Re: EJB & Web App losing Subject

2009-07-15 Thread Kory Markevich

djencks wrote:
> Subject subject = getSpringAuthenticatedSubject();
> ContextManager.registerSubject(subject); //if the subject is cached in  
> a session this should only happen once when the subject is first  
> authenticated/constructed.
> //the following should happen on every request
> ContextManager.setCallers(subject, subject);
> try {
> //process request
> } finally {
> }

Our custom Spring authenticator contains calls to ContextManager.login and
setCallers.  If we need to call setCallers for every request, then that
would explain this bug.  We only call it once, and don't call clearCallers,
so the subject is staying around in the original thread but subsequent
threads never get initialized properly.

Sounds like the proper solution is just a simple filter that does the
setCallers and clearCallers.  Thanks for all the help.

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Re: EJB & Web App losing Subject

2009-07-15 Thread Kory Markevich

djencks wrote:
> OK, this is weird, I've never seen a bug in this area.  What kind of  
> authentication does the web app use?  Can you show the entire stack  
> trace to the ejb security exception?

If that's the case then my gut is that the bug is somewhere in the web app,
but as I didn't write it and have never seen this kind of error before I'm
at a bit of a loss on where to look.  Time to get creative I guess.

We are using Spring's authentication framework with a custom authenticator. 
The exception stack itself is bog-standard so I doubt it will reveal
anything, but here it is:

javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Unauthorized Access by Principal Denied
at $Proxy39.getMyFavorites(Unknown Source)
at ourcode.SomeStatelessBean.getMyFavorites(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy35.getMyFavorites(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: EJB & Web App losing Subject

2009-07-14 Thread Kory Markevich

djencks wrote:
> What creates the new non-working thread?  In geronimo we generally  
> don't assume anything about the relationship between threads so if you  
> want the new thread to get a particular security context you'll have  
> to install it youself.
Just to clarify, we aren't trying to create new threads.  I just assumed
that geronimo/tomcat was doing it to service multiple connections or
something.  Looking at the bottom of the stack dump for the exception, it
looks like a tomcat worker thread:


The snipped part is all the valve, filter, controller and openejb stuff,
pretty standard.

Oh, and I forgot to mention in the original post that we're using 2.1.4.

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EJB & Web App losing Subject

2009-07-14 Thread Kory Markevich

A web app (built with Spring & GWT) we're building is currently having issues
with security and EJBs.  Some calls made by the app to EJBs are throwing
"Unauthorized Access by Principal Denied" exceptions.  Investigating this it
seems that whenever a new thread in geronimo is started to service the call
the auth credentials aren't being copied.  For example, ContextManager.login
is called in thread "http-", and subsequent EJB calls work
correctly.  Some time later a new thread "http-" is created
and the EJB call takes place in it.  Geronimo notices that there isn't a
subject and installs the default subject (using ContextManager.setCallers),
which of course doesn't have the required principals.

I'm assuming the thread spawning is normal though I don't know that.  We do
have another web app, using Spring but not GWT, that is working correctly. 
Both web apps use custom LoginModules, though not the same ones.  Could this
be caused by the web app?  Where could I look to get more information?

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Re: Eclipse Utility Projects with 2.1.2

2008-09-15 Thread Kory Markevich

Turns out due to a bug in WTP I couldn't go to the J2EE Dependencies page,
which meant I couldn't add the project to the classpath correctly.  I've
since worked around the WTP bug and all is well.  Thanks again for the quick
turnaround with this.

Tim McConnell-2 wrote:
> Hi Kory, are you using the Eclipse all-in-one bundle (e.g., 
> for windows) ??
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Tim McConnell

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Re: Eclipse Utility Projects with 2.1.2

2008-09-11 Thread Kory Markevich

Should we move this into the JIRA?

I was able to create the Utility Project successfully.  If I export the EAR,
then Eclipse bundles it correctly into the EAR file (whether it is put into
the root or the lib directory depends on a setting in the EAR's project.) 
However inside Eclipse the contents of the project are not being found. 
Specifically, the project does not appear in the WTP's "EAR Libraries"
classpath container.

Here's the confusing part.  We have 3 utility projects (I hadn't noticed
these before) that were working in 2.0.2 and are still working in 2.1.2.  I
tried everything I could think of comparing these (which work fine) to the
one I created above (which doesn't work) and manually modifying files
outside of Eclipse, etc..  I couldn't get the new one to work no matter what
I did.  I even cloned one of the working projects, changed it's name, and it
wouldn't work.  I'll look into this more tomorrow, hopefully something will
come to me in the meantime.

I did notice that going to the "Java EE Module Dependencies" page in the
properties of any project other than the EAR project (including EJB, WEB and
utility projects) would give a "Could not accept changes" "The currently
displayed page contains invalid values" error message.  Not sure if this is
new or not.

Tim McConnell-2 wrote:
> Hi Kory, sorry for the misunderstanding. I though you were actually using
> the 
> geronimo-service.xml file, when you were in fact just using Java EE
> Utility 
> projects. So obviously we erroneously removed support for utility projects
> having 
> Geronimo as a target runtime when we removed support for
> geronimo-service.xml 
> files (via GERONIMODEVTOOLS-356). This support has been added back. Would
> you be 
> able to test it out to ensure it works now for you ?? I've placed the zip
> on our 
> unstable site, but you'll have to uninstall your current GEP before
> unzipping it 
> into your current installation. Or better yet, you might want to test it
> with a 
> new Eclipse installation so we don't adversely impact you yet again.
> Thanks much 
> for you help and patience.

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Re: Eclipse Utility Projects with 2.1.2

2008-09-11 Thread Kory Markevich

Done, and thanks.

Tim McConnell-2 wrote:
> Hi Kory, yes please open a JIRA and I'll fix it today.

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Re: Eclipse Utility Projects with 2.1.2

2008-09-11 Thread Kory Markevich

Sure.  Basically you can include static jars in any web/connector/application
project, but that means that if you need to modify the code in that jar you
need to go through a manual compile and update step.  So instead of using a
static jar you create a utility project and reference that in any other
project that would have used the jar.  When Eclipse does it's automatic
compiling and publishing, the contents of the utility project become a jar
in the war/ear/rar as desired.

I can't tell you the exact way it bundles everything into the EAR though as
the only server I have installed is geronimo.

So my plan was to use a utility project for the custom login module code,
and to put the gbean specific stuff in the geronimo-application.xml.  I
think I can workaround this by putting the code into an EJB project, but
it's not as clean as there will be extra EJB baggage involved.

Going back to my last message, I don't think WTP has a concept to map to
geronimo-service (though I'm no WTP expert) while utility projects are
really just the Eclipse way to organize non-static jar's for an ear/war.

djencks wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2008, at 1:26 PM, Kory Markevich wrote:
> Do you have any idea what that means in non-eclipse-speak?  To me it  
> means nothing :-(
> in ee-land, you can have jars in an ear that are in the classpath of  
> everything in the ear (typically by putting them in the lib/ dir of  
> the ear).  Does this have anything to do with eclipse utility jars?

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Re: Eclipse Utility Projects with 2.1.2

2008-09-11 Thread Kory Markevich

Well, Eclipse assists by having utility projects.  From the WTP

An enterprise application can contain utility JAR files that are to be used
by the contained modules. This allows sharing of code at the application
level by multiple Web, EJB, or application client modules. These JAR files
are commonly referred to as utility JAR files. The utility JAR files defined
for an enterprise application project can be actual JAR files in the
project, or you can include utility Java projects that are designated to
become the utility JAR files during assembly and deployment.

So it sounds to me that having the geronimo-service.xml in such projects in
the first place was a mistake, as these projects are not meant to be
deployed by themselves.  I don't think the JIRA Tim mentioned should have
removed support for utility projects altogether, just geronimo-service.xml. 
Now I know that geronimo has it's own robust module support, but since
that's not exposed to Eclipse directly I'd like to use utility projects. 
Should I create a JIRA to get this support back in?

djencks wrote:
> I don't know how eclipse assists with this but you can include  
> configuration for gbeans in any kind of geronimo plan, including that  
> for ears (geronimo-application.xml or external plan), ejb modules  
> (openejb-jar.xml), or web modules (geronimo-web.xml).  META-INF/ 
> geronimo-service.xml would only get detected if you were deploying a  
> jar directly not as a javaee application.
> Generally gbean config is at the end of the plan after all the javaee  
> stuff.
> thanks
> david jencks

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Re: Eclipse Utility Projects with 2.1.2

2008-09-10 Thread Kory Markevich

It wasn't in active use, but it is what I was using for the code for a custom
application-scoped login module.  I had assumed that this was the correct
type of project to use for such a beast, as none of the other types seemed
correct (it's not an ejb, nor connector, etc.)  Is there a preferred way to
do this using Geronimo and WTP, or do I have to do some kind of manual
project-reference work?

Thanks for the help.

Tim McConnell-2 wrote:
> Hi Kory, Now I understand. It didn't occur to me that you were generating
> a 
> geronimo-service.xml file. We removed support for that geronimo deployment
> plan 
> since the GEP didn't do anything with it once it was generated. Were you
> actually 
> using the geronimo-service.xml file for something or just generating it ??
> I 
> suspect you were just generating it and then not using it, in which case
> you can 
> just delete that project without impacting the other projects in your
> workspace. 
> Can you please verify that ??

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Re: Eclipse Utility Projects with 2.1.2

2008-09-10 Thread Kory Markevich

Unfortunately there is none.  In the normal case, the option is simply not
available in the GUI.  The error message I received after modifying the XML
files manually appears in the Problems view, not the error log.

I don't have the original project anymore as I edited one of the XML files
manually.  It was however dirt simple, which is why I'm fine with simply
starting over.  It was just a Utility project with one source file, and only
one dependency in the geronimo-service.xml file.  It should be easy to
recreate this case, simply take a 3.4 install with a 2.1.2 server, and try
to create a Java EE->Utility Project while choosing the 2.1.2 runtime in the
Target Runtime field.  In my case the runtime isn't even listed, whereas
previously (Eclipse 3.4M6, 2.0.2 server) it worked as expected.

Tim McConnell-2 wrote:
> Hi Kory, your configuration sounds fine to me. Could you attach your .log
> file 
> from the workspace .metadata directory so I can hopefully get more
> information 
> about the failure ?? Also, would it be possible to export your old WTP
> Utility 
> Project and email it to me (or attach it if it's not very large) ?? Thanks
> much
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Tim McConnell

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Eclipse Utility Projects with 2.1.2

2008-09-09 Thread Kory Markevich

We recently upgraded our server from 2.0.2 to 2.1.2, as well as the Eclipse
plugin.  One project in our application is a WTP Utility Project, and it no
longer works.  When I attempted to create a new utility project to replace
it, I was unable to attach the new project to the installed Geronimo runtime
(the list of available runtimes in the project wizard was blank.)  No error
messages anywhere to give me any clue as to why.  At this point I went and
edited the fact xml file for the original project directly to point to the
correct runtime, etc., but Eclipse gives an error: "Project facet Utility
Module is not supported by target runtime Apache Geronimo v2.1"  The only
info I could find about this was an old JIRA from the 1.0 days.  Is this a
bug, or is something wrong with my configuration?

I'm using the latest release version (2.1.2) of the Eclipse plugin,
installed by dumping into the dropins directory.  We're using the Eclipse
3.4 release.
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Re: EJB Authentication Problem

2007-09-25 Thread Kory Markevich
Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Kory,
> You can give the latest 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT build a try (http:// 
> assemblies/geronimo-tomcat6-jee5/2.0.2-SNAPSHOT/geronimo-tomcat6- 
> or similarly named jetty  
> assembly). It contains a more recent build of OpenEJB.
> We're nearly ready for a new fix release...
> --kevan

Login via JNDI worked great, thanks.  Looking forward to 2.0.2!

Kory Markevich
Tech Lead
ACL Services Ltd.

1550 Alberni Street | Vancouver | BC | V6G 1A5
Tel: 604 669 4225
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Re: EJB Authentication Problem

2007-09-24 Thread Kory Markevich
David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think this is what you need to do.  With openejb standalone the  
> login-by-getting-jndi might work better.  We could fix it in geronimo  
> by having you supply a realm name 

I guess what I need to know is whether I'm missing something, because from what
I can tell both login via JNDI and via JAAS (using
org.apache.openejb.client.ClientLoginModule) from a stand-alone client cannot
work in 2.0.1 because they both send null as the realm name, which Geronimo
rejects.  Both of these methods have changed in the latest OpenEJB to allow the
realm name to be passed; any idea when those features or equivalent will end up
in Geronimo?

A workaround is to call ClientSecurity.directAuthorization myself and store the
returned identity.  This *seems* to work fine, I just had hoped to be able to do
something a bit more standard.

> If you have a better idea I'm all ears.  The problem I see with  
> configuring the realm name in the server is that you are getting a  
> global jndi tree containing all ejbs.  I think we need to support  
> each ejb app being deployed to a different security realm, but all of  
> them accessing the ejbs through the same global jndi tree and network  
> port.  I haven't figured out how to resolve these conflicting needs  
> without having the client supply the realm name it intends to use to  
> log in.

I don't really have an issue with the realm name being supplied by the client
(and your use cases make sense,) it just surprised me that the server didn't
have default behaviour for the case when the realm wasn't passed.  I had assumed
that something like this would be covered by the spec, but I'm inexperienced
with EE security.

> I think this is a bug.  For web apps we won't deploy them if they  
> have security in the spec dd but no geronimo security configured.   
> Want to open a jira?

It's not an issue for me, so that would be up to you guys.

> Sorry I know nothing about eclipse.

No problem, I just wanted to let someone know about them.

Thanks for the help!

Kory Markevich
Tech Lead
ACL Services Ltd.

1550 Alberni Street | Vancouver | BC | V6G 1A5
Tel: 604 669 4225
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Web:

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recipient(s) named above only. If you are not the intended recipient,
any copying, distribution or use of this email is prohibited. If you
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EJB Authentication Problem

2007-09-24 Thread Kory Markevich
I've been doing some research into using Geronimo 2.0.1 to host some
EJB3 session beans, interacting with a stand-alone client.  I can
connect to the server and call methods fine, but I've encountered some
difficulties with security.  Specifically I've tried using
creating the InitialContext, but this seems to be broken.  After some
tracing it seems that
org.apache.geronimo.openejb.GeronimoSecurityService.login( ) tries to
create a LoginContext with a null security realm, which throws an
exception and prevents authentication.  I noticed that the latest
version of OpenEJB has added the key openejb.authentication.realmName,
but this is not available in 2.0.1 (and it seems a bit backward having
to have the client specify the security realm.)

I have been able to use
org.apache.openejb.client.ClientSecurity.directAuthentication( ) to
successfully authenticate, but it seems a bit hacky and is very OpenEJB
specific (and also requires the client to provide the realm name.)

Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?  I'm fairly new to EE
stuff so hopefully it's just some newbie mistake.

BTW, a couple other things I noticed:

- EJB security is disabled if the geronimo-application.xml doesn't at
least have an empty  entry.  This means any security
annotations are completely ignored, which surprised me.
- EJB3 EAR's will not deploy using the Eclipse plugin unless they
contain an application.xml file.  Renaming the ZIP file to an EAR and
manually deploying works fine.
- When creating new EJB3 projects in Eclipse, all geronimo-*.xml files
reference the old schemas.  If the schemas are changed to the 2.0.1
versions, then the editors fail (I'm assuming this is due to the EMF
JIRA entry?)
- When starting Eclipse, there are 3 warnings in the log compaining
about 'org.apache.geronimo.deployment.model' and
'org.apache.geronimo.v11.deployment.model'.  I tried to disable the 1.0
and 1.1 features to get rid of the warnings (since I didn't need those
versions,) but then Geronimo 2.0 wouldn't be listed as an option when
creating new projects.  The feature wasn't flagged as being broken

Kory Markevich
Tech Lead
ACL Services Ltd. 

1550 Alberni Street | Vancouver | BC | V6G 1A5
Tel: 604 669 4225
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