  Are there spellcheck Rev stacks that have been created
> that can be placed in the script hierarchy?
> Thanks.

I haven't used the product, but have a look at "RunRevPlanet
SpellCheck" in the RevSelect store:

Best Regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ANN] Move controls in tRev Object Browser with the new ZOOM!

2010-02-12 Thread David Coker
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Jerry Daniels  wrote:
> Fellow Rev developers,
> We just posted this video showing the new control manipulation in tRev's
> snapshot mode:
> Here are the details:
> Controls in Zoom:
> - zoomed cards now show a fully functional list of controls
> - control line items in list are draggable and names are editable
> - zoomed cards also have the scratch pad
> Move controls in Zoom:
> - controls in snaps can be dragged
> - controls in snaps can be moved with arrows
> - - plain arrow = 1 pixel
> - - shift arrow = on 10 pixel grid
> - - option arrow = align to next controls side

Hey Jerry, I can't say that I ever found any difficulties with
previous versions, but I just finished trying out the new "zoom and
move control" features and they are awesome!

It seems that I am always "tweaking" on control positioning, so I have
a tendency to spend more time in the Rev editor than in tRev... I
believe that will now change with these new additions.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I appreciate all the work you are
doing on tRev.'s just good stuff!

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Sorta OT: Buying runrev?

2010-02-11 Thread David Coker
> Hello,
> I am unsure of whether or not people that work for runrev get these mailing
> lists, but I am very very frustrated.
> Yesterday I got the go ahead to get what I need for development.
> The WorldPay shopping system refuses to take any of our company cards, even
> after calling our cardholder and making sure everything was clear and I was
> giving it the right information, etc.
> I cannot get any responses ever back from
> My boss is pissed, I am pissed, and he wants me to sort this out without
> international calls to scottland.
> He is starting to think runrev is sketchy because of all of this. I am very
> displeased and hope that someone from the company sees this and makes an
> attempt to return my correspondence.
> agitated,
> andrew kluthe

I recently went through the same thing and can assure you that the
problem is *not* caused by RunRev.
...either your company bank or credit card company has a lock on
international orders, which depending on their policies, can be
corrected by phone or a visit to a local branch. Another good option
is to use PayPal.

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ANN] RunRev Community Linux Distro

2010-02-05 Thread David Coker
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Andre Garzia  wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> This was quick!
> Move your browsers to and check it out. So
> far I just put the VMWare Image out, the other images and LiveCD will follow
> shortly. This is a SuSe based distro with revEnterprise, revStudio, MySQL,
> PostgreSQL, Apache2, RevOnRockets installed. I created this from our emails
> yesterday till today, so it is a bit rough. I will polish it more if there's
> interest.
> Please, tell me what you think
> :D
> Cheers
> andre

Hello Andre,
I think this is a great idea!
I normally dual-boot into Ubuntu, but SuSe Linux is a very strong 2nd
choice IMO. I have some process intensive things running in the
background for a few hours more, but will grab a copy of the VM at
some point today.

If you keep this stuff up, you are gonna fool around and give me the
extra push to upgrade to Rev Enterprise that I've put off for so long
now. :-)

I too may also have some bandwidth available to serve as a mirror if
you need it. Just being curious here... is the $10 that you mentioned
for bandwidth charges an estimated per download figure?

Thanks so much!
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Question about a group of edit controls

2010-01-24 Thread David Coker
Mark, Jacque,

I really appreciate the suggestions, but right after sending my
message I happened to remember how to use the "group method" for
navigating the tab control, which works well in this case. Getting all
of the various controls aligned this way is a bit more difficult, but
once that chore is over with, everything will work from the same card
without any interference to the edit boxes. Ultimately, having
everything I need available on the same card should make this
particular application much easier to code anyway...  :)

Thanks again though!

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Question about a group of edit controls

2010-01-24 Thread David Coker
On the interface I'm working on, I have tab panel setup with
background behavior which is working properly. Navigation from card to
card works without any problems. I also have a group of edit controls
that I want displayed on each card, but I want the data contained in
each edit box to remain common to each card.

The edit controls need to remain editable from any card they are
displayed on without the content changing when navigating from one
card to the other. I've tried this several different ways without any
success and would appreciate any advice that you might offer.

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Importing data into RevDB

2009-12-08 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,

While this message isn't specifically about a Rev solution per se, I think that 
some of you may still find it helpful. After a lot of research on the net, I 
finally found a "one-two punch" to help clean up this large mass of CSV data 
that I've been working with. As always, I recommend that you work with a copy 
of your data file, just to be on the safe side.

To rid yourself of embedded line feeds and carriage returns using Excel 
(untested on Mac):
1. Select the data you want to clean, then open up the "Find and Replace" 
2. While holding down the ALT key, type in the ASCII equivalent for the 
character you want to replace. (e.g. Tab = 009, LF = 010, CR = 013)
3. Replace with whatever you wish or nothing.

The second thing I found after a lot of research is a very inexpensive program 
for the PC, called CSV Easy, which will clearly flag problematic data rows, 
identifying each of the problems.

Using both of the above, I was able to locate and repair over 8000 problems in 
a file with 87000+ records (10%), which previously I have been unable to do 
otherwise. Hopefully I will now be able to convert the data into tabbed format 
for use in Rev for additional processing.

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Importing data into RevDB

2009-12-05 Thread David Coker

>A note of caution when using this.
>The chunking rules for Rev are that a line can contain items, but  
>items cannot contain lines.
>Lines can contain items, items contain words.
>   wrong =  line 6 of item 4, no matter the delimiter
>Not all functions obey a new setting.
>Filter does not follow the linedelimiter, and always uses CR, as does  
>   wrong  = set the worddelimiter to comma
>... since the Rev definition for a word delimiter is white space, not  
>a single character.
>I have found this useful on occasion when extracting data (such as CSV  
>and html) to handle 'embedded returns' in order to keep logical groups  
>of amorphous data together.  Another use is to demark field content as  
>lines such as
>write the contents of the fields of a card to a text file
>set the lineDel to "^"
>put field "Title" into outputBuffer
>put field "Description" into line 2 of outputBuffer
>put field "Inventory" into line 3 of outputBuffer
>put field "Prices" into line 12 of outputBuffer
>set the lineDel to cr
>put outputBuffer into url ("file:" & aPath & aFilename)
>Also as a utility function to make a run of characters.
>put characterString("*", 25) into line 2 of field "studentNotes"
>put characterString(space, 10) after line 6 of field "studentNotes"
>function characterString charToUse, stringLength
>set the lineDel to charToUse
>put charToUse into line stringLength of tempp
>return tempp
>end characterString
>-- now that we are leaving this function
>-- the lineDel setting evaporates
>-- it only applies to this function
>-- the same way itemDel behaves
>The same thing can be done with itemDel
>set the itemDel to "^"
>put "^" into item 25 of tempp
>set the itemDel to comma
>Hope this helps,
>Jim Ault
>Las Vegas

Jim, Kay, Tom... all who have replied so far.

I really appreciate all of the tips and suggestions and will probably enjoy 
taking some of them for a serious test run eventually. Unthinking, I started 
the update process on my previously mentioned database here on my primary 
development machine, which has been tied up for 34+ hours now. 

Performance has already degraded somewhat, so I've pretty much made this thing 
off limits until it has completed. (Assuming that it actually will at some 

Much appreciated good folks! Hope you all have a great weekend. :-)

David C.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Importing data into RevDB

2009-12-04 Thread David Coker
Hi Richard!
>If you have it in Excel, can you export it using tab-delimited?

Yes sir, been there and tried that several different ways. Unfortunately, that 
creates issues of a different sort. As a really poor example, this is one of 
the things I continue to run across after converting to tabbed format..

Original example:
blah blah,"doodah somestupidgarbagecharacterorlinefeed doodah doodah",12345abc

Converted to tab delimited:
blah blah(tab)"doodah somestupidgarbagecharacterorlinefeed doodah 

When saved, tab delimited format all too often renders something like this:

blah blah,"doodah somestupidgarbagecharacter 

Gone is any hope of reusing the file data.

That was actually the whole point of my original question about importing csv 
into a database. At that point I could likely pull the data out field by field 
as required and run scanners to clean it up enough to be used in a tab 
delimited format. At that point, it would be easy to work with using Rev in any 
number of ways.

BTW, I used your Webmerge program last night for the first time in a pretty 
long while... As part of a test run I was doing, it created 81,000+ html pages 
in just over 90 minutes. :-)

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Importing data into RevDB

2009-12-04 Thread David Coker
>Depending on how big the files are and how quickly they need to be  
>processed, I would recommend you build a scanner that toggles at least  
>two flags.
>Flag 1 is "flgQuoteRunOn" as true or false
>Flag 2 is "flgEscapeChar" as true or false
>put false into flgQuoteRunOn
>put false into flgEscapeChar
>put "/" into escChar
>put quote into q
>put comma into c
>Now run a repeat loop to re-cast the strings into logical chunks.
>Afterwards, use human inspection to find those spots that cannot be  
>converted with logic loops (see examples below)
>Be careful of a few things
>  embedded commas, quotes, and escape chars
>15446,"gold,silver watch", 599.00
>15447,"gold,silver, 18" chain", 199.00
>15447,"gold,silver, 18 1/2" chain", 199.00

Thanks for the suggestions and example Jim!

Of course I'm using sample data to test with, but the real files that need to 
be worked with are pretty massive. To give you an idea of just how massive... 

I have a subset of data that I've been working with for over a week now, 
massaging text, filing in blank fields (concatenation in Excel) and thought I 
had everything taken care of as of late last night. I found out this morning 
that they needed one more column of data merged into my "finished" file. 

I'm running the update now from my local mySQL server and it appears that it 
will take somewhere around 28 hours to complete the run. Can you hear me say 
Yay! :-)

>Just so you know CSV is the second worst format ever invented.
>They are still searching for worst one, but have not found it yet.

 No question about it! 

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Importing data into RevDB

2009-12-04 Thread David Coker
>Be careful if there are embedded commas inside each quoted section. It
>will fail for cases like this:

The test files I've been working with are chock full of such.

The data comes for numerous sources, going back something like ten years, 
having been produced by different business systems, different operating 
systems, as well as manual input by a large number of people. Some it appears 
have been pasted as complete HTML pages (including header data, div's and such) 
and I believe even a bunch of the data was copied and pasted directly from PDF. 
Bottom line is that's it's full of garbage that will need to be accounted for...

Thanks for the heads up Jacque. 

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Importing data into RevDB

2009-12-04 Thread David Coker
>Hi David,
>To fight with line breaks, exists such tip
>As to specify as Field and Line delimiters some odd chars
>„ µ 
>At least Valentina and mySQL allow this.
>If SqlLite cannot, you can try to use above dbs as intermediate step.

Hello Ruslan,
Thank you for you're reply. 

If I understand you correctly, that has been the general approach I have been 
trying, although I never thought about using something different for the line 

Between you and Björnke, I now have another option to try.

Now time to test and learn. :)

Best regards
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Re: Importing data into RevDB

2009-12-04 Thread David Coker
>normally, csv is a pain in the ass, but Rev tokens trump that ;)
>you can set the linedelimiter to comma, and the itemdelimter to quote.  
>then you could do something similar to this (great for not having to  
>make special cases for the particular field being empty, lacking  
>quotes, etc.):
>set the linedelimiter to comma
>set the itemdelimiter to quote
>repeat for each line theLine in theCSV
>   put item 1 to -1 of line theLine into theData
>   --do stuff with data here
>end repeat

Hello Björnke,
That is an awesome idea, well worth pursuing...

>normally, csv is a pain in the ass, but Rev tokens trump that ;)

I sure can't argue that point. 

Most of what I do with Rev involves processing text of some sort and when 
considering the simplicity of Rev, I have yet to find anything that even comes 
close to it for parsing text. I've found that my own lack of knowledge and 
understanding are the weak links around here. ;)

Thank you so much for the help,

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Importing data into RevDB

2009-12-04 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
I'm in the planning stages of a possible new app which will include populating 
a Rev Database (SQLite) primarily from a standard Excel based CSV file. What 
I've run into while doing some research is that that format seems leaves a lot 
to be desired. It seems that the CSV data that I'll be working with has all 
kinds of spurious line breaks and such embedded, so converting to a tab 
delimited format doesn't work well.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to make something like this reliable 
as far as maintaining record integrity during import?

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Swing Browser is in testing

2009-12-02 Thread David Coker
Hello again Richard,
This is just an FYI for anyone else that wants to remove the application files 
that are downloaded during testing. I finally found them hidden in:
C:/Users/x/AppData/Roaming/Swing Browser/

I'm *really* new to using Vista and have never gotten around to seeing where 
they hide things. :)

All is well.

David C.

- Original Message -
From: "Richard Miller" 
To: "How to use Revolution" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 6:13:39 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: Swing Browser is in testing

Hi David,

The folder is called Swing Browser. It should be in AppData, which I 
believe is a hidden folder. I put the files in there because there 
seemed to be some consensus here that specialfolderpath(26) was a good 
place for Rev files. If you open Rev and type specialfolderpath(26) in 
the msg box, it should give you the pathway.


David Coker wrote:
> Hey Richard.
> ...well now, there lies the problem. I followed the path that was displayed 
> withing the program and didn't find any such folder as you've described. Just 
> did a complete search for the entire computer and all users as Admin and 
> still didn't locate anything. How about sharing one single file name and I'll 
> give that a try?
> Best regards,
> David C.
>> The files are all in a Swing Browser folder... either in Documents or
>> the AppData folder. Just dump the folder. I do need to create an
>> uninstaller. An uninstaller for a web site... sounds like a new concept.
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
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> preferences:

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Re: Swing Browser is in testing

2009-12-02 Thread David Coker
Hey Richard.

...well now, there lies the problem. I followed the path that was displayed 
withing the program and didn't find any such folder as you've described. Just 
did a complete search for the entire computer and all users as Admin and still 
didn't locate anything. How about sharing one single file name and I'll give 
that a try?

Best regards,
David C.

>The files are all in a Swing Browser folder... either in Documents or
>the AppData folder. Just dump the folder. I do need to create an
>uninstaller. An uninstaller for a web site... sounds like a new concept.
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Re: Swing Browser is in testing

2009-12-02 Thread David Coker
Although I'm not sure what all is supposed to be functional, I was able to view 
some golfing videos after browsing around a bit to find where they were located 
in the program. Also took a snapshot of one and saved it to my desktop. All of 
the above on a RC running Vista and Firefox.

Pretty nifty concept, but nothing I can use. ;)

My only question at this point... where are all of the files located that were 
downloaded so that I may remove them from my computer?

Best regards,
David C.

>- Original Message -
>From: "Richard Miller" 
>To: "How to use Revolution" 
>Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 8:37:28 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
>Subject: Swing Browser is in testing
>I have entered the testing phase with my new software based on the 
>revweb plugin, and would appreciate any and all feedback (negative, 
>positive, suggestions whatever) from anyone who wants to check it over.
>The site is still rough around the edges... plus, I have little in the 
>way of graphics skills, so it doesn't look as cool or tight as it could. 
>But functionally, it has all the right pieces. I have about 30 users 
>testing it now before it goes public... which won't be until a new 
>version of the plugin is released. I've had to work around the ongoing 
>revweb problems regarding cursors (no busy, draw or hand cursor), the 
>lack of a dependable Answer dialog box, the lack of direct Externals 
>support, and a few other things. Hopefully, these will all be fixed 
>soon. Also note it does not seem to run under Windows 7 and IE (not sure 
>about Firefox).
>The main purposes of this site are as follows:
>1. Allow users to easily import their sports videos into the system, 
>following which they can review their "motion" frame-by-frame. I've set 
>the site up generically, so it is as useful to baseball, tennis, etc. as 
>it is to golf (my original core focus area).  The software should handle 
>most common video formats. It uses ffmpeg to convert any 
>non-Quicktime-compatible formats to MOV.
>2. Let users compare their motion to professionals (i.e. "model videos" 
>in the Directory)
>3. Let them easily edit these videos (which are often 20 - 100 mb in 
>size coming off the camera) so the file size is 1 mb or so, from which 
>they can then quickly send those videos to anyone else for review (using 
>just an email address). The receiver views the video in my program. You 
>can test this function using the Sample Video (in the Directory) under 
>the Imported Videos section. Click on it, then Edit Video.
>4. Most importantly, allow pro's to do a voice-over analysis (including 
>lines, circles and polygons) of a swing using the Create Analysis button 
>in the Compare screen. This analysis can then be quickly sent to others 
>(typically students) for review through my site.
>5. Make the program easy to use, convenient (since it runs in a 
>browser... which is where all the action seems to be these days), and 
>inexpensive ($69).
>6. Make it Windows, Mac and (soon) Linux compatible.
>It's all here:
>Richard Miller
>use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Edit field weirdness

2009-11-23 Thread David Coker
I found the culprit, but don't have any idea as to the "why" of it.
It wasn't the datagrid at all... I remembered adding a menu to the stack as an 
afterthought. I can delete the menu bar and all of the edit fields start 
functioning properly again.

With this app, I was hesitant to add the menu bar anyway, but decided to simply 
to have a more "proper" U.I. for good measure. I may "roll my own" menu if I 
decide for some reason that I really need one, but it would be cool to know 
what the conflict is/was just the same. If anyone can shed alight on the 
subject, that would be great!

Thanks folks,

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Edit field weirdness

2009-11-23 Thread David Coker
>A quick check - try hard coding for those fields:
>copy word 1 to -1 of field "myField"
>cut word 1 to -1 of field "myField"
>if the clipboard is "text" then paste
>See if any of those work.

Thanks, I'll give that a try and see what happens.
(It will probably be a few hours before I can do any further testing)

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Edit field weirdness

2009-11-23 Thread David Coker

>My first idea was that the autoHilite property of your fields might be  
>set to false ?
>but if your are able to place the cursor in any field ("to type into  
>or delete text from") then should not be that
>Not a great help ! Sorry
>Best regards from Grenoble

Hello André,
Thanks for giving it a shot.. much appreciated!

After doing some additional comparisons, it appears that there must be some 
sort of conflict between my edit fields and the datagrid control, which was the 
last object that I added to the card. One thing I noticed was in the 
non-working version is that the layering for all of the edit fields was changed 
-dramatically- after adding the datagrid.

Thankfully, other than losing the positional fine tuning that was done on all 
of the controls after adding the datagrid, I can revert to the archived version 
and try it again.

If there any other suggestions available from anyone, I'd still like to hear 
them. :)

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Edit field weirdness

2009-11-22 Thread David Coker
I've spent the better part of a full weekend designing a new user
interface that among many other things (like the "oh so cool"
datagrid), contains around 50 edit fields. My problem is although they
are editable (can type into or delete text from), for some reason I am
unable to cut (ctrl x), copy (ctrl v) or paste (ctrl p) into any of

One of my earlier versions that I archived does not share the same
difficulties and after comparing property settings for both, I can see
nothing wrong with what I have. I have also started the process of
re-layering all of the above, but that seems to make no difference at
all. This thing has left me scratching my head a bit and would
appreciate some advice if it is available.

(Well, that is just about any advice -except- for hearing that I'm
gonna have to rebuild this monster UI from scratch.)

I'm running a freshly re-installed version of Vista if it matters.

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ANN] tText now available for PC as well as Mac

2009-11-16 Thread David Coker
>I've sent you emails with the download info. Let me know if you have  
>not gotten them.
>Jerry Daniels

Hello Jerry,
Just double checked my inbox ( spam filters), found nothing there other than 
the original download links pointing to the Mac versions.

Wait! Scratch that.. just got the link.
Thanks! :)
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Re: [ANN] tText now available for PC as well as Mac

2009-11-16 Thread David Coker

>You heard all about it on Friday, and now it's also available starting  
>today for proud owners of PCs as well as Macs.

I'm ready... just point me to the download. :)

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ANN] Feature Friday: tRev tab management

2009-11-13 Thread David Coker
>I've just posted some videos about our new text editor: tText. It's a  
>tabbed text editor with lots of HTML styling ability. It's more for  
>blogging and commenting than for building sites, etc. But here's the  
>kicker: it's VERY extensible. And it's EASY to extend. We've got a  
>great Plugin Manager so you can do ANYTHING you like with your text  
>and write it all in Revolution. Munge your text and then show it in a  
>new tab, if you like. I'm excited about this product and the potential  
>it has for consultants, IT professionals and inventive users.

>The world's first text editor with Revolution plugins:




>Jerry Daniels

Oh yeah, I'm the proud new owner already for sure!

Jerry, if you had any idea just how often I built small "one off" apps just for 
the text processing I do in my work, you'd understand the gigantic GRIN on my 
face right now!
Let us know when the PC version is ready, please sir.

David C.

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Revlets in google chrome and or layout problems...

2009-11-13 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
Has anyone tried (or had any luck) running a revlet in the Google Chrome 
I have a couple of stacks that I've been doing some testing with which are 
functional in IE, Firefox and Safari... neither will work with the Google 
Chrome browser.

Also, has anyone experienced any type of control alignment oddities in the way 
Revlet's are rendered from one browser to another?

Just trying to see whether I should submit something RunRev of if it's just on 
my end

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: some HD fun

2009-11-11 Thread David Coker
>In answering a question on a Director list about whether Rev could handle HD 
>video, I just
>made this test:


Works here on my Vista laptop, running only 3MB of RAM...


David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: The Short/Long Name Of...?

2009-11-09 Thread David Coker

>1. Read Richard Gaskin's classic explanation of the message path:

Excellent resource, thanks!

>2.  Look upNAME and ID in the docs:  (reprinted here)

As replied to Jacque...
I "omitted" doing a thorough search in the Rev dictionary.

Regards to all,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: The Short/Long Name Of...?

2009-11-09 Thread David Coker

>It's all in the dictionary entries. See "name" for a good definition of
>all the variations. Also "frontscript", "backscript", and "insert".

>Or if you already did that, is there something that was omitted?

Yup, I "omitted" doing a thorough search in the Rev dictionary. 

Thank you Jacque!
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The Short/Long Name Of...?

2009-11-09 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
Been busy reading various forms of Rev documentation and have several times 
come across a reference of using the short/long names of...(whatever). 

Unfortunately, I haven't (yet) found anything that defines either term, nor the 
"how's or why's" of their usage. To a lesser degree, how about clarifying the 
use of front/back scripts?

I'm just about eyebrow deep into some new areas of Rev usage (for me at least) 
and would greatly appreciate a heads up and/or link to any resource that might 
help me get my mind wrapped around these subjects.

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Re: Off-Line revlets?

2009-11-02 Thread David Coker

>Is it possible for an end-user to 'salvage' a revlet from
>a browser cache and thereby continue using it, effectively
>as a free-standing program, when not connected to the internet?


>If this is, at least theoretically possible, is there a way to prevent it?

Hello Richmond,
Here is the solution that was given to my similar question a few days ago 
(Thanks Malte!):

>this script executes a bit of javascript in the browser. The result  
>will then contain the URL your revLet has been launched from and you  
>can react accordingly. so you might want to do this on openstack for  

on openStack
local tURL
do "document.location.href;" in browser
put the result into tURL
if tURL <> "path/you/would/expect.html" then
answer "You are using my revlet from an unknown location. Please use  
it from my site instead"
-- do a redirect here if you wish or quit
end if
end openStack

>Hope that sheds some light.

>All the best,


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Re: Question about using the embedded browser

2009-11-02 Thread David Coker
- Original Message -
You need to embed the image inline as base64 data..

(note, the square brackets are part of the placeholders and should not  
appear in the final code)

A quick break-down of the syntax

  -- standard html

Awesome explanation, thank you so much! time to build a test stack and give it a whirl.

David C.

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Question about using the embedded browser

2009-11-02 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
Obviously it is possible to load the browser with HTML content stored directly 
in the stack, but is it possible to include images stored in the stack? In 
particular, how does one insert an image into the HTML code in a way that the 
browser will look for it as a stack resource?

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: RevWeb "ask" not working on my end

2009-11-02 Thread David Coker

Richard Miller wrote:
Can anyone get an Ask dialog box to work through revweb in a browser? 
Tried on XP without success.

Hello Richard,
I built a small stack on my Vista machine and yep, it appears to be 
broken at the moment.

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Question about combo boxes

2009-11-01 Thread David Coker

Nicolas Cueto wrote:

I think what you want is:

  put the label of button "[button name]"

This'll give you the actual words of the currently selected item.

Another way is:

  put the menuhistory of button "[button name]"

This'll give you the line number of the currently selected item.

Thank you Nicolas,
...I actually tried using the label property previously without any 
luck, so I'm guessing I must have had something else wrong in the 
script. Everything works like it should now.

It's been almost a full year (if not longer) since the last time I did 
any coding with Rev, so I'm more than a little rusty.

Much appreciated!

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Question about combo boxes

2009-11-01 Thread David Coker

Hello folks,
I've just started a new project that will make use of several combo 
boxes. Some of these will be used only in a reporting function while 
others will determine how the processing is handled from a separate 
button in the stack.

Question: Is there a way to extract the current item selected on any 
given combo box for use with the handler of a different control 
(button), without the use of global variables? I've tried several 
different ideas, none of which have worked for me.

David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Error installing RevMedia 4.0 DP5

2009-10-30 Thread David Coker

Yves COPPE wrote:

Le 30 oct. 09 à 17:55, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

Yves COPPE wrote:

Le 30 oct. 09 à 00:34, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

Yves COPPE wrote:

Hi list
When I start installing revMedia 4 dp5 and after the unpacking of 
the 5 pkgs, hte installing is cancelled automatically and I get 
such a message :

An error occured installing the product
To inform revolution about this error, please quote error code 
Please clic "try again" of "send error report" to automatically 
post error information to Revolution

What OS are you running?

mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 on an intel Core 2 duo macBook


how can i throw away the files that are loaded to force a new downoad
When I ask to try again, it starts automatically with "unpacking1/5"

I think there could be a problem at the download time, so I'd like to 
re-donwload the files again



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Hello Yves,
I ran into exactly the same trouble the other evening when trying to do 
the update on my Vista machine. Couldn't find an uninstaller directly 
through the O/S, but did find one after digging around in the 
application folder (my system):

C:\Program Files\Revolution Media 4.0.0\Installation Data\

I ran the uninstaller, then re-installed the new version and all is well.

Best regards,
David C.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Small update to Plugin

2009-10-30 Thread David Coker
Thank you!
All of my little issues have been resolved and everything works great.


- Original Message -
From: "Heather Nagey" 
To: "How to use Revolution" 
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 10:37:02 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Small update to Plugin

Dear folks,

We have just uploaded a small update to the 4.0 web plugin, fixing the  
following issues:

- revletParams not working fixed
- go stack in window not working fixed
- an issue on windows causing the plugin to crash in IE if a bad 'src'  
attribute is passed to the plugin
- an issue in firefox causing plugin loading to fail with the message  
'unable to process revlet' in some cases
- improved mouse handling in the mozilla (firefox, opera etc.) plugin

We'd appreciate if you could download and test this latest release,  
and report any issues you find here:

There is a section under Engine/Build/WebPlugin for these bug reports.



Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager
RunRev - Software construction for everyone

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Re: RevMedia Question: Securing the revlet?

2009-10-30 Thread David Coker

Hello Malte,

Thank you so much for a very clear explanation and example. That's awesome!
Best regards,
David C.

Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:

Hi David,

this script executes a bit of javascript in the browser. The result 
will then contain the URL your revLet has been launched from and you 
can react accordingly. so you might want to do this on openstack for 

on openStack
local tURL
do "document.location.href;" in browser
put the result into tURL
if tURL <> "path/you/would/expect.html" then
answer "You are using my revlet from an unknown location. Please use 
it from my site instead"

-- do a redirect here if you wish or quit
end if
end openStack

Hope that sheds some light.

All the best,

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Re: RevMedia Question: Securing the revlet?

2009-10-30 Thread David Coker

Thank you sir,
I'm not sure I understand how or where that should be incorporated in 
the stack. Can you shed some additional light on what it actually does 
and how I should use it? (I'm not all that well versed in the language yet)

David C.

Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:

Andre gave me a pointer (thanks mate!)

on mouseUp pMouseBtnNo
do "document.location.href;" in browser
answer the result
end mouseUp

Hope that helps,

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Re: RevMedia Woes

2009-10-30 Thread David Coker
>The team is polishing the plugin and looking for bugs right now, so it
>would be good to tell them about it. Those are unusual symptoms. Also
>offer to send a copy of your stack so they can try it, I get the feeling
>there might be something in it that's causing the problem.

>I'm sure they'd want to hear about this.

Already a done deal.

Thanks for the link, Jacque... I guess I managed to overlook it at the site.

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RevMedia Question: Securing the revlet?

2009-10-30 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
This has probably been asked before but I was unable to find a
reference to it...

Is there (or will there be) any way to secure a revlet from being
downloaded to the end user's hard drive?

e.g. File>Save As>Web Page Complete

Best regards,
David Coker
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RevMedia Woes

2009-10-29 Thread David Coker
Hello all,
I enrolled in the RevMedia alpha program several days ago and after
doing a few simple things, I started to see what it would really do...
After building a nice little stack that retrieves text files from my
server, displaying them in an edit box, everything was going fine. I
added a couple of buttons to increase/decrease the font sizes and it
was all working great.

I then asked a friend to install the plugin and give it a try for me.
Unfortunately, it wouldn't work in either IE (crashed it) or Firefox
for him, yet it still worked flawlessly from my end.

After additional testing I found that it would crash IE, only if
running from the web server, yet it would play the same stack from the
containing folder on my hard-drive without the crash. After reading
Kevin's post about the fresh updates yesterday, I re-installed the
newest plugin as well as the new version of RevMedia, rebuilt the app
and re-deployed to the server. It will no longer run from *any* of my
browsers whether from the remote server or from my local drive.

It crashes IE every time and here is the message that is displayed in Firefox:

"There was an error loading the revlet - error processing revlet"

Strangely enough, all of the samples at the RevMedia page still work
in both browsers.

Any ideas?

-David Coker-

BTW, kudos to Rev for this! Once all of the bugs are worked out, it's
gonna be awesome, awesome, awesome!
.did I mention that it will be awesome? :-)
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Re: It's almost that time.

2008-04-10 Thread David Coker
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 4:55 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David,
>  that works with Axialis Workshop without problems.
>  Maybe there is free software also to do this job. But IconWorkshop is worth 
> paying for it.
>  And remember you pay once and get lifetime upgrades.
>  Regards,
>  Matthias Rebbe

Thanks to all that replied...

Both Matthias & Terry were spot on! Axialis IconWorkshop works great
and is just the type of software I was hoping to find. It does one job
very well, it's easy to use, I don't have to learn to use another
massive image editing software title and it won't break the piggy
The perfect solution from my end.

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Re: It's almost that time.

2008-04-10 Thread David Coker
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 5:04 AM, Mark Schonewille
> Hi David,
>  It is not much of a graphics editor, but the best icon maker for windows I
> have ever seen is the freeware tool IcoFX. It is simple and does exactly
> what you expect. For editing, I'd use Photoshop or Gimp.
>  For Mac, I use Apple's Icon Composer, which has been mentioned earlier in
> this thread already.
>  Best regards,
>  Mark Schonewille
>  --
>  Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
>  A large collection of scripts for HyperCard, Revolution, SuperCard and
> other programming languages can be found at

Looks like we posted about the same time. :)
Thanks for the info Mark!

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It's almost that time.

2008-04-09 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
I'm very rapidly running out of things to do on my current project and
have found that I do not own any software capable of producing a
custom Icon suitable to the Rev specifications.

Previously, all of the app's I've built with Rev have never been
targeted towards the general public, so it didn't matter... not so any
longer. :)

Can anyone tell me if Axialis IconWorkshop for Windows will handle the
job properly? If not, can someone suggest a Windows title that will
work specific to icon building (I already have image editing software
that I enjoy using) and preferably without breaking the piggy bank in
the process?

Much appreciated,
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Re: Removing unwanted comma's

2008-04-07 Thread David Coker
Sorry for the delay in replying folks... been mostly away from the
keyboard since the original post.

Wow! There are some really cool ideas to try out here... thanks so
much to everyone who has offered suggestions! Now the fun begins in
trying things out to see what works best for the application. :)


>  function removeCommas tData
>set the itemdelimiter to quote
>repeat for each item i in tData
>   add 1 to iCount
>   put i into tItem
>   if iCount mod 2 = 0 then replace comma with empty in tItem
>   put tItem after nData
>end repeat
>return nData
>  end removeCommas
>  Best,
>  Mark
>  On 5 Apr 2008, at 23:12, David Coker wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello folks,
> > I ran into a problem that I just can't seem to figure out and hope
> > someone can offer a suggestion or solution. (More than likely simple
> > using Rev, but it surely escapes me.) Is there a way to remove
> > spurious comma's inside a text field that contains comma delimited
> > data, while maintaining the integrity of the individual data fields?
> >
> > Example:
> > fieldonedata,fieldtwodata,"fieldthree,data", fieldfourdata,etc.
> >
> > I need to remove the quotes the comma located within the quotes as
> > well as the quote characters, to end up with this:
> >
> > fieldonedata,fieldtwodata,fieldthreedata, fieldfourdata,etc.
> >
> > I've wasted a big portion of my day trying to figure this out and
> > would really appreciate any help I can get.
> >
> > David
> >
> > ___
> > use-revolution mailing list
> >
> > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> subscription preferences:
> >
> >
>  ___
>  use-revolution mailing list
>  Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> subscription preferences:
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Re: Removing unwanted comma's

2008-04-05 Thread David Coker
Hello Wayne,
Yup, I've gone through pretty much the same routine using Excel or
OpenOffice Calc for years now... which is the reason I'm looking for a
Rev based solution. I hope to add the functionality to my application,
giving the end user a way off that treadmill. :)

Thanks for your reply just the same!

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 5:33 PM, wayne durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi David:
>  I have to do this all the time for datasets I process.  If you need to do it
>  quick and dirty one off, rather than code up a routine in rev, you can open
>  the dataset in excel.  If the field three data is numerical you can get rid
>  of the comma by selecting the column then using format cells and choose the
>  numeric type without the comma.  If it is text stuff then you select the
>  column and use replace to replace the commas with some other item or nothing
>  at all.
>  Once I have done this and saved out the file, I would still open in in a
>  text editor and zap any quotes with a replace there
>  I know this isn't the rev function answer, but it is quick and easy if the
>  problem isn't recurring
>  wayne
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Removing unwanted comma's

2008-04-05 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
I ran into a problem that I just can't seem to figure out and hope
someone can offer a suggestion or solution. (More than likely simple
using Rev, but it surely escapes me.) Is there a way to remove
spurious comma's inside a text field that contains comma delimited
data, while maintaining the integrity of the individual data fields?

fieldonedata,fieldtwodata,"fieldthree,data", fieldfourdata,etc.

I need to remove the quotes the comma located within the quotes as
well as the quote characters, to end up with this:

fieldonedata,fieldtwodata,fieldthreedata, fieldfourdata,etc.

I've wasted a big portion of my day trying to figure this out and
would really appreciate any help I can get.

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Just in case I haven't mentioned it...

2008-03-16 Thread David Coker
The combination of RunRev and the helpful members of this list are just awesome!

I originally licensed Rev a couple of years ago solely for the
database capabilities it offers, which IMO is second to none. At that
time, I didn't understand the "official" upgrade policies, got sore
about it and set Rev aside for the most part.

(That's called cutting the nose off to spite the face.)

I began working on my current project over a year ago using *numerous*
other programming tools that I have and became so discouraged with it
all, I pretty much decided to give up programming completely. The
complexity of what I am trying to accomplish and lack of native
capabilities with the other tools just made me miserable. I even made
a public announcement elsewhere that I was "done" with programming.

Rather than manually removing all of the programming software, I
actually reformatted the drive and reinstalled the O/S!

I'm done, I'm done... I am DONE with it!

Hating the thought of giving up, after a couple of weeks I finally
decided to give it one more try, but this time using only Rev...

Fast forward:
In two short weeks of limited/part time coding with Rev and the help
of the good folks here on the list, I can already see the light at the
end of the tunnel. What an amazing product and group of people!

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Re: Lowering high CPU rates?

2008-03-16 Thread David Coker
On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 12:22 PM, J. Landman Gay

>  I'll confirm that. I recently wrote a script that had to process a lot
>  of data, and I added a progress bar as a matter of course. The script
>  took 6 seconds to complete. That felt like quite a long time, so I
>  started adjusting the progress update to only change every so many
>  cycles. The longer between updates, the faster the script ran. Then I
>  had an epiphany and removed the progress bar altogether -- and the same
>  data got processed in about a dozen milliseconds. The entire lag was the
>  progress bar!
>  Rev is so fast, sometimes you forget.

Hummm... maybe I better rethink adding the progress bar entirely and
stick with the occasional label field updates. =/

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Re: Lowering high CPU rates?

2008-03-16 Thread David Coker
On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Richard Gaskin

>  Do you use and progress bars?  If so, I've found them very
>  cycle-consuming, and I tend to update them infrequently now when I'm
>  working with large data sets.
>  So instead of doing something like this:
>put 0 into i
>repeat for each line tLine in tData
>   add 1 to i
>   set the thumbpos of scrollbar "progress" to i
>   ...
>end repeat
>  Now I use the mod operator to reduce the number of times the progress
>  bar is updated:
>put 0 into i
>repeat for each line tLine in tData
>   add 1 to i
>   if (i mod 100 = 0) then
> set the thumbpos of scrollbar "progress" to i
>   end if
>   ...
>end repeat

Hello Richard,
Right now I'm just using a label field that gets updated occasionally,
but was thinking about adding a progress bar for a more professional
appearance. When that happens, your tip above will be invaluable...
thanks for that! to incorporate all of this into the "real" application from my
test stacks and start working on the remaining error handling
routines. Once that's done I can start working on prettying things up
a little more, shuffling the interface elements around making a spot
for goodies like the progress bar.

Looks like I'm almost back to the fun part again.:)

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Re: Lowering high CPU rates?

2008-03-16 Thread David Coker
Hey folks,
Looks like I've found a way to tame the tiger!

Using a combination of visual feedback in the way of changing the
cursor to "watch", a status area to display progress and selective use
of wait statements, this little bugger is now as responsive and well
mannered as anything that runs on the machine. CPU rate is down below
50% even for the largest data thrown at it. The sacrifice here is in
the overall processing time, but it's still very acceptable now that
other work can be done during processing.

Once I have had time to play with the routines and methods a little
more, I'll try to put together a sample stack showing different ways
to accomplish this. Might help the next guy running into similar
difficulties. :)

Again, thank you all very much for the feedback and assistance!
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Re: Lowering high CPU rates?

2008-03-16 Thread David Coker
>  Once you know where the hold up is, you can work on optimizing it
>  first.  No sense in sticking your finger in a hole that isn't leaking.
>  len morgan

Heh, that's great! :)

Actually though, with all of the testing I've done I'm fairly sure
about the "where's and what's" that are causing the problem. For
example with a source file containing 30,000 lines or greater:

Removing lines with zeros and/or blank fields.  -->Huge drain 100%
Sorting the lines according to the requirements -->Huge drain 100%

The problem is less about knowing why, but rather trying to find a
user friendlier approach to dealing with it. For example, during the
final stage of processing that is visible to the user (and the most
time consuming), I've added a button that will pause and/or resume
according to the needs of the user, which works great. That approach
doesn't work well with the preprocessing that must be done and locking
the screen to help speed things up only adds to what would be a
potentially negative user experience. The infamous catch 22, I think.

Digging through the doc's, I ran across these little gems that may
prove to be helpful:

Adjust the idleRate property to change the interval between
periodically-sent messages. Increasing the idleRate causes these
messages to be sent less frequently, and decreases the amount of CPU
time the application uses.

Adjust the idleTicks property to change the interval between
periodically-sent messages. Increasing the idleTicks causes these
messages to be sent less frequently, and decreases the amount of CPU
time the application uses.

I can make the program follow different methods based on the number of
lines in the target file easy enough and perhaps issue a warning about
the processing requirements.

Does anyone know of a way to gather specific system details such as
available RAM and/or CPU speed? When combined with total line count,
that would give me the ability to code in a best course of action,
based on the system resources available. ;)

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Lowering high CPU rates?

2008-03-15 Thread David Coker
Since folks here on the list have been so awesome in helping me around
the few trouble spots with my project, I'm just about to the point
where I can start adding in the final error checking routines and
working towards a beta stage... I thought I'd first touch base with
you good folks to see if there is a work around for the final
troubling aspect of this project.

We have some pretty hefty hardware on our office machines so I haven't
noticed many problems with the data I've thrown at this program while
testing on those, but when working on my development machine (an older
laptop with very modest specs), the CPU is running at 100% for what
seems to be long periods of time. Unfortunately, during those times
it's almost impossible to do any other work.

Speed is a relative issue with what I'm doing with this program and
not exactly the most important factor *and* there are certain portions
of the processing where I do not want to sacrifice the visibility of
the work being done. (Most of that aspect is done in the final stage
of processing and doesn't seem to be too much of a problem.)

Thanks to the advice I've already received, most of the "heavy
lifting" is being done behind the scene in variables rather than in
text fields, the screen is being locked during times that seem
appropriate and I've spread around a few "wait 1 with messages" to
help keep the program responsive to user input. Furthermore, I only
see a real problem when working with data exceeding 10-15,000 records
on a given run.

With that said...

Assuming it is possible under the circumstances, how might I go about
cutting back the sometimes extended periods of time where there is a
full load on the CPU, allowing them to continue working on other

Any advice at all is greatly appreciated.

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Re: A chunking mystery

2008-03-15 Thread David Coker
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 2:01 AM, Jim Ault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > David Coker wrote:
>  >>   repeat for each line thisLine in tSource
>  >> if item 2 of line 1 of tSource = "0" then
>  >>   delete line 1 of tSource
>  >> end if
>  >>   end repeat
>  I am not sure exactly what you are trying to but your repeat is not going to
>  work the way you have it  structured.
>  First, if you want to use repeat for this, follow Phil's suggestions.
>  Secondly, there may be an easier way to do the task I think you want.
>  Assuming the itemDel is a tab then
>  filter tSource without ("*" & tab & "0" & tab & "*")
>  or commas
>  filter tSource without ("*,0,*")
>  --of course, this will delete lines with any 0 in item 2 through the second
>  to last.  This may or may not be a problem for your data set.
>  Both methods are virtually instant, so don't worry about speed.
>  Hope this helps
>  Jim Ault
>  Las Vegas

Thanks Jim for the heads up about how to use the "filter" command!
That's some territory I haven't ever been in and will now always
consider it for similar purposes.

One of the best lessons I'm learning with this is that there are just
so MANY different ways to do cool stuff in Rev, it's almost mind

Much appreciated sir,
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Re: A chunking mystery

2008-03-15 Thread David Coker
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 11:20 PM, Phil Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi David,
>  I don't know if this is the total answer to your problem, but you're
>  mixing "repeat" forms.
>  Using the "repeat for each" form, you would normally examine the
>  contents of the line variable you named in the repeat. But your code
>  always check line 1 of the 'parent' container instead.
>  Try this:
> repeat for each line thisLine in tSource
> if item 2 of thisLine <> "0" then
>   put tThisLine & cr after tCleanSource
> end if
>  end repeat
>  delete last char of tCleanSource -- the trailing CR
>  Or if you want to use the "repeat with" form, try this:
>  repeat with x = the number of lines in tSource down to 1
> if item 2 of line x of tSource = "0" then
>   delete line x of tSource
> end if
>  end repeat
>  In the 2nd example, it's safest to go from end to beginning of the data
>  since you're deleting lines by their line number. Going from start to
>  end will cause the loop to skip a line whenever one is deleted.
>  Also, the first example will be faster. The larger your file, the more
>  you'll see the difference in speed.
>  Take care -
>  Phil Davis

Hello folks,
This is the first time I've had available to revisit this, but
certainly want to again thank you all for the suggestions.

Looks like Phil and Scott both came up with almost identical
solutions, so I'm gonna start working right there. As a side note, I
guess I'll need to spend some more time in the doc's doing a bit of
trial and error to better understand how the loops work in Rev.

>>Going from start to end will cause the loop
>>to skip a line whenever one is deleted.

Now there's a real "AhHa!" moment...

Thanks a bunch!
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Re: A chunking mystery

2008-03-14 Thread David Coker
>>Have you considered converting to tab-delimited instead of back to CSV?

Hi Richard,
Yes sir, that is something I have considered for sure and may decide
to go that route. Since the majority of the data files we use are in
csv, I just started with that rather than having to open and resave
each file in Excel prior to processing.

For the version I'm building for my own use here at the office, the
final data must be in CSV in order to be usable with our business
system, but the more generic version that I hope to offer to others
eventually, does already have a final conversion feature to choices of
csv, tabbed and piped formats.

>>With my WebMerge product I have to handle just about any delimited
columnar format...

Heh, although I haven't had the need to use it in quite some time, I'm
actually one of you registered users.

A nice piece of work there! :)

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Re: Calling all Newbies (and gurus)

2008-03-14 Thread David Coker
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 8:26 AM, Heather Nagey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  You can now buy this day as a one day training course, even if you
>  can't make the rest of the conference.
>  You long-standing list members and Revolution Gurus, keep reading,
>  this day is for you too! We're running Open Kitchen sessions all day,
>  with all the conference presenters and staff members we can round up
>  and lock in a room, so that they can help you with one on one
>  expertise and hands on demonstrations of how to figure out that
>  obscure bit of coding that's been bugging you.
>  Just a heads up. This is your conference, arranged for your benefit,
>  so if you've been binning the promos and ignoring the newsletter
>  articles, give it one more look and ask yourself, can I afford to
>  miss this? Instead of writing to support or this list with your
>  technical bafflements, get real life instruction from the experts.
>  Ask anyone on this list who has been to a conference before, whether
>  it was worth the money, time and effort. Email is great, the Internet
>  is wonderful, books and tutorials are indispensable, but there is
>  nothing beats real interaction with real people.
>  Hope to see you there!
>  Warm Regards,
>  Heather
>  Heather Nagey
>  Customer Services Manager
>  Runtime Revolution Ltd
>  ___
>  use-revolution mailing list
>  Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

Hello Heather,
I could certainly use some professional quality training and badly
need an upgrade from Rev Studio 2.5.1, so I've had my eye on the
conference, since the "goodie bag" with a new version of Studio would
help considerably... unfortunately, the date of the conference is
during our busiest time of the year here in our office.

...I don't suppose the "goodie bag" applies to the pre-conference event does it?

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Re: A chunking mystery

2008-03-14 Thread David Coker
>  Consider (for starters) what happens if you have embedded commas in a
>  line like this:
>  "Los Angeles, CA",0,1
>  Column 3 in your CSV file is "1"
>  Item 3 is "0"
>  = Trouble!

You are certainly correct there, my friend!
In this case though, as part of the "process" for the raw source files
that are already in a somewhat usable CSV format, I first convert the
data into a piped "|" format, then strip out any extra quotes and
commas *and* shuffle the target field up to the 2nd item position.
Afterwards, I convert the data back to CSV format before doing any
additional processing. Ultimately, there are only three fields that I
am concerned with from a data processing viewpoint and everything else
in a given line just gets shuffled toward the right and ignored.

To the best of my ability, I've analyzed the resulting data and the
target fields are in the correct location, without any extra quotes
and/or commas. Since the data comes from several sources and I've had
similar results using a tab for the delimiter, Richmond may be on to
something in regards to what the Rev engine is actually "seeing".
Certainly must be considered and ruled out I think.

There again, as others have suggested, it may just be that some lines
are being skipped in certain cases due to the poor format of my repeat

Thanks for the ideas folks. Truly appreciated!
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Re: A chunking mystery

2008-03-14 Thread David Coker
>  I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to test, but your repeat loop seems
>  a little off. Perhaps you intended something like this (assuming tSource is
>  a variable containing the text of a field):
>repeat with N = number of lines of tSource down to 1
>  if item 2 of line N of tSource = "0" then delete line N of tSource
>end repeat
>  Another option (assemble text in a new variable):
>repeat for each line thisLine in tSource
>  if item 2 of thisLine <> "0" then put thisLine & cr after tFilteredText
>end repeat
>delete last char of tFilteredText
>-- do something with tFilteredText
>  Each of the above should result in removal of any lines in the source text
>  that contain 0 in item 2 of the line.  Another thing to check is that you're
>  using the appropriate itemDelimiter (comma is the default, but you can set
>  the itemDelimiter to another character).
>  If the above is not what you're after, you might need to explain what is
>  actually stored in tSource.

Hello Scott,

I'm sorry, I just didn't think to mention that I'm moving the data
from the text field into a temporary variable before processing.
Perhaps I should add some details as to what I'm trying to accomplish
as well.

I'm working with large datasets (sometimes over 80,000 records) that
originate from a variety of sources, often in different formats (CSV,
Tabbed,etc.) and all of which with just a few columns of data that
would be common to each and of interest to me. I've added enough
"smarts" to the app where I can preselect certain options based on
where the file originated (delimiters and positioning of the data
being analyzed), as well as how the data must be handled accordingly.

In this case, the zero represents a "code" indicating that the item
has been discontinued and is no longer available, so I just want to
remove those items from the source entirely. This is just a tiny
fraction of the overall processing that must be done.

Basically, I'm just trying to automate the same general processes that
I would otherwise go through using Excel, for example. This is my
first real attempt to do heavy data processing with Rev (and chunking
to a large degree), so most of what I'm doing is simple trial and

I really appreciate everyone's input and will start trying some of the
suggestions to see what works best.

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A chunking mystery

2008-03-13 Thread David Coker
Hello folks,
I have a handler built that does nothing more than checking for a zero
in a specific item located in a scrolling text field and if found,
deletes the entire line. It seemed to work flawlessly with all of the
test files that I had chosen to work with while building the app. No
problem, I thought.

Then I started using an assortment of real data (all CSV format, with
the target item in the same location), only to find that I was getting
unreliable results. I have a fairly large data file where the app
always works, yet another much smaller one that the target zeros are
almost ignored. I can mix and match sample data from both files and
get varied results. I've even tried sorting the field to get them up
to the top of the file, but that doesn't seem to make a difference.

  repeat for each line thisLine in tSource
if item 2 of line 1 of tSource = "0" then
  delete line 1 of tSource
end if
  end repeat

The sample files I'm using came from different sources, but are
otherwise identical in general composition, structure and delimited
format. Any ideas as to what I need to be looking for? Still using the
2.51 studio version. (bummer!)

I'd totally appreciate any boost in the right direction.
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Re: [OT] "They Criticized Vista. And They Should Know."

2008-03-12 Thread David Coker
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Richard Gaskin
> Chipp Walters wrote:
>  > IMO, one of the most interesting parts of the new Office interface, is it's
>  > complete disdain for the past. In fact, ask any user of pre-2007 Office how
>  > to simply Open or Print a document, and they're confounded. The old "File,
>  > Edit, ..." menu structure is just GONE. Completely. Replaced by a round
>  > bubble with 1970 pop graphics on it, which doesn't even look like a button.
>  > By my calculation, they saved around 70 pixels in the menu area. Love to
>  > been a fly on the wall in THAT meeting!

I work for an Internet based company that is much to my discontent, a
true blue "Windows shop. As such, I recently purchased Office 2007
primarily for use for the times I have to do work while at home. After
getting accustomed to using it, I actually prefer the "ribbon
navigation system. With that said, I can only think of two compelling
reasons to jump into Office 2007 otherwise:

1. When the company owner starts sending you business documents that
you cannot open, that seem to be very compelling...

2. The expansion of Excel 2007 to accommodate a million rows of data
in the same sheet. You can say goodbye to the need to labor at
splitting large data files into multiple documents just to get real
work done efficiently!

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Re: Sorting a large field of data

2008-03-10 Thread David Coker
>  You could easily add a checkbox so the users could decide whether they
>  wanted to watch or to have it happen fast.

...and that is a perfectly great idea!

...maybe nothing quite as ordinary as a little checkbox. Instead, how
about a nice, shiny Turbo Button!

Heh, heh... I just finally started locking things down on the
interface last evening and here I go again, trying to visualize an
overhaul to simple little things like the design, layout -and-
internals. ;)

Oh well :/

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Re: Sorting a large field of data

2008-03-10 Thread David Coker
Thank you all very much!
The problem with the sort routine is history, so now I'll look around
the code to see if I can improve overall performance. (I appreciate
the link Sarah!)

This might be an uphill battle for the remaining performance issues,
due to the nature of what I'm putting together. Although it's faster
to do all of the processing "behind the scene" in variables and such,
in this case I prefer to allow the user to see most of what's going
on. It's almost mesmerizing to watch this program work in real time,
so the marketing value sems like it might offset the overall speed I

...besides, that leaves the doors open for a "Pro" version a little
later for those that don't want to waste any time. ;)

Thanks again good folks!


On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Sarah Reichelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:24 AM, David Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Sure enough, after putting the field into a variable first, it helped a 
> LOT!
>  >  Thank you very much, Eric!
>  >
>  >  >>>without locking the screen
>  >
>  >  I'm not I understand exactly *how* to lock the screen before doing my
>  >  processing and maybe more importantly, what effect does that have on
>  >  performance?
>  Since Eric is probably asleep at this time :-) I thought I would chime in 
> here.
>  Locking the screen is a common technique when a large graphical update
>  is going to happen e.g. creating, moving or deleting lots of objects
>  or changing the data in a large field or many small fields. You just
>  issue the command "lock screen". When the handler is finished, it will
>  unlock the screen automatically, but if you want the new display to
>  appear before then, just use "unlock screen". In certain cases, this
>  will cause a dramatic increase in speed as the engine only has to
>  display the graphics once rather than after every change.
>  Note that the term "lock screen" is rather a misnomer as only the
>  current window is actually locked.
>  There used to be a HyperCard stack detailing many ways to speed up
>  scripts and that helped me a lot. A while ago, I compiled a Revolution
>  equivalent which you can find here
>  <>. That might give you some more
>  ideas on speeding up your scripts.
>  Cheers,
>  Sarah
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Re: Sorting a large field of data

2008-03-09 Thread David Coker
Sure enough, after putting the field into a variable first, it helped a LOT!
Thank you very much, Eric!

>>>without locking the screen

I'm not I understand exactly *how* to lock the screen before doing my
processing and maybe more importantly, what effect does that have on

Inquiring minds want to know. (Actually, this inquiring mind wants to
learn for the future!)

Best Regards,

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 4:43 AM, Eric Chatonet
> Hi David,
>  Just a thought:
>  Do you put your field into a variable before sorting it and put it
>  back when processed?
>  I suspect also that you modify permanently data in the field itself,
>  without locking the screen and this might explain a high CPU usage
>  when redrawing.
>  Le 9 mars 08 à 10:10, David Coker a écrit :
>  > Hello,
>  > I have an application that I'm working on that requires that I sort a
>  > text field containing in some cases, over 10,000 lines during
>  > processing. While this doesn't seem to big of an issue for a computer
>  > with more robust specifications, it's a bit problematic on those that
>  > are not quite as powerful.
>  >
>  > Even while using "wait 1 with messages", when I begin the sort routine
>  > on my smaller machine, it runs the CPU up to 100 percent and any other
>  > interaction with the program causes the interface elements to
>  > completely white out. Once the sort is finished, CPU goes back and the
>  > interface is ready to use again during the remaining operations.
>  >
>  > Any ideas as to how to make improvements here?
>  >
>  > I'm using Rev 2.5.1 on Win XP
>  >
>  > Thanks,
>  > David
>  Best regards from Paris,
>  Eric Chatonet.
>  Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
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Sorting a large field of data

2008-03-09 Thread David Coker
I have an application that I'm working on that requires that I sort a
text field containing in some cases, over 10,000 lines during
processing. While this doesn't seem to big of an issue for a computer
with more robust specifications, it's a bit problematic on those that
are not quite as powerful.

Even while using "wait 1 with messages", when I begin the sort routine
on my smaller machine, it runs the CPU up to 100 percent and any other
interaction with the program causes the interface elements to
completely white out. Once the sort is finished, CPU goes back and the
interface is ready to use again during the remaining operations.

Any ideas as to how to make improvements here?

I'm using Rev 2.5.1 on Win XP

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Re: making it run with Dreamcard Player

2006-01-09 Thread David Coker
Hello Sieg,
Here's a shot in the dark... You might want to make sure that the DC
Player is not in secure mode (the default status) and try running you
stack again. I *think* that the default security mode will not allow
writing to the drive.

You can access the security properties in the player by clicking on
the Revolution Icon out beside the file folder icon.

Another option is to try Ken's "StackRunner" application in place of
the DC Player:


On 1/9/06, Sieg Lindstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I converted what used to be a Hypercard stack to a Revolution stack, revised
> it in Revolution to get all the proper Transcript in place, and it runs
> perfectly. Now I want to distribute it for others in my company to run using
> the Dreamcard Player.
> When I open the stack using Dreamcard Player it does not run the way it's
> supposed to, and even though I've included an instruction to "save this
> stack" on closeStack, no changes are saved.
> I understand that Revolution stacks saved as standalone apps are write-only.
> Is this also true of stacks being run using Dreamcard Player? My end users
> need to be able to revise fields in this stack and save their revisions. Is
> this possible?
> There is at least one other way in which the stack's behavior when run
> through Dreamcard Player varies from the way it runs through Revolution, but
> I guess I should iron them out one at a time.
> Can anyone recommend a good reference source for issues one needs to
> consider to make a Revolution stack run correctly using Dreamcard Player?
> Thanks in advance for any advice.
> SL
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Re: [OT] ButtonGadget2 for the Mac.

2005-12-21 Thread David Coker
Hello Chipp,
I've kind of been waiting for an official announcement for your
Interface Designer and have yet to see it listed at the main altuit
site, so maybe I've missed something...

Using the link below, are we good to go?


On 12/21/05, Chipp Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> btw, the entire interface (sans logo and reflections on right) was done
> with the latest version of Interface Designer.
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Re: Chunking, Array's and I've lost my mind...

2005-12-15 Thread David Coker
> The easiest & fastest method is to use the "repeat for each" loop,
> which would go like this:
> on mouseUp
>   repeat for each char tCurrentLetter in field "Phrase"
>   -- do something with it
>   end repeat
> end mouseUp
> "repeat for each" works by setting the loop variable to the next
> specified chunk each time through the loop. It is really fast and
> while the syntax takes a bit of getting used to, it will pay off if
> you can make yourself use it.
> HTH,
> Sarah
> not even thinking about giggling :-)

Arrrgh... and to think I was SO close in my earlier attempts.
I've been digging through the documentation and Dan's book all evening
and knew that "repeat for each" was what I needed... just couldn't get
the syntax quite right.

As far as the giggling goes, have at it! ...I'm accustomed to it and
don't mind a bit. =)

Thank you very much Sarah!

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Re: image export

2005-12-15 Thread David Coker
On 12/15/05, Rick Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know I've seen the answer to this before, in fact recently, but I
> can't find the answer now.
> How do you export an image from a card to the clipboard so I can paste
> it into an image edit app.
> Thanks
> Rick

Hey Rick, here's what I found in the doc's for ya:

To copy the contents of an image in a handler or the message box, use
a statement like the following:

  set the clipboardData["image"] to image "Bulb"

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Chunking, Array's and I've lost my mind...

2005-12-15 Thread David Coker
Hi folks,
In the best tradition of newbie's everywhere, I'm stuck without the
benefit of an "AhHa!" moment... Basically, I'm pleading for help.

I'm trying to iterate through the contents of a text field (of varied
length), acting on each character. As my script below shows, I can get
the first character with no problems and have got the "Do something
with it" part working like it should. Just can't figure out how to do
the same for each remaining character in the field.

on mouseUp
  repeat for the number of chars in field "Phrase"
get the first char of field "Phrase"
put it into tCurrentLetter

--Do something with it---

  get the next char of field "Phrase" <<-- Problem starts here

  end repeat
end mouseUp

All giggling aside from the more experienced folks out there (got my
eye on ya), I could use a little a boost here, please. :)

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Re: You're Right -- It was HARSH

2005-12-12 Thread David Coker
On 12/12/05, Sarah Reichelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I for one am *glad* to have newbies on the list, because whenever I see
> > someone post who hasn't posted before, that shows that the Rev user base
> ie
> > expanding. And as they ask questions and get more knowledgeable, they in
> > turn evangelize to others and even more newbies appear. And so it goes.
> >
> > Additionally, questions asked by newbies (and non-newbies) may seem to
> an
> > experienced developer to have a "simple" answer, but by the time the
> thread
> > is over, *everyone* has gotten something out of it (different
> approaches,
> > more efficient ways to do the same thing, "gotchas" that we should be
> aware
> > of, etc.).
> >
> I completely agree with Ken's opinion on this, so I guess that makes 4
> cents :-)
> Sarah

...and on behalf of all the clueless newb's everywhere, Ken & Sarah, we
thank you!

President - C.N.C.O.A (Clueless Newbie's Club Of America)

=) =) =)
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Re: More on Clocks...

2005-12-05 Thread David Coker
Hello Andre,
I'll bet you are right! I'm running Rev version 2.51 and I'd guess that
stackrunner was built with the latest version. Looks like I'll be needing an
upgrade soon. ;-)


On 12/5/05, Andre Garzia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dave,
> can you be using Rev 2.5 or 2.2 and stackrunner be built with 2.6?
> Cheers
> andre
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