RE: Not able to load avro schema fully with all its contents

2015-05-20 Thread Pierre de Frém
Sam is right in his previous answer.More precisely, the field doc is read by 
the Compiler, but not stored at the moment in the Node object. The reason might 
be that the field doc is optional is the avro specification (see:, Complex types).
If you want to store the field doc, you'll have to modify the source code 
yourself to:- create a new member doc in the Node API (Node.hh),- store the 
doc field in Node as it is read by the Compiler (,- serialize the 
field doc in
I did a patch for my own use were I store and read fields doc for a 
NodeRecord, and I serialize fields doc for the root Node of a NodeRecord.
You can find it at:the corresponding branch (created for the 
the corresponding commit for the field 
Rem: if you want to serialize all fields doc of a NodeRecord, just change line 
195 of fromif (depth == 1  getDoc().size()) {
if (getDoc().size()) {
(Maybe my patch could be added in the trunk of the source code if it is useful?)
Hope this helps.

Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 18:37:56 +
Subject: Re: Not able to load avro schema fully with all its contents

Just a guess, but I would assume that the schema object only stores fields that 
it cares about. This would exclude your docs. If you want to know for sure, the 
source code is here:  


 On Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:13 PM, Check Peck 

 Can anyone help me with this?On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Check Peck wrote:Does anyone have any idea on this why it is 
behaving like this?On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Check Peck wrote:And this is my to_string method I forgot to 
provide.std::string DataSchema::to_string() const{ostringstream os;if 
(valid()){os  JSON data: ;m_schema.toJson(os);  }   
 return os.str();}On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Check Peck wrote:I am working with Apache Avro in C++ and I am 
trying to load avro schema by using Avro C++ library. Everything works fine 
without any issues, only problem is - I have few doc in my Avro schema which 
is not getting shown at all in my AvroSchema when I try to load it and also 
print it out.DataSchema_ptr schema_data(new DataSchema());
schema_data-m_schema = load(avro_schema_file_name.c_str());const 
avro::NodePtr node_data_ptr = schema_data-m_schema.root();if 
(node_data_ptr  node_data_ptr-hasName()){// is there any problem 
with this node_data_ptr usage here?schema_data-m_name = 
node_data_ptr-name().fullname().c_str();   // this line prints out 
whole AVRO but it doesn't have doc which is there in my AVROcoutFile 
String :   schema_data-to_string()  endl;}   Here m_schema is 
avro::ValidSchema m_schema;   Can anyone help me with this. In general I 
don't see my doc which I have in Avro Schema getting shown when I print it out.


RE: Not able to load avro schema fully with all its contents

2015-05-20 Thread Pierre de Frém
I posted the patch for the trunk branch of the git there (for it to be 

Subject: RE: Not able to load avro schema fully with all its contents
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 10:08:22 +

Sam is right in his previous answer.More precisely, the field doc is read by 
the Compiler, but not stored at the moment in the Node object. The reason might 
be that the field doc is optional is the avro specification (see:, Complex types).
If you want to store the field doc, you'll have to modify the source code 
yourself to:- create a new member doc in the Node API (Node.hh),- store the 
doc field in Node as it is read by the Compiler (,- serialize the 
field doc in
I did a patch for my own use were I store and read fields doc for a 
NodeRecord, and I serialize fields doc for the root Node of a NodeRecord.
You can find it at:the corresponding branch (created for the 
the corresponding commit for the field 
Rem: if you want to serialize all fields doc of a NodeRecord, just change line 
195 of fromif (depth == 1  getDoc().size()) {
if (getDoc().size()) {
(Maybe my patch could be added in the trunk of the source code if it is useful?)
Hope this helps.

Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 18:37:56 +
Subject: Re: Not able to load avro schema fully with all its contents

Just a guess, but I would assume that the schema object only stores fields that 
it cares about. This would exclude your docs. If you want to know for sure, the 
source code is here:  


 On Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:13 PM, Check Peck 

 Can anyone help me with this?On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Check Peck wrote:Does anyone have any idea on this why it is 
behaving like this?On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Check Peck wrote:And this is my to_string method I forgot to 
provide.std::string DataSchema::to_string() const{ostringstream os;if 
(valid()){os  JSON data: ;m_schema.toJson(os);  }   
 return os.str();}On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Check Peck wrote:I am working with Apache Avro in C++ and I am 
trying to load avro schema by using Avro C++ library. Everything works fine 
without any issues, only problem is - I have few doc in my Avro schema which 
is not getting shown at all in my AvroSchema when I try to load it and also 
print it out.DataSchema_ptr schema_data(new DataSchema());
schema_data-m_schema = load(avro_schema_file_name.c_str());const 
avro::NodePtr node_data_ptr = schema_data-m_schema.root();if 
(node_data_ptr  node_data_ptr-hasName()){// is there any problem 
with this node_data_ptr usage here?schema_data-m_name = 
node_data_ptr-name().fullname().c_str();   // this line prints out 
whole AVRO but it doesn't have doc which is there in my AVROcoutFile 
String :   schema_data-to_string()  endl;}   Here m_schema is 
avro::ValidSchema m_schema;   Can anyone help me with this. In general I 
don't see my doc which I have in Avro Schema getting shown when I print it out.