what is the purpose of org.ofbiz.base.lang.SourceMonitored?

2011-03-31 Thread chris snow
Hi Forum,

What is the purpose of the class org.ofbiz.base.lang.SourceMonitored?

Many thanks,


Re: fork advice

2011-03-15 Thread chris snow
Hi David, I was using GitHub's definition of a fork:

"Before GitHub, *forking* was a subgroup of developers going in a different
direction with the codebase — a rift in the community. Today a project can
have hundreds of forks, each trying out ideas that may get merged back in to
the main project. Forks now represent a vibrant and active community."

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:45 PM, David E Jones  wrote:

> It sounds like what you want to do is not a "fork" (which implies breaking
> away from the project and never looking back), but rather a "branch" and
> more specifically something along the lines of the "vendor branch" pattern
> which is something very common.
> -David
> On Mar 14, 2011, at 1:27 AM, chris snow wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply Jacques.
> >
> > The current process of waiting and relying on the goodwill of
> contributors
> > to commit my patches does not fit well with agile development.  Forking
> will
> > allow me to develop at my own pace, but still allow my to synchronise
> > upsteam for bugfixes, etc.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 6:56 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
> > jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I think nobody manages it. It's done by default by the ASF for all
> >> projects: http://git.apache.org/
> >> I have no ideas about the diff.
> >> Why do you want to fork OFBiz?
> >>
> >> Jacques
> >>
> >> From: "chris snow" 
> >>
> >> Hi Forum,
> >>>
> >>> I would like to create an ofbiz fork in GitHub.  It seams like there
> are
> >>> two
> >>> main options:
> >>>
> >>> 1) Use GitHub to fork from apache/ofbiz at
> >>> https://github.com/apache/ofbiz
> >>> 2) Use git to create a clone directly from
> >>> http://git.apache.org/ofbiz.git
> >>>
> >>> What are the main differences in these two approaches?
> >>>
> >>> If I go with option 1, and I want to do "Pull Requests" who manages
> >>> https://github.com/apache/ofbiz?  I.e. who will receive my "Pull
> >>> Requests"?
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>>
> >>> Chris
> >>>
> >>>
> >>

Re: fork advice

2011-03-14 Thread chris snow
Thanks for the reply Jacques.

The current process of waiting and relying on the goodwill of contributors
to commit my patches does not fit well with agile development.  Forking will
allow me to develop at my own pace, but still allow my to synchronise
upsteam for bugfixes, etc.

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 6:56 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> I think nobody manages it. It's done by default by the ASF for all
> projects: http://git.apache.org/
> I have no ideas about the diff.
> Why do you want to fork OFBiz?
> Jacques
> From: "chris snow" 
>  Hi Forum,
>> I would like to create an ofbiz fork in GitHub.  It seams like there are
>> two
>> main options:
>> 1) Use GitHub to fork from apache/ofbiz at
>> https://github.com/apache/ofbiz
>> 2) Use git to create a clone directly from
>> http://git.apache.org/ofbiz.git
>> What are the main differences in these two approaches?
>> If I go with option 1, and I want to do "Pull Requests" who manages
>> https://github.com/apache/ofbiz?  I.e. who will receive my "Pull
>> Requests"?
>> Cheers,
>> Chris

fork advice

2011-03-13 Thread chris snow
Hi Forum,

I would like to create an ofbiz fork in GitHub.  It seams like there are two
main options:

1) Use GitHub to fork from apache/ofbiz at https://github.com/apache/ofbiz
2) Use git to create a clone directly from http://git.apache.org/ofbiz.git

What are the main differences in these two approaches?

If I go with option 1, and I want to do "Pull Requests" who manages
https://github.com/apache/ofbiz?  I.e. who will receive my "Pull Requests"?



Re: Calling Ofbiz web services from a .NET client

2010-10-04 Thread chris snow
Hi Per,

I would try using XML-RPC if you can find a .NET library for it.

Can you please re-open the JIRA issue?

Many thanks,


Re: how is jndi used in ofbiz?

2010-09-26 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ,

I was specifically looking at 9.04, GeronimoContainer - it is binding
the GeronimoTransactionManager to jndi:

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
ic.rebind("java:comp/UserTransaction", new

But in the GeronimoTransactionFactory it looks like JNDI is bypassed:

   static {
// creates an instance of Geronimo transaction context, etc
with a local transaction factory which is not bound to a registry
try {
transactionLog = new UnrecoverableLog();
geronimoTransactionManager = new
(XidFactory)new XidFactoryImpl(), transactionLog);
} catch (XAException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Error initializing Geronimo transaction
manager: " + e.toString(), module);

So is the JNDI binding not used?

how is jndi used in ofbiz?

2010-09-25 Thread chris snow
how is jndi used in ofbiz?

is it just used for storing the GeronimoTransactionManager?

if running in an j2ee server, does ofbiz use the servers jndi registry?

what dependencies does the ofbiz jndi naming service have?  for
example, does it need rmi infrastructure?

i'm a jndi newbie, so my questions are basic

many thanks,


Re: is ofbiz dying?

2010-09-22 Thread chris snow
thanks for the responses everyone!

is ofbiz dying?

2010-09-22 Thread chris snow
Is ofbiz dying?  The mailing lists seem quiet, this seems to be
confirmed by the dev and commits mailing list counts dropping off:


Is it just a blip?

Re: working out the significance of various RoleTypes

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ/Jonatan,

I have created an jira issue to discuss the documentation for
RoleType: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-3949

Attached are some example Descriptions for RoleType - is there any
additional information that would be useful?  Does the format make
sense, is it readable?

Many thanks,


Re: working out the significance of various RoleTypes

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ, I'm not sure the datamodel book has been followed 100%, so I
think the safest way to work out the intention of each RoleType is to
search through the code and document my findings.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Re: working out the significance of various RoleTypes

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
Hi Jonatan, I think all we need is a list of the pre-defined RoleTypes
and what the impact of each RoleType has on ofbiz.

It's impossible to choose a role type without having that list!

I'm happy to create the list - I just want to make sure I'm looking in
the right place for the information when I'm trying to find out what
each RoleType 'does'.

Re: working out the significance of various RoleTypes

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
BJ, there are a quite a few pre-defined roles in PartyTypeData how
will I know when to use one of the pre-defined RoleTypes and when to
create my own, unless I know exactly what the pre-defined roles do?

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:16 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> MANAGER is generic and for small company enough
> you want more granuallity meand you create a
> Then implement it in the Facilities code and screens
> then remove the MANAGER from your party and add your MANAGER_PACKING
> you can also add TEAM_PACKING, for Those working in Packing.
> =
> BJ Freeman
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
>  <http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=52>
> Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 2:07 PM:
>> This is confusing me, so what about if I rephrase my question:
>> - I have a party, what roles should I give to the party?
>> I don't want to give a role if I don't know what effect that role has.
>>  For example, I have an employee who is a manager of a small team in
>> my packing department.  There is a MANAGER role available in
>> PartyTypeData, so this seems like a natural fit and I assign the
>> MANAGER role to my packing manager.   I have now inadvertently given
>> my manager extended privileges in the WebPOS.  This is clearly not my
>> intention.
>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:49 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
>>> the basic use of roles it to define before there is data available.
>>> it also is a way of selecting certain function (roles) of a party.
>>> The Demo data is not complete and is there to show that one of the roles
>>> you
>>> can have is BUYER.
>>> these are covered in the Datamodel book vol I.
>>> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 1:40 PM:
>>>> A text search on the "BUYER" role type suggests that RoleType doesn't
>>>> actually do anything other than act as a label for Parties.  I must be
>>>> missing something?
>>>> $ grep -r '"BUYER"' *
>>>> applications/securityext/data/UserDemoData.xml:>>> partyId="admin" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> applications/securityext/data/UserDemoData.xml:>>> partyId="bizadmin" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> applications/party/data/PartyTypeData.xml:>>> description="Buyer" hasTable="N" parentTypeId="EMPLOYEE"
>>>> roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> applications/order/servicedef/orderProcessXPDL.xml:
>>>> applications/accounting/data/DemoPaymentsInvoices.xml:>>> partyId="AcctBuyer" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> specialpurpose/workflow/data/OrderProcessWorkflow.xml:
>>>> >>> packageVersion="20030730144901" processId="_NA_" processVersion="_NA_"
>>>> participantId="BUYER" participantName="Purchase Order Approval Role"
>>>> description="Reviews and approves/rejects orders"
>>>> participantTypeId="ROLE"/>
>>>> specialpurpose/workflow/data/OrderProcessWorkflow.xml:
>>>> >>> packageVersion="20030730144901" processId="ProcessOrder"
>>>> processVersion="20030730144901" activityId="approvePurchaseOrder"
>>>> objectName="Approve Purchase Order #${orderId}" objectPriority="5"
>>>> timeLimit="12.0" startModeEnumId="WAM_MANUAL"
>>>> finishModeEnumId="WAM_MANUAL" performerParticipantId="BUYER"
>>>> activityTypeEnumId="WAT_NO" canStart="N" joinTypeEnumId="WJT_XOR"
>>>> splitTypeEnumId="WST_XOR" acceptAllAssignments="N"
>>>> completeAllAssignments="N" limitService="sendProcessNotification"
>>>> limitAfterStart="N" delegateAfterStart="Y" restartOnDelegate="N"
>>>> inheritPriority="Y"/>
>>>> specialpurpose/ecommerce/data/DemoOrderPeopleData.xml:>>> partyId="DemoBuyer" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:13 PM, chris snow
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> I'm manually working through the ecommerce demo setup data to create a
>>>>> new site and along the way gain more insight into the ofbiz data
>>>>> structures.
>>>>> When I encounter a RoleType, I want to know what effect this role has
>>>>> on ofbiz.  For example, the RoleType: MANAGER,
>>>>> ...
>>>>> If I do a text search through the ofbiz source for "MANAGER", I can
>>>>> see that the MANAGER RoleType is used in several places, including:
>>>>> component://pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/event/SecurityEvents.java
>>>>> component://webpos/src/org/ofbiz/webpos/session/WebPosSession.java
>>>>>  From this I can deduce that the MANGER role has an influence on the
>>>>> behaviour of the pos and webpos components.
>>>>> Searching for individual RoleType's is insightful, but is time
>>>>> consuming.  Is there an easier way for me to understand how various
>>>>> RoleType's influence the ofbiz processes?
>>>>> If there isn't an easier way, I'm happy to continue my search process
>>>>> and create a wiki page to document the various RoleType's and their
>>>>> effect on the behaviour of ofbiz.
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Chris

Re: ofbiz release10.04 - where is orderProcessXPDL.xml used?

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
so can all this old stuff be removed?

Re: working out the significance of various RoleTypes

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
This is confusing me, so what about if I rephrase my question:

- I have a party, what roles should I give to the party?

I don't want to give a role if I don't know what effect that role has.
 For example, I have an employee who is a manager of a small team in
my packing department.  There is a MANAGER role available in
PartyTypeData, so this seems like a natural fit and I assign the
MANAGER role to my packing manager.   I have now inadvertently given
my manager extended privileges in the WebPOS.  This is clearly not my

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:49 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> the basic use of roles it to define before there is data available.
> it also is a way of selecting certain function (roles) of a party.
> The Demo data is not complete and is there to show that one of the roles you
> can have is BUYER.
> these are covered in the Datamodel book vol I.
> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 1:40 PM:
>> A text search on the "BUYER" role type suggests that RoleType doesn't
>> actually do anything other than act as a label for Parties.  I must be
>> missing something?
>> $ grep -r '"BUYER"' *
>> applications/securityext/data/UserDemoData.xml:> partyId="admin" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>> applications/securityext/data/UserDemoData.xml:> partyId="bizadmin" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>> applications/party/data/PartyTypeData.xml:> description="Buyer" hasTable="N" parentTypeId="EMPLOYEE"
>> roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>> applications/order/servicedef/orderProcessXPDL.xml:
>> applications/accounting/data/DemoPaymentsInvoices.xml:> partyId="AcctBuyer" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>> specialpurpose/workflow/data/OrderProcessWorkflow.xml:
>> > packageVersion="20030730144901" processId="_NA_" processVersion="_NA_"
>> participantId="BUYER" participantName="Purchase Order Approval Role"
>> description="Reviews and approves/rejects orders"
>> participantTypeId="ROLE"/>
>> specialpurpose/workflow/data/OrderProcessWorkflow.xml:
>> > packageVersion="20030730144901" processId="ProcessOrder"
>> processVersion="20030730144901" activityId="approvePurchaseOrder"
>> objectName="Approve Purchase Order #${orderId}" objectPriority="5"
>> timeLimit="12.0" startModeEnumId="WAM_MANUAL"
>> finishModeEnumId="WAM_MANUAL" performerParticipantId="BUYER"
>> activityTypeEnumId="WAT_NO" canStart="N" joinTypeEnumId="WJT_XOR"
>> splitTypeEnumId="WST_XOR" acceptAllAssignments="N"
>> completeAllAssignments="N" limitService="sendProcessNotification"
>> limitAfterStart="N" delegateAfterStart="Y" restartOnDelegate="N"
>> inheritPriority="Y"/>
>> specialpurpose/ecommerce/data/DemoOrderPeopleData.xml:> partyId="DemoBuyer" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:13 PM, chris snow  wrote:
>>> I'm manually working through the ecommerce demo setup data to create a
>>> new site and along the way gain more insight into the ofbiz data
>>> structures.
>>> When I encounter a RoleType, I want to know what effect this role has
>>> on ofbiz.  For example, the RoleType: MANAGER,
>>> ...
>>> If I do a text search through the ofbiz source for "MANAGER", I can
>>> see that the MANAGER RoleType is used in several places, including:
>>> component://pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/event/SecurityEvents.java
>>> component://webpos/src/org/ofbiz/webpos/session/WebPosSession.java
>>>  From this I can deduce that the MANGER role has an influence on the
>>> behaviour of the pos and webpos components.
>>> Searching for individual RoleType's is insightful, but is time
>>> consuming.  Is there an easier way for me to understand how various
>>> RoleType's influence the ofbiz processes?
>>> If there isn't an easier way, I'm happy to continue my search process
>>> and create a wiki page to document the various RoleType's and their
>>> effect on the behaviour of ofbiz.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Chris

Re: working out the significance of various RoleTypes

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
A text search on the "BUYER" role type suggests that RoleType doesn't
actually do anything other than act as a label for Parties.  I must be
missing something?

$ grep -r '"BUYER"' *




On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:13 PM, chris snow  wrote:
> I'm manually working through the ecommerce demo setup data to create a
> new site and along the way gain more insight into the ofbiz data
> structures.
> When I encounter a RoleType, I want to know what effect this role has
> on ofbiz.  For example, the RoleType: MANAGER,
> ...
> If I do a text search through the ofbiz source for "MANAGER", I can
> see that the MANAGER RoleType is used in several places, including:
> component://pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/event/SecurityEvents.java
> component://webpos/src/org/ofbiz/webpos/session/WebPosSession.java
> From this I can deduce that the MANGER role has an influence on the
> behaviour of the pos and webpos components.
> Searching for individual RoleType's is insightful, but is time
> consuming.  Is there an easier way for me to understand how various
> RoleType's influence the ofbiz processes?
> If there isn't an easier way, I'm happy to continue my search process
> and create a wiki page to document the various RoleType's and their
> effect on the behaviour of ofbiz.
> Many thanks,
> Chris

working out the significance of various RoleTypes

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
I'm manually working through the ecommerce demo setup data to create a
new site and along the way gain more insight into the ofbiz data

When I encounter a RoleType, I want to know what effect this role has
on ofbiz.  For example, the RoleType: MANAGER,


If I do a text search through the ofbiz source for "MANAGER", I can
see that the MANAGER RoleType is used in several places, including:


>From this I can deduce that the MANGER role has an influence on the
behaviour of the pos and webpos components.

Searching for individual RoleType's is insightful, but is time
consuming.  Is there an easier way for me to understand how various
RoleType's influence the ofbiz processes?

If there isn't an easier way, I'm happy to continue my search process
and create a wiki page to document the various RoleType's and their
effect on the behaviour of ofbiz.

Many thanks,


Re: ofbiz release10.04 - where is orderProcessXPDL.xml used?

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
svn log sounds good - will you be deleted this and other deprecated files now?

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:41 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> how about an svn log comment that says see the shark if your interested.
> that way if someone runs across it they may get interested, but if put away
> it is more like out of sight out of mind.
> However if you get drool implemented and in the trunk or I get the business
> Basic integrated, I can see removing the Shark and all files related.
> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 12:28 PM:
>> Hi BJ, keeping old stuff around makes the framework harder to master.
>> Could the file be archived somewhere?  That way, it's clear to users
>> that it isn't important, but is still around if someone wants to
>> finish off the functionality.
>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:22 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
>>> there seems to be a movement to remove a lot of "unused" stuff.
>>> I my personal value is that this is a community and as we grow some one
>>> may
>>> take an interest.
>>> so only things that have been superseded should be removed.
>>> like if there is a business language interface that has been implemented.
>>> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 12:11 PM:
>>>> Is there any value in keeping files like these if they aren't used?
>>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:09 PM, BJ Freeman
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Shark is disabled, since the integration was not completed.
>>>>> See the Shark container.
>>>>> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 11:39 AM:
>>>>>> Is orderProcessXPDL.xml used by anything in Ofbiz?  if so, where and
>>>>>> how?
>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>> Chris

Re: deprecated files WAS: ofbiz release10.04 - where is orderProcessXPDL.xml used?

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
Is this file used: OrderProcessWorkflow.xml?

Re: ofbiz release10.04 - where is orderProcessXPDL.xml used?

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ, keeping old stuff around makes the framework harder to master.
Could the file be archived somewhere?  That way, it's clear to users
that it isn't important, but is still around if someone wants to
finish off the functionality.

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:22 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> there seems to be a movement to remove a lot of "unused" stuff.
> I my personal value is that this is a community and as we grow some one may
> take an interest.
> so only things that have been superseded should be removed.
> like if there is a business language interface that has been implemented.
> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 12:11 PM:
>> Is there any value in keeping files like these if they aren't used?
>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:09 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
>>> Shark is disabled, since the integration was not completed.
>>> See the Shark container.
>>> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 11:39 AM:
>>>> Is orderProcessXPDL.xml used by anything in Ofbiz?  if so, where and
>>>> how?
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Chris

Re: ofbiz release10.04 - where is orderProcessXPDL.xml used?

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
Is there any value in keeping files like these if they aren't used?

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:09 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> Shark is disabled, since the integration was not completed.
> See the Shark container.
> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 11:39 AM:
>> Is orderProcessXPDL.xml used by anything in Ofbiz?  if so, where and how?
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris

ofbiz release10.04 - where is orderProcessXPDL.xml used?

2010-09-19 Thread chris snow
Is orderProcessXPDL.xml used by anything in Ofbiz?  if so, where and how?

Many thanks,


Re: why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-09-18 Thread chris snow

Making the entity engine available as a standalone module definitely has
appeal.  For example, the entity engine would sit nicely alongside an ESB
such as mule for providing a very flexible and quick to develop persistence

When I talk about the framework being more modular, I am looking far into
the future (i.e. I'm dreaming).  The first step is to aim for
framework/application independence.

Someone is going to have to dig around in the framework from time to time. 
If parts of the framework could be worked on independently of the rest of
the framework, it would make those parts much easier to maintain.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: JavaDocs

2010-09-18 Thread chris snow
and xsd's? http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 6:39 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> should we have one for each release 4.0,9.04, 10.04 and trunk
> http://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/site/javadocs/
> =
> BJ Freeman
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
> Specialtymarket.com  
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Re: using json

2010-09-18 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ, thanks for the response.  Unfortunately, an iframe won't do - I
need to have a json client running on a remote server.

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 6:16 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> how about an Iframe from the website to the login you want to use.
> I use this a lot for backend Customer login for my portal, on clients
> websites that ofbiz is the back end but not the ecommerce provider.
> chris snow sent the following on 9/18/2010 9:32 AM:
>> Are there any instructions for connecting to ofbiz using
>> javascript+json from an external web application.  I would like to
>> make a call to a service/controller that requires authentication.
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris

using json

2010-09-18 Thread chris snow
Are there any instructions for connecting to ofbiz using
javascript+json from an external web application.  I would like to
make a call to a service/controller that requires authentication.

Many thanks,


Re: why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-09-18 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ, there are parts of ofbiz that could be 'easily' used outside of
ofbiz if they weren't all part of the same code base.  The Entity
Engine example is one part that could become a library.  Other parts
include the datatype coverters and temporal expressions.  At the
moment if I want to use these parts of ofbiz in external applications,
I have to manually extract them from the ofbiz code base.

The framework would then be an assembly of libraries. By splitting
ofbiz up, each library (entity engine, converters, temporal
expressions, etc) could be developed independently of the rest of the
ofbiz code.  Do you want me do list the advantages of this approach?

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 10:02 AM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> Chris I may be dense, but what dependencies do you see from the entity
> engine to the rest of ofbiz?
> I agree that from the rest of ofbiz the entity engine is core, and is to me
> the very reason that ofbiz is great.
> But from a framework point of view you can strip away the application and
> specialpurpose and build anything you want on top of the framework.
> which is why it is called a framework.
> outside of the base and supporting files in framework, you could probably
> reemove 50% of the framework and still have the entiy engine work.
> So is it just a technical thing or is there really a gain in what you are
> saying?
> Just trying to get a Grasp on what you goal and scope is.
> chris snow sent the following on 9/18/2010 1:48 AM:
>> I'm sorry for pushing this off-track by mentioning hibernate. The
>> important
>> point is that the technologies aren't important.  There are many
>  technologies that could be used for the entity engine, and as BJ has
> pointed
>> out, the ofbiz entity engine is very good. The problem for me is that the
>> entity engine is deeply interwined with the rest of ofbiz.  These
>> dependencies need to be managed.  Having a more modular ofbiz has
>> advantages
>> for ofbiz as a whole and for each module.
>> On 18 Sep 2010 09:03, "BJ Freeman"  wrote:
>> One of the reason I came to ofbiz was to get away from the bloat of ORM.
>> if I read the modeler right that is swt based Gui which introduces a
>> communication layer back to the server, unlike ofbiz being generated on
>> the
>> fly into html, from the server.
>> BTw I have a Commercial Swt Gui Generator and use it for my legacy apps I
>> converted to ofbiz, as well as the communications layer using JNL.
>> =
>> BJ Freeman
>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation<
>> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewf...
>> james_sg sent the following on 9/18/2010 12:24 AM:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Apache Cayenne has the closest match to OFBiz Entity Engine.
>>> A few points abo...

Re: why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-09-18 Thread chris snow
I'm sorry for pushing this off-track by mentioning hibernate. The important
point is that the technologies aren't important.  There are many
technologies that could be used for the entity engine, and as BJ has pointed
out, the ofbiz entity engine is very good. The problem for me is that the
entity engine is deeply interwined with the rest of ofbiz.  These
dependencies need to be managed.  Having a more modular ofbiz has advantages
for ofbiz as a whole and for each module.

On 18 Sep 2010 09:03, "BJ Freeman"  wrote:

One of the reason I came to ofbiz was to get away from the bloat of ORM.
if I read the modeler right that is swt based Gui which introduces a
communication layer back to the server, unlike ofbiz being generated on the
fly into html, from the server.

BTw I have a Commercial Swt Gui Generator and use it for my legacy apps I
converted to ofbiz, as well as the communications layer using JNL.

BJ Freeman

Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <
james_sg sent the following on 9/18/2010 12:24 AM:

> Hi all,
> Apache Cayenne has the closest match to OFBiz Entity Engine.
> A few points abo...

Re: why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
Hi Scott, it was just an example. The point I was trying to make is that by
making the entity engine a separate module, the implementation doesn't
matter as long as the entity engine module fullfilled its api contract.  One
of the benefits of this modular approach is that it would enable developers
or are interested in working on the entity engine could do so without having
to first isolate the persistence code from the configuration code.

On 18 Sep 2010 06:49, "Scott Gray"  wrote:

Hi Chris,

Could you explain how you envisage swapping the entity engine with hibernate
considering one uses Maps (GenericValue) and the other uses POJOs to
represent data?


HotWax Media

On 18/09/2010, at 1:32 AM, chris snow wrote:

> I would see entity engine and service engine as se...

Re: does VAT work on 9.04

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
I found the problem - I was testing the shopping cart using the
"admin" userid.  The admin user didn't have a shipping address so
calcAndAddTax was just silently returning:

public void calcAndAddTax(GenericValue shipAddress) throws
GeneralException {
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(cart.getShippingContactMechId()) &&
cart.getBillingAddress() == null && shipAddress == null) {

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 11:16 PM, chris snow  wrote:
> Yes, under the miscellaneous sub-section.
> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 11:07 PM, Info Olagos  wrote:
>> yes, they have a shipping cost.
>> I use release09.04.
>> Did you say in the products configuration to add tax?
>> Heidi
>> 2010/9/17 chris snow 
>>> I have setup the accounting taxes part.
>>> Do your products have a shipping cost?
>>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 10:47 PM, Info Olagos 
>>> wrote:
>>> > no in my shop it is working very good.
>>> >
>>> > Did you configure it in the "accounting" "taxes" part ?
>>> >
>>> > regards,Heidi
>>> >
>>> > 2010/9/17 chris snow 
>>> >
>>> >> I've probably mis-configured my setup, but thought I would also double
>>> >> check if VAT is working on 9.04?
>>> >>
>>> >> My checkout VAT is always showing 0.00
>>> >>
>>> >> Many thanks,
>>> >>
>>> >> Chris
>>> >>
>>> >

Re: does VAT work on 9.04

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
Yes, under the miscellaneous sub-section.

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 11:07 PM, Info Olagos  wrote:
> yes, they have a shipping cost.
> I use release09.04.
> Did you say in the products configuration to add tax?
> Heidi
> 2010/9/17 chris snow 
>> I have setup the accounting taxes part.
>> Do your products have a shipping cost?
>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 10:47 PM, Info Olagos 
>> wrote:
>> > no in my shop it is working very good.
>> >
>> > Did you configure it in the "accounting" "taxes" part ?
>> >
>> > regards,Heidi
>> >
>> > 2010/9/17 chris snow 
>> >
>> >> I've probably mis-configured my setup, but thought I would also double
>> >> check if VAT is working on 9.04?
>> >>
>> >> My checkout VAT is always showing 0.00
>> >>
>> >> Many thanks,
>> >>
>> >> Chris
>> >>
>> >

Re: does VAT work on 9.04

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
I have setup the accounting taxes part.

Do your products have a shipping cost?

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 10:47 PM, Info Olagos  wrote:
> no in my shop it is working very good.
> Did you configure it in the "accounting" "taxes" part ?
> regards,Heidi
> 2010/9/17 chris snow 
>> I've probably mis-configured my setup, but thought I would also double
>> check if VAT is working on 9.04?
>> My checkout VAT is always showing 0.00
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris

does VAT work on 9.04

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
I've probably mis-configured my setup, but thought I would also double
check if VAT is working on 9.04?

My checkout VAT is always showing 0.00

Many thanks,


Re: extending an eca

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
> Note: unless I want to change based on commit I use one of the other
> triggers that fit my service. they all effect the same transaction.

Hi BJ, I don't understand your last line - can you please elaborate?

I would like checkOrderItemStatus and myCustomerService to be part of
the same transaction - i.e. both are successful or get rolled back.

Re: currency change in general.properties not taking effect

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
It was because I was logged in as admin and the old locale must have
been stuck in the session.  Restarted, logged out and logged in and £
sign is showing.

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 8:02 PM, chris snow  wrote:
> I have changed general.properties to
>   defaultOrganizationPartyId=Company
>   locale.properties.fallback=en_GB
>   locales.available=en_GB
> And start.properties to
>   ofbiz.locale.default=en_GB
> However, the ecommerce page is still showing prices with $ and not £
> Any ideas?
> Many thanks,
> Chris

currency change in general.properties not taking effect

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
I have changed general.properties to


And start.properties to


However, the ecommerce page is still showing prices with $ and not £

Any ideas?

Many thanks,


extending an eca

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
Is it possible to extend an eca?  For example, when an order is
completed, I would like to call another service.  There is already an
OOTB eca:

I can't see a way to extend this, should I just place a duplicate eca
definition in mycomponent, e.g.

Will this duplicate definition override the OOTB one?

Many thanks,


Re: why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
I  would see entity engine and service engine as separate modules.

Each module should have clearly defined api defining how they interact
with the outside world.  A clearly defined api will facilitate
swapping parts.  For example, the entity engine could be replaced with
a hibernate based engine as long as the api was implemented.

(also there would be a module for Birt)

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 2:06 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> to me framework is what has not ability to interact with the real world,
> like party, but just the tools.
> so base layer is Entity and service engine.
> Next layer is Webapp and Widgets.
> next layer is Webtools
> next layer is security and common
> A person should be able to enable those things that they want for their
> application.
> chris snow sent the following on 9/17/2010 4:11 AM:
>> If you follow my instructions for 9.04 that will to a large extent
>> give you framework independence.
>> I think 9.04 makes a good basis for looking at modularising parts of
>> ofbiz.  For example, I would like to see the entity engine live in its
>> own project.  The entity engine from what I remember is currently
>> tightly tied in to performing duties such as reading configuration
>> files.  Based on this, I would next focus on giving the entity engine
>> an api for loading it's global configuration and also component
>> configurations.  That way, the entity engine could be added to ofbiz
>> as a pure jar file and be configured by some other module (e.g. a
>> configuration service).  Isolating parts of the system like the entity
>> engine has a lot of benefits.  For example, BJ Freeman has mentioned
>> improvements to the entity engine such as on the fly entity changes.
>> This would be made much easier if the entity engine was not so deeply
>> intertwined with the rest of the ofbiz code.
>> I think github would be the ideal place for hosting this kind of
>> effort.  That way non ofbiz commiters could more easily contribute.
>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 11:49 AM, james_sg  wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I believe framework separation is a win-win situation and things will get
>>> sorted out when the common agreement is there.
>>> I am using 9.04. For non-erp project, I have other favorite framework.
>>> -james
>>> chris snow wrote:
>>>> Hi James,
>>>> I spent a lot of time looking at this and came to the conclusion that
>>>> in 10.04 the dependencies between framework and applications became
>>>> too intertwined to make a separate 10.04 framework.  Here are some of
>>>> the pages I put together documenting my steps:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/eIOJ
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/nYTW
>>>> I haven't used ofbiz for a while, however recently I started using
>>>> ofbiz 9.04 and I may take another look at using 9.04 as the basis for
>>>> some development effort to make ofbiz more modular (e.g. split the
>>>> project up maven style and make the entity engine a separate project
>>>> that can be used independently of ofbiz).  There was also a
>>>> interesting work by Raj to use OSGi to make the dependencies in ofbiz
>>>> more explicit and controllable -
>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/ofbiz-osgi/
>>>> David's new project is very interesting, because he will be 'vetting'
>>>> all code that gets committed, which doesn't happen with the ofbiz svn
>>>> repository.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 3:24 AM, james_sg  wrote:
>>>>> Does anyone know the status of this?
>>>>> --james
>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>> I am for standalone framework. David has been working on that project
>>>>>> for a while, if I remember correctly.
>>>>>> #2 bothers me though. The design of ofbiz was that the entity was the
>>>>>> controlling factor for creating DB and UI. I was one of the major
>>>>>> reasons I came to ofbiz.
>>>>>> That said, any work that wants to be done on UI integration that makes
>>>>>> ofbiz look classy, I think should be the focus.

Re: why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
If you follow my instructions for 9.04 that will to a large extent
give you framework independence.

I think 9.04 makes a good basis for looking at modularising parts of
ofbiz.  For example, I would like to see the entity engine live in its
own project.  The entity engine from what I remember is currently
tightly tied in to performing duties such as reading configuration
files.  Based on this, I would next focus on giving the entity engine
an api for loading it's global configuration and also component
configurations.  That way, the entity engine could be added to ofbiz
as a pure jar file and be configured by some other module (e.g. a
configuration service).  Isolating parts of the system like the entity
engine has a lot of benefits.  For example, BJ Freeman has mentioned
improvements to the entity engine such as on the fly entity changes.
This would be made much easier if the entity engine was not so deeply
intertwined with the rest of the ofbiz code.

I think github would be the ideal place for hosting this kind of
effort.  That way non ofbiz commiters could more easily contribute.

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 11:49 AM, james_sg  wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I believe framework separation is a win-win situation and things will get
> sorted out when the common agreement is there.
> I am using 9.04. For non-erp project, I have other favorite framework.
> -james
> chris snow wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> I spent a lot of time looking at this and came to the conclusion that
>> in 10.04 the dependencies between framework and applications became
>> too intertwined to make a separate 10.04 framework.  Here are some of
>> the pages I put together documenting my steps:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/eIOJ
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/nYTW
>> I haven't used ofbiz for a while, however recently I started using
>> ofbiz 9.04 and I may take another look at using 9.04 as the basis for
>> some development effort to make ofbiz more modular (e.g. split the
>> project up maven style and make the entity engine a separate project
>> that can be used independently of ofbiz).  There was also a
>> interesting work by Raj to use OSGi to make the dependencies in ofbiz
>> more explicit and controllable -
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/ofbiz-osgi/
>> David's new project is very interesting, because he will be 'vetting'
>> all code that gets committed, which doesn't happen with the ofbiz svn
>> repository.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 3:24 AM, james_sg  wrote:
>>> Does anyone know the status of this?
>>> --james
>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>> I am for standalone framework. David has been working on that project
>>>> for a while, if I remember correctly.
>>>> #2 bothers me though. The design of ofbiz was that the entity was the
>>>> controlling factor for creating DB and UI. I was one of the major
>>>> reasons I came to ofbiz.
>>>> That said, any work that wants to be done on UI integration that makes
>>>> ofbiz look classy, I think should be the focus.
>>>> A lot of work has been done in that area.
>>>> But integrating other UI interfaces that keep the design idea of the
>>>> entity being to controlling focus is what I would like to see.
>>>> I don't see ofbiz being object oriented in the normal sense.
>>>> I see the effort for the help files and a easily understood UI from the
>>>> user point of view being the main factors in promoting ofbiz.
>>>> Chris Snow sent the following on 2/24/2010 10:47 PM:
>>>>> Here are some benefits of a 10.04 standalone framework release:
>>>>> 1) Standalone framework users would be a form of quality control
>>>>> helping
>>>>> to ensure more incorrect dependencies don't find there way into ofbiz.
>>>>> 2) we would be able to promote the framework in its own right thus
>>>>> competing with OpenERP's OpenObject platform
>>>>> 3) a much larger potential user base than ecommerce or erp users.
>>>>> Any more that I have missed?
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/why-we-should-have-a-10-04-standalone-framework-release-tp1568563p2543258.html
>>> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/why-we-should-have-a-10-04-standalone-framework-release-tp1568563p2543697.html
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: removing unwanted locales

2010-09-17 Thread chris snow
Hi Jacques -

I don't find the wiki search very useful.  What are the issues with
using Confluence Export?



On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Jacques Le Roux
> Chris, and everybody interested,
> I guess because we are not using Confluence Export (like some other Apache
> projects do) we don't have a reliable Google indexing
> As I explained to BJ use rather my tip at bottom of
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/Mailing+Lists
> You may also use the search at the top of the main page
> http://ofbiz.apache.org/
> But there an issue with it since we are not able to search into all the
> content using one option in the list, at least I don't find a way to do it,
> yet...
> Jacques
> chris snow wrote:
>> Hi jacques, I did a google search before posting, but these links didn't
>> come up?
>> On 16 Sep 2010 23:51, "Jacques Le Roux" 
>> wrote:
>> general.properties locales.available
>> Also indicated in
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBENDUSER/Apache+OFBiz+Business+Setup+Guide?focusedCommentId=8192400#comment-8192400
>> and
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBTECH/Apache+OFBiz+Technical+Production+Setup+Guide
>> Good night ;o)
>> Jacques
>> From: "chris snow" 
>>> Is it possible to remove the unwanted locales from the ecommerce
>>> webapp?  In fact, my store o...

Re: why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-09-16 Thread chris snow
Hi James,

I spent a lot of time looking at this and came to the conclusion that
in 10.04 the dependencies between framework and applications became
too intertwined to make a separate 10.04 framework.  Here are some of
the pages I put together documenting my steps:


I haven't used ofbiz for a while, however recently I started using
ofbiz 9.04 and I may take another look at using 9.04 as the basis for
some development effort to make ofbiz more modular (e.g. split the
project up maven style and make the entity engine a separate project
that can be used independently of ofbiz).  There was also a
interesting work by Raj to use OSGi to make the dependencies in ofbiz
more explicit and controllable -

David's new project is very interesting, because he will be 'vetting'
all code that gets committed, which doesn't happen with the ofbiz svn



On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 3:24 AM, james_sg  wrote:
> Does anyone know the status of this?
> --james
> BJ Freeman wrote:
>> I am for standalone framework. David has been working on that project
>> for a while, if I remember correctly.
>> #2 bothers me though. The design of ofbiz was that the entity was the
>> controlling factor for creating DB and UI. I was one of the major
>> reasons I came to ofbiz.
>> That said, any work that wants to be done on UI integration that makes
>> ofbiz look classy, I think should be the focus.
>> A lot of work has been done in that area.
>> But integrating other UI interfaces that keep the design idea of the
>> entity being to controlling focus is what I would like to see.
>> I don't see ofbiz being object oriented in the normal sense.
>> I see the effort for the help files and a easily understood UI from the
>> user point of view being the main factors in promoting ofbiz.
>> Chris Snow sent the following on 2/24/2010 10:47 PM:
>>> Here are some benefits of a 10.04 standalone framework release:
>>> 1) Standalone framework users would be a form of quality control helping
>>> to ensure more incorrect dependencies don't find there way into ofbiz.
>>> 2) we would be able to promote the framework in its own right thus
>>> competing with OpenERP's OpenObject platform
>>> 3) a much larger potential user base than ecommerce or erp users.
>>> Any more that I have missed?
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/why-we-should-have-a-10-04-standalone-framework-release-tp1568563p2543258.html
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: removing unwanted locales

2010-09-16 Thread chris snow
Hi jacques, I did a google search before posting, but these links didn't
come up?

On 16 Sep 2010 23:51, "Jacques Le Roux" 

general.properties locales.available

Also indicated in

Good night ;o)


From: "chris snow" 

> Is it possible to remove the unwanted locales from the ecommerce
> webapp?  In fact, my store o...

removing unwanted locales

2010-09-16 Thread chris snow
Is it possible to remove the unwanted locales from the ecommerce
webapp?  In fact, my store only needs one locale - en_GB!

Many thanks,


Re: ApacheCon2010 and the new OFBiz Cookbook

2010-09-16 Thread chris snow
Hi Ruth - congratulations on finishing the book!  Another welcome
addition to the ofbiz suite of documentation!

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Ruth Hoffman  wrote:
>  Hi All:
> Just a quick announcement that I hope won't ruffle too many feathers:
> I'm going to give away at least one copy of the new OFBiz Cookbook that I
> authored for Packt at ApacheCon2010 this year. (That is if the ASF doesn't
> find a way to stop me.) I'll have a drawing at my talk (1:00pm on Wed) that
> anyone who attends can enter. At the end of the session I'll draw a name
> from those entered and give away the book. No strings attached except you've
> gotta stay for my talk :-)
> If you're interested, I've done an opinion piece about the book, Packt and
> this give-away here: http://www.myofbiz.com/control/blog/RuthHoffman.
> [Unfortunately, I haven't got the comments part of the blog working yet and
> I'm pretty busy with a paying customer right now...but maybe by show time
> I'll have that fixed and we can start a discussion about the book.]
> Hopefully see some of you there!
> Regards,
> Ruth Hoffman

Re: selling tokens for services

2010-09-15 Thread chris snow
Hi Ruth,

I'm trying to work out the cleanest way of implementing my
requirements with minimal changes to the existing code base.  My
current thought is that I will create an ECA that will recognize when
TOKEN products have been purchased and then update a PARTY_TOKEN
table.  The PARTY_TOKEN table will then be maintained by an external

Refunds/Returns will not be applicable for tokens so I will need to
switch this functionality off.  Is this configurable at the PRODUCT

Many thanks,


On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Ruth Hoffman  wrote:
>  Hi Chris:
> That doesn't sound like anything I've seen out of the box. Maybe David has
> some more insight.
> I can think of a few ways you might want to implement this, but if something
> already exists, I'd be interested in hearing about it.
> Regards,
> Ruth
> On 9/14/10 2:51 PM, chris snow wrote:
>> Thanks Ruth and David,
>> I've had some more clarification.  The service being sold will be
>> similar to the concept of online Will production.  Here are some
>> example scenarios:
>> Customers will enter their personal details to go into the Will.  When
>> they want a pdf of the Will they will have to pay (e.g. $50 for 1
>> token).  After they have bought their token, they can change their
>> data as much as they want within a fixed time frame (e.g. one year)
>> and recreate the pdf without any extra charge.  The customer's social
>> security number is used to identify the Will that the token is
>> assigned to.
>> Companies may also use the service, the more money they spend when
>> buying tokens, the cheaper the tokens.  Companies may also have more
>> that one member of staff who can use the tokens.  Each token will get
>> allocated the social security number of the main party of the Will
>> when the pdf is first created.
>> The Will data is edited by an external application and the Will data
>> is stored in an external application.  The pdf is created by an
>> external service.  Ofbiz is required for selling tokens and managing
>> the tokens.
>> Does the above scenario fit any data models and processes existing in
>> ofbiz?
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris
>> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Ruth Hoffman
>>  wrote:
>>>  Hi Chris:
>>> That is what I do on the MyOFBiz.com site. Here is an excerpt from my
>>> seed
>>> data:
>>> >> dataResourceTypeId="OFBIZ_FILE_BIN"
>>>        dataResourceName="OFBizRSS5StepGuide.pdf"
>>>        mimeTypeId="application/pdf"
>>>  objectInfo="/applications/mylibrary/data/PUBLICATIONS/OFBizRSS5StepGuide.pdf"
>>> isPublic="Y" />
>>> >> dataResourceId="PUB-RSS0710"
>>>        description="How To Add An RSS Feed In 5 Easy Steps" />
>>> I also have a Product record and a productId of PUB-RSS07010 which is a
>>> "digital good". So there is a ProductSubscriptionResource record:
>>> >> subscriptionResourceId="PUB-RSS0710" fromDate="2001-05-13 12:00:00.0"
>>> maxLifeTime="180" maxLifeTimeUomId="TF_day" />
>>> You would change the maxLifeTime to a value that suited your
>>> requirements.
>>> FYI - Packt just told me that the OFBiz CookBook that I've been working
>>> on
>>> with them is available on their site:
>>> https://www.packtpub.com/apache-ofbiz-cookbook/book
>>> Not sure when Amazon will have it.
>>> Hope this helps!
>>> Regards,
>>> Ruth
>>> On 9/14/10 2:29 AM, David E Jones wrote:
>>>> Sounds like what the Subscription and related entities are desired
>>>> for...
>>>> -David
>>>> On Sep 14, 2010, at 12:25 AM, chris snow wrote:
>>>>> I would like to be able to sell tokens for services using ofbiz.
>>>>> A customer will buy a token (e.g. for £30).  The token will allow
>>>>> unlimited access to a single resource (e.g. downloading a particular
>>>>> document/book) as many times as the customer requires.  Therefore, the
>>>>> token is tied to a resource id.
>>>>> Is there already a similar concept in ofbiz that I could use as the
>>>>> basis for my requirements?  Maybe the gift certificate functionality?
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Chris

Re: selling tokens for services

2010-09-14 Thread chris snow
Thanks Ruth and David,

I've had some more clarification.  The service being sold will be
similar to the concept of online Will production.  Here are some
example scenarios:

Customers will enter their personal details to go into the Will.  When
they want a pdf of the Will they will have to pay (e.g. $50 for 1
token).  After they have bought their token, they can change their
data as much as they want within a fixed time frame (e.g. one year)
and recreate the pdf without any extra charge.  The customer's social
security number is used to identify the Will that the token is
assigned to.

Companies may also use the service, the more money they spend when
buying tokens, the cheaper the tokens.  Companies may also have more
that one member of staff who can use the tokens.  Each token will get
allocated the social security number of the main party of the Will
when the pdf is first created.

The Will data is edited by an external application and the Will data
is stored in an external application.  The pdf is created by an
external service.  Ofbiz is required for selling tokens and managing
the tokens.

Does the above scenario fit any data models and processes existing in ofbiz?

Many thanks,


On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Ruth Hoffman  wrote:
>  Hi Chris:
> That is what I do on the MyOFBiz.com site. Here is an excerpt from my seed
> data:
>  dataResourceTypeId="OFBIZ_FILE_BIN"
>        dataResourceName="OFBizRSS5StepGuide.pdf"
>        mimeTypeId="application/pdf"
>  objectInfo="/applications/mylibrary/data/PUBLICATIONS/OFBizRSS5StepGuide.pdf"
> isPublic="Y" />
>  dataResourceId="PUB-RSS0710"
>        description="How To Add An RSS Feed In 5 Easy Steps" />
> I also have a Product record and a productId of PUB-RSS07010 which is a
> "digital good". So there is a ProductSubscriptionResource record:
>  subscriptionResourceId="PUB-RSS0710" fromDate="2001-05-13 12:00:00.0"
> maxLifeTime="180" maxLifeTimeUomId="TF_day" />
> You would change the maxLifeTime to a value that suited your requirements.
> FYI - Packt just told me that the OFBiz CookBook that I've been working on
> with them is available on their site:
> https://www.packtpub.com/apache-ofbiz-cookbook/book
> Not sure when Amazon will have it.
> Hope this helps!
> Regards,
> Ruth
> On 9/14/10 2:29 AM, David E Jones wrote:
>> Sounds like what the Subscription and related entities are desired for...
>> -David
>> On Sep 14, 2010, at 12:25 AM, chris snow wrote:
>>> I would like to be able to sell tokens for services using ofbiz.
>>> A customer will buy a token (e.g. for £30).  The token will allow
>>> unlimited access to a single resource (e.g. downloading a particular
>>> document/book) as many times as the customer requires.  Therefore, the
>>> token is tied to a resource id.
>>> Is there already a similar concept in ofbiz that I could use as the
>>> basis for my requirements?  Maybe the gift certificate functionality?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Chris

Re: ofbiz setup component

2010-09-14 Thread chris snow
Should we put a warning in the instructions in the cmssite that the
setup component is not working? (it probably won't be working for a
while without any development effort focused on it?)


A warning on 10.04 would be very important, particularly as 10.04 is
heading towards being stable.

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Jacques Le Roux
> I thought I had used it for setting a "POS server" and was able to reuse for
> some parts that were not completed. I remember it as a
> wizard, until you have not done it all you can reuse it. I was last year,
> and I'm maybe wrong.
> I agree that it still needs a lot of work...
> Jacques
> From: "BJ Freeman" 
>> actually only once, if you set the Organization to complete.
>> then you get
>> Setup only works if there are no organizations defined yet
>> when you click  on a Organization that is set to complete.
>> in the Demo data the Organizations don't have all the necessary data so
>> you if you try to click on save in Facilities you will get
>> an error.
>> and you have to define a Facility before you define a product store and
>> you have to define a product store before you can define a
>> product.
>> The first product setups all the underlying categories and rollups.
>> they are fixed, it is functional to get a product on the Ecommerce but
>> needs modification.
>> Setup need a lot of work, and Hans pretty much said that he is done and
>> anyone can move on with the setup.
>> Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 9/14/2010 5:46 AM:
>>> It can be used many
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "chris snow" 
>>>> Is the ofbizsetup component intended to be used only once (i.e. for
>>>> initial setup), or is it expected to be used multiple times (e.g. for
>>>> setting up additional products, etc)?
>>>> Many thanks...

ofbiz setup component

2010-09-14 Thread chris snow
Is the ofbizsetup component intended to be used only once (i.e. for
initial setup), or is it expected to be used multiple times (e.g. for
setting up additional products, etc)?

Many thanks...

selling tokens for services

2010-09-13 Thread chris snow
I would like to be able to sell tokens for services using ofbiz.

A customer will buy a token (e.g. for £30).  The token will allow
unlimited access to a single resource (e.g. downloading a particular
document/book) as many times as the customer requires.  Therefore, the
token is tied to a resource id.

Is there already a similar concept in ofbiz that I could use as the
basis for my requirements?  Maybe the gift certificate functionality?

Many thanks,


Re: Ofbiz Business Basic.

2010-07-29 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ, I was responding to your comment:

"I like the design of Drool but think we need to go one step higher
and see this as how to run a business."

Guvnor has an abstraction on top of drools that is aimed at the
business user.  I don't know enough about drools to comment on how it
would be integrated with the business model.  I still have a lot more
learning to do around the subject...

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 12:32 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
> so how would that integrate with the ofbiz data model?
> chsnow...@gmail.com sent the following on 7/29/2010 4:09 AM:
>> BJ - take a look at Guvnor to see a more business end user oriented
>> environment for drools.
>> On Jul 29, 2010 7:15am, BJ Freeman  wrote:
>>> not to water down the Drool initiative this is something I have
>>> pondered on..
>>> if you are familiar with Excel or Spreadsheet they have a programming
>>> interface for their macro code.
>>> the interface includes a function list you can select functions to add
>>> to your macro.
>>> The Artifact(webtools) lends it self to the idea of that concept.
>>> Html allows selection of from a list similar to Excel, spreadsheet.
>>> I selected "BASIC"since that is what business men are use to.
>>> If you present to a business man, some thing like Shark, BIRT, Drool
>>> they will not use it, but get someone in their organization to do it.
>>> Some even freak at Basic.
>>> So how can ofbiz beat the competition. Make the interface the way a
>>> business man uses tools today.
>>> some years back I was commissioned to write an interface to excel that
>>> handled Data Warehouse information and make a Cross tab presentation
>>> in excel. Then provide Templates for different Departments.
>>> I see that same possibility in Ofbiz and programing a openoffice
>>> spreadsheet from Ofbiz. the Business man wold, in ofbiz build his
>>> application then it would be exported to openoffice like we build pdf
>>> now. the business person would still be hooked up to live data through
>>> the ofbiz to openoffice interface.
>>> The Data model of ofbiz has Budgeting and Budget Scenario that can
>>> also be leverage this way.
>>> I like the design of Drool but think we need to go one step higher and
>>> see this as how to run a business.
>>> =
>>> BJ Freeman http://bjfreeman.elance.com>
>>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
>>> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=52>
>>> Specialtymarket.com http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
>>> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
>>> Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Re: ofbiz callback functionality

2010-05-27 Thread chris snow
Ofbiz has the equivalent of triggers.  These 'triggers' can be programmed in
java so you can send jms messages, email, or make web service calls from

On 27 May 2010 18:15, "Peter Burgheim-Losse" <
peter.burgheim.lo...@googlemail.com> wrote:

Dear ofbiz list members,

to implement an ERP system into the infrastructure of a midsize company
I would like to use ofbiz but the following functionality is needed:

A message is sent to ofbiz containing a query or an order. This query is
then accepted/rejected by a staff member. Now ofbiz has to send a message
containing this status change to an external system or somehow trigger
this system to send a status request to ofbiz.

1) Is ofbiz able to send messages to external systems?
2) Is there a trigger function at
  2.1) database layer?
  2.2) process layer?

Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback or a reference to ofbiz's

Kind regards

Re: Sorely need testers-- was syncing code on server and laptop was demo-trunk error changing Company address

2010-05-26 Thread chris snow
That's why I am focusing on improving the help / documentation!

On 26 May 2010 10:49, "BJ Freeman"  wrote:

ah the crux of the problem.
we have some but it really needs to be fleshed out.
here is a place to start

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Suppl...
chris snow sent the following on 5/26/2010 2:40 AM:

> User manual would be a good basis, if it describes ui processes. Where can
> I find the user manu...

> On 26 May 2010 10:30, "BJ Freeman"  wrote:
> forgot
> should use User manu...
> Strategic Power Office with Suppli...

> BJ Freeman sent the following on 5/26/2010 2:18 AM:
>> Chris there are many ways to test.
>> I see selenium more as business logic to data test using the ...

>> BJ Freeman
>> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation 
>> chris snow sent the following on 5/25/2010 9:12 PM:
>>> Hi BJ - i'd like to start adding selenium t...

>>> we need button pusher and business that need to accomplish a task.
>>> one of the top level testin...

Re: Sorely need testers-- was syncing code on server and laptop was demo-trunk error changing Company address

2010-05-26 Thread chris snow
User manual would be a good basis, if it describes ui processes.  Where can
I find the user manual?

On 26 May 2010 10:30, "BJ Freeman"  wrote:

should use User manual as the test case.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Suppli...
BJ Freeman sent the following on 5/26/2010 2:18 AM:

> Chris there are many ways to test.
> I see selenium more as business logic to data test using the ...

> BJ Freeman
> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  chris snow sent the following on 5/25/2010 9:12 PM:
>> Hi BJ - i'd like to start adding selenium t...

>> we need button pusher and business that need to accomplish a task.
>> one of the top level testin...

Re: Sorely need testers-- was syncing code on server and laptop was demo-trunk error changing Company address

2010-05-26 Thread chris snow
Hi Sam,

A useful technique is to base tests on the use cases / activity diagrams.
It may be a good idea to focus on creating these first.

BOUML is a good free tool for UML diagramming.



On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 7:27 AM, Sam Hamilton  wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Perhaps if we start with the a big overview of test cases per component
> people will start adding to them later for the ones that are missing?
> Perhaps the simplest tests to start adding would be ecommerce as its all
> customer facing and so in my opinion the simplest to get good selenium
> coverage.
> I can help out with some facility stuff as we use that here.
> Cheers
> Sam
> On 26/05/2010 12:12, chris snow wrote:
> > Hi BJ - i'd like to start adding selenium tests, however, before adding
> > selenium tests, test cases need to be created. To create test cases,
> process
> > flows need to be understood/documented (I'm still at the understanding
> stage
> > hence my work on the help system).  So in conclusion only those with
> > detailed knowledge of ofbiz processes can start adding selenium tests
> (only
> > a few people?).
> >
> > On 26 May 2010 03:18, "BJ Freeman"  wrote:
> >
> > we need button pusher and business that need to accomplish a task.
> > one of the top level testing tools is selenium
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-3511
> > your welcome to add to the library.
> >
> > =
> > BJ Freeman
> > http://bjfreeman.elance.com
> > Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
> > http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
> > Specialtymarket.com <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
> >
> > Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> >
> > Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> > Linkedin
> > <
> >
> http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro
> >>
> >
> >
> > Matt Warnock sent the following on 5/25/2010 6:40 PM:
> >> Based on encouraging comments from you and Jacopo and others, and seeing
> >> the rate at which new commits are added, I am thinking it may be best to
> >> get on the trunk, even for production.  However I can't imagine running
> >> nightly builds on a production server.
> >>
> >> I'm thinking I'd build nightly on the development laptop, and update the
> >> production server every week or two, to a fairly recent, more-or-less
> >> "known good" revision level.  I'm hoping this would provide the best of
> >> both worlds.  And I'm hoping that this would avoid any mission-critical
> >> breakages until the fixes have been committed.  Does that seem
> >> reasonable?
> >>
> >> I don't kid myself that I can submit much code yet, but hopefully I can
> >> help test and document bugs, even if I can't fix them yet.  Hopefully
> >> that will come soon.
> >>
> >

Re: Sorely need testers-- was syncing code on server and laptop was demo-trunk error changing Company address

2010-05-25 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ - i'd like to start adding selenium tests, however, before adding
selenium tests, test cases need to be created. To create test cases, process
flows need to be understood/documented (I'm still at the understanding stage
hence my work on the help system).  So in conclusion only those with
detailed knowledge of ofbiz processes can start adding selenium tests (only
a few people?).

On 26 May 2010 03:18, "BJ Freeman"  wrote:

we need button pusher and business that need to accomplish a task.
one of the top level testing tools is selenium
your welcome to add to the library.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Matt Warnock sent the following on 5/25/2010 6:40 PM:
> Based on encouraging comments from you and Jacopo and others, and seeing
> the rate at which new commits are added, I am thinking it may be best to
> get on the trunk, even for production.  However I can't imagine running
> nightly builds on a production server.
> I'm thinking I'd build nightly on the development laptop, and update the
> production server every week or two, to a fairly recent, more-or-less
> "known good" revision level.  I'm hoping this would provide the best of
> both worlds.  And I'm hoping that this would avoid any mission-critical
> breakages until the fixes have been committed.  Does that seem
> reasonable?
> I don't kid myself that I can submit much code yet, but hopefully I can
> help test and document bugs, even if I can't fix them yet.  Hopefully
> that will come soon.

Re: what does "link party" actually do?

2010-05-20 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ,

So does 'link party' allow the children parties to perform the same tasks as
the parent party?  Is this in all aspects of ofbiz?

Many thanks,


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 7:02 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:

> create a party group that is the owner of the catalog.
> then add the parties to the group
> link party links two parties together
> =
> BJ Freeman
> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
> Specialtymarket.com 
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> Linkedin
> <
> http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro
> >
> Patrick sent the following on 5/20/2010 10:36 AM:
> > I want to have a group with multiple users where anyone in the group
> > can modify a catalog.  I found the "link party" button, can you tell
> > me what it does?
> > -Patrick
> >

demo-stable still pointing to trunk?

2010-05-18 Thread Chris Snow
demo-stable is showing "Release-revision : trunk-945153" in the footer,
even though demo-stable url is no longer redirecting to demo-trunk.

Re: ofbiz auction functionality

2010-05-18 Thread chris snow
Hi Deyan,

I don't have any specific requirements, just a couple of potential clients
that are interested in running their own auctions.

What stage are you with building auction fuctionality in ofbiz - do you have
an implementation?

Many thanks,


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Deyan Tsvetanov

> Hi Chris,
> I have researched the auctions case. It is quite possible to implement
> auctions on top of ofbiz without modifying the data model. However it
> all depends on how far would you like to go :)
> Some of the services need to be  modified or skipped at all. But in
> general no changes to any tables would be necessary, which  means you
> could still use accounting OOTB for example.
> If you could be a little bit more specific with your requirements than
> perhaps I could be more specific with the hints :)
> Cheers,
> Deyan
> On Tue, 2010-05-18 at 13:19 +0100, Chris Snow wrote:
> > Hi Sam,
> >
> > I would like to be able to run a private (invited guests only) auction
> > instead of having to use a public auction site like ebay.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > > How do you mean? Like running eBay but on top of OFBiz?
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > > Sam
> > >
> > > On 18/05/2010 02:07, Chris Snow wrote:
> > >> Has anyone made any progress on developing auction software on top of
> > >> ofbiz?
> > >>
> > >> Many thanks,
> > >>
> > >> Chris
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Re: ofbiz auction functionality

2010-05-18 Thread Chris Snow
Hi Sam,

I would like to be able to run a private (invited guests only) auction
instead of having to use a public auction site like ebay.



> How do you mean? Like running eBay but on top of OFBiz?
> Cheers
> Sam
> On 18/05/2010 02:07, Chris Snow wrote:
>> Has anyone made any progress on developing auction software on top of
>> ofbiz?
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

ofbiz auction functionality

2010-05-17 Thread Chris Snow
Has anyone made any progress on developing auction software on top of ofbiz?

Many thanks,


Re: Permission required to add product to "ViewAllow" / "PurchaseAllow"

2010-05-16 Thread chris snow
Hi Ruth,

So are the following tooltip help popups incorrect?:

(to see the tooltips, hover your mouse over the field labels)

Do you agree with these tooltips?:


There is a JIRA setup for tooltip help descriptions:


Many thanks,

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

> Hi Chris:
> The permissions you are talking about are the "runtime" checks (not really
> permissions) that OFBiz will perform if configured. So, these aren't
> applicable to the catalog admin, but rather the products and the categories
> the products are part of. This is how the catalog admin or product manager
> may keep a product in the catalog, but not allow viewing and/or purchase of
> the product (depending on the situation.)
> Hope that makes sense.
> Regards,
> Ruth
> Find me on the web at http://www.myofbiz.com or Google keyword "myofbiz"
> ruth.hoff...@myofbiz.com
> chris snow wrote:
>> Hi BJ,
>> I know how the security system works - but I still don't understand the
>> meaning of the fields on the form:
>> https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditProdCatalog
>> I am trying to write the help text for these fields from an catalog
>> administrators perspective, for example:
>> Permission required to add product to "ViewAllow" category:
>>  "if this is Y, catalog administrators can only add products to 'View
>> Allow' categories if the have the permission CATALOG_VIEW_ALLOW"
>> Question: is this description correct? when would you want to set this to
>> Y?
>> Permission required to add product to "PurchaseAllow" category:
>>  "if this is Y, catalog administrators can only add products to 'Purchase
>> Allow' categories if the have the permission CATALOG_VIEW_ALLOW"
>> Question: is this description correct? when would you want to set this to
>> Y?
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 11:21 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:
>>> the permission are  programmed in to widgets, ftl and services.
>>> there are two parts to a permission
>>>  is the permission
>>>  is that action
>>> _
>>> _VIEW for permission.
>>> _VIEW should only allow seeing data. note the _ preceding it.
>>> if you want to granularize something more then created a new section or
>>> Permission _
>>> here are the permission groups
>>> https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/webtools/control/FindGeneric?entityName=UserLoginSecurityGroup&find=true&VIEW_SIZE=50&VIEW_INDEX=0
>>> and add the following
>>> _VIEW
>>> _ADMIN
>>> https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/webtools/control/FindGeneric?entityName=SecurityGroupPermission&find=true&VIEW_SIZE=50&VIEW_INDEX=0
>>> like
>>> !security.hasPermission("LEARN_VIEW",(GenericValue)context.get("userLogin")))
>>> If you find others that are different they are not following the best
>>> practices.
>>> ===
>>> BJ Freeman
>>> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
>>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
>>> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
>>> Specialtymarket.com <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
>>> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
>>> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
>>> Linkedin
>>> <
>>> http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro
>>>Christopher Snow sent the following on 5/15/2010 2:28 PM:
>>>> There are two options when creating/editing a Product Catalog:
>>>> - Permission required to add product to "ViewAllow" category
>>>> - Permission required to add product to "PurchaseAllow" category
>>>> What do these options actually do?
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Chris

Re: Permission required to add product to "ViewAllow" / "PurchaseAllow"

2010-05-15 Thread chris snow
Hi BJ,

I know how the security system works - but I still don't understand the
meaning of the fields on the form:


I am trying to write the help text for these fields from an catalog
administrators perspective, for example:

Permission required to add product to "ViewAllow" category:

  "if this is Y, catalog administrators can only add products to 'View
Allow' categories if the have the permission CATALOG_VIEW_ALLOW"

Question: is this description correct? when would you want to set this to Y?

Permission required to add product to "PurchaseAllow" category:

  "if this is Y, catalog administrators can only add products to 'Purchase
Allow' categories if the have the permission CATALOG_VIEW_ALLOW"

Question: is this description correct? when would you want to set this to Y?

Many thanks,


On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 11:21 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:

> the permission are  programmed in to widgets, ftl and services.
> there are two parts to a permission
>  is the permission
>  is that action
> _
> _VIEW for permission.
> _VIEW should only allow seeing data. note the _ preceding it.
> if you want to granularize something more then created a new section or
> Permission _
> here are the permission groups
> https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/webtools/control/FindGeneric?entityName=UserLoginSecurityGroup&find=true&VIEW_SIZE=50&VIEW_INDEX=0
> and add the following
> https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/webtools/control/FindGeneric?entityName=SecurityGroupPermission&find=true&VIEW_SIZE=50&VIEW_INDEX=0
> like
> !security.hasPermission("LEARN_VIEW",(GenericValue)context.get("userLogin")))
> If you find others that are different they are not following the best
> practices.
> ===
> BJ Freeman
> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
> Specialtymarket.com 
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> Linkedin
> <
> http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro
> >
> Christopher Snow sent the following on 5/15/2010 2:28 PM:
> > There are two options when creating/editing a Product Catalog:
> >
> > - Permission required to add product to "ViewAllow" category
> > - Permission required to add product to "PurchaseAllow" category
> >
> > What do these options actually do?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> >
> > Chris
> >

ofbiz 10.04 svn

2010-05-13 Thread Chris Snow
Hi Guys,

Where is 10.04 in svn? Is it:
http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ofbiz/branches/release10.04/ ?

Many thanks,


Re: How to send nice html newsletters?

2010-05-08 Thread chris snow
I'm not in front of my pc at the moment so take this with a pinch on salt

On 8 May 2010 11:00, "Bruno Busco"  wrote:

Hi Chris,
so, at the moment, there is no UI to select a content (or a Birt report) to
be sent to a Contact list, right?
What would be the best way to extend the OOTB applications to add this
feature in a general way so that could be submitted back to the trunk?


2010/5/8 chris snow 

> Birt is one option.
> On 8 May 2010 09:29, "Bruno Busco"  wrote:
> Hi,...

Re: How to send nice html newsletters?

2010-05-08 Thread chris snow
Birt is one option.

On 8 May 2010 09:29, "Bruno Busco"  wrote:

I would like to send a nicely shaped HTML newsletter to users subscribed in
a contact list.
How to do this?
Should I define a FTL file? A piece of content? And then how to make the
content being sent to the list?

Thank you very much for any pointer on something already in place OOTB or
for any suggestion on how to implement this.


Re: where can i find the ManagerApplicationXXX.pdf reference manuals?

2010-05-03 Thread chris snow
Thanks Jacques.

On 3 May 2010 10:08, "Jacques Le Roux"  wrote:

Hi Chris,

In attachments under this page

Here is my recommended way of searching: look for "Searching in the wiki"
at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/Mailing+Lists


From: "Christopher Snow" 

> Hi Forum,
> Where can I find the Manager Reference guides as contributed by Undersun,

Re: data models

2010-04-26 Thread chris snow
Thanks BJ.

On 26 Apr 2010 16:03, "BJ Freeman"  wrote:

fourth one down.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
Specialtymarket.com <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Chris Snow sent the following on 4/26/2010 7:19 AM:

> I can no longer find the data models (e.g.
> AllDiagramsAndTOC_20081030.pdf). Can someone please ...

data models

2010-04-26 Thread Chris Snow
I can no longer find the data models (e.g.
AllDiagramsAndTOC_20081030.pdf).  Can someone please point me in the right

Many thanks,


Re: Mysql database

2010-04-21 Thread Chris Snow
What url are you trying?
What version of ofbiz are you using?
Have you installed the demo or seed data?

If you have just installed seed and not demo data, try using the ofbizsetup

> That "ofbiz.visual_theme database is not available" is what I get when
> configure ofbiz with mysql.What should i do
> ? Thanks in advance

Re: standalone inventory management

2010-04-19 Thread chris snow
Thanks Jacques!

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> Yes, this may adapted/used
> https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/facility/control/FindFacilityPhysicalInventory
> Jacques
> From: "Chris Snow" 
>  Hi forum,
>> I have a customer who has an urgent need for a stock management solution.
>> Ultimately, they will require a lot more erp functionality, but initially
>> they just need to manage stock.
>> I have seen the functionality in ofbiz for receiving stock, but was
>> wondering if it is possible to deplete stock from the system without
>> having to pace a customer order.
>> Is this possible?
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris

standalone inventory management

2010-04-18 Thread Chris Snow
Hi forum,

I have a customer who has an urgent need for a stock management solution. 
Ultimately, they will require a lot more erp functionality, but initially
they just need to manage stock.

I have seen the functionality in ofbiz for receiving stock, but was
wondering if it is possible to deplete stock from the system without
having to pace a customer order.

Is this possible?

Many thanks,


Re: OSGi based OFBiz framework

2010-04-17 Thread chris snow
Hi Jacques, I think for the client Raj is using RAP from eclipse - the
following link describes it in a few words: http://www.eclipse.org/rap

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> Hi Raj,
> Could you please explain more the client-side section? Did you use
> something GWT, or?
> Thanks
> Jacques
> From: "Raj Saini" 
> To: 
> Cc: "BJ Freeman" 
> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 11:27 AM
> Subject: Re: OSGi based OFBiz framework
>  Hi BJ,
>> Purpose of the demo is to show how to:
>> Service side
>> -
>> 1. Run OFBiz inside a OFBiz container using OSGi based runtime such as
>> Apache Felix and Eclipse Equinox and reap the benefits of OSGi. You can find
>> about OSGi benefits at this URL http://www.osgi.org/About/WhyOSGi.
>> 2. Make OFBiz more modular that is separating the framework (entity
>> engine, service engine etc) from the applications.
>> 3. Provide remoting capabilities to OFBiz services using OSGi remote
>> services.
>> 4. Use other technologies such as JPA along with OGBiz entity engine.
>> Client side
>> ---
>> 1. Create Rich applications with the similar capabilities and ease of use
>> of Desktop based applications.
>> 2. Run the single client application either on web or desktop with minimal
>> or no changes to the code.
>> 3. Plug-in based development of application that is, to add new
>> functionality to the application, you do not need access to source code. You
>> can simply create new bundles/plug-ins and they add to the existing
>> application, same as Eclipse Plug-ins.
>> To get the feel of the application, try double clicking on the examples in
>> the left pane. Try editing the example in the right pane. See how changes
>> are populated from one pane to another even without saving the application.
>> Try changing the column width, you will get the same feel as a desktop
>> application. Try emptying the name field and see the validation decoration
>> with a tool tip.
>> Regards,
>> Raj
>> On 16/04/10 13:59, BJ Freeman wrote:
>>> could you explain what I am looking at and what it shows that you
>>> consider important, relative to ofbiz?
>>> =
>>> BJ Freeman
>>> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
>>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation<
>>> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
>>> Specialtymarket.com
>>> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
>>> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
>>> Linkedin
>>> <
>>> http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro
>>> >
>>> Raj Saini sent the following on 4/16/2010 12:37 AM:
 Those who want to peek into running example without installing the
 application, here is the link:




 On 16/04/10 01:51, Raj Saini wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been working on OSGi and OFBiz integration for a while. I could
> successfully, run the OFBiz framework (entity engine and service
> engine) as OSGi services. With this integration it is possible to run
> Framework only OFBiz and use the OFBiz service engine for non form
> widget applications (e.g. GWT, JSF etc). This should be interesting
> for people wanting to use the service engine and entity engine.
> For my experiment I have  Eclipse RAP (http://www.eclipse.org/rap) for
> presentation layer and ported the part of Example application. My RAP
> example application is using OFBiz entity engine to fetch some of the
> data and service engine to create and update the examples.
> I have uploaded the installable bundle at SF and it is available at
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/ofbiz-osgi/files/osgi-ofbiz.tar.bz2/download
> Requirements:
> Platform - Current distribution works only on Linux (x86_64) systems.
> This restriction is due to the executable including in the
> distribution. It should be possible to run it using java -jar command
> but it will need some configuration which is not ready yet.
> Database - PostgreSQL DB server with database named 'ofbiz' and owned
> by user 'ofbiz' and password 'ofbiz'.  It is possible to use other
> databases but there are not JDBC driver bundles yet. Database server
> must be running on localhost. It is possible to use the server running
> on other hosts but it will need the change in entityengine.xml.
> Demo data - OFBiz demo data loaded in the database as I am using
> example and other related entities in the demo application.
> Install&  Run:
> 1. Extract the tar achieve on your hard disk.
> 2. Change to osgi-ofbiz folder.
> 3. Execute ./ofbiz -console.
> 4. point your browser to http://localhost:8080/demo?startup=example
> Exam

Re: OSGi based OFBiz framework

2010-04-16 Thread chris snow
This is excellent news Raj - congratulations!

Do you think it will eventually be practical to push your work into trunk so
that the ofbiz container system could be replaced with OSGi?

Many thanks,


On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 9:21 PM, Raj Saini  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been working on OSGi and OFBiz integration for a while. I could
> successfully, run the OFBiz framework (entity engine and service engine) as
> OSGi services. With this integration it is possible to run Framework only
> OFBiz and use the OFBiz service engine for non form widget applications
> (e.g. GWT, JSF etc). This should be interesting for people wanting to use
> the service engine and entity engine.
> For my experiment I have  Eclipse RAP (http://www.eclipse.org/rap) for
> presentation layer and ported the part of Example application. My RAP
> example application is using OFBiz entity engine to fetch some of the data
> and service engine to create and update the examples.
> I have uploaded the installable bundle at SF and it is available at
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/ofbiz-osgi/files/osgi-ofbiz.tar.bz2/download
> Requirements:
> Platform - Current distribution works only on Linux (x86_64) systems. This
> restriction is due to the executable including in the distribution. It
> should be possible to run it using java -jar command but it will need some
> configuration which is not ready yet.
> Database - PostgreSQL DB server with database named 'ofbiz' and owned by
> user 'ofbiz' and password 'ofbiz'.  It is possible to use other databases
> but there are not JDBC driver bundles yet. Database server must be running
> on localhost. It is possible to use the server running on other hosts but it
> will need the change in entityengine.xml.
> Demo data - OFBiz demo data loaded in the database as I am using example
> and other related entities in the demo application.
> Install & Run:
> 1. Extract the tar achieve on your hard disk.
> 2. Change to osgi-ofbiz folder.
> 3. Execute ./ofbiz -console.
> 4. point your browser to http://localhost:8080/demo?startup=example
> Example application is written using Eclipse RAP. On application startup,
> you should see a table with existing examples in the left pane. Try changing
> the length of the columns.
> Double clicking on a example should open it in the right pane editor.
> Changing a field value in the editor should show instantly in the right left
> panel (table view). Try emptying the name field in the editor and it should
> show you a validation decorator. Hovering mouse on decorator should show you
> the validation message. As soon as you change any field, an asterisk (*)
> should appear next to the title on editor pane. Trying closing the editor
> and you should see a dialog box prompting to save before closing. Save the
> example by clicking on save button on toolbar.
> 3. Try creating an new example. Save the example and you should see the
> newly added example in the left pane without browser refresh.
> Should you need any further help, feel free to ask me. Look forward to your
> feedback.
> Regards,
> Raj

Re: What is a partyRoleId of _NA_ used for?

2010-04-14 Thread chris snow

Hi BJ,

I don't fully understand your response, can you please elaborate?

Many thanks,

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Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

virtual product and features

2010-03-26 Thread Chris Snow
Can a variant product be linked to a virtual product without using features?

Many thanks in advance,

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

Re: Party Main Role

2010-03-24 Thread chris snow
Hi Rishi,  how is the main role differentiated from the other roles?

Many thanks,


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Rishi Solanki wrote:

> Hi,
> It is coming from RoleType entity in the dropdown.
> The Party main role as well as any other role is stored in PartyRole like ;
> Rishi Solanki
> Enterprise Software Developer
> HotWax Media Pvt. Ltd.
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Christopher Snow <
> sno...@snowconsulting.co.uk> wrote:
> > In the party find screen, there is a column to show the Party's Main
> Role.
> >
> > Where is the party main role stored?
> >
> > Many thanks in advance,
> >
> > Chris
> >

Re: EZBiz

2010-03-12 Thread chris snow
I would like to help, but would need some expert guidance for a task this



On 12 Mar 2010 20:13, "David E Jones"  wrote:

The OFBiz EZBiz effort never really got off the ground. I put my work so far
on the wiki in hopes that others would get involved, but that hasn't
happened yet. I suppose I might some day try to develop the whole thing
myself, but that was never my intention.

Maybe the best analogy for it is the story of The Little Red Hen. In the
case of EZBiz however, there is no Little Red Hen to make the bread, just a
bunch of us other animals (including me) who want to eat the bread.


On Mar 11, 2010, at 2:56 PM, ScottA wrote:

> Hi David et al,
> I know back in late October ...

security freemarker tags

2010-03-09 Thread chris snow
Are there any security freemarker transform tags? E.g. something like:


Re: OFBIZ OSGi - WAS: Brain-storm: OFBIZ on Grails

2010-03-09 Thread chris snow
Hi Raj, that's fantastic news. Do you have any code that I can play with?

On 9 Mar 2010 08:16, "Raj Saini"  wrote:

Hi Chris,

I could manage to run OBFiz entity as OSGi. I have created separate OSGi
bundles for base, entity, start and geronimo components. However, due to
some circular dependencies, I had to merge base and geronimo with entity.
Now, it is possible to run the OFBiz minimal container on top of Equinox
OSGi kernel.

I will we working on creating a small application using entity engine and
OSGi embedded web container (Jetty). Using embedded web container would
allow to create web applications based on OFBiz using other technologies
such as JSF, Struts etc.



> Hi Raj,
> I have some questions / ideas regarding OSGi - shall we use your
> forum ...

Re: integration of JBoss and JBPM with OFBiz

2010-03-08 Thread chris snow

Hi Shi - I look forward to this!

Do you have drools integration too?  I have done some integration with
drools, but it was a bit of a hack due to time constraints.


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Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

exporting services with REST - part 1

2010-03-08 Thread chris snow
I have put some instructions at
http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/rQPifor manually exporting
services with REST.

More to follow...

OFBIZ OSGi - WAS: Brain-storm: OFBIZ on Grails

2010-03-06 Thread chris snow

Hi Raj,

I have some questions / ideas regarding OSGi - shall we use your ofbiz-osgi
forum on sourceforge for our discussions?

Many thanks,

View this message in context: 
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: Brain-storm: OFBIZ on Grails, is this a right way for the future?

2010-03-01 Thread Chris Snow
 use it
>>>>>>> for a couple of month. So if I have made some mistake in the
>>>>>>> following post,
>>>>>>> criticisms are welcomed :clap:
>>>>>>>   Does anyone using OFBIZ interested in porting OFBIZ to leverage
>>>>>>> a mature
>>>>>>> and decent web platform, more specifically Grails?
>>>>>>>   The idea comes from the post from Christopher Snow, "There was
>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>> interest in porting openerp to jython", and the recent hot topic
>>>>>>> "groovy
>>>>>>> service code instead of minilang". Excuse me, I'm going a step
>>>>>>> further.:-P
>>>>>>>   The problem an OFBIZ novice commonly facing is when he/she has
>>>>>>> to go
>>>>>>> further than the OFBIZ OOTB functionality ( which proves he/she is
>>>>>>> becoming
>>>>>>> a really OFBIZ user:drunk: ). He/she have to learn a lot of
>>>>>>> techniques in
>>>>>>> the unique OFBIZ way, which is commonly a well defined web
>>>>>>> framework/OR-mapping tool should take care. This make
>>>>>>> learning-curve steep.
>>>>>>> I fully understand the historical reason of OBFIZ, such as OFBIZ
>>>>>>> utilize the
>>>>>>> IoC idea earlier than Spring, entity-engine evolution over EJB2,
>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>> ability to avoid the compile-deploy-test cycle and make
>>>>>>> development more
>>>>>>> efficient. And I really admire them, especially considering the
>>>>>>> age when
>>>>>>> OFBIZ developers invent them. But these are not unique features of
>>>>>>> OFBIZ now
>>>>>>> a days. Leading web development platforms such as RoR and Grails
>>>>>>> has go much
>>>>>>> further than what OFBIZ's technical platform can provide, since
>>>>>>> they have
>>>>>>> dedicated man power to spend in researching these area.
>>>>>>>   What make things worse is many ways to accomplish same goal in
>>>>>>> OFBIZ. xml
>>>>>>> mini-lang, groovy, bsh, java, just named some. It giving
>>>>>>> developers freedom
>>>>>>> to choose technology what they like, sounds good. But it is a
>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>> story for the long term platform maintainers and customizers. With
>>>>>>> adequate
>>>>>>> open practice, can we gain enough experience to concentrate on a
>>>>>>> consistent
>>>>>>> way to do development task in OFBIZ? (To make me clear, I'm not
>>>>>>> advocating a
>>>>>>> single programming language to solve any problem).
>>>>>>>   So..., why I'm still interested in OFBIZ? I must admit even with
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> complains, I'm still an OFBIZ fans till now. The answer is the
>>>>>>> business
>>>>>>> level functionalities. This is the real strength of OFBIZ.
>>>>>>>   Since most services and actions have implemented in groovy/Java,
>>>>>>> porting
>>>>>>> these code to Grails are smooth. With the leverage of Groovy DSL
>>>>>>> over
>>>>>>> mini-lang, we will go further. Theoretically the chance to migrate
>>>>>>> the whole
>>>>>>> OFBIZ package to Grails platform are possible (more serious
>>>>>>> research work
>>>>>>> needs to be done in this area), while keeping the strength of
>>>>>>> OFBIZ - the
>>>>>>> business level assets accumulated in years.
>>>>>>>   Of course it will not be an easy step, only great gains worth
>>>>>>> such huge
>>>>>>> change. So what we may gain from the transition:
>>>>>>> * Faster development speed - more efficient, on-rails level;
>>>>>>> * Less code - less maintenance spend;
>>>>>>> * More concentrate - No more re-invent wheel. Let's concentrate on
>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>> makes OFBIZ unique and leading-edge in limited resource;
>>>>>>> * More 3rd party software integration ability - provided by the
>>>>>>> Grails
>>>>>>> platform and plenty of plugins;
>>>>>>> * Easier deployment - no more embedding Tomcat, just standard war
>>>>>>> packages,
>>>>>>> which is deployable to any container, even cloud computing
>>>>>>> providers;
>>>>>>> * Last but not least, more smooth learning curve - the key factor
>>>>>>> to gain
>>>>>>> more new coming user and make success.
>>>>>>>   Is this a right way to the future? Any thoughts?
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Miles.
> --
> Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP
> Tel: 01453 890660
> Mob: 07944 880950
> Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

Re: Brain-storm: OFBIZ on Grails, is this a right way for the future?

2010-02-28 Thread Chris Snow
 comes from the post from Christopher Snow, "There was
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> interest in porting openerp to jython", and the recent hot topic
>>>>>> "groovy
>>>>>> service code instead of minilang". Excuse me, I'm going a step
>>>>>> further.:-P
>>>>>>   The problem an OFBIZ novice commonly facing is when he/she has
>>>>>> to go
>>>>>> further than the OFBIZ OOTB functionality ( which proves he/she is
>>>>>> becoming
>>>>>> a really OFBIZ user:drunk: ). He/she have to learn a lot of
>>>>>> techniques in
>>>>>> the unique OFBIZ way, which is commonly a well defined web
>>>>>> framework/OR-mapping tool should take care. This make
>>>>>> learning-curve steep.
>>>>>> I fully understand the historical reason of OBFIZ, such as OFBIZ
>>>>>> utilize the
>>>>>> IoC idea earlier than Spring, entity-engine evolution over EJB2,
>>>>>> and the
>>>>>> ability to avoid the compile-deploy-test cycle and make
>>>>>> development more
>>>>>> efficient. And I really admire them, especially considering the
>>>>>> age when
>>>>>> OFBIZ developers invent them. But these are not unique features of
>>>>>> OFBIZ now
>>>>>> a days. Leading web development platforms such as RoR and Grails
>>>>>> has go much
>>>>>> further than what OFBIZ's technical platform can provide, since
>>>>>> they have
>>>>>> dedicated man power to spend in researching these area.
>>>>>>   What make things worse is many ways to accomplish same goal in
>>>>>> OFBIZ. xml
>>>>>> mini-lang, groovy, bsh, java, just named some. It giving
>>>>>> developers freedom
>>>>>> to choose technology what they like, sounds good. But it is a
>>>>>> different
>>>>>> story for the long term platform maintainers and customizers. With
>>>>>> adequate
>>>>>> open practice, can we gain enough experience to concentrate on a
>>>>>> consistent
>>>>>> way to do development task in OFBIZ? (To make me clear, I'm not
>>>>>> advocating a
>>>>>> single programming language to solve any problem).
>>>>>>   So..., why I'm still interested in OFBIZ? I must admit even with
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> complains, I'm still an OFBIZ fans till now. The answer is the
>>>>>> business
>>>>>> level functionalities. This is the real strength of OFBIZ.
>>>>>>   Since most services and actions have implemented in groovy/Java,
>>>>>> porting
>>>>>> these code to Grails are smooth. With the leverage of Groovy DSL
>>>>>> over
>>>>>> mini-lang, we will go further. Theoretically the chance to migrate
>>>>>> the whole
>>>>>> OFBIZ package to Grails platform are possible (more serious
>>>>>> research work
>>>>>> needs to be done in this area), while keeping the strength of
>>>>>> OFBIZ - the
>>>>>> business level assets accumulated in years.
>>>>>>   Of course it will not be an easy step, only great gains worth
>>>>>> such huge
>>>>>> change. So what we may gain from the transition:
>>>>>> * Faster development speed - more efficient, on-rails level;
>>>>>> * Less code - less maintenance spend;
>>>>>> * More concentrate - No more re-invent wheel. Let's concentrate on
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> makes OFBIZ unique and leading-edge in limited resource;
>>>>>> * More 3rd party software integration ability - provided by the
>>>>>> Grails
>>>>>> platform and plenty of plugins;
>>>>>> * Easier deployment - no more embedding Tomcat, just standard war
>>>>>> packages,
>>>>>> which is deployable to any container, even cloud computing
>>>>>> providers;
>>>>>> * Last but not least, more smooth learning curve - the key factor
>>>>>> to gain
>>>>>> more new coming user and make success.
>>>>>>   Is this a right way to the future? Any thoughts?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Miles.

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-02-24 Thread Chris Snow
Here are some benefits of a 10.04 standalone framework release:

1) Standalone framework users would be a form of quality control helping
to ensure more incorrect dependencies don't find there way into ofbiz.
2) we would be able to promote the framework in its own right thus
competing with OpenERP's OpenObject platform
3) a much larger potential user base than ecommerce or erp users.

Any more that I have missed?

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-02-24 Thread Chris Snow
Here are some benefits of a 10.04 standalone framework release:

1) Standalone framework users would be a form of quality control helping
to ensure more incorrect dependencies don't find there way into ofbiz.
2) we would be able to promote the framework in its own right thus
competing with OpenERP's OpenObject platform
3) a much larger potential user base than ecommerce or erp users.

Any more that I have missed?

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

why we should have a 10.04 standalone framework release

2010-02-24 Thread Chris Snow
Here are some benefits of a 10.04 standalone framework release:

1) Standalone framework users would be a form of quality control helping
to ensure more incorrect dependencies don't find there way into ofbiz.
2) we would be able to promote the framework in its own right thus
competing with OpenERP's OpenObject platform
3) a much larger potential user base than ecommerce or erp users.

Any more that I have missed?

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

Re: what is the purpose of the commonext component?

2010-02-06 Thread chris snow

It appears that the dependencies have completely reversed for commonext too? 
>From being used by most other components to now using most other



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Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: party component dependency on accounting

2010-02-06 Thread Chris Snow
Is the invoice dependent on party or partyId?

> I didn't say that. I asked "How do you create an invoice without a party?"
> An invoice implies two parties - the party being billed and the party
> doing the billing.
> -Adrian
> --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Abdullah Shaikh  wrote:
>> From: Abdullah Shaikh 
>> Subject: Re: party component dependency on accounting
>> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
>> Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 12:30 AM
>> I guess we can remove this kind on
>> interdependency too by having services to
>> communicate with other components instead of using a class
>> of some other
>> component to directly call a method.
>> As Adrian said, we can create an invoice without party, but
>> we can have
>> services using which the account & party component can
>> interact, this way
>> the components can work independent of each other and can
>> interact with
>> other component only when required using services.
>> For example party is dependent on invoice, and to interact
>> with invoice a
>> class of invoice component is being used, in this case its
>> necessary to have
>> the invoice component too, and if interaction would have
>> been using
>> services, the party component would have compiled/run
>> successfully and would
>> have failed only when services related to invoice are
>> required and for this
>> the user could add the invoice component.
>> I don't know if I am missing something, but I feel that the
>> interaction
>> between components using services would help in eliminating
>> the component
>> interdependency.
>> - Abdullah
>> On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Adrian Crum 
>> wrote:
>> > Also keep in mind that interdependency between some
>> components is
>> > intentional and sometimes necessary. Think about it -
>> how do you create an
>> > invoice without a party?
>> >
>> > -Adrian
>> >
>> > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Jacopo Cappellato
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > > From: Jacopo Cappellato 
>> > > Subject: Re: party component dependency on
>> accounting
>> > > To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
>> > > Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 12:01 AM
>> > > Hi Christopher,
>> > >
>> > > no, the PartyAcctgPreference entity is defined in
>> the
>> > > accounting component (it is used to define
>> accounting
>> > > preferences for a given organization) and so it
>> cannot be
>> > > moved to the party component.
>> > >
>> > > Kind regards,
>> > >
>> > > Jacopo
>> > >
>> > > On Feb 5, 2010, at 11:46 PM, Christopher Snow
>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > In the party component, there is a view
>> dependent on
>> > > the accounting component:
>> > > >
>> > > >   > > > entity-name="PartyAcctgPrefAndGroup"
>> > > >
>> > >   
>> package-name="org.ofbiz.party.party"
>> > > >
>> > >    title="PartyAcctgPreference and
>> PartyGroup
>> > > Entity">
>> > > >   
>>    > > > entity-alias="PTYACCPREF"
>> > > entity-name="PartyAcctgPreference"/>
>> > > >   
>>    > > > entity-alias="PTYGROUP"
>> entity-name="PartyGroup"/>
>> > > >       > > > entity-alias="PTYACCPREF" 
>> name="partyId"/>
>> > > >       > > > entity-alias="PTYACCPREF"
>> > > name="baseCurrencyUomId"/>
>> > > >       > > > entity-alias="PTYGROUP" 
>> name="groupName"/>
>> > > >   
>>    > > > entity-alias="PTYACCPREF"
>> rel-entity-alias="PTYGROUP">
>> > > >
>> > >    > field-name="partyId"/>
>> > > >   
>> > > >   
>> > > >
>> > > > Should this view be relocated to the
>> accounting
>> > > component?
>> > > >
>> > > > Many thanks in advance...
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

Re: what a mess! is framework independence ever going to be possible?

2010-02-06 Thread Chris Snow
Shall I raise a jira for this? Is there any documentation on the build and
test process for ofbiz? e.g. does buildbot run ofbiz and run any tests?

> We can probably start with something simple: add an ant task that simply
> builds the framework (applications and specialpurpose will be ignored) and
> then an ant task to run the framework only.
> This will require some minor tweaks to the base component loading
> mechanism, but it should be trivial. Right now the only way (I am aware
> of) of building a framework only distro is to remove (or similar) the
> application and specialpurpose folders.
> Jacopo
> On Feb 6, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> A tool would certainly help. If such a tool was included in OFBiz, then
>> it would have to be compatible with the Apache license.
>> -Adrian
>> --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Chris Snow  wrote:
>>> From: Chris Snow 
>>> Subject: Re: what a mess! is framework independence ever going to be
>>>   possible?
>>> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
>>> Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 12:02 AM
>>> Thanks for the feedback Adrian.
>>> Would it be worth me writing a tool that
>>> runs as part of the build process that reports on the
>>> dependencies?  It
>>> could throw a warning/error when a new invalid dependency
>>> is checked in?
>>>> Chris,
>>>> Framework independence has been a goal for quite a
>>> while. There is no
>>>> disagreement that the framework should run on its own.
>>> The disagreements
>>>> arise in what constitutes the framework.
>>>> Let's assume for a moment that framework independence
>>> means running the
>>>> components in the framework folder independently from
>>> anything else in
>>>> OFBiz. Right away the problem with that idea is that
>>> visual themes are in
>>>> a separate folder outside the framework folder. Does
>>> framework
>>>> independence include the visual themes folder? That
>>> has not been
>>>> discussed. Then there are the multitude of
>>> dependencies upon the
>>>> applications folder.
>>>> From my perspective, achieving this objective will
>>> require a two pronged
>>>> approach: 1) Identify the framework dependencies on
>>> outside components,
>>>> and 2) avoid introducing new framework dependencies on
>>> outside components.
>>>> The first prong can be accomplished through
>>> contributions from people like
>>>> you - find the dependencies and create patches to fix
>>> them.
>>>> The responsibility of the second prong is up to the
>>> committers. We need to
>>>> be more vigilant to guard against introducing new
>>> dependencies.
>>>> Personally I believe it will be possible, BUT it won't
>>> be easy. The
>>>> obstacles to overcome will be getting people to
>>> contribute to the effort,
>>>> and getting committers to avoid introducing new
>>> dependencies.
>>>> -Adrian
>>>> --- On Fri, 2/5/10, Christopher Snow 
>>> wrote:
>>>>> From: Christopher Snow 
>>>>> Subject: what a mess! is framework independence
>>> ever going to be
>>>>> possible?
>>>>> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
>>>>> Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 10:58 PM
>>>>> I'm back to the process of working
>>>>> out how to get a standalone framework running
>>> based on
>>>>> trunk, but I have found that the dependencies have
>>> got out
>>>>> of hand (if I've understood the code right):
>>>>> Framework  depends on Themes
>>>>> Themes depends on Content
>>>>> Content depends on Party
>>>>> The questions I'm starting to ask myself are:
>>>>> "Is is ever going to be possible to have
>>> framework
>>>>> independence in trunk?  Independence in 9.04 is
>>>>> relatively trivial (rewrite security screens)
>>> perhaps the
>>>>> most sensible thing would be to do a fork of 9.04
>>> and then
>>>>> back port all framework related commits from
>>> trunk? "
>>>>> Any ideas anyone?
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Chris
>>> --
>>> Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP
>>> Tel: 01453 890660
>>> Mob: 07944 880950
>>> Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

Re: what a mess! is framework independence ever going to be possible?

2010-02-06 Thread Chris Snow
Thanks for the feedback Adrian.  Would it be worth me writing a tool that
runs as part of the build process that reports on the dependencies?  It
could throw a warning/error when a new invalid dependency is checked in?

> Chris,
> Framework independence has been a goal for quite a while. There is no
> disagreement that the framework should run on its own. The disagreements
> arise in what constitutes the framework.
> Let's assume for a moment that framework independence means running the
> components in the framework folder independently from anything else in
> OFBiz. Right away the problem with that idea is that visual themes are in
> a separate folder outside the framework folder. Does framework
> independence include the visual themes folder? That has not been
> discussed. Then there are the multitude of dependencies upon the
> applications folder.
> From my perspective, achieving this objective will require a two pronged
> approach: 1) Identify the framework dependencies on outside components,
> and 2) avoid introducing new framework dependencies on outside components.
> The first prong can be accomplished through contributions from people like
> you - find the dependencies and create patches to fix them.
> The responsibility of the second prong is up to the committers. We need to
> be more vigilant to guard against introducing new dependencies.
> Personally I believe it will be possible, BUT it won't be easy. The
> obstacles to overcome will be getting people to contribute to the effort,
> and getting committers to avoid introducing new dependencies.
> -Adrian
> --- On Fri, 2/5/10, Christopher Snow  wrote:
>> From: Christopher Snow 
>> Subject: what a mess! is framework independence ever going to be
>> possible?
>> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
>> Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 10:58 PM
>> I'm back to the process of working
>> out how to get a standalone framework running based on
>> trunk, but I have found that the dependencies have got out
>> of hand (if I've understood the code right):
>> Framework  depends on Themes
>> Themes depends on Content
>> Content depends on Party
>> The questions I'm starting to ask myself are:
>> "Is is ever going to be possible to have framework
>> independence in trunk?  Independence in 9.04 is
>> relatively trivial (rewrite security screens) perhaps the
>> most sensible thing would be to do a fork of 9.04 and then
>> back port all framework related commits from trunk? "
>> Any ideas anyone?
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950
Www: www.snowconsulting.co.uk

Re: logging documentation

2010-01-27 Thread chris snow

I was expecting to just add the following to log4j.xml, but it's not making
any difference to the console output.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: Axis2 service in OFBIZ?

2010-01-27 Thread Chris Snow
You have downloaded revision 889551.  The soap instructions I wrote 
won't work unless you are running at least revision 892712.

On 27/01/2010 10:51, MarioF wrote:

I downloaded this one:



Re: logging documentation

2010-01-27 Thread Chris Snow
Hi Jacques, is there any general documentation on configuring the 
logging in ofbiz.

On 27/01/2010 10:15, Jacques Le Roux wrote:




From: "Chris Snow" 

Hi Forum,

Is there any documentation on tweaking the logging?  I want to be 
able to display the generated SQL to debug some of my tests.

Many thanks,


Re: Axis2 service in OFBIZ?

2010-01-27 Thread Chris Snow

Whick trunk did you download?

On 27/01/2010 10:14, MarioF wrote:

We downloaded one of the trunks and then we made with it a local svn to work
with it.

Re: Axis2 service in OFBIZ?

2010-01-27 Thread Chris Snow

Hi Mario, how did you install ofbiz - from svn?

On 27/01/2010 09:57, MarioF wrote:

Hi Chris,

I follow the steps in that document but I receive an error. I only made the
following change in the step 4 (Create your axis client): opts.setTo(new
The rest is all the same.

The error that I receive is this:

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.AxisFault:
com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxEOFException: Unexpected EOF in prolog
  at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,0]
at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault(AxisFault.java:430)

I read that your document is only relevant to release r892712+. I don't know
which is my release. Could be the problem related to the release? Do you
know why I am receiving this error?

Thanks in advance,


logging documentation

2010-01-27 Thread Chris Snow

Hi Forum,

Is there any documentation on tweaking the logging?  I want to be able 
to display the generated SQL to debug some of my tests.

Many thanks,


Re: does anyone know ofbiz?

2010-01-26 Thread Chris Snow

Hi Sharan,

I also think it is a good idea to at least try and get some process 
documentation in place.  I would be keen to help!

Many thanks,


On 26/01/2010 20:43, Sharan-F wrote:


For the last couple of years I've been looking at OFBiz from a business
process perspective and I would suggest that many businesses wanting to find
out if OFBiz would work for them will want to know  if their business
processes are supported or not. It is a key question and if it cant be
answered fairly quickly then they will go and look elsewhere.

My experience with ERPs is that many of them do support many types of
business processes and an important area is understanding how to configure
the system to adapt to the differing needs and this is where I'm looking to

At the moment I'm looking  into the possibility of putting together some
resources together (eg documentation or training material, etc)  based
on business processes. Before starting I'd  like to find out whether anyone
else is working on this (so perhaps we could pool resources!) and also
whether people think it would be a good idea or not.



Re: does anyone know ofbiz?

2010-01-26 Thread Chris Snow

David E Jones wrote:

Your best bet to find things in OFBiz is to gain an understanding of the data 
model, and then to use tools like the Artifact Info stuff in web tools to find 
related artifacts (ie controller requests and views, screens, forms, service 
definitions, service implementations, and so on. When you do this you'll see a 
number of process snippets that are modeled as services (like creating an 
order), or triggers that get other processes going in the form of ECA rules 
(like creating an invoice for part or all of an order when items from that 
order are in a packed shipment).

Perhaps an eclipse ofbiz plug would be more useful than process 
documentation?  I.e. being able to "efficiently" navigate all this meta 
data from within the development environment?

Re: does anyone know ofbiz?

2010-01-25 Thread Chris Snow

Hi Ruth,

I wouldn't even say it's difficult to figure out the existing 
applications.  It is very time consuming.  Without high level overview 
documentation, the only way to understand the existing apps is to go 
through each line of code.

I really think there should be a process documentation effort - of which 
I'm willing to give my time...



Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hi Chris:
I think you are spot on. Once you understand the basics, it is 
relatively easy to develop data driven web applications with the OFBiz 
framework. I've been doing just that for several years now. All that 
"nasty" database stuff is taken care of - leaving me free to develop 
real world solutions in short order.

What is much more difficult is to figure out how to use the existing 
applications to solve real world problems. I'm still struggling with 


Find me on the web at http://www.myofbiz.com or Google keyword "myofbiz"

Chris Snow wrote:

Hi Marc,

This is one of the reasons I have been pushing for and independent 
ofbiz framework.  It's is relatively quick to learn how to develop 
standalone apps in ofbiz.  I believe with ofbiz, you can develop 
small applications as quickly as you can in MS Access - with a lot 
more benefits when using ofbiz (multiuser, web enabled, extendable, 

However, in my opinion, it takes years of experience to be able to 
use the existing apps (partymgmt, ordermgmt, etc).



Marc Morin wrote:
It's taken us about 6-12 months to get proficient in ofbiz  
mostly because we mostly "resisted" doing things the ofbiz way

- Original Message -
From: "Adrian Crum" 
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 7:04:01 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: does anyone know ofbiz?

--- On Fri, 1/22/10, Chris Snow  wrote:

Is it possible for one person to have a deep understanding
of how ALL of the components in ofbiz work?  It is
vast.  I have found that the only way to tackle the
problem is to break in into chucks: the framework, party
management, work effort...  At the rate I'm going I
will have figured it all out in 5 years time.

It took me about 6 months to wrap my head around OFBiz. I have been 
using it for 6 years and there are things that I'm still learning 
about it.



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