Re: LDAP authentication not working

2021-10-26 Thread Nick Couchman
On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 6:53 AM Golota S.V. 

> Hello, if my experience is useful, I did this:
> LDAP_HOSTNAME: "ip_addr_dc"
>   LDAP_PORT: "389"
>   LDAP_SEARCH_BIND_DN: "CN = guacamoleadmin, OU = domaim, DC = local"
>   LDAP_USER_BASE_DN: "OU = NET, DC = domain, DC = local"
>   LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN: "OU = Group, DC = domain, DC = local"
>   LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER: "(& (objectClass = *) (memberOf = CN =
> rdp-user, OU = Group, DC = domain, DC = local))"

Thanks for sharing this! Please note that this is the Docker configuration,
so it will have to be translated to format, or you'll
have to enable environment variable loading.

> 26.10.2021 05:31, Maik Heinelt пишет:
> I am not getting LDAP authentication with my Windows 2019 server to work.
> My looks as following:
> guacd-hostname: localhost
> guacd-port:   4822
> GUACAMOLE_HOME:/etc/guacamole

There's no point to this line, as this file should already be in

> auth-provider:

This line is completely unnecessary and does not add or change

> # LDAP properties
> ldap-hostname:MyWin2019Server
> ldap-port:  389
> ldap-encryption-method: none
> ldap-username-attribute:sAMAccountName
> ldap-user-base-dn:  OU=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=local
> ldap-search-bind-dn:
> CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=local
> ldap-search-bind-password:  GoodPassword
I would not use Administrator to do search binds - this is a needless
compromise of your Admin credentials. You really only need an account that
can actually bind to AD and then can locate the user, group, and/or
connection objects that you want to query from Guacamole.

> I got the ldap-search-bind-dn from the server LDAP admin properties >>
> Attribute Editor >> distinguishedName , so I am pretty sure this should be
> correct.

That looks fine to me.

> I am able to reach the LDAP without errors with using SSL or also no
> encryption via Guacamole server command line using ldapsearch.
> When looking at the catalina.out log file, there is no error or warning
> shown when I try to authenticate via LDAP.
> Just a "WARN  o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Authentication attempt
> from  for user "MyUser" failed."
The first thing I would check, here, is that you actually have the LDAP
extension installed correctly? The JAR file should be under
GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions (/etc/guacamole/extensions, usually). After
copying it to that directory make sure to reload the Guacamole web
application by either re-deploying the WAR file or restarting Tomcat. You
can check catalina.out and make sure that you're seeing a message when the
WAR file is loaded that indicates that it has actually loaded the LDAP

After that you should try increasing the verbosity of logging for Guacamole

Note that, particularly for the LDAP extension, this will result in a lot
of extra messages being logged, and you'll have to go through the logs and
locate the login attempts and where the LDAP conversation is failing.



LDAP authentication not working

2021-10-26 Thread Golota S.V.

Hello, if my experience is useful, I did this:
LDAP_HOSTNAME: "ip_addr_dc"
  LDAP_PORT: "389"
  LDAP_SEARCH_BIND_DN: "CN = guacamoleadmin, OU = domaim, DC = local"
  LDAP_USER_BASE_DN: "OU = NET, DC = domain, DC = local"
  LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN: "OU = Group, DC = domain, DC = local"
  LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER: "(& (objectClass = *) (memberOf = CN = 
rdp-user, OU = Group, DC = domain, DC = local))"

26.10.2021 05:31, Maik Heinelt пишет:
I am not getting LDAP authentication with my Windows 2019 server to work.
My looks as following:

guacd-hostname:                localhost
guacd-port:                          4822
GUACAMOLE_HOME:       /etc/guacamole


# LDAP properties
ldap-hostname:                    MyWin2019Server
ldap-port:                              389
ldap-encryption-method:         none
ldap-username-attribute:        sAMAccountName
ldap-user-base-dn:              OU=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=local
ldap-search-bind-dn: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=local
ldap-search-bind-password:      GoodPassword

I got the ldap-search-bind-dn from the server LDAP admin properties >> 
Attribute Editor >> distinguishedName , so I am pretty sure this should 
be correct.
I am able to reach the LDAP without errors with using SSL or also no 
encryption via Guacamole server command line using ldapsearch.
When looking at the catalina.out log file, there is no error or warning 
shown when I try to authenticate via LDAP.
Just a "WARN  o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Authentication 
attempt from153.156.182.53 for user "MyUser" failed."

Please correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is, I should be 
able to authenticate with every user with its account name who is at the 
Users OU.


С уважением Голота С.В.
Администратор компьютерной сети
AO "Тургай-Петролеум"
сот. +2435230
раб. +77242261610

LDAP authentication not working

2021-10-25 Thread Maik Heinelt
I am not getting LDAP authentication with my Windows 2019 server to work. 
My looks as following: 

guacd-hostname: localhost 
guacd-port: 4822 
GUACAMOLE_HOME: /etc/guacamole 


# LDAP properties 
ldap-hostname: MyWin2019Server 
ldap-port: 389 
ldap-encryption-method: none 
ldap-username-attribute: sAMAccountName 
ldap-user-base-dn: OU=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=local 
ldap-search-bind-dn: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=local 
ldap-search-bind-password: GoodPassword 

I got the ldap-search-bind-dn from the server LDAP admin properties >> 
Attribute Editor >> distinguishedName , so I am pretty sure this should be 
I am able to reach the LDAP without errors with using SSL or also no encryption 
via Guacamole server command line using ldapsearch. 
When looking at the catalina.out log file, there is no error or warning shown 
when I try to authenticate via LDAP. 
Just a "WARN o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Authentication attempt from [ 
callto: | ] for user "MyUser" failed." 

Please correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is, I should be able to 
authenticate with every user with its account name who is at the Users OU. 


Re: LDAP Authentication not working

2020-07-10 Thread sougatasen
Thanks for the reply. I am using Windows AD not Azure AD and also I tried
with MySQL on Ubuntu. The MySQL authentication works well, but the LDAP
Authentication still gives me the same error:WARN
o.a.g.e.AuthenticationProviderFacade - The "ldap" authentication provider
has encountered an internal error which will halt the authentication
process. If this is unexpected or you are the developer of this
authentication provider, you may wish to enable debug-level logging. If this
is expected and you wish to ignore such failures in the future, please set
"skip-if-unavailable: ldap" within your guacamole.propertiesI have
configured the logs to be at the debug level, but could not find anything
helpful either for catalina.out or syslog

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Re: LDAP Authentication not working

2020-06-27 Thread Nick Couchman
Yikes - this message did not format very well in the Nabble -> Mailing List
translation, but I'll try to parse through it and give some suggestions...

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 4:26 PM sougatasen  wrote:

> Hi, I setup guacamole with basic authentication and got it working.
> However, when I configured LDAP, I am not able to get the authentication to
> work. Here is my setting: guacd-hostname: localhost
> guacd-port: 4822 mysql-hostname: mysql-port:
> 3306 mysql-database: guacamole_db mysql-username: gsbadmin@
> mysql-password: xxx ldap-hostname:  ldap-port: 389
> ldap-user-base-dn: CN=Users,DC=gsbldap,DC=local ldap-search-bind-dn:
> CN=guacadmin,CN=Users,DC=gsbldap,DC=local ldap-search-bind-password:
>  ldap-username-attribute: sAMAccountName
> ldap-follow-referrals:false

This looks pretty similar to the configuration that I use with AD, so I'm
guessing everything is okay, here, but hard to say for sure.  Based on the
fact that you're using Azure MySQL, I'm guessing you're also using Azure AD
- I have no direct experience with that, as my AD environment is
on-premise, so I don't know if that could impact things.  My only suspicion
as this point is around SSL connectivity to AD - maybe it's trying to start
up TLS and failing certificate verification?

> In AD, I created an administrative user called guacadmin under User and
> created another another user called guacuser. I am able to connect to the
> AD(LDAP Server) via ldp.exe and browse to the user from my machine. When I
> try to login with either guacadmin or guacuser I get the following error
> page : ERROR An error has occurred and this action cannot be completed. If
> the problem persists, please notify your system administrator or check your
> system logs. I checked the tomcat logs and this is what I get :
> 20:19:26.055 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] DEBUG o.a.g.resource.ResourceServlet -
> Resource not modified: "/app.css" 20:19:26.083 [http-nio-8080-exec-9] DEBUG
> o.a.g.resource.ResourceServlet - Resource not modified: "/app.js"
> 20:19:26.341 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] DEBUG
> o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Anonymous authentication attempt from
> failed. 20:19:26.422 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] DEBUG
> o.a.g.resource.ResourceServlet - Resource not modified:
> "/translations/en.json" 20:19:31.435 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG
> - Checking for expired sessions...
> 20:19:31.436 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG -
> Session check completed in 1 ms. 20:19:36.559 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] WARN
> o.a.g.e.AuthenticationProviderFacade - The "ldap" authentication provider
> has encountered an internal error which will halt the authentication
> process. If this is unexpected or you are the developer of this
> authentication provider, you may wish to enable debug-level logging. If
> this is expected and you wish to ignore such failures in the future, please
> set "skip-if-unavailable: ldap" within your
> 20:19:36.561 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] WARN o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService
> - Authentication attempt from for user "guacuser" failed. I
> followed the following tutorial to configure ldap :
> As part of the
> configuration for LDAP this is what I have done: 1. Placed the
> guacamole-auth-ldap-1.1.0.jar file in the GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions folder
> 2. Updated the properties file as mentioned above 3. Created Users in AD 4.
> Restarted Tomcat The actual reason for the failure is not evident from the
> logs. Can you provide some guidance on how to troubleshoot this better
> please ?

You might want to put your Guacamole Client logging into debug mode and see
if that gives you any additional insight.  It will give you a *TON* of
output - the Apache Directory API is very verbose when you get to the DEBUG
level, so you'll have to parse through a ton of output to get the relevant
messages - and, once you get them, you'll want to set logging back to
normal levels.


LDAP Authentication not working

2020-06-22 Thread sougatasen
Hi,I setup guacamole with basic authentication and got it working. However,
when I configured LDAP, I am not able to get the authentication to work.
Here is my setting:guacd-hostname: localhostguacd-port:
3306mysql-database: guacamole_dbmysql-username:
gsbadmin@mysql-password: xxxldap-hostname: ldap-port:
389ldap-user-base-dn: CN=Users,DC=gsbldap,DC=localldap-search-bind-dn:
ldap-username-attribute: sAMAccountNameldap-follow-referrals:falseIn
AD, I created an administrative user called guacadmin under User and created
another another user called guacuser.  I am able to connect to the AD(LDAP
Server) via ldp.exe and browse to the user from my machine.When I try to
login with either guacadmin or guacuser I get the following error page
:ERRORAn error has occurred and this action cannot be completed. If the
problem persists, please notify your system administrator or check your
system logs.I checked the tomcat logs and this is what I get :20:19:26.055
[http-nio-8080-exec-7] DEBUG o.a.g.resource.ResourceServlet - Resource not
modified: "/app.css"20:19:26.083 [http-nio-8080-exec-9] DEBUG
o.a.g.resource.ResourceServlet - Resource not modified:
"/app.js"20:19:26.341 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] DEBUG
o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Anonymous authentication attempt from failed.20:19:26.422 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] DEBUG
o.a.g.resource.ResourceServlet - Resource not modified:
"/translations/en.json"20:19:31.435 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG - Checking for expired
sessions...20:19:31.436 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG - Session check completed in 1
ms.20:19:36.559 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] WARN 
o.a.g.e.AuthenticationProviderFacade - The "ldap" authentication provider
has encountered an internal error which will halt the authentication
process. If this is unexpected or you are the developer of this
authentication provider, you may wish to enable debug-level logging. If this
is expected and you wish to ignore such failures in the future, please set
"skip-if-unavailable: ldap" within your
[http-nio-8080-exec-4] WARN  o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService -
Authentication attempt from for user "guacuser" failed.I
followed the following tutorial to configure ldap
: part of the
configuration for LDAP this is what I have done:1. Placed the
guacamole-auth-ldap-1.1.0.jar file in the GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions folder2.
Updated the properties file as mentioned above3. Created Users in AD4.
Restarted TomcatThe actual reason for the failure is not evident from the
logs. Can you provide some guidance on how to troubleshoot this better
please ? 

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