Re: socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-26 Thread Mark Talluto
On Mar 23, 2010, at 7:50 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

 A question about something Alex wrote.
 -- And thank you, Alex. I'll be trying out what you wrote and see what
 happens. As for logging the results, I'd been doing that already, by
 having the script put results into a field. Odd thing is, this writing
 to a field seemed to have solved the simultaneity problem. Which made
 me think that printing the results caused a few milliseconds of delay
 that gave the read-write chance to function as expected. But then the
 problem reappeared.
 Anyway, to my question.
 What character should I use when reading/writing over sockets to
 indicate the end of a line of trasmitted data? CR? LF? Something else

I use something like:  !...@#$%
I make sure I append those characters to the end of data to be sent over a 
socket as well.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-26 Thread Peter Brigham MD

On Mar 26, 2010, at 11:59 AM, Mark Talluto wrote:

I use something like:  !...@#$%
I make sure I append those characters to the end of data to be sent  
over a socket as well.

!...@#$% sounds like a swear word to me... (from the old comic book days)

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-26 Thread Nicolas Cueto
Found the problem.

Alex Tweedly pointed out my use of read from socket was missing an
until. So, I added an until LF (rather than the !...@#$%
expletive), and, shbam, simultaneity problem gone.


Nicolas Cueto
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-23 Thread Len Morgan
I stand corrected on the comma.  I don't know where I got the idea tab 
was the default.

As to the sockets getting confused, this can't really happen since 
socket is defined by both the server and client IPs AND server and 
client port numbers.  Unless you've got more than one machine with the 
same IP, each socket would be unique even if all the clients were 
talking to the same server on the same port.

To take a page from Jerry Daniels (of tRev fame), perhaps you can 
simplify this by making it a little more complicated.  Unless I misread 
your original post, you want to know who answered first in addition to 
the actual answer.  As each answer comes in, why not just grab the 
seconds each socket either opens or receives data until all have 
answered.  Then you can see who had the lowest seconds (first response), 
and then read each answer and check for correctness. This takes the time 
pressure and allows you to better coordinate the response.

len morgan

On 3/22/2010 11:10 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

Thanks for replying, Len.

The ip is indeed just an example, and Rev's default
itemdelim is not tab but rather comma.

Nicolas Cueto
use-revolution mailing list
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use-revolution mailing list
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Re: socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-23 Thread Alex Tweedly

Nicolas Cueto wrote:

Hello List,

I've made a quiz-type game where 2-6 students on client stacks buzz in
their answers to a server stack, all on a local network. The server
stack, as well as sending out the questions, informs live to all the
students/client-stacks about who buzzed in what.

I thought I had it working until we found a problem. If two out of six
students happen to buzz in an answer almost simultaneously (by
clicking a button on a game controller pad), as expected five of the
students will receive the server's message about who buzzed in first,
but one of those two students who buzzed at the same time won't.
Except for this simultaneity, all other server-to-client
communications work.

After trying to track this down for weeks, I'm posting here in hopes
of some list magic.

My guess, as the subject line reads, is that a client stack might be
writing to a socket at the same time that the server is trying to
write to that same socket. But, not understanding well how sockets
work, the problem may lie elsewhere. I think I've eliminated the
obvious types of mistakes, but...

So, I am including below the essence of what my server and script
stacks do. It is quite long, so apologies beforehand.


I'm afraid I can't see anything that looks like it could cause your 
problem. What I'd do if it were me is :

1. add a logging capability to the 'chatreceived' handler

on chatReceived s,data
  if gLoggingFile then 
 put the millisecs  s  data CR after URL gLoggingFile

  end if
  ## Student/client has sent a message.
  ## Perhaps it's a choice/answer ...

2. add a similar log/debug to broadcastToAllClients

3. see what you find out :-)

Also, a couple of comments - some probably just artefacts of summarizing the 
script to send to us.

1. In chatreceived (and clientConnected), you do

   read from socket s with message chatReceived
which would only read one character (according to the docs). I guess you 
really do a read until someChar ??

2. In clientConnected, you do

   wait 50 milliseconds with messages
   ## Bug? Without this line, read from socket takes a long time
   ## and returns empty.
   read from socket s for 1 line
I would recommend that you NEVER do a blocking read in a server. I'd 
make that something like

   read from socket s until CR with message gotClientIdentification
and put the remaining code into gotClientIdentification   (or siply add 
it to the logic in chatreceived).

And I'm pretty sure you can then remove the wait 50 msec with messages

3. In the array gAllClientIPsArray, it seems that the 3rd item of each 
entry will always match the key of the array, because of

   put tChatMessage  comma  s into gAllClientIPsArray[s]
That just seems like duplicate effort (and a possible source of error / 
confusion). Why not leave that out, and just use the key ?

4. If you do #3, then you can simplify

on broadcastToAllClients message
   ## Tell all the students/clients who made what choice.
   put keys(gAllClientIPsArray) into tChatterList
   repeat for each line tArrayKey in tChatterList
  put gAllClientIPsArray[tArrayKey] into tArrayDataLine
  -- the client ID, the student ID, the client IP
  -- eg, Blitz-1,1,
  put item 3 of tArrayDataLine into tSocket
  write message to socket tSocket
   end repeat


on broadcastToAllClients message
  ## Tell all the students/clients who made what choice.
  repeat for each key tSocket in gAllClientIPsArray
 write message to socket tSocket
  end repeat
end broadcastToAllClients

(Again, this may be due to summarizing, and there may be more to do here 
- but even then it would likely be

  repeat for each element tArrayDataLine in gAllClientsIPsArray
 -- do something to send to  this client

Hope that helps a little bit. Try the logging / debug code and see what 
happens (and let us know if it shows anything and we can help with 
analyzing it :-)

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-23 Thread Nicolas Cueto
A question about something Alex wrote.

-- And thank you, Alex. I'll be trying out what you wrote and see what
happens. As for logging the results, I'd been doing that already, by
having the script put results into a field. Odd thing is, this writing
to a field seemed to have solved the simultaneity problem. Which made
me think that printing the results caused a few milliseconds of delay
that gave the read-write chance to function as expected. But then the
problem reappeared.

Anyway, to my question.

What character should I use when reading/writing over sockets to
indicate the end of a line of trasmitted data? CR? LF? Something else


Nicolas Cueto
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-22 Thread Nicolas Cueto
Hello List,

I've made a quiz-type game where 2-6 students on client stacks buzz in
their answers to a server stack, all on a local network. The server
stack, as well as sending out the questions, informs live to all the
students/client-stacks about who buzzed in what.

I thought I had it working until we found a problem. If two out of six
students happen to buzz in an answer almost simultaneously (by
clicking a button on a game controller pad), as expected five of the
students will receive the server's message about who buzzed in first,
but one of those two students who buzzed at the same time won't.
Except for this simultaneity, all other server-to-client
communications work.

After trying to track this down for weeks, I'm posting here in hopes
of some list magic.

My guess, as the subject line reads, is that a client stack might be
writing to a socket at the same time that the server is trying to
write to that same socket. But, not understanding well how sockets
work, the problem may lie elsewhere. I think I've eliminated the
obvious types of mistakes, but...

So, I am including below the essence of what my server and script
stacks do. It is quite long, so apologies beforehand.

As always, the list's help in this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

-- Nicolas Cueto


S T A R T   O F   C L I E N T   S T A C K   R E L A T E D


on opencard
end open

local lChatSocket

on chatConnect
   open socket field host  :1987|  field clientname with
message chatConnected
end chatConnect

on chatConnected s
   put s into lChatSocket
   write field clientname  comma  field studentID  return to
socket lChatSocket
   read from socket s with message chatReceived
   ## Tell server that the student is ready to play, and then
   ## wait for student's choice of answer (by clicking on a
   ## game-controller button).
end chatConnected

on chatReceived s,data
   ##  s contains the host and port of the client,
   ## data contains the text sent by that client
   switch (line 1 of data)
  case live choice feedback
## A student/client on the network has buzzed in a choice/answer.
## The script does a long routine here, which includes
##  several wait and wait with messages 
## Once done, the script asks server for next question.
end switch
read from socket s with message chatReceived
end chatReceived

on askServerForQuestion
   chatMessage ready for a question
end askServerForQuestion

on chatMessage data
   ## Called by student clicking on an image/choice (script below).
   write data  comma  field clientname to socket lChatSocket
end chatMessage


on rawKeyUp theKey
   switch theKey
  case 49
   put ImgChoice1 into tImgChoice
   end switch
   put the filename of image tImage into tHilitedImagePath
   send choiceBehavior  tHilitedImagePath to image tImgChoice
end rawKeyUp

on choiceBehavior tHilitedImagePath
   put choice  the last char of tImgChoice into tChoice
   put live choice feedback  comma  tChoice into tMessage
   chatMessage tMessage
   ## Tell server this student's choice.
end choiceBehavior

E N D   O F   C L I E N T   S T A C K   R E L A T E D


S T A R T   O F   S E R V E R   S T A C K   R E L A T E D

on mouseUp
 accept connections on port 1987 with message clientConnected
 ## Wait for all students/clients to connect.
end mouseUp

on clientConnected s
   ## A student/client has connected. When all expected clients
   ## are connected, initiate the game.
   wait 50 milliseconds with messages
   ## Bug? Without this line, read from socket takes a long time
   ## and returns empty.
   read from socket s for 1 line
   put line 1 of it into tChatMessage
   put tChatMessage  comma  s into gAllClientIPsArray[s]
   add 1 to field numberOfClientsLoggedOn
   if field numberOfClientsLoggedOn = field expectedNumberOfClients then
  put yes into field allLogged
   end if
   read from socket s with message chatReceived
end clientConnected

on chatReceived s,data
   ## Student/client has sent a message.
   ## Perhaps it's a choice/answer ...
   put item 1 of data into tChatType
   switch tChatType
  case live choice feedback
 choice4AndTheBuzzState data
   end switch
   read from socket s with message chatReceived
end chatReceived

on choice4AndTheBuzzState theChoice
   put item 2 of theChoice into tKey
   if gChoiceFeedbackTally[tKey] = 4 then
  ## Lock the buzzers, i.e., prevent clients
  ## from sending server their 

Re: socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-22 Thread Len Morgan

Two things jumped out at me in your code:
1) broadcastToAllClients - you show an IP address of  If this 
was not just an example, you can't use that number.  That is the IP of 
the local host and won't actually ever leave the machine.

2) You are selecting item 3 of tArrayDataLine which I assume is comma 
delimited (based on the example line above it).  I don't set a 
setItemDelimiter to comma in that handler and I /think /the default 
delimiter is tab.  I also believe that the itemDelimiter you set is only 
valid for the current handler so as soon as this handler is finished, it 
will revert back to tab.

Hope that helps a little.


On 3/22/2010 10:14 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

Hello List,

I've made a quiz-type game where 2-6 students on client stacks buzz in
their answers to a server stack, all on a local network. The server
stack, as well as sending out the questions, informs live to all the
students/client-stacks about who buzzed in what.

I thought I had it working until we found a problem. If two out of six
students happen to buzz in an answer almost simultaneously (by
clicking a button on a game controller pad), as expected five of the
students will receive the server's message about who buzzed in first,
but one of those two students who buzzed at the same time won't.
Except for this simultaneity, all other server-to-client
communications work.

After trying to track this down for weeks, I'm posting here in hopes
of some list magic.

My guess, as the subject line reads, is that a client stack might be
writing to a socket at the same time that the server is trying to
write to that same socket. But, not understanding well how sockets
work, the problem may lie elsewhere. I think I've eliminated the
obvious types of mistakes, but...

So, I am including below the essence of what my server and script
stacks do. It is quite long, so apologies beforehand.

As always, the list's help in this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

-- Nicolas Cueto


use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-22 Thread Nicolas Cueto
Thanks for replying, Len.

The ip is indeed just an example, and Rev's default
itemdelim is not tab but rather comma.

Nicolas Cueto
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

socket write/read conflict?

2010-03-22 Thread Max7
Nicolas Cueto

I'm a fifth grade teacher. I'd love to see what you got. 

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