Re: [Neo4j] Standalone server and transactions

2011-12-02 Thread zolv

dnagir wrote
> On 02/12/2011, at 11:28 PM, Rick Bullotta wrote:
> Doesn't matter how you play the words, you need transactions somewhere.
> And with REST it is only available as a database plugin.
> For most people it is just not worth the effort (especially who's not
> coming from Java background) and they will turn around.

Exactly. Unfortunately I am such person who must find some other NoSQL DB :/
because of these 2 mentioned cases.

But I promise to come back later and check if standalone + transactions are
ready :)


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Re: [Neo4j] Standalone server and transactions

2011-12-02 Thread zolv
Anyway, You are talking now about things that doesn't exist and I have to
implement them on my own.

I can't imagine RDBMS server that doesn't give me JDBC driver in the box.
Unfortunately Neo4j is like this. There is no native transaction-full
support so Neo4j can work as standalone server with many connections to it.
And that's the point.

Now I have to choose one of the:
- Neo4j as standalone server with REST without transactions
- Neo4j embedded with only 1 connection with transactions.

I can't imagine the situation where DB server is embedded in application
(really big application) which allows 1 connection (not 2, not many, but
1!). There is no possibility to have separated machine for DB because then
there is no transactions. Transactions in meaning the "core" of persisting
data doesn't exist in DBMS...I'm amazed that nobody has thought about these
as a "bottleneck problem".

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Re: [Neo4j] Standalone server and transactions

2011-12-02 Thread zolv

Michael Hunger wrote
>> Am I missing something?
>> I hope I do, because in this situation, Neo4j isn't actually interesting
>> DB
>> server/solution...but I want it to be.
> I would like to know some more detailed reasons for that, so far we
> haven't received this kind of response.

Do You know ANY (mature) RDBMS which is: provides many connection at the
same time, transaction-less and is still popular? I don't know any (even
SQLite has transactions). And now, somebody (not meaning You) want to
convince me that transactions are not needed. At least there strange silent
that Neo4j has full transactions (not "batch mode") ONLY in embedded mode
and in embedded mode there is allowed only 1 connection. 

Additional case here is that I read about this after some days of testing
the Neo4j in my app. No info in tutorial about this 2 cases what are very
important. I didn't even think about it when I have started with Neo4j. I
just assume that Neo4j is for sure able to work as standalone server, allows
many connections and provides full transactions. Now I know that this is not
so obvious if we call something "DBMS". 

Actually other NoSQL DBMS have the same problem - they don't inform on the
first page about transactions and standalone modes at all. You have to read
some tutorials or forum threads to get to know...after few days.

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Re: [Neo4j] Standalone server and transactions

2011-12-02 Thread zolv

Michael Hunger wrote
> No, the alternative there is to provide a server-side extension that
> encapsulates your business logic as an endpoint running inside of a tx.

Yes, this is 3rd solution. But this is the worst one because I have to
create custom layer which will work ONLY with my app. This means that I cut
the rope that allows me to use Neo4j server simultaneously with other tools
(like Neoclipse or some other which appear in the future).

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[Neo4j] Standalone server and transactions

2011-12-01 Thread zolv

I have read as much I was able to read about Neo4j with the topic I wrote

My imaginations of DB server (doesn't matter RDBMS or NoSQL) is that the
crucial things for DB server is interesting from development point of view
are (musts!):
1. DB server must be able to work as standalone server
2. DB server must provide transactions.
Can anybody guide me through these 2 things in Neo4j world?

Ad 1.
There are lots of examples to work with Neo4j as embedded. Actually these
examples works, I already made some application that was operating quite
good (embedded Neo4j was started/stopped by Singleton EJB). The only problem
is that I can use DB via application (x)or Neoclipse. Never both at the same
time. This is very annoying to stop the app and connect via Neoclipse and
vice versa.

Ad2. So first thing what I wanted to do was start Neo4j as standalone
server. The problem was thtat the only "entry point" to Neo4j server
is...HTTP REST. This lib (as I know) is not "managed" by Neo4j
project/fellows but some "external" fellow created it. I say - OK, let it
be. But the first thing what was written there was "transactions are not
supported". Only batch operations but from my point of view this is a bit
tricky solution for transactions.

Am I missing something?
I hope I do, because in this situation, Neo4j isn't actually interesting DB
server/solution...but I want it to be.

"Standalone server and transactions or GTFO".


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