preselect dropdown

2004-10-29 Thread Anna Kerekes
I have an edit.jsp where a user can edit message details.  So for example, if a 
message has a start date (day,month, year) these fields can be updated by user.
The problem is that I have dropdowns for month and day.  I would like it if the 
dropdown for month could be prepolutated with the value the user has allready saved 
before.  So for example it could be prepoluted with February and the user can select 
another value from the dropdown if he/she wishes to change it.
Any ideas/hints/code would be helpful,

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editing a form

2004-10-06 Thread Anna Kerekes
The user wishes to edit a message that was previously created.  In my edit.jsp I wish 
to display a dropdown
with the option that was previously selected as selected.  Currently I have:
html:select property=expiryDay

html:options collection=days property=idValue  
labelProperty=displayValue /


I want the value of expiryDay from the database to be selected (by default) on the 
dropdown.  The user can select another option from the dropdown if they want to change 

how do i do it in struts?

any help appreciated,


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RE: Trouble with struts validator

2004-10-06 Thread Anna Kerekes
Why do you have a testAction?
When you configure validation.xml and validator-rules.xml (see Apache/Struts/Validator 
documentation) you don't need to write an Action Class.  
Also, why do you have failure/success forwards?  Upon a failure, the validation will 
automatically forward your page to the input you specified in your struts-config 
siteForm.jsp , with the errors redisplayed.
If you post some code, maybe we can help more...

From: yacout dadoun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 06/10/2004 11:54 AM
Subject: Trouble with struts validator


I'm trying to use the struts validator, i have created a simple form with
few inputs, i'd like to oblige the user to enter values into inputs.
I therefore :
1-added the validator pluing to strus-config.xml
2-added the action mapping with the path set to test, the type set to the
path of the action form called TestAction, the name set to testForm, 
validate set to true and inut set the the jsp file called siteForm.jsp and
forwards success and failure
3-created the taht extends Action and returns success
4-created the TestForm bean that extends ValidatorAction
5-created the testform.jsp  added html:errors/whose fomr id is testForm
6-get teh file from the struts blank project
7-in the validation.xml added the formset where the name is testForm and
properties are required

However no errors is displayed

Any idea PLS


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RE: populate html:select

2004-10-04 Thread Anna Kerekes
Yes, I was using the old option tag but now html:option works like a charm... 
thanks :)

From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 01/10/2004 4:03 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: populate html:select

From: Anna Kerekes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Just the select list information is gone, all the textbox information is
preserved on the form.

Thanks for confirming that.

If you want Struts to remember the selected items, then you MUST use
Struts tags to display those items, html:option and html:options in this

Both of those tags have an array of attributes, and it's not always clear
which ones you need to use in combination to make it do what you want.  The
simplest thing to do would be to change all of your option tags to
html:option tags.

From your original note, it looks like you're hard-coding the options as
plain-old-HTML option tags.  Let us know if that's not the case.

Wendy Smoak

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input form

2004-10-04 Thread Anna Kerekes
I have a jsp (create.jsp), a form-bean (, and an action 
Currently, the user inputs their info into create.jsp, hits 'submit', and the action 
gets the info from the form-bean
and does stuff with it.  Instead, I would like to get some information( collections) 
from a database and populate create.jsp with them. So I would like to:
- get a collection from the database
- put this collection into the request
- populate create.jsp from the request object
-  let the user edit the form (including the pre-populated parts)
- hit submit
- CreateMessageAction gets info from form-bean and does stuff...
Do I have to write a separate Action class for putting the collection (from database) 
into the request object?  Or can I somehow incorporate this into my current 
CreateMessageAction class ?
please help,
Anna Kerekes

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validator-rules.xml behaviour

2004-10-01 Thread Anna Kerekes
I am trying to add my own custom validation method to my validator-rules.xml file.
Here's the new snippet I am adding (Validator is a utility class I wrote to perform 
extra validation):
validator name=dateCheck



methodParams=java.lang.Object /

I have tried debugging my code, the validator does indeed go into my validateDate 
method and returns a boolean=false.

However, contrary to what I believed was going to happen, it does not throw the is this not what is supposed to happen by default if the 
validator returns a false boolean?

I think everything else is fine, in my jsp I have 

tdhtml:errors property=date//td

and in my validation.xml:

field property=date depends=dateCheck


and in my file I have: color=redEnd Date must be after Start Date/font/li

Please help me, any help is appreciated,

you can email me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED],



p.s. I can do other validations with my xml files fine, it is just this custom one not 

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RE: validator-rules.xml behaviour

2004-10-01 Thread Anna Kerekes
Yes, thanks very much, that worked out great! Anna:)

From: Matt Bathje [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 01/10/2004 10:58 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: validator-rules.xml behaviour

In your validateDate method, are you doing an errors.add before
returning false? If not, no message will be put into the errors object
to be printed out.

In my custom validators, I have the methodParams looks like this:


and then do this in the method right before returning false:
errors.add(field.getKey(), Resources.getActionMessage(request, va, field));

The other thing may be to try taking the property attribute off of your
html:errors tag.


Anna Kerekes wrote:
 I am trying to add my own custom validation method to my validator-rules.xml file.
 Here's the new snippet I am adding (Validator is a utility class I wrote to perform 
 extra validation):
 validator name=dateCheck



 methodParams=java.lang.Object /

 I have tried debugging my code, the validator does indeed go into my validateDate 
 method and returns a boolean=false.

 However, contrary to what I believed was going to happen, it does not throw the is this not what is supposed to happen by default if the 
 validator returns a false boolean?

 I think everything else is fine, in my jsp I have

 tdhtml:errors property=date//td

 and in my validation.xml:

 field property=date depends=dateCheck


 and in my file I have: color=redEnd Date must be after Start 

 Please help me, any help is appreciated,

 you can email me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED],



 p.s. I can do other validations with my xml files fine, it is just this custom one 
 not working...

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populate html:select

2004-10-01 Thread Anna Kerekes
I am using struts validation to validate an input form.  In my jsp I have:
html:select property=effectiveDay

option value=1 selected1

option value=22

option value=33

option value=44


The form is filled out.  After I hit the submit button Struts validation is run and 
the input form is displayed again with the errors on the form.  The problem is that 
the value selected from the drop-down menu (i.e. html:select) before the submit 
button was hit is NOT preserved on the form with the validation errors.  So the user 
has to re-enter whatever value he/she entered before validation.  This is there a way I can make it so that the hmtl:select could be populated 
with the value that was entered before (if any).  I suspect that this value is stored 
somewhere (in request scope?) but I'm not sure how to get it.

What is strange is that other fields on my input form are preseved (i.e. textboxes, 
and textareas) but not drop-down menus, checkboxes, and file.

any help appreciated,



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RE: populate html:select

2004-10-01 Thread Anna Kerekes
This case is different from the regular use of html:option because this information is 
never saved to a Collection (since the validation failed)..
so this information about the dropdown menu needs has to be retrieved from the request 
scope or some other place

From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 01/10/2004 2:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: populate html:select

From: Anna Kerekes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
html:select property=effectiveDay
option value=1 selected1
 The problem is that the value selected from the drop-down menu (i.e.
 before the submit button was hit is NOT preserved on the form

You need to use Struts tags for the options if you expect the framework to
pre-fill the form.  Take a look at html:option and html:options which
you can use with various attributes including creating the lists from a

Wendy Smoak

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RE: populate html:select

2004-10-01 Thread Anna Kerekes
Just the select list information is gone, all the textbox information is preserved 
on the form.

From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 01/10/2004 3:38 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: populate html:select

From: Anna Kerekes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This case is different from the regular use of html:option because this
 information is never saved to a Collection (since the validation
 so this information about the dropdown menu needs has to be retrieved
 from the request scope or some other place

What information-- the contents of the drop-down, or the item(s) the user

Is *all* of the user input gone if the form fails validation, or just this
select list?

Wendy Smoak

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2004-09-28 Thread Anna Kerekes
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of this file?  In its default form?

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RE: standard-1.1.1 expression language not working

2004-09-20 Thread Anna Kerekes
I don't think you're using the set tag properly.
c:set var='a' value=1/c:out value='${a}'/
hope it helps,
Anna Kerekes

From: Pedro Salgado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 20/09/2004 1:15 PM
To: Struts Users List
Subject: standard-1.1.1 expression language not working

Hi to everyone!

  I have already used taglibs before but I am having some trouble making
jstl core 1.1.1 taglib to evaluate expression languages on Tomcat 5.0.27.

  I have all of the required libraries on WEB-INF/lib/ (jstl, standard,
jdbc_2_0_stdext, xalan and xerces).
  Tomcat does not give any missing taglib handler... so I supposed it finds
all of the necessary classes.
  I am also using Struts and Struts-el taglibs and they are working

  Am I missing something?

  my jsp file:

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-html-el.tld prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=fmt %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-tiles-el.tld prefix=tiles-el %


c:set var='a'1/c:setc:out value='${a}'/ (the output is ${a})


  my web.xml, taglib declaration:













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set not working

2004-09-20 Thread Anna Kerekes

I am having some problems running the program below (it does not run the way it 

*The output I get is***

before a a is null after a 

*The desired output is

before a init after a 

I'm not sure why ${a} is evaluating to null instead of init.

any help appreciated,



%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 language=java %

%@ page import=java.lang.String %

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %



String a = init; 


html:text property=var value=%= String.valueOf(a) % /br

c:out value=before a /

c:out value=${a} default=a is null/

c:out value=after a /


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RE: set not working

2004-09-20 Thread Anna Kerekes
The first way works..thankyou
However, the second way does not :(  I get the following error:
javax.servlet.ServletException: javax/servlet/jsp/el/VariableResolver
root cause:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/el/VariableResolver
Any ideas?

From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 20/09/2004 2:56 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: set not working

  java.lang.String a = init;

c:out value=${a} /


c:set var=a value=init /

c:out value=${a} /


On 20 Sep 2004, at 20:16, Anna Kerekes wrote:


 I am having some problems running the program below (it does not run
 the way it should).

 *The output I get is***

 before a a is null after a

 *The desired output is

 before a init after a

 I'm not sure why ${a} is evaluating to null instead of init.

 any help appreciated,



 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 language=java %

 %@ page import=java.lang.String %

 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %

 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %

 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %



 String a = init;


 html:text property=var value=%= String.valueOf(a) % /br

 c:out value=before a /

 c:out value=${a} default=a is null/

 c:out value=after a /


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RE: set not working

2004-09-20 Thread Anna Kerekes
No, I'm getting the same HTTP Status 500 error as before...
I've also tried all the different scopes in the set tag, but no luck
Does the var have to be in a specific format?  Is there anything else I can try?

From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 20/09/2004 4:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: set not working


what about

c:set var=a value=${'init'} /


On 20 Sep 2004, at 21:01, Anna Kerekes wrote:

 The first way works..thankyou

 However, the second way does not :(  I get the following error:

 javax.servlet.ServletException: javax/servlet/jsp/el/VariableResolver
 root cause:
 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/el/VariableResolver

 Any ideas?


 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Mon 20/09/2004 2:56 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: set not working

   java.lang.String a = init;

 c:out value=${a} /


 c:set var=a value=init /

 c:out value=${a} /


 On 20 Sep 2004, at 20:16, Anna Kerekes wrote:


 I am having some problems running the program below (it does not run
 the way it should).

 *The output I get is***

 before a a is null after a

 *The desired output is

 before a init after a

 I'm not sure why ${a} is evaluating to null instead of init.

 any help appreciated,



 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 language=java %

 %@ page import=java.lang.String %

 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %

 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %

 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %



 String a = init;


 html:text property=var value=%= String.valueOf(a) % /br

 c:out value=before a /

 c:out value=${a} default=a is null/

 c:out value=after a /


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RE: No Way to Put the init() Method Inside the ActionForward Execute( ... ) Method

2004-09-17 Thread Anna Kerekes
Why can't you call the init() method from inside the execute() method (at the 
beginning of it )?

From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 17/09/2004 2:06 PM
Subject: No Way to Put the init() Method Inside the ActionForward Execute( ... ) Method

We cannot put a method inside another method.

When using the Struts, we start with:

public final class MyClass extends Action
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response )
throws java.lang.Exception



I have a void init( ...) { ... } method shown below.
Of course, I cannot put this init( ... ) inside the
ActionForward Execute( ... ) { ... }

What am I supposed to do?  Do I put this void init(
... ) { ... } method before the ActionForward Execute(
... ) { ... } begins?

   String smtpServer;
   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws
  smtpServer =

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HTTPServletRequest object

2004-09-15 Thread Anna Kerekes
I'm assuming that a request object is the same for a jsp and the associated Action 
Why is it that when I try to get a parameter in the jsp I get the correct (expected) 
out.println(Message id from request(parameter): 

But when I try to get the same parameter, in the same way, from the corresponding 
Action Class,
the parameter value is null.
The jsp is basically just an input form, and the Action class processes the 
information retrieved.  
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've tried to look at the action-mappings-element 
in struts-config.xml
but the scope is correctly set to request.
Any help would be appreciated,
Anna Kerekes

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RE: CustomActionForward -- How do I pick it up in the Action?

2004-09-15 Thread Anna Kerekes
thanks...problem solved.  The request object is not the same in the action and the 
Anna Kerekes

From: David G. Friedman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 15/09/2004 3:58 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: CustomActionForward -- How do I pick it up in the Action?

Doesn't your Action's nested forward need
the attribute classname=SOMETHING ?


-Original Message-
From: John Crossman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:47 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: CustomActionForward -- How do I pick it up in the Action?

My struts-config has the following:

global-forwards type=cnwk.camaro.CustomActionForward
forward name=DateFormat path=/do/Date/SampleView 
set-property property=commands value=stuff /

action path=/Date/SampleView
path=/WEB-INF/pages/SampleView.jsp /

And yet the following causes ClassCastException in my MasterAction class:

CustomActionForward customForward = (CustomActionForward)
mapping.findForward( DEFAULT_VIEW_KEY );

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