Re: detecting for how long a key is being pressed

2005-09-08 Thread Oliver Hardt
hi Malte:  thanks for the script -- the trick with keeping track of  
the last key pressed worked fine.  it solved my problem.  best, olli.

On 6-Sep-05, at 5:22 PM, Malte Brill wrote:

Hi olli,

here is a starter. it is not absolutely reliable, as the user might  
hit 2 keys, one after another. If you need a more reliable script  
just let me know.

In the card script:

global gOldKey,gStartMillisecs

on rawKeyDown theKey
  if theKeygOldKey then
put theKey into gOldKey
put the milliseconds into gStartMillisecs
  end if
end rawKeyDown

on rawKeyUp
  put the milliseconds-gStartMillisecs
  put empty into gOldKey
end rawKeyUp

Hope that helps,


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functions in other stacks: how to call?

2002-12-01 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  i have a project with several stacks.  if i am in stack A and 
want to call a function that is in the stack script of stack B, how 
do i do it?  thank you.  olli.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: functions in other stacks: how to call?

2002-12-01 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello jan:  this is the solution.  thank you very much.  best, olli.

12/1/02, Jan Schenkel wrote:

--- Oliver Hardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hello:  i have a project with several stacks.  if i
 am in stack A and
 want to call a function that is in the stack script
 of stack B, how
 do i do it?  thank you.  olli.

If stack B is the mainstack of stack A, there's
nothing you have to do, the message will be sent up
the path and the mainStack will return the result.
If stack B is a separate stack, the easiest way is:
  start using stack B
from the openStack handler of stack A.
Jan Schenkel.

use-revolution mailing list

array: why does this not work?

2002-12-01 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  i have the following function that basically replaces get 
theArray[theKey];  put it.

function gF_getA pArray, pKey
  get pArray[pKey]
  return it
end gF_getA

however, this function doesn't return anything, although the array 
contains the correct values.

alternatively, i tried the following code with no positive result:

function gF_getA pArray, pKey
  get pArray[quote  pKey  quote]
  return it
end gF_getA

thank you for your help!  best, olli.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: logical time/date operators?

2002-11-27 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello Klaus: thanks for this great idea -- i'll give this a try!  best, olli.

11/27/02, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Oliver,

 hello:  i want to compare time and date information to determine 
whether a certain time/date falls within a certain time/date 
window. apparently, this doesn't work with the  or  operators (at 
least i cannot get that to work).  will i have to write my own 
function, is there something built in RR, or does someone have a 
solution to share?  thanks!  olli.

a good idea (i use it, so it must be a good idea ;-) is to convert 
dates to seconds
and then do the comparison. So you can even add/subtract half a day etc...

Try it, it might work for you, too :-)

Hope that helps.


Klaus Major

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array: can it be returned by a function?

2002-11-25 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  i create an array and load it with values in a function.  the 
function returns the array variable.  this variable, however, never 
makes it back to the calling handler.
	can arrays be returned by functions or not?
thanks!  olli.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: array: can it be returned by a function?

2002-11-25 Thread Oliver Hardt
hi david:  here is the code that doesn't work.  the function is 
called from handlers with a tab-separated list of values (the data 
for the array and the keys).  when i trace the function, the local 
var lPPArray appears to be doing fine, however, the calling handler 
doesn't get the array back.  perhaps you could try this out and see 
whether it works ... thanks a lot!  olli.

-- this function gets a tab-separated list of
-- values (ppData) and a tab-separated list of
-- keys (ppKeys).  then an array is filled up
-- with the ppData values and returned

function gF_LoadPPRec pData,pKeys
  put empty into lPPArray
  set the itemDelimiter to tab
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of items of pKeys
put item i of pData into lPPArray[(item i of pKeys)]
  end repeat

  return lPPArray
end gF_LoadPPRec

11/26/02, David Vaughan wrote:

can you reveal some code?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: array: can it be returned by a function?

2002-11-25 Thread Oliver Hardt
David:  thank you very much -- it appears that i simply did not 
understand that in order to put the values of the array into a field 
(or message box), i need to use the combine command.  you solved my 
problem!  thanks a lot!  best, olli.

11/26/02, David Vaughan wrote:

On Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002, at 13:01 Australia/Sydney, Oliver Hardt wrote:

 -- this function gets a tab-separated list of
 -- values (ppData) and a tab-separated list of
 -- keys (ppKeys).  then an array is filled up
 -- with the ppData values and returned

 function gF_LoadPPRec pData,pKeys
   put empty into lPPArray
   set the itemDelimiter to tab
   repeat with i = 1 to the number of items of pKeys
 put item i of pData into lPPArray[(item i of pKeys)]
   end repeat

   return lPPArray
 end gF_LoadPPRec


I wrote this:
on mouseUp
  put 1  tab  2  tab  3  tab  4 into pKeys
  put Freddo  tab  Frog  tab  was  tab  here into pData
  get gf_LoadPPRec(pData,pKeys)
  combine it with return and comma
  put it into field f2
end mouseUp

function gF_LoadPPRec pData,pKeys
  put empty into lPPArray
  set the itemDelimiter to tab
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of items of pKeys
put item i of pData into lPPArray[(item i of pKeys)]
  end repeat
  return lPPArray
end gF_LoadPPRec

which you can see includes your untouched function. It simply 
exercises it; and it worked perfectly, producing:
use-revolution mailing list

are arrays auto-sorted by their keys?

2002-11-25 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  as keys i use words, not numbers.  when i convert the array 
to an ordinary container using the combine command, i find that the 
keys have been automatically sorted alphanumerically.  is there a way 
to have RR not do this?  thank you!  olli.
use-revolution mailing list

rev UI: properties/scripts floating windows

2002-11-24 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  is there a way to stop the script/properties windows from 
floating in the UI?  if not, i would like to suggest this as a future 
feature of RR.  thanks.  olli.
use-revolution mailing list

ftp: how to prevent access to file currently being accessed?

2002-11-21 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  i really have not much knowledge about how ftp works, so 
forgive the question in case it was just too obvious.
	problem:  a file is kept on a ftp-server.  this file is being 
accessed by n clients, and all clients will modify the file and 
upload it to the server.
	question: how can i monitor from the client side whether the 
file is currently being used by another client, so that the it is not 
accessed until the  currently accessing client finished uploading?

	thank you!  best, oliver hardt.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: ftp: how to prevent access to file currently being accessed?

2002-11-21 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  thank you for this good idea -- i'll give this a try, since i 
have full control over the access.  best, olli.

11/21/02, Jan Schenkel wrote:

--- Oliver Hardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Oliver,

If you control _all_ client access, you could create a
file in the same directory on the server ; give it the
same name as the file, but append a simple token like
'.lock' ; then you can check for the presence of that
file before allowing the user to edit it from your
Of course this won't do anything if users access it
from another application. Hope this helped

use-revolution mailing list

standalone: how to safe modifications?

2002-11-19 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  i come from hypercard, and in that environment changes to the 
stack were automatically saved to it.  in RR i currently have the 
problem that i would like to safe user modifications to the 
standalone stack, in which the safe stack command doesn't work.  the 
user should be able to change some parameters of the software and 
this should be permanently stored to the stack.
	besides creating a paramter file, is there another solution? 
thank you very much.  olli.
use-revolution mailing list

archives: can they be searched?

2002-11-19 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  i only found a browsable version of the archives to this 
list.  is there a search engine somewhere for them?  thanks.  olli.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: archives: can they be searched?

2002-11-19 Thread Oliver Hardt
howard:  thanks a lot -- i never heard about this possibility!  best, olli.

11/19/02, Howard Bornstein wrote:

hello:  i only found a browsable version of the archives to this
list.  is there a search engine somewhere for them?  thanks.  olli.

Try this:

use-revolution mailing list

talk/voice service?

2002-11-17 Thread Oliver Hardt
hello:  does anybody know about a way to have RR 'say' numbers, i.e. 
have a stack pronounce numbers.  the numbers vary, so prerecording 
'chunks' and later assembling them might be too big of a hassle. 
thanks for your help.  best, olli.
use-revolution mailing list

why the hell does this not work??????

2002-11-15 Thread Oliver Hardt
gals and guys:  i am pretty much pissed off right now.  below is a 
snippet of code that is driving me nuts.  this code simply displays 
something on the screen and then *should* ask the user whether that 
should happen again or whether the program should go on and do 
something else.  this response is get using answer question.
	so far, so straightforward.  in the code, the put 
flushEvents ... and set the cursor ... lines or just in because i 
thought they might solve the problem,  but they didn't.

	and this is the problem: the answer question dialogue ONLY 
pops up, when i run the stack from within RunRev UI (i.e., i start 
RR, and then use the File menu to open the stack).  it *doesn't* pop 
up, when i simply double click the stack icon on my desktop (RR is 
not loaded when i click).  all this happens under OS X 10.2.2.  WHAT 

	please help me!!!  thanks, olli.


put flushEvents(all) into lDummy
set the cursor to hand
answer question Again? with NO or YES
put it into lAnswer
if it is NO then exit repeat
  end repeat
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Building serious scientific applications with RunRev...

2002-11-09 Thread Oliver Hardt
i do not agree with the general statement if you want to program a 
serious scientific app, you better learn C.  from my experience that 
is true only for some problems.  for example, if you would like to 
analyze fMRI data with an algorithm of your own, well, you'll better 
learn C.  and sometimes you need structures (struct in C, record in 
pascal) in order to model more complex data, then C or pascal is the 
better choice (for example if you want to do some complex modelling). 
but RR can be used successfully for scientific applications -- i am 
an experimental psychologist and use it nearly everyday:  i prepare 
my data for later analysis (clean up files, merge data, rearrange 
files), create my experiments, manage some databases.  it probably 
isn't the best tool to do 3d live rendering, but about that i am not 
sure.  on the other hand, perhaps the stuff i do is not considered 
serious science ...
best, olli.
use-revolution mailing list

app crashes frequently

2002-11-03 Thread Oliver Hardt
i am running Rev 1.1.1. under os X 10.2.1. on a Pismo.  so far i 
haven't done much developing, because the app CRASHES ALL THE TIME. 
anybody else with the same experience?  olli.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: app crashes frequently

2002-11-03 Thread Oliver Hardt
i changed the look and feel accordingly and no more crashes now.  it 
thus appears that there is some kind of bug in Rev 1.1.1.  let's hope 
that this will be solved in 2.0
thanks for your quick help.  best, olli.

11/4/02, David Vaughan wrote:

On Monday, Nov 4, 2002, at 07:29 Australia/Sydney, 

 i am running Rev 1.1.1. under os X 10.2.1. on a Pismo.  so far i
 haven't done much developing, because the app CRASHES ALL THE TIME.
 anybody else with the same experience?  olli.

 I don't use a Mac, But I have read here that there is an OS bug in the
 Appearance Manager that causes these crashes. The current workaround is to
 go under the View menu and set the LookAndFeel to Preview Mac OS.  This
 emulates the look of the classic interface I believe. I have also read that

So, firstly, the change may work for you, and secondly, if it does 
not then the problem almost certainly does not lie in RR on the Mac 
but in something else in your system.
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