Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Adam Hardy

Tamas Szabo on 22/01/06 07:30, wrote:

There is a legitimate case: when an form can be cancelled, you do
want to skip client-side and server-side validation. That's just
fine because in these case you do want to call the cancelled() 
method from DispatchAction, dump out any state you collected, and

go to the appropriate forward.

In my oppinion it isn't ahndled correctly and I don't think that it
should be solved by configuration script. If the user presses Cancel
then the processing should go on another path. It doesn't make sense
to populate and to validate if cancel was pressed.

I agree. I _do_ use the cancel button on many forms and this is what I 
implement - if Struts did it itself, it would save me time and effort.

Plus it would be safer on other actions where I don't use the cancel 

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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Rick Reumann
All of this just adds *ONE MORE REASON* to my list of *NEVER EVER* use 
validate=true. I always call validation manually from my Action class 
and the sooner people get into a habit of this the way better off they 
will be. If you validate or call the form's validate method manually 
from your Action class all these problems go away including the problem 
we get posted here on the list at least a couple times a week concerning 
list items going out of scope when validation fails. Validating manually 
also solves the problem Paul addresses as form validation ALWAYS takes 

I think the bug is sort of in validate='true' :) I think that should 
just be dropped and when people need to validate they just call it from 
their Action class.

The code is this simple to add:
ActionErrors errors = form.validate( mapping, request );
if ( errors != null  !errors.isEmpty ) {
saveErrors(request, errors);
setUp(request); //preps request for lists and stuff
return (mapping.findForward(UIconstants.VALIDATION_FAILURE));

You could even add that to a utility method so it's just one line of code.

Now you have either one line of code in your Action or one line of code 
in your ActionMapping, yet the first scenario solves all these problems.

(side note, I don't even really like using the validator so I don't even 
call form.validate() but call a validation method in my action class 
that does my validation, but I know most like to use the validator so 
I'm showing how easy it is to call manually).

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Rick Reumann wrote:
Maybe I'm missing how the above would happen. How would passing in the 
canceled parameter end up getting them access to a table? Oh wait, 
maybe this is with regular Actions with just an execute? It's been so 
long since I used a non Dispatch Action I'm not aware of the behavior. 
So I have an Action called  GetMeATable with an execute method that 
returns a table from the db, if I pass in through a get parameter the 
canceled param it will still execute that action?

Right, ordinary Action we're talking about.  All Struts does is put a 
request attribute in place to indicate the Action is being canceled.  It 
then goes on to populate the form, but *NOT* call validate() on it.  So, 
the problem arises if your Action doesn't check for the canceled 
attribute and validate() is meant to stop a given request (as in my 
scenario where it was checking for one of the allowed table names).

As I Wrote this, I see that Paul responded and said it's a problem with 
DispatchActions too, and I think he's right.  In fact, his response sums 
up my own pretty well :)

Even if the above is true, I'm not so sure that's a big deal as far as 
Struts goes in regard to it being a 'security problem with Struts'. 
You can always find a ton of security loop holes if you don't truly 
check that the logged in user has access to some backend procedure. 
For example if you have an update dispatch method or an UpdateAction 
you could easily type in the url 
someUrl?dispath=updateid=42whatever=something etc and have it go 
through and be processed.

Well, let me put it this way... if I worked for Microsoft, to me at 
least, this would be a non-critical bug.  Patch it on the regular second 
Tuesday of the month cycle :)  But I *do* think it is a bug (a logic bug 
in this case) and *is* a security hole, even if arguably a small one. 
Your absolutely right though, there are far more severe security holes 
that a developer can open up without help from Struts :)  I don't think 
that should make anyone less interested in plugging this one though.

Bottom line is if security is an issue, no one should ever rely on the 
validate method. That's just silly. I'm sure the docs even state that 
the purpose of the validate method is to just validate data entry 
(required fields, no Strings in number fields, etc.).

But, how someone defines data entry can come into play... for 
instance, in the scenario I described, selecting a table, from a select 
say, would count as data entry, wouldn't it?  Try this... let's say 
we're talking about a *REALLY* bad developer and for some reason he has 
a *TEXT* field for entering the table name, and then goes on to check if 
it is an allowed value in validate().  Stupid design, in the extreme! 
But an improper use of validate()?  Probably not (debatable at least).

Let me try and come up with a better example...

Let's say my bank's web site allows me to have a primary user account, 
and I can link to this account all my checking accounts and savings 
account to see them all in one dashboard display.  I have to fill out 
a form to have an account added.  The form has account number on it.

Let's say one of the validations is to be sure the checksum of the 
entered account number matches one that would only be valid for me. It's 
a relatively simple math check, so it's 

Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

I'm not sure this solves the problem Rick... partially it does...

As Paul pointed out, the cancel function itself is a legitimate case. 
In that situation, you wouldn't want the form to be populated (you 
wouldn't care if it was or wasn't I suppose, but ideally why bother 
doing the extra work?) and you wouldn't want validate() to be called 
because it might reject the request when it shouldn't...

For example... say I have a 3-page wizard flow.  After each page I stick 
the entered values in session.  On the third page I have the capability 
of clicking cancel.  When this occurs, I'm going to want to clear out 
the stored values from session.  Imagine that the last page *also* has 
some entry fields that are usually validated, and let's say one of them 
is required.  If the user clicks cancel, whether you call validate from 
the Action or not, the user is forced to enter a value just to get past 
validation, even if they click cancel!  The UI would appear broken to 
the user, and rightly so.

Now, you may say that yeah, but I would call isCancelled() before I do 
the validation, and indeed, that would make the UI work as it should. 
The problem though is that you will have to remember to do that check IN 
EVERY ACTION, or risk having a similar UI issue elsewhere.  It's just 
extra code you have to copy-and-paste, or have your own base Action 
class to extend from.

I agree, if everyone did as you suggest this issue wouldn't be as 
severe.  In fact, you would take care of the security issue (assuming 
*every* Action called validate()), but you would trade it in for a 
broken UI mechanism anytime the cancel button was involved.  Not as big 
a deal, but still not the best answer :)


Rick Reumann wrote:
All of this just adds *ONE MORE REASON* to my list of *NEVER EVER* use 
validate=true. I always call validation manually from my Action class 
and the sooner people get into a habit of this the way better off they 
will be. If you validate or call the form's validate method manually 
from your Action class all these problems go away including the problem 
we get posted here on the list at least a couple times a week concerning 
list items going out of scope when validation fails. Validating manually 
also solves the problem Paul addresses as form validation ALWAYS takes 

I think the bug is sort of in validate='true' :) I think that should 
just be dropped and when people need to validate they just call it from 
their Action class.

The code is this simple to add:
ActionErrors errors = form.validate( mapping, request );
if ( errors != null  !errors.isEmpty ) {
saveErrors(request, errors);
setUp(request); //preps request for lists and stuff
return (mapping.findForward(UIconstants.VALIDATION_FAILURE));

You could even add that to a utility method so it's just one line of code.

Now you have either one line of code in your Action or one line of code 
in your ActionMapping, yet the first scenario solves all these problems.

(side note, I don't even really like using the validator so I don't even 
call form.validate() but call a validation method in my action class 
that does my validation, but I know most like to use the validator so 
I'm showing how easy it is to call manually).

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Rick Reumann wrote:
Maybe I'm missing how the above would happen. How would passing in 
the canceled parameter end up getting them access to a table? Oh 
wait, maybe this is with regular Actions with just an execute? It's 
been so long since I used a non Dispatch Action I'm not aware of the 
behavior. So I have an Action called  GetMeATable with an execute 
method that returns a table from the db, if I pass in through a get 
parameter the canceled param it will still execute that action?

Right, ordinary Action we're talking about.  All Struts does is put a 
request attribute in place to indicate the Action is being canceled.  
It then goes on to populate the form, but *NOT* call validate() on 
it.  So, the problem arises if your Action doesn't check for the 
canceled attribute and validate() is meant to stop a given request (as 
in my scenario where it was checking for one of the allowed table names).

As I Wrote this, I see that Paul responded and said it's a problem 
with DispatchActions too, and I think he's right.  In fact, his 
response sums up my own pretty well :)

Even if the above is true, I'm not so sure that's a big deal as far 
as Struts goes in regard to it being a 'security problem with 
Struts'. You can always find a ton of security loop holes if you 
don't truly check that the logged in user has access to some backend 
procedure. For example if you have an update dispatch method or an 
UpdateAction you could easily type in the url 
someUrl?dispath=updateid=42whatever=something etc and have it go 
through and be processed.

Well, let me put it this way... if I 

Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
If everyone used dispatch-type Actions, I would disagree because then it 
would just be a matter of providing a cancel() method and making sure 
that got called.  But, since not everyone does (including me whenever I 
can avoid it), that's not the end of the story.

Interestingly, the doc for the cancel tag *does* say that validate() 
won't be called and that the Action will be called normally.  I never 
noticed this before.  So, at least no one can claim this behavior isn't 
documented :)

There's really two problems here... one revolves around how this feature 
maybe should have been designed in the first place.  Tamas may be right 
in that regard.  The second problem though is you have apps built with 
it the way it is now, for better or worse, and breaking those to close 
this hole isn't really the best idea.

With that in mind, I'm thinking something along the lines of Paul's 
original suggestion may in fact be the best... add a cancelable 
attribute to the action element in config.  Default to true.  When set 
to false and the Action is called, that's the hacker case we want to 
avoid... maybe throw an IllegalStateException?  Maybe look for an 
illegalCancel forward?  Not sure what's best, but the point is to 
avoid calling execute() in that case.  This would maintain the existing 
behavior by default too.

No, actually, better yet, as Paul suggested, add cancelable to the 
processor element as well.  I think you really need it to be on both 
processor and action though... set it to false on the processor to 
globally close the security hole, then set it to true on the action's 
where it applies.


Adam Hardy wrote:

Tamas Szabo on 22/01/06 07:30, wrote:

There is a legitimate case: when an form can be cancelled, you do
want to skip client-side and server-side validation. That's just
fine because in these case you do want to call the cancelled() method 
from DispatchAction, dump out any state you collected, and

go to the appropriate forward.

In my oppinion it isn't ahndled correctly and I don't think that it
should be solved by configuration script. If the user presses Cancel
then the processing should go on another path. It doesn't make sense
to populate and to validate if cancel was pressed.

I agree. I _do_ use the cancel button on many forms and this is what I 
implement - if Struts did it itself, it would save me time and effort.

Plus it would be safer on other actions where I don't use the cancel 

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Tamas Szabo

 Interestingly, the doc for the cancel tag *does* say that validate()
 won't be called and that the Action will be called normally.  I never
 noticed this before.  So, at least no one can claim this behavior isn't
 documented :)

Yes, but if you don't want to use the cancel tag you probably don't read its
And if you don't use it you wont put the if (isCancelled(request) ) check in
your execute.
And this is exactly the case when you could get in trouble ...

There's really two problems here... one revolves around how this feature
 maybe should have been designed in the first place.  Tamas may be right
 in that regard.  The second problem though is you have apps built with
 it the way it is now, for better or worse, and breaking those to close
 this hole isn't really the best idea.

Yes, it's very easy to criticize something after it was implemented.
But I admit a solution that isn't backward compatible isn't viable.

With that in mind, I'm thinking something along the lines of Paul's
 original suggestion may in fact be the best... add a cancelable
 attribute to the action element in config.  Default to true.  When set
 to false and the Action is called, that's the hacker case we want to
 avoid... maybe throw an IllegalStateException?  Maybe look for an
 illegalCancel forward?  Not sure what's best, but the point is to
 avoid calling execute() in that case.  This would maintain the existing
 behavior by default too.

 No, actually, better yet, as Paul suggested, add cancelable to the
 processor element as well.  I think you really need it to be on both
 processor and action though... set it to false on the processor to
 globally close the security hole, then set it to true on the action's
 where it applies.

Well this seems to be backward compatible. But you will still have to add
tha cancelable= true for all the mappings that can be cancelled in your



Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict
 If everyone used dispatch-type Actions, I would disagree because then it 
 would just be a matter
of providing a cancel() method and making sure that got called.  

There's actually a funny bug here. cancel() method ALWAYS gets called in a 
dispatch action BUT
it's default behavior is to return null; and if null is returned then it 
considers it
non-implemented and goes to the intended method.

That's actually a bug too because NULL is a legitmate return value from a 
struts action. If you
handled the request directly, say by writing directly to the servlet 
OutputStream or
HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(), you're supposed to retun null. That's what 
the docs say =o)
But in this case NULL means not implemented.

Anyway, it must be the weekend because no one from the Struts team have chimed 
in -- but they
deserve days off too. :)  maybe ;) I'd like to actually have a solution to 
submit; I am going
to implement my suggestion privately in my applications but I would like an 
official one get
into Struts too.


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict
 Cancelable Actions (independently on the Action type: normal Actions, 
 DispatchActions) could
even implement a Cancelable interface with a cancel method.

Tamas, good one. I thought of this too but never mentioned it because 
implementing interfaces
doesn't seem too cool/accepted in the Struts framework yet. (But that will 
change in 1.3.) If I
add a Cancelable interface to my actions, then that could indicate to the 
framework that these
actions deserve to be canceled; otherwise ignore the request parameter.

Rick, your suggestion is good too. Did you know Tapestry works the same way? 
You're in charge of
calling the validator and determining what it should do. In your case you would 
always want the
form populated so you could determine if to validate or not.

Frank, I agree: I don't think it makes sense populating the form if 
validate=true and the cancel
token is in the parameter. Besides, the extra benefit here is that if you're in 
a form wizard and
you have 2 out of 3 pages validated, if they cancel on the 3rd page, you at 
least have 2 pages of
data that you know is good; re-populating the form without validation then 
looses this confidence.


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 1/21/06, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try it yourself!! Just add ?org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CANCEL=true to 
 any GET URL and your
 execute() method will magically be called as if you didn't have any 
 validation added to your code.

Calling ActionForm.validate() explicitly from an action saves a lot of
trouble, and for me it is just simpler.

On 1/21/06, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now, imagine a hacker wants to get to a completely different table in
 the database (I suppose reading from a selected table would be a better
 example, but I digress).  To do so, they can pass in the canceled
 parameter and whatever table name they want, assuming they can mangle
 the URL properly and establish a session first.  Since Struts will
 populate the form and fire the Action *without* calling validate() in
 this case, the hacker has the in they want.

I say it again, do not rely on automatic validation ;-)

On 1/22/06, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All of this just adds *ONE MORE REASON* to my list of *NEVER EVER* use
 validate=true. I always call validation manually from my Action class
 and the sooner people get into a habit of this the way better off they
 will be.

+1. Also, I would prefer populate() to be explicitly called from
action as well. I want framework to provide services for me and to do
heavy lifting, but I want to control the steering wheel and pedals.
Automatic behavior on request/response is a flaw, not a benefit. I can
write 3-5 lines of code to perform (or not) appropriate framework
function. I hate when stuff is done for me.

A framework should encapsulate chunks of job, but it must be me to
decide whether to perform these jobs or not.


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Re: [shale] Shale-Clay and jsp:forward

2006-01-22 Thread Richard Wallace
Thanks Craig, that was exactly the right solution.  I'm using Tomcat 
5.5.12 and adding the dispather elements to the shale filter-mapping did 
the trick perfectly.

Thanks again,

Craig McClanahan wrote:

On 1/21/06, Richard Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello again,

I'm running into a problem getting my /index.jsp to forward to a Clay
HTML page.  The index.jsp page just contains the following:

jsp:forward page=default.html/

When I try to hit it with the URL
http://localhost:8080/shale-clay-example/ I get a 404 saying that
default.jsp cannot be found.  If I goto
http://localhost:8080/shale-clay-example/default.html it works just fine.

Can I not forward to the default page like this?  I also tried setting
default.html as the welcome-file in the web.xml, but that didn't work (I
didn't really expect it to).  Any idea what the problem is?

What container are you running on?  In particular, is it based on Servlet
2.3 or 2.4?

The reason this is important is that a RequestDispatcher.forward() (which is
what a jsp:forward does under the covers) does *not* necessarily go
through the entire lifecycle that an HTTP request to the forwarded-to URL
would go to.  In the particular case here, it's important that a request for
a Clay-served view has to go through the Shale filter to do the approprate

This is impossible in a Servlet 2.3 environment, because filters are defined
to *only* be applied on the original request, not on forwards.  In a Servlet
2.4 environment (such as Tomcat 5.x), this remains the default ... but you
can ask for filters to be applied by modifying your filter mapping


This changes the default behavior (which only applies filters to requests)
to apply the Shale filter to both requests and forwards.  This *should*
address the use case you are describing.





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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Paul Benedict wrote:

Cancelable Actions (independently on the Action type: normal Actions, 
DispatchActions) could

even implement a Cancelable interface with a cancel method.

Tamas, good one. I thought of this too but never mentioned it because 
implementing interfaces
doesn't seem too cool/accepted in the Struts framework yet. (But that will 
change in 1.3.) If I
add a Cancelable interface to my actions, then that could indicate to the 
framework that these
actions deserve to be canceled; otherwise ignore the request parameter.

I didn't think it was a good idea at first, but now I don't think it's a 
bad one.

The first question is whether backwards-compatibility *should* be 
maintained... my usual stance is yes, it should be, and that was driving 
my suggestions before.

Thinking about it more though, that's like Microsoft saying yes, we 
know this WMF flaw is a security issue, so we're going to provide a 
mechanism to patch the hole, but it's going to be optional on the part 
of developers... by default, the hole will continue to exist so that 
backwards-compatibility is maintained.  We'd all yell they are crazy if 
they said that!

No, in this case I think it makes sense to break compatibility.  The 
question then becomes what is the least onerous way to do it so that 
someone upgrading an existing app has as little to do as possible while 
still being architecturally sound.

Well, the config parameters would probably be the easiest way, but the 
interface seems more elegant architecturally.  If I was maintaining an 
app and I wanted to close this security hole with the least amount of 
effort though, I would contend Paul's approach is probably better... If 
we assume the new cancelable attribute on the controller defaults to 
false, then I really just need to go through and add cancelable=true 
to any mappings that correspond to legitimately cancelable Actions, 
which chances are isn't many.  Contrast this to having to go through and 
implement an interface and rebuild the app.  Not a huge difference 
perhaps, but enough (and don't forget that some shops have rather 
onerous requirements before you could deploy the new build).

The interface isn't a bad suggestion though, after thinking about it a 
bit.  Either way :)


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
P.S., Paul, I'd suggest going ahead and opening a ticket for this and 
reference this thread... say that a couple of different solutions were 
suggested and patches can be easily created once a consensus on the 
right answer is reached (I know you said you'd create a patch, and I 
would too if necessary once we can all come together to decide which way 
to go).  This will put it more officially in front of the committers for 
their consideration, since ultimately they are going to have to decide 
if they agree this is an issue or not, and then agree with how to 
resolve it.  The first step in all that is generally a ticket being 
opened.  This is your baby, so go for it! :)


Paul Benedict wrote:

If everyone used dispatch-type Actions, I would disagree because then it would 
just be a matter
of providing a cancel() method and making sure that got called.  

There's actually a funny bug here. cancel() method ALWAYS gets called in a 
dispatch action BUT
it's default behavior is to return null; and if null is returned then it 
considers it
non-implemented and goes to the intended method.

That's actually a bug too because NULL is a legitmate return value from a 
struts action. If you
handled the request directly, say by writing directly to the servlet 
OutputStream or
HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(), you're supposed to retun null. That's what 
the docs say =o)
But in this case NULL means not implemented.

Anyway, it must be the weekend because no one from the Struts team have chimed 
in -- but they
deserve days off too. :)  maybe ;) I'd like to actually have a solution to 
submit; I am going
to implement my suggestion privately in my applications but I would like an 
official one get
into Struts too.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Laurie Harper
[Moved to a top-level thread, as this doesn't have anything to do with 
(either of) the thread(s) it was nested in! :-)]

I think this thread deserves discussion on the dev list, but before I 
move it over I thought I'd post a summary to make sure I've captured all 
the arguments. I've also added preliminary thoughts in how to resolve 
the issue at the end of this post, though that discussion definitely 
ought to proceed on the dev list I guess.

I'll re-post this message to the dev list later today if I haven't 
missed anything important below:

* Issue: addition of a 'org.apache.struts.action.CANCEL' parameter to 
any request will cause validation to be skipped, but the rest of the 
request processing / action invocation cycle to proceed normally

* Consequence: any action which proceeds assuming that validation has 
completed successfully and which doesn't explicitly check isCanceled() 
is proceeding on a broken assumption

* Questions:

- why doesn't Struts call validate() on a cancelled request?

If a request is canceled it usually means validations don't
apply since the implication is that any user input will be
thrown away. Users shouldn't be required to supply valid
inputs for actions they are canceling.

- why does Struts still call Action.execute() for a canceled request?

Since you may still want to act on a canceled request (e.g.
to clean up resources stored in the session). (Some of?) the
DispactAction variants dispatch to a special method and aren't
subject to the consequences listed above, but most action
implementations don't.

- why does Struts still populate the action form on a cancelled request?

If inputs are going to be thrown away anyway, why process
them by populating the action form? [Commentary: I believe
this behaviour makes sense since it preserves a standard
way to access the request data, should you want to, regardless
of whether the action was canceled. You could argue that
either way...]

Here's my first thoughts on possible approaches to addressing the 
problem, to kick off further discussion on the dev list:

- SAF1.2 and before: ? document, don't fix? add config req'm'ts on 
action mapping? Refer to discussion on user list for various options.

- SAF1.3+: make cancel processing a command which you have to include in 
your request processing chain, and perhaps disclude it by default? [I'm 
not familiar enough with how you deploy chains on a per-action basis to 
know if this is the right way to do it...]

- WW2/SAF2: implement cancel processing as an interceptor and either 
disclude it from default stack or require an action to implement an 
interface declaring that cancel processing should happen?


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Excellent summary Laurie, thanks!  I think you captured all the 
pertinent information clearly and concisely.  I just suggested to Paul 
to open a ticket for this as well, that should probably be mentioned 
(with a ticket # if available when you post).  Two minor comments below...


Laurie Harper wrote:
[Moved to a top-level thread, as this doesn't have anything to do with 
(either of) the thread(s) it was nested in! :-)]

Was it nested?  I didn't even notice :)

I think this thread deserves discussion on the dev list, but before I 
move it over I thought I'd post a summary to make sure I've captured all 
the arguments. I've also added preliminary thoughts in how to resolve 
the issue at the end of this post, though that discussion definitely 
ought to proceed on the dev list I guess.

I'll re-post this message to the dev list later today if I haven't 
missed anything important below:

* Issue: addition of a 'org.apache.struts.action.CANCEL' parameter to 
any request will cause validation to be skipped, but the rest of the 
request processing / action invocation cycle to proceed normally

* Consequence: any action which proceeds assuming that validation has 
completed successfully and which doesn't explicitly check isCanceled() 
is proceeding on a broken assumption

* Questions:

- why doesn't Struts call validate() on a cancelled request?

If a request is canceled it usually means validations don't
apply since the implication is that any user input will be
thrown away. Users shouldn't be required to supply valid
inputs for actions they are canceling.

- why does Struts still call Action.execute() for a canceled request?

Since you may still want to act on a canceled request (e.g.
to clean up resources stored in the session). (Some of?) the
DispactAction variants dispatch to a special method and aren't
subject to the consequences listed above, but most action
implementations don't.

- why does Struts still populate the action form on a cancelled request?

If inputs are going to be thrown away anyway, why process
them by populating the action form? [Commentary: I believe
this behaviour makes sense since it preserves a standard
way to access the request data, should you want to, regardless
of whether the action was canceled. You could argue that
either way...]

I tend to agree with your commentary, even though I find it hard to 
envision a situation where you'd want to get at the parameters. 
Certainly better to be able to though.

Here's my first thoughts on possible approaches to addressing the 
problem, to kick off further discussion on the dev list:

- SAF1.2 and before: ? document, don't fix? add config req'm'ts on 
action mapping? Refer to discussion on user list for various options.

- SAF1.3+: make cancel processing a command which you have to include in 
your request processing chain, and perhaps disclude it by default? [I'm 
not familiar enough with how you deploy chains on a per-action basis to 
know if this is the right way to do it...]

I think this would be affected by what is done with 1.2... if it is 
modified to by default not allow Actions to be cancelable for instance, 
I would think it would be better to replicate that change into 1.3, 
which would likely entail changing the default chain.  Open for 
discussion obviously :)

- WW2/SAF2: implement cancel processing as an interceptor and either 
disclude it from default stack or require an action to implement an 
interface declaring that cancel processing should happen?


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
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Re: [FRIDAY] You might be a Wally if ...

2006-01-22 Thread Graham Reeds start a [FRIDAY] thread on comp.jakarta.struts.user.


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Rick Reumann
Not going to rehash the issues including the issues in the new thread 
started by Michael and the summary brought up by Laurie in that thread 
(and yes Franks this thread is nested, somehow michael's message started 
with a new messageId which breaks into a new top level thread for those 
clients that base a thread on messageID - which they should:)

Lastly, I never run into these problems because

1) I never liked the cancel button and its behavior. It's 'too behind 
the scenes' for me in the whole setting of an isCanceled param and all 
that jazz. To me it always made since to handle cancel with a true 
submit of the form and set the dispatch param to cancel or if using a 
Michael/McGrady/or Mapipng type of dispatch some other key. Then you 
simply handle it like any other Action. It's clean and easy to 
understand and you never have to worry about these under-the-cover things.

2) Use a DispatchAction. I really don't get why some of you are against 
them:) Do you make separate  DaoForCreate and DaoForUpdate objects? 
My guess is you have one Dao that handles CRUD for a particular type of 
concern. To me it's just annoying having separate actions for related 
events, and it makes it more difficult when you want to do things 
related to these events. To each his/her own I guess:)

3) Call the validation framework manually. I can give several reasons 
why this is a good idea and saves the developer a lot of headaches, but 
I've been over it before (happy to readdress if someone wants me to:). 
It's not much more code to write and actually simplifies things (very 
easy to see what's going on by simply looking at your Action class).

Anyway, that's my advice for anyone having trouble with Cancel issues.

I do now see though the issue that Paul brings up and that Frank 
clarified and Laurie clarified further in the summary, although I still 
don't see it as high security risk since I would never rely on the 
validate method to handle something that could be that much of a risk. A 
bit more on that below in reference to Frank's example below...

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Let's say my bank's web site allows me to have a primary user account, 
and I can link to this account all my checking accounts and savings 
account to see them all in one dashboard display.  I have to fill out 
a form to have an account added.  The form has account number on it.

Let's say one of the validations is to be sure the checksum of the 
entered account number matches one that would only be valid for me. It's 
a relatively simple math check, so it's done in validate() because 
really we're checking that the entered value is valid.

Now, the Action behind it calls some DAO to add the account for me. But, 
it reasonably assumes that the data it gets in the form is valid. So, if 
validate() is not executed, I could conceivably enter an account number 
that isn't mine and have it attached to my user account and see its 

See I think that's a poor design. Why would you rely on a Struts 
validate method to handle that? For a financial application wouldn't you 
always be checking the account number vs the supposed user in Session 
scope somewhere in a non-Struts layer? The whole idea of component stuff 
is if later on you coded the front end in swing or flash that you would 
still have the security stuff ensured on the backend. I don't think 
letting a framework handle this type of security check is a good idea.

 I doubt too many people would say it's a
wrong approach (we could of course argue architecture, that's always 
the case, but nothing stands out as patently wrong to me about this 

I'd say it's wrong from the standpoint that the backend should be 
checking this and throwing an exception. This whole thread is a perfect 
example why:) - don't assume the front-end is making things secure. 
Maybe later on you needed a flash front end they have other security 
concerns, at least if you code the backend part to make it's security 
check things are much better. (Granted someone might find a way to spoof 
a logged in user, but that's not what we are talking about here).

I think the problem here though is that this is a fairly subtle thing, 
and something that could possibly be exploited in such a way that the 
request looks legitimate, and in fact is, as far as the filters and 
security checks go, but are not in terms of the logic of the application.

Agreed that it probably should be handled better. My only argument is 
that I think it's level of a 'security' risk is pretty low, unless you 
are coding for security in your validate method, which I don't think is 
a good idea.

I don't want to blow this out of proportion... I think the way most 
people architect their solutions, this probably wouldn't be a problem 
for most people.


But, even if we all agreed that it wasn't a security problem per se, it 
just logically does not make sense as far as I can see... if Struts is 
going to populate the 

Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Laurie Harper

OK, transplanted to dev then :)

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Excellent summary Laurie, thanks!  I think you captured all the 
pertinent information clearly and concisely.  I just suggested to Paul 
to open a ticket for this as well, that should probably be mentioned 
(with a ticket # if available when you post).  Two minor comments below...


Laurie Harper wrote:
[Moved to a top-level thread, as this doesn't have anything to do with 
(either of) the thread(s) it was nested in! :-)]

Was it nested?  I didn't even notice :)

I think this thread deserves discussion on the dev list, but before I 
move it over I thought I'd post a summary to make sure I've captured 
all the arguments. I've also added preliminary thoughts in how to 
resolve the issue at the end of this post, though that discussion 
definitely ought to proceed on the dev list I guess.

I'll re-post this message to the dev list later today if I haven't 
missed anything important below:

* Issue: addition of a 'org.apache.struts.action.CANCEL' parameter to 
any request will cause validation to be skipped, but the rest of the 
request processing / action invocation cycle to proceed normally

* Consequence: any action which proceeds assuming that validation has 
completed successfully and which doesn't explicitly check isCanceled() 
is proceeding on a broken assumption

* Questions:

- why doesn't Struts call validate() on a cancelled request?

If a request is canceled it usually means validations don't
apply since the implication is that any user input will be
thrown away. Users shouldn't be required to supply valid
inputs for actions they are canceling.

- why does Struts still call Action.execute() for a canceled request?

Since you may still want to act on a canceled request (e.g.
to clean up resources stored in the session). (Some of?) the
DispactAction variants dispatch to a special method and aren't
subject to the consequences listed above, but most action
implementations don't.

- why does Struts still populate the action form on a cancelled request?

If inputs are going to be thrown away anyway, why process
them by populating the action form? [Commentary: I believe
this behaviour makes sense since it preserves a standard
way to access the request data, should you want to, regardless
of whether the action was canceled. You could argue that
either way...]

I tend to agree with your commentary, even though I find it hard to 
envision a situation where you'd want to get at the parameters. 
Certainly better to be able to though.

Here's my first thoughts on possible approaches to addressing the 
problem, to kick off further discussion on the dev list:

- SAF1.2 and before: ? document, don't fix? add config req'm'ts on 
action mapping? Refer to discussion on user list for various options.

- SAF1.3+: make cancel processing a command which you have to include 
in your request processing chain, and perhaps disclude it by default? 
[I'm not familiar enough with how you deploy chains on a per-action 
basis to know if this is the right way to do it...]

I think this would be affected by what is done with 1.2... if it is 
modified to by default not allow Actions to be cancelable for instance, 
I would think it would be better to replicate that change into 1.3, 
which would likely entail changing the default chain.  Open for 
discussion obviously :)

- WW2/SAF2: implement cancel processing as an interceptor and either 
disclude it from default stack or require an action to implement an 
interface declaring that cancel processing should happen?


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Rick Reumann wrote:
2) Use a DispatchAction. I really don't get why some of you are against 
them:) Do you make separate  DaoForCreate and DaoForUpdate objects? 
My guess is you have one Dao that handles CRUD for a particular type of 
concern. To me it's just annoying having separate actions for related 
events, and it makes it more difficult when you want to do things 
related to these events. To each his/her own I guess:)

But, I believe Paul said this issue affects DispatchAction too... am I 
right Paul?  Perhaps you could explain that part again?  I'd rather not 
explain incorrectly if this is true.

3) Call the validation framework manually. I can give several reasons 
why this is a good idea and saves the developer a lot of headaches, but 
I've been over it before (happy to readdress if someone wants me to:). 
It's not much more code to write and actually simplifies things (very 
easy to see what's going on by simply looking at your Action class).

You may be 100% right, but it's not especially relevant to this... I'm 
sure you wouldn't say the solution is for everyone who is using 
automatic validation now to rewrite their apps, are you? :)

Anyway, that's my advice for anyone having trouble with Cancel issues.

Oops, I guess you are :)  I kind of assume you mean this with the 
qualification going forward.  Many people use automatic validation and 
frankly love it, I doubt they would be in a rush to redo their existing 

Let's say my bank's web site allows me to have a primary user account, 
and I can link to this account all my checking accounts and savings 
account to see them all in one dashboard display.  I have to fill 
out a form to have an account added.  The form has account number on it.

Let's say one of the validations is to be sure the checksum of the 
entered account number matches one that would only be valid for me. 
It's a relatively simple math check, so it's done in validate() 
because really we're checking that the entered value is valid.

Now, the Action behind it calls some DAO to add the account for me. 
But, it reasonably assumes that the data it gets in the form is valid. 
So, if validate() is not executed, I could conceivably enter an 
account number that isn't mine and have it attached to my user account 
and see its details.

See I think that's a poor design. Why would you rely on a Struts 
validate method to handle that? For a financial application wouldn't you 
always be checking the account number vs the supposed user in Session 
scope somewhere in a non-Struts layer? 

I think your getting hung up on the design of the thought experiment 
rather than the underlying concept it's trying to demonstrate... yes, 
there are almost certainly better ways to implement such a function, but 
that doesn't mean what I outlined is an invalid approach...

I can tell you from experience, I once wrote an app where you entered an 
account number and we had a validation to tell if it was valid based on 
nothing else but the account number.  It's 100% an input validation... 
the user entered it, we need to know if it's valid, and we can determine 
that just by running it through some calculations.

Now, what if there was some component to that validation that included 
the identity of the user, like in the theoretical app?  Why would it 
suddenly not be a good idea to do that as part of input validation? 
Since I get request in validate(), I can get the info I need from 
session as you suggest, and therefore I can do everything I need to in 
validate().  Why would I incur the overhead of executing the Action, 
executing whatever business helper I have, maybe more, when I can do it 
all *before* any of that is hit?

Again, I don't want to start debating whether your approach in terms of 
manually calling validate() is better or not because it doesn't 
ultimately matter in this context... many people don't do that, and 
expect that the framework will do it (which isn't completely 
unreasonable), and that's when this comes into play.

 The whole idea of component stuff
is if later on you coded the front end in swing or flash that you would 
still have the security stuff ensured on the backend. I don't think 
letting a framework handle this type of security check is a good idea.

That's a pretty good argument :)

I'd say it's wrong from the standpoint that the backend should be 
checking this and throwing an exception. This whole thread is a perfect 
example why:) - don't assume the front-end is making things secure. 
Maybe later on you needed a flash front end they have other security 
concerns, at least if you code the backend part to make it's security 
check things are much better. (Granted someone might find a way to spoof 
a logged in user, but that's not what we are talking about here).

You always run into questions about where the different tiers begin and 
end though.  Besides, should an app throw an exception if I enter an 
invalid account number?  If it 

Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict
(Some of?) the DispactAction variants dispatch to a special method and aren't 
 subject to the
consequences listed above, but most action implementations don't.

Rick, let me correct something here:

The DispatchAction variants are also subject to the problem with 
validate=true WHEN there is no
implementation for cancelled(). The cancelled() is called but a return value of 
null indicates
it is not implemented (bad design) and then proceeds on to the intended 

Since 99% of my MappingDispatchAction classes don't have any semantic necessity 
for canceling, I
don't implement the method to return a forward, and thus the problem roars its 
ugly head.

Laurie, I would like to see this fixed in 1.2; it is easier for me to drop in a 
patch than upgrade
a whole library. Not many managers can buy total upgrades, but they can buy 
incremental patches.


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict
Laurie, one thing to correct:

Issue: addition of a 'org.apache.struts.action.CANCEL' parameter to any request 
will cause
validation to be skipped, but the rest of the request processing / action 
invocation cycle to
proceed normally

Should read:

Issue: addition of a 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CANCEL' parameter to any 
request will cause
automatic validation to be skipped, but the rest of the request processing / 
action invocation
cycle to proceed normally

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Tiles question

2006-01-22 Thread Aladin Alaily

Hello All,

I am trying to pass a string (defined in tiles-defs.xml) to my main 
layout, to be used as a key in a tag.

My Setup:

In main-layout.jsp
div class=crumb
	presentation:crumb key=tiles:getAsString name=crumbTitleKey/ 
link=%=(String)request.getAttribute(page) %/


In tiles-defs.xml
... page 1 ...
put name=crumbTitleKey value=crumbs.home /

... page 2 ...
put name=crumbTitleKey value=crumbs.browse /


This doesn't work because I can't nest the tiles:getAsString tag within 
the presentation tag (or any other tag like c:set).

Do you guys have any ideas on how I can accomplish what I'm trying to do 


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Re: Tiles question

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict

You cannot nest JSP tags inside JSP tag attributes. Split them up:

JSP 1.2:

tiles:useAttribute name=crumbTitleKey id=someid /
presentation:crumb key=%=someid% ../

JSP 2.0:

tiles:importAttribute name=crumbTitleKey /
presentation:crumb key=${crumbTitleKey} ../


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Rick Reumann

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

You may be 100% right, but it's not especially relevant to this... I'm 
sure you wouldn't say the solution is for everyone who is using 
automatic validation now to rewrite their apps, are you? :)

No you are right there. I know people like the automatic validation 
stuff:) and I do see the problem Paul brought up and I do see how it 
could affect dispatch actions also if someone typed in the URL with 
canceled. But I don't see this as a 'big' security concern was my only 
point (More in a bit on that)...

I think your getting hung up on the design of the thought experiment 
rather than the underlying concept it's trying to demonstrate... yes, 
there are almost certainly better ways to implement such a function, but 
that doesn't mean what I outlined is an invalid approach...

The approach isn't invalid as far as basic validation, but for security 
I'd say it was not the best way to handle it. Let me ask you and Paul 
this... how many times do you see Struts application's built where if 
you are Role A you see X Y Z links but if you are Role B you see A B 
C links. Maybe if you are a super Admin you can see X Y Z. Now maybe 
link Y link calls /myAdminAction?someparam=1234 which is supposed to be 
an admin only action. How many developers assume that Well only admins 
are going to see this page with that link so I don't have to check in 
that Action if they have the correct role. I'm guessing a lot do, and 
depending on the app (intranet vs external), I might opt to let it 
slide. But the reality is there are plenty of times you can type in a 
URL (if you remember the URL from some day when you were an Admin) and 
you might be able to perform admin functions all from typing in URls. 
You'd probably say, that isn't a secure system. Well the same thing I 
see happening in this validate situation.  If actual processing of the 
URL without going through validate is that much of a security risk, then 
I think you'd want to push that security check further back into the 
system. Like I mentioned earlier, maybe down the line someone is going 
to implement your front end in Flash or an Applet. Wouldn't you feel 
safer knowing that back end components aren't going to let anything 
really bad happen?

I can tell you from experience, I once wrote an app where you entered an 
account number and we had a validation to tell if it was valid based on 
nothing else but the account number.  It's 100% an input validation... 
the user entered it, we need to know if it's valid, and we can determine 
that just by running it through some calculations.

Well, again, this is the kind of stuff I would never do in the validate 
method. You might like to do it there, but going way back to when I was 
first using Struts, it was always advised to NOT do this kind of 
calculation in the validate method. Would you do credit card validation 
there? I wouldn't. (Think of the mess that could happen in just this 
case if your Action assumed it passed credit card validation in order to 
ship a product and you bypassed the validate method by figuring out how 
to add the canceled param ot the URL).

Now, what if there was some component to that validation that included 
the identity of the user, like in the theoretical app?  Why would it 
suddenly not be a good idea to do that as part of input validation? 
Since I get request in validate(), I can get the info I need from 
session as you suggest, and therefore I can do everything I need to in 
validate().  Why would I incur the overhead of executing the Action, 
executing whatever business helper I have, maybe more, when I can do it 
all *before* any of that is hit?

Because I don't think that's the place for this type of secure 
validation. I've always taken the advice that the form's validate method 
should ONLY check for proper structure of form entry elements - nothing 
more. All the big wigs back when I was first learning Struts said don't 
perform business-type checks in the validate method and that's what I 
think you are attempting to. To me that type of security check should 
ALWAYS be done deeper in the system and it's up to the backend/midtier 
guys to make sure that always gets checked. You obviously disagree on 
setting up the architecture that way which is fine. (Heck I could be way 
off, I'm just a code monkey - nuttin' more:).

Again, I don't want to start debating whether your approach in terms of 
manually calling validate() is better or not because it doesn't 
ultimately matter in this context... many people don't do that, and 
expect that the framework will do it (which isn't completely 
unreasonable), and that's when this comes into play.

You are correct, I probably shouldn't have brought up the manual 
validate thing, since in this context it's not that relevant so I 
apologize for that. I'm only now harping on the idea that the issue 
shouldn't be that big of a security concern since I don't think the 
Struts designers ever 

Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict

I don't do any business validation with the Validator; I just make sure I get 
proper data formats
so that everything is in proper format when going into the service layers. I 
want XYZ to be
integers and ABC to be strings.


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Re: Tiles question

2006-01-22 Thread Aladin Alaily

Thanks Paul.


Paul Benedict wrote:


You cannot nest JSP tags inside JSP tag attributes. Split them up:

JSP 1.2:

tiles:useAttribute name=crumbTitleKey id=someid /
presentation:crumb key=%=someid% ../

JSP 2.0:

tiles:importAttribute name=crumbTitleKey /
presentation:crumb key=${crumbTitleKey} ../


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Rick Reumann

Paul Benedict wrote:

I don't do any business validation with the Validator; I just make sure I get 
proper data formats
so that everything is in proper format when going into the service layers. I 
want XYZ to be
integers and ABC to be strings.

Then where is the big 'security' risk? Worst case scenario in a 'bad 
format' regard is the user will probably get some nasty error page back 
when the user tried to execute the action through a URL since the data 
wouldn't be in the correct format. Why do you care if this user that is 
mangling the url gets an error page? He/she was doing a no-no in the 
first place so they deserve the error page.


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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict

It's a security risk because you're allowing in non-validated data. You could 
pass in good data,
bad data, malicious data, etc. You could pass in a string that's a million 
characters to your
database, perhaps characters that will appear in SQL, wrong ranges of numbers, 
constantly causing
exception handling, etc. Those kind of things I am very interested in 


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RE: bi-di messages and dir=RTL?

2006-01-22 Thread David Thielen
Sending again (it's a work day now in the Middle East).

Thanks - dave

-Original Message-

Ok, I use a resource file for all text and then put it in the html page
using c:out, etc. But, what about Hebrew  Arabic? They need to be marked
with dir=RTL. I can make the message span dir=RTLhi there/span but
then I can't escape any text and have to make sure I have escaped things in
my messages.

And I have a feeling this could get weird where some of the text on my page
I am pulling from a database and have no idea what it's direction is.

Is there a better way?

Thanks - dave

David Thielen

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RE: bi-di messages and dir=RTL?

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict
David, I am not sure what the problem is. How is this any different than LTR 
text? You could use
c:out escapeXml=false so you don't have to escape anything.

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Re: Validation Security Hole?

2006-01-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Rick Reumann wrote:
The approach isn't invalid as far as basic validation, but for security 
I'd say it was not the best way to handle it. Let me ask you and Paul 
this... how many times do you see Struts application's built where if 
you are Role A you see X Y Z links but if you are Role B you see A B 
C links. Maybe if you are a super Admin you can see X Y Z. Now maybe 
link Y link calls /myAdminAction?someparam=1234 which is supposed to be 
an admin only action. How many developers assume that Well only admins 
are going to see this page with that link so I don't have to check in 
that Action if they have the correct role. I'm guessing a lot do, and 
depending on the app (intranet vs external), I might opt to let it 
slide. But the reality is there are plenty of times you can type in a 
URL (if you remember the URL from some day when you were an Admin) and 
you might be able to perform admin functions all from typing in URls. 
You'd probably say, that isn't a secure system. Well the same thing I 
see happening in this validate situation.  If actual processing of the 
URL without going through validate is that much of a security risk, then 
I think you'd want to push that security check further back into the 
system. Like I mentioned earlier, maybe down the line someone is going 
to implement your front end in Flash or an Applet. Wouldn't you feel 
safer knowing that back end components aren't going to let anything 
really bad happen?

I don't disagree with any of that :)  And yet...

Once thing I remember from years ago when I was a bit of a hacker (not 
an especially good one, but still!) is that when you leave *any* hole, 
the good hackers will find a way to exploit it.  It's almost as 
inevitable as taxes in this day and age.  I agree, with all the 
discussion we've all had on this, I don't view it as a critical flaw 
either.  But non-critical flaws have a nasty habit of becoming 
critical ones when a good hacker takes a lool :)

Well, again, this is the kind of stuff I would never do in the validate 
method. You might like to do it there, but going way back to when I was 
first using Struts, it was always advised to NOT do this kind of 
calculation in the validate method. Would you do credit card validation 
there? I wouldn't. (Think of the mess that could happen in just this 
case if your Action assumed it passed credit card validation in order to 
ship a product and you bypassed the validate method by figuring out how 
to add the canceled param ot the URL).

I think it's a very fine line between what is basic input validation 
and what is business rules.  I think your right, this is probably a case 
where doing it in validate() wouldn't be the right answer because it 
probably is a business rule... but it is at least debatable.  Your 
right, I wouldn't do credit card validation in validate() either, but 
what about a simple checksum to see if the credit card is even in a 
proper form?  For instance, there is a formula to determine whether an 
CC # is a Visa, Master Card, Discover, etc.  Is this really a business 
rule?  You may argue it is, and that's not unreasonable, but I could 
argue it's just a simple input validation, and I think that's just as valid.

I think unfortunately we've gone a little bit off-topic though, so we 
should probably both stop :)

Because I don't think that's the place for this type of secure 
validation. I've always taken the advice that the form's validate method 
should ONLY check for proper structure of form entry elements - nothing 

Even though I said we should stop :) ... this is exactly my point from 
above.  The determination of what is a check for proper structure and 
what is something more isn't clear-cut.

All the big wigs back when I was first learning Struts said don't 
perform business-type checks in the validate method and that's what I 
think you are attempting to. To me that type of security check should 
ALWAYS be done deeper in the system and it's up to the backend/midtier 
guys to make sure that always gets checked. You obviously disagree on 
setting up the architecture that way which is fine. (Heck I could be way 
off, I'm just a code monkey - nuttin' more:).

I don't disagree... but I don't think there is really a right and wrong 
answer.  If you ask my *opinion*, yes, any non-trivial validation should 
be done at a lower level, absolutely.  How you define non-trivial is the 
question :)

I'm a code monkey too by the way, I just happen to be one that straddles 
the coder/architect fence a whole lot.  My job entails a pretty equal 
dose of both these days.

You are correct, I probably shouldn't have brought up the manual 
validate thing, since in this context it's not that relevant so I 
apologize for that. 

No need to apologize, not to me anyway :)  It's not completely 
unrelated... I'm just not sure it really helps solve the problem at 
hand, not if we're trying to come up with a solution that will work for 
everyone that is.

RE: bi-di messages and dir=RTL?

2006-01-22 Thread Daniel Blumenthal
 Ok, I use a resource file for all text and then put it in the 
 html page using c:out, etc. But, what about Hebrew  Arabic? 
 They need to be marked with dir=RTL. I can make the message 
 span dir=RTLhi there/span but then I can't escape any 
 text and have to make sure I have escaped things in my messages.
 And I have a feeling this could get weird where some of the 
 text on my page I am pulling from a database and have no idea 
 what it's direction is.

My solution is that I have a custom tag, and the internal processing code
looks something like this:

.rtlclass {font-family:David,arial;font-size:12px;direction:rtl}

if (isRTL(myStr)) {
  out.append(span class='rtlclass'rlm;);

public static final boolean isRTL(final String str) {
  for (int i = 0; i  3; i++) {
if (str.length() == i)
  return false;

Character.UnicodeBlock block = Character.UnicodeBlock.of(str.charAt(i));
if (block == Character.UnicodeBlock.ARABIC ||
block == Character.UnicodeBlock.ARABIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS_A ||
block == Character.UnicodeBlock.ARABIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS_B ||
block == Character.UnicodeBlock.HEBREW)
  return true;
  return false;

The rlm; on both sides is important because otherwise the browser *will*
screw up if you have punctuation at the end of the string.

Another thing to note is that, for some reason, all browsers tend to render
non-Latin fonts in a very teensy size.  I don't know why.  So it's a good
idea to have code to make sure that rtlclass has a bigger fontsize than you
would normally use.


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Re: hard question - Single Sign On

2006-01-22 Thread Lixin Chu
may you would like to take a look at these two:
 Yale's CAS :
 Acegi :

RE: bi-di messages and dir=RTL?

2006-01-22 Thread Paul Benedict
If you're using a real CSS2 browser like Firefox, you can use CSS to enlarge 
fonts for the
language you specify:

span[lang='he'] {
font-size: 120%;

or maybe something as simple as:
span.rtl {
font-size: 120%;

That means you should output span class=rtl.../span

PS: Good idea with the tag library extension. 


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Re: hard question - Single Sign On

2006-01-22 Thread Li
Hi bro, what is your problem?

On 1/23/06, Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 may you would like to take a look at these two:
 Yale's CAS :
 Acegi :


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