RE: No Disk error MountedDisks

2004-09-21 Thread Jay Madren
Using the dir command from the command prompt (shell) will not cause a popup
error, it will only return an error message in the command window.  So you
could build a list of valid drives with something like this:

  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
  put empty into fld ValidDrives
  repeat for each char x in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
put shell(dir   x  :\) into output
if output contains The device is not ready \
or output contains The system cannot find the path \
or output contains path was not found then
  next repeat
  put x  :  return after fld ValidDrives
end if
  end repeat

Note that if you have a lot of mapped drives or other drives that are slow
to respond, this may take more than a couple of seconds.  Of course, you
could limit which drives you are going to test.  For instance, the usually
floppy drives A: and B: will take the longest.

Also note that this, as written, only works on NT/2K/XP.  Win9x also returns
a command-prompt-only error, but it's a different error and it waits for a
response (Abort, Retry, etc.).  So you'll probably have to use process
instead of shell so you can respond to the error, or maybe just kill the
process.  I have access to a Win98 machine if you need the error messages,
or to test some code, but it'll have to be a standalone because Rev is not
installed on that machine.

Hope this helps,
Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 08:36
Subject: RE: No Disk error  MountedDisks

Thank you, Xavier. This returns my two mounted hard disks, but not

Any other pointers?


 Alternatively, has anyone got a 'MountedDisks' function for
 Windows that would return the equivalent list as 'the
 volumes'  on a Mac?

Shell(Net share) or net use will list all mounted  shares.

Also subst can be used. Very practical for ultra long  paths.

To list the drives (physical) you have to use srvinfo from  the


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RE: Revolution 2.5 Updater

2004-09-21 Thread Jay Madren
I got the error messages, but it did update the two files (as you said,
after restarting and running it again).  Could the error have anything to do
with using the original build?  I never upgraded to the new build (build
2, I think).

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark Chia
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:57
Subject: Revolution 2.5 Updater


We now have in place an updater (beta) for Revolution 2.5. To use this,
go to the menubar and select Check for Updates. A stack should then
open informing you that updates are available for 2 files:

1. Library (revlibrary) - fixes the revGoURL issue with mailto
2. Standalone Builder (revstandalonesettings) - fixes issues on OS X
with externals

This will download, backup and place the new files in the appropriate
directory. The old files will be named with a .org extension.

There have been cases where sometimes the updater will mention that an
error has occured in the stack (we are trying to track this down). If
this occurs restart Revolution and check for updates again. Once this
process has completed and you are informed that you have the latest
version along with all updates, there should be a and files in the components/global
environment and component/tools directories.

Please ensure that you make relevant backups before trying this updater.



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RE: No Disk error MountedDisks

2004-09-21 Thread Jay Madren
I concur with Hugh.  On my Win2k with rev 2.5, the volumes lists all
drives, whether they are available or not, like the floppy, the CDROM
(with no disk loaded), and network mappings, even if that resource is
currently unavailable (the computer is down/disconnected).  So then you need
a way to test each drive.  Using (there is a file...), I don't have a
problem with any of them using except the floppy.  It pops up the error
dialog that Hugh mentions.

Hugh, do you get the error dialog with any other drives?  If not, then you
could just always exclude the A: drive, which for 99.9% of Windows PCs that
would be the one and only floppy drive.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 18:45
Subject: Re: No Disk error  MountedDisks

Agreed, the result is false, but only after a system error message There
is no disk in the drive  [Cancel] [Try Again] [Continue] 

This is  engine 2.6.1 (Rev2.5) on win2k.

And thank you Jay Madren, but unfortunately your solution does take too
in a hypertext mouseOver situation. I think I will have to live with  it.



I'm with Alex on this. On Win2k, RR2.5 and  2.2.1:

put the volumes returns me a list of *all* my mounted  drives,
including floppies, hard disk partitions, CDRoms, and network  drives.

And no System errors trying put (there is a file tPath) on any  of
these types, even non-mounted floppies. Just a straight true or  false.

-Mark Wieder

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RE: sql server redux

2004-09-20 Thread Jay Madren

I haven't investigated SQL Server snapshot backups before, but a quick look
through the docs and their web site seems to indicate that there's probably
some API or DMO call used to freeze the database at the time of the
snapshot.  The MSDN site refers to some VC++ examples, but I couldn't locate
them.  If you could find them, then you should be able to determine how they
are accomplishing it.

I'm curious, why do you want to do a snapshot backup instead of the normal
backup method.  I understand that it's intended for high availability
scenarios and supposed to have minimal impact on the server, but you have to
have the right equipment to pull it off (3 way mirror or something like
that).  Is this what you're working with?

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark D.
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 14:59
Subject: sql server redux

Won't a transaction with appropriate serialization give you the same
result, but without interrupting other users' ability to access the
database during the snapshot process?

Okay, this is where my nearly perfect ignorance comes to play--I don't
really understand how a transaction with appropriate serialization
would work for a snapshot. If other users are able to access the
database, then the files are open, things are in a cache, and the
snapshot won't be good for backup purposes--unless there is something
here I'm missing (entirely possible!)

I thought that the actual server itself needs to be paused to do a good
snap--much the same as in a backup scenario, just not taking quite so
long (less than one second).


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RE: How could i install RR/MC in Linspire OS (Debian Linux)?

2004-09-14 Thread Jay Madren
I have Linspire as a dual boot with Win2k, but I'm not doing any Rev work on
it, yet.  I have built a linux version of one of my programs, but haven't
gotten around to trying it under Linspire.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Alejandro
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 23:51
Subject: Re: How could i install RR/MC in Linspire OS (Debian Linux)?

on Mon, 13 Sep 2004
Mark Talluto wrote:

 Just download the linux.tgz version.  Lindows will
 decompress the file
 right there on your desktop.  Place it where you
 want.  That is it!

Thanks a lot for your clear instructions, Mark. :-))

I just will like that most of the Linux programs
were that easy to install! ;-)

How many RR/MC users are using Linspire, already?


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RE: How could i install RR/MC in Linspire OS (Debian Linux)?

2004-09-14 Thread Jay Madren
 I just will like that most of the Linux programs
 were that easy to install! ;-)

How does it handle the customary file type associations, icons, and
installation into the Start menu on KDE and Gnome?

The same way I do in Windows.  I don't use the installer, I just use the zip
file, unzip it, and create a shortcut (actually I just modify the existing
shortcut).  All the installer does is create a program group (shortcuts) and
register the uninstaller in the registry.  There are no file associations.
To uninstall the zip version, I just delete its folder.

Now I did run the installer on one of the 2.5 iterations, just to see if
there was anything new they were doing, which they were - the player and the
decoder install.  But now that I have those (which I don't even need), I
just use the zip file.

Jay Madren

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Problems with closeField

2004-09-14 Thread Jay Madren
Note the following from the docs on closeField:

The closeField message is not sent when a handler changes the field's
contents using the put command.

If a field is closing and its contents have not changed, the exitField
message is sent instead of closeField.

As was mentioned earlier in this thread, since you are not passing the
regular keystrokes on to the engine, it never knows that the contents have
changed.  So it really is doing exactly what the docs say.  Note that if you
use any of the keystrokes that you are passing (backspace, Esc, return,
etc.) then the closeField message _is_ sent.  I never used HyperCard, but I
suppose that its engine somehow detected that the contents had changed even
if you didn't pass keyDown (maybe it does a post-compare like the exitField

As I understand it, from your original post, you're wanting to only run your
autocomplete code when actual useable keystrokes are entered.  If that's
the case, then you could just pass all keystrokes, without putting them into
the field yourself.  You can still act on keystrokes of interest using the
following variation:

local what

on keydown k
  if charToNum(k) is not among the words of 3 8 9 13 28 29 30 31 then
put me into what
--process autocomplete code here
  end if
  pass keyDown
end keydown

on closefield
  put Field changed: Field=  fld Field1  , what=  what
end closefield

But there is a problem with this method.  The what variable doesn't get
the last keystroke entered until the keyDown is passed (as you can see in
the output on closeField).  I think this is because the field's contents
doesn't get updated until the engine receives the keystroke.  So, the
following will fix that:

on keydown k
  if charToNum(k) is not among the words of 3 8 9 13 28 29 30 31 then
put me into what
put k after what
--process autocomplete code here
  end if
  pass keyDown
end keydown

Hope this helps,
Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 07:40
Subject: Re: Problems with closeField

Dear Wilhelm,

Thank you very much for replying (and especially for making sure I SAW
your reply, since the Digest mixed up my post).

I, too, had since worked out an exitField version. However, yours is more
elegant than mine: e.g. using a 'script local variable' rather than a
global variable. :-)

What I still don't understand (and perhaps you don't either, given your
comment This is contrary to what you would expect from the docs) is why
the field doesn't send a closeField when the contents of the field have

Here's the problem, again, in its simplest form:

Create a field with the following script:

on openField
  put empty
end openField

on keydown k
  if charToNum(k) is among the words of 3 8 9 13 28 29 30 31
then pass keyDown
  put k into selection
end keydown

on closefield
  put Field changed.
end closefield

Typing into the field produces completely normal behaviour: arrowkeys, the
deletekey and backspace key are passed, and everything else is handled by
the line put k into selection. But when you click out of the field, NO
closeField message is sent.

Now delete (or comment out) the keyDown handler. Type into the field and
click out of it: The message box reports (correctly) that the field has

Since HyperCard sends closeField in both situations, I gather that
Revolution must have its own definition of 'closeField'.
Can anyone from RunRev (or with inside knowledge) confirm this?


Jonathan Cooper
Manager of Information / Website
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

use-revolution mailing list

RE: How could i install RR/MC in Linspire OS (Debian Linux)?

2004-09-14 Thread Jay Madren
Well, on Windows you can use Folder Options from the control panel or a
Windows Explorer window.  But I haven't done it because I don't really care
for that functionality.

I take it from your comment that the file associations are done
automatically by the installer on Macs?  (Since I know it's not done in
Windows or Linux, then I assumed you are using it on a Mac)

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 19:15
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: How could i install RR/MC in Linspire OS (Debian Linux)?

Jay Madren wrote:

I just will like that most of the Linux programs
were that easy to install! ;-)

How does it handle the customary file type associations, icons, and
installation into the Start menu on KDE and Gnome?

 The same way I do in Windows.  I don't use the installer, I just use the
 file, unzip it, and create a shortcut (actually I just modify the existing
 shortcut).  All the installer does is create a program group (shortcuts)
 register the uninstaller in the registry.  There are no file associations.

So setting up the MIME types is left up to the user to do manually?
How does the user double-click a .rev file and have it launch Rev?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
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RE: Download videos?

2004-09-06 Thread Jay Madren
Once you have clicked on the video and pdf in revOnline and it says they are
cached, you can find both files in components\save\resources\video (at least
that's the folder on Windows).

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Marian
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 08:33
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Download videos?

Hi all. And a happy Labor Day to those of you in the US!

Does anyone know of a way to save the videos to disk for viewing at
times when one doesn't have an internet connection?

I took a long trip this past weekend and was planning on working with
Rev, in particular doing the things I don't seem to have time for
during the week--chiefly watching the videos.  Then I realized I
couldn't download them and did not have an internet connection in the
air or at the airports I was passing through. Being able to download
and watch again without re-downloading would be really helpful.



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RE: Using revDB with DSN-less ODBC connections on MacOS X?

2004-09-01 Thread Jay Madren
For a DSN-less ODBC connection to MS SQL Server on Windows, I use
DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=servername.  Note that this connection string
(which is really the host parameter in rev) has to be in double quotes.  And
since it's not a DSN, you have to specify the database name in the next
parameter.  An example of my call is:


Hopefully you can apply this to your situation.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 06:41
Subject: Using revDB with DSN-less ODBC connections on MacOS X?

Has anyone succesfully used revDB to connect to an ODBC data source on MacOS
X without a DSN, using just a connection string?

Ken Ray kindly sent me a sample which suggested it should at least be
possible on Windows, replacing the DSN in the call with a connection string
of the form eg
DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=C:\test.mdb;

But all the plausible strings I try to construct on MacOS X fail with the
[iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default
driver specified. Driver could not be loaded.

I'm using the OpenLink SQL Server driver.  I'm copying text out of the
ODBC.ini file for DSNs that are known working, and I've tried both using the
driver name, eg
DRIVER={OpenLink SQL Server Lite Driver}

and the path, eg
DRIVER={/Library/ODBC/OpenLink SQL Server Lite ODBC

but I get the same message each time.

Has anyone else succeeded (or tried and failed) to do this on MacOS X?

Is there some peculiarity of iODBC on MacOS X which means DSN's less
connections can't be used here, although they can on Windows?

Is it possible that the message is just misleading, and that one or other
formulation for driver was actually working, but it was failing on some
other part of the connection string?

Answers to any of the above gratefully received,

  Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600|  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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RE: open process/wite to process

2004-08-29 Thread Jay Madren
You can't.  In fact, the docs say You can run only one instantiation of a
given program at one time.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of K
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 05:10
Subject: open process/wite to process

If I call open process several times with executable 'a' how do I address
each individual process (since the name 'a' ) it not unique?



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RE: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-27 Thread Jay Madren

I use Firefox as my default browser, but to get RevZilla to work I just used
IE to login to Bugzilla and set the cookie one time.  Ever since then
(several months ago), I've never had to go back to IE.  Clicking on the
links in RevZilla takes me to Bugzilla in Firefox just fine.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 17:31
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

  One thing that I've wanted to see in RevZilla is visual feedback on
the button on the various pages that will take you to BugZilla's page
on that bug.  Right now, if I click it, nothing happens.  I then wait
a few seconds for my web browser to come up before I know for sure
that it was actually clicked.  It would be wonderful if the button had
a hilited state so that I could see when I hold the mouse down on it.
  The other feature I would like to see added is support for Firefox in

Scott Slaugh
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RE: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Jay Madren

Well, I've got 3 that are all equally important. :)

Either make the bug display form wider or make it remember its size when I
change it.  Needed because, at least on my system, line breaks in the
description seem to be hard coded, so then of course your line wrapping
doesn't really reformat it properly to better fit the space.

Add Version to the bug list table.  To help with conserving space, you could
get rid of the Priority column (no one hardly uses it - almost all of them
are P2).

Need a way to easily select a range of choices from the drop-down lists in
search.  On bugzilla I can do this by clicking on one entry then
shift-clicking on another to select all entries in between.  This is useful
for, lets say, quickly selecting all versions except 2.5.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ken Ray
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 14:27
To: Use Revolution List; Improve Revolution List
Subject: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

I'm getting ready to have some time available to enhance RevZilla, and want
to make sure that I am adding things in the order that people will most want
them. The current version is 1.1.2, and I have a 1.1.3 that hasn't been
released yet, but has the following additions:

- Added support for Firefox to the OS X browser list
- Added info about trying to use AOL with RevZilla
- A few cosmetic adjustments

So for those of you who use RevZilla, can you please let me know what would
be your top 2 features you'd like to see added? Based on feedback, that will
allow me to determine which is most needed by the Rev community.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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RE: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Jay Madren
 Need a way to easily select a range of choices from the drop-down lists
 search.  On bugzilla I can do this by clicking on one entry then
 shift-clicking on another to select all entries in between.  This is
 for, lets say, quickly selecting all versions except 2.5.

Actually, if you select more than one thing from the same popup menu in
Search (the ones under the separator line), the label will change to
Multiple and you'll get multiple checkmarks next to them which will
indicate that you can search on multiple items within a popup menu. Let me
know if this will work for you; if not, let me know what you'd like to do
instead (or in addition).

Yes, I know you can select multiple entries, but it's not a easy, quick way
to select a lot of entries.  In my example, to select all versions except
the 2.5 ones, you have to individually select the 18 non-2.5 choices from
the version popup.  I don't know of anyone who wants to sit there and do

So what's needed is a feature like the one on bugzilla (which is really just
a feature of popups/dropdowns in web forms), where you can shift-click to
select a whole range of choices.  If that's not easy to do, then maybe a
checkbox or button to invert the selection, e.g., select the 2.5 choices,
then select invert which would invert or reverse the checkmarks on all
entries in that field.

Another feature which would also help alleviate this tedious
multiple-selection problem would be the ability to save search criteria.  So
then I could just call up a saved search, maybe modify it a little, and run
it.  Of course, this is a worthy feature on its own, no matter if you fix
the multiple selection problem or not.

Jay Madren

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Rev as memory-resident database

2004-08-25 Thread Jay Madren
That's not really a good benchmark, unless you report the time in ms.
Accessing a record by key value in any good database should always be  1
second.  Using SQL Server running on my 733mhz PIII desktop with 256 MB ram
(not a server - they call it their Desktop Database), I can retrieve one
record from a 22 MB, 97K-record table by key value (index) in 10 ms.

Now, if you are _not_ talking about indexes when you say key value, then
that would be more impressive (versus a disk-based db).  But it still needs
to be quantified more precisely.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rob Cozens
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 09:45
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Rev as memory-resident database

Has anyone actually tested rev performance on a high memory machine?

Hi Alex,

Not on a particularly high memory machine: 768 MB G4 iMac supporting
a 45 MB, 43K-record SDB database stack.  Retrieval time for one
record by key value via binary search is  1 second.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
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RE: ftp dates

2004-07-26 Thread Jay Madren
I wanted to do this too, but there are some problems.  One is the
information and/or format of the listing can vary among different ftp
servers, making a universal solution difficult.  Another is when you upload
or download a file via ftp, the file is assigned the current date/time, not
the original date/time.  The ability to modify the date/time of a file in RR
could overcome this, but only for downloads.

I have been using a system of using a control file that contains the
date/time for each file on the ftp server, and pkzipc (command line version)
to preserve the date/time of the files (in addition to compressing them).
But each computer must have the pkzip utilities.  Again, if RR had the
ability to modify the date/time of a file (or someone wrote an external to
do it - hint hint), I could build a utility to handle all of this without
having to rely on pkzip.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Alex
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 18:11
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: ftp dates

At 23:45 25/07/2004 +0200, Ton Cardona wrote:

I would like to compare the modification date of a binary file on an ftp
server with that of a corresponding binary file in a folder on the hard

The purpose is to download files of the ftp server ony when their
modification date date is older than those of the files in the hard disk

I guess there must be a way of doing it, but I am unable to find out how.

There's a How To on How to list the files in an FTP directory - summary
is that an FTP URL which finishes in a / will give back a directory
listing, including the name, size, permissions, owner, and last
modification date

The example given is :
   put URL; into field List

Take comparing modification times between systems for different clock
settings - you may want to check current time on each machine and use that
to adjust your decisions.

-- Alex.

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Support for MSSQL databases

2004-07-21 Thread Jay Madren

Have you actually used the ODBC driver with the Query Builder?  Since my bug
#511 doesn't seem to be getting any attention, I was wondering if ANYONE
ELSE has this same problem, or if anyone has ever even attempted it.  I
would at least like confirmation that it is a real bug or not!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jan
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 05:53
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Support for MSSQL databases

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was wondering if RunRev will ever add Microsoft
 SQL to its database
 connectivity offerings. In the corporate
 environment, alot of times it is
 required that we use Microsoft (even though MySQL is
 just as good or

 Roger Eller

Hi Roger,

You can connect to MS SQLServer through ODBC just fine
(in fact, using a DSN can make things easier if any of
the connection parameters change)
Perhaps you can file this as an enhancement request
and encourage people to vote for it, so that it gets
higher priority -- or if there's enough interest, a
third-party steps up and writes a revdb-driver.

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.
(La Rochefoucauld)

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RE: Can Rev Telnet?

2004-07-01 Thread Jay Madren
Are you wanting to remotely execute console/command prompt commands from one
Windows NT/2000/XP machine to another?  If so, take a look at PsExec (part of the PsTools suite) - and it's free.  If your
needs are different, then please ignore this.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gardner,
Joseph A
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 23:47
Subject: Can Rev Telnet?

Greetings group. I'd like to make a simple telnet application that can
emulate the functions in the Windows DOS command interface, but can't find
any reference to telnet in Rev's documentation. Can Revolution telnet and if
so, could someone give me a pointer to where I can find more info?


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Standalone Builder not remembering last build folder

2004-06-23 Thread Jay Madren
Hi all,

Before I bugzilla this, I wanted confirmation that it's not just my system
(Win2000).  I have been working a lot with building executables, and have
noticed a few glitches.  First, RR/SB doesn't remember the last used build
folder for a stack.  In fact, after exiting and restarting RR, the SB always
starts at My Computer when asking where to save the build to.  But after
building a standalone the first time, the next time I run SB (without
exiting RR), it starts at the parent folder to the previously selected build
folder.  For example, if I choose to build in D:\Revolution\Builds, then
run SB again, the browse starts at D:\Revolution.  So I can't just accept
the default, I have to select the correct folder each time.  The fact that
it starts somewhere else besides My Computer tells me that the SB is
sort-of remembering the last build folder, just not correctly.  So this part
is what I am considering a bug.

But in addition to this, I am going to enter an enhancement request for the
SB to save the last build folder as part of the Standalone Application
Settings, and to use it automatically without asking.  I also would like an
option to turn off the dialog that asks if I want to overwrite the build
folder.  What do you think?

Jay Madren

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Call for testers...

2004-06-04 Thread Jay Madren

Yes, I would be very interested to test your plug-in.  I, too, have been
less than thrilled by the amount of mouse activity needed to do serious
interface design work, especially since I come from another 4GL product that
is much better in this area.

If it does what you say, I would definitely pay that amount!

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 06:05
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Call for testers...

It allows you to switch to different RevProperty palette views
with just one click instead of a long drag in the properties menu!

Needless to say, this will save you hours and hours and kilometers
of mouse interaction with the menu in the revPropertyPalette (I was
so annoyed with it...)

AND best for last - you can save the settings you make for one object
and to copy them to another object with just one menu pick!

If you're a power user, this is a must!

Also provides one-click buttons to access stack, group and card
Which reminds me I forgot to put in a edit script button (but Im waiting
port my script editor to RR first to make it truely a NO2 equipped plugin!
(NO2 is that thing you see in fast and furious that boost power X4 in one

It's auto installable (no messy/buggy plugin manager required ;)

Is a 15 Euro shareware fee too much you think?


03.06.2004 00:12
Please respond to How to use Revolution

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], How to use Revolution
Subject:Re: Call for testers...


A plug in for what features ?

On Wednesday, June 2, 2004, at 04:57 PM, MisterX wrote:

 My new plug in is near or ready...

 I need a couple courageous testers for some Rev[warp]IDE technology...

 Those interested are welcome to reply...

 First 3 serious inquiries will be granted ;)


use-revolution mailing list

RE: PreNewbie database question

2003-11-12 Thread Jay Madren
If by can't get to first base you mean once you opened the query builder,
you didn't know what to do, then I can relate.  It took some digging in the
online docs for me to figure out that you've got to create a new query
first, by pressing the + button.  Then you can fill in the connection
details, get connected, then proceed to build a query.

This is one of those areas in RR that just isn't intuitive at all.  Sure,
once you know, it's simple.  But upon opening the query builder for the
first time, there's a lot of things in the window and no real clue about
what to do.  And, like I said, the instructions are buried deep within the
huge topic About connecting to and using SQL Databases, about halfway

If this wasn't what you were asking about, my apologies.  Maybe it will
benefit someone else.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
 I've tried a couple of times to use  mySQL but I can't get to first

 When I open RR Database query builder I see two tabs: Connection and
 Record set.

 Does this imply that mySQL works only with web based data? (Yes, I've
 read the article in the Revolution Encyclopedia.)

use-revolution mailing list

Automatic database queries SQL Server or Access

2003-09-20 Thread Jay Madren

submitted the following on bugzilla back at the beginning of September (bug # 
511), but they haven't even been able to test and confirm it yet (as you can see 
if you read thehistory on bugzilla). Can anyone here that runs on 
Windows confirmthis bug for me? I run Windows 2000, and I tried it 
on another Windows 2000 machine with the same results. I don't have access 
to any other Windows machines on which I could load RR and test this. 
Below is a copy of my initial bug submission. You don't have to have SQL 
Server to test this, only Access, since either one (using ODBC) resulted in the 
same problem.

bug description

I am having difficulty getting automatic 
database queries to work correctly. I'm using ODBC to a SQL Server database 
(though I've tried Access too with the same results). I can connect to the 
database, but it will not display a list of the tables on the Record Set 
tab. But I can still manually type in a query and it works, BUT only if 
the query returns only one record. If I enter a query that returns more 
than one record, RR "goes out to lunch" and never responds (CPU usage is maxed 
out for the revolution.exe process in Task Manager). I wind up having to 
kill the process.

Note that I can use the revDataFromQuery 
function in the Message Box to retrieve records (thousands of them) without a 
problem. I can also use revQueryDatabase with the same query and I get a 
record set ID back without any problems. I have successfully coded this on 
a card to populate a field (table) and it works just fine. But it will not 
work using automatic database queries that return more than one 

bug description


Automatic database queries SQL Server or Access

2003-09-20 Thread Jay Madren
Sorry for the HTML in my post.  Forgot to send as plain text (why can't the
list server automatically strip this stuff out?).

Jay Madren

use-revolution mailing list