Re: OT: shell access in on-rev - please do not complain anymore

2009-05-04 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Matthias, wrote:

Okay, if there would be the possibility to use some command line tools like 
magick this would be fine.
But i, for one, want a system, which is not vulnerable because everyone gets 
(full) shell access.
When I see the words full shell access I get the impression you are 
referring to root access.  But I don't think anyone is expecting that on 
a shared hosting system.  A normal (non-root) account using a normal 
shell is not anywhere near as powerful (or dangerous) as a root account 
is.  The entire Unix/Linux operating system is designed to separate 
those two classes of users.

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Django with On-Rev Using CGI

2009-05-04 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Folks,

Here is a quick post that shows how to install Django (and several other 
packages) and configure it to work with your On-Rev account.


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Re: Joining 2 images

2009-05-04 Thread Gordon Tillman

David Bovill wrote:

Gordon - if there is any chance you adding a very brief description of what
you managed to compile and the shell commands you used to the On-Rev forum -
or just post it here - it would be a great help?

David I'm writing it up now and will post a link shortly.

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Re: Joining 2 images

2009-05-04 Thread Gordon Tillman

David Bovill wrote:

Good grief! Looks like the On-Rev hosting is really stripped down to a bare
bones minimum. What happens if you type any of the following at the command

   - make --version
   - svn --version

David here is the output from those commands:

# make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for i686-redhat-linux-gnu

# svn --version
svn, version 1.4.2 (r22196)
  compiled Sep  1 2008, 06:37:46

Copyright (C) 2000-2006 CollabNet.
Subversion is open source software, see
This product includes software developed by CollabNet 

The following repository access (RA) modules are available:

* ra_dav : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV (DeltaV) protocol.
 - handles 'http' scheme
 - handles 'https' scheme
* ra_svn : Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol.
 - handles 'svn' scheme
* ra_local : Module for accessing a repository on local disk.
 - handles 'file' scheme

I think the problems can be traced to the fact that our accounts are 
using jailshell instead of, say, bash!!!

# echo $SHELL

I was able to compile and install (in my own directory) a couple of 

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Re: Django with On-Rev Using CGI

2009-05-04 Thread Gordon Tillman

David Bovill wrote:

Fab! Have not used Django in a few years - have some Rev scripts hanging
around somewhere that would parse / create  Django XML files... by the way
what do you like about Mercurial? I've just moved over to GIT, but not had a
look at Mercurial?
David I've never used Git, so I can't comment on that one, but I've used 
CVS and SVN extensively over the years.  It took me just a short while 
to get my head around the Mercurial way to do things (which is probably 
very similar to Git). 

It's dead-easy to install and configure and to start a new repository.  
I really like the mindset of committing your changes before pulling and 
merging stuff from other developer's, as opposed to updating from a 
central repository first, merging/fixing conflicts, then committing. 

I like the flexibility of how you can publish changes.  You can use the 
built-in web server to browse and pull changes.  You can email changes.  
You can grab them via SSH, etc.  Very nice.  The command line interface 
is very simple and the built-in help is great.

Performance is very fast and there is no problem at all with binary 
files, even large ones.

There is a youtube video here: from one of the lead 
developer's that is interesting.

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Re: the user's name under OSX

2008-12-19 Thread Gordon Tillman
Scott in 10.5 that information is stored in Directory Services.  The  
dscl command is used to interact with that.  For example:

$ dscl . -read /Users/gordy RealName
 Gordon Tillman

(that's me!)


On Dec 19, 2008, at 06:07, Scott Morrow wrote:

I'm trying to get the user's name under OSX. I can get the  
environment variable


but this only returns the user's short name.  Any ideas for getting  
the full name?

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Re: Time Server

2008-07-27 Thread Gordon Tillman
Mark I know you can talk to an SNTP server with telnet.  Here I just  
did the following:

$ telnet 13
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

54674 08-07-27 14:50:55 50 0 0 340.9 UTC(NIST) *
Connection closed by foreign host.


On Jul 27, 2008, at 09:32, Mark Schonewille wrote:


_Any_ clues (except for referring to the RFC, about which I already  
know) to get me started with an SNTP client?

When I connect to an NTP server, I simply get no response  
whatsoever. How do I connect to a server and get any kind of  
response from it, so at least I know that there was a connection?

I'll be happy with any answer.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See 
 for more info.

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Re: Regular Expression Question

2007-07-10 Thread Gordon Tillman

Len try this in the message box:

put approved_by_code into tFind
get matchText(tFind, ^(.*?)[^_]*$, p1)
put len(p1)

that outputs 12.  And with a string that contains no _ it outputs 0


On Jul 10, 2007, at 09:55, Len Morgan wrote:

I need to find the last matching character offset of a string  
withing another string.  The offset function only gives me the  
first one.  Is there a function I'm missing (like offset from end  
of string) or a one or two liner I can use?


approved_by_code - I'm looking for the offset to the second _  
character so the result should be 12 in this example.  It is also  
possible that there will only be one _ character in which case,  
that is the offset I want.

Thanks in advance!

Len Morgan
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Re: Sorting lines

2007-05-29 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Matthias,

On May 29, 2007, at 12:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


i have textfile, which contains data. Each line of this text file  
contains serveral values, which are separated by ;.
Each line has the  same number of values. My problems is, that i  
have to sort the lines by one of the values, in this case by the  
value of the 4th field.

My textfile looks something like this. There are about 42 fields  
per line.

and so on

I have to sort the textfile by the 4th value (the names). I need  
all lines with the same name in field4 one below the other -  
similar like this:

just read the contents of the file into a variable.  then do  
something like this (suppose the variable tlines has the data from  
the file):

set the itemDelimiter to ;
sort lines of tlines by item 4 of each

Then write it back out to the file.


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Re: calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-13 Thread Gordon Tillman

JB you can try something like this... for example, in the message box:

convert 1918,9,18,0,0,0,0 from dateItems to dateItems
put it

This returns:


Note how it fixes the day of the week in the date items to 4  

Alternatively you can specify the output as something like this:

convert 1918,9,18,0,0,0,0 from dateItems to long date
put it

This returns:

Wednesday, September 18, 1918

But be sure and read the note for convert because I think there are  
some limitations if you are running on Windows.


On Feb 13, 2007, at 14:44, jbv wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know of a function to find out, for instance, which day of
week was sept. 18th 1918 or which day of week will be dec. 5th 2025 ?


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Re: matchText

2007-01-21 Thread Gordon Tillman

On Jan 21, 2007, at 09:23, Robert Mann wrote:

but I just relized that it is also selecting any strings that have  

pattern, is there a way to only select exact matches?

Robert you just need to add a bit to the regular expression part to  
tell it that you want to match the entire string.

For example:

matchText(record_id,^record_id$)  -- returns true


matchText(orig_record_id,^record_id$)  -- returns false

The ^ at the start of the regex binds whatever follows to the very  
beginning of the string. The $ at the end of the regex binds  
whatever comes before it to the very end of the string.

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Re: matchText

2007-01-21 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Robert,

On Jan 21, 2007, at 11:14, Robert Mann wrote:

Don't think I am getting the syntext correct this is returning nothing
tword1 and tword are both variables

Yep for the second argument to the matchText() function, you need to  
construct the regular expression so that it contains ^ as the first  
character, followed by the contents of your variable, followed by the  
$ character.  In RR you can concatenate strings with the   
operator, so you could do something like this for your second argument:

^  tword  $

For your first argument, you would just your tword1 by itself.  If  
you put it in quotes like in your example, you are matching the  
literal string tword1.

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Re: Copy images

2006-09-03 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Sue,

Is it possible to copy an image (png format) that has been placed  
as a referenced control to the clipboard?

Thanks is advance!

I just tried this and it worked:

put binfile:   the fileName of control id 1003 into tURL
get URL tURL
set the clipboardData[image] to it

(NOTE: in my little example control id 1003 is the referenced control)


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Re: Simple Myst-Like Application

2006-08-24 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Graeme!

Just got back to the office and saw your email.  Looks like some  
other folks have kindly chimed in with clarification and details.   
(This is a great mailing list!)


On Aug 24, 2006, at 09:34, Graeme Harlick wrote:


So what I do is:

In the Stack script I put:

global gUserpoints

on openStack
  put 0 into gUserpoints
end openStack

Then on the top of every Card script:

global gUserpoints

And if it is a point awarding card:

global gUserpoints
add 10 to gUserpoints

And if its a point awarding button

on mouseDown
add 10 to gUserpoints
end mouseDown

Then I have a field at the bottom of the screen where the score  
adds up, so I set the contents of that field to gUserpoints? Would  
you know how to do this?  Also in the last example, how could I  
make it work only ONE time, so that the user won't click on it  
again and get 20,30,40 ptsand so on.

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Re: Simple Myst-Like Application

2006-08-23 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Graeme,

On Aug 23, 2006, at 21:34, Graeme Harlick wrote:

How and where would I put the code so that the points don't get  
lost going from screen to screen, and also what code would I use to  
set variables so that users can explore freely and find hidden  
areas non-sequentially?

No worries!  One way would be to declare a global variable at the top  
of each card's script that needs to access your points.   By  
convention, you would name the variable starting with a letter  
g (for global).  For example:

At the top of  your stack script:

global gUserPoints

Then in your on preOpenStack handler or on openStack handler:

put 0 into gUserPoints

If you store the values away somewhere when they exit and come back  
into the game, you can set a different value into your variable:

put pointsSoFar into gUserPoints

Then, at the top of each of your card scripts that need to access  
this variable again use:

global gUserPoints

So the user now does something on this card to earn 10 additional  

add 10 to gUserPoints

You get the point

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Re: Dumb question about external development

2006-05-05 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy JB,

On May 5, 2006, at 03:56, jbv wrote:

I was wondering : with the new Intel Macs and all the
universal binaries stuff, does it make any sense to
imagine that external development for Rev could consist
in 1 single source code  compilation for all platforms
(at least Win  Mac) as long as it doesn't use any OS specific

I do think this is possible, even if you do have to make OS specific  
calls... in fact, it's on my to do list of things to try.

Right now, with my RR externals, I build the Mac side using XCode.  I  
build the Win32 side using CodeWarrior (hosted on my Mac, but  
compiling/linking for Windows).

I believe it is possible to compile for the Win32 platform from  
inside XCode, if one configures it correctly.  XCode uses the gcc  
compiler which can compile for the x86 platform.  So it would be a  
matter of configuring the Win32 target to (1) compile for the x86  
platform and (2) link with the win32 libraries.

The issue as I see it is learning the details of configuring XCode  
properly to do this, and that is the thing I need to research better.

It would be absolutely grand to get this working, for then it would  
be a snap to build externals for all supported platforms.

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Re: imagedata in Word XML

2006-03-17 Thread Gordon Tillman
Henk I wrote an exporter for JasperReports that can save to WordML  
format.  This is in Java, no no help with RunRev.  But I can tell you  
that the information is not in pure imageData format.  The  
information in WordML is a base-64 encoded PNG or JPEG, or whatever.

Well, even though you decode the information from the WordML file,  
now you have a binary representation of a PNG or JPEG, etc., and that  
is not in a format proper for imageData, which is an array of 4-byte  
integers, each integer representing one pixel.  You will have to  
base-64 decode the information in the WordML file and then read it in  
as if you were reading an image file off a disk, etc.  This will  
decompress the information that is encoded in the file and then you  
can use the result as imageData.


On Mar 17, 2006, at 13:50, Henk van der Velden wrote:

Good day all,

Word 2003 and newer can save as XML. If there is an image in the  
doc, it's binary data are saved in one of the nodes of an XML tree  

Now I want a Revolution stack to read these XML documents. I  
assumed the binary image data to be base-64 encoded. But when I  
decode the content of the node containing the binary image data,  
and set the imageData of an image in the Rev stack to it, I get a  
messy picture.
I have also tried to base-64 encode the imageData of an image in a  
Rev stack and paste it into a node containing binary image data in  
a Word XML file. But then Word doesn't understand the data.

Is there anyone who knows how Word's binary image data can be used  
in Rev?

Kind regards,
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Re: In-line Fraction with Horizontal Line

2006-03-06 Thread Gordon Tillman
Mark it may be possible to generate an image on the fly of your  
equation and display that.  Also, if the kind folks at Altuit would  
update the altBrowser plugin to use the Gecko rendering engine (ala  
Firefox), you could use MathML and get *great* equation rendering!


On Mar 6, 2006, at 20:55, Mark Greenberg wrote:

Use inline images.  Need too many images to cover possible slopes.

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Re: There's a fly (or two) in my ointment

2006-02-22 Thread Gordon Tillman
Bob I don't think this is a Rev issue.  I have noticed this same  
problem from any applications that I run in (Ubuntu) Linux.  I don't  
know if this also applies to other Linux distributions.


On Feb 22, 2006, at 14:15, Bob Warren wrote:

1) When Rev applications in (Ubuntu) Linux quit, they clear the  

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Re: SMTP Proxy in Rev?

2006-02-20 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Dan,

On Feb 20, 2006, at 18:05, Dan Shafer wrote:

I have a colleague who wants to build what amounts to an SMTP proxy
that sits between a standard email client, listens on the proper port
for output, pre-processes email, and then sends it out to a
pre-defined SMTP server. Minimal UI.

I imagine this would not be difficult to do so long as you are able  
to specify to your client that they configure their email program to  
talk to your SMTP proxy application.   For example, if your proxy  
app is running on the same client computer as the one running the  
email program they would want to update their email prefs to use  
something like localhost as the address of the SMTP server.  That  
way your Rev app would just have to listen to port 25 and be able to  
speak SMTP (which is a very simple protocol).

One consideration - on any Unix-based system (including OSX), your  
process must have root privileges to bind to any port under (I think)  

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Re: Difficulty using shell in Ubuntu Linux

2006-02-08 Thread Gordon Tillman

On Feb 8, 2006, at 08:03, Bob Warren wrote:

I am using Ubuntu Linux (#5.04 - Hoary Hedgehog)*** with Rev 2.6.1.
No matter what I try, I cannot get the function/commands shell,  
launch or open process to work. I have checked that the path to  
the standalone folder for launching is correct (by displaying its  
files), messing about with the default folder, putting the program  
path into a Global variable, etc., etc., all to no avail.

Do these commands work in other versions of Linux?
Is similar failure the experience of other Ubuntu users?


Bob I'm running on the same build of Ubuntu and the shell command  
works fine for me.  Check something... in the message box enter:

put the shellCommand

Make sure is it set to something valid.  Mine is set to /bin/sh

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Re: Difficulty using shell in Ubuntu Linux

2006-02-08 Thread Gordon Tillman

Stephen I don't think so..

On Feb 8, 2006, at 13:11, Stephen Barncard wrote:

just a thought - does one have to be 'root' or at least set some  
permissions to use shell?

I'm using it from a non-root account, although it *is* an account  
that can sudo if it needs to execute something as root for a single  

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2006-02-05 Thread Gordon Tillman

Scott my favorite FTP program is Fetch.  Here is the URL:

Supports both regular and secure FTP (which is what you need if you  
want to FTP via SSL).


On Feb 5, 2006, at 15:24, Scott Kane wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm after a basic FTP client for OSX.  I know
Rev supports this, but I don't seem to be able
to find an Rev written product that includes
listing of the local folders and the server
folders.  Any thoughts greatly appreciated,
as I don't have time right now to write one...

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Re: Addition-Elementary Style

2006-01-25 Thread Gordon Tillman

Michael you can do something like this:

Let's suppose your 8 fields are named f1 through f8 and you want  
the sum in a field named f9.  You can say

put (field f1 + field f2 + ... + field f8) into field f9


On Jan 25, 2006, at 15:03, Michael Mandaville wrote:

Revolution brothers and sisters,
On the basis that the most stupid question is the one left unasked,  
I throw

myself on the pyre with this question:

I have eight multiple text fields.  Numbers will go into these  
fields.  I

want all the numbers to add up and go into the Ninth field.

Add field1+field2+field3 [etc.,} and put into field Total

Add field Timeneed + Effort + People [etc.,] and put into field Total

I have searched the documentation and tried a dozen syntaxes but  
can't seem

to get something as fundamental to work.

Thank you.

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Re: Best modality for rather large stacks

2005-12-16 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Fred,

On Dec 16, 2005, at 13:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have to port a bunch of Hypercard Stacks over to Revolution. A  
stack contains 5000 cards with one background and about 50 fields.  
While these are
not huge stacks, they are big enough where if I simply port them as  
they are
to Revolution, searches will be glacially slow. I need to be able  
to search
quickly and see different views of the material. For example, one  
of the stacks
is my address stack. Most of the time I just need to find a  
person's name; at
other times, I need to see a list of everyone with a certain zip  
code, or a

list of those who responded to a mailing, etc.

Can anyone advise on the best mode? At the moment I am inclined to  
create a
one-card stack that links to a text file. In the text file, one  
line of text
would contain all of the data for one card. So to go to card 533  
the computer
would simply read line 533 of the text file, parse it, and set up  
the data
onto the fields.   This method seems really good as searches are  
very fast using
lineoffset, and if things get fouled up I can simply open the  
text file in
any word-processor and fix it. I also like the fact that I don't  
have to
continually save the stack -- in my script the text file would be  

updated as fields are changed, cards created/deleted.

I would recommend that you use the altSQLite external from http://

This external is a wrapper around the excellent SQLite database  
engine.  You can read more about SQLite here:

Works very well, is extremely fast, and can handle even much larger  
databases that what you are needing.  Plus it is less expensive than  
than the Valentina route.  The database file is also fully cross- 


Gordon Tillman

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Re: Apache Server with RunRev stacks doing the processing?

2005-11-20 Thread Gordon Tillman

Glenn you are very welcome,

On Nov 20, 2005, at 08:17, Glenn E. Fisher wrote:

Thanks for your post.  It works great on my old system G4 450 MHz  
OSX 10.3.9.

It's post like this that is what it is all about.
Thanks again,

Gotta tell ya: You take all the cool stuff that comes already  
installed in an OS X machine and combine that with RR being just drop- 
dead easy to use, there ain't no end to the things you can crank out...

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Re: Apache Server with RunRev stacks doing the processing?

2005-11-19 Thread Gordon Tillman

Morning Kee,

On Nov 19, 2005, at 07:36, kee nethery wrote:

I'm looking for a way to have an Apache server catch a request  
(will be using SOAP which is basically just a bunch of XML), feed  
it to a RunRev stack that I can debug using the RunRev development  
environment (ie not using a text file with XTalk in it), and then  
format a reply (more XML) and feed it back to the client that sent  
the request. I want to be able to watch the stack visually process  
the request so that I can step through the code as it processes a  
request and debug it quickly.

My preference is to run this on Mac OS X if that makes a difference  
and my preference is to use HTTPS as the transport method, not HTTP  
(which means I really do need to use Apache as the web server). Is  
anyone doing something like this OR does anyone have suggestions on  
how I might implement this.

Here's an idea --

Have your RunRev stack listen on some socket.  Pick one above 1024 so  
you don't need to run it as root.  The write a simple php script that  
is called from Apache.  The php script can open a socket connection  
to the RunRev stack, send the information to the stack over that  
socket, and let the stack process the information.  The stack will  
then send the results back to the php script which can then return  
the information.

Depending on how long you plan on playing with the stack, debugging  
it and what not, you may need to turn up some timeout values in Apache.


P.S. - If I get some time later today I will post a small sample for  

I'm assuming I'd set up HTTPS on Apache to catch the SOAP requests  
if that is possible. The question is how do I transfer the data  
that Apache receives to a RunRev stack and then how do I send it  
back? I do this today with Hypercard using Jason Sendman's  
acgiDispatcher that feeds Apache gathered data via AppleScript to  
an application stack but if there is a more elegant way to do this  
without going through AppleScript, that would be better. The main  
thing is I want to retain the RunRev development environment so  
that I can quickly modify and troubleshoot the code.

Suggestions and links welcome. Be happy to pay someone to walk me  
through this setup if that gets me up and running quickly.

Kee Nethery

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Re: Apache Server with RunRev stacks doing the processing?

2005-11-19 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Kee,

On Nov 19, 2005, at 08:52, kee nethery wrote:

P.S. - If I get some time later today I will post a small sample  
for you.

Yes please. Thanks.


OK, got a sample posted for you here:

It's the one called rr_test.  After you download and extract it you  
will see two files:


Make sure you have enabled PHP on your Mac.  Very simple to do. PHP  
is already installed.  Put the rr.php file somewhere you can get to  
it with your browser, for example, in your ~/Sites folder.

Open the rr_backend.rev stack in RR and click the Start Listening  

Then, using your web browser, load the rr.php file.  You can do it  
any number of ways.  For example, you can pass in arguments in the  
get string like this:


Or you can create another page with a form on it and have the form  
invoke the rr.php script.

This should get you started.  Both the php and the rr is very simple  
and you should be able to adapt it to any type of function that you  


P.S. - holler if questions
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Re: Google invite

2005-10-13 Thread Gordon Tillman



On Oct 13, 2005, at 10:08, Bill wrote:

Can someone send me a google invite?

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---\   /-
 ^ ^

24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
fax: (787) 809-8426

Blue Water Maritime
P.O. Box 91
Puerto Real, PR 00740

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Re: Running in Taskbar

2005-09-30 Thread Gordon Tillman

Morning Michael and Chipp!

On Sep 29, 2005, at 18:20, Michael D. wrote:

Thats sounds very handy tool, would you mind forwarding a copy to me ?

OK, I made a small test application to show how it is used, along  
with the .rev file used to create the stack, and the full source,  
xcode project files, and codewarrior projects files at this location:

Holler if you have any questions.

By the way, the reason there is also XCode build files for the  
external is because there is another function implemented in the same  
external for doing fast CRC32 calculations that is available for OS X  
and Win32.  The systray stuff is for Win32 of course.

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Re: system tray external.

2005-09-30 Thread Gordon Tillman

Hmmm, Chipp try this URL:

The other URL is supposed to load that page automatically  - that's  
what I get for using the .Mac HTML tool!  :-)


On Sep 30, 2005, at 11:40, Chipp Walters wrote:

All I get is a blank page :-)

Gordon Tillman wrote:

Morning Chipp!
On Sep 29, 2005, at 22:27, Chipp Walters wrote:

Hi Gordon,

I'd be interested in seeing your external, too. If you don't mind:-)


OK, got everything posted here:

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Re: Running in Taskbar

2005-09-29 Thread Gordon Tillman
I have an external that will do that for you.  I'll send you a copy  
of it if you like, along with some instructions for its use.


On Sep 29, 2005, at 17:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello everyone. I'm back this time with I feel a more legitimate   
question to
ask. I still can't believe it was the tape! I guess printer  tape  
is tricky

like that But anyway on to my question. Is it possible  to make a
revolution program run in the background or in the WINDOWS  task- 
bar? I'm trying to get
the program to monitor the keyboard, and  when a certain hotkey is  
pressed it

opens the main window. Does anyone have any  advice or ideas?

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Re: Running in Taskbar

2005-09-29 Thread Gordon Tillman

Will do Michael,

I'll send it first thing in the morning.  That code is at my office.   
I'll send you a bundle with a sample stack and the external.


On Sep 29, 2005, at 18:20, Michael D. wrote:

Thats sounds very handy tool, would you mind forwarding a copy to me ?

- Original Message -
From: Gordon Tillman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: Running in Taskbar

I have an external that will do that for you.  I'll send you a copy
of it if you like, along with some instructions for its use.


On Sep 29, 2005, at 17:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello everyone. I'm back this time with I feel a more legitimate
question to
ask. I still can't believe it was the tape! I guess printer  tape
is tricky
like that But anyway on to my question. Is it possible  to  
make a

revolution program run in the background or in the WINDOWS  task-
bar? I'm trying to get
the program to monitor the keyboard, and  when a certain hotkey is
pressed it
opens the main window. Does anyone have any  advice or ideas?

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Re: Building an External Command for WIndows

2005-09-29 Thread Gordon Tillman

Dave I have an external that I wrote that does a couple of minor things:
(1) fast crc 32 calculations (os x and windows)
(2) installs your run-rev app on the system tray (and removes it when  
it quits) and shows your app when the user clicks on the icon  
(windows only)

I use xcode to build the mac part (just wanted to try it out) and  
codewarrior for the windows part

If you like I'll zip the entire project folder and sent it to you.


On Sep 29, 2005, at 09:10, David Burgun wrote:


I've built an external command for MacOS X and it works great! I  
Now need to make it work for Windows. I can take care of the  
platform dependencies in the C/C++ code ok, in fact it's platform  
independant right now, but I am not sure what to use to build the  
project. I would like to use CodeWarrior on the Mac if this is  
possible (I have CodeWarrior 8.x, which supports Windows).

Is there a sample Project file for Windows Build anywhere?

Thanks a lot
All the Best
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Re: Building an External Command for WIndows

2005-09-29 Thread Gordon Tillman

OK Dave,

I have a download here: 

(sorry for the long URL -  you can instead go to http:// and click on the iDisk public  
folder link).  There is just a single file there called and it contains both the RunRevExternalSDK and  
the project folder I told you about.


On Sep 29, 2005, at 09:40, David Burgun wrote:

Thanks a lot, that would be just great!!!

All the Best

Dave I have an external that I wrote that does a couple of minor  

(1) fast crc 32 calculations (os x and windows)
(2) installs your run-rev app on the system tray (and removes it  
when it quits) and shows your app when the user clicks on the icon  
(windows only)

I use xcode to build the mac part (just wanted to try it out) and  
codewarrior for the windows part

If you like I'll zip the entire project folder and sent it to you.


On Sep 29, 2005, at 09:10, David Burgun wrote:


I've built an external command for MacOS X and it works great! I  
Now need to make it work for Windows. I can take care of the  
platform dependencies in the C/C++ code ok, in fact it's platform  
independant right now, but I am not sure what to use to build the  
project. I would like to use CodeWarrior on the Mac if this is  
possible (I have CodeWarrior 8.x, which supports Windows).

Is there a sample Project file for Windows Build anywhere?

Thanks a lot
All the Best
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Re: Unix scripting help

2005-09-29 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Chris,

On Sep 29, 2005, at 11:14, Chris Sheffield wrote:

I can't get this to go through for some reason.  So here it is again.

I hope I'm not totally off topic here.

I've got an installer in Rev that has to start a process under OS X  
using the shell function.  I'm able to get the process to start  
just fine using a command line script.  But the problem I'm having  
is this particular process does not return any value when started,  
and the shell command is not exiting because of this (at least  
that's what I assume is happening).  So my script just kind of  
hangs at that point.  The process I'm starting is the Valentina  
database server.

So what I'm looking for is a way to run my script, which starts the  
process, but include in my script something that says, Okay, I'm  
finished now, and will allow my handler to go on at that point.   
This is the current script I'm running with the shell function:

pw=[PasswordHere]  -- this is obtained earlier with an  
authentication dialog

echo $pw | sudo -S /Library/RNSEServer/RNSEServer 

What if you replaced this line as follows:

echo $pw | sudo -S /usr/bin/nohup /Library/RNSEServer/RNSEServer 

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Re: The Deadly Sins

2005-09-22 Thread Gordon Tillman

On Sep 22, 2005, at 12:00, Ken Norris wrote:

Hi Mark,

On Sep 21, 2005, at 11:06 PM, use-revolution- 

Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 21:12:05 -0700
From: Mark Wieder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Deadly Sins


I've had this filed away for a while and just rediscovered it...

What about Klingon Coding practices?

Say, where are those anyway? I can't find them :-/  I remember I  
tipped over my office chair and fell on the floor because of  
laughing so hard.

Top 10 things likely to be overheard if you had a Klingon Programmer:

A TRUE Klingon Warrior does not comment his code!
By filing this bug report you have challenged the honor of my family.  
Prepare to die!
You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you  

Our competitors are without honor!
Specifications are for the weak and timid!
This machine is GAGH! I need dual Pentium processors if I am to do  
battle with this code!

Perhaps it IS a good day to die! I say we ship it!
Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship  
it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

My program has just dumped Stova Core!
Behold, the keyboard of Kalis! The greatest Klingon code warrior that  
ever lived!

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Re: java?

2005-09-17 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Eric,

On Sep 17, 2005, at 00:55, Eric Engle wrote:

a) Whether and where an integrated visual IDE for java could be  
found -- of
course, ideally it would be like hypercard with a palette to choose  

elements (buttons, fields, movies, images) and for scripting them.
b) A simple java for compiling applets. I don't need or even want  
to make java
standalones! I want not to have to choose between the various  
possibilities that java offers -- all I want is to compile simple  
applets. If I
wanted to build standalone apps I would use hypercard/revolution  
for that. But

I don't think there is a good hypercard/revolution solution for online
distribution (i.e. you cannot yet run a stack from within a browser).

Why don't you download and install Netbeans 4.1 from http://

You do not need the version that includes the Sun Java Application  
Server (SJAS), just the regular version is fine.

I have done scads of development in Netbeans, so if you have  
questions getting started, contact me off-list and I'll give you my  

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Re: Displaying PDF - Help! Urgent!!

2005-09-14 Thread Gordon Tillman

Chris you are very welcome,

On Sep 14, 2005, at 03:04, Chris Carroll-Davis wrote:

Gordon - your code seems to work beautifully!  And Ken's point  
about the web link is also satisfied because if there is no app to  
display the PDF, Windows brings up a prompt to d/l software anyway.

Thanks again - a real life-saver!!

Just be sure and test with older windows OS's because I didn't have  
any handy to try it on.

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Re: Calculating points of a mega circle..

2005-09-13 Thread Gordon Tillman

Hi TJ,

Hi folks
 Anyone know how I would calculate the points of a circle given a  
number of required points and a massive radius. For example I'm  
looking to

generate a list of 7200 points that describe a circle with a radius of
 Any ideas how to go about this?
 - TJ

Something like this would do it...


function getCirclePoints pXOrigin, pYOrigin, pNumPoints, pRadius
local tIncr, tTheta, tTwoPi, tX, tY, tPoints
put pi * 2 into tTwoPi
put tTwoPi / pNumPoints into tIncr
put 0 into tTheta
repeat pNumPoints times
put pRadius * cos(tTheta) + pXOrigin into tX
put pRadius * sin(tTheta) + pYOrigin into tY
put tX  ,  tY  return after tPoints
add tIncr to tTheta
end repeat
return tPoints
end getCirclePoints

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Re: Revolution under Ubuntu Linux?

2005-08-25 Thread Gordon Tillman

Folks I agree with what Bob has written here:

Didn't you ask that same question a few days back? Or was it  
somebody else?

I am using Ubuntu Linux (with the Gnome interface), but not Kubuntu  

uses KDE).
RR 2.6 runs with absolutely no trouble on my machine, with no  
necessity for
the possible tuning that Pierre mentioned (though I'm not quite  
sure what
he meant by that). However, I haven't done any extensive  
programming in
Ubuntu yet, as my trial license for RR is about to run out, and I  

intend to buy it until the Linux altBrowser is available.

The only thing I had to do special was as follows:  I'm running  
Ubuntu on an AMD64 system.  Running RR worked just fine except that I  
couldn't connect to the MySQL database that I'm using.  I tracked the  
problem down to the fact that RR requires some external libraries for  
certain tasks.  And since RR is built for 32-bit systems, it needed  
the 32-bit libraries.

So the simple solution was just to set up a chroot environment for RR  
to run under.  Doing that corrected the problem and so now it plays  
nicely with the rest of the system.


P.S. - I would love to have a 64-bit RR build for Linux! :-)

P.P.S. - If anyone needs help setting up a chroot environment, please  
see my instructions here:

Much to my surprise, I found RR to be more visually attractive  
under Ubuntu
Linux than under Windows! However, I have also tried running RR  
under other
(KDE) versions of Linux, but none of them are as visually  
attractive as

Ubuntu. Sorry I can't give you more technical tips at the moment.


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Re: Revolution under Ubuntu Linux?

2005-08-25 Thread Gordon Tillman
If you are using Ubuntu, I recommend you install the Smeg  
application, which is a nice graphical way to add and edit menu items.

For an icon, just select the revapp.ico file in the Sample Icons folder.


On Aug 25, 2005, at 18:28, Rishi Viner wrote:


I haven't figured out how to get it into the menu system, but that's
no doubt my unfamiliarity with Gnome.

Yeah, I had to build my own menu option as well. I use Suse with  
KDE so I
right click on the KDE 'start' menu button, click Menu Editor  
then popped a
new launcher into 'Development' / 'GUI Designer'. Looking on a few  
GNOME machines here it looks like you have to go to the 'System'  
menu, then
'Personal Settings' then 'Menus' and you get a kind of file manager  

to building your menus.

Kind of sucks to have to build this yourself, but I guess it is a  
positive to
get to put things where you want them..? Once there it has been  
quick and

easy to use.

One problem I have is that I can't get an icon for Rev to use in  
the menu. I
had to pick a suitable generic icon. Might have to work out how to  
make my

own icon or convert one of Rev's...


Rishi Viner
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Re: Revolution under Ubuntu Linux?

2005-08-25 Thread Gordon Tillman

Anytime!  :-)

On Aug 25, 2005, at 18:47, Rishi Viner wrote:

Well, I just tried this and
now have a propper Rev icon at last! Should have done it ages  
ago... Thanks

for the motivation boost,


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Re: Password generator

2005-08-23 Thread Gordon Tillman

Hi Wally,

On Aug 23, 2005, at 16:25, Wally Rodriguez wrote:

Does anyone here know where I can find an .htaccess-compatible  
password generator?

I am setting up a website generator program that will require this  
functionality, but the only thing I can find is php-based systems.

Do you have access to the htpasswd command on your system?  That is  
what I use to generate passwords manually and I'll bet that you can  
call it from RR if you need to.

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Re: Revolution running on Ubuntu?

2005-08-19 Thread Gordon Tillman
Peter I use Revolution with Ubuntu, no problem.  I you have any  
questions feel free to contact me.


On Aug 19, 2005, at 09:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Had anyone sucess running Revolution under Ubuntu Linux or
Best Regards

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Re: Serial communication in Tiger

2005-07-12 Thread Gordon Tillman

Hi Dennis,

On Jul 12, 2005, at 12:43, Dennis Brown wrote:

Hi All,

I just ran into a problem that perhaps I can use Rev to solve, but  
I don't know if I can, or where to start looking, so perhaps one of  
you can point me in the right direction.

I have a robotic glass cutting machine I built 12 years ago.  It  
uses a serial communications port to initially program its internal  
EPROM.  I used a Mac (since deceased) with a serial port and  
terminal communication software to send two small files to program  
the machine when I first built it.  Now the machine is acting up,  
and I have replacement chips for it, but I have to program them.  I  
use a Keyspan USB to Serial port device and driver which work with  
a serial terminal app.  I can communicate with all the hardware,  
but I can't control the app in the way I need to.

All I need to do is send a file one character at a time to the  
device and wait for the echo before sending the next character -- 
piece of cake.

Anyone know if I can use Rev to do this?

This should be no problem at all.  I wrote a complete driver for both  
NCS/Pearson and ScanTron (bubble-form) scanners and had to do much  
the same type of thing.  Works great on a Mac with the Keyspan adapter.


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Re: Core image

2005-06-08 Thread Gordon Tillman

Klaus it worked fine for me!


On Jun 8, 2005, at 12:06, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi friends,

could a mac user running Tiger and a Core image capable graphics
card please test this script for me?

Works for me, since i have NO CI capable graphics card, but would  
like to

see if it works on other macs, too.

Thank you very much in advance!

on mouseUp
  put char 1 to 4 of the systemversion into isX
  replace . with  in isX
  if isX  104 then
asnwer Core image will only be available under OS 104x
exit mouseup
  end if

  get shell(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType)
  put line(lineoffset(Core image,it)) of it into ciready

  if ciready contains Not then
answer This Mac is NOT Core Image compatible with %$##§
answer This Mac is Core Image compatible with Cool!
  end if
end mouseUp

You can make a function of this and use it to check if you can use the
new CI transitions in your stacks. In case the script works! ;-)

Best from germany

Klaus Major

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Re: Core image

2005-06-08 Thread Gordon Tillman

Sorry Klaus!

Here is my configuration:

gordy18:~ gordy$ system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType

GeForce FX Go5200:

  Chipset Model: GeForce FX Go5200
  Type: Display
  Bus: AGP
  VRAM (Total): 64 MB
  Vendor: nVIDIA (0x10de)
  Device ID: 0x0329
  Revision ID: 0x00b1
  ROM Revision: 2122
  Type: Display
  Display Type: LCD
  Resolution: 1024 x 768
  Depth: 32-bit Color
  Core Image: Supported
  Main Display: Yes
  Mirror: Off
  Online: Yes
  Quartz Extreme: Supported
  Status: No display connected

And your script said I was cool!  This was running on a new 12  


On Jun 8, 2005, at 12:19, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Gordon,

Klaus it worked fine for me!

great, but what did it return?

Cool! or OMFG!? ;-)

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Re: Rev. User Groups in the USA (RUGs/USA)?

2005-06-06 Thread Gordon Tillman
Glenn I'm in Humble (basically a suburb of Houston).I would  
definitely be interesting in participating in a RUG meeting!


On Jun 6, 2005, at 08:39, Glenn E. Fisher wrote:

I live in the Houston, Texas area and would be interested in a say  
southwest region RUG.  Any other people in this area?

Thanks for doing this Ralph.

Best regards,


The list of you interested Rev. Users Groups is growing. It looks  
very promising for the Mid-Atlantic/South Eastern US region ay  
this point.

I expect to be in the Atlanta area (attending a Convention) July  
20th-23nd. I would like to hear from anyone who might like to meet  
informally to discuss RUGs and/or any future Rev. Users gatherings.

Also I'd like to hear from anyone else interested in Rev. User  
Groups and or Rev. Users gatherings. I can serve as a focal point  
for RUGs/USA information.

Please feel free to contact me off-list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you  

More Later and TAKE CARE,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev. User Groups in the USA (RUGs/USA)?

2005-06-06 Thread Gordon Tillman

Howdy Ralph,

On Jun 6, 2005, at 10:27, Ralph R. Forehand wrote:

Thank you for your response - YEA!! OUR QUERY IS STARTING TO PAY- 
OFF!! :-))

I assume it's OK to add you to our list of interested Rev. Users  
I'm compiling? I will keep you informed as we go along

That's perfectly fine.  If it is helpful at all I have several sites  
that I lease space on for various domains.  I would be happy to setup  
one for our use and install, say, a wiki-based site that we could all  
update in some kind of collaborative fashion.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Runrev work with your linux ?

2005-05-18 Thread Gordon Tillman
Morning Damien!
I am using runrev under linux, and he doesn't work at all when I  
runrev with the GTK+ look and feel. Runrev only start in motif, so I
search people who can launch runrev with the GTK+ look and feel, for
search where the bug can come from.

I have tryed with Runrev 2.5.1 under :
- Fedora Core 3 - Doesn't work
- Debian Sarge and Sid - Doesn't work
The language used is French and my $LANG is :

So far the only Linux systems I have tried with RunRev are both  
Debian variants (Ubuntu and Linspire), one running Gnome and one  
running KDE.  On both of those it has worked just fine.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Runrev work with your linux ?

2005-05-18 Thread Gordon Tillman
Damien?  I'm not sure but doesn't Gnome use the GTK library?
On May 18, 2005, at 08:15, Gordon Tillman wrote:
Morning Damien!

I am using runrev under linux, and he doesn't work at all when I  
runrev with the GTK+ look and feel. Runrev only start in motif, so I
search people who can launch runrev with the GTK+ look and feel, for
search where the bug can come from.

I have tryed with Runrev 2.5.1 under :
- Fedora Core 3 - Doesn't work
- Debian Sarge and Sid - Doesn't work
The language used is French and my $LANG is :

So far the only Linux systems I have tried with RunRev are both  
Debian variants (Ubuntu and Linspire), one running Gnome and one  
running KDE.  On both of those it has worked just fine.

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Re: Anyone using Tiger Yet?

2005-05-01 Thread Gordon Tillman
Morning Bur,
On May 1, 2005, at 08:24, Burrton Wodruff wrote:
Hi Folk,
Anyone using Tiger with Rev yet? Any problems?
I haven't had any problems so far; however, Lars Brehmer just sent me  
screen shots of a very interesting issue he has seen with one of his  
applications running under Tiger.  It has to do with using the  
windowShape property to assign an image whose mask is used to create  
non-rectangular windows.  Under Tiger he is getting a strange shadow  
effect under the window.

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Re: Tiger and windowShape

2005-04-30 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy Lars,
On Apr 30, 2005, at 08:30, Lars Brehmer wrote:
Has anyone installed Tiger and looked at a revStack or standalone  
that uses a windowShape other than rectangular?

I just installed Tiger on my backup machine to try it out and one  
of my main Rev projects has three stacks with a shape that is  
basically rectangular with a small, round protrusion on the bottom  
(and slightly rounded corners).  Both in rev and in the standalone,  
there is a strange outline parallel to the bottom of the window  
about 50 pixels lower.  It's a little hard to describe, so if  
anyone out there is inclined to take a quick  a look at this  
strangeness, let me know and I will send you screen shots.  I  
already have made a new empty test stack, put the image on it and  
set the windowShape to the image, and the result is the same, so  
it's not just my existing stacks that behave this way.
I just tried the windowLab stack.  This is the one that you can run  
from RevNet where you can draw an arbitrary shape and then create a  
window from that shape.

It seemed to work just fine and I wasn't able to duplicate the effect  
that you mentioned.

If you have a specific stack you would like for me to try I would be  
happy to do that.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: another multi-user solution?

2005-04-24 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy Kurt,
On Apr 24, 2005, at 08:43, Kurt Kaufman wrote:
This morning, while in the shower of course (Mr. Kaufman, the U.N. 
has decided to elect you Secretary General, on the condition that all 
of your decisions regarding this institution are made whilst you are 
in the shower.) I thought of another possible Rev-only solution to 
the problem of allowing multiple user access to data.

Originally I had thought of two or more  anchor apps that would 
subsequently open one of many data-record stacks.  But instead of 
record-stacks, why not record-text-files? While opening a single text 
file containing all of the records would effectively shut out any 
other users from accessing the data, if that data was divided into 
separate text files, one for each record, any number of users could 
work on them (provided they were working on different records, of 
course).  Plus, there would be the added advantage of easy manual 
correction should one of the records become corrupted somehow.

My needs here are very basic; the records do not have to interact in 
any way; I don't have to do operations on any of the records in the 
aggregate (else I could see how opening many records successively 
would be cumbersome).

Before I embark on this option, does anyone see any serious problems 
with this method?
One potential problem - if you are relying on the filesystem's locking 
facilities to control access to files in a multi-user situation, then 
I'm guessing that the volume that holds these files must be made 
available to each of the client computers that is running your 
application.  But remember in that case that file locking is not a 
reliable mechanism on a network mounted volume.

If you don't want to use a database, one simple (and somewhat cool) 
solution would be to have a server stack or resource management stack 
running on your designated server machine.  This application would 
listen on a designated port.  When any of your client applications 
needed to access a shared resource they would open a socket connection 
with the server app, get or update the resource in question, and then 
close the socket.  So long as you don't have a whole lot of clients and 
you don't keep the sockets open a long time this would work just fine.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Alternating rows in a list

2005-04-20 Thread Gordon Tillman
Ain't that the truth Frank!
On Apr 20, 2005, at 07:19, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
It's too bad HTML tables are not supported; that would make these 
questions SO much easier to deal with:

table width=100%
trtd bgcolor=#00Line 1/td/tr
trtd bgcolor=#ffLine 2/td/tr
trtd bgcolor=#00Line 3/td/tr
trtd bgcolor=#ffLine 4/td/tr
I guess in the meanwhile one could use the altBrowser plugin... I 
bought a copy of that when it was released but have been so busy 
working on other projects I haven't had a chance to play with it... :-(

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Alternating rows in a list

2005-04-19 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy Varen,
About your post:
I'm trying to format a list field which displays plain old html with a 
list of links. I'd like to format the list so that each link in the 
list is an alternating color such as white, light grey, white, light 
grey, etc.
Here is an example which may get you started..
Given a simple stack with one card that has two fields on it:
(1) field htmlFld that displays the information, and
(2) field entryFld where you can enter sample HTML to play with.
Field entryFld has the following script:
on enterInField
  set the htmlText of field htmlFld to me
end enterInField
And I entered the following into field entryFld:
font color=blackLine 1
lifont color=greenLine 2
lifont color=blueLine 3
When you hit enter with the cursor in field entryFld, then field 
htmlFld displays this:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
The first line is black, the second line is green, and the third line 
is blue.

OK, here is another idea...
Given a card with a field that contains the list of data to colorize, 
this script will set the colors to alternate:

on mouseUp
  local tColor1, tColor2, tLastColor
  put blue into tColor1
  put green into tColor2
  put tColor1 into tLastColor
  local tLine
  repeat with tLine = 1 to the number of lines of field 1
set the textColor of line tLine of field 1 to tLastColor
if tLastColor is tColor1 then put tColor2 into tLastColor
else put tColor1 into tLastColor
  end repeat
end mouseUp
use-revolution mailing list

Re: rather not have apps... from a web page

2005-03-27 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi JB,
On Mar 27, 2005, at 03:30, jbv wrote:
Just curious : how do you manage upgrades of a standalone,
if not by downloading new versions of sub-stacks that will be
downloaded and saved on the HD, and thus ending with more
than 1 file on the user's HD ?
Of course, there's also the possibility to open a distant stack
from the standalone, but that means client - server communication
everytime the executable is used...
Unless I'm missing something...

This is what my application does... It is split into two pieces, a 
SplashScreen (that also has the runtime in it) and then the other 
stacks that it uses.  I have a SECOND small app, called an updater that 
also has the runtime in it.  Reason being is because a running 
application cannot replace itself.  The sole purpose of the updater is 
to install a update to the splashscreen...

Anyway, the splashscreen opens when you start the application.  Before 
accessing any of the other stack files, it checks to see if any 
replacements were downloaded.  If so, It installs the replacements, 
then opens the rest of the stack files that are needed.  Works very 

The application can check for updates automatically, at an interval 
specified by the user, or it can check when the user asks it to.  Just 
like Apple's software update mechanism.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Running MySQL Utility Commands on Remote Server

2005-03-26 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy Peter,
On Mar 26, 2005, at 05:07, Peter Reid wrote:
In order to do various forms of database maintenance (dumping, 
importing copying, etc.) I need to be able to use not just the MySQL 
server commands but also the MySQL utility commands such as mysqldump. 
 In particular, I'd like to be able to dump the structure and contents 
of a database on the server into a local file (as a SQL script) on the 
client system.
Just a couple of ideas:
1. You could have a process running on the database server, listening 
on its own port, that issues the commands that you need to have done on 
the database server machine.  You would communicate with it via a 
socket that you would open from the application running on the client.
2. If your client program is running on a Unix, Linux, or Mac OS X 
system, you could use rsh (or, more securely, ssh) to issue the remote 
commands.  If your client is running on a Windows machine, you could 
possibly install the (free) cygwin utilities that would give you the 
same functionality that you have on a windows machine.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Launching RR from a web page

2005-03-24 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy Len,
This is a very interesting problem, one that I would like to be able to 
implement as well.

On Mar 24, 2005, at 08:40, Len Morgan wrote:
There was a thread about 3 years ago about having a RR that ran within 
the browser and I'm wondering if anything came of that?  The reason I 
ask is I have a very good chance of getting a big programming contract 
but one of the customer's top requirements is that it be web based.  
He wants nothing to be installed on the workstations.

While I could send DHTML, I think we all agree that RR would give a 
much better experience to the end user and frankly, would be much 
easier on me.  So, is there some way to launch a stand-alone from a 
web page?  I know I can start using a stack from a URL so I'd only 
need a stand-alone to get the process going.  I think his concerns 

1) The java version problem.  A lot of his users have their own 
programs (by the way, we're talking about 500 connected users) that 
use one version of java or another and if they upgrade it to be able 
to use my code, it will break the applications they already have (by 
the way, I have no intention of doing this in java - I'd rather loose 
the contract).
2) If changes need to be made, he doesn't want to have to go to 500 
machines and install something.

With my own stand-alone, I wouldn't have to worry about versioning 
problems since I would know when it changed.  I could also check for a 
new version of the stand-alone every time I start it up and get the 
new version.  Since my stand-alone would really do nothing more than 
download a stack (with the REAL program on it), I doubt that I would 
need to change it that often (the stacks on the other hand are a 
different matter but since I can refer to a URL, he'd be ok with that. 
 It's just that I'm not sure how to get the stand-alone on the user 
machine without looking like I'm installing something.
Are your clients using Windows machines?  The reason I ask is that 
there is no problem with having more than one version of Java installed 
on the machine, if you are concerned with breaking existing Java-based 
code.  We do that all the time.

I wonder if it would be possible to create a small signed applet whose 
sole purpose in life would be to download and run your RR startup 
application.  The startup application would then be able to manage the 
acquisition and updating of the other application stacks required to do 
what you need it to do.

I will experiment with this a bit and get back to you.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Preserving Rev Prefs Between Upgrades

2005-03-11 Thread Gordon Tillman
Thanks for the great tip Xavier!
On Mar 11, 2005, at 00:04, MisterX wrote:
there's is now a backup folder in the components/save/ folder with
a copy of the revprefs in it!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is this a bug or is it just me?

2005-03-10 Thread Gordon Tillman
check the spelling of your handler...
I tried this script inside the edit field itself:
on mouseEnter
  get the dontWrap of me
  set the dontWrap of me to not it
end mouseEnter
very interesting!

put quotes around true or false ...perhaps
Ok I tried this two diffrent ways for the don't wrap property. From
what I read the don't wrap property is be default set to false. When I
try it out in my multiline field it does not do wrap it just keeps
going on the same line. I also tried this but mabey I did it wrong:
on mouesEnter
 set the dontWrap of field edit field to false
end mouseEnter
Is there somthing that I am doing wrong here?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Getting Directory Tree

2005-02-02 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Derek,

I'm at a loss.  I've spent the last 3 hours trying to make a script 
that will look at 1 directory and provide a complete hierarchial list 
of all files within all folders and subfolders, and I can't make it 

Has anyone else attempted this, and been successful?
How about something like this?
function GetFolderContents pFolder
local tSaveDefaultFolder, tFolder, tFolders, tList
put the defaultFolder into tSaveDefaultFolder
set the defaultFolder to pFolder
get the folders
filter it without .
filter it without ..
put it into tFolders
local tFiles, tFile
get the files
put it into tFiles
put pFolder  return after tList
repeat for each line tFile in tFiles
put pFolder  /  tFile  return after tList
end repeat
repeat for each line tFolder in tFolders
put GetFolderContents(tFolder) after tList
end repeat
set the defaultFolder to tSaveDefaultFolder
return tList
end GetFolderContents
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using stacks as a database for very large data sets

2005-01-26 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Jonathan,
On Jan 26, 2005, at 11:01, Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
Still - how do database programs do it? Is each record a separate file
or something? If it were possible to use a single stack as a huge
database, it would be very convenient.
The big problem of course is that opening a stack loads the entire 
thing into memory.  With a real database, certain data-structures are 
maintained in memory -- and the sizes of those are usually tunable for 
performance -- but the database files are not all loaded into memory at 
once.For the most part each record is not a separate file.  What is 
typically done is something like this:  The database files maintain an 
internal fixed block size.  When records are written to the file they 
can span multiple, discontinuous blocks.  The blocks for deleted 
records can be reclaimed and reused by new or updated records.  Indexes 
are maintained (sometimes in separate files, sometimes in the same 
file) that allow for fast lookup of records in the database.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla URL?

2005-01-26 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Phil,
On Jan 26, 2005, at 20:05, Phil Davis wrote:
I've changed computers a few too many times recently and have lost 
many bookmarks on which I so heavily rely. Can someone please tell me 
where to find Rev's Bugzilla site?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using Externals in Revolution Article

2005-01-05 Thread Gordon Tillman
Morning Trevor,
Thanks for posting this:
If you have any feedback on corrections or how to clarify any points 
in the article you can send them to me directly at 
Very nice write-up.  Oh how I could have used it a couple of months ago 
when I was figuring all this out! :-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RevOnline

2004-12-06 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi David,
On Dec 6, 2004, at 13:40, David Squance wrote:
Unfortunately, the user name is of no use to me, since it appears 
RevOnline is restricted to those with RR2.5 which I can't afford.  
Thanks anyhow.
I think you can download the free Revolution Dreamcard Player and 
access the RevOnline stuff with that application.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: DLL problem - Good News !

2004-12-05 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Roger!
On Dec 4, 2004, at 15:17, Roger Amar wrote:
Hello Gordon, I'm back.
My dll started to work by adding a .def file to export the getXtable 
Glad you got it working.  I think I used a def file for my project as 
well, although CW does have a mechanism that will automatically export 
the dll functions for you.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: DLL problem

2004-12-03 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy Roger,
Please do let me know how it goes.  Holler at me if you have any 

On Dec 3, 2004, at 06:06, Roger Amar wrote:
Thanks a lot Gordon !
I'll try to find what is wrong and keep you informed.
Feel free to try out the externals that are included in that project.  
One does a crc32 calculation on a file (osx / windows), and on the 
windows there are externals to put an icon in the system tray and 
remove it.  When the user clicks on the icon it shows your stack.  This 
lets you have a stack that can run with no window but still be made 
visible when desired.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Progress on preventing multiple instances of a program from running in windows

2004-12-03 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy Folks,
I'm jumping in on this thread a bit late, but I wanted to let you know 
what we are doing to handle this issue.

I have a preferences library that any application can use to manage, 
well, preferences.  It does the right thing and stores the preferences 
at the proper location for mac, windows, and linux.

During the application startup code, before I start opening sockets but 
after having initialized the preferences, I check for the presence of a 
preference called running that has a value of yes or no.

If the preference has a value of yes, then the application displays a 
message to the effect of It appears that another instance of this 
program may be running.  That can also be caused if it had terminated 
abnormally before.  Do you wish to continue starting up?  The user can 
click Yes or No.

Normal operation is as follows:
Application starts up.  Checks the pref.  Sets it to yes and saves 
preferences (to flush the updated value out to the file).  The on 
shutdown handler sets the value back to no.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Progress on preventing multiple instances of a program fromrunning in windows

2004-12-03 Thread Gordon Tillman
Makes sense Jonathan!
I would be interested in knowing how that works out..
On Dec 3, 2004, at 09:31, Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
I thought about something like that - but was concerned that the app
would not know if the value had been changed in the file, and then
terminated. That would not matter if the program is running as a 
window, because the user could just see that the window is not open, 
tell the program to go ahead and run anyway.

However, I need to use this for a program that will run invisibly. If 
is running invisibly, then most users will not know how to check for
running processes to determine if the program really is running.

Using sockets allows for the program to see if it is running. My plan 
to make it so that if it is already running, the second instance will
check to see that the first instance is responsive, then when it
confirms that it is working, it will tell the first instance to make
itself visible. Then the second instance will turn itself off.

This way, the program can run invisibly, but whenever the user clicks 
ontthe icon (which will be automatically inserted into the start menu) 
program will just appear on the screen. The user can then change
preferences and close it, and it goes back to running invisibly. (With 
separate button for shutting down the program, so the user does have 
option to turn it off, if desired)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gordon
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:13 AM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Progress on preventing multiple instances of a program
fromrunning in windows
Howdy Folks,
I'm jumping in on this thread a bit late, but I wanted to let you know
what we are doing to handle this issue.
I have a preferences library that any application can use to manage,
well, preferences.  It does the right thing and stores the preferences
at the proper location for mac, windows, and linux.
During the application startup code, before I start opening sockets but
after having initialized the preferences, I check for the presence of a
preference called running that has a value of yes or no.
If the preference has a value of yes, then the application displays a
message to the effect of It appears that another instance of this
program may be running.  That can also be caused if it had terminated
abnormally before.  Do you wish to continue starting up?  The user can
click Yes or No.
Normal operation is as follows:
Application starts up.  Checks the pref.  Sets it to yes and saves
preferences (to flush the updated value out to the file).  The on
shutdown handler sets the value back to no.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DLL problem

2004-12-03 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Roger!
I'm wondering if the problem is with different version of Codewarrior?  
check the following:

User Paths:
System Paths
{Compiler}Win32-x86 Support
C/C++ Preprocessor
#define WIN32
Windows RC / Prefix File: ResourcePrefix.h
C/C++ Language
enable bool support
enable wchar_t support
require function prototypes
enums always int
reuse strings
bottom-up inlining

If you have questions you can give me a call:
Just ask for me.
On Dec 3, 2004, at 15:43, Roger Amar wrote:
Hello Gordon,
You are a very nice guy !
When I try to compile your project I get 120 errors; here are some 
samples of them :

Error   : identifier expected
shellapi.h line 53   DECLARE_HANDLE(HDROP);
Error   : illegal function definition
Error   : illegal function definition
XCmdGlue.h line 39   } Xternal;
Error   : illegal function definition
ScanningServerPlugin.h line 5   void XCabort();
Error   : illegal function definition
ScanningServerPlugin.h line 6   char Xname[];
Error   : illegal function definition
ScanningServerPlugin.h line 7   Xternal Xtable[];
Maybe is missing something like a library or header ?
What do you think about ?
-Message d'origine-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Gordon 
Envoyé : vendredi 3 décembre 2004 15:25
À : How to use Revolution
Objet : Re: DLL problem

Howdy Roger,
Please do let me know how it goes.  Holler at me if you have any 

On Dec 3, 2004, at 06:06, Roger Amar wrote:
Thanks a lot Gordon !
I'll try to find what is wrong and keep you informed.
Feel free to try out the externals that are included in that project.
One does a crc32 calculation on a file (osx / windows), and on the 
windows there are externals to put an icon in the system tray and 
remove it.  When the user clicks on the icon it shows your stack.  
This lets you have a stack that can run with no window but still be 
made visible when desired.

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Serial comm differences between PC Mac?

2004-12-02 Thread Gordon Tillman
About this:
I am connected via a serial cable (on OSX with a Keyspan serial 
to our phone system to capture our call data. Thanks to Sarah's serial
stack (THANKS, SARAH!), I got up  running quickly  everything works
great. But when I unplug from my mac  plug into com1 on the PC  use 
program, I'm getting different results.
I'm working on a form scanner application in RR that runs on Mac OS X 
and Windows.  I, too, use a KeySpan serial adapter to hook the form 
scanner to the Mac.  I found something very interesting.

As you know, you put your settings into the serialControlString before 
you open the connection.  I found that if I used a parity setting that 
was correct according to the device I was hooked to then I would get 
extra characters in the data that was read from the external device.

But I found that if I changed the PARITY value in the 
serialControlString to us no parity; e.g., PARITY=N, then the data was 
read correctly, with no extraneous characters, even though the device 
was using odd parity.

I am thinking that the KeySpan driver was massaging the data somehow, 
or else automatically doing the parity negotiation with the external 

NOTE:  When I used the same device with the same KeySpan adapter, 
plugged into the USB port on my Windows machine, I did not see this 

I don't know if this is what is causing your problem or not, but it may 
be worth looking in to.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: DLL problem

2004-12-02 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Roger,
I have an external dll that I wrote for Mac OSX and Windows.  The Mac 
side is built using xtools, but the Windows side is built using CW.  
Now I did use CW for Mac (it can build windows code), but that 
shouldn't matter as the .mcp files are cross-platform.

I have archived the whole thing and posted  it here:
If you like, download and unzip the file and take a look at what I have 
there.  I'm no expert or anything, but the external does work very 

On Dec 2, 2004, at 17:03, Roger Amar wrote:
I'm using CodeWarrior for Windows to write a dll. My OS is XP Pro SP2.
It compiles with no error, but the externalFunctions of my stack 
empty. Then, my function return error in function handler.
The same code compiled on my G4 as a xfcn is working perfectly.
What's wrong ? Anyone has an idea ?

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: barcode scanner

2004-11-25 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Paolo,
On Nov 25, 2004, at 05:06, paolo wrote:
How can I  send data from  a barcode scanner  to a  revolution stack 
on WIN-PC?

Any of you experienced a software using   a barcode scanner as 
data-entry in a revolution stack?

Ciao Paolo Mazza
I wrote a sample RR app for a fellow that drives a barcode scanner.  If 
can wait until I'm back at work on Monday I can email a copy to you.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Standalone Question

2004-11-23 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Steve,
On Nov 23, 2004, at 10:48, Steve Bonham wrote:
I've created a standalone.
I'd like others to be able to  import a text document to a field and 
then quit -- and the content to STILL BE THERE when it is reopened.

But it is not happening.
The standalone always opens as it appear when I exported it from 

What am I doing wrong?
Stacks that are part of a standalone app are read-only.  You have 
several  choices (heck, probably more).

1. have you stacks save their state off to a separate file, which is 
read in when the stack opens and used to initialize the field.

2. Have your main stack copy an embedded sub-stack off to a separate 
stack file and interact with that, which can be editted.

3. Have your main stack, which is built with the runtime, open a 
separate stack file that is included along with your main application.  
That separate stack file would be the actual main program logic.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newbie question about image/button relationships

2004-11-22 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Jason,
On Nov 22, 2004, at 12:58, Silver, Jason wrote:
Now, onto the issue.  I have an image of a mobile phone keypad (in JPG
format), and I would like for the user to be able to click on specific
areas, causing changes to occur on the screen (which is a field).  Is
there a way to Revolution to watch for specific areas of the image to 
pressed (such as the coordinates of a Send key, vs. the coordinates 
an End key)?  Keep in mind, this is only one image, not a bunch of
images.  If this is not possible, do I have to create a group of 
on top of the image that are all set so they are not visible?
That is no problem at all.  In your mouseUp handler you can invoke the 
clickLoc() function to determine the coordinates of the last place the 
mouse was clicked and then take the appropriate action.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newbie question about image/button relationships

2004-11-22 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Klaus,
On Nov 22, 2004, at 13:07, Klaus Major wrote:
You can set their ink to noop, then they will respond to 
mouseclicks etc...
but are invisible to our eyes :-)
That's a great tip!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reading a (BIG) text file one line at a time

2004-11-22 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Rob,
On Nov 22, 2004, at 14:05, Rob Beynon wrote:
Greetings all,
I have failed to discover how to read a file one line at a time. The
file is a text file, and is large (84MB) but I need to process it on a
line by line basis, rather than read the whole file into a field (not
even sure I can!).
I thought of
read from myFile until EOF for one line
but that doesn't work
Help would be greatly appreciated here! Would you be good enough to
mail to my work address, as I have yet to work out how to access the
list effectively
Once you open your file you can use:
read from file your_file for 1 line
The line that is read is put into the it variable
When you hit the end of the file then the result will no longer be 
empty.  It will have eof in it.

For example, assuming the file tFile is open:
repeat forever
read from file tFile for 1 line
put it into tLine
put the result into tRes
if tRes is not empty then exit repeat
-- do something with tLine
end repeat
close file tFile
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating reusable code libraries

2004-11-21 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Gordon,
I am fairly new to RR myself, but have been using it a lot lately and 
so I thought I would try and respond to a couple of your questions.

On Nov 21, 2004, at 11:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What would be the best way in Rev. to create a
reusable code library - e.g. to do 3D mathematics?
Would I create it as a stack script in an otherwise
empty stack and then load the stack into my apps and
keep it invisible? Do all stacks have to have a
toplevel window?
This is how I do reusable code libraries.  I create a very simple stack 
with one card and one or more buttons on the card.  The button script 
contains the reusable code.

In the stack script I have handler for preopenstack and closestack.  
The preopenstack handler just inserts the  button script into the 
message path.  Here is an example.  Suppose you have a button whose 
name is exportedHandlers that lives on the card named codeLibrary.  
In the preOpenStack method you can have this:

insert the script of button exportedHandlers of card codeLibrary 
into back

In the closeStack handler you can have
remove the script of button exportedHandlers of card codeLibrary 
from back

So to use the code in the button, you just have to go invisible to 
stack name of your stack

This way the stack is responsible for inserting and deleting code - 
your other stacks that use that code library do not have to know the 
details of accessing the code.

Can I call a function in an external library from rev.
e.g. from a windows DLL? If so, how would I do this

You cannot do this directly.  You have to write an external and from 
that external you can call whatever code you need.  I have written one 
that does CRC32 calculations and also puts an icon for any stack into 
the windows task bar so that you can keep it running faceless and 
then show it just by clicking on the icon.

The external is built for windows and for Mac OS X.  (Well, the crc32 
part works for OS X).

If you like I can post everything somewhere where you can download it.  
I used Metrowerks codewarrior to build the window's external and used 
Apple's free xtools to build the mac  external.

Gordon (no, really!)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Technical strike bug 2341

2004-11-18 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Jacqueline,
About this...
On Nov 18, 2004, at 13:52, J. Landman Gay wrote:
There's a problem here: as of Rev 2.5, the GM is no longer supported. 
It has become a legacy tool that customers can download separately and 
use as-is, but no further support or fixes will be provided. That's 
why your bugs are not being addressed.
I thought it was the Animation Builder and Report objects that were no 
longer supported in 2.5

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Identifying the itemOffset

2004-11-17 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Greg,
I just tried your script...
I have a field with a one line and ten items that are tab delimited, 
and the textStyle of each item is set to link.  I've written a simple 
field handler that identifies the item offset, so that I can sort 
another field according to that item.  The handler below returns the 
total number of items (always ten) and the item offset of the item 
clicked, so I should get (10 and 1), (10 and 2), ..., (10 and 9), (10 
and 10), depending on what I click on.  The problem is, when I click 
on the tenth item, I get (10 and 7)!  What am I doing wrong.  Any 
advice would be much appreciated.

on mouseUp
  set the itemDelimiter to tab
  get the first line of me
  put (  the number of items in it   and  the itemOffset(the 
clickText,it)  )
end mouseUp
It worked fine for me.  I'm wondering if it is data dependent?  Try 
adding this line right before the line starting with put:

set the wholeMatches to true
See if that helps.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Return selected item of option menu

2004-11-12 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Kaveh,
If you want to just find out what is the selected line or text of an 
option menu at any time, just get its label property; for example, if 
you option menu is named choicesOM, you can:

get the label of button choicesOM
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Table field questions

2004-11-04 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Jack
I figured out how to change the width of columns using the tabstops 
under table in the object inspecter. As you know it changes all the 
widths. Is there a way to change the width just 1 of the columns?
You absolutely can!  The way that property works is that you can use a 
comma-separated list of values.  Each value is the number of pixels 
from the left edge to that tab stop.

For example, if you have 75,85,120 as the value, then:
The first tab stop will be 75 pixels from the left edge
The second tab stop will be 85 pixels from the left edge
The third tab stop will be 120 pixels from the left edge
Then revolution will fill in tab stops for the remaining visible space 
to the right using the difference between the last two values as an 
increment.  So in the example that I just quoted to you, the difference 
between 85 and 120 is 35, so it will automatically fill in tab stops at

155, 190, etc.
So you just need to supply enough values to cover the visible are of 
you table at which point to can tweak any individual column.

use-revolution mailing list

Valentina and RR 2.5 - Timeouts

2004-11-01 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy Folks,
A question for anyone using RR 2.5 and Valentina
I have a simple test stack that uses the following functions to 
communicate with Valentina:

Everything works, except I'm getting problems with the 10-minute 
timeout from Valentina.  I do have valid Mac and Windows valentina 
serial numbers.  I double-checked with Ruslan at Paradigmasoft to make 
sure I was using the proper serial numbers.

Has anyone gotten Valentina to work with RR 2.5 using these standard 
functions.  Or are you having to use the Valentina external method to 
make it work?

Thank you,
Gordon Tillman
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Valentina and RR 2.5 - Timeouts

2004-11-01 Thread Gordon Tillman
Thanks Chris!
On Nov 1, 2004, at 12:23, Chris Sheffield wrote:
Yes, I'm using Valentina with Rev 2.5 just fine.  This is an obvious
suggestion, but I would start with double-checking the revOpenDatabase
function parameters, and make sure you have them all in the right 
order and
have the correct number of parameters.
This is promising!  I will double-check that stuff.  I had assumed they 
were correct since I could open and close the database connection, 
etc., and haven't been getting any errors, except for the little 
timeout thing! :-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reading from file/stdin non-blocked?

2004-10-27 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi K,
On Oct 27, 2004, at 12:38, K wrote:
Is there a way to read from stdin or any file and not hold the event 
loop hostage?
The best I could do with file reads was to use the timeout feature.  I 
uploaded a sample stack to illustrate this to my user space on rev 
online.  username= gordyt

It's called Non-Blocking File Reader.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reading from file/stdin non-blocked?

2004-10-27 Thread Gordon Tillman
Howdy K.
On Oct 27, 2004, at 14:04, K wrote:
Is the user space accessible with out the RR IDE?
I think you may have to.  Here is all of the stuff from the script file.
constant kReadIntervalSecs = 2
constant kTimeoutMS = 1
local sPath, sDone, sPos

on LogIt pMsg
  put pMsg  return after field statusLF
  set the scroll of field statusLF to the formattedHeight of field 
end LogIt

on StartRead
  put false into sDone
  answer file Select a file
  put it into sPath
  if sPath is not empty then
put false into sDone
open file sPath for text read
put 1 into sPos
send ReadFile
put true into sDone
  end if
end StartRead
on StopRead
  put true into sDone
  if sPath is not empty then
close file sPath
put  into sPath
  end if
end StopRead

on ReadFile
  if sDone then exit ReadFile
  local tDat, tRes
  read from file sPath at sPos until return in kTimeoutMS milliseconds
  put the result into tRes
  put it into tDat
  add the length of tDat to sPos
  replace return with  in tDat
  if tDat is not empty then LogIt  DATA=  tDat
  if not sDone then
if tRes is empty then
  send ReadFile to me
  send ReadFile to me in kReadIntervalSecs seconds
end if
  end if
end ReadFile
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reading from file/stdin non-blocked?

2004-10-27 Thread Gordon Tillman
You're Welcome K,
On Oct 27, 2004, at 14:16, K wrote:
I will test this in my situtation and post the results.  Thanks!
Please do let me know how it goes.  One thing I would like to point out 
in particular:

  read from file sPath at sPos until return in kTimeoutMS milliseconds
Be sure and keep track of the at sPos as I showed in the example.  I 
found that without that, the first time it hit end of file, so that 
the result was eof, then it got stuck there and would never 
acknowledge additional data coming into the file.  This was on the Mac 
platform where I did the testing.

By the way, I created a test file as follows:
From a terminal window I did this:
cat  junk.txt
Then I could just type in stuff and hit return.  When done you can just 
do a ctrl-d to exit the cat command.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reading from file/stdin non-blocked?

2004-10-27 Thread Gordon Tillman
K I don't know about this:
On Oct 27, 2004, at 14:20, K wrote:
Can the conditions be or'ed? Like so...
 read from file sPath at sPos until return in kTimeout milliseconds or 

You can of course just read a character at a time, accumulating into a 
buffer variable until the result is eof...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: an handler inside

2004-10-26 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Namgyal,
This should be no problem:
When a button is pressed, it will parse through the text file, read
two lines and put that in the two fields irrespectively. It will then
wait for a certain time and then read the next two lines and put that
to the two fields overwriting the previous content. Hence I am using
only one card and displaying it like a slide show.
It is working fine except that I want the wait not to be limited to
any time but to an event trigger. Like if there is another button(or
the same button) which when clicked will resume the file parsing.
Put all of your handlers that interact with this text file into the 
same script file.
Define a script-level local variable at the top, like this:

local sFilePath
Have one handler that initializes sFilePath and opens it.
Have another handler that reads two lines from sFilePath every time the 
user clicks on a button.  Of course, in this second handler once it 
hits EOF or whatever, it can then close sFilePath and update your GUI 
as necessary.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: PDF large images

2004-10-22 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Aurélien,
1 - Is there any way to display a pdf in a revolution stack ?
2 - I want to display a 500*800 pixels image on a 640*480 card. Is 
there a way to add
scollers to this image ?
I don't know how to do PDF's, but adding scrollers to a large image is 
no problem.  I will find a sample stack that does this, post it, and 
email a URL.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Making Windows externals

2004-10-22 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Thomas,
In this function:

 void XGetName(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error)
 DWORD dwLength;
 BOOL blnSuccess;

 blnSuccess = GetComputerName(buffer, dwLength);
 *pass = False; // don't pass the command up the chain
 if (blnSuccess)
 *error = False; // call was successful
 //*retstring = istrdup (buffer);
 *error = True; // call failed
 //*retstring = istrdup (error: GetComputerName failed);
 sprintf(*retstring,error: GetComputerName failed);
Did you notice that you are not assigning anything to the retstring.  
That line is commented out.  But except for that it looks ok.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Finding the current folder ?

2004-10-21 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Alex,
Try something like this:
function getDefaultFolder
set the itemDelimiter to /
get the filename of this stack
return item 1 to -2 of it
end getDefaultFolder
On Oct 21, 2004, at 16:01, Alex Tweedly wrote:
I want to place my app in a folder, and then when it runs, have it 
read (and write) files in that folder. I don't want to query the user 
for the file names - it should simply use the files in the same 
directory as the app is installed.

I've been using something like
function getDefaultFolder
  put the long name of this stack into thisFolder
  put char 2 to -1 of the second word of thisFolder into thisFolder
  set the itemDel to /
  put item 1 to -2 of thisFolder into thisFolder
  return thisFolder
end getDefaultFolder
which works fine whether in the IDE or in standalone, and works fine 
when built into an executable and installed on other machines.

BUT - it doesn't work on Dreamcard Player. If you run he player, and 
then load the stack from there, the above function returns empty (in 
fact, the long name of this stack is simply
stack stackname where in the other cases it would be stack 

Note that dreamcard appears to return the format for a long name, but 
instead of giving the filename of the stack, it gives, in quotes, the 
shortname of the stack.

Is this a bug (I'm guessing it is) ?
Or am I doing something wrong ?  (and if so, what ?)
Any other suggestion for how to find the folder the app is stored in ?
btw - if you run the stack in Dreamcard by double-clicking on it, and 
having an association with the Dreamcard player, then it does this as 
I would expect. Unfortunately, it does various other things wrongly, 
and Mark tells me this is not a supported way to run Dreamcard stacks 
- see BZ 2138)

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Application Organization and Updating Mechanism

2004-10-13 Thread Gordon Tillman
Greetings Folks!
Would you mind taking a look at the following layout for a Form 
Scanning Server application that I'm working on?  This application will 
run on both Mac OS X and Windows platforms and the purpose of it is to 
interface with both Scantron scanners and NCS/Pearson scanners.  It 
will drive the scanners, reading and parsing the scanned form data, and 
transmit the data to a client application which may or may not be 
running on the same computer.

My goal with this layout is to allow this application to update itself 
with updates from a web site that we maintain.  The updates will be 
enhancements or bug fixes.  I want to be able to update all parts of 
the application, as necessary.  It is my understanding that will 
require TWO separate executables because a running application cannot 
replace itself.

So, here is a sample layout on the Mac OSX Side:
Scanning (this is the application bundle)
  Scanning Server (this is the MachO executable.  it
has a splash screen stack and the runtime)
  Plugins (this is a folder that holds other stacks used
by the application)
MainApplication.rev (This is the stack that is
  opened by the splash screen)
stack1.rev (sample other stack)

updater.rev (this stack has the logic for the
  download updates code)
Updater (this is a MachO executable.  it has a copy
  of the runtime and calls the updater.rev stack
  to do its work)
OK, here is how it works.  The Scanning Server mach-o executable that 
contains the splash screen and the RR runtime loads the main 
application stack.

If you want to check for updates to the application, it loads the 
updater.rev stack and does it thing.  If it finds any updated stack 
files, it downloads them (compressed, with the .gz extension, to the 
plugins folder).

If we find an update to the Scanning Server mach-o executable, the 
one that contains the splash screen and the RR runtime, then we startup 
the Updater executable.  When it starts, it tells the Scanning 
Server to quit.  Then it downloads and installs the updated Scanning 
Server.  When the updated Scanning Server has been installed, the 
Updater starts it and then quits.

So, under normal circumstances, the Scanning Server mach-o executable 
that contains the runtime is the one that loads the other stacks that 
the application needs to function.  One other function of the splash 
screen stack is to replace any old stack files with newly-downloaded 
stack files before invoking the main application.

So the normally-functioning application uses the RR runtime that is 
bundled with the splash screen.  If that splash screen / runtime needs 
to be updated, it uses the second application (the Updater, also with 
a bundled runtime) to do that job.

Organization on the Windows side is similar:
Installation Folder (holds everything)
  Scanning Server.exe (splash screen and runtime)
  Plugins (folder)
stack1.rev (sample other stack)
Updater.exe (the other executable)
So, what do you think?  Does this make sense or am I way off base
Thanks a bunch!
use-revolution mailing list

How to STOP accepting connections?

2004-10-11 Thread Gordon Tillman
Greetings All,
Sorry if this has been asked before...I couldn't find anything in the 

Given a RR app that is accepting socket connections as follows:
accept connections on port 1234 with message ConnectionRequest
If at some time in the future the application wants to stop accepting 
connections, how might that be accomplished?

I know that in the AcceptCallback message we could do something like 

on ConnectionRequest pSocketID
if gAcceptingConnections then
-- do whatever
close socket pSocketID
end if
end ConnectionRequest
But I was wondering if there was just a way to no longer have the 
application listen for connections, because you only have to issue the 
accept connections one time in your app and it is then listening for 
connection until you quit.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to STOP accepting connections?

2004-10-11 Thread Gordon Tillman
Thanks Dar!
On Oct 11, 2004, at 14:03, Dar Scott wrote:
On Oct 11, 2004, at 11:31 AM, Gordon Tillman wrote:
accept connections on port 1234 with message ConnectionRequest
If at some time in the future the application wants to stop accepting 
connections, how might that be accomplished?
close socket 1234
Note:  If you have both a UDP listener and a TCP listener, you don't 
know which this will close.  (Well, I don't know; it might be based on 
order of accepts.)  Use this if you have only one or will close both 
together anyway.

If you want to accept just one connection at a time, close the accept 
when you get a connection and re-accept when that is over.

(I've been taking a break from lists for a half season and hope to 
moderately get back into Revolution lists this month.)
Great!  Looking forward to having you back in the list!!!
I'm working on a very cool new project that I've decided to use RR for. 
 So far it's going very well!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Connecting to Valentina using revdb_connect

2004-09-28 Thread Gordon Tillman
Thanks for the feedback Jan!
I have added bug 2243 to the bugzilla database.
On Sep 28, 2004, at 13:40, Jan Schenkel wrote:
--- Gordon Tillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello All,
I was wondering if some kind soul might enlighten me
on a couple of
I'm running the latest RR 2.5 build, with a Studio
license (for both
Mac and Windows platforms).
First Item:
If I try to connect to a Valentina database using
the revdb_connect
function from my stack while running in the RR
development environment,
I get the error message revdberr, invalid database
But if I go ahead and create a stand-alone
application, it works just
I tried using the revSetDatabaseDriverPath to each
of the following
values in turn (when running in the development
environment on Mac OS
X) and it didn't help:
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components/global
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components/global
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components/global
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components/global
The good news you have for us is that it does run fine
in a standalone, which would suggest that something is
amiss in the way Rev was bundled up for distribution.
Please bugzilla this so the RunRev team can
investigate and fix it.
Second Item:
It seems like you have to connect to a pre-existing
Valentina file, one
that was created with the Valentina application.  Is
there any way to
have the RR application create one on the fly if
it doesn't exist.
No, there isn't -- a design decision made by Paradigma
Software. What you _can_ do, however, is make an empty
database, read it as a binfile and put it into a
custyom property, which you can then use as a template
to create a new database file.
Many thanks!
Gordon Tillman
Hope this helped,
Jan Schenkel.
use-revolution mailing list

Connecting to Valentina using revdb_connect

2004-09-24 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hello All,
I was wondering if some kind soul might enlighten me on a couple of 

I'm running the latest RR 2.5 build, with a Studio license (for both 
Mac and Windows platforms).

First Item:
If I try to connect to a Valentina database using the revdb_connect 
function from my stack while running in the RR development environment, 
I get the error message revdberr, invalid database type.

But if I go ahead and create a stand-alone application, it works just 

I tried using the revSetDatabaseDriverPath to each  of the following 
values in turn (when running in the development environment on Mac OS 
X) and it didn't help:

/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components/global environment
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components/global 
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components/global 
/Applications/Revolution 2.5/components/global 

Second Item:
It seems like you have to connect to a pre-existing Valentina file, one 
that was created with the Valentina application.  Is there any way to 
have the RR application create one on the fly if it doesn't exist.

Many thanks!
Gordon Tillman
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution 2.5 Updater

2004-09-21 Thread Gordon Tillman
Hi Mark!
I have studio licenses for both mac and windows platforms and have 
tested this updater on both.  The mac side updated with no complaints 
and no errors.  On the Windows side I got this error message:

There was an error executing a script in stack Revolution Version 
Checker.  No more information is available because the stack is 
password protected.

I acknowledged the message, quit Revolution, and tried again.  This 
time instead of two updates being available, there was only one 
revstandalonesettings,  so apparently the first updated was correctly 
downloaded in spite of the error message.

I received the same error as before, close Revolution, and restarted 
it.  This time, when I checked for updates, I was told:

You have the latest version of Revolution along with the latest updates.
On Sep 21, 2004, at 10:56, Mark Chia wrote:
We now have in place an updater (beta) for Revolution 2.5. To use this,
go to the menubar and select Check for Updates. A stack should then
open informing you that updates are available for 2 files:
1. Library (revlibrary) - fixes the revGoURL issue with mailto
2. Standalone Builder (revstandalonesettings) - fixes issues on OS X
with externals
This will download, backup and place the new files in the appropriate
directory. The old files will be named with a .org extension.
There have been cases where sometimes the updater will mention that an
error has occured in the stack (we are trying to track this down). If
this occurs restart Revolution and check for updates again. Once this
process has completed and you are informed that you have the latest
version along with all updates, there should be a 
and files in the components/global
environment and component/tools directories.

Please ensure that you make relevant backups before trying this 

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