Re: Going Mad With Unicode

2003-05-31 Thread Igor Couto
Hey, Jan!

Thank you for your suggestion!

Sorry to get back to you so late, but work gets in the
way and stuff, heh.
Now it's my turn to apologise for the delay - for the same reason...

Have you checked the textFont ?
  get the textFont of line 2 to 2 + the number of
lines of fld source
If the second item is japanese or something like
that, it probably didn't get transfered from the
source field. So you'll have to fix that :
  set the textFont of line 2 to 2 + the number of
lines of fld source to Arial,cyrillic
(Replace 'cyrillic' with the appropriate name)
Checking the textFont property yielded some interesting 

For those who haven't been following this thread: we are trying to copy 
UNICODE TEXT (specifically, in Esperanto), from one field into a 
SPECIFIC LINE of another.

Based on your suggestion, I tried first of all checking the 'textFont' 
of the SOURCE field (not the target). As I suspected after reading your 
post, the 'textFont' of all Esperanto characters typed in the field (, 
, , , , ) is Lucida Grande, Japanese - even though the field's 
own 'textFont' property reports empty. It seems that any extended 
character in Rev is considered 'Japanese'...

So what is happening is that as I type the characters in the source 
field, using the extended unicode keyboard, Revolution is setting the 
textFont of each character on a character-by-character basis. Even if 
after typing I try to use the messageBox to set the 'textFont' of my 
Esperanto characters to empty, Revolution immediately sets it back to 

Now, the strange thing is what happens when I run the following script, 
trying to copy field sourceFld into line 2 of field targetFld:

on mouseUp
  put the unicodeText of field targetFld into newText
  put the unicodeText of field sourceFld into newLine2
  put newLine2 into line 2 of newText
  set the unicodeText of field targetFld to newText
end mouseUp
The text of field sourceFld was :
u vi atas tiun paon?
The text of field targetFld was:
This is line 1 of the target field.
And this is line 2!
This one should be the third line of the target.
While THIS should be the 4th.
If I keep on writing, we'll have 5 lines.
And to finish, a line number 6!
Note that the last 3 characters in field sourceFld are NOT Esperanto 
characters - they are just normal letters, so that the 'textFont' 
property of the last 3 chars of line 2 of field targetFld now report 
Lucida Grande only (no Japanese in the second item).

After the script is run, however, EVERY character, starting from char 1 
of line 3, has its textFont property set to Lucida Grande, Japanese - 
even though that's not what they were to start with... So that where 
before I had text in English, now I have a bunch of Japanese 

More oddities: even though the number of lines in field targetFld 
still reports 6, the 'returns' after line 2 are being IGNORED, so 
that the Japanese characters on the lines appear to just follow on and 
wrap around in the normal manner, as if there were no returns there at 
all, and just one big paragraph.

Last of all: if I try to set the textFont of these lines (or 
characters) back to empty, then the English characters reappear. The 
'returns', however, now display as forward delete icons, and the 
field still ignores the line breaks, just as it did when the text was 
Japanese (ie, all of the lines following line 2 are 'grouped' into a 
big paragraph, which simply wraps around in the normal manner). I can't 
seem to find a way to make the 'returns' go back to normal...

This is very, very frustrating! So much work for something that should 
be such a simple thing to do! - copying one line from one field to 

Any further help or suggestions are most welcome - I'm totally 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Going Mad With Unicode - Breakthrough!

2003-05-31 Thread Igor Couto
To all who have been immensely helpful by following this thread and 
providing suggestions:

I just managed to copy the extended unicode characters (in Esperanto) 
from one field to a specific line in another - using the HTMLTEXT 
property. There seems to be 2 ways to do it:

The longer way:

  put the htmlText of field targetFld into newText
  put the htmlText of field sourceFld into newLine2
  put newLine2 into line 2 of newText
  set the htmlText of field targetFld to newText

Or the shorter way:

set the htmlText of line 2 of field targetFld to the htmlText of 
field sourceFld

For some reason, this IS working now!
Once again, many thanks to all who provided suggestions!

Igor de Oliveira Couto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Going Mad With Unicode

2003-05-29 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Igor Couto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Jan,
 Thank you for your prompt suggestion!
 In my test, targetf was 6 lines long. Much to my
 surprise, this 
 script DID copy the right characters into line 2 of
 the target! 
 However, after line 2, ALL CHARACTERS TURNED TO
 JAPANESE! *hehehehehe*
 This is reproducible, and always happens right after
 the 'pasted' line 
 - ie, if I change the 3rd line of the script to say
 put theSource into 
 line 4 of theTarget, then the source field ends up
 OK up until the end 
 of line 4, and then it's just japanese gobbledigook!
 Jan, do you have any suggestions? It feels like
 we're getting close, 

Hi Igor,

Sorry to get back to you so late, but work gets in the
way and stuff, heh.
Have you checked the textFont ?
  get the textFont of line 2 to 2 + the number of
lines of fld source
If the second item is japanese or something like
that, it probably didn't get transfered from the
source field. So you'll have to fix that :
  set the textFont of line 2 to 2 + the number of
lines of fld source to Arial,cyrillic
(Replace 'cyrillic' with the appropriate name)

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

Going Mad With Unicode

2003-05-28 Thread Igor Couto
Friend Revolutionaries,

I have been trying to copy (via script) the contents of a field into a 
specific line in another field. The problem I'm experiencing is that 
the text contains roman-extended characters (Esperanto characters: , 
, , ,  and ), and even though I've tried everything I can think 
of, using the 'unicodeText' and the 'htmlText' properties, I still 
cannot make it work. I am using RunRev 2.0, with MacOS X 10.2.6.

To reproduce what I am experiencing, try the following:

1) Make a new stack, and place 2 fields in it - let's call them 
sourceFld and targetFld. The source field can be just one line 
high, while the target field should be several lines high. Type 
something into the target field (it doesn't matter what) - for a few 

2) In the source field, type some text using the 'US Extended' keyboard 
layout. To type some of these Esperanto characters, for instance, while 
using the 'US Extended' keyboard, press option+6 (to activate the 
circumflex accent) and then either 'c', 's', 'g', 'j' or 'h'.

3) NOW: using the message box, try creating a script that copies the 
contents of sourceFld into a line (let's say, line 2) of targetFld.

The extended characters either disappear or change... Here is what I've 
already tried:

1) put field sourceFld into line 2 of field targetFld
RESULT: the extended characters appear in the targetFld as 'unknown 
character' boxes.

2) put the unicodeText of field sourceFld into line 2 of field 
RESULT: exactly the same as above - the extended characters appear as 
blank boxes.

3) set the htmlText of line 2 of field targetFld to the htmlText of 
field sourceFld
RESULT: the characters disappear. If I check the 'htmlText' property of 
line 2 of the target field, I can see that it actually does NOT contain 
the same characters as the source field (compare with the htmlText 
property of the source field!).

4) set the unicodeText of line 2 of field targetFld to the 
unicodeText of field sourceFld
RESULT: an error - I believe the ' unicodeText' is not a property that 
can be 'set' on a 'per line' basis. It only seems to work if you set 
the entire field!

What seems to happen is that Revolution IS COPYING the right values out 
of the source field. If I 'split' the script, and get Rev to put the 
htmlText of the source field into a variable, and then check the 
contents of the variable, it actually DOES contain the right characters:

put the htmlText of field sourceFld into myVar
put myVar
The contents of 'myVar' are IDENTICAL to the contents of the htmlText 
of field sourceFld.

However, if we now say:

set the htmlText of line 2 of field targetFld to myVar

We see that Revolution is somehow changing the values of the extended 

Does anyone know how to get around this?

I'm sure that there must be a solution, as I understand Revolution has 
quite a few Japanese users, and they must be able to deal with this 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,

Igor de Oliveira Couto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Going Mad With Unicode

2003-05-28 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Igor Couto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Friend Revolutionaries,
 I have been trying to copy (via script) the contents
 of a field into a 
 specific line in another field. The problem I'm
 experiencing is that 
 the text contains roman-extended characters
 (Esperanto characters: Ä?, 
 ĝ, ŝ, ĵ, ĥ and ŭ), and even though I've tried
 everything I can think 
 of, using the 'unicodeText' and the 'htmlText'
 properties, I still 
 cannot make it work. 
 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
 Many thanks,
 Igor de Oliveira Couto

Hi Igor,

You can't set the unicodeText or htmlText of an
individual line ; they're 'all or nothing' properties
for the entire field.
However, this workaround might do the trick :

  put the htmlText of fld source into tSource
  put the htmltext of fld target into tTarget
  put tSource into line 2 of tTarget
  set the htmlText of fld target to tTarget

Most of the time, line i of the htmltext corresponds
to line i of the text ; if not, you'll have to do some
funny things with
  offset(p, tTarget)
  offset(/p, tTarget)
to find out where line i of the text starts and ends
in the htmlText.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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