Re: Setting Pixels

2004-12-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Gordon Webster wrote:

 Here is my question - Dan's book describes the use of
 the 'mouseColor' handler to get the color value of the
 pixel that is below the mouse - is there any way in
 rev, to set the value of an individual pixel?

See Ken Ray's useful explanation here:

This explains how imageData, alphaData and maskData work.  It may be a bit
overwhelming at first, but there's some sample code included to get you

(I just used this last night -- thank Ken!)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting Pixels - Clarification

2003-02-01 Thread paolo mazza
Ken wrote:

This is something that as you identified is too slow to be done in 
Transcript. You need the help of an external to do the processing of 
imageData for you. You might want to check out Chipp Walters' image 

There's image compositing and convolution matrix utilities there that 
use an
external for speed.

There is an external for Windows (ddl). How can I get en external for 
MAC to speed up the process?

Best regards,

Paolo Mazza

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting Pixels - Congratulations Monte!

2003-01-30 Thread Dave LeYanna
GREAT JOB folks!


At 02:04 PM 1/30/03 -0200, you wrote:

Monte has beat us ALL to the punch! Making his recommended alterations to
the little test routine shows us that there is no substitute for a good
knowledge of the timing aspects of the Transcript language. The timings on
my machine are similar to his. Thanks Monte!

So now I can apply all that has been recommended and try a real eraser
test. Who knows, it might be agile enough to implement in pure Transcript.
That said, of course the problem becomes analogous to the one I had in VB.
Pure VB worked more or less OK, but some bright spark eventually found a
way of accessing the image data directly, so that procedures like -

put the imageData of image bmw.bmp into iData
set the imageData of image bmw.bmp to iData

- became unnecessary. Consequently, the advice DON'T use VB for graphics
became far less true, although of course it is a long way from being an
instrument for constructing games. To achieve something similar in
Transcript might also be an advantage in terms of speed leading to the
statement You CAN use Transcript for graphics (but not for games?), but it
would take someone who has a really deep knowledge of the internal workings
of the system to come up with such an image bitmap pointer procedure
(someone from the RunRev team or a geek working at the university?).

Anyway, I am very happy for now. Many thanks to all who have contributed to
the solution of setting pixels. I feel inspired enough by your obvious
interest to actually go off and learn more about what I now consider to be a
viable new language.

use-revolution mailing list

||   Dave LeYanna ||
||   Director IS   ||
||   Right to Life of Michigan||

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Setting Pixels - More answers to suggestions

2003-01-30 Thread Monte Goulding

Hi All

I never read the original problem but I just made a custom paint tool with

-- button script

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

-- card script

local lImageData,lPaintColor,lMouseDown

on InitialiseImageData
  put the imageData of image 1 into lImageData
end InitialiseImageData

on InitialisePaintColor
  put binaryEncode(,0,0,255,0) into lPaintColor
end InitialisePaintColor

on mouseMove x,y
  if lMouseDown then
if word 1 of the target is image then
  set the lockCursor to true
  set the cursor to cross
  put (x-the left of image 1)*4+(y- the top of image 1)*(the width of
image 1*4) into x
  put lPaintColor into char x-3 to x of lImageData
  set the imageData of image 1 to lImageData
end if
pass mouseMove
  end if
end mouseMove

on mouseDown
  put true into lMouseDown
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  put false into lMouseDown
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
  put false into lMouseDown
end mouseRelease

Hope you like drawing squigly lines ;-)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting Pixels - More answers to suggestions

2003-01-30 Thread Sarah
Hi Robert,

Yes, an XCMD is like a DLL only for Macs. It means external command 
(there are also XFCNs - external functions). I have a script that 
converts RGB - HSV if you are interested. As Monte and others have 
shown, scripting in different ways can dramatically alter the speed of 
execution. Perhaps my script might be as fast as your DLL :-) If you 
would like me to send it, email me off-list.


On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 02:17  pm, Robert J Warren 
(( wrote:

Thanks, and sorry Chipp, I am not only new to Transcript but I also 
nothing at all about Macs. I presume that an XCMD is the Mac version 
of a
Windows DLL (?) I am sure that it would help, but I am not sure to what
degree. I have only ever written one DLL in my life which is for the 
eraser program in VB (due to be launched soon). It converts RGB to HSL 
v.v. By doing the calculations in a DLL rather than in the program the
saving was about 15%. Although this 15% was crucial in the eraser 
routine I
wrote, it was generally a disappointment: I expected a much bigger 

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Setting Pixels (for Jim Hurley)

2003-01-29 Thread Chipp Walters
Jim, tried to send this offlist,
but was blocked by:

Hey Jim!

Nice stack! Though I'm having a bit of a problem working with it

I opened it in RR1.5 on a PC and it doesn't want to work.
I see you have many variables called 'num' in the stack script. 'num' is a
reserverd transcript term, so it won't work (at least not on my PC:-)

I'd like to play with your stack. Let me know if you get around to fixing
it! Thanks for supporting RR.



 Just to add a bit to Scott's good advice:
 If you would like some tools to facilitate this kind of  drawing, the 
 ideal is Turtle Graphics. 
 Jim Hurley

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Setting Pixels

2003-01-29 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Bob,

 From the examples, this seems to mean in practice that if I want 
 to change a
 single pixel in an image I need to read the whole image bitmap into a
 variable, change the pixel in the variable, and then copy the 
 whole variable
 contents back into the image.

Much easier to edit the image via script with a pencil.

on mouseUp
  select img 1
  choose pencil
  drag from topLeft of img 1 to botRight of img 1
  choose browse
end mouseUp

This could easily be set up to modify a single pixel in an image..

for instance a button with:

on mouseUp
  changeThisPixel 3,7,test,red
end mouseUp

on changeThisPixel pDeltaX,pDeltaY,pImg,pColor
  select img pImg
  choose pencil
  set the penColor to pColor
  put left of img pImg + pDeltaX into tXpixel
  put top of img pImg + pDeltaY into tYpixel
  click at tXpixel,tYpixel
  choose browse
end changeThisPixel

it's instant on my machine

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting Pixels

2003-01-29 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Jim,

The good people at RR have posted a demo stack in the Education page 
on the RunRev site:

Check the User Contributions. This is intended primarily for an 
elementary course in programing in
Transcript  and Turtle Graphics for science students, but it may  also 
work for you.

Jim Hurley

i also would like to take a look at turtles.
Heard it very often in the past, but still have no idea what i means.

Unfortunately i cannot get it work.

A look at your scripts showed me the reason.

You use lots of reserved word in your handlers, be it as a handler name
(left, right, home etc...) or names of variables (num as the 
most obvious example).

I would really appreciate if you could take a look again and change 
your stack.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Setting Pixels - Answers to Suggestions

2003-01-29 Thread Chipp Walters

I've thought some about this problem. If you can't use the direct editing
mode (choose pencil, eraser, etc..), then it will probably be too slow.

Perhaps a DLL or XCMD would do the trick...


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting Pixels - Answers to Suggestions

2003-01-29 Thread Dar Scott

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 11:39 AM, Robert J Warren 
(( wrote:

According to the method outlined by Ken Ray in his article, I tried a 
replacement of a mere 400 pixels, and this took various seconds! Part 
of the
trouble is that Transcript does not appear to have instructions for 
reading or replacing individual pixels, which might alleviate the 
problem to
some degree. However, ironically, as I have found out in VB, this is 
not the
best solution. For maximum speed you have to process the image's pixel 
directly. Putting even part of the pixel data into a variable or array 
processing slows the whole thing down too much, and don't forget that 
complex mathematical calculations have to be performed on each pixel, 
if done correctly can also take up considerable time.

I need to read Ken Ray's article.  I suspect his examples are designed 
for clarity rather than efficiency.

Char chunking for getting data is fast.  Char chunking for replacing 
data can be slow.  Specifically, ...

Assume operations are on a copy of the image.  Char chunking for 
getting pixel data is fast.  However, char chunking for replacing pixel 
data goes up with the size of the image.  (It might be nice if 
replacement noticed the size was the same and did the replacement in 
place, but alas, that doesn't seem to be the case.)  It is thus better 
to replace the entire pixel rather than each individual pixel component 
in an image of nontrivial size.  And, as mentioned in #3 below, it is 
better to replace sub-rows than pixels.

Here are a couple things to try.

There may be places in which it is better to refer to the image data 
(or sub-image) by reference and refer to parts of it by that and char 

There may be ways you can avoid repeating row-column calculations.  Use 
a function to create a char pointer from row and column and use that as 
you need.  For example, you don't need to calculate the position for 
both the read and the write.

After you are happy with your method, change the atomic operation from 
pixel orientation to sub-row orientation.  This handler should work on 
a sequence of pixels (as specified by char positions) and need not know 
anything about the size of the image.  That is, you don't have to do a 
row-column calculation for each pixel and replacement is directly by 
char pointer.  If you need a few pixel oriented operators but don't use 
them often, build them out of the sub-row operators.  Remember, build 
up your new sub-row, then replace it in one operation.  If you prefer a 
functional style, you can use a string function to operate on a an 
sequence of pixels and return a string of pixels and then put things 
together at the higher level.  With that optimization, the char 
chunking replacement will be less of a hit; you will be doing only one 
replacement per row under your wand.  It the image can be lots taller 
than the wand, you may want to select out the applicable rows, make the 
transformation, then then put it all back together.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Setting Pixels - More answers to suggestions

2003-01-29 Thread Monte Goulding

 I think you can speed this up just a litle bit on the
 first run by changing:
   if tData =  then
 put char 1601 to -1 of the imageData of image 1 \
into tData
   end if
 This ought to be slightly faster as the engine doesn't
 have to resize the tData variable again, nor push its
 contents forwards upon deleting from the front.


Back down to 0.162

I think what I'd do would be to initialise the data when the image was first
opened. Say openStack?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting Pixels

2003-01-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Robert J Warren (  wrote:

 All I want to do is something which is as easy as falling off a log in VB. I
 want to move the mouse around a window (over an image perhaps, but not
 necessarily) and to draw a line of pixels as I go - i.e. construct a very
 primitive drawing program. I would be grateful if anyone could help.

Sounds like you could simply use the paint tools and an image object
overlaying whatever you want to draw on.  See the docs under choosing tools
(choose command) and:
- pencil
- brush
- spray can
- bucket

Alternatively, you could use draw graphics, using the curve tool for
free-form drawing, or primitive shapes and polygons, but this can create
multiple objects, depending on how you implement it.

Hopefully there's something here you can use.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting Pixels - Clarification

2003-01-28 Thread Dar Scott

On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 07:24 PM, Robert J Warren 
(( wrote:

From the examples, this seems to mean in practice that if I want to 
change a
single pixel in an image I need to read the whole image bitmap into a
variable, change the pixel in the variable, and then copy the whole 
contents back into the image.

Surely not! This is an incredibly slow process.

How long does it take to copy an image?

Maybe you can cut that in half by doing the read the whole image 
bitmap only once.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list