Re: [REFERENDUM] Struts is a Community

2005-04-10 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
I would say we are both a product and a community. And in my opion this is  
a very good thing.

Struts is a product because many compagnies build commercial web  
applications based on Struts.
By searching one job-index here in Denmark I find several  
job-announcements which asks
for Struts skills. These compagnies are not only start-up firms, but also  
firms like
big insurance compagnies. So Struts is an important ram for open source in  
a commercial context.

At the same time we are developer community by helping each other to get  
the best out of Struts and
improving the product even more. Struts would be notthing without a  
community, but a developement
community without a product would also be empty.

So my +1 is keep up the good work for the produkt and the community.

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 07:55:51 -0400, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

As of about 2a EST this morning, 134,788 messages were posted to this
list. Even for five years, that's a lot of traffic!
Most of those messages have been about users helping other users. Some
others, often marked Friday or Beer have been about users
entertaining users. :) And, occasionally, we have waxed introspective
and discussed What is Struts anyway?.
Some people have said that Struts is a brand that marks a product. Our
benefactor, the Apache Software Foundation, calls Struts a Project.
Project is a good word, but it's really a euphemism: Project is an ASF
code word that means Community. From an ASF perspective, we're not
here to build software, but to build a development community, and let
the community build the software. We believe that great communities
build great technology.
Over the years, the Struts community *has* built some great
technology. Aside from the Struts Action package, we've built Tiles
and the Validator. We've built Bean-Utils and the Digester. And
Collections, and File Upload, and Resources. And Chain. A good portion
of all the components in the Jakarta Commons today is technology that
Struts built.
The technologies that Struts built are not just gizmos we use with our
own controller or taglib components. Dozens of other software
projects, and thousands of teams, use these technologies every day,
whether they use our application framework or not.
IMHO, this is what it means to be a community rather than a product, a
people rather than a brand. It means that first we try to help each
other, and then we try to package our solution to share with all
comers. But, the map is not the land, and the solution is not the
Since today is my birthday, I thought I'd take the liberty of calling
for a referendum on a topic that is close to my heart:
What do you say? Are we a product or a community?
Here's my +1 for community.
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Re: [REFERENDUM] Struts is a Community

2005-04-10 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
I would say Struts is both a product and a community. And in my opion this  
the great thing about Struts.

Struts is a product because many individuals as well as compagnies build  
commercial web
applications based on Struts.
By searching one job-index here in Denmark I find several
job-announcements which asks
for Struts skills. These compagnies are not only start-up firms, but also
firms like
big insurance compagnies. So Struts is an important ram for open source in
a commercial context.

At the same time we are developer community by helping each other to get
the best out of Struts and
improving the product even more. Struts would be notthing without a
community, but a developement
community without a product would also be empty.
So my +2 is keep up the good work for the produkt and the community.

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 07:55:51 -0400, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As of about 2a EST this morning, 134,788 messages were posted to this
list. Even for five years, that's a lot of traffic!
Most of those messages have been about users helping other users. Some
others, often marked Friday or Beer have been about users
entertaining users. :) And, occasionally, we have waxed introspective
and discussed What is Struts anyway?.
Some people have said that Struts is a brand that marks a product. Our
benefactor, the Apache Software Foundation, calls Struts a Project.
Project is a good word, but it's really a euphemism: Project is an ASF
code word that means Community. From an ASF perspective, we're not
here to build software, but to build a development community, and let
the community build the software. We believe that great communities
build great technology.
Over the years, the Struts community *has* built some great
technology. Aside from the Struts Action package, we've built Tiles
and the Validator. We've built Bean-Utils and the Digester. And
Collections, and File Upload, and Resources. And Chain. A good portion
of all the components in the Jakarta Commons today is technology that
Struts built.
The technologies that Struts built are not just gizmos we use with our
own controller or taglib components. Dozens of other software
projects, and thousands of teams, use these technologies every day,
whether they use our application framework or not.
IMHO, this is what it means to be a community rather than a product, a
people rather than a brand. It means that first we try to help each
other, and then we try to package our solution to share with all
comers. But, the map is not the land, and the solution is not the
Since today is my birthday, I thought I'd take the liberty of calling
for a referendum on a topic that is close to my heart:
What do you say? Are we a product or a community?
Here's my +1 for community.
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Re: How to get the user locale from a jsp

2005-03-09 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
You get the local object from the request with the getLocale() method..


-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Date: Wed,  9 Mar 2005 10:14:36 +0100
Subject: How to get the user locale from a jsp

 How could i get the the user locale, as a page scoped bean, from struts.
 I know there is a struts util class to get the user locale, but i would like 
 to get it without resorting to the use of a scriptlet.
 Is there a more elegant way of doing this?
 I need pass the user selected language as a parameter to a flash.
 David Delbecq
 Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium 
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Re: How to get the user locale from a jsp

2005-03-09 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
Well, to be more specific on the question How could I get the user locale,.. 
Here is what I do in an applications which supports 3 language:

1) All incoming requests are filtered. 
If the session is new the browsers locale is investigated and stored in a 
session object alng with other values we need during a session.
If the user's locale is not supported I store a supported locale and sets 
the Globals.LOCALE_KEY to this value, too

2)  A user can change the language of his session during the session by 
choosing a link. This calls an Actio
 which changes the locale in the user session object and the 

3) During a session dates, currencies and so on are shown according to one of 
the supported languages. When we need to format
in utility classes like various fileprinter we just fetch the locale from 
the session object. 

The application uses Tiles and this works well.

-- Flemming

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Date: Wed,  9 Mar 2005 11:57:11 +0100
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How to get the user locale from a jsp

 Unfortunately, this is the locale sent by browser only. Struts store the us 
 locale in session under the key Globals.LOCALE_KEY. There is a util class 
 which get this info from session and, if this is empty, return the browser  
 locale. So it is possible to programmatically change the user locale.
 Unless there is some magic filter in struts which alters the locale stored  
 the request object by copying the session locale into it, accessing ther 
 request.getLocale() is of no help as end user can not change his locale by  
 clicking on a link.
 So what am asking is , is ther a way to use that util class of struts witho 
 resorting to the use of a scriptlet.
 Le Mercredi 9 Mars 2005 11:44, Flemming G. Jensen a écrit :
  You get the local object from the request with the getLocale() method..
  -Oprindelig meddelelse-
  From: delbd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Wed,  9 Mar 2005 10:14:36 +0100
  Subject: How to get the user locale from a jsp
   How could i get the the user locale, as a page scoped bean, from struts.
   I know there is a struts util class to get the user locale, but i would
   like to get it without resorting to the use of a scriptlet.
   Is there a more elegant way of doing this?
   I need pass the user selected language as a parameter to a flash.
   David Delbecq
   Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
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 David Delbecq
 Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium 
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Form autocomplete property

2004-12-31 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
Hi List,
First: I wish you all will have a happy 2005 with a lot of good Struts  
based applications!

Now my question:
The Struts html-tag library does not support the autocomplete property.
Why not? I know that the autocomplete property is not in the W3Org  
standard, but that
does not mean it is un-important to web-applications with on-line payments.

The autocomplete property is an IE extension, but Opera and Firefox  
support it. However,
Firefox 1.0 has a bug in its implementation, which you have to circumvent  
in a javascript in order to
make it work properly, if you do not have the time to extend the Struts  
html-tag lib.

I am asking this question due to these facts:
Our team has just gone live with a Struts based web-application The
site runs on an Oracle Application Server and an Oracle Database. The  
customer is a department
under the Danish Ministry of Food and Agriculture. On the site persons as  
well as certified shops
can buy a public fishing license, since you have to buy a license in order  
to angle in the sea, lakes or streams
in Denmark.

Many people, for example turists, buy their licenses in shops, where many  
people have access to the same PC.
So it was a customer demand to the application that we turned off the  
autocomplete function in html input fields, which
take care of any login or payment functionality.

In this case we were not happy to discover that the Struts developers have  
taken a rather puritanical approach to standards.

So I hope you will improve this great API with better properties support  
in future releases.

Flemming G. Jensen
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Setup Action without a form

2004-11-28 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
Hi List,
My project has a frontpage/welcome page. This page contains no forms.
I need some kind of a set up action to fire, when a user accesses this  
frontpage in order to
initialize a session specific bean. This bean is coded to act as a  
singleton within a session.

How do I make a set-up action, which fires before the frontpage is  
loaded. The project uses
tiles, so I assume that Javascript and some onload-function is not  

Flemming G. Jensen
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Form bean returns null in forward action??

2004-11-21 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
Hi List,
We are using the validator plug-in and tiles in our project.
On a page I have 3 submit buttons in 3 different html forms. The first  
html form has a corresponding
Formbean and an Action class. The second form has a corresponding action  
class, which does not
use the form bean, and the 3. html-form has a corresponding ForwardAction.

When a user submits some input from the first form the page is reloaded.  
Some informations
from the this form are rendered in the second form together with  
radiobuttons, so the user can
select items in the second form and submit the selected item. This action  
deletes the selected item
in a collection.

The 3. html-form is just a submit button with an associated ForwardAction.  
The ForwardAction has validate set to
false. When one submits the 3. form I get an exception saying the form  
bean returns null for this action.
If I configure the ForwardAction with the form, which is one the page I do  
not get the exception.

This confuses me. Why do I have to configure the ForwardAction with the  
form bean? The form and the ForwardAction
has nothing to do with each other except that they are on the same jsp  

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Re: exception when using ValidatorPlugIn

2004-11-15 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 14:01:52 -0600, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a rather annoying problem with the ValidatorPlugIn in a project  
using Struts:
Can you look at this message (and its thread) and see if you are having  
the same problem?
Thanks for the hit. We have upgrade to Struts 1.2 and use  
validator_1_1_3.dtd now. However, thiz does not solve the problem.

A collegua has point out, that one can force the sax parser not to  
validate externally.


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2004-11-14 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
Hi List,
I have a rather annoying problem with the ValidatorPlugIn in a project  
using Struts:

1) I implement the ValidatorPlugIn as stated in James Holmes Struts. The  
Complete Reference (and several other

2) In struts-config.xml I have
!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
  -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN;
3) In the validator-rules.xml file and validation.xml file I have this
!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
   -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules  
Configuration 1.1//EN;

The reference;  
is mapped to the validator_1_1.dtd in the
application directory.

3) Running the application in Oracle OC4J at one site behind a usual Linux  
PC firewall works.

4) Remove the internet connection and rerun the application.
 Result: it fails when it loads validator.xml with a  
http.// could not be contacted.

 Remove the ValidatorPlugin from theapplication and the rerun. Result the  
application does not fail.

4) Run the application from Tomcat 5.0 behind a rather restrictive  
firewall with ValidatorPlugIn enabled.

Result: The application fails with a timeout exception from  
because could not be contacted.

5)  Run the application from Tomcat 5.0 behind a rather restrictive  
firewall without ValidatorPlugIn enabled.

Result: The applicaiton does not fail.
6) Put in a hard reference like this and rerun the application behind  
the firewall

!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
   -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules  
Configuration 1.1//EN

   Result: The application runs.
Conclusion: The mapping in 2) does not require the xml parser to validate  
the document against

  but the ValidatorPlugIn forces the xml parser to  
validate the document against

So my question is simple:
How do I configure the application server so it does not  
validate against the real dtd?
Why is ValidatorPlugIn a special case in this context?

Flemming G. Jensen
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