Setting a property on a different card

2005-03-16 Thread Len Morgan

I have a little app that uses a setup stack (the main-stack) and an "ID 
Card" stack where I have a single card with the layout of an employee 
badge.  If I load an image by hand, it works fine.  I am now trying to 
to print a batch of these badges on one sheet.  I can change the 
contents of the text fields that hold the name, title, etc. with no 
problem but I'm having trouble setting the file name for the image (they 
are stored in a separate folder on a shared drive.

My code is:
set the fileName of empPhoto of card 1 of stack "ID Card" to 

This gives me an error with "no 'to'".  This same approach works fine 
with "put" on the text fields (even going to a card on another stack).

What am I missing?  The documentation I've found doesn't seem to show 
how to do this across stacks - just the current stack.

I'm having one additional problem with this little app when I start it 
up:  As I said above, there is a main stack and a substack.  There is a 
PRINT button on the main stack that causes the "ID Card" stack's single 
card to print.  The problem I'm having is the first time I try this, I 
get an error saying the card has to be opened before I can print it.  If 
I open the Application Browser and double click on the ID Card line 
(which displays it on the screen), then I can go back and press the 
PRINT button and all is fine.  I have a preOpenStack handler on the main 
stack the has "start using stack "ID Card" on it but that doesn't seem 
to do the trick.  Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
len morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Font Issue

2005-03-12 Thread Len Morgan
I know this is a simple issue but I'm pulling out what little hair I 
have left!

I'm on Windows XP that has been set up for two languages (English, 
Russian - my wife is Ukrainian).  When I was working on my other 
computer, everything was fine. I've moved my stack to this computer 
(both are XP by the way), every time I select a font, it uses the 
Russian one.  What setting do I need to change to work in English?  Note 
that anything I type EXCEPT the "Contents" in the property Inspector is 
in English.

use-revolution mailing list

Printing Question - Rephrased

2005-03-11 Thread Len Morgan
I'm still having trouble printing and my last plea went unanswered so 
I'll try again.

I know that there are 72 points to an inch when I print but I don't know 
how to scale this to dpi on a printer or dpi on the screen for that 
matter.  I'm trying to print ID Badges with a photo on them and I've 
used the example from the video but it seems that trial and error is the 
only way I'm going to get things to fit properly.  What I'd like to know 
is how to map pixels (which RR uses) to physical distances on the paper 
so I can, for example, put the photo in the upper right hand corner of a 
2.125 x 3.375 inch plastic card.

If I do the trial and error once (when my printer is set at 600 dpi, 
aren't the dimensions going to be 2 times (4 times?) bigger if I use a 
300 dpi printer?  Can I get to the printer attributes to determine the 
dpi the printer is going to use and then calculate some constants for 
scaling my card to fit?

Any help would be greatly appreciated even if it was just a pointer to 
somewhere in the documentation.

Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Mapping Screen to Printer

2005-03-09 Thread Len Morgan
I'd want to create a card that could be used as an ID Badge with a 
picture on it and the usual stuff like name, position, etc.  When I'm 
creating this card, how can I relate the size in the Object Inspector 
(which is in pixels) to the 2 1/8" x 3 3/8" dimensions of the physical card?

I guess to make the question even more general, how can I map from pixel 
dimensions to printer dimensions since I don't know (in advance) what 
the resolution of the printer is (or what it might be set to by the user).

len morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Are there any "complicated" DB tutorials?

2005-03-02 Thread Len Morgan
Are there any tutorials, sample stacks, etc. that demonstrate how to use 
the database functions OTHER THAN the simple 
connection/first/next/previous/last record examples?  I need to read in 
blocks of records in many cases, not just one at a time. 

Any pointers would be appreciated.
Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 17, Issue 63

2005-02-21 Thread Len Morgan
The "rope" is just below the graphic tools on the pallette (Rectangle, Circle, 
etc.).  Thought this was the tool for grouping a bunch of things together.  Maybe you're 
right and it's just implicit when you are in edit mode.

Can you tell me what 'dotted rope' tool you're referring to? The right 
way to select a bunch of controls that aren't grouped, I think, is to 
use the select tool and draw a rectangle around the outsides of the 

Unless I"m just dense, which is certainly possible.
On Feb 20, 2005, at 5:55 AM, Len Morgan wrote:

I'm a (very) new user an I'm having a little trouble with the Studio 
IDE.  I'm trying to layout a card with a few labels and the text 
fields to collect information from the user.  I want to select a group 
of labels and move them around a little and I've used the dotted 
"rope" thingy before but I can't seem to make it work any more.  I 
can't even get the "rope" to display as I try and draw it.  What are 
the exact steps I need to take to select a group of controls to adjust 
their position together?

Just to explain where my problem is, when I select the rope tool, the 
Run and Edit buttons BOTH come up.  If I try and click on an area to 
start my selection process, I only get the first control that the 
mouse hits.  If I click on the Edit button on the pallete, the rope 
tool gets unselected.  I know this is a real bonehead mistake on my 
part (because I've done it before).

Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

More Newbie questions

2005-02-20 Thread Len Morgan
I seem to have screwed my self into a problem.
I was trying to create a function that was part of the OpenStack call 
that made a connection to a database, run a "SELECT *..." call, then 
position to the first record ready to go.  Well, I made a typo on one of 
the lines but now I can't change anything because this executes when I 
open the stack and never closes because of the error.  I can get to the 
script and I can TYPE the changes but RR refuses to save the changes 
because the script is still "running."  Do I have to throw out 
everything else I've done and start over to get rid of this error?  I 
hope not because I was following what I've been told is the "right" way 
to write RR stacks, namely, do the GUI first and then write the scripts 
for the controls.

Any advise would be appreciated (like how do I stop the OpenStack from 
running in the first place? 

Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Almost too simple to ask...

2005-02-20 Thread Len Morgan
I'm a (very) new user an I'm having a little trouble with the Studio 
IDE.  I'm trying to layout a card with a few labels and the text fields 
to collect information from the user.  I want to select a group of 
labels and move them around a little and I've used the dotted "rope" 
thingy before but I can't seem to make it work any more.  I can't even 
get the "rope" to display as I try and draw it.  What are the exact 
steps I need to take to select a group of controls to adjust their 
position together?

Just to explain where my problem is, when I select the rope tool, the 
Run and Edit buttons BOTH come up.  If I try and click on an area to 
start my selection process, I only get the first control that the mouse 
hits.  If I click on the Edit button on the pallete, the rope tool gets 
unselected.  I know this is a real bonehead mistake on my part (because 
I've done it before).

Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Ultra Beginner Question/Request

2005-02-08 Thread Len Morgan
me a record clerk logged in, 
they would get the latest version of this card.  The other alternative is to put the actual cards necessary on each profile stack 
and then if I made a change to the search card, I would have to copy it to all of the other profile stacks (since they ALL have 
the search card).  That could work but the first way seems a lot more practical.
It would be great if you could embed stack within another (like in a smaller 
window) but I don't think RR can do that.  It would be a cool feature though 
with lots of possibilities.
I still recommend an SQL engine for this kind of project, however, as it 
gives you multiuser support almost "for free" and it will be *much* 
faster at searching, and make it easier to enforce tighter security.
As I said above, I'm already using a backend SQL database.  One of my 
customers has over 22,000 inmates in file (current and past) and well over 1/2 
a million commissary transactions.  I have no idea how many commissary line 
items there are (I store every line item when an inmate makes a purchase in the 
commissary so I could tell you if an inmate bought a Snickers bar 3 years ago 
on a Wednesday in May (and do it in under a second). Go Postgres!!!
Again, thanks for ALL the input from everyone.  I hope others are 
benefiting from this exchange than just me!
Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Mailing List Help

2005-02-04 Thread Len Morgan
Can someone please tell me how (and where) I can search the archives of 
this mailing list?  At one point I got to a page that looked like I 
could search but now it appears that I have to look at every message for 
every month to try and find if my problem has already been addressed.  
There HAS to be a better way that I'm missing.

Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Ultra Beginner Question/Request

2005-02-04 Thread Len Morgan
I have no doubt this is the right place to at least get started! The 
project I'm trying to convert is large but I think it is also typical of 
a lot of moderately complex application so I hope others can benefit 
from this discussion. The program has a database on the backend and is 
used to manage (private) prisons. The GUI consists of a menu at the top 
of the screen, a toolbar that includes a combobox to select what the 
user wants to do, a "current inmate" frame which is only a little taller 
than the text and labels that are on it, a large "main area" where 
different things go depending on what you select from the combobox, and 
at the bottom a status/progess bar. In a prior version of this program, 
the large main area had a tabset control to was used to select between 
the various tasks that a user wanted to do. As the program grew, the 
tabset had to be replaced with the combobox on the toolbar because it 
gave me an (almost) unlimited number of tasks (RR equivalent to cards I 
think). The tab control I had could not scroll if it got too big (which 
it did). The tool bar also has 4 buttons on it that are used by all of 
the tasks in the work area ("Add", "Delete", "Save" and "Cancel 
Changes"). What routines are called when one of these buttons are pushed 
depends on which task screen you're looking at when it is pressed. This 
sounds a little confusing but once you teach a user that pressing the 
"+" button adds one of whatever you're looking at (i.e., inmate, charge, 
program review)), they pick it up pretty quick. Now, for an additional 
wrinkle, in a prison environment (or really any other reasonably large 
organization), you need to have different rights for different people. 
In my program's case, no one but medical staff can look at an inmate's 
medical information, and so on. When the program is first started up, I 
get a username and password, and after authenticating them against my 
database, I get a "profile" that has been assigned to that username 
(from the same database). My tcl code has a script for each profile 
(medical clerk, mailroom, records clerk, case manager, etc) that loads 
("sources" in Tcl lingo) the scripts for each of the tasks they are 
allowed to preform along with certain permissions on those tasks. By 
that I mean, everyone is allowed to look at a certain screen of inmate 
information but only records clerks are allowed to change it. There is 
also a menu file that creates the top level menu structure also based on 
the user's profile. Again, there are a set of menus that everyone gets 
and then there are different ones added depending on the profile 
selected. Ok, that's how I'm doing it now in Tcl/Tk. I'm not expecting 
anyone to build this for me but I'd like a little direction on how to 
attack this in RR. Can I get different cards (or would I use stacks) 
depending on the profile or would I have a stack for each profile that 
had the cards necessary on it already? If it's the latter, how would I 
handle something like the "Search" task that everyone has but changes 
from time to time? Would I have to make the changes on every profile 
stack or can I say "use the Search card from ... on this stack?" I think 
I've figured out that my toolbar, "current inmate" and statusbar will 
endup being "groups" that I will just include on every card so that it 
looks like only the main work area is changing when in fact (I think) 
the whole screen is changing. I also think I've figured out that I'll 
need a stack to handle all of the database needs that I'll pass queries 
to and retrieve answers from. So there you have it. I'm staring at a 
blank mainstack and don't even know where to begin the design process. 
How do I partition things so that I'm doing things the "Revolution way." 
Thanks in advance for any pointers you might be able to offer. Len Morgan  

From: Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You may have come to the right place.  You can consider this list a 
working group for your personal success with learning Rev.  :) 

Tell us a bit about this Tcl project and perhaps some of the folks here 
will chime in with suggestions on how to get started.

One of the tough things with learning a proprietary language is that 
there are fewer third-party resources avaiable for learning.

But one of the upsides with Rev is that this mailing list is chock full 
o' third parties ready and willing to offer personal assistance.

Len Morgan wrote:
Hello All,
I've been a programmer since the mid 70's.  I've used and/or tinkered 
with all of the "normal" procedural languages (C, Tcl, BASIC) and even 
some "ab"normal ones like Forth.  I consider myself a pretty good 
programmer and have been told I&

Ultra Beginner Question/Request

2005-02-04 Thread Len Morgan
Hello All,
I've been a programmer since the mid 70's.  I've used and/or tinkered 
with all of the "normal" procedural languages (C, Tcl, BASIC) and even 
some "ab"normal ones like Forth.  I consider myself a pretty good 
programmer and have been told I'm fairly bright in general.  I've had 
Revolution for a couple of weeks now, and I just can't seem to get my 
head around the "methodology" of using Revolution.

I'm not worried about command syntax or what controls are available.  My 
problem is how to go about DESIGNING a whole project.  I am trying to 
convert a rather large application I have in Tcl/Tk to Revolution and 
just can't seem to get started.

Are there any Revolution design documents, web pages, tutorials, etc 
that address this area?  The one page about on the site 
having information for C programmers was not nearly enough.  I guess 
what I'd like to see is a step by step tutorial on how to start with a 
non-trivial project.  Like I said, I don't need to know how to put a 
button on a card and fire a script when it's pressed - that is very well 

Any information would be appreciated!
Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Postgres problem

2005-01-30 Thread Len Morgan
What version of Postgres are you using?
Have you tried connecting with psql (i.e., at the command line?) You 
will need the -i flag (or setting the tcp/ip parameter in the 
postgresql.conf file and restarting).
Also, is there any reason you aren't using pg_ctl to start the server? 
I'm new to Revolution but I've using Postgresql since it was Postgres95, 
so hopefully I've learned a little that could help you out.

Len Morgan
Hershel Fisch wrote:
Hi all, I'm trying to get my postgres to work on a network, I tried to mess
around with the "pba_config" file
host all all trust
started with "/usr/local/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -i" as I
use it locally with RR and was not able to get it work on a network.
I then tried to change the postgresql.config file and removed the "# " and
changed tcp/ip to true , didn't do it . Then I changed it back to the way it
was and Š then if I started it without the -Iflag it starts but wouldn¹t
accept any tcp/ip connections even locally so I started it with the ­I flag
,but wouldn¹t start "FATAL: postgresql.conf:1: syntax error, token="#"" .
Now I can't start postgres with an -i flag at all.
and how do I get the network working ? Mac 10.3.
I really would appreciate the help.
THANKS , A MILL. Hershel 

use-revolution mailing list

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Re: Quartam Reports (was "Where IS Report Builder"

2005-01-30 Thread Len Morgan
Count me in too!
Len Morgan
Dan Shafer wrote:
Me, too! Me, too!
On Jan 30, 2005, at 8:39 AM, Alan Gayne wrote:
Dan Shafer  wrote
The FAQ on  your site mentions a November target date. Is that an
outdated reference to *last* November, or are you expecting it to take
most of this year to get to a release?
Just wondering.
Dan, who will buy the pro version the day you release it!

Me too, Jan!
If it would help, I'll send you my check for the introductory price 
of $249 right NOW!

Best regards,
Alan Gayne
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

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use-revolution mailing list

Disappearing Mouse!!??

2005-01-26 Thread Len Morgan
I'm a (very) new Revolution user and I've got problem on Win XP.  I've 
created a little stack and in the IDE it "works" ok.  Right now it's 
just labels and textboxes - it doesn't actually DO anything yet.

The problem is when I save it and then try and run the .rev file, it 
shows up ok on the screen but as soon as the mouse pointer moves into 
the program window, the mouse pointer disappears.  It's still "there" 
because if I work at it, I can get the invisible over a button and then 
left click and have the button fire.

What am I doing wrong?  Any help would be appreciated.
Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

Beginner's List

2005-01-26 Thread Len Morgan
Is there a "beginner's list" available?  I've just purchased Revolution 
and I'm having some problems (on WinXP) but most of the questions I see 
on this list are way past where I'm at.  I'm sure when my book arrives 
I'll be able to answer a lot of these questions myself but I'd like to 
get started.

Thank you!
Len Morgan
use-revolution mailing list

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