struts website

2006-01-10 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

was wondering whats the purpose of the links "struts applications", 
"struts sandbox" are?

the pages they point to are virtually empty. anything coming in (for 
those pages) ? what's the scoop on this?

is it to host sample applications that work on struts?


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Re: long struts-config.xml file

2005-06-16 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

depends on what version of struts u're working on.
(i have never worked with 200 or so actions). :)

1) i reduced the number of actions using wildcards in action mapping, 
and a couple of hidden parameters that i pass to actions. kind of 
genericised the actions.

2) use "extends" where possible, mostly Actions and Forms, _especially_ 

3) using extensions of dynaforms for my base forms (reduce dumb form 
beans. whats the name for these info containers? i forgot). bloats 
struts-config but reduces code to write.

4) while this may/will not :) reduce the size of struts-config, i've 
found this to be invaluable with large struts-configs. with struts 1.3 
(in development), u might want to check out the new "key="key" value="value" /> - ability to set arbitrary properties. 
assists in genericising (eg: do 
something/somethingextra/nothing/differentthing in the called action 
base on some keyed property value) ... solves a lot of my pains :)


John Henry Xu wrote:

Hi all,

In a project I am working on, we have a very lengthy struts-config.xml
file to handle complex actions jsps (200+) take.

Does anyone have this situation (very complex struts-config.xml)? Please
tell me about your experience.

Also, anyone see a blog or forum written by struts technology? If you
know, can you tell me the link?


Jack H. Xu
Technology columnist and authorhttp://www.usanalyst.com

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svn Q

2005-06-08 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

have been trying to configure my NetBeans 4.1 to use subversion (SVN)

i've downloaded the svn module (beta) but can't seem to figure out how 
to configure it.

the website ( does not 
_seem_ to give how to annonymously check out data.

if anybody is using this combination of software (NB41/SVN) please help


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Re: date validation

2005-06-06 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

no i did not; but i cannot use it as i want to allow single digit 
months/days in user input.

more generally; i wud have expected the DateValidator to return FALSE if 
the user input is form "1980" for pattern "-MM-dd"

anybody wanna weigh in? :)



Sorry if you get this twice.

Did you try DatePatternStrict?

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date validation

2005-06-06 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

i've got a date validation set up with datePattern "-MM-dd", ie 
standard JDBC SQL format.

but date validation seems to pass values of type "1980" (without month 
or day) and subsequently i get a SQL DATE conversion error.

is this expected behavior for date validation? is there a way to enforce 
that year-month-day be enforced?


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Re: OT Friday - Random sorting

2005-06-03 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

i may be missing something here, but if random is what u want in a 
collection, then y don't u use Collections.shuffle() ?


Mark Benussi wrote:



I am trying to write a comparator that randomly sorts a collection.


I have something like this:


new Comparator() {



   * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object,


  public int compare(Object object1, Object object2) {

long time = new Date().getTime();


Random random1 = new Random(time);

Integer x1 = new Integer(random1.nextInt());


Integer x2 = new Integer(random1.nextInt());

return x1.compareTo(x2);




But sadly to no avail.


Has anyone done this before or have any suggestions.

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Re: Newbie Q - Rendering drop down menu

2005-06-02 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

:) when i first read HTML, my first impression was SELECT.size was the 
same INPUT.size hehe. ie it renders a box/select which contains that 
many approximate characters

IMHO, honestly, i think its a bad choice of attribute name. "rows" as in 
TEXTAREA.rows would have been more appropriate than "size". in fact, 
what's the way to set the width of a SELECT box in HTML, not using CSS ?


Jeff Beal wrote:

In other words, the size attribute that you are using *tells* the
browser to show up to ten rows from the selection list at once.  What
did you think it was for, out of curiosity?

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Re: Using multiple resource bundles

2005-05-31 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

i'm using 1.2.x and 1.3-dev and it works fine.

i do remember about an ARG bug in the earlier versions. i suggest u 
search this mailing list. there might be others who might remember this 


Duggirala, Satyavati wrote:

Yes, I am doing that and "bean:message " works fine.
I am having problem only with arg element in validation.xml

Is arg element supported in struts1.1 or do we have to use arg0,arg1..

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Re: Using multiple resource bundles

2005-05-31 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

seems fine.

you should declare your message resource in struts-config with the name 
"mybundle" and it should contain the key "myField.displayname"

r u doing that?

Duggirala, Satyavati wrote:

I am working on a field whose value is an int in the range 0-
My code looks in validation.xml looks like this-


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Re: Using multiple resource bundles

2005-05-31 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

hmm. can post the file?

Duggirala, Satyavati wrote:
Still doesn't work.  
Is there a element type arg in validation.xml?

Can I get any reference from where I could get some more information
about using mutiple resource bundles in validator framework?


-Original Message-
From: Riyaz Mansoor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:26 PM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Using multiple resource bundles


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Re: Using multiple resource bundles

2005-05-31 Thread Riyaz Mansoor


Duggirala, Satyavati wrote:

We use multiple resource bundles in our Application.
By default Struts gets the error messages used in validation.xml from

default resource bundle.
(ex:  prompt.username is obtained from
How can I make particular field validation error message to be obtained

from another resource bundle.
(I have prompt.username in a different bundle


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Re: AW: [OT] cloudscape/derby

2005-05-28 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

Leon Rosenberg wrote:

Just out of sudden...
Have you tried j2 or j1? 

whats j2 or j1 ? ^o


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Re: [OT] cloudscape/derby

2005-05-28 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

David G. Friedman wrote:

What is wrong with HSQLDB?

its storing BINARY objects that are bigger than declared?
eg: Photo BINARY(4096)
seems to take even 50K GIFs. a way to fix this?

now i really don't want to start a flame war or any war :) about which 
is better (or not)

i checked out MySQL 5.0b. the JDBC driver does not support


(sorry if method names are incorrect - off the top of my head). and no 
replies have been made to a post i made regarding when it will be 
supported. the first one i can't do without, so cannot use MySQL


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[OT] cloudscape/derby

2005-05-27 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

hi guys

anybody know whats the status of Derby? former IBM's Cloudscape? i need 
something more robust that hsqldb :)


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[OT] MessageFormat and curly brackets

2005-05-26 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

not strictly struts ... but lots of smart guys here :)

String str = "how place literal curly brackets in String such that MessageFormat 
ignores them?

thanx for helping


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simple Validator question

2005-05-23 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

i saw a doc which had

wondering if multiple forms could be declared like this? sorry but am 
t tired to test right no :)


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Re: Validator inheritance

2005-05-20 Thread Riyaz Mansoor
i asked this same question and the answer i got here is:
this was added to Validator but not public release has been made after this.
u can download a source distro of validator and compile and use it.
the above should work as is - i am using it :)
Yaroslav Novytskyy wrote:
Does anyone know about the way to "inherit" (1) and "reuse" (2) 
validations for multiple forms in validation.xml
I have a number of myForms: myForm1, myForm2, and so on they are of 
class MyForm (so they all have same fields) and I want them to validate 
the same.


When I inherit MyExtForm from MyForm adding some fields and make 
form-beans myExtForms: myExtForm1, myExtForm2, and so on and would like 
them to "inherit" validation definitions from MyForm.

//!!!validation for elementIndex field
//already inherited!!!


Yaroslav Novytskyy
this would "compress" size of the validator.xml file
(in my case 10-20 times!)
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form field formatting

2005-04-21 Thread Riyaz Mansoor
hi guys.

for all whose interested.

all that is needed is 2 files; 

1) formatter-rules.xml (of type validation-rules.xml). add file to
ValidatorPlugin resource path
2) java class containing methods to execute

of course, validating n formatting r very different things. but its
small work and efficient.

wonder y its not included ???

if any is interested, email back. will email files


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struts 1.3 dev with validator 1.2 dev

2005-04-21 Thread Riyaz Mansoor
Hi guys

sort of a repost - more details

using Validator 1.2 (nightly build) on struts 1.3 dev build

keep getting this error during validation. and not just for "required"
but all checks. error is printed on the tomcat log standard out.
further the action to which the form is submitted is executed after
this error is thrown.

any ideas?

org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
at org.apache.commons.validator.Field.validateForRule(
at org.apache.commons.validator.Field.validate(
at org.apache.commons.validator.Form.validate(
at org.apache.commons.validator.Validator.validate(


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for input formatting

2005-04-21 Thread Riyaz Mansoor
hi guys.

i would like to standardize some fields on a submitted form.

eg: FirstName field shud be first letter capital and the rest simple
regardless of
whatever Case the submitted text is. am NOT looking to validate
against a mask but rather format it transparently

what is the best way to do it?

1) is it possible to do this in Validator rules? Is the bean passed into 
validateXXX(bean, ... ) the actual object in the form or a copy? if it
is actual
object then i can just create a custom validateXXX() that just standardizes

2) its difficult to manipulate the   as it has
not built in
mechanism to standardize field values. can go for a 
thingy (write
RuleSet, custom ActionForm, custom factory ...) but it seems too much work


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2005-04-18 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

reading from past postings this subject has been much talked about.
but not finding a solution to my liking i post this question.

i want a user a see a set of checkboxes some selected some not. the
user is allowed to check uncheck anyone of them.

upon form submission, i want the value of the checkbox which can be
any value of type int to be submitted as an array to form. ie the
value can be (1,2,3 ... 1000,1001,10...). also, is it possible
to check a checkbox for any of these vales?

my form : DynaActinForm has fields

id:integer // not given here

ok: now am trouble in jsp ;(

also, for form prepopulation, is it possible to set the selected,all
array types with

form.set("propname", index, ValueObject);

does the form take care of the "increasing index" ??


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2005-04-12 Thread Riyaz Mansoor

reading from past postings this subject has been much talked about.
but not finding a solution to my liking i post this question.

i want a user a see a set of checkboxes some selected some not. the
user is allowed to check uncheck anyone of them.

upon form submission, i want the value of the checkbox which can be
any value of type int to be submitted as an array to form. ie the
value can be (1,2,3 ... 1000,1001,10...). also, is it possible
to check a checkbox for any of these vales?

my form : DynaActinForm has fields 

id:integer // not given here

ok: now am trouble in jsp ;(

also, for form prepopulation, is it possible to set the selected,all
array types with

form.set("propname", index, ValueObject); 

does the form take care of the "increasing index" ??


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Re: Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Riyaz Mansoor
> I'm a Struts newbie. A lot of the books and documentation I have on Struts
> is pre 1.2 and uses html:errors and ActionErrors. Given ActionErrors is
> deprecated, I'd like to use ActionMessages for some new JSPs I'm writing.

the usage is the same. 

actionerrors are dependent on certain keys such as "error.prefix" that
came with the messageresources file.

messageresources have no such dependencies.

have a look at the struts-examples.war. u'll see all u'll need there :)

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