Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-07 Thread Michael D Mays

Actually the answer to my question is that there is no such thing as an
integer in xTalk. Any string which could be a number which seems to act like
an integer is a binary real which has an exact decimal representation during
computation. You can't define a range for an integer if your language does
not have the concept of type.

What I was trying to say is that an integer to a lot of people is a whole
number in the range of +/- infinity. If they add zero to a large integer and
the result is another large integer they are upset. Just like those people
who summed ten tenths and didn't get one.

This isn't a large problem in the since that most xTalk programmers aren't
going to be writing programs where they will encounter these situations.

The large problem I see is if an xTalk were ones first language one would be
ignorant of computer numerics.


Rob Cozens of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 4/6/02 10:32 AM

 One problem is what is an integer?
 I would define an integer as any non-decimal number within the range
 of numbers supported by the interpreter.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-07 Thread Dar Scott

On Sunday, April 7, 2002, at 07:24 AM, Michael D Mays wrote:

 Actually the answer to my question is that there is no such thing as an
 integer in xTalk. Any string which could be a number which seems 
 to act like
 an integer is a binary real which has an exact decimal 
 representation during
 computation. You can't define a range for an integer if your 
 language does
 not have the concept of type.

If an implementation did use an integer type for a particular range 
and then switched to floating point outside that range, how would 
we ever know?

 What I was trying to say is that an integer to a lot of people is 
 a whole
 number in the range of +/- infinity. If they add zero to a large 
 integer and
 the result is another large integer they are upset. Just like 
 those people
 who summed ten tenths and didn't get one.

Yes!  Most of us learn what an integer is early in mathematics 
education.  The computer language concept of integer type is 
related, but is not the same; it is computer jargon.

 This isn't a large problem in the since that most xTalk 
 programmers aren't
 going to be writing programs where they will encounter these 

I have to defer to your judgment on this.  I wonder though, whether 
this is the case because those who tried went on to other 
applications or other environments after becoming frustrated.

I can imagine, though, a little stack to keep up with expense 
reports that reports after a couple months that reimbursements do 
not equal out-of-pocket expenses.

 The large problem I see is if an xTalk were ones first language 
 one would be
 ignorant of computer numerics.

This is why I would prefer to see limitations described in terms of 

Or, if that cannot be done, then a safe zone and behavior within it 
described in simple terms using numerals (referring to number of 
digits and so on).  Anything outside that safe zone is for advanced 
users and can be described in technical jargon.

(What I would really prefer is numbers virtually based completely 
on numerals.)

As typical in any field, those of us who have paid the price to 
learn trade knowledge think it is easy and the right place to build 
concepts.  Moreover, sometimes we tend to think of those things as 
the right way to think about the world.  Or rights of passage 
into the priesthood.  Or, you can't stay innocent forever, you 
will have to learn about the real world eventually.  Or, when you 
get really good, you can graduate to C.

A script writer should be able to concentrate on a particular 
problem domain using commonly held knowledge.  At times that 
problem domain does involve computer numerics as in writing scripts 
to input or output data that involves those.  Those concepts belong 
only in those commands and functions and options that involve those.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-06 Thread Rob Cozens

One problem is what is an integer?

I would define an integer as any non-decimal number within the range 
of numbers supported by the interpreter.

Thank you, Michael.  I'm waiting confirmation of my subscription as I 
write this.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-05 Thread Michael D Mays

Rob Cozens of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 4/4/02 9:59 AM

 Or is the real issue here the failure of HyperTalk, MC,  RR
 documentation writers to add a line indicating only non-decimal
 arguments are legal?  The HC documentation just says numbers,
 implying one could legally script something like 999.999 mod

xTalks are purported to be 'typeless'. But they aren't. The engine which
drives the engine is a binary machine. Is one one, 1 or 1.0? It depends
upon the context. What this means in effect is that the rules for typing in
xTalk are more complex than the rules for typing in a 'typed' language.

99.9 and maybe a few more 9s of the time this doesn't matter or the
automatic typing rules work the way we think they should.

xTalk scripters are a prior ill equipped to deal with numbers. When
HyperTalk became PPC native, the precision to which numbers were calculated
decreased by two or three orders of magnitude. And as you point out, where
in any xTalk documentation does anyone talk about numbers. Only the
HyperCard documentation talks about SANE and number precision. But even that
discussion leaves one sadly lacking. And when Apple released the PPC version
of HyperCard, the documentation was not updated for the new PPC numerics.

Caveat emptor.:(


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-05 Thread Rob Cozens

xTalks are purported to be 'typeless'. But they aren't.

Michael, et al,

Yes, and this mod issue is the result.

I can hear the conversation among Winkler, Atkinson, and other early 
HC team members:

What do we do about the mod operator?  It's an integer operator in 
every other programming language; but if we restrict it to integers, 
we'll have to explain to people the differences between real numbers 
 integers...that might get them to thinking they're programming and 
scare them away.  So let's just accept decimals.  After all, there is 
nothing in the generic definition of 'remainder' that requires the 
dividend or divisor to be integers.  :{`)

 From the Rev dictionary:

The mod operator evaluates to the remainder left over when one 
number is divided by another.

 From Funk  Wagnalls, remainder : In division, the excess of the 
dividend over the product of the divisor by the integral part of the 
quotient.  Therefore remainder = dividend - 
(divisor*trunc(quotient)).  Trunc(quotient) = trunc(dividend/divisor) 
= dividend div divisor; so remainder = dividend - (divisor * 
(dividend div divisor))

That looks a lot like:

function myMod zaValue,zaBase
   return zaValue-((zaValue div zaBase)*zaBase)
end myMod

which I previously posted as being correct for integer values.  I 
rewrote Ian's original to call myMod instead of mod.  The results 
were the same.

I think Xtalk should follow normal programming convent and have mod 
reject non-integer values.  I'm ready to initiate a discussion on the 
topic on the Xtalk List, if someone would please send me subscription 

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-05 Thread Michael D Mays

One problem is what is an integer?

Is 123456789112345678 an integer? Yes. No. Maybe

put 123456789112345678+0 on a PPC Mac results in

If we were C programmers we would know that this is the 'correct' answer.
But we are merely lowly xTalkers and we wonder where the seven went. ;)

If I would have done this 12 years ago on any Mac my results would have been

I don't know what our brethren in the windows world get. But it could be
different. (I get the same answer with Virtual PC running 2000.)


Rob Cozens of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 4/5/02 11:00 AM

 I think Xtalk should follow normal programming convent and have mod
 reject non-integer values.  I'm ready to initiate a discussion on the
 topic on the Xtalk List, if someone would please send me subscription

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-05 Thread Dar Scott

On Friday, April 5, 2002, at 10:00 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

 I think Xtalk should follow normal programming convent and have 
 mod reject non-integer values.

The definition from Knuth's _Fundamental Algorithms_ is this:

x mod y = x - y * floor( x/y ) if y is not 0
x mod 0 = x
where x and y are real numbers

(All programmers over 40 are required to give a reverent Ahhh at 
the mention of this work.)

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-05 Thread Dar Scott

On Friday, April 5, 2002, at 05:24 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

 I think Xtalk should follow normal programming convent and have 
 mod reject non-integer values.

 The definition from Knuth's _Fundamental Algorithms_ is this:

 x mod y = x - y * floor( x/y ) if y is not 0
 x mod 0 = x
 where x and y are real numbers

Of course, that is not a programming language in itself.  But these 

Pascal   (Jensen  Wirth)integer X integer -- integer
MODULA-2 (Wirth) integer X integer -- integer
PostScript   (Adobe) integer X integer -- integer
Common Lisp  (Steele)number X number -- number
Tcl  (Ousterhout)real X real -- real (fmod())
C(Harbison  Steele) double X double -- double (fmod())
Mathematica  (Wolfram)   number X number -- number
LabView  number X number -- number (QR)

(Some of these have slightly differing meanings.)

I don't think we can say there is a convention.

If the Revolution mod function works as expected for two positive 
whole numbers (less than 15 digits), what do we care if it does 
something useful for other numbers?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-04 Thread Rob Cozens

The someone else was me, and since another writer made a similar 
point about my comment I should clarify that I did not make it in 
relation to Rev (and hence the documentation makes no such 
statement) but to the MOD function as it was initially implemented 
(so far as I know) in the languages of 25+ or even 35+ years ago. I 
was talking about distant antecedents rather than current usage.

David, et al:

FWIW, I just looked through my old programming manuals and found all 
three versions of Pascal (UCSD, Turbo,  Think) define mod as an 
integer operation.  The Turbo Pascal manual specifically identities 
real arguments to mod as an error.


Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-04 Thread Rob Cozens

MOD is working. = is working.


MOD is NOT working: anyNumber mod 5 CANNOT = 5.


Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-04 Thread Michael D Mays

It's not 5 Rob its 4.999... .

It only looks like 5 because the default numberFormat rounds it to 5. If you
set the numberFormat to a high enough precision you will see that the number
which is else rounded to the default numberFormat and displayed in the
message box is not 5.

anyIntegerNumber MOD 5 is never 5.

certainRealNumbers MOD 5 can look like 5 when rounded.

The default numberFormat wraps the MOD function with a round function which
rounds 4.999... to 5.


Rob Cozens of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 4/4/02 9:08 AM

 MOD is working. = is working.
 MOD is NOT working: anyNumber mod 5 CANNOT = 5.

use-revolution mailing list

RE: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-04 Thread Rob Cozens

do it myself, but I've never had a need to do mod with non-integers.

Nor have I, Glen.

In fact, my recollection is no programming language I've used except 
Xtalk dialects even allowed decimal values to be passed to mod.

The thread was initiated by Ian Summerfield.  I included his handler 
in a subsequent post on this thread.

FYI, per the Transcript dictionary, beginning with v1.1 the mod 
operator can be applied to arrays.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-04 Thread Rob Cozens

It's not 5 Rob its 4.999.

Michael, et al:

OK, I'll accept that...and add numbskull of the day to my title of 
resident foole.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-03 Thread David Vaughan

On Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 01:59 , Rob Cozens wrote:

 A final note:  Someone else mentioned the mod operator is supposed to 
 be used with integers, so anyRealValue mod anyBase is non-sequitur. I 
 didn't see anything in the documentation restricting the use of mod to 
 integers; OTOH, I can't recall having a practical need for the mod of a 
 non-integer in 25+ years of programming.


The someone else was me, and since another writer made a similar point 
about my comment I should clarify that I did not make it in relation to 
Rev (and hence the documentation makes no such statement) but to the MOD 
function as it was initially implemented (so far as I know) in the 
languages of 25+ or even 35+ years ago. I was talking about distant 
antecedents rather than current usage.

OTOH, if we wish to use a comparison where the significant result is an 
integer then isn't it natural to ensure we are dealing with an integer? 
[This is a rhetorical question :-)]  Changing the last line of your 
example to
put (var1 = var2)  ((round(var1) mod 5)= (round(var2) mod 5))
does this.

I am of the view that the MOD function works no worse than I might 
expect it to on a computer, if less well than I would prefer. I don't 
like surprises of this nature either but that is one reason I act to 
avoid them.


 Rob Cozens
 CCW, Serendipity Software Company

 And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

 from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-03 Thread Michael D Mays

Rob Cozens of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 4/3/02 9:59 AM

 on testMod
  put 249 into var1
  put var1 into var2
  add 1.0 to var1
  repeat 10
   add 0.1 to var2
  end repeat
  put (var1=var2)((var1 mod 5)=(var2 mod 5))
 end testMod

On the Mac with PPC numerics as I understand it 249 and 1 are represented
exactly as is the sum of 249+1.
 249   - 01001
+  1   - 1
=250   - 01010 - var1

 249   - 01001
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
+  0.1 - 0.00011001100110011001100110011 ...
=249.9*- 01001.0 ... - var2

add this line to the beginning of the above script
 set the numberFormat to 0.
and append this to the penultimate line.
Now the result is
 true false 250 249.94315658113919199

MOD returns the remainder left when one number divides into another. So we
are asking for
01001.00011001100110011001100110011 ... / 0101 - a remainder
01010 / 0101 - no remainder

= on some systems wants an exact match. Not so using PPC numerics. They only
need to round to within 15 decimal digits or so (There two decimal orders of
rounding for Dar:). Which the above two numbers do. If you would have ran
the loop to 1000 and adjusted your parameters for 100 instead of 1 you would
have found
 false false

MOD is working. = is working. MOD is strictly a binary comparison. = does
rounding trying to conform to our decimal perception of the universe.:)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-01 Thread Dar Scott

Ian wrote,
   put .1 * adjustment into increment

On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 03:06 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

 The problem is completely avoided.

 In general no.  In the special case of mod 550, maybe.

I'm wrong.  Well, 99%. You are right, Ian.  A very large class of 
computations will work OK by  using signed whole numbers (less than 
15 digits).  You will want to make sure you don't let the error of 
a fraction sneak in.

Revolution numbers represent integers (in the math sense) up to 
about 15 digits exactly.  I apologize for the confusion.

(A simple mental exercise:  Imagine some arbitrary non-zero decimal 
number.  Imagine that you convert it to binary.  Imagine that you 
shift the binary point to the left, counting the bits you pass.  
Shift it to just to the right of the left-most bit that is a 1.  
Imagine that you cut off the portion to the right of the binary 
point beyond some number of bits corresponding to mantessa of the 
floating point number.  Note that no ones are dropped off.)

Y' know, a number improvement based on Ian's idea would be a lot 
more feasible than my idea of exact numerals (and applying 
numberFormat to calculations).

Sorry about the error.  As the great philosopher Michael Mays said,
 What numbskull posted this?!

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-31 Thread Rob Cozens

It is not the loop, it is addition.

Dar, et al:

I think there's more to it than that:


on testMod
   put 249 into var1
   put var1 into var2
   add 1.0 to var1
   repeat 10
 add 0.1 to var2
   end repeat
   put (var1=var2)((var1 mod 5)=(var2 mod 5))
end testMod

The first test always resolves to true...only the second test yields 
a false result.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-31 Thread Michael D Mays

Richard Gaskin of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 3/31/02
10:00 AM

 Interestingly, when you type  put 5 mod 5 (or 255 md 5 or other number
 divisible by five that fails when inside a loop) into the Message Box the
 result is 0.
 Stranger still, if you rewrite the line like this so that the loop var is
 evaluated outside of the rest of the statement:
 do put loop tab loop mod 5  return after msg get 0.

The reason it works in the msg box is because you are using a different
number. Inside the loop the number is
254.99988631316227838397 not the 255 you typed.

If you set the numberFormat large enough you will see that loop is never
255. And also your do statement in the loop will fail.

The situation is that when you convert .1 to binary and add it to 255 it is
actually adding a binary number whose value is a little less than the value
of decimal .10. .1 has no exact binary representation. if the increment were
some inverse power of two everything would 'work' the way we expect it to.

When you were using the do statement you are forcing loop to be converted to
a string at the precision of the default numberFormat (since you didn't set
it to anything else). This string is 255. When you increase the precision of
the numberFormat to max precision the string is


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-31 Thread Dar Scott

On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 11:54 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

 I think there's more to it than that:
   put (var1=var2)((var1 mod 5)=(var2 mod 5))

I think you are right.

on mouseUp
   set the numberFormat to 0.#
   put (1+.001)  linefeed after field Report
   put (1+.001) = 1  linefeed after field Report
end mouseUp



Equality between numbers seems to either have a tolerance, 
round/truncate digits or round/truncate internal bits.  
(Mathematicians would concerned about the first; the tolerance 
method means = is not an equivalence relation and transitivity 
goes out the window.)

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-31 Thread Michael D Mays

Dar Scott of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 3/31/02 11:49 AM

 It is not the loop, it is addition.  Every Revolution number (a
 priori) has a potential error.  This accumulates.  (I say a
 priori because some numbers, can be represented exactly.)

It is not a bug. This is just the way MOD and decimal numbers which are
represented as binary numbers work.

It is not just a Revolution problem.

The error does not accumulate. Try summing a million .10. There is no

Run this handler.

on mouseUp
  set the numberFormat to \
  put .10,.100012,.100013 into inc
  repeat with j=1 to 3
put item j of inc into incc
put 0 into a
repeat with i=1 to 10
  add incc to a
  put a into a
  put 0.i into ii
  put ii   a into line i+(j-1)*10 of fld 1
end repeat
  end repeat
end mouseUp


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-29 Thread Dar Scott

On Friday, March 29, 2002, at 01:16 AM, David Vaughan wrote:

 A solution (use round when it must be integer, raise to the power 
 1 when it must be floating point and concatenate with empty for a 
 string) is straightforward enough and rarely needed.

I don't think I understand how to use this.

Case in point:
put (8  empty)  (33  empty) -- true
These numeral values compare as numbers.  I can't make them be 

I realize there is a lot of heritage behind this, but I would have 
been happier to discover I could not tell there was any 
representation other than strings. discover that arithmetic 
has a simple numeral-to-number-to-(limited)-numeral semantics.  I 
would have been please to learn something like, Numerals with less 
than 20 digits represent numbers.  An arithmetic function on 
numerals returns an exact representation of the result if it can be 
represented in 20 or less digits, otherwise ...

It is kind of strange to find that there are some x such that B  
x = B236 is true but x = 236 is false.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-29 Thread Dar Scott

On Friday, March 29, 2002, at 01:16 AM, David Vaughan wrote:

 concatenate with empty for a string

OK.  I found a good example that puts that to use.  Here a 
floating point that does not equal 236 (but evaluates to 236 
when needed as a string) is converted to a string and then 
(virtually, if not really) back to a number for comparison.

on mouseUp
   put 235.00 into var
   repeat for 100 times
 put var + 0.01 into var
   end repeat
   Put (empty  var) = 236.00 into field Report
end mouseUp

This reports true, but if (empty  var) was replaced with var, this 
would report false.

I still find it weird that there are x such that (empty  x) = x is 

How am I going to explain this to a bunch of little kids?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-29 Thread Dar Scott

On Friday, March 29, 2002, at 02:06 AM, David Vaughan wrote:

 Case in point:
 put (8  empty)  (33  empty) -- true
 These numeral values compare as numbers.  I can't make them be 
 um... true. You actually have to append a space, not empty. 
 There's one for me.

LOL.  I tried spaces on either end.  They still compare as 
representing numbers.

But that other example I found.  That is a good place to 
concatenate empty.

I think the problem is that when an alternate representation of a 
number is converted to a string, the string is not always a numeral 
of the number represented.  A value in that case has sort of a 
split personality.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-29 Thread Michael D Mays

[I sent this message the first time from the wrong account. If it comes
through twice, sorry--mdm]

The MOD function works. The ROUND function might not.

Decimal 0.1 when converted to binary is actually slightly greater than
decimal 0.1. Set the numberFormat to something very precise and you will see
that .1 is really

When you keep adding increment eventually you reach a point where the sum of
all those 5.5e-19ths (if I counted right) become significant to the MOD

I think David Vaughan has said all this already but it is a very important

But the round is NOT the way to go
on mouseUp
  put 1 +.1 into aa
  put aa into line 1 of fld 1
  set the numberFormat to \
  put aa into line 2 of fld 1
  put round(aa,1) into line 3 of fld 1
end mouseUp

fld 1 is

I don't see it in MetaCard 2.2.3 (line 2 and 3 are the same in 2.2.3) but
the results are the same as above in MC2.4.1. I think this might be a BUG.

If you want to be testing as is in this example increments of tenths, I
something like set the numberFormat to 0.# and add the line
 put loop into loop
to your repeat clause.


Ian Summerfield of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on
3/28/02 9:53 PM

 The code I give here might look inefficient, the code comes from a large
 project, so there are reasons for doing it this way!
 It's just taken me several hours to figure out why my code wasn't working,
 and it turns out to be a bug in Revolution.
 Revolution 1.1.1b2 (OS X 10.1.3) seems to think 5 mod 5 = 5 whereas it is
 Try this code:
 on mouseup
  put 235 into startPoint
  put 255 into endPoint
  put 0.1 into increment
  put empty into msg
  put startPoint into loop
  repeat while loop=endPoint
   put loop  loop mod 5  return after msg
   add increment to loop
  end repeat
 end mouseup
 It will output to the message box a list of numbers.  The loop counter is on
 each line followed by a space and the loop mod 5.
 Here's my output:
 235 0    correct
 235.1 0.1
 235.2 0.2
 235.3 0.3
 240 5    wrong and impossible
 240.1 0.1

use-revolution mailing list

MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread Ian Summerfield

The code I give here might look inefficient, the code comes from a large
project, so there are reasons for doing it this way!

It's just taken me several hours to figure out why my code wasn't working,
and it turns out to be a bug in Revolution.

Revolution 1.1.1b2 (OS X 10.1.3) seems to think 5 mod 5 = 5 whereas it is

Try this code:

on mouseup
  put 235 into startPoint
  put 255 into endPoint
  put 0.1 into increment
  put empty into msg
  put startPoint into loop
  repeat while loop=endPoint
put loop  loop mod 5  return after msg
add increment to loop
  end repeat
end mouseup

It will output to the message box a list of numbers.  The loop counter is on
each line followed by a space and the loop mod 5.

Here's my output:

235 0    correct
235.1 0.1
235.2 0.2
235.3 0.3
240 5    wrong and impossible
240.1 0.1
240.2 0.2
240.3 0.3
244.9 4.9
245 5    wrong and impossible
245.1 0.1
245.2 0.2
245.3 0.3
250 5    wrong and impossible
250.1 0.1
250.2 0.2
250.3 0.3
254.9 4.9
255 5    wrong and impossible

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread David Vaughan

On Friday, March 29, 2002, at 02:53 , Ian Summerfield wrote:

 The code I give here might look inefficient, the code comes from a large
 project, so there are reasons for doing it this way!

 It's just taken me several hours to figure out why my code wasn't 
 and it turns out to be a bug in Revolution.

 Revolution 1.1.1b2 (OS X 10.1.3) seems to think 5 mod 5 = 5 whereas it 

 on mouseup
   put 235 into startPoint
   put 255 into endPoint
   put 0.1 into increment
   put empty into msg
   put startPoint into loop
   repeat while loop=endPoint
 put loop  loop mod 5  return after msg
 add increment to loop
   end repeat
 end mouseup


Interesting bug. I changed your startpoint and endpoint to 4.9  5 with 
no bug and 4.8  5 with the bug.
Changing the critical line to put loop  round(loop) mod 5  return 
after msg disposes of the error so I it seems to be a trailing digits 
error in real arithmetic rather than a logical bug as such. 5 mod 5 of 
course always produces 0.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread Dar Scott

On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 09:06 PM, David Vaughan wrote:

 Interesting bug. I changed your startpoint and endpoint to 4.9  5 
 with no bug and 4.8  5 with the bug.
 Changing the critical line to put loop  round(loop) mod 5  
 return after msg disposes of the error so I it seems to be a 
 trailing digits error in real arithmetic rather than a logical bug 
 as such. 5 mod 5 of course always produces 0.

This is discouraging.  I typed .2 + .2 + .2 + .2 + .2 = 10 into 
the message window and got false.

I assume by real you mean floating point, as typically implemented 
by computer hardware, a number with a binary point.  I don't see 
anything in the documentation as numbers being sometimes 
implemented as floating point.

I wouldn't mind this if it is transparent.  As long as a value 
looks and acts like a string, I don't care how it is stored 

As far as rounding, without evidence to the contrary one would have 
to assume that numbers are rounded to a decimal point rather than 
to a binary point.  (Numbers don't have to be represented in 
decimal for a decimal point to be maintained, but they often are.)

The implication is that applications that need a decimal point need 
to have lots of special code.
Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread David Vaughan

On Friday, March 29, 2002, at 03:43 , Dar Scott wrote:

 On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 09:06 PM, David Vaughan wrote:

 Interesting bug. I changed your startpoint and endpoint to 4.9  5 
 with no bug and 4.8  5 with the bug.
 Changing the critical line to put loop  round(loop) mod 5  return 
 after msg disposes of the error so I it seems to be a trailing digits 
 error in real arithmetic rather than a logical bug as such. 5 mod 5 
 of course always produces 0.

 This is discouraging.  I typed .2 + .2 + .2 + .2 + .2 = 10 into the 
 message window and got false.
So did I but my discouragement was alleviated by typing .2 + .2 + .2 + 
.2 + .2 = 1  !!:-)

 I assume by real you mean floating point, as typically implemented by 
 computer hardware, a number with a binary point.  I don't see anything 
 in the documentation as numbers being sometimes implemented as floating 

I don't know about the documentation but I mean with a sign, mantissa 
and exponent rather than BCD or integer. You can force this format, I 
believe, by taking an integer and raising it to a power, e.g.
put 4^1 into x
makes x a floating point number in the terms I suggest. If the number 
were BCD then I would not expect the failure Ian discovered, any more 
than you would for integer. Mod, incidentally, is (or was) intended as 
an integer function rather than one for real (floating point) numbers.

 I wouldn't mind this if it is transparent.  As long as a value looks 
 and acts like a string, I don't care how it is stored internally.

 As far as rounding, without evidence to the contrary one would have to 
 assume that numbers are rounded to a decimal point rather than to a 
 binary point.  (Numbers don't have to be represented in decimal for a 
 decimal point to be maintained, but they often are.)

 The implication is that applications that need a decimal point need to 
 have lots of special code.

Not really. Treat it as one of string, integer or floating point (s, m, 
e) and BCD or binary point can take care of themselves.

Incidentally, we are still working on that comparative challenge you set 
us, Dar.


 Dar Scott

 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread Dar Scott

On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 10:15 PM, David Vaughan wrote:

 This is discouraging.  I typed .2 + .2 + .2 + .2 + .2 = 10 into 
 the message window and got false.
 So did I but my discouragement was alleviated by typing .2 + .2 + 
 .2 + .2 + .2 = 1  !!:-)

How embarrassing!!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread David Vaughan

On Friday, March 29, 2002, at 04:48 , Dar Scott wrote:

 On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 10:15 PM, David Vaughan wrote:

 This is discouraging.  I typed .2 + .2 + .2 + .2 + .2 = 10 into the 
 message window and got false.
 So did I but my discouragement was alleviated by typing .2 + .2 + 
 .2 + .2 + .2 = 1  !!:-)

 How embarrassing!!
No worries and it was worth a chuckle. Actually, I did indeed copy your 
code into the message box exactly as you had it, got false, then 
experimentally typed in
  put .8 + .2 = 10
  and finally noticed just before I hit the enter key...  ;-)


 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread Dar Scott

On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 10:15 PM, David Vaughan wrote:

 Mod, incidentally, is (or was) intended as an integer function 
 rather than one for real (floating point) numbers.

The doc says nothing about this.

I'm disappointed that we are reduced to talking about int and real, 
programmer jargon.

Mathematically, depending on usage, mod is defined over real (in 
the math sense).

 The implication is that applications that need a decimal point 
 need to have lots of special code.

 Not really. Treat it as one of string, integer or floating point 
 (s, m, e) and BCD or binary point can take care of themselves.

I don't understand.  I don't know of types in Revolution (except 
string vs array).  Suppose I want to keep up with money.  If I 
understand the implications of Ian's experiment, my books might not 

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread Dar Scott

On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 11:04 PM, David Vaughan wrote:

 No worries and it was worth a chuckle. Actually, I did indeed copy 
 your code into the message box exactly as you had it, got false, 
 then experimentally typed in
  put .8 + .2 = 10
  and finally noticed just before I hit the enter key...  ;-)

Here is a better example:

on mouseUp
   put 235.00 into var
   repeat for 100 times
 put var + 0.01 into var
   end repeat
   Put var  (var = 236.00) into field Report
end mouseUp

This puts 236 false into the field.

This works as hoped (for cent arithmetic):

on mouseUp
   put 235.00 into var
   repeat for 100 times
 put round(var + 0.01,2) into var
   end repeat
   Put var  (var = 236.00) into field Report
end mouseUp


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-03-28 Thread David Vaughan

On Friday, March 29, 2002, at 05:00 , Dar Scott wrote:

 The doc says nothing about this.

 I'm disappointed that we are reduced to talking about int and real, 
 programmer jargon.

 The implication is that applications that need a decimal point need 
 to have lots of special code.

 Not really. Treat it as one of string, integer or floating point (s, 
 m, e) and BCD or binary point can take care of themselves.

 I don't understand.  I don't know of types in Revolution (except string 
 vs array).  Suppose I want to keep up with money.  If I understand the 
 implications of Ian's experiment, my books might not balance.

Rev is not a strongly typed language but I never expected that _all_ 
issues of data types would disappear. A solution (use round when it must 
be integer, raise to the power 1 when it must be floating point and 
concatenate with empty for a string) is straightforward enough and 
rarely needed.

Incidentally, MS Excel fails the following test
mod(12.3,1.23) = 0
where rev gets it right so MC is not alone in having issues with mod 
(Excel produces a residual of about 1e-15; not zero). Further, some 
languages will, I believe, say that -340 mod 60 is 20 or -20 
(arguable) where the MC engine fairly rationally says -40 so that is 
another one to consider.

I have had to compel the data type once or twice in HC and the same 
stack(s) in RR but a general awareness of the possibility is usually 
sufficient not to get caught by it. A bit like deliberately over-using 
parentheses to make sure the compiler understands you; just being safe. 
Perhaps some notes could be added to the documentation to raise this 
awareness for all.


 Dar Scott

 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list