RE: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-27 Thread Hugh Senior
For those watching this thread, there is a verified bug when focusing out of
a field after doing a put into
selection: the exitField message is sent instead of the closeField

As a workaround you will need to trap this...

local oldMe
on openField
  put the value of the target in oldMe
end closeField

on exitField
  if (the value of the targetold) me then send closeField to the target
end exitField

on closeField
end closeField

on commandKeyDown Vkey
   if Vkey = v and the selectedField is not empty then
 put the clipboardData[text] into the selection
 pass commandKeyDown
   end if
end commandKeyDown


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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-25 Thread Björnke von Gierke

Hi Hugh

Can you elaborate a bit on the problems that you see with my method? I  
am using it in some places, and plan to use it in the future too, so  
any backdraw would be of interest to me. Unfortunately I have no clue  
what you wanted to say. What arrays? Who changes them? I'm not loosing  
any paragraphs either?


PS: Here the second version of my code again, because the original one  
can't really work in a real project:

on commandKeyDown Vkey
  if Vkey = v and the selection is not empty then
put the clipboardData[text] into the selection
pass commandKeyDown
  end if
end commandKeyDown

On 24 Oct 2008, at 19:06, Hugh Senior wrote:

I'm not sure this holds true for win or linux (or older rev versions
then 2.8.1), but on mac os x, when there's styled text in the
clipboard, both the html and the text values of the clipboarddata
array hold their respective value.

Therefore this proved sufficient in one of my projects:

on commandKeyDown Vkey
  if Vkey = v then
put the clipboardData[text] into the selection
  end if
end commandKeyDown

I believe independent arrays on OSX, as with other platforms, are not
supported and changing one will change the others to suit, BvG. You  

also lose any paragraph returns, I think.


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RE: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-25 Thread Hugh Senior
Hi BvG

Upon reflexion and trying your handler with both 2.9 and 3.0 in Windows, I
prefer your simpler solution over my use of the templateField (although it
was an interesting exercise in itself). The loss of paragraphs was the
result of my original methodology and manipulations of the clipboardData
arrays and is therefore spurious.

The only change I would make to your handler is changing 'selection' to
'selectedField' which allows for selected text to be replaced...

on commandKeyDown Vkey
   if Vkey = v and the selectedField is not empty then
 put the clipboardData[text] into the selection
 pass commandKeyDown
   end if
end commandKeyDown

Thank you.


Hi Hugh

Can you elaborate a bit on the problems that you see with my method? I
am using it in some places, and plan to use it in the future too, so
any backdraw would be of interest to me. Unfortunately I have no clue
what you wanted to say. What arrays? Who changes them? I'm not loosing
any paragraphs either?


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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread coiin
I'm sure your handler will come in useful, but out of interest, would the Edit 
item Paste Unformatted not take care of many of the cases?

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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Hugh,

What about this:

on commandKeyDown theKey
  if theKey is V and the selectedField is not empty then
lock screen
put the text of the selectedField into the selectedField
unlock screen
pass commandKeyDown
  end if
end commandKeyDown

(I haven't tested it)

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Dutch forum:

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See 
 for more info.

On 24 okt 2008, at 11:24, Hugh Senior wrote:

A little something to keep in your Scripter's Scrapbook for when you  

it... How do we ensure plain text when we copy and paste from another

Pasting text from a Browser or an email often results in an unwanted  
format that doesn't match the field's default style. This is  
annoying when

all we want is the data not the style, such as a database field.

The simplest way is to change the clipboardData which is self- 

on commandkeyDown pKey
 if pKey=V then
   set the clipboardData[HTML] to the clipboardData[TEXT]
 else pass commandkeyDown
end commandkeyDown

This replaces the clipboard with plain text. It also removes any  
returns so all the text is now on one line. Good if the field is a  

like a phone number; not so good if we want to paste an address.

So how do we keep paragraphs intact? This is a solution that uses a
powerful, but I suspect often overlooked, feature of Rev: The  
ability to
define default object properties using templates. Rewriting the  
above we can


on commandkeyDown pKey
 if pKey=V then
   set the htmlText of the templateField to the clipboardData[HTML]
   set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
   reset the templatefield
 else pass commandkeyDown
end commandkeyDown

We now have plain text on the clipboard including any carriage  
returns so
any paragraph formatting is still there. All we need to do is allow  
for that
one-liner phone number field by checking for the field's autotab  

(which we would need to have set anyway)...

on commandkeyDown pKey
 if pKey=V then
   set the htmlText of the templateField to the clipboardData[HTML]
   --| Check for one-liner fields and remove carriage returns...
   if the autoTab of the selectedField then
 get the text of the templateField
 replace RETURN with SPACE in it
 set the text of the templateField to it
   end if
   set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
   reset the templatefield
 else pass commandkeyDown
end commandkeyDown

That's it. When we paste text, the original clipboardData is stored  
in the
templatefield, which we modified to plain text, then carriage  
returns are

removed if necessary, before updating the clipboardData ready for the

For the finishing touches, we should include a couple of tests to  
make sure

it behaves as expected...

on commandKeyDown pKey
 if pKey = V then
   --| Check if the environment is appropriate...
   if the tool is NOT browse tool then pass commandKeyDown
   if the selectedField is empty then pass commandKeyDown
   if the clipboard is NOT text then pass commandKeyDown
   set the htmlText of the templateField to the clipboardData[HTML]
   if the autoTab of the selectedField then
 get the text of the templateField
 replace RETURN with SPACE in it
 set the text of the templateField to it
   end if
   set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
   reset the templatefield
 else pass commandKeyDown
end commandKeyDown

A final tweak:
So far we are assuming that every field is going to be plain text.  
If we

want certain fields only, then we might add a field property called
plainTextOnly, and include a test such as...

on commandKeyDown pKey
 if pKey = V then
   if the tool is NOT browse tool then pass commandKeyDown
   if the selectedField is empty then pass commandKeyDown
   if the clipboard is NOT text then pass commandKeyDown
   --| Check if plain text is required...
   if the plainTextOnly of the selectedField is TRUE then
 set the htmlText of the templateField to the  

 if the autoTab of the selectedField then
   get the text of the templateField
   replace RETURN with SPACE in it
   set the text of the templateField to it
 end if
 set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
 reset the templatefield
   end if
 else pass commandKeyDown
end commandKeyDown

I hope you will find this helpful.

use-revolution mailing list
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[TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Hugh Senior
A little something to keep in your Scripter's Scrapbook for when you need
it... How do we ensure plain text when we copy and paste from another

Pasting text from a Browser or an email often results in an unwanted text
format that doesn't match the field's default style. This is annoying when
all we want is the data not the style, such as a database field.

The simplest way is to change the clipboardData which is self-managing...

on commandkeyDown pKey
  if pKey=V then
set the clipboardData[HTML] to the clipboardData[TEXT]
  else pass commandkeyDown
end commandkeyDown

This replaces the clipboard with plain text. It also removes any carriage
returns so all the text is now on one line. Good if the field is a one-liner
like a phone number; not so good if we want to paste an address.

So how do we keep paragraphs intact? This is a solution that uses a
powerful, but I suspect often overlooked, feature of Rev: The ability to
define default object properties using templates. Rewriting the above we can

on commandkeyDown pKey
  if pKey=V then
set the htmlText of the templateField to the clipboardData[HTML]
set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
reset the templatefield
  else pass commandkeyDown
end commandkeyDown

We now have plain text on the clipboard including any carriage returns so
any paragraph formatting is still there. All we need to do is allow for that
one-liner phone number field by checking for the field's autotab property
(which we would need to have set anyway)...

on commandkeyDown pKey
  if pKey=V then
set the htmlText of the templateField to the clipboardData[HTML]
--| Check for one-liner fields and remove carriage returns...
if the autoTab of the selectedField then
  get the text of the templateField
  replace RETURN with SPACE in it
  set the text of the templateField to it
end if
set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
reset the templatefield
  else pass commandkeyDown
end commandkeyDown

That's it. When we paste text, the original clipboardData is stored in the
templatefield, which we modified to plain text, then carriage returns are
removed if necessary, before updating the clipboardData ready for the

For the finishing touches, we should include a couple of tests to make sure
it behaves as expected...

on commandKeyDown pKey
  if pKey = V then
--| Check if the environment is appropriate...
if the tool is NOT browse tool then pass commandKeyDown
if the selectedField is empty then pass commandKeyDown
if the clipboard is NOT text then pass commandKeyDown
set the htmlText of the templateField to the clipboardData[HTML]
if the autoTab of the selectedField then
  get the text of the templateField
  replace RETURN with SPACE in it
  set the text of the templateField to it
end if
set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
reset the templatefield
  else pass commandKeyDown
end commandKeyDown

A final tweak:
So far we are assuming that every field is going to be plain text. If we
want certain fields only, then we might add a field property called
plainTextOnly, and include a test such as...

on commandKeyDown pKey
  if pKey = V then
if the tool is NOT browse tool then pass commandKeyDown
if the selectedField is empty then pass commandKeyDown
if the clipboard is NOT text then pass commandKeyDown
--| Check if plain text is required...
if the plainTextOnly of the selectedField is TRUE then
  set the htmlText of the templateField to the clipboardData[HTML]
  if the autoTab of the selectedField then
get the text of the templateField
replace RETURN with SPACE in it
set the text of the templateField to it
  end if
  set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
  reset the templatefield
end if
  else pass commandKeyDown
end commandKeyDown

I hope you will find this helpful.


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I'm not sure this holds true for win or linux (or older rev versions  
then 2.8.1), but on mac os x, when there's styled text in the  
clipboard, both the html and the text values of the clipboarddata  
array hold their respective value.

Therefore this proved sufficient in one of my projects:

on commandKeyDown Vkey
  if Vkey = v then
put the clipboardData[text] into the selection
  end if
end commandKeyDown


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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Björnke von Gierke
After a few seconds of thinking (amazing what that can do for you...),  
I realised that the script as posted is pretty much useless. I  
transformed an existing script from a rawKeyDown handler of a field,  
omissing mission critical changes. So for having this done on every  
field on a card or in a stack the script should look like this:

on commandKeyDown Vkey
  if Vkey = v and the selection is not empty then
put the clipboardData[text] into the selection
pass commandKeyDown
  end if
end commandKeyDown

On 24 Oct 2008, at 13:55, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

Therefore this proved sufficient in one of my projects:

on commandKeyDown Vkey
 if Vkey = v then
   put the clipboardData[text] into the selection
 end if
end commandKeyDown


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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Thomas McGrath III

Thanks Hugh,

This was very informative. I have not used the templateField before  
since I did not think I had a need for it but after this great  
explanation I think I might find some uses here in the near future.

Thanks again,

Tom McGrath

On Oct 24, 2008, at 5:24 AM, Hugh Senior wrote:

A little something to keep in your Scripter's Scrapbook for when you  

it... How do we ensure plain text when we copy and paste from another

Pasting text from a Browser or an email often results in an unwanted  
format that doesn't match the field's default style. This is  
annoying when

all we want is the data not the style, such as a database field.

The simplest way is to change the clipboardData which is self- 

Thomas J McGrath III

Lazy River Software

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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Hugh Senior
  on commandKeyDown pKey
if pKey = V then
  set the htmlText of the templateField to the clipboardData[HTML]
  if the autoTab of the selectedField then
get the text of the templateField
replace RETURN with SPACE in it
set the text of the templateField to it
  end if
  set the clipboardData[TEXT] to the text of the templateField
  reset the templatefield
else pass commandKeyDown
  end commandKeyDown

 I'm sure your handler will come in useful, but out of interest,
 would the Edit menu item Paste Unformatted not take care of
 many of the cases?

Not if you have a standAlone and/or are rolling your own, Colin.

 on commandKeyDown theKey
if theKey is V and the selectedField is not empty then
  lock screen
  put the text of the selectedField into the selectedField
  unlock screen
  pass commandKeyDown
end if
 end commandKeyDown

Elegant, Mark, but you would also need to track the insertion point (easily
done), and it would not handle any pre-existing user-formatted styles (which
I grant you was not part of the exercise but pasting text that defaults to
hard-wired Helvetica 14pt is a royal pita).

 I'm not sure this holds true for win or linux (or older rev versions
 then 2.8.1), but on mac os x, when there's styled text in the
 clipboard, both the html and the text values of the clipboarddata
 array hold their respective value.

 Therefore this proved sufficient in one of my projects:

 on commandKeyDown Vkey
if Vkey = v then
  put the clipboardData[text] into the selection
end if
 end commandKeyDown

I believe independent arrays on OSX, as with other platforms, are not
supported and changing one will change the others to suit, BvG. You would
also lose any paragraph returns, I think.


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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Stephen Barncard
How would this particular menu item and its script magically be 
created in an app?

I'm sure your handler will come in useful, but out of interest, 
would the Edit menu

item Paste Unformatted not take care of many of the cases?


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hi Stephen,

If you've copied something, paste unformatted is already in the Edit  
Menu of 3.0s IDE.

Joe Wilkins

On Oct 24, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

How would this particular menu item and its script magically be  
created in an app?

I'm sure your handler will come in useful, but out of interest,  
would the Edit menu

item Paste Unformatted not take care of many of the cases?


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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Re: [TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

2008-10-24 Thread Stephen Barncard

I know that, but it's useless when one has custom menus in the app.

Hi Stephen,

If you've copied something, paste unformatted is already in the Edit 
Menu of 3.0s IDE.

Joe Wilkins


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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