Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-15 Thread VeenaMithare
Hi , 

1. Do we always get EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event whenever after a node gets
SEGMENTED ? I see the below  in the javadocs for SegmentationPolicy :

public static final SegmentationPolicy STOP
When segmentation policy is STOP, *all listeners will receive
EventType.EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED *event and then particular grid node will be
stopped via call to Ignition.stop(String, boolean).
public static final SegmentationPolicy NOOP
When segmentation policy is NOOP, *all listeners will receive
EventType.EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED* event and it is up to user to implement logic
to handle this event.

For eg : If a node has been identified as segmented because of GC pause,
will it also get a EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event ?


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Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-20 Thread VeenaMithare
I guess we always do receive a EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event ( if we configure to
receive it )
If we anyway receive EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED whenever the node gets segmented, (
i.e. whenever it tries to rejoin after the failureDetectionTimeout ), what
is the use of the resolver checks ? 

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Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-20 Thread monalsinha
EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event can be generated even if you have long GC pause.
Segment processor and resolver help you there.

Sent from:

Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-20 Thread VeenaMithare
Thanks for the reply Monal,
>>Segment processor and resolver help you there.

They help in what way ? The event generation itself doesn't need it . 

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Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-20 Thread monalsinha
I am sorry.
Segment processor and resolver *not* help you there.

It will help you when you have actual network issues and you 2 nodes are not
able to communicate for some time, then Segment processor and resolver will
help you* generate this event*.

increasing failure detection timeout ad removing long GC pause, is the way
forward for long GC pause.

Sent from:

Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-20 Thread VeenaMithare
>>It will help you when you have actual network issues and you 2 nodes are
able to communicate for some time, then Segment processor and resolver will
help you* generate this event*.

I guess even for network issues, when the node is marked as failed by the
other nodes and it tries to join back into the cluster - the node is marked
as segmented and this event is anyways generated . 

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Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-20 Thread monalsinha
suppose I have 5 node cluster. due to network issue n1 n2 n3 are able to
communicate among itself, n4 and n5 between themselves. Now I have 2 cluster
or split brain where they unaware. which cluster is valid segment? we need
segment processor and resolver to find validSegment(). this issue could
occur across datacenter or various other scenario.

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Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-21 Thread VeenaMithare
Thanks Monal,

What is the best way to generate a EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event on the client
side for testing the event handler ? ( I am able to generate this on server
side. )


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Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-24 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

You can probably set clientReconnectDisabled to 'true' to generate this
event on client.

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 21 апр. 2020 г. в 13:35, VeenaMithare :

> Thanks Monal,
> What is the best way to generate a EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event on the client
> side for testing the event handler ? ( I am able to generate this on server
> side. )
> regards,
> Veena.
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Regarding EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED event

2020-04-29 Thread VeenaMithare
Thanks Ilya, 

Let me try.


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