Re: Printing a player image in XP

2009-12-12 Thread hyperchris
Thanks Mark. For posterity, here is the 'Win XP workaround: 
Right before you print, execute ...
   import snapshot from card 1
...  then you can print the card and see what was in your QT Player objects. 
Don't forget to delete the image that results from using that command.
 I need to display TIFFs and QuickTime is the only way I know to do that in 
 Rev. So, I make sure XP has QT installed and then I use the Player object. 
 Everything displays fine.
 When I print in XP, though, i get mush. The Players are just a grey box 
 (everything else on the page prints fine.) I also tried Printing to PDF to 
 see if that helped but no dice.
 It works fine in OSX so the approach appears to be sound. I did consider a 
 workaround of 'export snapshot as PNG' and then putting that image in front 
 of the Player. However, the QT approach is already a little pokey and so I'd 
 like to find a better solution. (It also might snapshot the print dialogue 
 unless it supports off-screen shots!)

Have you looked into Trevor's QT external? Maybe there is something in there.
 Mark Talluto
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Printing a player image in XP

2009-12-10 Thread hyperchris
I need to display TIFFs and QuickTime is the only way I know to do that in Rev. 
So, I make sure XP has QT installed and then I use the Player object. 
Everything displays fine.

When I print in XP, though, i get mush. The Players are just a grey box 
(everything else on the page prints fine.) I also tried Printing to PDF to see 
if that helped but no dice. 

It works fine in OSX so the approach appears to be sound. I did consider a 
workaround of 'export snapshot as PNG' and then putting that image in front of 
the Player. However, the QT approach is already a little pokey and so I'd like 
to find a better solution. (It also might snapshot the print dialogue unless it 
supports off-screen shots!)

Any thoughts, ideas, magical incantations ???  TY ... Chris
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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 66, Issue 24

2009-03-15 Thread HyperChris
one thought is a shell command to do a port scan.

an easier thought though is to setup a webserver (or something else easy to 
access via rev like say FTP) on that computer on another non-standard port. 
chances are, if you are app can successfully access that port then it can get 
chosen SQL port.

In a message dated 3/15/09 10:00:32 AM, writes:
 From: Devin Asay
 Subject: Checking for MySQL access
 So this brings up a question. How could I check any given network to 
 make sure that the appropriate ports is open ...

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RevUp, Quick Tip: Easy Toggle Buttons

2008-05-23 Thread HyperChris
In the RevUp newsletter, Bill Marriott wrote a nice tip for doing column 
headings using a family of radio buttons ...

On my copy of 2.9.1 on OSX 10.5 the buttons were highlighting dark purple 
such that i couldn't read the label anymore (the example uses Windows.)

To fix, for each button x i did the following (by script -- or using 
Inspector) ...
 set the borderwidth of btn x to 1  -- Icons  Border, Border 
 set the hilite color of btn x to 255,255,255 -- Color  Patterns, Hilited 
Text, White

Thanks for the tip Bill.

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[OT] Re: Filthy Apples

2006-09-28 Thread HyperChris
Granted ewaste is a monster problem and apple can do more to help. Here is 
the link to apple's official word on the topic ...

It includes these points...

Apple maintains a variety of recycling programs which add to recycling totals 
every day:
- For customers in the United States, Apple offers a free recycling 
program of old computers and monitors with the purchase of a new Mac.
- A free iPod recycling program, conducted through Apple’s retail stores, 
offers environmentally friendly disposal and a 10% discount on the purchase 
of a new iPod.
-  A trade-in program for educational and business customers in the 
United States has already diverted more than 60 tons of electronic waste from 
landfills since August 2005.
-  Apple’s recycling partnership with the city of Cupertino, California 
has recycled more than 155 tons of electronics. All electronics products are 
accepted free of charge, regardless of manufacturer.
-  We also participate in recycling programs in Asia, including national 
programs in Japan and Taiwan.

Certainly apple should take the lead and do as much as possible in this arena 
but they don't appear to be as derelict as the greenpeace ad campaign would 
imply. I can't help but think the ipod (which has a decent recycle program) 
makes them too easy a target and that other products and companies are far more 

(feel free to respond to me directly as this is getting off topic for the 

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Re: form email to RevCGI

2006-08-04 Thread HyperChris
All good questions. Thank you.

Yes i checked the HTML i received in the email and it was the same code that 
I sent. None of the method code and script calls had been butchered. In fact, 
i could detach the html file (some email clients let you do this) and open it 
as a web page and it worked fine.

I tried several email clients (AOL, QuickMail, Mail and Entourage) and had 
that same no parameters result. I used to think this was just a limitation of 
email clients (i.e. they could look like a web page but they weren't full 
featured and couldn't support actions) but then I started getting these form 
that called PHP scripts.

Has anyone tried doing this with a rev CGI engine?

In a message dated 8/4/06 10:49:01 AM, 

   Next, I use ShaoSean's libSMTP and libEmailEncode252 to attach the HTML
  form to an email. I get the HTML based email which looks fine and I fill 
 in all
  the stuff and hit Submit.
 what go you mean by which looks fine ? did you actually chack the HTML
 code received in the email, and especially the line with the GET method to
 make sure parts of the code aren't corruped or missing ?
  Again, this works fine if use the HTML as a web page. It only goes blank 
  i do it via email???
 which email client do you use ?
 could there be any settings that enable / disable the use of forms and 
 submit requests
 in HTML code ?
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form email to RevCGI, solved for GET not POST

2006-08-04 Thread HyperChris
The GET method encodes the form data in the URL and the POST method passes it 
as a parameter. When a rev CGI reads from StdIn it just gets the parameters 
and so GET will never work that way. To get that URL inside a rev CGI you need 
to use the $QUERY_STRING variable.

The downside to using GET is that your params (encoded in the URL) are out 
there for the world to see and there is a limit on length (and that may kill 
what i wanted to do!) The email clients don't appear to support the sending of 
parameters because a POST form works great from the browser but not from any 
email client I have tried.

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 16:32:05 EDT

Sometimes i buy things online and receive a survey form in my email to rate
the seller. The forms usually have some graphics, text, radio buttons, a text
box (for comments) and a submit button. The idea being that you can do the
response right there in the email program and click Submit to send off the
response. You are then sent to a thank you web page.

These are, of course, HTML emails and upon closer examination, they use the
GET method to call a PHP script at the server. (form
action=; method=get)

I want to do this with my Rev CGI, so i setup a script that just returns the
form parameters. I test it out first as a stand alone web page and it works
great. Next, I use ShaoSean's libSMTP and libEmailEncode252 to attach the 
form to an email. I get the HTML based email which looks fine and I fill in 
the stuff and hit Submit.

I go to the web page and i get my static response but none of the info i
supplied to the form. I have the script write out the variables it receives 
they are empty. It is as though the revCGI is being called but can't access 
data, or is not being given the data, that was passed when making the form

Again, this works fine if use the HTML as a web page. It only goes blank when
i do it via email??? Are there some limitations here that I do not know?
Thanks for your thoughts!

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form email to RevCGI

2006-08-03 Thread HyperChris
Sometimes i buy things online and receive a survey form in my email to rate 
the seller. The forms usually have some graphics, text, radio buttons, a text 
box (for comments) and a submit button. The idea being that you can do the 
response right there in the email program and click Submit to send off the 
response. You are then sent to a thank you web page.

These are, of course, HTML emails and upon closer examination, they use the 
GET method to call a PHP script at the server. (form 
action=; method=get)

I want to do this with my Rev CGI, so i setup a script that just returns the 
form parameters. I test it out first as a stand alone web page and it works 
great. Next, I use ShaoSean's libSMTP and libEmailEncode252 to attach the HTML 
form to an email. I get the HTML based email which looks fine and I fill in all 
the stuff and hit Submit.

I go to the web page and i get my static response but none of the info i 
supplied to the form. I have the script write out the variables it receives and 
they are empty. It is as though the revCGI is being called but can't access the 
data, or is not being given the data, that was passed when making the form 

Again, this works fine if use the HTML as a web page. It only goes blank when 
i do it via email??? Are there some limitations here that I do not know? 
Thanks for your thoughts!

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Re: [OT] Why would it be a pain?

2006-06-22 Thread HyperChris
My beef with IT is that IT isn't defined as a global variable by default. For 
example, if you need a quick file path and type ...
answer file 
... you can't get your path unless you previously did this ...
global it
In HC that was done by default which I found to be very handy. And that is 
all I have to say about IT.

In a message dated 6/22/06 9:15:51 AM, 
 Before you complete the ebook check in on BZ#3700:
 The enhancement request to have it return the full path when creating
 a folder has been confirmed, which suggests it may be implemented at
 some point.
 Richmond's perception about the pattern is useful, and it seems that at
 least Oliver at RunRev agrees.
 I imagine it would be relatively simple to implement -- I wonder how
 hard it would be to get that into the next build

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Re: [OT] Why would it be a pain?

2006-06-22 Thread HyperChris
IT is global in HC (although curiously it doesn't show in the HC variable 
watcher). you still have to declare it as a global within a script to use it 
(same as any other global in HC or Rev.)

my point is that when you are out in the message box it is available to you. 
as soon as you put something in it, or use a call like answer, you can 'put 
it' and get the contents. in rev you first have to say 'global it' if you want 
to try and use it from the message gox.

try this in HC msg box ...

get stuff
put it

... you get 'stuff' in HC but in Rev you get 'it'

my point is not to match HC but rather to be able to type things into the 
message box, like answer folder, and be able to get at the contents of it 
having to try and remember to type global it before i make the answer call. 
that's it my friends!

In a message dated 6/22/06 11:23:54 AM, use-

 Of course, 'it' will be a local only, unless the script or handler declares 
 'global it' so any scripts you do not control will not regard 'it' as a 
 global, such as library front/back scripts, plugins.
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Re: MVC in Rev?

2006-03-22 Thread HyperChris
to my fellow ludites also not familiar with that particular acronym ...

Looks like great fun! I can't wait to buy one.
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Re: deleteDups()

2005-11-16 Thread HyperChris
Chris wrote:
function deleteDups pList
repeat with x=number of lines in pList down to 2
    if line x of pList is line (x-1) of pList then delete line x of pList
end repeat
  return pList
end deleteDups

then Eric Chatonet wrote ...
function deleteDups pList
  local tLine,tStrippedList
  repeat for each line tLine in pList
     if tLine is not among the lines of tStrippedList
     then put tLine  cr after tStrippedList
   end repeat
  return word 1 to -1 of tStrippedList
end deleteDups

then J. Landman Gay wrote ...
function deleteDups pList
   split pList by cr and numToChar(3)
   return keys(pList)
end deleteDups

You have enlarged my universe. Using for each is several orders of 
magnitude faster than my original script and split is faster still.
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Re: deleteDups()

2005-11-16 Thread HyperChris
 then J. Landman Gay wrote ...
 function deleteDups pList
 split pList by cr and numToChar(3)
 return keys(pList)
 end deleteDups

Geoff Canyon wrote ...
it looks like the split command takes not quite twice 
as long as repeat for each ...

function deleteDupes pList -- does _not_ retain sort order
repeat for each line L in pList
  put 1 into temp[L]
end repeat
return the keys of temp
end deleteDupes

Thanks Geoff. Actually, I am getting split as four times faster
than 'for each' (under v2.6.0  2.6.1)
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2005-11-15 Thread HyperChris
I used to use an Xcmd set called HyperExternals Pro and one of its useful 
XFCN's was deleteDups(). The main thing it did was to quickly eliminate the 
duplicate lines in a sorted list. Here is my transcript replacement ...
 function deleteDups pList
  repeat with x=number of lines in pList down to 2
 if line x of pList is line (x-1) of pList then delete line x of pList
   end repeat
  return pList
 end deleteDups
 ... but I thought it might be fun to see what others have to offer up that 
would be more elegant and clever! Anyone?
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Re: kwote

2005-11-11 Thread HyperChris
benching ...

global gWote
put quote  %s  quote into gWote -- outside loop
get format(gWote, asdf)

get kwote(asdf)
function kwote string
   return quote  string  quote
end kwote

 get quote  asdf  quote

ticks after 100,000 iterations were 22, 39 and 5!

PS My apoligies to Mr. Gaskin for doing bechmarks. :)
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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 26, Issue 18

2005-11-06 Thread HyperChris
I would pay for that one. There are a lot of document management chores that 
could be written with a little control over the scanning part. We could toss 
the doc on the glass, click a Rev button that says Preview, followedy by a few 
popups or checkboxes to categorize and label it, and then Scan/Submit to shoot 
it into the system! It would be just beautiful.

In a message dated 11/4/05 2:10:42 PM, 

 I think the way to handle USB externals is to right specific externals
 for specific tasks. For instance a TWAIN USB external which could
 interface with TWAIN compliant scanners.
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Re: importing data from excel

2005-10-18 Thread HyperChris
Is there an easy way to import data from an Excel tablesheet into a 
Revolution stack?

Is this a one time export/import or something that needs to happen on a 
regular basis and launched by a script?

If it is a one time ...
save the spreadsheet as tab delimited text and then write a script to pick 
through the data and put it into fields. we can help you with a script for that 
if you like.

if it is an ongoing thing that you want to automate then I can think of 
several ways to do it ...

Have Rev launch an Excel macro file that writes your Excel data to a text 
file and then let Rev snatch the data from there.

Script Rev to do same as above using AppleScript (assuming Mac) instead of a 
macro file. Bonus if you can have AppleScript deliver the info directly to Rev 
and skip the text file.

Script Rev to send AppleEvents (again assuming Mac) to Excel to retrieve the 
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Re: Field printing blank page? (I'm so stupid!)

2005-09-29 Thread HyperChris
kudos to you for admitting that ... you made my day !

In a message dated 9/29/05 3:14:36 PM, 
 Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:49:21 EDT
 Subject: Re:Field printing blank page? (I'm so stupid!)
 OMG I can't believe how retarded I am! I forgot to take of the  tape on the
 ink cartridge. Everything is working fine now. I guess I just needed  to 
 on it. Thanks anyway for all your help. Revolution Rocks! 

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Re: Resetting a router

2005-08-17 Thread HyperChris
You might also play with opening up a Telnet or SSH connection to the router 
as most routers have their own operating system with simple commands to do a 
reboot. I don't think there is a canned Telnet or SSH stack out there in Rev 
but I would look into writing a script for those apps and then just use Rev to 
launch that script using shell()

On Aug 17, 2005, at 11:06 AM, Mark Smith wrote:
 I was away for a month just recently, and it all went wrong after 
 about two weeks, so until I got back to reset things, the data was 
 not collected. I can't help feeling that a simpler, probably Rev 
 only solution would be more reliable, but I can't figure out how to 
 get Rev to login to the router and press the right HTML buttons to 
 do it.

 This is a Belkin adsl modem/router box, that has the usual HTML 
 based control interface.
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Re: Uh-oh.... Anybody following WWDC?

2005-06-06 Thread HyperChris
FYI ... page 17 of the newly released Universal Binary Programming Guidelines 
says ...
Mac OS X ensures that byte-ordering is correct for anything it is responsible 
for. Apple-defined
resources (such as menus) wont result in problem behavior. Custom resources 
provided by your
application can result in problem behavior.

... this document is a good read BTW if you wonder how everything is going to 
work. I was much less skeptical/cynical after reading it.

In a message dated 6/6/05 12:38:15 PM, 

 In our scripts we should not depend on OS X as an indicator of byte

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Re: [ANN] The Scripter's Scrapbook version 5

2005-06-02 Thread HyperChris
Just an observation ...

This may not be readily obvious but the app can browse and publish scraps at 
the Flexible Learning site. The posts can be filtered rather nicely and then 
added to one's own scrapbook if so desired. I find this to be a bit easier to 
filter and search then at RevOnline. 

I encourage everyone to post some goodies.

BTW the interface on SSBK is so mature that it reminds me I should work 
harder at the details. Good work and thank you.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Query Builder 2

2005-05-21 Thread HyperChris
Thank you Jan. I will do that with BZ. I know how to do the sql connect using 
the functions but I think the DBQ could be such a boon for new users that I 
really want to see it work. As we say in my country YOU are the man!

Jan writes:
 Hi Chris,
 This problem would happen on MacOS, of course -- not on Windows/Unix, as the 
 MacOS HIG is the only one where a button doesn't receive the keyboard focus.
 You could patch the mouseUp handler in the revDatabase frontscript to get 
 around that limitation, and make sure the closeField is called, as follows :
 ## just after the line
   if exists(pObject) and the
 cREVGeneral[databasequeryobject] of pObject is true
 ## you insert the following line
     select empty
 ## this causes any open field to receive a closeField
 You might want to bugzilla this problem, and suggest
 the patch above.
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So now I can make changes but I still have one major
  hickup. If I click a
  button that is linked to the database such as a Next
  button set to 'Move to Next
  Record' then the field doesn't appear to ever get
  the close message needed to
  trigger the update. If I click any non DQB linked
  button or in the background
  then the save is made but if I go straight to a
  button like Next then the
  change is lost.
  I created a workaround by putting the Next button off screen and then 
  a fake Next button that does this ...
   click at 1,1   -- where there is nothing
   click at the loc of btn Next
  ... but that really slows things down. I suppose i
  could play with ways to speed things up but here again the DQB is supposed
  to be helping me knock this thing out quick.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Table field behavior

2005-05-20 Thread HyperChris
I don't think the table field will get the RawKeyDown message as it goes 
straight to the card.

What if you place the code in the script of the field in question and then 
not have to worry about the name of the field or about it being called when 
doing stuff in other fields which may not want affected?
use-revolution mailing list

Database Query Builder 2

2005-05-20 Thread HyperChris
Jan was kind enough to point me to the check box 'Cache record set' as a 
means of getting the DQB to upload changes made to a field when the 'Update 
after editing' option is checked in the Database section of the inspector. I 
had thought Cache'ing the record set meant it would NOT be rechecking the mySQL 
database for changes but instead it appears to mean something like 'Keep the 
local cache up to date!' This really needs to go into the documentation, and 
the little video primers, because it is too elusive for a newbie.

So now I can make changes but I still have one major hickup. If I click a 
button that is linked to the database such as a Next button set to 'Move to 
Record' then the field doesn't appear to ever get the close message needed to 
trigger the update. If I click any non DQB linked button or in the background 
then the save is made but if I go straight to a button like Next then the 
change is lost.

I created a workaround by putting the Next button off screen and then making 
a fake Next button that does this ...
 click at 1,1   -- where there is nothing
 click at the loc of btn Next
... but that really slows things down. I suppose i could play with ways to 
speed things up but here again the DQB is supposed to be helping me knock this 
thing out quick.

Any other half-documented features out there to which i should be paying 
attetion ?Thanks.

use-revolution mailing list

OT: watermarked images that photocopy as void

2005-05-18 Thread HyperChris
There is a name to the process of embedding an image in an image that doesn't 
show up until you photocopy it ... I need it to watermark the printing on a 
rev project ... Does anyone know the name of this effect so i can research it? 
thank you!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 20, Issue 50

2005-05-13 Thread HyperChris
I played with that but it doesn't appear to be totally reliable???

In a message dated 5/13/05 9:42:52 AM, 
 Subject: Re: DataBase Query Builder
 I have a little button that says refresh which I have to push. I never did
 automate it because it takes so long.
 On 5/12/05 11:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It doesn't look like an auto Refresh of the query was ever incorporated
  into the DB Query Builder. Changes to a field, which do update the
  database, are not visible when you come back to that record. Is there a
  simple way to get around this? Thank you.
use-revolution mailing list

DataBase Query Builder

2005-05-12 Thread hyperchris
It doesn't look like an auto Refresh of the query was ever incorporated 
into the DB Query Builder. Changes to a field, which do update the 
database, are not visible when you come back to that record. Is there a 
simple way to get around this? Thank you.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Table Field Docs?

2005-05-10 Thread HyperChris
at this address below is a collection of notes I put together on doing 
tables. it is not exhaustive but will get you going.
   go stack url;

i think the key thing is knowing when you must use the rev functions (hidden 
in the frontscript) to access the table versus accessing the field directly

i wrote this a few years ago and apologize for the lazy scripting conventions 

BTW the other way to do tables is to use the AltBrowser (see 
and do it in good ol' HTML !

In a message dated 5/10/05 2:46:58 AM, 
Is there anyone on the list (or better still from RunRev) who can provide 
more comprehensive documentation for table fields

use-revolution mailing list

OT: Tiger breaking HC

2005-05-03 Thread HyperChris
I hate to bring this up here as it feels so retro but bad things are 
happening to me under 10.4 in a HyperCard app to which I still lend some 

I have found the HC list and posted the details there but I would appreciate 
it if someone else who has Tiger and still has to support HC would poke around 
and contact me off list with the results.

Thank you. (and Go REV!)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Where IS the Report Builder?

2005-01-26 Thread HyperChris
check out ...

I think RunRev was expecting a simultaneous release with 2.5 but I recall 
that the author Jan Schenkel had to delay completion for personal reasons ...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Table field ... revWriteCellValue

2005-01-18 Thread HyperChris
I am not familiar with the handlers you are using but I update my tables this 
way ..
  get the data from the field
  make the change to it
  set the table property for that field to it
  ask rev to re-display the table. 

Here is a snipet I use to delete a line ...

on delTableLine pFldNm,pDeleteLineNum
  put fld(pFldNm) into fldData
  delete line pDeleteLineNum of fldData
  set the cREVTable[currentview] of field(pFldNm) to fldData
  revDisplayFormattedData (fieldquotepFldNmquote)
end delTableLine

... I too found enlightenment from Master Jan!

From: Jerry Balzano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Table field bug/typo in revWriteCellValue

I was having trouble figuring out how to read and write the contents of 
table fields, so I checked the archive and found a post by Jan Schenkel 
from last September where he describes how to use the revReadCellValue
and revWriteCellValue handlers.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Collaboration on the LAN

2005-01-13 Thread HyperChris
I'm just beginning to think about this, and looking for any and all ideas.

I always like the idea of sending people email to notify them that something 
needs their attention (they don't dare ignore my mail because I control 
payroll!) Two thoughts come to mind after reading this part in your post ...

So, goal would be to, during these two hours, when I give the high sign
Photos are in! to allow various individual on the land to
 a) view the photos in the current order they are in.
 b) be able to see captions as they are in the current state
 c) edit, add to, or write from scratch captions freely, and update

So getting back to email ... I would use it to notify them that the item has 
arrived and then perhaps follow one of these two approaches ...
 1. Send an html email with the photos a part of it and then ask that they 
reply with a caption. The email would have some sort of tag in it that would 
allow you to place the reply to the appropriate photo. That is a similar 
to a lot of the tech support systems that say please include this seciton in 
your reply You would write a rev stack to check the email account 
periodically and post these updates.
 2.   Send a text email that alerts them of a photo needing a caption with a 
link to a form style web page where the photos are displayed and the person 
adds a caption and clicks submit. You would write the rev cgi script/stack to 
update your main data

Your thin client approach also sounds promising. If your main stack simply 
holds the captions and photo URLs then the client can simply run up there and 
get that relatively small amount of information and then display it. It could 
also tag the record (card in your stack) to say it is in use OR when it goes to 
post a change it could check to see if someone else had made a change in the 
iterim and then give the user options to work it out. I usually use the latter 
because I find that two people actually changing the same record in the same 
session is so rare.

Keep us posted as lots of projects are similar to this. 
use-revolution mailing list

use bottomRight of scroll fld to resize

2004-09-17 Thread HyperChris
Hello all,

I like these horizontal AND vertical scroll fields but curiously they have 
this little square in the lower right corner that does nothing. I needed a user 
resizable scroll field for my project so I used mouseMove to make that little 
corner into a grab point . Here is the card script to make any field, with 
both H and V scrollbars, use that corner as a grabpoint ...

on mouseMove pNewMouseH,pNewMouseV
   global gClickOffsetH,gCickOffsetV,gClickFieldNum
   if the mouse is up then
 put  into gClickOffsetH
 put  into gCickOffsetV
 put 0 into gClickFieldNum
   else if gClickOffsetH is empty then
 put theGrabTarget(pNewMouseH,pNewMouseV) into gClickFieldNum
 if gClickFieldNum=0 then exit mouseMove
 put the right of fld gClickFieldNum - pNewMouseH into gClickOffsetH
 put the bottom of fld gClickFieldNum - pNewMouseV into gCickOffsetV
 get pNewMouseH+gClickOffsetH comma pNewMouseV+gCickOffsetV
 if the optionKey is down
 then set the bottomRight of fld gClickFieldNum to it
 else set the rect of fld gClickFieldNum to \
 (the topLeft of fld gClickFieldNum comma it)
   end if
end mouseMove

function theGrabTarget pNewMouseH,pNewMouseV
   repeat with x=1 to number of fields
 if not (the hScrollBar of fld x and the vScrollBar of fld x)
 then next repeat
 put the scrollBarWidth of fld x into tGrabSize
 get (the right of fld x - tGrabSize) comma \
 (the bottom of fld x - tGrabSize) comma bottomRight of fld x
 if (pNewMouseH comma pNewMouseV) is within it then return x
   end repeat
   return 0
end theGrabTarget

... and you can type this in your msg box to see an example ...
go stack URL;

If you like 'grabbin and draggin' then this is a good intro to using 
mouseMove. Feel free to weigh in with suggestions as there are always better ways !

use-revolution mailing list

Re: pop3 attachment decoding

2004-03-30 Thread HyperChris
Using the rev function base64decode() and then writing to a binfile, I can 
make it work. I guess I would feel more comfortable working from the standard 
versus my observations. (AppleScript could tell Expander to do it for me but I 
would still need a Windows way.) Does anyone know which RFC, or something else, 
that defines the formatting of attachments ?

In a message dated 3/29/04 11:24:11 PM, Sarah Reichelt 
 Hi Chris,
 The encoding just reads the file as binary data, then uses
 base64encode. If you did the reverse, remembering to save as a binfile,
 I reckon it should work no matter what the file type.
 If you wanted to use Stuffit Expander instead, I have a technique I use
 sometimes for Apple Mail when attachments don't display properly, but
 just come through in their encoded form. I select the encoded section
 (from one boundary marker to the next), copy and paste it into a text
 editor, then save the file as whatever.hqx. If you then double-click,
 Stuffit Expander will decode it correctly.
 On 30 Mar 2004, at 7:33 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am playing with the 'POP library' stack (thank you and kudos to
  Sarah) and it's time to decode the attachments. I can write 
  my own decodes for the easy ones, like TXT and HTML,
  but I would like to better understand the format and
  do something that could be reused by others. 
  Has anyone already done this ?
  And/or know which RFC defines the standard ?   Thank you ... Chris
use-revolution mailing list

pop3 attachment decoding

2004-03-29 Thread HyperChris
I am playing with the 'POP library' stack (thank you and kudos to Sarah) and 
it's time to decode the attachments. I can write my own decodes for the easy 
ones, like TXT and HTML, but I would like to better understand the format and 
do something that could be reused by others. Has anyone already done this ? 
And/or know which RFC defines the standard ?   Thank you ... Chris
use-revolution mailing list

Re: 3 Socket Q's but only 1.5 A's

2004-03-26 Thread HyperChris
In reverse order ...

3. AIM uses port 80 (and/or a port hopping scheme controlled on port 80) and 
you probably have that very open !

2. yowza ... i will take the fifth on that one

1. I think it may have to do with inverse addressing records. That function 
doesn't work on either my static public address or my local router supplied 
address. I think that because I do not have inverse pointer records declared for 
either address and as a result I get an empty when I call hostname(). There 
ought to be a shell command that will let you get the IP of the ethernet 

In a message dated 3/26/04 1:14:46 PM, 
 1. This returns my local IP address on all my machines not
     connected to my router:
       get hostnametoaddress(hostname())
     But behind my router it returns empty.  Why?
     And what is the reliable way to obtain the local IP address?
 2. I maintain a log of socket activity while I'm testing, which
     includes my own calls as well as messages like socketClosed
     and socketTimeout.  I sometimes find that I get socketClosed
     messages even as the session continues to work just fine.
     I had the (evidently mistaken) impression that a socketTimeout
     message was sent when a socket is closed due to a timeout.
     But since the socket appears to remain open, what is the
     common appropriate response to getting a socketTimeout message?
     I'm assuming the answer is not to ignore it. :)
 3. To have my apps connect through my router I need to configure
     my router's address triggering, specifying the port I'm using.
     Apparently this approach is used by many games as well, and
     some routers come pre-configured with settings that can be
     turned on for popular games.
     Why does AIM not have this requirement?
     I realize it's going through a server, but since the server
     is outside my firewall shouldn't I need to explicitely allow
     it to talk back to my machine?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Select question

2004-03-22 Thread HyperChris
So you are allowing your user to resize the field by switching to the Select 
tool but yet you want the text editing behavior of the Browse tool when the 
user clicks in the field? H ... usually when folks want the user to have 
control over field sizing, they stay in the browse mode and use mouse and click 
controls to trigger the drag sizing of the field. I tried it your way, though, 
and it works! I just created mouseEnter and mouseLeave handlers to switch 
between the tools. The only odd part was being able to sneak up on a text field 
and select it for moving or sizing before it switched me to browse for editing. 
I did get that to work, though, by increasing the border width and then 
modifiying the mouse traps to allow for it's thickness before making the switch.

Is that what you meant ?

In a message dated 3/22/04 10:11:42 PM, 
 I mean in an app.
 On 3/23/04 2:50 PM, Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Use the Contents section of the Inspector, or change back to the Browse
  On 23 Mar 2004, at 3:01 pm, Doug Lerner wrote:
  In an app I'm working on, if I have the select tool chosen and click
  on a
  text field I can move the text field, resize it and delete it. But I
  select the text inside the text field in order to modify it. What's the
  usual way of doing this?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Dan Shafer's eBook Problem

2004-02-25 Thread HyperChris
Try upgrading to Acrobat Reader v6.0.x

 when I try to open it, I get the following dialog:
 There was an error opening this document the viewer cannot decrypt this 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: ReportsPro

2004-01-21 Thread HyperChris
Hypercard to Rev Question ... Does Revolution have this capability? 

Lots of us are in this boat and, unfortunately, it looks like Reports DataPro will not 
be coming over

I can offer you this, however 
An alternative that some of us are pursuing (thanks to Bobby at ieEntertainment) is to 
use RichTextFormat (RTF) docs for the layout, custom tags for placing the data, and 
then our own engines to pump out RTF formatted reports.

To be more specific ...
 generate a layout in Word
 make up a tag system/language for where you want your data placed
 save this 'layout' as RTF
 when generating a report, Rev opens the layout
 your engine substitutes the data in for the tags
 save the document with an output name (it's still RTF)
 pop it open in Word for the user to preview/modify/print

Obviously this is more work on our part then slapping together a few fields and 
hitting save. However, it has a lot of potential. It gives the user editable output 
which is something one usually has to do with PDFs and the full version of Acrobat. 
Microsoft, in true Microsoft fashion, has also embraced and extended the RTF format 
substantially such that within the Word product you can do quite a bit of formatting 
and RTF will retain it.

That's just the tip of the iceberg, of course. Good luck !
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Excel

2003-12-29 Thread HyperChris
 Is there any way to get Rev *on a Mac* to open an MS Excel document, 
created in Windows, and extract data?

1 way ...
the way i use is to launch an excel macro that pulls all the data from the 
spreadsheet and writes it out to text ... pretty easy if you can control your 
spreadsheets or there are some landmarks you can export with it

1 idea ...
see if the Office knock-off programs (Open OSXOffice, ThinkFree Office) or 
Excel reader utilities can be scripted to do the same thing or schmooze them 
into sharing the dataformat!
use-revolution mailing list

Subject: Re: Lindows...

2003-09-26 Thread HyperChris
Please don't!

So Bush shops at Walmart!!? ;)),
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Create array with variables

2003-08-24 Thread HyperChris
repeat with n=1 to 64
  get short name of fld n
  put char 1 of it into x -- x is a letter and we need to switch it to a 
  put charToNum(x) - 64 into x -- assuming you are using capital letters: 
A=1, B=2
  put char 2 of it into y

  -- build the transcript instruction so that from Rev's vantage point it is 
formatted right
  put put fld  n  into array[ x comma y ] into 
  do transcriptInstruction -- 'do' is a transcript command, see docs
end repeat

In a message dated 8/24/03 10:20:07 AM, 
 I have made a 8x8 grid with fields ... named ... (A1, B1.. A2, B2..) and I 
want to ...
 repeat with n=1 to 64
put fld n into (arraychar 1 of the short name of  fld n)[char 2 of 
the short name of  fld n]
 end repeat
use-revolution mailing list

re: Marketing Rev in Other Worlds

2003-08-14 Thread HyperChris
Very good point Dan Shafer.

Rev almost needs a separate marketing, packaging, support and documentation 
approach for the mass market (and getting Apple to feature it or, dare I say, 
bundle it ... wouldn't hurt). I would not try and remove any of its basic 
features but rather put a different face on it for them.

The existing program is wonderful but it is oriented towards US and not THEM 
and THEY have a lot more money !

Dan Shafer writes:

The real sweet spot market for Revolution, as it was 

for HyperCard and the other xCard products, is what I have long been 

referring to as the Inventive User (IU). IUs are people who:

1. Know their computers can do so much more to help them with their 

work than anyone has yet made them do.

2. Are smart and creative.

3. Can envision the solutions.

4. Are not professionally trained programmers or at least if they were 

at one point no longer earn their living coding

5. Probably working in a team or workgroup setting where they are the 

local IT department

Those folks -- and there are millions of them -- NEED Revolution. 

Badly. But they're not going to take the time to tinker and learn the 

product after opening Revolution and being faced with a blank screen 

and a bunch of loosely connected floating palettes. Heck, they don't 

even get a blank stack window let alone a starting point. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: For true beginners

2003-08-09 Thread HyperChris
You know what is needed ?

The silly little home stack that came with HC. It would simply link the user to the various example projects and other resources. That alone would get so many people started. It could be emphasized in the entry level version along with docs that gave people tips on how to navigate it and then how to get started on expanding the capabilities.

Re: 'Spreadsheet' Woes...

2003-08-01 Thread HyperChris
The most interesting thing I have found of late regarding tables is that when 
you edit a cell, a closeField message is sent to the stack script. 

Note that it is NOT sent to ...
   the card script
   to the field script
   or even to the  the frontscrip
(although there is a closeField handler in the frontScript ???)

 Instead this closeField message just goes to the stack script. Very strange 
but good to know as it allowed me to recalc the table like a spreadsheet does. 
If anyone can explain that it would be a good lesson for me to learn!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: 'Spreadsheet' Woes...

2003-07-31 Thread HyperChris
I'm looking for commands such as On EnterCell, On CloseCell, On ExitCell to 
initiate calculations on other cells

Tables are a mysterious beast in Rev. There is a lot of power there but you 
are on your own to figure out how to engage it. Fortunately, this list is a 
salvation !  I suggest you download the archive and search for my email address. 
Jan and Sarah answered a number of questions that I posed which were similar 
to yours and they were very helpful!

My latest project which is a replacement for our Excel timecard is posted at 

Feel free to contact me off list. Good luck.
use-revolution mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread HyperChris
Try this ...
1. Create a new blank mainstack.
2. Draw a descent sized Field on it
3. Go into the Inspector and check the Table settings (Table Object and Cell 
4. Put some numbers in the first four cells of column one (how about 1, 2 ,3 
and 4)
5. Open the message box and execute ... put empty into fld 1
6. The field should go blank
7. Click on the cells into which you previously input data.
8. Like magic your numbers reappear in the cell while it is being edited.

Second round ...
1. Open the message and execute  put TEST into line 3 of fld 1
2. Test appears in row 3 column 1
3. Click on it and you will see the number you entered and then wiped out 
earlier and not TEST

Third round ...
1. Open the message box and execute ... put empty into fld 1
2. Click on row 2 column 1
3. One of the earlier numbers should appear. Type over it with another number.
4. All the earlier numbers appear.

Fourth round ...
1. Use the Popup Menu button  and draw a quick button off to the side.
2. Go into the Inspector and give it some Menu Items (how about A, B, C, and 
D each on a sep. line) 
3. Select line 2 of column 1 but don't change anything.
4. Click on your pop up button and watch it party again.

I'm very open to suggestions! Feel free to point out something simple like ...
  set tableNotBuggy to true
... I'm not too proud for anything at this point.
use-revolution mailing list

re: Table Grumps

2003-07-02 Thread HyperChris
1,1:3,17       Decimal:1

What does this actually mean? Assuming this is a kind of address list
for cells which will be formatted as Decimal, what happens when I put
a non-decimal value into one of these cells - AFAICS, nothing. What
then does the 'format... using' do? Can't find anything relevant in
the TD.

You sure are correct about the anemic documentation.

I interpet that line '1,1:3,17       Decimal:1' to be 
  format cell 1,1 to 3,17 using 0.0 format (1 place decimal)

That IS working on my little timecard spreadsheet project. That is a work in progress, so sorry if some of it isn't up to snuff, but I thought you might like to see it so I posted it at ...

Re: Table Grumps We Are

2003-07-02 Thread HyperChris
 Yes, I've seen it (if it's Table Fun) and it's illuminating - I 
didn't mean to criticise it at all. 

Not that stack ... I put another one there that is my actual project. 
TableFun was just to test. This one is called TimeCard 

I promise not to use the OSX version of AOL to respond to the list again. My 
gosh what a mess it makes !
use-revolution mailing list