Re: detecting session timeout

2004-08-07 Thread Kurt Overberg
I use an HttpSessionAttributeListenen to get a callback when a 
session times out.  There's a method called attributeRemoved, 
which gets called when something is removed from someones session.
I look for a standard value (username) that should never get 
removed from the users session (until it either timesout, or they 
logout).  I use this and attributeAdded to maintain a list, so I 
can tell who's logged in to my site.

public class SessionLister implements HttpSessionAttributeListener
public void attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent ev)
// add user to static list
if (ev.getName().equals(username)){
users.put(ev.getValue(), ev.getValue());
public void attributeRemoved(HttpSessionBindingEvent ev)
   if (ev.getName().equals(username)){ LOGGED OUT OR EXPIRED: 
+ ev.getName() +  = 
+ ev.getValue());
private HashMap getList(HttpSessionEvent hse)
  HttpSession session = hse.getSession();
  ServletContext context = session.getServletContext();
  HashMap users = (HashMap)
  if (users == null)
users = new HashMap();
context.setAttribute(com.bzzagent.userlist, users);
  return users;
...then put this into your web.xml
/listener you could use this to build and maintain a list of people who 
started the flow (put something in their session) and do something 
else with the user if they time out (decrement a counter, etc).

Hope this helps.

We have done a similar thing with filter. You put a check in the filter 
to redirect to an error page if the session is not present in the 
request. this will also prevent a user to access the site without login in.
Filters however is only available with servlet 2.3

Brati Sankar Ghosh
Tata Consultancy Services
04/20/2004 07:13 AM
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RE: detecting session timeout

You can store an attribute in session when you initially start the session
Subsquent checks for that attribute on EACH request will check if that
Attribute doesn't exist...session has expired or they are not logged on etc.
Of course the key to this is to put a hook on RequestProcessor to run this
For each request...if you do this correctly...the request won't even make it
to your action
You can redirect them to whatever page you like...
We have similar code but we use Struts 1.0 so we have extended ActionServlet
and have
Written the processPreProcess()   (I think..that is what the method is
called..can't recall the actual name)
-Original Message-
From: Dean A. Hoover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 8:18 AM
Subject: detecting session timeout
Any suggestions on how to detect
session timeouts? I am experimenting
with extending TilesRequestProcessor
(I'm using struts 1.1 and tiles). Here's
an example of the kind of thing I would
like to detect: I have a multipage registration
process. Suppose a user gets halfway through
and then goes away for some reason (lunch?).
They come back and their session has timed
out. This means that the data that was gathered
and placed in the session on previous forms is
gone. The validator framework then complains
about missing data from the previous pages. I
just want to put up a special page indicating that
they took too long to register. I need this same
basic session in a number of places, so I really
need a general solution. Any ideas?
Dean Hoover
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2004-08-07 Thread Niall Pemberton

This is a red herring - yes you're right about it being passed into the
execute method - but since the reference isn't passed anywhere else after
that in the RequestProcessor then it doesn't matter what you do - all you
have to do is store the ActionForm under the appropriate attribute in the


- Original Message - 
From: Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 9:44 PM

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 1:38 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List

 At 12:57 PM 8/6/2004, you wrote:
 The problem would with Java in this case, since form is
 passed in.
 you could do something like
  BeanUtils.copyProperties( form,
  DynamicActionFormFactory.createBlankForm( blah blah);
 and that might work better.

 What about the ActionMapping?

If I understand you correctly...
Same issue it's passed into the execute method, and therefore you can't
change it, only it's internals, so you would have to do the same thing

I'm talking specifically in the execute method, which is where I think
you're trying to create the form.

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2004-08-07 Thread Michael McGrady
At 05:54 AM 8/7/2004, you wrote:
especially all the chatter about
passing form references

We're probably just lame, Niall, but the idea is to try something 
innovative on the fly.  What is being discussed is a way to dispense, 
essentially, with the action-mapping and form-beans XML.  Maybe this makes 
sense and maybe not.  But, what makes sense is clearly related to how and 
to when we can change the referent of a variable.  Sometimes seeking a new 
question is more important than seeking the answers to old questions.  I 
really like your contribution with the Lazy code.  Good work.

Is there anyway to change the commons utils to accommodate making a form a 
map?  That way you can instrument the forms.


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2004-08-07 Thread Michael McGrady
At 06:00 AM 8/7/2004, you wrote:
This is a red herring - yes you're right about it being passed into the
execute method - but since the reference isn't passed anywhere else after
that in the RequestProcessor then it doesn't matter what you do

Perhaps, though, Niall, you might want to do something that is not strictly 
request related.  Then this would not be a red herring?

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Re: very dynamic forms

2004-08-07 Thread Bryan Hunt
The copy I got back turned out ok. Perhaps your mail admin is using 
something like
the anomy sanitizer and it is stripping it out. I sent the message in 
plain text format
and when I examined the message source it was ok and all the tags were 
in it.

I don't think anyone was very interested in the idea anyway :-)
Michael McGrady wrote:
Bryan your html did not appear on the emails.
At 12:09 PM 8/6/2004, you wrote:
Wouldn't it be so cool if you could take something like a graph of
hibernate objects and
have a form dynamically generated for u.
With dhtml or something so that you could populate the whole graph in
one user form ?
For example a House object that had a set of rooms, each room with
it's own description.
The dhtm generated by the form could expand out so that the user 
could add an
arbitrary number of rooms each with their own description.

The whole thing could get filled out in a single http request.
This would greatly reduce the use case for creating a house.
Has anyone ever developed anything like this ?
On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 11:54:01 -0700, Michael McGrady
 How do map based forms farm the values from the request?

 At 09:13 AM 8/6/2004, you wrote:
 For me it was very painless and although there aren't lots of big 
 features - there are IMO lots of little ones that make this a good 
 - Original Message -
 From: Dean A. Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 4:49 PM
 Subject: Re: very dynamic forms
   Thanks. I am looking at Niall's Lazy stuff, but I like your idea.
   I will add it to my list of investigations and experiments. I've
   written quite a bit to struts 1.1. Is there a downside to 
   Kevin A. Palfreyman wrote:
   I do a similar thing with Struts 1.1, and I use an ordinary 
struts form
   (a subclass of ValidatorActionForm) that has a DynaBean as one 
of its
   fields.  To match this, my DTO also has the same field as a 
   and we just have to be a bit more clever when we copy 
properties between
   the two.  The schema of the DynaBeans are configured entirely
   separately from the rest of the Struts stuff, and should be 
   easily done from a DB. In an upcoming version, the shape of the
   DynaBeans will be determined from data from a remote corba 
   Unfortunately, this is all product specific (closed source), 
so I can't
   just pass it on (it wouldn't be useful to you anyway in its 
   form).  But it should encourage you that it can be done.
   From a quick read of his web page, Niall's Lazy stuff looks very
   promising.  If I were starting again, I might have a look to 
see if that
   would fit.
   Good luck,
   -Original Message-
   From: Dean A. Hoover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 06 August 2004 15:47
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: very dynamic forms
   What I need to do is construct a form that has a variety of
   text input forms on it that are determined at run-time. I
   know how to do this in jsp but I need to provide an
   ActionForm that conforms to that form.
   I got several useful replies last night and am investigating 
   Michael McGrady wrote:
   That makes sense, but his other comments seem to negate 
that.  He
   says, e.g., that [w]hat would come out of the query would
   be label,
   form position, variable name,etc, etc..  These are things
   that are on
   the page form, not on some dynamic class handling the form.  He
   specifically rejects dynamic class structures in fact when 
he says
   that he has worked with DynaActionForm and ActionForm and 
that they
   don't fit the bill.  I think he is focusing on the idea of 
   changing variables on the page form and how to handle this 
on the
   backend.  Is that right, Dean?
   At 01:40 AM 8/6/2004, you wrote:
   I thought that
I want to build one on-the-fly according to
   configuration stuff
   stored in a database, that can change. 
   was pretty clear, especially after he pointed out the
   weren't what he was looking for because they came from
   struts config.
   But maybe it's just me - I'm used to wondering about what 
   stuff) I can do in Struts.
   At 05:00 PM 8/5/2004, you wrote:
   Suppose I want to construct a form based on a query to a
   database. What would come out of the query would
   be label,
   form position, variable name, etc, etc. What would be 
   recommended way of building this under struts/tiles? 
   been working with struts/tiles for a while now
   and this is
   the first time this sort of requirement has come up. 

[Info] FormBeanConfig is now the Factory for ActionForm

2004-08-07 Thread Niall Pemberton
Since Struts 1.2.1 the FormBeanConfig has now become the factory for
ActionForms. Although a relatively minor change in makes plugging in custom
ActionForm creation behaviour very straight forward:

* Extend FormBeanConfig and override the createActionForm() method:

   public class MyFormBeanConfig extends FormBeanConfig {

   public ActionForm createActionForm(ActionServlet servlet) {


* configure Struts to use your custom FormBeanConfig in struts-config.xml:

   form-beans type=myPackage.MyFormBeanConfig

 form-bean name=...


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2004-08-07 Thread Niall Pemberton
You need the commons beanutils 1.7.0 for lazy DynaBeans - its not in the
1.6.1 jar - you can get it here:

For the lazy ActionForm stuff you need the Struts nightly build, thats
available here:

Also download the LazyActionForms from my web site here:

Use the jars from the Struts nightly build, except you need to replace the
commons beanutils with the 1.7.0 version - plus add the jar with the lazy


- Original Message - 
From: Michael McGrady [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 10:05 PM

 At 05:54 AM 8/7/2004, you wrote:
 If you really want to do a dynamic form created on the fly - then do it
 easy way  (shameless plug), use lazy ActionForms :-)

 When I download and build Struts 1.2.1 I get
 commons-beanutils-1.6.1.jar.  However, this does not contain Lazy dyna
 stuff.  When I download the commons-beanutils nightly, I do get the Lazy
 dyna stuff and also a with an unnumbered
 commons-beanutils.jar.  How does this all get put together to run the
 LazyDyna stuff, Nia.

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Struts, checkbox and optionally displaytag

2004-08-07 Thread lixin chu
guess many questions were raised on this but could not
find detail enough sample code.

i am looking for sample code demostrating the support
of checkbox in Struts ActionForm, Action and JSP
files. I am using displaytag (really good!) to
generate the table with a column of checkboxes. how do
i know which boxes are selected in MyAction ?

many thanks

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