2006-02-10 Thread Srini Pillai
You could use servlet filters to have the hibernate session open until the 
request is processed. There are articles in the that explains 
different patterns to handle situations similar to yours... Hibernate session 
needs to be open in order for the objects to load the collections or any lazy 
properties... Also, if the object is dettached then you need to re-attach it to 
the current session for it to be loaded or used... Hope this helps...

- Srini

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/10/2006 11:22 AM 
I´m using Struts 1.2.8 with Hibernate 3.0.5 and I´m doubt with some concept 
designs for ORM with MVC:

A Hibernate session get's instantiated in my DAO constructor (Model). Later 
on, the JSP (View) catches the Hibernate persisted objects populated in the 
request or session by the Controller and shows the data.

Question is:

If I close Hibernate session in the Model, before the View, as by default 
the objects are lazy-instantiated, that is, the data would be retrieved from DB 
when it´s accessed, the JSP complains that session is closed.

Besides, closing the session after the View I would be breaking the MVC 

I'm trying to retrieve Blob objects not sucessfully, due the problem 
above... the only way would be disable lazy-instantiation??

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Re: Tags for Pagination

2006-01-24 Thread Srini Pillai

I do know that DisplayTag 1.1 has the batch paging capability, that was
my first email I sent to this list but my concern was that they had
warned that this version is yet to be ready and that they could change
functionality (not stable for production)... so I was a little afraid of
using it... 


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/23/2006 8:48 PM 
Hi Srini,

I have a table that contains 32000 records and was in the same 
predicament as you.  I wanted to subsets of the records rather than the

whole thing at once.  Also the current release version of displaytag 
doesn't allow you to paginate (or sort) sublists, you might be
to know that version 1.1 does!  You just have to checkout the source 
from CVS and compile it.

After compile displaytag 1.1, you can have sublists and external
by adding the following paramters to the display:table tag:
1. sort=external
2. partialList=true
3. size=somesize

I always resisted using displaytag because of loading the entire 
resultset is just plain bad when you're dealing with a large number of

records.  But now that this restriction has been removed, displaytag 
does the job quite nicely.

Hope this helps.

Srini Pillai wrote:
 We have a situation where we require to paginate our result list
 is quite huge, around 1000+ records). We found few tags like
 from but the current version does not support batch
 lists (i.e. retrieving the list in batches based on the page the user
 in, instead of retrieving all in once). Is there a tag in
 that would help display huge lists. Any help is appreciated.

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Tags for Pagination

2006-01-23 Thread Srini Pillai

We have a situation where we require to paginate our result list (which
is quite huge, around 1000+ records). We found few tags like DisplayTags
from but the current version does not support batch
lists (i.e. retrieving the list in batches based on the page the user is
in, instead of retrieving all in once). Is there a tag in Struts/JSTL
that would help display huge lists. Any help is appreciated.


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Re: Tags for Pagination

2006-01-23 Thread Srini Pillai

We were thinking of executing an initial query to get the total count
for the criteria (using  count(*)) and then page it using the offset and
range that would be passed as part of the query string when clicked on
the page numbers. Also we are using hibernate, which has the facility to
specify offset and maxresults to retrieve the range of records to be
displayed on the page. 

The DisplayTag was impressive but the batch part of the implementation
is still in the development stage. We couldn't find any tags that could
function with a batch list... 

- Srini

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/23/2006 3:11:24 PM 
From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On 1/23/06, Srini Pillai wrote: 
  We have a situation where we require to paginate our result list
  is quite huge, around 1000+ records). We found few tags like
  from but the current version does not support batch

  lists (i.e. retrieving the list in batches based on the page the
user is 
  in, instead of retrieving all in once). Is there a tag in
  that would help display huge lists. Any help is appreciated. 
 None that I'm aware of:( Although I keep meaning to work on one. Ajax

 would really be nice for this actually. You could go to the server to

 get your next display and it would repopulate your display without
 whole page refreshing. 

That would be slick but you would still have the problem of deciding
to batch up your results without actually retrieving the full set.  You
still need
to determine how many rows you want to display and how many pages.  

Are you thinking of using something like a keyset cursor? Something 
similar could be implemented using the standard DAO/VO pattern.

I've heard this described as ghost objects.  The first data retrieval
only returns 
the primary keys populating ghost objects.  The set of keys are used to
the details/rest of the object per page.  Your initial inquiry returns
the full set of 
keys matching the criteria.



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Re: Tags for Pagination

2006-01-23 Thread Srini Pillai

Did you use your own custom tag to display the results or did u extend
any tags available in the web ?

- Srini


I implemented pagination with batched retrieval using Hibernate, which

takes a couple of parameters on its fetch methods, maxCount and 

It's fairly easy except the logic at the front-end was tricky when 
trying to implement backwards and forward buttons and setting the new 
firstRecord parameter to store on the jsp for the next submit.


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Re: Tags for Pagination

2006-01-23 Thread Srini Pillai
Thanks, it was quite helpful... I am looking for more of a component
(tag) that could plugin nicely without much customization...but looks
like we have to code our own tag... Thanks anyway :)

- Srini

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/23/2006 3:31:52 PM 
On 1/23/06, Srini Pillai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We were thinking of executing an initial query to get the total
 for the criteria (using  count(*)) and then page it using the offset
 range that would be passed as part of the query string when clicked
 the page numbers. Also we are using hibernate, which has the facility
 specify offset and maxresults to retrieve the range of records to be
 displayed on the page.

 The DisplayTag was impressive but the batch part of the
 is still in the development stage. We couldn't find any tags that
 function with a batch list...

 - Srini

Srini, you might find this link helpful.

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Re: Tags for Pagination

2006-01-23 Thread Srini Pillai
Thanks anyway...

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/23/2006 4:39:49 PM 
Srini Pillai on 23/01/06 20:45, wrote:
 Did you use your own custom tag to display the results or did u
 any tags available in the web ?
 I implemented pagination with batched retrieval using Hibernate,
 takes a couple of parameters on its fetch methods, maxCount and 
 It's fairly easy except the logic at the front-end was tricky when 
 trying to implement backwards and forward buttons and setting the new

 firstRecord parameter to store on the jsp for the next submit.

I wrote a tag for it. Pretty horrible I'm afraid, and that's even 
without page numbers a la google to click back or forwards to.


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Re: Tags for Pagination

2006-01-23 Thread Srini Pillai

Thanks for the guidance...It is a good start for me...

- Srini

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/23/2006 4:37:53 PM 
On 1/23/06, Srini Pillai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ...but looks
 like we have to code our own tag... Thanks anyway :)

At least for the display of pages and the whole next/last stuff, make
this an open source tag:) I just haven't gotten around to making one
myself. It should take something like:


based on that information it should be pretty easy to create a nice
tag that generates google-like page numbers, first, next, last,
previous. etc. My thought was the tag would generate those links using
the url passed in and append the appropriate pageNumber.

On the server side there would be the use of a PagationObject that
holds that same information listed above in Session scope. When the
user clicks on one of the links from the tag it can figure out based
on the pageNumber submited in the link what rows to retrieve from the

The display part into the table should be pretty easy. For that we
could just steal and tweak the display tag code. To me this would be a
really nice tag.

If you/we/whoever wanted to really go crazy, we could provide a
PagationServlet that handles almost all of this but it would obviously
then mean a lot more information would have to be passed into the tag
such as...


or something along those lines. Then our Servlet along with the
Pagation object could use reflection to execute the appropriate 
method to get the List and put it into request scope. (Obviously the
developer would still have to make sure to code an appropriate method
somewhere that got the Collection based off the row range passed to

Tie this all in with Ajax to update the display and you have a real

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using c:out with EL replacing bean:write

2005-12-19 Thread Srini Pillai
Hi all,

I know this is more of a JSTL question but it would be really helpful
if anyone could help me understand the usage of c:out with Expression
Language (EL) which replaces the bean:write /.

I believe Struts did not implement EL for bean:write / tag and few
others and suggests using c:out / instead.

I have a situation where I require to use dymanic textboxes based on
the certain criteria. To make this work I used LazyValidatorActionForm.
It works like a charm but when I want to write out certain form property
using EL, it doesn't work well. I am not sure how to use it with c:out
/. For example:

This is the code I tried to display a link with a value in the dynamic

c:forEach var=counter begin=0 end=${numTextFields} 
a href=html-el:rewrite
value=${request['FAEditorForm'].id_${counter}} /Remove/a

Here, I am trying to get the Form from the request attribute and invoke
the method for property 'id_?' where '?' can be some number depending on
the counter in the loop. When executing this page, I am getting an

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't insert page
'/pages/findingaids/FACustomContainerEditor.jsp' :
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: The taglib validator rejected the page:
tag = 'out' / attribute = 'value': An error occurred while parsing
custom action attribute value with value
${request['FAEditorForm'].id_${counter}}: Encountered {, expected
one of [}, ., , gt, , lt, ==, eq, =, le, =,
ge, !=, ne, [, +, -, *, /, div, %, mod, and,
, or, ||], 

I also tried using c:set / but looks like the JSTL tags does not
allow more than one '{' inside an attribute. Not sure how to solve this
issue. Any help is appreciated.


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Re: using c:out with EL replacing bean:write

2005-12-19 Thread Srini Pillai
Thanks Rick, for responding quickly.

I'm not sure what you are attempting to do with:

I am trying to access the value from the ActionForm for property
'id_0', 'id_1' etc... depending on the value of the ${counter}. The
example you had suggested using the 'url' tag will not work for me since
the 'id' parameter will pass the value of the counter but I require the
value in the form for the 'id_?' (where '?' is any number from 0...n) as
mentioned above. Hope I am clear. Really appreciate your help.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/19/2005 10:45 AM 
On 12/19/05, Srini Pillai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is the code I tried to display a link with a value in the

 c:forEach var=counter begin=0 end=${numTextFields} 
 a href=html-el:rewrite
 value=${request['FAEditorForm'].id_${counter}} /Remove/a

struts tags (from what I remember) I don't believe mix that well when
within standard html tags.

I think it'll look cleaner anyway using the c:url tag:

c:url var=url
   c:param  name=methodToCall value=removeElement/
  c:param name=id value=${counter}/
a href=${url}Remove/a

I'm not sure what you are attempting to do with:


but  I doubt you  need that . You just probably need the id from the
counter, if not you'll have to explain why not and I could try to


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Re: using c:out with EL replacing bean:write

2005-12-19 Thread Srini Pillai

The looping I had mentioned is for displaying the text boxes (which
grows dynamically) as well. Not sure how I could move that to the action
class. Unless I am missing something. I understand the fact that the
arguments and values for a link can be fed as a Map as you had suggested
but the (Remove) link in my example is present for each row of the
textboxes present in the page. Below is the exact situation we are
facing, It would be really helpful if you can comment on it: 

We need a bunch of dynamic textboxes laid as a table. Each row
(containing a set of textboxes) in the html table represents a group of
rows in a db table (i.e. 1 html row to many database rows translation).
User can add more (empty) html rows on the page to create new entries
into the db. The 'Remove' link is present for each html row if the row
is persistent. 

The Remove link on each row will contain only one argument: 'id' which,
for now, is part of the form, so as I iterate to display the textboxes,
I create the links based on the id value for that row...


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/19/2005 12:48 PM 
On 12/19/05, Srini Pillai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Rick, for responding quickly.

 I'm not sure what you are attempting to do with:

 I am trying to access the value from the ActionForm for property
 'id_0', 'id_1' etc... depending on the value of the ${counter}. The
 example you had suggested using the 'url' tag will not work for me
 the 'id' parameter will pass the value of the counter but I require
 value in the form for the 'id_?' (where '?' is any number from 0...n)
 mentioned above. Hope I am clear. Really appreciate your help.

As you have noticed, the EL syntax is not up to the task you're after
course, bean:write is not going to be, either).  But, I suggest you
consider a completely different approach.

When you execute an EL expression like this:


what's really happening is that a bean named foo is found, and then
getBar() method is called.  So, why not write a getBar() function on
bean class that returns the entire set of argument names and values
you?  In other words, do the looping in Java code rather than JSP.  If
method were on the same class that contains the list or array being
over, it should have everything it needs to calculate the appropriate
parameter values.

As a general principle, I believe that manufacturing URLs in the JSP
(as you are attempting here) is working too hard ... and it is really
elements of the controller into the view in undesireable ways.  Much
to write code in the controller that can calculate all that stuff for
and then let the view code pull it out with a simple EL reference.



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