Re: AXIS2 newbie question: how to unload a deployed .aar file?

2006-11-14 Thread Michael Moser
Copied my axis related questions over to the axis NG. Hadn't been aware, 
that there was a special axis NG.
For some reason my quick search yesterday hadn't surfaced it, so I had 
posted here. Sorry for polluting this NG!


Re: AXIS2 newbie question: how to unload a deployed .aar file?

2006-11-14 Thread Afkham Azeez
Pls send this to axis-user@ws.apache.orgAzeezOn 11/13/06, 
Michael Moser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There's something rather fundamental missing in the AXIS2 description:how does one remove/undeploy an .aar file? The admin page doesn't offerany unload or remove link. There is an inactivate service link (btw:
shouldn't that be deactivate ...?), but that apparently only kind offreezes the service (until one activates it again), but doesn't removeit.How do I get rid of a service, such that it's gone and/or such that I
can deploy a new version of the same?I have changed my .aar file after first deployment and I have uploadedit again using the admin page (and the page told me successful) butwhen I send a request I get an error that obviously still stems from the
old version (I can definitely tell so, because some package nameschanged and the stack trace still shows the old names).I must have missed something pretty trivial here, I suppose...Michael
-- ThanksAfkham Azeez