Re: [S2] apply i18n on java entity from DB

2008-12-23 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
Few more thoughts on this matter:

I haven't explicitly said that the solution I've proposed is far from
standard i18n functionality, it was my best choice for the given

If the "Product" described in the first message is pure fiction and
you have the ability to change the data model you can get rid of the
multiple names from the "Product" entity, put a "unique_name", use it
to point to resource in your bundle with some static prefix like
The actual names of the items you'll store like standard message resources.
You can even use database message resources if you are not fan of the
properties files.

This way you'll get rid of the custom internationalization algorithms
but it's definitely not the easiest way to go. The good thing about
this solution is that you can go with it as far as adding new language
for product names becomes a matter of simple configuration.

Dimitar Vlasev.

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Re: [S2] apply i18n on java entity from DB

2008-12-22 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
Hi Steven,
I don't know what's the best practice but I'll give you my quick thoughts.

It seems you have to implement some sort of logic (choosing the right name).
The main question is where is the best place to put this kind of logic?

IMO this kind of problems are solved using the "decorator pattern".
In the given example I'd choose to create "decorator" class for the
Product class

public class LocaleAwareProduct extends Product {
private Locale locale;
private String displayName;

private LocaleAwareProduct() {
 // hide the default constructor

private LocaleAwareProduct(Produt aProduct, Locale aLocale) {
this.locale = aLocale;
if ( "en".equalsIgnoreCase(aLocale.getLanguage()) ) {
 this.displayName = aProduct.englissh_name;
} else {
if ( "fr".equalsIgnoreCase(aLocale.getLanguage()) ) {
 this.displayName = aProduct.french_name;

Wrapping "products" into "locale aware products" will enable you to
fetch the display name of a product without implementing the logic
into the "view component".

NOTE: the Java code has been typed in text editor and have never been
compiled so it might be buggy.

Dimitar Vlasev

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Re: [S2 V2.0.14] value attribute has rtexprvalue=false - shouldn't it be rtexprvalue=true?

2008-12-17 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
you might find some clues here
(as well as links to the full OGNL documentation)

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Re: Handling probel.

2008-12-09 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
I'm surprised how many people are asking questions the way nobody can
help them 
Which version of struts are you using?

If I use your .do pattern as a sign i might roll the dice and guess
looking the guts of the sacrificed animal  you are using Struts
1.x, aren't you?

you should have struts dispatcher servlet configured  in your web.xml
with some servlet mapping







If the poor animal died without being able to help me, and you are
using Struts 2.x then you'll have a filter mapping



These configurations are used from Tomcat to determine which module
will take care / work onto / your request.
Look for any configuration that might interfere with Struts dispatcher
There might be some security constraints that prevent action execution.

This is what I can think of. You'll need to investigate it.

Good luck.

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Re: Cannot find bean in any scope

2008-12-09 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
1. Try this (I cite these tags on memory so excuse me if I'm not right
with the tag names)
 The dvd list is present  
 The dvd list is NOT present 

2. If the dvd list is not present try to set a simple string bean into
the request and include it in the page you're forwarding to

Dimitar Vlasev

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Re: setting a text field

2008-12-08 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
have you ever read something about struts forms before asking questions here?
Don't feel offended but this is a base functionality and I'm pretty
sure you will not receive much help about issues like this.
And you'll need to provide at least the version of Struts you're using.

I guess you're using Struts 1.x
Setting the value of the form field in the action that precedes the
forward to the jsp will do what you need if all your configurations
are OK.
The form field is property of a struts form configured for your action.
If this does not ring any bells for you you'll really need to read
something for the version of Struts you're using.

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Re: Dojo datetimepicker problem

2008-12-05 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
Sure I succeeded wrapping the String to Date conversion outside of the
action class with custom type conversion class.

I guess I expected that when  uses java.util.Date
property when rendering the HTML, I will get the new value in the same
property after submitting the form which holds the 

Since I don't think the automated String to Date conversion stated
here will do
well for real application I didn't even try to go this way.

Having the ability to use static content as attribute value made the
solution with custom type conversion class good enough and I didn't
bother further with this.

Dimitar Vlasev

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2008-12-04 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
You'll have to set the default value to your action property:

private String medicalCheckup = "Yes";

public String getMedicalCheckup() {
return medicalCheckup;
public void setMedicalCheckup(String medicalCheckup) {
this.medicalCheckup = medicalCheckup;

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Re: Dojo datetimepicker problem

2008-12-04 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
> Though it would be even elegant enough solution if I was able to refer
> to the static pattern String in the .jsp like that
> But I got exception:
> According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute
> displayFormat does not accept any expressions

Accessing static properties resolved

Dimitar Vlasev

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Re: Dojo datetimepicker problem

2008-12-03 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
Few findings:
at section "Built in Type Conversion Support" documentation says:

XWork will automatically handle the most common type conversion for
you. This includes support for converting to and from Strings for each
of the following:
 -> dates - uses the SHORT format for the Locale associated with the
current request

But I haven't tried yet to utilize this feature.

This is what worked for me:

What I've done was to create custom type conversion class
public class ShortDateConverter extends StrutsTypeConverter {
public final static String pattern = "dd.MM.";
private final static SimpleDateFormat format = new 

public Object convertFromString(Map context, String[] values, Class 
toClass) {
Date result = null;

if (values != null && values.length > 0) {  
try {
result = format.parse(values[0]);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new TypeConversionException("Error 
converting date from '" +
values[0] + "', pattern: '" + pattern + "'");
return result;

public String convertToString(Map context, Object o) {
return null;


and applied it to the setter method within my action class:
(it worked well both using annotation and file)
@TypeConversion (type=ConversionType.CLASS,
public void setADate(Date date) {

Though it would be even elegant enough solution if I was able to refer
to the static pattern String in the .jsp like that

But I got exception:
According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute
displayFormat does not accept any expressions

I hope these findings will help someone else.

Dimitar Vlasev

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Re: Dojo datetimepicker problem

2008-12-03 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
Thank you Timothy, I've suspected something like that. Of course
anyone can read Date from String but the question was is this behavior
a bug or a feature.

 has attribute "displayFormat" but not "format". Of
course it's not user friendly format thus I can't really use it in
application, however I run a test with the format defined in RFC3339
and I hit the same rock again (the automated conversion didn't

here is what's being generated from the 


Thank you guys, I appreciate your help.

Dimitar Vlasev

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Dojo datetimepicker problem

2008-12-02 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
Hi all,
I'm using Struts 2.0.14.

I'm experiencing the following problem:
I tried to use datetimepicker in sample application and it worked fine
except that the java.util.Date property does not retrieve the new
value selected in the interface.
I don't have more time today to check this out and will continue
trying to fix it tomorrow.
What's more weird if i have getter for a String property with the same
name I'll get the text that's in the edit box rendered from

Here are some snippets from my test application:




the JSP
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>

 User Details changed 

Submit Date

the Action (implements RequestAware)
private Date aDate = new Date()

public String fetchDate() {
OgnlValueStack valueStack = (OgnlValueStack)
this.request.get("struts.valueStack");"- this.aDate: " + this.aDate.toString());"- vs: aDate: " 
+valueStack.findString("aDate"));"- vs: dojo.aDate: " 
return Action.SUCCESS;

public Date getADate() {
return aDate;
public void setADate(Date date) {" Date set to: " + date.toString());
aDate = date;

public void setADate(String s) {" this one is called :" + s);

console output
17:37:24,644 INFO  [Test]  this one is called :12/3/08
17:37:24,644 INFO  [Test] - this.aDate: Tue Dec 02 17:37:24 EET 2008
17:37:24,644 INFO  [Test] - vs: aDate: 12/2/08
17:37:24,644 INFO  [Test] - vs: dojo.aDate: null

as you can see setADate(Date date) never get's called.

I've checked the request made from the browser (using FF with FireBug)
and the post parameters were fine "aDate" and "dojo.aDate" where both
set to the correct value 12/3/08

I appreciate greatly your help.

Dimitar Vlasev

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Re: How to place struts2-core.jar outside web-app.war?

2008-11-25 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
Thank you very much Nils,
you've spotted the problem - the action class was packed in a .jar
file which was outside the .war module.
When I placed it in the .war everything worked smoothly.

Best regards,

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik
> You'll probably save yourself a lot of troubles putting the jar files
> inside the WEB-INF/lib folder of your war. What was your structure
> like when it didn't work? Was your actions in your war file as well?
> Nils-H
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Dimitar Vlasev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having problem to configure web application enclosed in .ear module.
>> I'm using Struts 2.0.12 and JBoss 4.2.3 running on java 1.6.
>> The application is in .war module, which is placed inside .ear module.
>> [In fact this is small test application for me to get used with the
>> new features in Struts 2]
>> When I implemented SessionAware in my test action, I had .ear
>> deployment exception which said that classloader can't find
>> org.apache.struts2.interceptor.SessionAware
>> I can get around this problem if I place the struts2-core.jar outside
>> the web-app.war but then I have problems referring to /struts-tags in
>> .jsp files:
>> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
>> And I'm not sure whether other problems might appear with this
>> configuration in future (like using themes which I thing depend on
>> content in the /templates folder of the struts2-core.jar)
>> Any ideas how to overcome this obstacle - I mean besides splitting the
>> struts2-core.jar in two and placing it's parts where needed.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> --
>> ===
>> Dimitar Vlasev
>> -
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> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Dimitar Vlasev

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How to place struts2-core.jar outside web-app.war?

2008-11-25 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
I'm having problem to configure web application enclosed in .ear module.
I'm using Struts 2.0.12 and JBoss 4.2.3 running on java 1.6.

The application is in .war module, which is placed inside .ear module.
[In fact this is small test application for me to get used with the
new features in Struts 2]
When I implemented SessionAware in my test action, I had .ear
deployment exception which said that classloader can't find
I can get around this problem if I place the struts2-core.jar outside
the web-app.war but then I have problems referring to /struts-tags in
.jsp files:
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>

And I'm not sure whether other problems might appear with this
configuration in future (like using themes which I thing depend on
content in the /templates folder of the struts2-core.jar)

Any ideas how to overcome this obstacle - I mean besides splitting the
struts2-core.jar in two and placing it's parts where needed.

Thank you in advance.

Dimitar Vlasev

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